Stereophile 1971 72 Winter

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stereophile «MI

Winter 1971/72

For the High-Fidelity Stereo Perfectionist

Full Reports on: STAX SR-3 and KOSS ESP-9 Electrostatic

Equalizer; SONY MX-12 Input Mixer; ADVENT Cassette-
Storage Devices; AUDIO RESEARCH DUAL 75 Power Amp.
stereophile 4-71/72 Winter

maga z ¡ne

Contents As We See It

Equipment Reports Bye Bye, Quadrifi?

Subjective Testing (Part 5) 4
Stax SR-3 electrostatic phones 6 "As We See It" in the issue dated
Koss ESP-9 electrostatic phones. 8 Summer 1968 (actually published 1970)
Elektra Amplidyne Research SE-III noted the idealistic, glowing claims
speaker equalizer 10 about how 4-channel sound could put
Sony MX-12 Input mixer 12 you right in the concert hall, but
Advent cassette-storage devices 15 urged readers to wait before buying,
Audio Research Dual 75 to see whether quadrisound would in-
power amplifier 16 deed bring higher fidelity. We pre-
Manufacturers' Comments 22 dicted it wouldn't -- that whatever
Quickies: Sony TC -160 cassette deck; the potential of quadrisound, it
Gately SM-6A mixer; EPI 100 Tower would not be used to increase fidel-
speaker system; Audio Research SP-3 ity, but rather to play ring-around-
preamp; Shure M688 mixer; Crown the-rosy with music.
D-150 pwr amp: Magnesonics 200B For that display of cynicism we
cassette erasette; EdiTall splic- were roundly scolded by many readers
ing blocks 30 and a few manufacturers, some of whom
Recommended Components 18 accused us of being too hidebound and
Yes, But Are You Sure It's Fresh? 25 reactionary to accept anything new,
MiscellaAY. 27 others of whom chided us for being so
Audio Mart 35 negative and pessimistic about a
bright new prospect for higher-than-
ever-fidelity in the home. Well, we

Staff were being cynical, it is true, but

our dire prediction about quadrisound
J. Gordon Holt Editor, Publisher, had its basis, not in pessimism, but
Staff Writer, Chief in history. Let us, as the politicos
Tester &Drudge say, look at the record.
No one is quite sure when the term
Mary E. Holt Circulation Mgr.,
"high fidelity" was first applied to
Assistant Editor,
sound reproduction, but there is evi-
Spouse & Drudge
dence that advertisements for the
very first home-type phonographs lik-
The Cover ened their sound to that of "the ori-
ginal musical sounds." That could
A 78-rpm disc, with 9 minutes of re- have been attributed to a combination
cording on both sides, is here shown of naivete and commercial puffery,
next to a compact cassette (90 min- but there was no mistake but that
utes total) and the newest contender "the real thing" had already become
in the mini-music sweepstakes, the the standard for judging reproduced
Hofstaedter Mini-Disc. Rotating at sound, even though the audio engi-
66-2/3 rpm disc and played with a neers and probably the phonograph
0.05-mil stylus, it is claimed to manufacturers too realized that there
play for up to 14- minutes per side were still formidable technical
with "excellent" fidelity. A fast- obstacles between the promise and the
acting record changer is currently realization of true concert-hall fi-
under development. delity.

Electrical recording and playback release from Columbia, whose 4-chan-
were the first real breakthrough here, nel "SQ" matrixing system appears at
and the Long-Playing record was the this juncture to be the industry
second. But as the tools of the trade standard, included an "SQ Handbook"
improved to the point where it was in which CBS Labs' vice president Ben-
becoming possible to reproduce real- jamin Bauer writes, among other
istic sound, albeit in one channel, things: "Four-channel sound restores
something unforeseen happened. The the concert-hall ambience." That,
record makers discovered that, while after all, was what every proponent
buyers admired the idea of concert- of quadrisound had in mind when they
hall realism, few of them attended touted its "enhanced realism." We
live concerts often enough to have wonder, then, how Mr. Bauer and all
even the foggiest notion of what "the the other people who foresaw quad-
real thing" actually sounded like. risound as a breakthrough in real-
Offered a choice, they usually opted ism felt about another enclosure in
for what most-closely approached that same press release -- a reprint
their preconceived notion of "hi-fi." from Billboard of an article that
So, while continuing to trumpet started: "Full program information on
the "fidelity" of each new advance in all four channels, rather than the
audio technology, record makers quiet- addition of rear-channel ambience,
ly diverted their own efforts from has been adopted by Columbia Records
the traditional goal of realism to as its basic approach to quadrisonics
the production of something that in new classical recordings." It
sounded "good" to the average record seems that Columbia's bigwigs decided
buyer. that the mere addition of concert-
Stereo suffered the same fate. It hall spaciousness to classical re-
was, justifiably, heralded as a true cordings would be "too subtle" for
breakthrough in fidelity, and all the Mr. Average-clod buyer. And that is
descriptive literature spoke of how just what we predicted would happen
it made possible the reproduction of to ambient quadrisound.
the natural space and depth of the Of course, Columbia isn't the en-
concert-hall stage. The reality of tire record industry. Some firms
most stereo recording was, and is, may continue to record classics
that the orchestra is recorded spread properly, although we are not en-
out on the floor of the concert hall couraged by Vanguard's announcement
(or not in the concert hall at all), that they are following Columbia's
each group of instruments is picked "lead." And if even most of the
up monophonically via individual sin- major record companies ditch rear-
gle mikes, the "concert-hall reverb- channel ambience, we can kiss con-
eration" is artificial and often added cert-hall realism goodbye.
at a later time, and since all instru- Sound from all directions will
ments.are about the same distance doubtless open new vistas of musical
from their mikes, there is no illu- creativity, and may even spur a re-
sion of depth at all. vival of drama for the ears alone,
When 4-channel sound came along, where imagination is unfettered by
we acknowledged its potential for the confines of a 27-inch diagonal
enhancing concert-hall realism, by screen. Rock groups will love it,
providing the rear-coming ambience and so will the "composers" of elec-
which tells our ears (in a hall) that tronic "serious music." But the con-
we are indeed in a very large listen- cert-goer who invests in the hardware
ing environment. We just didn't be- and special recordings for 4-channel
lieve that 4-channel would really be sound in the proffered hope of final-
used to enhance realism, hence our ly being "transported into the con-
skepticism about it. Now, it seems cert hall" is going to be very
our "cynicism" was justified. A news disappointed.

Stereophtle Reports are primarily subjective reports, based on actual use of components in the home. Components
for testing are taken from dealers' stock or, when not available locally, are obtained from the manufacturer, and only one
sample is tested unless indications are that it is defective. If aretest is necessary, our experience with both samples
will be repotted. The manufacturer is sent acopy of the report prior to publication, and may if he wishes append a
manufacturer's comment. He cannot, however, demand that the report be changed or that it not be published. Stereo-
phile Reports are copyrighted, and may not he reprinted or quoted without the written permission of the publisher.

Subjective Testing (Part 5)

Wherein We Consider More Terminology

for Describing Reproduced Sound

requency response changes which ears start to relate output level to

affect a broad range of frequen-, the level of the bottom of the dip,
cies -- 1/3 or more of the audio and thus tend to perceive the
spectrum -- affect the apparent "humps" at both sides of the dip as
"weight" of the sound, making it two slight peaks.
"heavy," "light," "airy" and so on. Since the most pronounced color-
Response deviations involving nar- ations are caused by response devi-
row ranges of frequencies, and usu- ations of about an octave in width,
ally resulting from resonances of it is convenient to consider the
various kinds, produce what we call audio spectrum as 10 octave-wide
"colorations" of the sound. bands, and to assign descriptive
Middle-range and high-frequency terminology to each band and to the
peaks, which occur within the fre- effects of deviations in each band.
quency range spanned by the human These are shown on the chart on the
voice, cause colorations similar opposite page.
to the cavity resonances and hisses Each vertical column in the chart
that we use to form the vowels and represents a range of frequencies
fricatives of our speech. They are one octave wide. The two horizontal
thus easily described in terms of lines across the middle of the col-
vowels ("ee," "ah," "oo") or con- umns show the frequency ranges, the
sonants ("sh," "ss," "ff"). Reson- verbal designations of those ranges
ances occurring below the normal (highs, middles, etc.), the quali-
speech range can be likened to other ties of sound affected by deviations
deep natural sounds (thunder) or in those ranges (power, brilliance),
described by generally-understood and the musical instruments or other
terms like "boom" or "thud." parts of the program material whose
Not all response deviations are apparent loudness in the context of
peaks, though. Some resonant con- the whole fabric of sound is most
ditions, and certain loudspeaker affected by response changes in each
phasing problems, cause dips in the range. The areas above those two
response. Generally, a dip is much horizontal lines show the nature of
less audible than a peak, unless it the colorations produced by peaks in
is large enough to cause certain each range, and the effects of vary-
notes in a musical melody to "drop ing degrees of peaking. The areas
out." When the dip is fairly severe, below show the effects of response
and an octave or so in width, our dips within each octave.

Thunderous Billowing Boomy Cavernous Hollow Raucous Tinny Shrill Spitty Zippy

Honky Nasal
Flaccid Sodden Fat Wooden Grunty Sibilant

Forward Brassy Hard Airy

Vowel Vowel Vowel Vowel Vowel
sound "Eh" Vowel Sibilant Consonant
Shuddery Thuddy sound "Oo" sound "Oh" sound "Unh" sound "Aw
(Food) (Joe) (Run) (Straw) (Bed) sound "Ee"


20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 2560 5120 10240 20480


Tight Dry
Distant Dull
not usually
noticed Sparse (Deficiency
Cold Pinched Constricted Strangled Muted
except by not usually
comparison) Muffled noticed
except by
Thin comparison)

ELITOR'S NUPE: Most of the imagery used in the above chart was concocted by Ye Editor over a period of 18 years of compar-
ative analytical listening. Now that we are big-heartedly making it available to the world at large, you will undoubtedly
see some of the terminology appearing in other hi-fi rags. When you do, just remember that You saw it in Stereophile first.
which does not, at the time of this
Stax SR-3 Electrostatic writing, have its own import branch
Headphones in the US. Consequently, Stax products
(like English Decca products) come
TYPE: AC-powered electrostatic. IM- into the US via several importers.
PEDANCE: 4 to 16 ohms. MAX INPUT SIG- The samples of the SR-3 phones that
NAL: Not specified. HEADSET WEIGHT: we tested were loaned to us by two
14-3/4 oz. CORD LENGTH: 8 ft. PRICE: such importers: Electrostatic Sound
Around $100, depending on importer. Systems, Inc., in Sacramento, Calif.,
DISTRIBUTOR: See body of report. and Audiophile Imports, in Chicago.
The instructions supplied were
Stax Industries is a Japanese company either quaint or embarrassing, depend-

