A Review of Surface Roughness in Antifouling Coatings Illustrating The Importance of Cutoff Length

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A review of surface roughness in antifouling

coatings illustrating the importance of cutoff

Dickon Howell & Brigitte Behrends

To cite this article: Dickon Howell & Brigitte Behrends (2006) A review of surface roughness in
antifouling coatings illustrating the importance of cutoff length, Biofouling, 22:6, 401-410, DOI:

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Biofouling, 2006; 22(6): 401 – 410

A review of surface roughness in antifouling coatings illustrating the

importance of cutoff length


School of Marine Science and Technology, Ridley Building, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK

(Received 15 May 2006; accepted 13 September 2006)

Surface roughness (SR) can affect the hydrodynamic performance of antifouling (AF) coatings and influence the settlement
behaviour of fouling larvae, which makes it an important parameter in the evaluation of novel coatings. This paper reviews
the causes and consequences of SR in the shipping industry, the methodology used for measuring it, and the importance of
measuring and reporting it correctly. SR is a parameter that originates from marine engineering, but has been used
extensively by marine scientists to characterise novel coatings and to investigate microtopographies that might inhibit
settlement behaviour. One of the integral components of the SR measurement is the use of a cutoff filter. This is a short-pass
filter that lets the high wave-number components through and thus separates the waviness from the roughness. Depending
on the length of this filter, roughness at different levels of magnification can be investigated. Much of the published work on
SR of AF coatings makes no mention of cutoff length, so that the results cannot be compared. It is suggested that an
international standard is needed and that if more researchers were aware of the significance of stating cutoff length when
reporting SR, more interdisciplinary work between biologists, engineers and material scientists would be possible in this

Keywords: Antifouling, surface roughness, cutoff length, surface profiler, drag

had with TBT AF coatings with new non-TBT

coatings. There are two broad biocidal AF coatings
Biofouling of marine structures has long been a on the market today: (i) those that have hydrating
problem to the global shipping industry since it can binders, also known as ablative or solid matrix
increase both economic and environmental costs coatings, and (ii) those that have hydrolysing binders
significantly. Since the early 1970s, the most and mimic TBT SPC coatings. The last decade has
successful antifouling (AF) coatings have been those also seen an increase in hard marine coatings that
that had a matrix based upon a copolymer with a require regular in-service cleaning, and foul-release
tributyltin biocidal pendant group and cuprous oxide coatings based on silicone elastomers. Foul-release
as an additional biocidal pigment. These coatings not coatings typically have very low surface energy and
only had very effective biocidal properties, but were lower surface roughness than traditional biocidal
self-polishing, meaning that as the polymer was coatings. Consequently, the adhesion strength of
hydrolysed by seawater, biocides were released and settling marine biota is less (e.g. Burnell et al. 1997;
the coating polished, enabling excellent AF efficiency Berglin et al. 2001; Brady, 2001; Stein et al. 2003a;
and increased hydrodynamic performance. These Chaudhury et al. 2005), and the fouling breaks
coatings are known as self-polishing copolymer away from the hull under high speeds, typically
(SPC) systems. 415 knots.
The IMO Convention on Harmful Antifouling In order to assess the efficiency of novel AF
Systems, AFS 2001 (IMO, 2003) states that TBT coatings many parameters must be investigated
will be prohibited as an AF substance from 2008. including biocide release rate, AF efficiency, self-
Coating manufacturers have therefore been develop- polishing capacity, biofouling adhesion strength,
ing new ways to emulate the same performance they flexibility, toughness, dry film thickness, coating

Correspondence: Dickon Howell, School of Marine Science and Technology, Ridley Building, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne,
NE1 7RU, UK. Fax: þ44 191 222 5491. E-mail: d.j.howell@ncl.ac.uk
ISSN 0892-7014 print/ISSN 1029-2454 online Ó 2006 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/08927010601035738
402 D. Howell & B. Behrends

