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Chrysler Chairman Lee Iacocca remarks on success

“The ability to concentrate and use your time well is the key to success. I work hard during the week
and, except for very difficult times, keep my week-ends for my family and recreation. On Sunday
nights I make a list of things to do in the coming week. I can’t believe so many people can’t control
their schedules! When an executive says proudly, ‘Boy, I worked so hard last year that I didn’t take
any vacation’, I want to say, ‘You dummy! You can plan an $ 80.000,00 project, but you can’t plan for
taking a two-week vacation!”

(Harmes and Surguine. Coast to Coast, Longman, 1991)

The passage deals mainly with

A) how to succeed in life.

B) how to plan a vacation.

C) how to plan an $ 80.000,00 project.

D) how to work hard.

E) how to plan a two-week vacation.



Chrysler Chairman Lee Iacocca remarks on success

“The ability to concentrate and use your time well is the key to success. I work hard during the week
and, except for very difficult times, keep my week-ends for my family and recreation. On Sunday
nights I make a list of things to do in the coming week. I can’t believe so many people can’t control
their schedules! When an executive says proudly, ‘Boy, I worked so hard last year that I didn’t take
any vacation’, I want to say, ‘You dummy! You can plan an $ 80.000,00 project, but you can’t plan for
taking a two-week vacation!”

(Harmes and Surguine. Coast to Coast, Longman, 1991)

According to the passage, which statement about Iacocca is not true?

A) He is a successful businessman.

B) He makes $ 80.000,00 a year.

C) He works hard during the week.

D) He works for Chrysler.

E) He does not work on weekends.


“Is that my new TV in that package?’

“Yes, just __________.”

A) open it up, take it out, plug it in and turn it on.

B) open it up, take it off, plug it on and turn it on.

C) take it out, open it on, plug it off and turn it up.

D) take it in, plug it out, turn it down and open it up.

E) open it out, take it up, turn it on and plug it on.


Choose the alternative with the right sentences:

I. Why don't you cut the orange yourself?

II. You must learn how to speak English well.

III. He is just likes my father.

IV. I do not know like to sing this song.

V. They cut each other with a knife.

A) I, II, IV



D) I, II, V

E) I, IV, V


Os homens dos cartuns 1 e 2

A) têm uma visão semelhante sobre o que consideram notícia falsa.

B) discordam sobre o que é verdadeiro ou falso na mídia.

C) consideram que a mídia deve garantir a veracidade das notícias.

D) estão preocupados com a proliferação de notícias falsas.

E) questionam se os valores pessoais alteram a compreensão das notícias.


In the cartoon 1, the animal

A) agrees that it is easy to determine what fake news is.

B) confronts and criticizes the man's point of view.

C) believes that sometimes lies should be recognized as truths.

D) also thinks that fake news divide people.

E) explains the method it uses to discover what fake news is.


At present, neither offers full access to the Internet – they are linked by a "gateway" through which
e-mail can be sent and received, but which denies access to many of the delights the Net has to
offer. __________, both companies are widening the gateways in the near future.

– A alternativa que melhor preenche a lacuna é:

A) Besides.

B) In addition.

C) However.

D) Furthermore.

E) Finally.


Michiko and Yamashiro are not Japanese, __________?

A) are

B) aren't they

C) aren't them

D) are they

E) are they not


Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a sentença:

If the snow cover __________ longer, it __________ the plants and __________ the water cycle.

A) lasted – would damage – will disturb

B) would last – would damage – disturb

C) lasts – will damage – disturb

D) will last – damages – disturbs

E) lasts – will damage – disturbed


Choose the alternative in which BOTH verbal forms are examples of the passive voice:

A) Discovered in the early 1950s, the Yanomami "were left alone" for much of the next three
decades./ At least two thousand Yanomami have been massacred or "have died" of epidemics of
measles, tuberculosis, and hepatitis.
B) Discovered in the early 1950s, the Yanomami "were left alone" for much of the next three
decades./ At least two thousand Yanomami "have been massacred" or have died of epidemics of
measles, tuberculosis, and hepatitis.

C) I "could scarcely have found" a friendlier people./ At least two thousand Yanomami "have been
massacred" or have died of epidemics of measles, tuberculosis, and hepatitis.

D) I "could scarcely have found" a friendlier people./ At least two thousand Yanomami have been
massacred or "have died" of epidemics of measles, tuberculosis, and hepatitis.

E) I "could scarcely have found" a friendlier people./ Discovered in the early 1950s, the Yanomami
"were left alone" for much of the next three decades.


1– A
2– B
3– A

4– D
5– A
6– B
7– C
8– D
9– C
10 – B


• Phrasal Verbs
• Verbs
• Conjunctions
• Question Tags
• Conditionals
• Active and Passive Voice

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