Headphones: Pros, Cons and Considerations

Headphone listening to stereophonic only means available for listening to
recordings is a unique experience, your music at high volume levels and/
and one that few listeners can be in- or late at night. And if you do on-
different about. Some people like it, location tape recording of live con-
some are distressed by it, and about certs, headphones may be the only way
the only people who don't much care of monitoring what's going onto (and
one way or the other are those who've coming off) your tapes.
never tried it. For on-location recording, it is
To begin with, it is not very real- important that a headset have the
istic. Ambient spaciousness im tre- ability to discriminate against sounds
mendously exaggerated, as is apparent coming directly from the performers.
channel separation, and instruments If direct-sound leakage to the ears
sound as if they are crowded together is appreciable, it becomes difficult
in two separate groups, one next to if not impossible to judge exactly
each ear. And where the instruments what the microphones are picking up.
would normally sound spread across an For home-music listening, though,
area in front of you, heaphones (on noise rejection becomes more a matter
most listeners) place the left and of preference. Recording-type phones,
right-hand instruments at the sides of with high noise rejection, allow you
your head, while ones that would nor- to listen in peace while the TV set
mally be at center stage seem to be or the children are whooping it up,
right inside your head, somewhere be- and radiate a minimum of sound into
tween your ears. On the other hand, a quiet room, when faint strains of
headphone listening usually effects Mahler might disturb someone who is
a dramatic improvement in the detail reading. But high noise rejection
of reproduced sound, partly because also means that, while you're listen-
the diaphragms in many phones are so ing, you will not hear the telephone
light in weight (and thus have good or door bell, or any conversation
transient response), and partly be- going on around you. Both types of
cause headphone listening eliminates headset are available.
the subtle but nonetheless-audible Of course, not all headphones are
echoes that tend to obscure sonic equally good. Many of the cheaper
details in most listening rooms. In varieties are in fact considerably
other words, you pays your money and worse-sounding than an average loud-
takes your choice. speaker. The best ones though -- and
In some cases, you may have little they are all electrostatic types --
choice. If you live in a thin-walled can yield wider range, smoother res-
apartment and have unappreciative ponse and better transient perform-
neighbors, headphones may well be the ance than any loudspeaker.

ing on how you feel about innocent in- much freedom of movement. The phones
eptitude. We could understand the are light in weight and exert little
author's problems with English syntax, pressure against the head, and could
but were annoyed to find no mention thus be worn for long periods of time
of maximum permissible input -sienal without discomfort.
level, and no meaningful statement of Because of the DC charge between
conversion efficiency. (It was stated diaphragm and backplate, the SR-3's
that the phones produce 95 dB of output (and other electrostatics) will put
level with an input of 100 volts. out a startling burst of static if
Since that would represent a power of pressed against the head. This is
about 1,000 watts into 8 ohms, we are caused by the diaphragm touching the
inclined to think something else must back plate, but it sounds worse than
have been meant, but ve still don't it is. Actually, this does no harm,
know what.) Otherwise, though, the in- it is entirely normal, and it does
structions were certainly adequate. not mean you are on the verge of get-
These electrostatic phones are the ting an electric shock, in fact, the
acoustically transparent type, in shock hazard from electrostatic phones
which the backs of the phones are open is hardly greater than that from or-
to admit ambient sounds without sig- dinary dynamic phones.
nificant attenuation. Thus, they are Sonically, the SR-3's had all the
not suited for monitoring on-location snap and razor-sharp detail that we've
recordings or for at-home listening come to expect from good electrostatic
when the utmost sonic privacy is de- phones. Bass was excellent, with sub-
sired. jectively flat response down to around
Their compact polarizing supply is 40 Hz and usable range to 35. The low
AC-powered only, and has two recep- end sounded rather fat and round, as
tacles for connection of two headsets though there were a slight, broad hump
at once. The supply connects to the in the response from 50 to 120 112, and
power amplifier via wires terminated low-end detail was judged to be very
by spade lugs, and the loudspeaker good although not outstanding.
connections are made to four screw Oscillator sweeps failed to turn
terminals at the rear of the power up anything in the way of audible
supply. A front-panel switch selects peaks or dips in the response, yet the
loudspeakers or headphones, and con- over-all sound was felt to be quite
nects a 16-ohm load across the ampli- bright and a bit on the hard side. The
fier when the speakers are disconnect- effect of this, at first, was an im-
ed. pression of analytical clarity, but
The SR-3's were judged to be very extended listening revealed that there
nicely constructed, apparently durable, was some exaggeration of tape hiss,

20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k

Subjective frequency response of the Stax SR-2 headphones.

and easy to handle. The limp cable be- disc surface noise and tracking dis-
tween the phones and the supply was tortion. In fact, were it not for the
unusually resistant to tangling or SR-3's superior mid-range smoothness
kinking, and long enough to permit and far better transient response, we

would have likened its sound to that ply. A front-panel switch selects
of an excellent horn-type loudspeaker speaker or headphone operation, and
system. terminates the amplifier outputs with
In other words, we did not feel 10 ohms in the Phones position.
this to be an altogether uncolored Construction is typically top-of-
reproducer of sound, although we are the-line Koss: Rugged, nicely finish-
aware that this particular kind of ed, and apparently very durable, and
mild coloration has strong appeal to the phones are easy to handle. (Many
many listeners. It does produce an headphones are so loosely pivoted on
impression of startling "aliveness" their headbands that they swing into
and lucidity, whereas the more neutral impossible positions whenever you
sound of some other reproducers yields pick them up.)
what some listeners feel to be an in- The ESP-9's have very effective re-
tolerably dull or "gray" quality. jection of outside sounds, which makes
The phones are fairly sensitive, as them ideal for monitoring on-location
electrostatics go, but they do require live-recording sessions. They are how-
driving by a power amplifier. Twelve ever quite heavy, and exert consider-
watts per channel will generate more able pressure on the head (which is
clean signal from them than most lis- one reason for their unusually good
teners will want. With 30 watts per noise-rejection characteristics), with
channel, they'll blow your head off, the result that they may cause vague
still without substantial distortion, feelings of claustrophobia in some
but we don't know how much of that listeners.
kind of abuse they'll take without The 53--foot cable is rather stiff
ultimate damage. and a bit awkward to handle, and the
length was judged barely adequate to
(No Manufacturer's Comment)
provide freedom of movement. A 9-foot
extension for the phones-to-supply
cable is available (at unspecified
but presumably nominal cost), but its
use causes a noticeable attenuation
Koss ESP-9 Electrostatic of high-frequency response (estimated
Headphones at 3 dB loss at 10,000 Hz). However,
since most samples of the ESP-9's
TYPE: AC- or signal-powered electro- sound just a shade Lip at the high end
static. IMPEDANCE: 4 to 16 ohms. MAX and a shade down when using the 9-foot
INPUT SIGNAL: 12 watts continuous extension, this raises the possibility
program. HEADSET WEIGHT: 19 oz. CCHD of getting perfectly flat response
LENGTH: 6 ft. PRICE: b150. MFR: Koss from them by using half the length of
Electronics, Inc., 2227 North 31st the extension (by cutting it and
St., Milwaukee, Wis. 53208. reconnecting one plug to the shortened
end). We did not investigate this fur-
The top-of-the-line model from Ameri- ther, but see no reason why it would
ca's leading headphone manufacturer, not work. There would be a loss of
these are bulky, heavy, very business- output at frequencies above about
like in appearance, and very, very 12,000 Hz, but the phones' extraordin-
good. ary performance throughout the entire
The ESP-9 is dual-powered: from the rest of the audio range is worth far
AC line, or from the input signal it- more than a small loss at the extreme
self. The power supply is rather top.
large and heavy, and appropriate in There was, of course, the incredible
appearance to the phones. Amplifier detail, snap, and transparency that
connections are via wires with spade we have come to expect from electro-
luge attached, and speaker connections static transducers in general and
are made to the rear of the power sup- electrostatic headphones in particu-

20 50 100 200 500 lk 2k 5k 10k 20k

Subjective frequency response of the Koss ESP-9 headphones.

lar, but there were few of the little manufacturer's rating of low-frequency
flaws which have made most other elec- response is usually extremely opti-
trostatic phones somewhat less than mistic, to put it charitably. Koss
perfect reproducers. The ESP-9's are claims a fantastic 10-Hz low-end range
almost perfectly neutral in sound, for the ESP-9, but since the phones
being neither brilliant nor subdued. can never form as airtight a seal
The pair we conducted most of our against one's ears as against the test
tests on were chosen at random from jig, air leakage will usually cause a
a dealer's stock, after we had had marked attenuation of actual bass per-
the opportunity to listen briefly formance. Despite this, we found the
to several other samples. Some of ESP-9's to provide subjectively flat
those were a shade smoother at the response down to a remarkable 35 Hz,
high end than our main test sample, with usable response down to an in-
but all were judged smoother than any credible 25 Hz! There was no indica-
other electrostatic headset we had tion of response peaking anywhere in
ever tested. the low-end range, and bass was in
Koss supplies frequency response fact about as clean and detailed as
curves for each pair of ESP-9's, and we have ever heard from any transduc-
we found that -- at least at the high er. Some low-end muddiness was audible
end -- these curves looked exactly on some program material, but in every
the way the phones sounded, which is case, this proved to be in the signal
a tribute to the accuracy and validity and not a result of the phones.
of Koss's test procedures. All ESP-9's All in all, the effect of listening
have a very slight dip in the response to the PRO-9's was almost like that of
from about 4,000 to 9,000 Hz and a listening right through to the orig-
rise back to normal from 10,000 on inal sounds. Some graininess was obser-
out to 15 or 18 kHz, which is the ved on some program material, but
range where the greatest differences again, this proved to be a function
between different samples were noted. of the recording or the associated
Our main test sample, for instance, equipment rather than of the phones.
rose to about 14- dB higher level at In fact, we were more acutely aware of
12,000 Hz than some others, and thus subtle differences in amplifiers and
sounded very subtly "zizzy" on high preamps when listening through the
percussion and string tone. And this ESP-9's than we have ever noticed when
could have been predicted from the listening to any speaker system.
curves supplied with the phones. There The ESP-9's were rather inefficient
was not however any audible effect on -- substantially less so than most dy-
tape hiss, disc surface noise or mis- namics -- and must be driven from a
tracking distortion. power amplifier. With adequate power,
Since headphone response curves are they will put out very high levels
normally run on a special testing jig without stress, but since the manu-
that provides an airtight seal between facturer recommends a maximum of 12
the phones and the test-probe mike, a watts of program input, we would not