microstructure and surface roughness. This paper coating will be rougher when applied with a roller
reviews the causes and consequences of surface than a spray method), and iii) micro-roughness that
roughness in AF coatings, the importance of cutoff is a function of the components and structure of the
length in surface roughness measurement, methods coating system and which can often get hidden in
of measuring surface roughness in AF coatings, the laminar sublayer. When modelling the relation-
and published values of surface roughness for AF ship between ‘‘macro-roughness’’ (cutoff 50 mm),
coatings. ‘‘micro-roughness’’ (cutoff 10 mm) and drag resis-
tance, Weinell et al. (2003) found that in an ideal
painted surface the coefficient attributable to micro-
Consequences of surface roughness roughness was an order of magnitude higher than
that attributable to macro-roughness. The coeffi-
Hydrodynamic penalties
cient attributable to macro-roughness had a nega-
The total drag on a ship is the sum of all the tive sign at higher velocities meaning that it had a
aerodynamic and hydrodynamic forces in the direc- decreasing effect on drag resistance as velocity
tion of the external fluid flow that act to oppose increased. An increase of 5 mm in micro-roughness
forward motion. There are two types of drag: viscous corresponded to a *4% increase in drag resistance.
drag, which predominates at low speeds and is This is not to deny the importance of large-scale
largely determined by the frictional resistance caused irregularities in drag. Weinell et al. (2003) also
by the surface roughness of a hull, and wave-making reported that an increase of 3% coverage in a
drag, which predominates at high speed and is simulated weld seam doubled the drag. However,
determined by the length of the ship and the beam once structural roughness has been eliminated as
to draft ratio. In smooth, new ships frictional much as possible, a 4% difference in drag between
resistance accounts for 80 – 85% of the total resis- coatings is a significant saving in a highly compe-
tance in slow-speed vessels and as much as 50% in titive market.
high speed vessels (Todd, 1980). Having a ship hull with low drag is important
Viscous drag occurs in the layer of fluid in the both for environmental and economic reasons. It
immediate vicinity of a bounding surface, known as has been estimated that global emissions in 1996
the boundary layer. At high Reynolds numbers (the from marine shipping were in the region of
Reynolds number is the ratio of inertial forces to 10.12 Tg (Tg ¼ kg 6 109) of NOx per year and
viscous forces) it is desirable to have a laminar 8.48 Tg of SOx per year making ship engines
boundary layer as this imparts less friction to the among the world’s highest polluting combustion
bounding surface. As a fluid flows along a surface it sources per ton of fuel consumed (Corbett &
inevitably becomes turbulent imparting more drag, Fishbank, 1997). According to the latest figures
although a laminar sublayer remains immediately available from the Organisation for Economic Co-
adjacent to the surface below this turbulent boundary operation and Development (OECD) (2002), global
layer. Extra turbulence is caused by the projection of marine shipping emissions are equivalent to 450%
roughness elements through this laminar sublayer. of the total NOx output and 459% of the total SOx
Schultz (2003) showed an increase in the boundary output of the USA or 47 and 8 times the total
layer thickness and the integral length scales respective outputs of the UK.
occurred in an unsanded, painted surface compared The reason for this scale of emissions is that
to a smooth wall. If the height of the roughness 490% of world trade is carried by the international
elements is small relative to the thickness of the shipping industry and without it, the import and
sublayer then the surface will behave as if it is export of goods on the scale necessary for the
hydraulically smooth, and the transition to rough modern world would not be possible. The United
behaviour will be due to the decrease in the thickness Nations Conference on Trade and Development
of the laminar sublayer with increasing Reynolds (UNCTAD) estimates that the operating costs
number. This is encapsulated in the critical rough- alone of merchant ships contributes about US
ness height concept that comes from Nikuradse’s $380 billion in freight rates within the global
roughness function for uniform sand roughness. economy, equivalent to about 5% of total world
This concept states that there exists a critical trade (UNCTAD, 2004). In 2002, the industry
roughness height below which there is no increase shipped around 5.5 thousand million tonnes over a
in drag, termed the ‘‘hydrodynamically smooth distance of about 4.6 million miles, giving roughly
condition’’ (Schultz, 2002). 23 thousand billion tonne-miles of total trade
On a ship, there are three levels of roughness, (UNCTAD, 2004). The US Navy spends $500
namely i) structural roughness caused by the con- million per annum on propulsion fuel, and even
struction process (e.g. weld spots), ii) roughness with current AF technology it is estimated that
caused by the coating application process (i.e. a approximately $30 to $60 million a year is still
Surface roughness in AF coatings 403

