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1. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives :

1.1 The landform developed by the process of degradation is-
a. Flood plain
b. Esker
c. Gorge
d. Natural Levee
1.2 The narrow gap formed between a glacier and a mountain wall is -
a. Fjord
b. Bergschrund
c. Corrie
d. Arete
1.3 Choose the correct pair -
a. Ladakh - State
b. Puducherry - Union Territory
c. Andaman & Nicobar Islands - State
d. Haryana - Union Territory
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words :
2.1 Silt and sand particles are deflated from one place to another by ................ of wind.
2.2 The ................ valley is bounded by the Pir Panjal Range and the Greater Himalayas Range.
2.3 The winter of India remains dry due to ................ monsoon wind.
3. Answer the following questions briefly :
3.1 Why does alluvial fan form at the foothills?
3.2 How can soil erosion be prevented by terrace farming, strip farming, and contour ploughing?
4. Describe with sketches the various types of moraine developed by depositional work of glacier.

Students will write answers to these activity tasks in subject-specific exercise books at
home, and submit the exercise books to respective subject teachers after schools reopen.
Under no circumstance, students will go out of home.

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