advise trying to reproduce hard rock recommend them to anyone who demands
levels from them. We did overload the best possible sound and the maxi-
ours on occasion when using a dual mum rejection of outside noises,
60-watt amplifier, and no harm was either for private listening at home
done to them, but we don't recommend or for evaluating the sound of on-
that as S.O.P. There's no mistaking location recording pickups. We bought
an overload, though; the overtaxed a pair of them, and have found no
phone emits an ear-shattering click reason to regret having done so.
and drops by a few dB in level until
the polarizing charge builds up again. (No Manufacturer's Comment)
Bad for your ears, if not for the
The signal-powered feature is, so
far as we know, unique to Koss's elec- Elelctra Amplidyne
trostatic phones, and it works, if
Research SE-III Speaker
not terribly well. When the second
front-panel switch is set to SP, a Equalizer
small amount of the input signal is
drawn off from the high-voltage sec- TYPE: Two-channel solid-state loud-
condary winding of the input trans- speaker equalizer. CONTROLS: Separate
formers, and rectified into DC. This 6-position step switches for bass
is fed through isolating resistors boost and treble boost, tape Source/
to the headphone diaphragms, where Monitor switch, equalizer In/Out
it builds up the static charge neces- switch, AC power, rear-panel level-
sary to make the phones operate. As set potentiometer. DIMENSIONS: 16-3/8
we said, it does work, and it allows inches W by 4-3/4 H by 10+ D. PRICE:
you to listen to the output from any 8170.00. MFR: Elektra Amplidyne Re-
power amplifier even when there is no search, P.O.Box 698, Levittown, Pa.,
available source of 115-volt AC, as 19058
in an automobile. The phones do how-
ever operate at less than maximum This is a highly specialized device
efficiency in the signal-powered intended for the electrical equaliz-
mode, and in fact their efficiency ation of loudspeakers. The front
varies rather widely from one moment panel has a single Bass control and
to the next, depending on the aver- Treble control, each of which affects
age volume of the signal. With con- both stereo channels simultaneously,
sistently loud material at high lis- and other controls are for AC power,
tening level, signal-powered effici- equalizer in- or out-of-circuit, and
ency is only slightly less than with tape monitor (whose facilities on the
AC powering. With wide-dynamic-range main preamp/control will be occupied
material containing fairly long by the SE-III). In the Out position,
periods of quiet program, efficiency the equalizer in-out switch provides
is noticeable lower, and falls to a a straight-through signal path, by-
very low level after several minutes passing everything in the SE-III ex-
of soft music. In other words, the cept its rear-panel input-level-set
self-powering does an adequate job contre. This is a ganged 100k pot-
with some program material, and is entiometer, whose location directly
nice when no AC is available, but following the input receptacles
best results are obtained with the makes it affect both the equalizer
regular AC powering. output and the straight-through sig-
Summing up, then, we feel that, at nal. With the control all the way
least within the limitations of head- up, the SE-III has an effective gain
phone listening per se, these are the of one, which is to say, the output
best sound reproducers we have ever level is exactly the same as the in-
encountered, and do not hesitate to put level.

Since the equalizer must be able full at all times. In truth, we can't
to provide some bass and treble think of any reason for adjusting the
boost, it has its own amplifying SE-III for anything less than a gain
circuitry, but this is so designed of 1 anyway.
and adjusted that its over-all gain The SE-III is designed to correct
at mid frequencies is exactly one, for the progressive loss of signal
so that switching the equalization output that all loudspeakers exhibit
circuits in or out causes absolutely at the bottom and top of their range.
no change in apparent volume. Dis- Thus, it has no bass or treble cut
tortion in the equalizer amplifiers settings. Each control provides five
is very low; we measured it at 0.010 incremental steps of boost, whose
IM, and detected (by ear) only an variable-inflection curves look iden-
extremely subtle increase in hard- tical to those of some preamp tone-
ness with the equalizers switched control circuits. Such tone controls
in (but set for Flat response). Fre- can do as good a job of coping with
quency response in the Flat mode loudspeaker deficiencies as can the
was a mere 1 db down at 20 and 20k SE-III.
Hz, and was as straight as a ruler Just how well does the SE-III do
between those limits. the job? It depends largely on what
With the equalizer bypass switch it is called upon to do. If the loud-
in the bypass position, high-fre- speakers have a mild deep-bass defic-
quency response was not as consis- iency, the first or second boost
tently good. With the SE-III's in- position on the control can effect a
ternal electronics switched out, the marked improvement. If the deep-bass
input level-set is connected to feed loss is substantial, the SE-III does
signal directly to the output con- less well in coping with it, because
nections and thence through the usual higher boost settings also bring up
shielded cable back to the main the middle-bass range, where many
system's preamp. With the control up compact loudspeakers (and some not-
full, the capacitance of the SE-III's so-compact) already have rather ex-
output cables "sees" the typically cessive output as well as rather

The SE-III speaker

equalizer: Better
than tone controls?

low output impedance of whatever is limited power-handling ability at

feeding into the SE-III, so this lower frequencies. In many instances,
capacitance has negligible effect. we found it possible to achieve as
But with the level control turned good or better low-end performance
part-way down, it introduces series from many speakers by careful room
resistance into the signal path, so placement and/or judicious selection
that the output cable capacitance of the power amplifier.
no longer "sees" a low source imped- No such juggling of room place-
ance. The result is a loss of high ment or associated equipment can
frequencies, whose severity is in remedy a case of high-end loss,
direct proportion to the length of though. Can the SE-III? We were not
the output cables. The moral here altogether convinced. In cases where
is: leave the level-set control up the high-end deficiency was slight,

the was an undiluted boon. It
corrected the Condition, and did so
Sony MX-12 6-Channel
without any undesirable side effects Input Mixer
But as with the low end, when the
treble deficiency was moderate to TYPE: Solid-state active mixer. POWER
nevere, high-end correction was ob- SOURCE: 6 1.5-volt D cells; AC oper-
tainable only at the cost of upper- ation optional with AC-12 adapter. IN-
mid-range overcorrection. The sound PUTS: 6 at high level into 100k ohms
became rather strident, and any or low level (unbalanced) into 600
high-end speaker peaks were raised ohms. Attenuator switches (-20 dB)
in amplitude, sometimes to the point on all inputs. OUTPUTS: To Headphones,
where they became quite irritating. Hi Line (0.24 volt) or Lo Line (0.77
And in every instance, we found that mV) to mike inputs. SIZE: 15-3/4 in.
a conventional preamplifier with W x 7-7/8 H x 6-15/16 D. WEIGHT: 9 lb
variable-inflection tone controls 5 oz. PRICE: $109.95. MFR: Sony/Super-
was just as efficacious, or other- scope, Inc., 8150 Vineland Ave., Sun
wise, as was the SE-III in correct- Valley, Ca. 91352
ing for loudspeaker deficiencies.
And neither, of course, was able to
do anything about response problems Retraction and Apology
through the middle range of frequen- One of the hazards of publishing
cies. There are devices available reports that come right out and
that will, though. say something is that you run
Some preamps are equipped with the risk of saying something
multi-band "equalizers" that divide that is incorrect. We did just
the audio range into 5 to 10 bands, that, in our last issue.
each with its own volume control, A "Quickie" report therein
and add-on models are available for dismissed the MX-12 as having
use with existing preamps. The 5- excessive distortion. Subsequent-
band versions are not of much use ly, we found that the fault was
for loudspeaker correction, but the not Sony's, but our own. (See
9- and particularly the 10-band types the report below.)
will handle the job much more effec- Our apologies, then, to Sony/
tively than any conventional tone Superscope, and we hope our mis-
control system (or the SE-III), for leading comment didn't cost them
they allow adjustment of mid-range too many sales.
deviations as well as deficiencies Incidentally, in case the
or excesses at the extreme high and question should arise, Superscope
low ends. A modest 5-band equalizer did not request this retraction;
may cost you about 850, and a really we volunteered to print it after
good one like the Soundcraftsmen we found that we had goofed.
20-12 (reviewed in the last issue)
costs around £300. This is one of the most beautiful-
It is our feeling, though, that looking pieces of nonprofessional
if you are critical enough of repro- audio equipment we have seen for
duced sound to consider the purchase some time, and has a great deal of
of any add-on equalizer, you might as what we like to call "wantability" --
well go all the way and get a multi- that quality which makes a buyer want
band job that will handle far more it, on sight. It's a matter of chem-
speaker problems than the SE-1II can istry, rather like sex appeal.
cope with, and will also allow for The MX-12 has six inputs, each of
correction of most frequency-response- which will accommodate a low-imped-
related problems in recordings. ance mike or a high-impedance high-
level source (but not both simultan-
(Manufacturer's Comment on Page 22)
eously). Input sensitivity is adjust-

ed automatically according to which while inputs 2, 4 and 6 feed the
input receptacles are used. In addi- Right. There is also a Distribute
tion, there is a sensitivity switch switch that parallels inputs 5 and 6,
on each input which reduces input- so that a mono source fed to either
signal level by 20 dB, to avoid over- input is distributed to both stereo
load of the first amplifying stage channels, with signal levels individ-
(which precedes the volume controls) ually controllable by the numbers 5
by unusually high levels, as when a and 6 mixing controls. This allows
high-output mike is being used close the mono source to be fed to the two
to a performer. channels in any desired proportion,
All high-level inouts are via con- to "position" the sound anywhere
ventional RCA phono-type receptacles, across the stereo "stage." The effect
and the mike inputs are of the phone can be similar to that of a profes-
type that are now standard for non- sional panning control, but it is al-
professional equipment. (Pros use most impossible to use the separate
Cannon-type XL connectors.) controls on the EX-12 for true panning
Unbalanced microphone inputs are -- for smooth shifting of a sound
no liability, but they do prevent one from one side of the "stage" to the
other. To do this properly, a single
from taking advantage of the hum-
bucking balanced-line outputs from control must be able to provide ex-
most low-impedance mikes. The un- actly complementary volume changes in
balanced inputs perform exactly like both channels -- that is, channel B
balanced ones in the vast majority must drop by 6 dB when channel A in-
of recording situations. It is only creases by 6 dB, and both should be
when the mikes are being used with 3 dB below their full output when set
very long cables (over 75 feet) or for exactly the same volume in each
in the presense of AC magnetic fields channel. Sony's arrangement will how-
(adjacent AC power cables or a nearby ever readily provide a fixed position
theater-light control board) that the for any incoming mono source, which

The MX-12; it looks up-

side-down because the han-
dle is at the front to
make room for the inputs
ranged across the back.

unbalanced inputs are likely to pro- is what is needed 95% of the time any-
duce audibly higher hum than would way unless you're playing stereo
balanced inputs. games.
The input mixing controls are all
There is a stereo-mono switch
that, in the mono position, ties the vertical slider types, and each one
two outputs together so that all has a small plastic button in a
inputs feed both outputs simultan- slider slot next to it. The buttons
eously. In the stereo position, in- serve no active purpose, but serve
as markers for their adjacent con-
puts 1, 3 and 5 feed the Left channel

trois. Once each control is set to identical control settings for equal
the desired position for proper in- output -- a minor point, perhaps, but
put-signal mixing, the marker buttons one that speaks well of the unit's
are positioned next to their controls, design, as well as appealing to people
so if the controls are turned down it (like us) whose sense of the fitness
is a simple matter to restore them to of things is somewhat offended by
their previous settings. This is a having to "unbalance" the controls in
more useful feature than you can order to balance the outputs from two
imagine if you've never used it. carefully matched microphones.
Besides the mixing controls, there In fact, we found only three things
is a ganged Master gain control (ro- to criticize in the MX-12, two of them
tary type) and dual VU meters for relatively minor, one serious. The
indicating output level. Zero VU oc- minor quibbles concerned the action
curs at 0.24 volts output, which is of the slider controls, which tended
more than enough to drive any modern to cut the signal rather abruptly at
tape recorder's Line inputs to full the end of a gradual fadeout, and the
recording level. The left-channel 600-ohm terminations on the mike
meter also has a scale that indicates inputs. This is standard for European
the condition of the battery supply low-impedance microphones, but it is
when a front-panel Batt Check button not standard for American-made mikes,
is depressed. Finally, there is a or any others that have the US-stand-
headphone output jack that supplies ard 150-250-ohms impedance. The MX-12
enough level to drive a sensitive presents a 100% mismatch to US mikes,
pair of low-impedance (4- to 16-ohm) and contrary to what we have been told
phones to a level that is entirely many times, the difference is audible,
adequate for monitoring a live re- as a rather muddy heaviness in the
cording session from right in front lower middle and upper bass ranges.
of the stage. Beyer DT-48's, for If you want to get the most from
example, provide ideal monitoring a 150-250-ohm mike, and have a little
level when the MX-12's meters are extra gain to spare (i.e., you don't
reading proper recording level, but normally have to run the slider con-
may be uncomfortably loud for many trol near the top for adequate output
people (although fairly high levels from the mike), we'd advise bridging
are needed for on-location record-, a 300-ohm resistor across the MX-12's

