Linking Verbs Done

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Linking Verbs

Circle the linking verb in each sentence

1. At the hospital, the sick kid has face turned blue.

2. The old potatoes tasted awful.

3. The boy was injured during the soccer match.

4. They say, I look like Siti Nurhaliza.

5. My parents sounded unhappy at the baseball game.

6. At the park, I feel happy.

7. On her birthday, she had a pink birthday cake.

8. Dave was a star player on the basketball team.

9. At the top of the mountain, they appeared happy.

10. The flower shop, smelled beautiful.

11. At the age of 60, he went blind in one eye.

12. The weather turned out fine at the marathon.

13. We were the champions of the baseball tournament.

14. She felt surprised because of the size of the fish.

15. The idea sounds great.

16. I love being me.

17. Feeling sad, she just sleeps all day.

18. Living in a place with a view of waterfall and mountains is my dream.

19. I have a beautiful cat and an iguana.

20. I always feel sleepy in the history class.

Linking verb or Action Verb?

Underline the verb in each sentence below. Identify the verb as LINKING (L) or ACTION (A).

1. (A) I cannot smell anything with this terrible cold.

2. (A) After a long day at work, he grew tired.

3. (L) All of our efforts proved useless.

4. (A) Mark acted in his first play in college.

5. (L) Corduroy feels rougher than silk.

6. (L) Everyone left, but Johny remained behind to help him.

7. (A) Hendery always seems happy to help out.

8. (L) I got ten gifts for my birthday.

9. (A) I ran to the window to see what is happening.

10. (L) It gets cold at night.

11. (L) It sounds horrible, like a dentist’s drill.

12. (A) Yuta was angry about the mess.

13. (A) Haechan acted happy when he heard the news.

14. (A) Vernon got the job by working hard.

15. (L) Suga became the youngest elected president.

16. (A) The casserole smells delicious.

17. (L) The bell rang three times.

18. (L) The farmer grows beans and tomatoes.

19. (L) The wheels turned slowly in the mud.

20. (L) We stayed at a very nice hotel on the coast.

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