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International Journal of
Recent Scientific
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Research
Vol. 13, Issue, 03 (C), pp. 651-652, March, 2022
ISSN: 0976-3031 DOI: 10.24327/IJRSR
Research Article
Atal Singh Kushwaha., Lajwanti Keswani., Salil Jain and Nikita Gupta
Dept. of Samhita Siddhanta, Pt. Khushilal Govt. Auto. College and Hospital, Bhopal


Article History: Ayurveda is a science that imparts all the knowledge of life. It defines health and factors responsible
th for promotion and its maintenance. Health is essential for enjoying all worldly pleasures in a
Received 24 December, 2021 righteous manner. Promotion of positive mental health is essential for acquiring the state of eternal
Received in revised form 19th and supreme happiness i.e moksha. As every science has some of its basic principles on which the
January, 2022 whole science rests. Likewise ayurveda has also got some of its basic principles. Some of them are
Accepted 25th February, 2022 naishthiki chikitsa & sadvritta. Hence understanding and implementation of these two extremely
Published online 28th March, 2022 important but unexplored concepts is necessary for the promotion of positive mental health and a
disciplined way of living in the society. This review article will review the detailed description and
Keywords: importance of naishthiki chikitsa & sadvritta.
Naishthiki chikitsa, sadvritta, mental health,
disciplined living.

Copyright © Atal Singh Kushwaha et al, 2022, this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION makes one lethargic and non enthusiastic leading to generation

of negative thoughts in mind. Naishthiki chikitsa helps to
Ayurveda is a science which literally means science of life. It is develop and maintain useful qualities of manas also called
also known as the Indian system of medicine. Ayurveda is an satvik gunas.
oldest healthcare system which treats what is advantageous and
what is harmfulto the body and stresses on happy and unhappy According to Ayurveda, to maintain a healthy and disease free
states of life. Ayurveda was derived from Atharva veda the life everyone should follow these rules. In Charak Samhita,
time was vedic era, when ayurveda was flourished as a science. Acharya Charak has prescribed a list of good conduct which is
Though the world has changed considerably in its outward very necessary to follow if we want to control the sense organs
material aspect, means of communication, scientific inventions, and to obtain perfect health. Sadvritta give the detail
etc., there has not been any great change in its inner spiritual knowledge about “what to do, what should not to do and also
side. The old forces of hunger and love, and the simple joys “How to live”. Following the code of right conducts described
and fears of the heart, remain an inseparable part of the human in Ayurveda is highly effective in reducing the life style
nature. disorders and helps to live healthy life. Sadvritta is being
studied since long by all ayurveda scholars and fraternity but
The starting point of all achievement is desire We all have very few conceptual works has been carried out on it. Therefore
desires. Desires have been the bricks and stones of the in this review article attempts are made to explain Sadvritta
foundation of our evolution. Healthy and constructive desires and naishthiki chikitsa in details.
are always good. They help in individual development. But
when the desires take the form of greed and lust, they become MATERIAL AND METHODS
dangerous and bring miseries.
This is a conceptual sort of research paper. All references have
Even greedy desires when monitored and streamlined in a been compiled and collected from various available ayurveda
positive direction can help in construction and developmental treatise, samhitas, published articles etc. All references has
process. Ayurveda profounds a very genuine concept called been analyzed and studied in a way that some conclusion can
naishthiki chikitsa. Basically increase in rajas gunas leads to be drawn.
disturbed co-ordination of body and mind which ultimately REVIEW OF LITERATURE
results in unnecessary over thinking. Increase in tamas guna
Definition - "Hantiyuktam chikitsa tu naishthiki ya vinopdham"

*Corresponding author: Atal Singh Kushwaha

Dept. of Samhita Siddhanta, Pt. Khushilal Govt. Auto. College and Hospital, Bhopal
Atal Singh Kushwaha et al., Naishthiki Chikitsa And Sadvritta-A Conceptual Approach