Installation of 330-ohm load-correcting resistor in a microphone plug.

ing). If you'll be doing much live input(s). This is most easily done
recording, try to borrow some differ- right inside the plug that goes into
ent kinds of phones to try out for the mike receptacle on the mixer. Or,
listening level. if your recording activities call for
Preliminary checks of the MX-12 using extension mike cords from time
were encouraging. It seemed to have to time, you could install the resis-
very wide and flat frequency res- tors in short adaptor cables (a foot
ponse, it had extremely low noise, or less in length) to go between the
and it handled well. It even had one mixer inputs and the ends of the mike
nice little touch that we have previ- lines. We would not recommend trying
ously found only in very expensive to modify the mixer inputs themselves.
professional mixers: Equal signal The one "serious" problem we found
levels into each input called for turned out, as mentioned at the head

of this report, to be our problem py with. At slightly over $100,
rather than the MX-12's. As output though, the MX-12 is an exceedingly
signal level was raised, we started good buy. And it does look so nice:
to hear an edge of roughness in the One final note: jony's instruc-
sound, and by the time the meter was tions make no mention of microphone
hitting the Zero mark it was apparent phasing, although it is essential for
that the mixer was overloading quite proper functioning of my multi-mike
severely. We had determined at the pickup. So, check your phasing before
time our sample il-12 arrived that you start using the mixer, and don't
the batteries were in good shape, so forget to check out any mikes you
it didn't occur to us to re-check borrow.
them. We had also taken note of the
fact that distortion figures were (No Manufacturer's Comment)
conspicuously absent from Sony's
otherwise-complete specifications,
and so assured that That's the way
things were. Only after our last
Advent Cassette
issue with its unflattering "Quickie"
Storage Devices
report had gone to press did we find
we had made a very stupid mistake. According to the manufacturer, these
Driefly, here's what happened. devices were not intended for perma-
While servicing our Ampex F-44, a nent storage of cassettes, but rather
tiny spring fell under the work bench. as temporary repositories, near the
The flashlight that was needed to lo- cassette machine, of the user's more-
cate it contained dead batteries, so recent acquisitions, during the
we swiped three of the ones from the period when he is likely to play them
MX-12 for the flashlight. Unfortun- over and over unto the point of
ately, they happened both to be load- satiety, after which time they can go
ed with the same brand and kind of into "permanent" storage.
cells, and we didn't throw the dead One of these devices is an "album"
ones away imediately. Result: One of that holds up to 12 cassettes, the
them got mixed in with the good ones, other is a storage cabinet that comes
and went into the h(-12. It knocked in two sizes, for 24 or 48 cassettes
the supply voltage down, the signal- in tiered rows under a clear smoked-
output capability went to pot, and plexiglas hinged cover. The cabinets
by the time we found out why, the cost $14.95 and $29.95 respectively,
last issue had gone to press. All of While the album comes free of charge
which is why this report leads off with the purchase of six C-60 or C-90
with a Retraction and Apology. Advent "Crolyn" cassettes.
Correcting the battery problem It is obvious, though, that Advent
corrected the distortion problem. thought of their album as more than
Subjectively, the sound was now very just a temporary-storage repository,
clean at all levels up to well above because its op-art cover design is on
the mixer's Zero-VU output, and we a removable card (it slips behind a
suddenly realized that, except for clear-plastic sleeve) that has ruled
the two minor glitches mentioned pre- lines on the back, so you can write
viously, this was an extraordinarily in the titles of the cassettes that
good performer by any standards, pro- are in the album. (There is no label
fessional or otherwise. We would, in for the spine of the album, but you
fact, have gladly bought one for our can use self-sticking gummed labels,
own recording ventures had we not available from any stationer's.) If
just previously gotten a semi-pro- you think about it for a moment,
fessional 6-channel mixer (the Gately though, you'll see that this way of
SM-6A, at $250 in kit form, minus any building a cassette library precludes
carrying case) that we are quite hap- your ever being able to arrange the

cassettes in any logical order, for it won't accommodate boxed cassettes
once an album is full and its card either.
is filled out, you can't very well Why, we ask, could this not have
insert a Brahma cassette between the been designed as a drawer that would
Beethoven and the Bruckner that are double as a base for the cassette
already next to one another. It is, machine? The cassettes, in their box-
in fact, not possible to alphabetize es, could be stored with their spines
cassettes (or discs either) which facing upwards, so all would be vis-
contain several short works by dif- ible when the drawer was opened, and
ferent composers. the weight of the recorder would pre-
The only solution here, and one vent the drawer from tipping when
that is recommended for Anx large opened. Something like that would
collection of recordings, is to file have better typified the kind of in-
the cassettes completely randomly in novative thinking we have come to ex-
consecutively-numbered albums, and pect from Advent Corp.
use a card file to locate any desired
selection. (For this, we recommend (Ro Manufacturer's Comment)
the Old Colony record-filing kit.)
Like all other cassette albums we
have seen, these will accommodate
only the bare cassettes. You have to Audio Research Dual 75
throw out their cute little plastic Power Amplifier
boxes along with their labeling infor-
mation and whatever jacket notes may TYPE: Vacuum-tube amplifier with
have been included with some casset- solid-state power-supply rectifica-
tes. If you can't bring yourself to tion and regulation. RATED OUTPUT: 75
do this, you'd better find another watts/channel continuous. DIMENSIONS:
way of storing your collection, such 7" H x 19 W (standard rack panel
as custom-built mini-shelves (which mount) x 12 D. PRICE: $975.00. MFR:
might fit right into your regular Audio Research Corp., 2843 26th Ave.
bookshelves), or wait until someone S., Minneapolis, Mn. 55406.
brings out albums that will accommo-
date boxed cassettes. Incidentally, Some years ago, Edward T. Dell (now
replacements for lost or damaged cas- publishing the Audio Amateur) did a
sette boxes can be bought for around comprehensive construction article
350 each from most mail-order elec- for us (our first and last) about a
tronics supply houses. beefed-up version of the Dyna Stereo
While we can see the value of the 70 power amplifier which differed
Advent album for many cassette users, the original design only in that it
we could not drum up any enthusiasm had a truly herioc power supply, and
for the storage cabinets. These are thus maintained its proper operating
obviously usable only for temporary voltages during periods of high-power
storage, for they are bulky, space- signal output. Significantly, it
consuming, and not readily marked sounded cleaner than the original
with a listing of their contents. The Stereo 70 even at low listening lev-
smaller cabinet (3-7/8 inches high) els.
occupies a shelf space of 17 by 71 Evidently, power-supply regulation
inches. The same number (24) of cas- is a major part of the "secret" of
settes in standard plastic boxes and Audio Research's designs, for their
arranged in two 8-inch-high stacks power amps use standard Dyne output
will occupy a mere 41 by 54 inches. transformers and the same output
And if you plan to store your tapes tubes as some Dyna amps (but with
in their boxes, you'll have to find different circuitry). Whatever the
a place for them while the cassettes reason, Audio Research's first ef-
are in the storage cabinet, because forts were noticeably cleaner, sweet-

er and more transparent-sounding even er iota, he is likely to wait indefi-
than Mr. Dell's "Brute," and subse- nitely, meanwhile putting up with a
quent Audio Research products have level of sonic quality that may be
been even better still. inferior to that of last year's Dual
As a matter of fact, one of the 75. So while we have great respect
less endearing attributes of Audio for what Audio Research is doing, son-
Research products has been their ically, we do hope that the present
prompt obsolescence. In some instan- trend toward "settling down" contin-
ces, circuit modifications yielding ues. It's not that we don't like to
"significant" sonic improvements have see improvements made, but one model
been discovered and incorporated into change per year would be quite enough.
current-production units before the To anyone unfamiliar with the spec-
previously-improved models had even ial qualities of an Audio Research
reached the dealers' showrooms. ARC product, it must seem absolutely
does have a policy of allowing owners insane for anyone to spend almost a
of earlier models to have theirs up- thousand dollars for a piddling 75
dated at modest cost, but many people watts of power per channel when you
have nonetheless been deterred from can buy 150 per for under $500. In
buying any ARC products until they fact, the very idea of buying tube-
"settle down a bit." This may actual- type components in this solid-state
ly be coming to pass, for in the over- era must strike some people as being
six-months since the release of the highly peculiar, particularly when
Dual 75 and its sister Dual 51 there everyone knows that transistors are
has been only one minor change affec- better than tubes. Well, it ain't
ting sound quality, and the SP-3 pre- necessarily so.
amp (on the market about the same Of course, Audio Research has not
time) has had no such changes. This managed to overcome the inherent
report is based on the original Dual shortcomings of tubes, like their
75 rather than the improved version. wastage of electrical energy in the
Our point is that, although it is form of heat, their tendency toward
admirably idealistic to want to see catastrophic breakdowns due to the
every miniscule improvement embodied high operating temperatures and volt-
in a product as soon as possible, it go downhill. But there are things
is absurd in terms of commercial tubed components can do better than
practice. The kind of lunatic-fringe any solid-state ones that have come
audiophile who would buy tube equip- along to date, and these are part of

The Dual 75 weighs

57 lbs and has a stan- onwirel

dard rack-mount front

panel and sturdy handles.

ment instead of solid state merely the special appeal that ARC electron-
because the former sounds better is ics have for many perfectionists.
likely to want the last iota of sonic First, since the current flow
perfection, and as long as it looks through output tubes is largely inde-
as if next month may bring yet anoth- pendent of the load presented to the