wasted in hydrodynamic drag (Seligman & Zirino, in hydrodynamic stress. Marine fouling organisms
1998). A reduction in drag means less fuel burned should therefore settle on substrata that have a
per mile, which means fewer atmospheric emissions particular level of roughness.
and a lower fuel cost for the operator and ultimately It has been shown that Ulva spores preferentially
the consumer. settle on surfaces that provide a topography with
It is assumed that all marine vessels are subject to a dimensions of the same order as the maximum
certain amount of fouling and therefore are not width of the free swimming spore, ca. 5 mm (Callow
running as efficiently as possible, but by looking at et al. 2002; Hoipkemeier-Wilson et al. 2004) and
these figures, it can be seen that the potential only surface roughness within a certain scale
environmental and economic savings that could be (Rz ¼ 25 mm [Rz ¼ ten point height roughness])
made from the development and utilisation of may act as an efficient refuge from hydrodynamic
effective, hydrodynamically efficient, AF paints is forces due to stronger attachment or increased
very substantial. protection (Granhag et al. 2004). Carman et al.
(2006) showed that zoospore settlement of Ulva
linza was inversely proportional to the width
Settlement and attachment of biofouling
(between 5 and 20 mm) of channels engineered
The roughness of an AF coating can increase the on artificial surfaces. Settlement was reduced by
likelihood of biofouling, the very thing that the *85% on the finer (ca. 2 mm) and more complex
coating is mitigating against. The main mechanism Sharklet AFTM. Settlement of Balanus improvisus
whereby fouling organisms attach to a substratum was reported to be reduced as surface mean rough-
is via a bioadhesive which flows into surface ness increased when compared to smooth controls
imperfections and cures to create a secure mechan- (Berntsson et al. 2000; Petronis et al. 2000).
ical lock (Berglin et al. 2001). In this way, surface Scardino et al. (2006) conducted static bioassays
roughness can promote organism settlement in on microtextured polyimide surfaces using four
microanfractuosities (Thouvenin et al. 2002). The- diatom species, Fallacia carpenteriae, Nitzschia
oretically therefore, the rougher a coating surface cf. palacea, Amphora sp. and Navicula jeffreyi with
becomes, the more likely it is to be fouled and the cell sizes ranging from 1 – 14 mm. Diatoms were
more the overall roughness will increase (Holm found to attach in significantly higher numbers to
et al. 2004). It has also been suggested however, treatments where the numbers of attachment points
that microtopographies might influence surface was highest, thus corroborating attachment point
near-fluid dynamics and thus micro-hydrodynami- theory.
cally prevent settlement (Petronis et al. 2000). Kerr and Cowling (2003) also reported a non-
Hydrodynamic microenvironments around topo- monotonic relationship between surface roughness
graphic structures may have consequences for re- and bacterial fouling levels, where low fouling
cruitment and removal of the propagules of marine occurred at very low roughness values. A local maxi-
benthic organisms due to reduced water flow in mum in bacterial fouling build up at Rq (Rq ¼ root
depressions and crevices offering a refuge for settling mean square roughness) values of 0.01 mm was
spores and juveniles from strong hydrodynamic reported, followed by a reduction in fouling at
forces (Granhag et al. 2004). Rq  0.016 mm. The bacterial fouling at around
The potential for surface micro-topography to 0.01 mm resisted a shear stress more than one third
influence settlement has been well-documented greater than fouling on samples with Rq  0.015 mm.
(Becker & Wahl, 1996; Lemire & Bourget, 1996; Natural surface microtopographies have also been
Walters & Wethey, 1996; Berntsson et al. 2000; investigated (Ball, 1999; Baum et al. 2002; Scardino
Petronis et al. 2000; Berglin et al. 2001; Baum et al. et al. 2003; Bers & Wahl, 2004; Scardino & De Nys,
2002; Callow et al. 2002; Bers & Wahl, 2004; 2004). It has been suggested that the AF effects of
Granhag et al. 2004; Hoipkemeier-Wilson et al. these microtopographies are too weak, too specific
2004; Carman et al. 2006; Scardino et al. 2006). The and too transitory to provide efficient protection
bioenergetic argument of attachment point theory on their own (Bers & Wahl, 2004) and may use
states that attachment of a sphere (spore) to a flat secondary metabolites as potential AF biocides
substratum leads to a net increase in total surface (Okino et al. 1995). Surface roughness also has
area which leads to an increase in work or energy consequences for biocidal coatings, as an increase in
exerted on the system (Hoipkemeier-Wilson et al. surface roughness can increase biocide release rates,
2004). Attachment therefore will be preferential in as a roughened surface increases porosity and the
valleys that are of similar dimension to the body size likelihood of biocide dissolution (Yonehara et al.
of the spore or on surfaces that have the greatest 2001). From these studies it can be seen that scales
number of attachment points, resulting in a net of roughness should be taken into consideration
decrease in surface area and therefore a reduction when designing an AF coating, as the surficial
404 D. Howell & B. Behrends