Chikitsa which is devoid of updha (updha rahit). Here updha In Charak Samhita, Acharya Charak has prescribed a list of
referes to desires.Updha leads to dukha (misery). good conduct which is very necessary to follow if we want to
control the sense organs and to obtain perfect health. Sadvritta
Upadha – Desires, the root cause for all miseries
give the detail knowledge about “what to do, what should not
Ayurveda has opined that the desires blended with greed i.e. to do and also “How to live”. Following the code of right
Upadha as the root cause for all our miseries. conducts described in Ayurveda is highly effective in reducing
the life style disorders and helps to live healthy life. Sadvritta is
Upadha means desire. Upadha or desire is the root cause for all
being studied since long by all ayurveda scholars but very few
the miseries. Sacrifice of all the desires is its remedy. A
conceptual works has been carried out on it.
silkworm weaves the threads around self and gets stuck within
the web of miseries which it has created all by itself. The CONCLUSION
cocoon which resembles the desires may look attractive, but
they are nothing short of suicide. In the same way the man The application of the above two unique and holy concepts of
becomes victim of desires and gets trapped in the cocoon of ayurveda in our daily routines. It will not only lead to maintain
miseries. The man weaves (just like the silkworm) around him healthy life and happiness but also it will help in maintaining a
an un-escapable shell of desires, which at the beginning look healthy and disciplined society as well. Appropriate utilization
attractive and tempting but once he gets stuck within the shell of sadvritta and naishthiki chikitsa various physical and
of desires he gets suffocated with miseries. psychological disorders can be prevented to some extent.

Nishta – Liberation from Miseries References

To escape from miseries, one needs to keep away from Upadha 1. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi
or desires (attachment). Liberation from miseries is called commentary, by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi and Dr.
Nishta. Since Nishta liberates you from the miseries, it is a Ganga Sahay Pandey. Chaukhamba Surbharti
form of salvation (moksha rupa). Naishtiki chikitsa is the Prakashan, Sutra Sthana, 2007; 8(17): 196.
treatment to attain salvation (moksha, liberation from miseries). 2. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi
Since Naistiki is devoid of desires and attachment, it becomes commentary, by Dr. Tripathi Brahmanand, Chaukhamba
the way for attaining the ultimate aim of the life, one among Surbharti Prakashan, Sutra Sthan, 2007; 8(18): 197.
the four objectives of human life(purushartha chatushtaya) i.e. 3. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi
Moksha or salvation. In short – Nishta means salvation. commentary, by Dr. Tripathi Brahmanand, Chaukhamba
Naistiki chikitsa is the means of attaining salvation. Surbharti Prakashan, Sutra Sthan, 2007; 8(31): 206.
4. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi
Some of the means of controlling desires – Having good
commentary, by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi and Dr.
presence of mind. Ability to differentiate between need and
Ganga Sahay Pandey. Chaukhamba Surbharti
luxury. Before buying any product, think is it a need or is it a
Prakashan, Sutra Sthana, 2007; 8(17): 196.
luxury. If it is luxury, avoid it. Am I buying it to boost my ego
5. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi
or is it really needed? Daily meditation, pranayama and Yoga –
commentary, by Dr. Tripathi Brahmanand,
These keep the mind calm and concentrated. Social service,
Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Sutra Sthan, 2007;
donation for a social cause Reading spiritual books.
8(19): 198.
Sadvritta 6. Sushruta Samhita. Ambikadutta Shastri, editor. 2nd
edition. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan.
Types of Sadvritta Chikitsa Sthana, 2007; 24(75): 137.
These codes of conduct are classified in to following groups. 7. Sushruta Samhita. Ambikadutta Shastri, editor. 2nd
edition. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan;
1. Vyavaharika sadvritta (Ethical codes of conduct).
2007. Chikitsa Sthana, 24(77): 137.
2. Samajika sadvritta (Social codes of conduct).
8. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi
3. Manasika sadvritta (Mental codes of conduct).
commentary, by Dr. Tripathi Brahmanand, Chaukhamba
4. Dharmika sadvritta (Moral codes of conduct).
Surbharti Prakashan, Sutra Sthan, 2007; 7(32): 175.
5. Sharirika Sadvritta (Physical codes of conduct)
9. Charak Samhita with Charak Chandrika Hindi
According to Ayurveda, everyone can enjoy healthy life by commentary, by Dr. Tripathi Brahmanand, Chaukhamba
following certain rules laid by the science. These various rules Surbharti Prakashan, Sutra Sthan, 2007; 7(33): 176.
are divided into Dinacharya (daily regimen), Ratricharya (night
regimen), Ritucharya (seasonal routine) and Sadvritta (code of
good conduct for mental health and social behavior). These
rules are very important in the prevention of disease and
promotion of ideal health. According to Ayurveda, to maintain
a healthy and disease free life everyone should follow these
How to cite this article:
Atal Singh Kushwaha et al.2022, Naishthiki Chikitsa And Sadvritta-A Conceptual Approach. Int J Recent Sci Res. 13(03), pp.
651-652. DOI:

652 | P a g e

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