Recommended Components am›.
These are listings of components which we
The following changes have been made in the
feel to be the beat available in each of listings since the last issue:
four quality categories, based upon all
the information available to us at the time
• Revox A-77-1I tape deck superseded in Group
of publication.
A by A-77-11I.
Components are selected for listing on
the basis of our own tests as well as re- • Sony 352 tape deck superseded in Group C by
ports in other magazines and from users. 3530.
Component evaluations which lead to
• Sony TC-160 cassette deck superseded in
inclusion in or exclusion from this list Group C by Rarman-Kardon 1000.
are biased to an extent by our feeling that
things added to reproduced sound — flutter, • Sony 250A tape deck superseded in Group D by
distortion, various forms of coloration —
252D. H-IC CAD-5 dropped from that Group.
are of more concern to the musically-
oriented listener than things subtracted • Sony C-22 mike dropped from list because of
from the sound, such as a certain amount of poor record for dependability.
deep-bass or extreme-treble range. On the
• All listed microphones dropped by one Group
other hand, components which are markedly
to make room for Sony C-500 as new A-Group
deficient in one or more respects are down- mike.
rated according to the extent to which we
feel their deficiencies interfere with the • Dynaco FM,5 tuner supersedes McIntosh MR-71
full realization of the program material in Group B.
that is likely to be fed to them.
• Quad tuner added in Group C sound is group
Some of the items listed hereunder are Group B but sensitivity is low.
officially discontinued models. They are
listed because they are still excellent • Audio Research SP-2C preamp superseded by
components and frequently available used SP-3 in Group A.
at substantial reductions in price.
• Audio Research Dual 50D amp superseded by
Component categories are as follows: Dual 75 and Dual 51 in Group A.
Class A: Price-no-object, best possible
sound. Class B: Sound comparable to that • Crown DC-300A amp added in Group A.
of Class A, but lower in coat and gener- • Crown DC-300 (superseded by 3010A) dropped
ally lacking some of their refinements.
from Group B.
Loudspeakers listed in this category span
a wide price range and offer a wide selec- • IMF Studio speakers added in Group B.
tion of "flavors." Class C:Somewhat lower-
• EPI 100 Tower speakers added in Group A.
fi sound but far better than average home
• Dynamo A-30 speakers added in Class C.
hi-fi. Class D: Good, musical sound but
significantly less fidelity than the best • Sony MX-12 mixer added in Group B under
Miscellaneous Devices.
The order in which components are lis-
• Discontinued Century General Mini-Gen
ted within each category has .
utli what-
dropped from list.
soever to do with the relative quality of
items in that category.
• PMI EK and EC -71 mikes added in Group B.
Components which are judged to rank
near the bottom of one category and the
top of a lower category are listed in
both groups.
Some component categories show no
listing in the D group. This is be-
cause we have yet to find one that is
that much better than its competition
in all (or even most) respects to war-
rant singling out.

Pickups 51, SAE Mk IIIA, Crown DC-300A
(A) Decca Mk V (hand-selected), (B) Quad 303, Crown D-150, Citation
Ortofon M-15/M -15E Super 12
(B) Decca 4RC (1), Stanton 681A (C) Dynaco Stereo 120, Stereo 80,
(C) Stanton 681EE, Decca Mark II SCA-80 (5)
(2, 3, 4) (D) Dynaco Stereo 70

Tone Arms Receiver

(A) Rabco SL-8E, Decca International (B) Heath AR-1500
(us import version) (C) Heath AR-15
(B) Shure/SME 3009
(C) ADC Headphones
(A) Koss E-9, Stax SR-3
Turntables (B) Koss PRO4aa, Beyer DT-48S v/

(A) Thorens TD-125, Sony TTS-3000 round cushions
(B) Thorens ID-124-II, TD-150, Rabco C) Sharpe Mk II, Beyer DT-480
ST-4 player D) Beyer DT-90
(C) Dual 1019 changer, Acoustic Re-
search TA or XA player Speaker Systems
(D) Bogen B-52 player (A) Audio Research Magmplanar (lat-
est version), KLH Nine (4 panels),
Tape Recorders Infinity SS-1, Hartley Concert-
(A) Revox A-77-III master, EPI 100 "Tower"
(B) Tandberg 6000X (B) Larger Advent (No model number),
(C) Sony 353D, Sony 155 (playback Janszen Z-600, Infinity 2000A,
only), Advent 201 or Harman-. KLH Nine (2 panels), Hartley
Kardon 1000 cassette deck 220/Holton, Quad, IMF Studio
(D) Sony 252D, Sony w-160 cas- (C) Dynaco A-10, A-25, A-30, larger
sette deck Advent
(D) Dynaco A-10
(A) Sony C-500 Miscellaneous Devices
(B) Sony C-37P, Neumann U-87, (A) Soundcraftsmen 20-12 multi-band
PML EK/EC -71 equalizer, Gately Electronics
(C) B & 0 1CO, PML DC-20 or 21 ProKit SM-6A input mixer
(D) B & 0 53, Beyer M-260 (B) Sony MX-12 mixer, Advent 100A
Dolby device
Timers (C) Advent 101 Dolby device
(A) Marantz 10B
(B) Dynaco FM-5, Heath AJ-15
(C) Dynaco FM-3, Quad
(D) EICO 3300, Heath AJ-14

Preamps Footnotes: (1) Incompatible with

(A) Audio Research SP-3 Thorens TD-150 and early TD-125
(B) Citation 11, Crown IC-150 'tables. (2) Incompatible with Decca
(C) Sony TA-2000, Dynaco PAT-4 International arm. (3) Incompatible
(D) Dynaco PAS-3x
with AR and Bogen arms. (4) Usable
only in SHE arm, with suitable adap-
Amplifiers ter. (5) Integrated preamp/amplifier.
(A) Audio Research Dual 75 and (6) Use with Quad 303 amplifier.

amplifier (unlike transistors, whose better than solid-state amps for driv-
current tends to increase with de- ing electrostatics. In fact, only the
creasing load impedance), tubes are very best tube amplifiers had enough
inherently more tolerant of variations built-in stability to handle the elec-
in loudspeaker impedance. This is not trostatic load without either ringing
too significant with most good dy- severely or going into full-power
namic speakers, which hew fairly oscillation. But when it comes to the
closely to their nominal impedance best tube amps versus the best solid-
through much of the audio range, but state amps, tubes win hands down when
it is of paramount importance when driving electrostatics.
driving electrostatics, particularly We tested two samples of this amp-
full-range types, for these have very lifier, one designated a Dual 75, the
widely vnrying impedance at different other a Dual 75N. (This does not mean
frequencies. The KLH Nine full-range there have been 13 versions in be-
system, for example, has a rated im- tween, although there may well have
pedance of 16 ohms, but it is 16 ohms been that many individual circuit
only throughout the middle frequency modifications.) There was an exceed-
range. At mid-bass frequencies, the ingly slight difference between them
impedance rises to almost 30 ohms, -- the latter was just a hair more de-
and it falls to a few ohms at high tailed, but the difference was, in
frequencies and a mere fraction of an our opinion, so slight that it did
ohm at subsonic frequencies. It is not warrant a change of model desig-
possible to design a solid-state amp- nation. But then, Audio Research has
lifier that is comfortable with full- a reputation for dealing in refine-
range electrostatics -- Quad did it ments of that magnitude, and most of
for driving their own speakers -- but their customers can hear the differ-
it is safe to say that any solid- ences.
state amplifier designed for driving Listening tests were conducted us-
dynamic speakers is going to be less ing a variety of dynamic, electro,
"happy" with an electrostatic load static-dynamic, and full-range elec-
than will the majority of good tube- trostatics. The first thing we no-
type amplifiers. ticed, in comparison with solid-state
Second, partly because of their amplifiers, was the beautifully liquid
slower rise time* and partly because transparency of the D-75. Graininess
of the more "harmonious" nature of was totally absent on all kinds of
the distortion they produce, tubes speakers, and the whole sound had a
are characteristically somewhat degree of focus that was unsurpassed
"soft"-sounding, while solid-state by anything we had ever heard pre-
amplifiers are characteristically viously.
somewhat "hard" or "crisp." With dy- Middles and highs, through electro-
namic speaker systems, most of which static drivers, set a new standard of
are deficient to various degrees in naturalness and musical rightness for
transient response, the crispness of those speakers -- they sounded less
a solid-state amplifier can improve like electrostatics and more like live
sound quality, but with electrostat- music than ever before. And on the
ics, no such enhancement of transient one full-range electrostatic we tried
response is needed. The "tube sound" (a 4-panel set of KLH Nines), bass
is preferred by most listeners. reproduction, too, was extraordinarily
This is not to be interpreted as rich, deep and detailed.
meaning that all tube amplifiers are With most of the dynamic systems,
though, the D-75 didn't fare quite so
*Rise time is the measure of an ampli- well. The extraordinary detail and
fier's ability to respond to a verti- focus were still evident, but it was
cal wave frOnt, like the leading edge obvious that some dynamic speakers
of a square wave. needed some things that the tube-type

amplifier couldn't provide. It probably goes without saying
Dynamic tweeters don't have the (but we'll say it anyway) that the
transient response of good electro- Dual 75 did the best job of any other
statics, and tend to be at least a amplifier tested when driving Audio
little deficient in "snap" by com- Research's own "Nagneplanar" speaker
parison. Thus, with the D-75, highs system, but the very low efficiency
from dynamic speaker systems varied, of that speaker did put rather un-
according to the speaker and for no reasonable demands on the D-75's
consistent reason we could see, from relatively limited power output. (I.e.,
slightly soft to markedly dull. The relative to 500 watts.) It should also
effect could be considered an improve- be noted, though, that the amplifier
ment when something ahead of the D-75 overloads in a most graceful manner
(the preamp, for instance) was adding -- so much so in fact that an occas-
ional clipped transient is likely to
a small amount of compensatory hard-
ness, and it is our personal feeling pass completely unnoticed. This is in
that if things must go either way, distinct contrast to what we have ob-
the ears prefer softness to brittle- served from many solid-state ampli-
ness. There is no denying, though, fiers, in which peak clipping causes
that reproduction of so-called hard razor-sharp clicks of almost fright-
transients -- high percussion and the ening magnitude.
impact sounds of xylophones, etc _- Summing up, then, we would judge
was better from many dynamic speakers this to be The Best available power
when they were driven from good solid- amplifier for driving electrostatics,
state amplifiers. either full-range types or narrower-
The majority of dynamic woofers, band ones (like mid-range and high-
too, seemed to behave better with end drivers in multi-way electrostat-
solid-state amplifiers. It is moot ics like the Infinity SS-1). On other
whether this is because of the D-75's speakers, it may or may not perform
fairly modest damping factor at very as well or better than other amps in
low frequencies (compared with the some respects, and it may or may not
very high damping of solid-state amps) conform to your notions about how re-
or because of the natural tendency produced music should sound. But that
for an output transformer's power to quality of focus and liquid lucidity
diminish at very low frequencies, but (Audio Research calls it "high defi-
it was our observation that all speak- nition") is audible through any speak-
ers which produced the right amount er, and if you've never heard it be-
of bass output and detail with solid- fore, you owe it to yourself to get a
state amps sounded rather loose and taste of it.
For some applications, this is
heavy at the low end with the D-75,
and that by the same token, ones that the best-sounding power amplifier
sounded a bit thin with solid-state money can buy. Only you can decide,
amps usually sounded best with the though, whether or not it is worth
D-75. Even when this seemed to be that kind of money to you. It would
letting the low end flop around a be ,to us if we could afford it.
bit, though, there was a very nice A final cautionary note. Unlike
quality of warmth and richness to the other amplifiers we've seen, the
base, while most solid-state ampli- 0-ohm output connections from the
fiers yielded what was judged to be Dual 75 (and from other Audio Re-
a rather dry, albeit tighter and bet- search power amps) are not at chassis
potential but are actually at nega-
ter-defined, bottom. The former sound-
ed more musically felicitous to some tive polarity with respect to the
neutral chassis ground. And since the
listeners, while other members of our
listening "crew" found the drier, 0-ohm taps are an active part of the
tighter solid-state low end more to amplifier's feedback circuits, con-
their taste. necting the Left- and Right-channel