structure of the coating itself will have specific AF As a freshly applied SPC dries, the solvent
properties, thus reducing the need for biocides. evaporates and it constricts resulting in surficial
cuprous oxide particles causing an increase in initial
surface roughness. Upon seawater immersion, dis-
Causes of surface roughness
solution of these surficial particles leads to a high
As has been mentioned, surface roughness has many initial release rate and could increase roughness on a
different scales. It is acknowledged that structural scale similar to the PSD (Figure 1). Although the
roughness has a significant effect on drag, but as coating will hydrolyse and polish, this will only
the focus of this review is roughness caused by AF reduce large-scale roughness or waviness within the
coatings, which does not include structural rough- coating. PSD is not the only component of paint
ness, this will not be covered. systems that creates surface roughness. The inherent
structure of the coating system can also cause
differences in surface roughness. It has been shown
that foul release coatings have smoother surfaces
Most current AF coatings are SPCs applied either upon application than biocidal coatings (Candries,
mechanically by spraymist, airless spray, or electro- 2001; Candries et al. 2001; Weinell et al. 2003). It
statically or by hand with a roller or brush. Each of has also been reported that for biocidal coatings,
these methods leaves different levels of patterned surface roughness can also depend on the ease of
roughness in the finished coating. Using mechanical solubility of the paint binders in a solvent such as
application, large volumes of coating may be applied xylenes during paint preparation (Thouvenin et al.
in a short period of time and a smoother finish is 2003).
achieved, although a spray pattern will always
remain, particularly on curved surfaces. In a com-
The importance of cutoff length
mercial environment, the most common method of
application is airless spray and stringent work Roughness has been assumed to be a second order-
protocols are used where dew point, humidity, effect in physical systems and therefore not to have a
temperature and airflow are all strictly monitored place in the engineering sciences. However, second
to control the ultimate finish of the coating. It has order effects present the major remaining challenge
been shown that when measuring the drag of coated in the world (Thomas, 1999). This is especially true
surfaces, applying a foul-release coating with a roller in the world of marine technology, where advances in
instead of spraying can increase the frictional the modelling of computational fluid dynamics have
resistance of the coating by around 2.5% (Candries & enabled accurate assessments of the stresses upon a
Atlar, 2005). surface in a fluid flow. The surface of a coating can
be described by its texture, which has four essential
elements of which roughness is but one. The other
Particle size distribution
three are waviness (upon which roughness is
Particle size distribution (PSD) controls a number of imposed), lay (predominant direction or pattern of
properties important to the general paint chemist the surface texture) and flaws such as scratches in
including optical properties, tinting strength, dur- the paint or weld marks on the hull. These four
ability, viscosity and sedimentation (Rawle, 2002). components exist at different levels of magnification,
The PSD could also indirectly affect surface rough- each imposed upon the other, and each one
ness for an SPC as the empty polymer matrix, com- important in terms of the resultant hydrodynamic
prising the leached layer, is a template of the pigment efficiency of a surface.
particles which have dissolved (Kiil et al. 2001; Roughness is reported using many parameters, the
2002). most common of which are: (i) Rt, the maximum

Figure 1. Diagrammatic representation of an AF coating drying after application.

