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April 9, 2023

John 20:1-9
In John 20:1-9, the disciples were all shook to find out that Jesus rose from the dead. This
means that they did not understand what the scripture meant by the resurrection. They were all in doubt
and in order for them to believe they have to see it with their own eyes. Jesus already told His disciples
about this but they did not grasp the true meaning of it. John 20:1-9 reminds the people of the great
salvation that comes with the sacrifice of Jesus where Jesus died on the cross to save us all from eternal
damnation of hell. Our Lord Jesus Christ's rising from the death will always be a meaningful reminder
that evil was overcome by our God's infinite power and God's ultimate love for mankind that He let His
only begotten Son carry the heavy cross, to die and to save us from our sins.
I would like to relate this gospel to how selfless our parents are. Hardships and obstacles have
been thrown at our parents left and right their entire life, yet they still care more about others than
themselves. They are my best friend, rock, and biggest supporter. My father has worked extremely hard to
get where he is today. Ever since my father was a young boy, he has been so hard worker. He cannot
stand it when my siblings or I complain. He tells us kids that we all have so much, and we take almost
everything for granted. The first sacrifice is from our mother. She sacrificed her pain as she
contained us for nine months, about 275 days and nights, in her womb. We share the joy and
anger, sadness and worrying. Our birth certainly caused big fear and pain for them.  But they are
willing to bear our pain. And then, often, they must feel embarrassed to make a living.
Sometimes, instead of appreciating their results, we are always complaining. Parents are an
example of most unselfish love in this world. Those who bother to make money, but they all use
it for their family, their children to have a good and comfortable life, a decent education and to
provide their needs. Our parents were forced to spend the night up since we were born. Either the
father or mother is often up in the night because they hear us crying. After that, they must
prepare all the things that we need. Not to mention if we are ill, they must be on guard. After
that, they accompany us play, drive us to school, and play with us. That is the magnitude of the
sacrifice of parents for their children. They are willing to lose their lives as long as their child
Just like Jesus, our parents are so selfless. They’re willing to put aside their needs and wants just
to provide ours. Upon writing this reflection paper, I realized that I should be a good child to them in
order to somehow return the sacrifices that they have made for me.

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