0-ohm taps together (as would happen The SE-III was designed for linear
if you used stereo headphones, all equalization of the frequency ex-
of which have a common ground lead) tremes, and will provide gratifying
will feed output signal from one results and professional performance
channel into the other channel and in this application.
vice versa, destroying stereo separ-
ation as well as upsetting the amp's Audio Research Dual 75
feedback circuits. For this reason, The output transformers in the
common-ground devices should be con- Dual 75 are made to our specifica-
nected via either the 8- or 16-ohm tions by a Minneapolis firm. (The
Hot terminals and the 4-ohm taps. The discontinued Dual 50 did use Dyna
4-ohm taps are at chassis potential transformers.)
and are thus already paralled inside While it is true that power-supply
the amplifier. It is not necessary regulation plays an important role in
that the 0-ohm taps be connected to the sound quality of the Dual 75, the
anything. real "secret" is our patented cir-
cuitry. Regulating bad circuitry will
(Manufacturer's Comment on Page 00) not make it good, just as good cir-
cuitry without adequate regulation
will perform at its best.
Audio Research Corporation is not
Manufacturers' Comments offering equipment to compete on a
dollar/watts basis. Rather, our prod-
On Equipment Reports ucts are made to the highest possible
In This Issue standard of quality, and the prices
just happen to be a result of that
no-compromise approach.
Elektra Amplidyne Equalizer
Although ARC equipment is guaran-
The $149.95 price includes an teed for only five years, it is con-
oiled walnut cabinet of 3/4-inch structed of components what should
stock. Price without the cabinet is have a 20 to 40-year service life,
$129.95. with only tube and filter capacitor
It is true that a small number of replacements necessitated every 5
preamplifiers have equalization cur- years or so. Parts of that quality
ves similar to the SE-III. However, are not inexpensive, and the long-
because of its IC operational-ampli- term advantages of using them does
fier design, the SE-III can perform not show up in any simple power/watts
the equalization function with an ab- comparison.
solute minimum of distortion and with- Two additional comments about out-
out the degradation of signal/noise put power:
ratio found in many preamplifiers or (1) Our amplifiers are conserva-
the cheaper equalizers. tively rated. The Dual 75 will typi-
Indeed, the SE-III compensates cally produce 90 to 100 watts per
very well for deficiencies in studio channel, with both channels running,
are being used professionally for without clipping.
this purpose. Because of its excel- (2) Additional watts do not buy as
lent high-frequency characteristics, much additional loudness as most
the SE-III is also used profession- audiophiles believe. An output of 500
ally in many sound-reinforcement/per- watts is necessary to sound twice as
forming arts applications. loud as an output of 50 watts.
When comparing the SE-III to multi- We believe that both the bass qual-
band-type equalizers of less than 10 ity and the transient response of the
bands, one must remember that the SE- Dual 75 exceed the capabilities of
III has the ability to linearly equal- most transducers, and suggest that,
ize the important octaves below 60 Hz. the better the speakers, the more ob-

vious this will be to our ears. route any input to either or both
output channels as well as to select
REVIEWER'S ADDENDUM: We don't argue mag phono preamplification in two
with the Dual 75's bass quality or input channels.
transient response; we just find that Apart from handling superbly, the
some speakers need different bass and SM-6 A's
- performance is well up to per-
treble characteristics from the amp- fectionist standards, which is more
lifier in order to perform at their than can be said for most profession-
best. al recording equipment. Price is $499
from Gately Electronics, 57 West Hill-
crest Ave., Havertown, Pa. 19083, and
well worth the money for the serious

Quickies live recordist. Even more worth the

money, if you have the time, is the
kit version, for $299, but it's not
Short reports on other items of in-
a project for the inexperienced kit
terest, some of which will be re-
ported in detail in later issues.
We are not going to part with our
Sony TC-160 Cassette Deck
The most rock-solidly stable drive EPI 100 Tower Speakers
system of any cassette recorder we've Astonishingly huge sound, sweet
encountered, but we feel that a Dolby rather than razor-sharp top, slightly
or some similar kind of noise-reduc- edgy middle-highs in some room lo-
tion system is essential for high- cations, and a marked tendency to ex-
quality cassette performance, and cite standing waves from virtually
this had none.
Our sample was delivered with re-
cording levels and bias in rather im-
perfect adjustment; channel balance Who Buys Perfection?
and high-end responses were unbalanc-
True perfectionists, who know
ed in playback.
it when they hear it and will
We have been promised one of the
pay the price for it, are an
later Dolby-equipped versions of this
extremely small proportion of
for testing.
the readers of a typical hi-fi
Gately Prokit SM-6A Mixer magazine. An advertisement
Fade by a firm that has heretofore there for top-line equipment
made very high-priced equipment for is wasted on over 90% of the
recording studios, this neatly fills readers.
the gap between strictly profession- The Stereophile has over

al mixers that no hobbyist would find 4,500 paid subscribers and an

estimated 18,000 freeloaders
the need for, and semiprofessional
(who borrow the mag), and our
mixers that no top-line studio would
bother with. mail indicates that most are
The S14-6A has 6 inputs, for balan- active buyers of equipment. If
you're a dealer who wants to
ced low-Z mikes or unbalanced high-
sell to perfectionists without
level sources, two genuine but rather
wasting most of your advertis-
small and un-illuminated VU meters,
ing dollars, why not try an ad
separate rather than ganged master
gain controls, facilities for in- in these pages? For a schedule
of our ridiculously low rates,
serting equalizers and external re-
write to: DisployAds,Box49,
verb devices into each input channel
(both are separately available as Elwyn, Pa. J9063
matching units), and switches to

any place in the room. Best used in a with gain. Our sample nad a minor
very large room, otherwise lows tend glitch -- there was a faint plop if
to be overly fat and somewhat loose, you rotated the tone controls rapid-
albeit very deep. ly, but we could find nothing else
Fairly efficient, very high power about it to criticise. Currently, by
capacity (200 watts per didn't bother far the best preamplifier that money
it at all), and capable of producing can buy. And would you believe, it
clean sound at discotheque-type lis- uses tubes (at reduced heater voltage,
tening levels. Generally robust, for extended life and cooler opera-
forthright sound rather than delicate tion)!
or subtle. A system better suited for Price is a most respectable $595.
the extrovert than the introverted.
Shure M -68 Stereo Mixer
Audio Research SP -3 Preamp Nice, clean sound, smooth control
We thought the previous-model action, and some useful features are
SP-2C was excellent, but this is even characteristics of this ultra-compact
better -- the closest thing available, mixer, but our sample produced enough
in fact, to the ideal straight wire hum when AC-powered to be just barely
acceptable for moderate-volume listen-
ing. At high volume levels with wide-
PAOLI HIGH FIDELITY dynamic-range material, the hum was
clearly audible. The unit can however
CONSULTANTS be battery powered, and under this
System planning, top-line components,
condition, performance was deemed
private demonstrations of perfectionists'
music systems. By appointment only. quite satisfactory. It accepts 4 low
BOX 876 PAOLI PENNA 19301 (215)644-7083 or high-impedance mikes (unbalanced
only) and two line inputs, and has
outputs to high-level line as well
as high- and low-impedance mike in-
puts. There is also facility for
paralleling its inputs with those
of another mixer and using only one
PAUL HEATH AUDIO set of master gain controls for their
644 Clinton Ave. S., combined outputs.
Rochester, N.Y. This is, by the way, the only non-
professional mixer we know of that
includes a pan pot facility for one
Quad Citation input, allowing a mono signal source
to be positioned anywhere across the
Transtatic RTR stereo "stage."

Quintessence Price is $190, and it's a good buy

for the advanced live-recordist or
Rabco IMF Braun for P-A work, but it really should be
battery-powered for best results.
Audio Research
Crown D-150 Power Amplifier
Ortofon SAE
Much less variable from sample to
Phase Linear sample than the DC-300, the D-150
within its respectable power capabil-
ity sounds very much like the best of
Demonstration Rooms the DC-300s. That is to say, it is
15' by 25' and 18' by 30' detailed, effortless, a shade on the
dry side, and exceedingly solid and
(716) 461-2340 or 346-5630 tight at the low end. It does better
(To page 30)

Yes, But Are You Sure It's Fresh?
That sealed-in-plastic disc may not be as factory-fresh as you think.
Here's how to tell what you're buying before you get it out of the store.

roove wear is a fact of life with
Nothing dishonest about that, it's a
discs. The first play, with even perfectly good disc. Who'll ever know
the gentlest pickup and most dust- it isn't factory-fresh? You, with
free surface, leaves some permanent your 161000 hi-fi system, that's who.
indentations in the groove walls, and So, how do you tell whether a
although the rate of wear tends to sealed disc is really factory-fresh?
diminish sharply after five or so
There's no point in asking the dealer
plays, and most discs are good for
whether he repackages returned discs;
several hundred enjoyable plays, the if he'd tell you, he'd probably have
gradual abrasion of the groove walls
his sealing machine out in plain
sets an ultimate limit on the life of
view. There is a way, though, for you
any disc.
to determine for yourself whether or
But have you ever wondered why
not you're buying an unplayed disc.
some brand-new, factory-sealed discs As soon as you've bought and paid
you buy sound for all the world as
for a disc, but before you take it
though they're half worn out the
out of the store, take it out of its
first time you play them? Well, chan-
wrappings and inspect the surface un-
ces are, they are half worn out, from
der bright illumination. Hold the
having been played with a 5-gram pick-
disc so that it reflects no light to
up and a chipped or badly worn stylus.
your eyes -- that is, so that its
But what about the factory-sealed
surface appears jet black to you --
plastic wrapper? Well, did you know
and carefully note the "color" of the
that many record stores have a device
loudly-recorded grooves. If these
(not usually visible to the shopper) show up as bands of grayish color,
which applies and seals a plastic
the disc has sustained groove damage
wrapper just like the one normally
somewhere along the way to you, and
applied at the factory? T'is true. should be exchanged for another
Here's what happens. Joe Blow buys pressing.
Beethoven's Fifth, takes it home, and Here's how it works. A truly
finds that it skips a groove or two
smooth, flat surface like a groove
because his pickup is long-past-due wall or the "land" between grooves
for a stylus replacement and has will reflect all light beams at
already chewed up the parts of the
exactly the same angle as they strike
new disc that it did succeed in play-
the surface. Thus, if there is little
ing. He takes it back to the store, or no light coming from certain direc-
they give him a different record in
tions, you should be able to hold the
exchange, and then check out the one
disc so that the light that does hit
he returned, using a good stylus. Of
it is all reflected away from your
course, it tracks all the way
eyes. This is the condition when the
through. Why, there's nothing the
disc looks jet black to you. When the
matter with it at all, they conclude,
reflecting surface is roughened,
so why bounce it back to the factory? though, light beams coming from the
Just take it to the back room, rewrap
same direction will be reflected off
and re-seal it in a new plastic
in all directions, and no matter what
sleeve, and put it back in stock.
angle you hold it at with respect to

the light, some of these dispersed the old one out of the store.
light beams will reach your eyes. The salesclerk will likely do two
Thus, black becomes gray, and the things: He will assure you that the
more surface roughening has occurred, disc is factory-fresh, and will tell
the paler the gray. you that it is impossible to tell the
Grayness in disc grooves always condition of a disc without playing
means that the groove walls have lost it. Indeed, it my be factory-fresh.
some of their original polish (or Not all stores have repackaging mach-