Surface roughness in AF coatings 405

peak to valley height over the sample, the absolute waviness. The effect of increasing the long wave-
value between the highest and lowest peaks; (ii) Ra, length cutoff is generally to increase the mean and
the average surface roughness, or average deviation, the variation of height parameters (Mosaad, 1990),
of all points from a plane fit to the test part surface; whereas variation in the short wavelength cutoff
(iii) Rq, the root mean square deviation of all points generally affects texture parameters only (Medhurst,
from a plane fit to the test part surface; (iv) Rz, the 1990). In stylus based roughness measurement
ten-point height, or the average absolute value of the equipment, the short wavelength cutoff is fixed by
five highest peaks and five lowest valleys; (v) Ku, the ball diameter of the stylus.
kurtosis, a measure of the randomness of profile A diagrammatic example of how a cutoff filter
heights, and of the ‘‘sharpness’’ of a surface. A works can be seen in Figure 2. Level 1 shows an
perfectly random surface has a value of three; the example of a surface profile where waviness dom-
farther the result is from three, the less random and inates. If a cutoff or sampling length is applied then
more repetitive the surface is. Spiky surfaces have a large-scale waviness is eliminated (Level 2). Different
high value; bumpy surfaces have a low value; (vi) Sk, levels of roughness can be investigated by applying a
the skewness, a measure of symmetry of the profile smaller cutoff length (Level 3), until this magnifica-
about the mean line. Negative skew indicates a tion becomes unreasonable.
predominance of valleys, while positive skew indi- Cutoff length is integral to the standardised
cates a ‘‘peaky’’ surface; (vii) Ku and Sk are measurement of surface roughness. Although ISO
statistical descriptors that give the average behaviour has introduced specified filter cutoff lengths (ISO,
of the surface height. 1998) of 8, 2.5, 0.8, 0.25 and 0.08 mm, there is still
Coating a surface will affect the geometry and no international standard for measuring the surface
topography of that surface, with or without rough- profile of a ship’s hull. Rt50 has become a universally
ness, and therefore will also affect the near wall accepted parameter for measurement of hull surface
hydrodynamic features, which are usually confined quality, mainly by virtue of the almost total mono-
to the boundary layer flow region. Mainly this means poly enjoyed by the BMT Hull Roughness Analyser
the wall shear stress which, in turn, determines the (HRA) in the shipping industry for the last three
friction resistance component of the total ship drag decades (Medhurst, 1990). For quality control
(Kutlar & Lewcowicz, 1990).When investigating AF purposes Rt50 has, in the past, been accepted as
coatings, surface roughness rather than waviness has being good enough, although authorities agree that it
been the most common component used in com- is an inadequate statistic to describe the generality of
parative assessment as roughness measurements coated hulls when a correlation is required with
incorporated with a boundary layer prediction their added drag (Townsin & Dey, 1990). Using a
method can give a simple and practical solution to
the problem of calculating frictional drag (Mosaad,
1990). A rule of thumb put forward by Lackenby
(1962) is that each 10 mm of roughness adds 1% to
the frictional resistance, although further studies
have shown that this is not always necessarily the case
(Kutlar & Lewcowicz, 1990).
When calculating surface roughness, care must be
taken as waviness can be superimposed on top of the
roughness profile. A ‘‘cutoff length’’ is used as a filter
to separate out these two components and numeri-
cally specifies the wave-number band below or above
which components are extracted or eliminated. In
practical terms, it can be thought of as a sampling
distance along the surface. A cutoff length shorter
than the waviness wavelength eliminates waviness
deviations and only includes roughness deviations.
Short-pass filters (long wavelength cutoff) let the
short wavelength components through, thus extract-
ing the roughness profile and long-pass filters (short
wavelength cutoff) let the long wavelength compo-
nents through, thus extracting the waviness profile. If
no filter is applied at all, the waviness profile is likely Figure 2. Diagrammatic representation of how three progressively
to dominate the roughness profile until the sampling smaller cutoff lengths (1 – 3) can eliminate waviness in a surface
length is sufficiently small to eliminate larger scale roughness profile (R ¼ roughness).
406 D. Howell & B. Behrends

one-dimensional roughness height parameter such as relevant to the problem (Medhurst, 1990). Medhurst
Rt50 has been shown to be not detailed enough to (1990) advised that parameters should be calculated
correlate surface roughness with its effect on viscous at three nominal cutoffs of 2.5, 5.0 and 10.0 mm.
drag, as it gave an incomplete, one-dimensional These are close enough to the ISO standard
representation of the surface without a texture cutoffs of 8, 2.5, 0.8, 0.25 and 0.08 mm to warrant
parameter (Chuah et al. 1990). Townsin and Dey a recommendation that while there is no cur-
(1990) however, came to the conclusion that Rt50 rent standard measurement method for ship hull
and its averages were adequate as a characterisation roughness, all surface roughness measurements
of new ship, freshly coated surfaces to correlate with of ships’ hulls should follow the ISO (1998)
added drag but is totally inadequate for the generality standard.
of rough marine surfaces which have suffered The choice of a suitable cutoff length is not the
damage in-service. They also point out that the best only issue. There is also the problem of which
correlation was achieved by Musker (1977) using roughness parameter to use. The downward shift in
roughness height parameters (Rq, S, Sk and Ku) and the mean velocity profile in the inner region of the
a cutoff of 2 mm. turbulent boundary layer caused by surface rough-
Precise cutoff definition is necessary both to ness DU þ is called the roughness function. For so
establish parameters which are relevant to the called ‘‘k-type’’ roughness, DU þ is a function of the
problem (Medhurst, 1990) and to ensure that roughness Reynolds number, kþ, defined as the ratio
research done in different laboratories can have of the roughness length scale to the viscous length
comparable results. In terms of comparability, it scale. Once DU þ ¼ DU þ(kþ) for a given rough
has been noted that roughness parameters tend to be surface is known the drag of any body covered with
self-similar when scaled in one direction, and that that roughness can be predicted (Granville, 1958;
different scales of roughness can be related by using Schultz & Myers, 2003). The issue lies in the
fractal analysis (Candries, 2001). However, the definition of DU þ, or more importantly, the notion
results of Medhurst (1990) (Figure 3), and Howell that there may be a single roughness parameter
and Behrends (unpublished data) show that this in that can be used to calculate DU þ for all surfaces.
not always the case and a strong correlation cannot It has been shown that when testing a flat plate
always be found. Accurate long wavelength cutoff covered with uniform spheres, a flat plate with finer
definition is therefore vital for both the avoidance scale roughness, and when testing new and cleaned
of method divergence and to establish parameters AF coatings, using a single roughness parameter
DU þ does collapse well in velocity defect form
(Schultz, 2004; Schultz & Flack, 2005). However,
if trying to collapse a wide range of rough surface
types, a texture parameter is probably needed
although given that the shape of the roughness
function is different among roughness types, it would
be unlikely that even a set of roughness parameters
that includes texture can be universally applicable for
all surfaces (Schultz, 2006, personal communica-
tion). Not only is a texture parameter needed when
analysing drag, but long wavelength waviness cannot
be discounted either as it can strongly modulate the
turbulent structure of the boundary layer. Depen-
dent on the steepness of the waviness, flow separa-
tion can occur causing pressure drag on top of the
frictional drag caused by surface roughness (Kendall,
1970). It is necessary, therefore, to experimentally
determine the roughness function for a generic
surface (Grigson, 1992).

Methods of surface roughness analysis

In the literature regarding surface roughness mea-
surement of AF coatings, two main categories of
method have been used – stylus or optical. A good
Figure 3. Roughness of 200 profiles measured on the same surface practical description of these methods can be found
at cutoff lengths of 2.5 and 50 mm (Medhurst, 1990). in Thomas (1999).
Surface roughness in AF coatings 407