This old LP, played once on

a console hi-fi equipped
with a "featherweight" pick-
up and a well-worn "lifetime
precious-metal stylus,"
clearly shows three groups
of loudly-recorded grooves
that have been virtually

that they didn't have enough in the ines, and most record makers play an
first place). And since groove wear occasional disc themselves, as a
is always most severe in heavily-modu- quality-control check, and if it
lated grooves, and music nearly always passes, it goes into inventory and
intersperses loud with soft passages, thence to a record store. A factory
grayness in concentric bands is a play does not usually butcher a disc,
sure sign that wear has occurred though. You do, however, have a way
since the disc was pressed. That is, of telling a disc's condition without
as a result of playing it. playing it, so your response to that
When you spot such gray bands on assertion depends on your personal
a supposedly new disc, do not blow assessment of the salesclerk. If you
your cool and accuse everyone con- don't think he's too terribly bright,
cerned of fraud, conspiracy, and vio- or if for any other reason you don't
lation moral principle. Just mutter feel he's the kind of person you're
Hmmm, the way your doctor does when going to be able to communicate with,
he thinks he's on the track of some- just say you have ways of telling,
thing really virulent, and ask the and let him conclude that you're just
salesclerk for another pressing. He another nut. He'll probably go along
will, of course, give you an argu- with your request for another press-
ment, for while he is accustomed to ing -- after all, he can always re-
cranks bringing records back after a package your first reject and sell it
day or so, he will probably never be- to someone a bit less persnickety.
fore have had anyone ask for a new If your second pressing also has
pressing without even having taken tattle-tale gray bands, either ask

for a refund or keep trying, depend- ask why, after our glowing report
ing on how much of that crap the on the IMF Studio speaker system, we
clerk (or store manager, who will didn't list it in our Recommended
probably have been summoned by now) Components tabulation? The reason
will put up with. was simple: We forgot to.
If the salesclerk seems like a The system belongs well up in the
reasonable chap, explain to him that middle range of our B Category, and
the gray bands mean there has been is so listed in this issue. Our
abrasion of the groove walls, and he apologies to IMF.
will probably be happy to help you
locate an unplayed copy. Naturally, New from Crown: the DC-300A
this will start to wear out as soon Crown International has supersed-
as you get it home, but at least you ed their massive DC-300 power amp
will be starting from scratch (no pun with a DC-300A, which is designed
intended), and the disc's life expect- specifically for londspeaker-type
ancy will be up to you and your reactive loads. (The original DC-300
equipment from then on. was intended for industrial, non-
audio applications.) Some people we
have talked to who heard the new one

said it was "substantially" better
than the DC-300, better than the
Audio Research Dual 75 at very high
listening levels or when driving
speakers that need tremendous
Recommended Studios amounts of woofer control, and
A number of readers, as well as almost (but not quite) as good as
manufacturer IMF, contacted us to the Dual 75 in terms of detail,

audio research corporation

Magneplanar Speakers
Woofer Screen
SP-3 Preamp
EC-3 & 4 Crossovers
Dual 51 Amplifier
Dual 75 Amplifier
Dual 400 Amplifier May '73)
Tone Arm (May '73)

11/2 Old York Rd., Willow Grove, Pa. 19090 (215) 659-9251

transparency and sweetness. We have half negative. The polarities can-
been promised One for a test. cel, and the tape has no over-all
magnetic "charge." (Hiss from an un-
Cassette Wipeoff recorded tape is merely a sign that
Many audiophiles who have opted cancellation is not quite complete.)
for tape as their home-music medium When an audio signal is fed to
did so because of the disc's well- the record head, the domains are
known susceptibility to groove wear. subjected to a magnetic field which
Danes, they had read, would never alternates between positive and
wear out. Well, it's true; tapes negative, and the magnetic domains
don't wear out as do discs. But cas- are polarized accordingly, leaving
sette tapes often exhibit a form of a trail of alternate-polarity mag-
"wear" that progresses more rapidly netic "stripes" along the tape.
than any of the ones sustained by Some domains require only a very
discs. weak magnetic field to "flip" their
Researchers have found that the polarity, others require a stronger
high-frequency response of any re- field, so the amount of magnetic
corded cassette diminishes slightly polarization that takes place de-
with each play, and that with cer- pends on the strength of the audio
tain kinds of tape, extreme highs signal. And, of course, the more do-
are virtually wiped off after more mains that get flipped in one direc-
than about 30 plays. In other words, tion, the stronger the magnetic
cassette recordings aren't nearly as field that is left on the tape. Sat-
permanent as most of us assumed them uration of the tape is said to occur
to be. when all domains are magnetized in
To understand why, let's consider the same direction. And as long as
for a moment how a magnetic record- the domains are not exposed to a
ing comes to be. The oxide coating magnetic field of opposite polarity,
the tape will retain its full re-
Jowoeo-ood,P754eicoe•ouje corded signal. And that is the prob-
•oeoeo e /
4). 00•0••%. oc lem with the cassette.
0•0• 0,*() 00 *0. 00 %6 961 Because of the cassette's very
bea,0••-• •0• 6 0.,-,••.,,, a slow running speed, high-frequency
-n—_ ale na,-, n'"•-•
The magnetic domains on an unrecord- signals are recorded extremely close
ed tape are randomly polarized, and together along the tape. Negative
cancel one another out in playback. polarities follow positive polari-
ties with virtually no intervening
space. Since a magnetic field ex-
). ••4
0. •
4:61 tends for some distance beyond the

,,00 00• ••• o•...• 4 magnet, this means that each domain
of polarity is constantly in a field
- .••n •on.wdic
When recording, the audio signals of opposite polarity.ythich is trying
organize the domains into stripes of to flip its particles the other way.
alternating magnetic polarity along Many of the most susceptible partic-
les flip immediately when the tape
the recorded track on the tape.
is recorded, which is why appreci-
able treble boost must be added by
consists of billions of microscopic every recorder during the record
particles of magnetized material process. Other particles, slightly
called domains. Each of these is al- less susceptible, stay on the hairy
ways magnetized, either in a posi- edge until the first time the tape
tive or negative polarity. When the is played, at which time the flex-
tape is unrecorded, the domains are ing of the tape (as it rounds the
polarized in a random manner, with guides) and its passage across the
about half positive and the other heads scrambles the relative post-

THE Audio Research

Engineers, Infinity
Inventors, Crown International
College Instructors Decca EXPORT Prods.
and Musicians IMF Studio/Monitor

AT BBC Rogers/Spendor
iiiwiiJ & (gottti Ità Quad Acoustical/E SS
Stan [LS

Phase Linear
ARE Tascam
providing a new standard JBL Professional
for excellence Gately
in sonic reproduction Braun
BY Revox
offering their clientele Tandberg
the following exclusive Custom Rabco
professional services The Infra Woofer

HAND-PICKED PREMIUM cartridges, turntables, microphones

PRECISION ALIGNMENT of tape recorders and tuners
for minimum IM/phase distortion


for maximum fidelity and minimum record wear
LISTENING ROOM design, acoustical treatment,
loudspeaker positioning from your drawing
CALIBRATED environmental equalization E ±1dB AT YOUR EARS
ALL SHIPMENTS prepaid and fully insured


2 Old York Rd., Willow Grove, Pa. 19090
(215) 659-9251

Where Hi -Fi is DEAD

tions, and magnetic interactions, of available tape, has the least tend-
all the particles, and flips the pol- ency to self-erasure. A 15-kHz sig-
arities of those most-susceptible nal on Cr02 drops by 1 dB after 5
particles. Their reversed fieles, in plays and only an additional dB
turn, reinforce the flipping field after 30 plays. Standard iron-oxide
acting on other susceptible partic- tapes lose about 2 dB after 10 and
les, and help to flip them with the 24 dB after 30, while cobalt-doped
next play. And so it goes, with the iron oxide tapes -- the so-called
result that the recorded high end high-potency iron oxide tapes, lose
over 5 dB after 5 plays and a
o whopping 9 dB after 30. The curves
at left give details.
-2 The moral here is obvious: If you
want archival permanence with maxi-
-4 mum fi from cassettes, make sure you
use chromium dioxide tape. Of course,
-6 it helps if you keep the cassettes
away from loudspeaker magnets and
-8 power transformers.

BouIton Stereo
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Several readers have written to
Number of Plays ask if we know anything about a
Boulton Stereo firm that has been
diminishes progressively with each advertising in the New York Times
and every play. (and presumably elsewheres) and
The rate at which highs are lost making the most fabulous claims for
depends to a great extent on the their super-sound.
oxide coating, and is (not surpris- We addressed several queries to
ingly) related to the ease with the company, and got no response. On
which signals are recorded on the the basis of what information we
tape. Chromium dioxide, requiring were able to dig up, though, it ap-
the highest recording bias of any pears that Boulton's main gimmick is

Quickies (From page 24) complished with but a single pass over
the 200B. Some chromium-dioxide tapes
with dynamic-type speakers than with required a few slow passes, but then
most electrostatics, and its high there are many Cr02-equipped record-
damping factor is ideal for speakers ers that can't erase these tapes at
which tend to be somewhat heavy and all. Price is $15.95, from Magneson-
loose at the low end in most rooms. ics, 11036 Nestle Ave., Northridge,
Calif. 91324.
Magnesonics 200B [rosette
Ed:tall Tape Splicing Block
This ingenious little device --
about the size of a one-lb package of These professional splicing blocks
butter -- uses a pair of rotating call for some acquired skill (there's
permanent magnets, driven by a bat- nothing automatic about them), but
tery-powered motor (4 AA cells), to they do not cut into the edges of the
erase any recorded cassette without tape as do most automatic splicers,
running it through the recorder. It and they will produce flawless splic-
works fine, reducing any tape to a es in any open-reel tapes, and will
background noise level roughly equiv- even allow you to assemble tiny bits
alent to that of a new, unused tape. of tape for special-effects editing.
With most tapes, total erasure is ac- From ELPA and Robins, $4 and up.