Mechanical methods Optical methods

Stylus-based equipment will not have the same Optical systems have a much higher resolution than
resolution as optical equipment, due to the mechani- stylus systems and can measure three-dimensional
cally limiting nature of the approach. The most profiles directly rather than indirectly as in mechan-
common piece of equipment used is the BMT HRA, ical profilometry. Even though optical methods have
although it has been suggested that this method greater resolution than stylus-based methods, there is
needs to be modified so that it can record digital very little information in the literature regarding
roughness profiles and that the single amplitude measurement of roughness at cutoff lengths less
parameter is insufficient to characterise the rough- 510 mm.
ness of coating surfaces (Candries et al. 2003). As There are many studies that use optical methods
discussed, the BMT HRA can only measure at a to measure surface roughness (Lackenby, 1962;
cutoff length of 50 mm, over 6 times higher than the Urban et al. 1996; Candries, 2001; Kiil et al. 2001;
highest cutoff length suggested by the ISO standard Candries et al. 2003; Kerr & Cowling, 2003;
(ISO, 1998). There is a known problem in using the Schultz, 2004). Some methods are not satisfactory
BMT HRA on foul release coatings where the stylus for in situ measurement or for measurements taken
tends to stick in the silicone coating. It has been halfway through immersion testing as they involve
found that the use of a mechanised traverse appears taking slices of the coating that are examined with an
to reduce this problem (Mutton, personal commu- optical measurement system, such as laser pro-
nication) therefore the only other way to get around filometry (LP), or a scanning electron microscope
this completely is to wet the coating, which can then (SEM) to determine both roughness and dry film
cause the stylus to skid. thickness.
Weinell et al. (2003) used the BMT HRA to Candries et al. (2003); Candries & Atlar (2005)
measure ‘‘macro-roughness’’ (cutoff 50 mm) and used a UBM Microfocus Measurement System that
the Handysurf E-35A, a more sensitive stylus-based had a linear spot diameter of 1 mm, a measurement
device, to measure ‘‘micro – roughness’’ (cutoff range of +500 mm, and a vertical resolution of
10 mm). Thouvenin et al. (2002) used a Mahr 0.01 mm. Kerr and Cowling (2003) measured Rq
Perthometer M2 hand-held roughness analyser that values of 0.01 mm using an optical interferometer.
works on the same principles as the BMT HRA, but Akhremitchev et al. (2003) used apertureless near-
with a vertical resolution of 0.012 mm. Candries et al. field scanning infrared microscopy (ANSIM) and
used the BMT HRA to measure AF coatings at AFM to investigate the adhesion and structural
50 mm cutoff length. properties of novel polymer surfaces at the nano-scale,
A new advance on the stylus methods is that of but did not report any quantitative roughness values.
using mechanical profilometry (Stein et al. 2003b; Kiil et al. (2001) report an absolute error margin of
Osterhold, 2005) that can give a vertical resolution 5 – 10 mm or more when measuring dry film thickness
of 0.01 mm and can depict the surface structure using an optical microscope.
pseudo three-dimensionally, and contact atomic
force microscopy (CAFM). Stein et al. (2003b)
Reported roughness values
studied the effect of filler loading on surface rough-
ness of hydrosilylation cured silicone coatings using Table I shows reported roughness values that have
CAFM. quoted a cutoff length. There are many reported

Table I. Reported roughness values for SPC and foul release antifouling coatings that have a quoted cutoff length.

Cutoff Roughness (mm)

Method Coating (mm) Ra Rt Rq Sk Ku Author

UBM Microfocus Tin-free SPC 5 3.24 19.61 4.04 0.35 4.39 Candries et al. (2001; 2003)
Tin-free SPC 2.5 2.71 14.86 3.38 0.15 5.59 Candries et al. (2001; 2003)
Foul release 5 3.28 18.85 4.20 4.82 67.12 Candries et al. (2001; 2003)
Foul release 2.5 1.92 10.71 2.47 12.68 243.30 Candries et al. (2001; 2003)
BMT HRA Tin-free SPC 50 53 – 86 Weinell et al. (2003)
BMT HRA Foul release 50 53 – 58 Weinell et al. (2003)
Handysurf E-350 Tin-free SPC 10 13 – 21 Weinell et al. (2003)
Handysurf E-350 Foul release 10 5–6 Weinell et al. (2003)
Cyber-optics laser profilometer Tin-free SPC 50 15 – 20 97 – 129 18 – 24 Schultz (2004)
Cyber-optics laser profilometer Foul release 50 12 – 14 66 – 85 14 – 17 Schultz (2004)
408 D. Howell & B. Behrends

values of studies mentioned in this review that do not there may be scales of roughness of less interest to
quote cutoff lengths making comparison impossible. biologists or chemists. However, this does not negate
Schultz (2004) measured the frictional resistance of the need for an accurate depiction of the roughness
the coatings tested as well as the surface roughness. in question. As has been discussed, much of the
He found that although the foul release coatings research that has been carried out in the field of AF
tended to have lower frictional resistance than the coatings, particularly with reference to biological
other AF surfaces tested, these differences were settlement, does not fully characterise surface rough-
within experimental uncertainty. The foul release ness. There has been difficulty in measuring low
roughness was populated by longer wavelengths than levels of surface roughness that has led many
the other AF surfaces and the wave-number spectra experimenters to concentrate on roughness values
showed a greater contribution to the roughness from which are orders of magnitude too high (Kerr &
the low wave-number scales when compared to the Cowling, 2003) and to ignore roughness at lower
other AF surfaces. cutoff lengths. Modern, digital, optical surface
Some of these reported values fall into the pre- profilers however, are very simple to use and can
ferential roughness scale for Ulva settlement give a wealth of information not just on roughness
(Granhag et al. 2004). The values reported by height at lower cutoffs, but also on the texture and
Stein et al. (2003b) for foul release coatings fall spacing of a particular surface at the level of
outside the optimum Rq for bacterial settlement nanometres. This type of information could be
reported by Kerr and Cowling (2003) of 0.001 mm highly beneficial not only in replicating work, but
although these are not in the Table as no cutoff also in the characterisation of natural surfaces and
length was reported. In all published studies that the fine-tuning of artificial surfaces to enhance AF
report cutoff lengths, they are 42.5 mm and many capabilities.
are 410 mm. None of these studies used any of The importance of specifying cutoff length has
the cutoff lengths as specified by the ISO standard been discussed. Even though there is an ISO
(ISO, 1998). standard (ISO, 1998) that recommends using cutoff
lengths of 8, 2.5, 0.8, 0.25 and 0.08 mm, there is
surprisingly little mention of cutoff lengths in the
literature, especially those studies that are less
The causes and consequences of surface roughness focused on fluid dynamics. It is recommended that
in AF coatings have been discussed. Surface rough- all roughness results are quoted using the ISO
ness has three different scales, structural roughness, standard cutoff lengths, thus solving the problem of
roughness caused by application techniques and replication and comparison. Methods of surface
micro-roughness caused by the composition and roughness measurement have also been discussed.
structure of the coating itself and should not be Stylus-based equipment has been the industry
assumed to be a second order effect in marine tech- standard for many years, but has problems measur-
nology and coatings development in particular. ing foul-release coatings and cannot measure
Advances in the modelling of computational fluid cutoff lengths 50.25 mm. Optical equipment can
dynamics have enabled accurate assessments of the measure roughness at cutoff lengths 50.25 mm
stresses upon a surface in a fluid flow and how these and is also capable of giving three dimensional
stresses can be minimised, meaning that in an characterisations of the coating surface but is not
increasingly tight and competitive marketplace, con- as portable as certain stylus-based equipment
trol of surface roughness is important to alleviate the and is currently only suitable for laboratory-based
significant environmental and economic penalties work.
that can be imposed and create a competitive AF Surface roughness has long been an integral part of
product. mechanical engineering and is very important at
The issue of establishing parameters that are the interface between marine science and marine
relevant to a particular problem is especially technology that exists in the field of AF coatings. It is
pertinent in the field of AF coatings. Due to the just as important therefore, that the measuring
interdisciplinary nature of the field, roughness techniques and the methods of reporting surface
measurements are taken by biologists investigating roughness are standard across all marine coatings
settlement of marine biota, chemists interested in research.
how the coating is degrading in seawater and by
fluid dynamicists dealing with ship drag, all of whom
will be interested in a different scale of roughness.
Due to the critical roughness height concept it is This work was done as part of a PhD funded by
apparent that there will be scales of roughness that NERC and the EU project ECODOCK (www.
fluid dynamicists will not be interested in whilst ecodock.net).
Surface roughness in AF coatings 409

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