a comprehensive remote-control system, you what may happen if you do.
which allows a Boulton owner to con- • Manufacturers who refuse to sell
trol all system functions (except for service manuals to private owners
putting records on the changer) from but fail to provide adequate service
a small control box that can be car- themselves.
ried anywhere in the Boulton-equipped • Money-back-if-you-return-defective-
household. The system can be pur- item guarantees on 68-cent items made
chased only as a custom installation, in Taiwan.
at considerable cost (in the thou- • Products assembled with microscopic
sands), and reports are that it works screws available only from the manu-
as claimed. One Stereophile reader facturer in Frankfurt, Germany.
who heard a Boulton system said the
sound was good, but a far cry from ComingUp
perfectionist quality. Scheduled for upcoming issues are
some really juicy articles and equip-
Pet Peeves ment reports. For example: A look at
Like most audiophiles, we have the disastrous state of quadraphonic
many of them, but here are a few new sound (many recordings and most play-
additions to the list. back decoders are terrible), a re-
• Control knobs that are so close port on how domestic record manufac-
together that you can't turn one turers are gypping us out of such of
without scraping your knuckles on the the potential fidelity of discs be-
adjacent ones. cause of a cynical view of the
• Fat phono plugs that won't fit "taste" of the American consumer,
into adjacent receptacles without and a short survey of fraudulent ad-
splaying outwards at an awkward and vertising in audio (with examples).
electrically dubious angle. Some components already received
e Instruction manuals that warn you for testing include the Audio Re-
not to do something but don't tell search SP-3 preamp and Magneplanar

Why Not?
If you subscribe to our views, why not subscribe to
our magazine? Our undercover investigator tells us
that there are thousands of you clods out there who
borrow each issue from friends, and to you we say
"Shame!" Freeloading may be In these days, but when
a report in Stereophile can save you from $10 to
several hundred dollars by steering you away from
junk and toward the best buys for your money, isn't
it worth a measly 85 to you to help keep this worthy
rag in business? We're taking dealer ads now, but
subscriptions are still almost our entire source of
support. Without that support -- and that means
your support -- there will be no more Stereophiles
to borrow or to buy. So don't just sit there on your
freeloading fanny; do your bit to ensure our con-
tinued publication. Send us your subscription today.
There's a handy-dandy coupon on the next page which
can be clipped out without removing any of our
deathless prose from this copy of the mag. Clip it.

practically everyone, but it will
Time Up? probably give serials librarians a
Now that we're accepting only bit of a filing problem. We're sorry
one-term subscriptions (for 4 about that. Really.
issues at a time), we've been
able to simplify our expira-
tion code so that you can tell Long a favorite past-time of the
by glancing at your address la- movie fan magazines, rumor-mongering
bel whether or not this is the is still held in disrepute by respon-
last issue due you on your sub- sible publications. The fact is,
scription. If your label bears though, that rumors often circulate
a hyphenated number containing widely without the aid of any publi-
the number 4, or a 4 between cation, and if not founded on fact,
parentheses, this is your last they can do just as much damage to
issue. It's as simple as that. those rumored about as can the nasty
little innuendos that are the stock-
in-trade of the Hollywood gossip
speakers, the Decca Mk V and Ortofon columnists.
M-15 Super pickups, the Citation 14 Naturally, the audio field is just
Dolby tuner and Dynaco FM-5 non-Dolby as rumor-prone as any other, and
tuners, and some decoders for Colum- hardly a month goes by without our
bia SQ (from Lafayette) and for RCA hearing that such-and-so is going out
discrete quadraphonic discs. of business or such-and-such top-notch
product is about to be discontinued.
Issue Update When we encounter such rumors, we usu-
In case you didn't notice, this is- ally try to check them out, just in
sue is dated Winter (4) 1971-72. The case there is something to them. Many
next issue will be dated Spring 1973, people are convinced that rumors do
and so on. This should eliminate con- not start spontaneously -- that there
siderable confusion on the part of must be at least some basis in fact

Subscription Order
All subscriptions are for 4 issues only, at the following rates:
85 in USA or to US Possessions; $6 (US currency) to Canada; $7
to other Foreign Countries. Limited quantities of the back issues
dated 3-71, 1-71 and 1-68 are still available for 81.25 each.

Is this a first-time sutàcription or a renewal ? 1/4



City State Zip Code

Mail check or money order to: Stereophile, Box 49, Elwyn, Pa. 19063

In Southern California, you can hear it best at


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Terms and cards, of course!

for every rumor. This is not so, at abrasive action of dust, but there
least in the hi-fi field, for many of is plenty of evidence that the re-
the rumors about a company's or prod- corder's heads are.
uct's imminent demise are the result When dust settles on a reel of
of wishful thinking on the part of unboxed tape, it lies on the sur-
dealers or salesmen who, for reasons face of the "pie" of wound tape.
of their own, wish the companies or When the tape is run through the
products in question would just go machine, the dust is carried to the
away. That was apparently the origin heads along the edge of the tape,
of three persistent rumors that were and its abrasive action speeds up
going the rounds during the past few the wearing process that causes
months. shoulders on the head surface where
Rumored as "going out of business" it contacts the edge of the tape.
were Electrostatic Sound Systems of As these shoulders become deeper,
Sacramento, Ca. and Infinity Systems they cause intermittent loss of con-
of Chatsworth, Ca. Both companies de- tact between the tape and the head
nied the rumors, but rather more con- gap, and this is audible (and meas-
vincing to us was the fact that both urable) as fluctuating high-frequen-
were talking enthusiastically about cy response. The only remedy is to
new products they were coming out
with soon. Scratch two rumors.
Rumored as "about to be.discontin-
ued" was the long-time top of KLH's
loudspeaker line, the Model Nine full-
range electrostatic. We've heard that
rumor going the rounds about once per
year for the past five years, but we
looked into it again anyway, just to
be sure. The answer was the same as
before. KLH is not discontinuing the
KLH Nine, nor are they contemplating
discontinuing it at this time. We
were then told, rather to our sur-
Side view of head, showing notches
prise, that KLH would like to kill
caused by abrasion from dusty tapes.
the Model Nine because they "lose
money on every one they sell." "Why,"
we asked then, "don't you discontinue have the head re-lapped or to replace
it?" "Because it's our best prestige it, depending on which is the least
item," was the reply. "Then," we costly alternative.
asked, "why not raise the price to the Wear shoulders will eventually
point where it will pay for itself?" develop on the heads no matter how
"Because then nobody would buy it." clean you keep your tapes, but you
We are still trying to find the logic can retard the process by keeping
in that reasoning. your tapes boxed when not in use,
and by fast-forwarding dusty tapes
Dusty Tapes through a folded, starch-free hand-
One of the advantages that are kerchief before playing them.
often cited for tapes over discs is
Setting Set Screws
that tapes aren't damaged as a result
of playing them when they're dusty, Some kinds of audio connectors
whereas dust will rapidly ruin a disc. are held together by means of tiny
There's a certain amount of truth to screws which, if not re-tightened
this, but it isn't the whole truth. periodically, may work loose and get
There's no evidence that the lost. And they are very difficult to
tapes themselves are damaged by the replace. This problem can be avoided

by removing each screw, putting a it is easy to break the bond at any
very small dab of contact cement on later time if the screw has to be re-
its threads, and reassembling it. moved for any reason.
Apply the cement near the head of the If too much of the screw thread
screw, so it won't gum up the entire is cemented, it may be necessary to
length of thread. The cement remains soften the cement with acetone or
pliable, so although it will prevent nail-polish remover before removing
the screw from working itself out, the screw.

by AR, unfin, in facty cartons, $130; E-V

Audio Mart
Stereodot satellite syst, collector's item,
165; Axiom 80, ARU end, $24. Shaw, 2850 North
Charles, Balto, Md 21218.

Sharpe 770 headphns, lk new, w/ lifetime war-

ranty. Cost $100, sell $60. Mac 2100 amp,
All ads submitted for "Audio
recntly checked by Mac, $375. D Thompson, 60
Mart" must be accompanied by a Brook St, Hamden, Conn. 06514.
remittance calculated on the
basis of 10O per word for pri- Or trade: Harman-Kardon Citation 11 prop, lk
!hew, $225 or pair of Janssen 130 twtrs. Craw ,-
vate insertions or 200 per word
ford Best, 18.09 Mason Smith Ave., Metairie, La.
for commercial insertions. 7000 3. (504)-887-0215.

Stereophiles, complete set (17 issues) from

FOR SALE Vol. 1 # 8 to Autumn (3) '71. P Chin, 1271
Bedford Rd., Pleasantville, N Y 10570.
Leica zags, angle issues & bound vols from 1950.
Write for list. J F McGuire, 61 Rexford St., 35 copies Hi -Fi Stereo Review, 1958-1964, $35.
Mattapan, Ma. 02126.
Ward Jacobs, 5 Norma Dr., Auburn, NY 13201.

morsas TD-125B; SME arm; Shure V-15-II; Cita-

Save money, have your worn or broken stylus re -
tion 11 -- all mint condtn. Eric Church, Nt 1,
tipped. Sphericals converted to elliptical and
Box 71, Lot 00-41,'Tolono, Ill. 61880. (217)-
vice-versa. CUSTOM STYLUS, Box 322-S, Tuckahoe,
N Y 10707.

Decca Mk 5 cartdg, brand new, never usd, w/

Audio Research SP-2C prep and Dual 50F-1B pwr
warranty. Cost $99; sell $65. Pat Donleycott,
amp with transferrable warranties; Decca SC-4E.
2114 W Marilyn, Cary, N C 27511 (919)-467-
J D O'Connell, 22 Bremond St., Belleville, N J

3 Gotham 150-Wa amps, $300 each; Neumann t'tbl

w/ 4 DST & DST62 cartdgs, $300; Tandberg II,
case, AC invrtr, various cables, $350. All lov- 2 Ortofon Hi-Jack cueing devices for manual
ingly cared for. S M Shapiro, 50 Beverly Rd., t'tbl (or source of supply), new or used.
West Orange, N J 07052. Scott Marovich, 530 W Barry St., Apt 3C, Chi-
cago, Ill. 60657.
Revox A-77-1122, new LN. HE 10i" tapes; Marantz
10B tnr, case; Marantz 7C; Marantz 8B; Dyne Wish to exchange tapes of quadraphonic record-
Stereo 70. All exc condtn. Beat offers or ings. Have various pop and classical recitals,
trades. L Whitt, 1944 Gregory Crt., Spring- pipe organ, band, and sound effects. Also 2-
field, Ill. (217)-523-1354. channel in same categories. What have you?
Harvey Kunz. 24 Arrowhead Rd, Old Tappan,
Citation 12, $175; Dyne Stereo 120 & PAT-4, N. J. 07675.
$165; Scott 99-D, $50; Lenco varbl-speed t'tbl,
All back issues of Stereophile. List issues and
$25. All in good to exc condtn. David Adler,
price. V Yakey, Box 227, Topanga, Ca. 90290.
187 Jupitor St., Clark, N J 07066, (201)-381-

Marantz 10 tar, converted to 10B, exc condtn. Complete Audio Research system on demonstrat-
Best offer. Anthony Q Natiello, P 0 Box 648, ion, including Magneplanar spkrs tri-amped w/
Madison Square Gdn, New York, NY 10010. Audio Research D51, D75 and Phase-Linear 700
amps. Audio Research SP-3 prop, Audio Research
Crown DC-300, mint condtn, $475. Bob Niggle, EC-3 Electronic Crossover. Critical evaluation
103 Janin East, Portland, Tx. 78374. (512)- invited! Also have Infinity, Quad, Spendor,
643-3186. Thorens, Revox, Rabco, Radford. D S AUDIO,
410 E. Evergreen Rd., Lebanon, Pa. 17042
Pair AR-1W woofers, recntly overhld, re-grilled (717)-273-6314.

Permit No. 248


th estereophile

Box 49, Elwyn, Po. 19063

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