Shakespeare Research

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Shay Kosireddi

Mrs. Meltzer

English 9a

22 March , 2023

Shakespeare Research

1. Shakespear was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom

2. Shakespear died in the same town he grew up in, Stratford-upon-Avon

3. He was an English playwright, poet and actor

4. Shakespear used iambic pentameter, a metric lines which was used in traditional english

poetry and drama

5. Shakespear had contributed to the English language a lot, he added many adjectives,

adverbs, suffixes ( etc ).

6. He had a theater named “Shakespeare's Globe Theater” , a theater 360 degrees, with no


During shakespeare lifetime, he had written 37 plays, and more than 150 poems

7. There were no female actors allowed, male actors would play female roles. Oftentimes

the audience would boo at the actors they did not like.

8. Shakespear work is still taught today in schools and universities.

9. “His themes are timeless.” The overall theme of his work is timeless, and is able to apply

to any generation at any time.

10. Romeo and Juliet is a story with many themes, love, heartbreak, rivalry ( etc ). These

themes are also existing in today's world, keeping it extremely popular and iconic to this


11. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy that Shakespeare had written.

12. Suicide was a reoccuring thing mentioned in his work.

13. Many moons in the milky way were named after Shakespeare such as Oberon, Juliet, and


14. Shakespear became an extremely wealthy person

15. Kings James I really liked shakespeare

16. He died the same day he was born

17. He had said that if anyone dared moved his body, they would be cursed

18. Catholicism was extremely illegal during shakespeare lifetime, but he still was a catholic

19. The Globe Theater had burned down , but was rebuilt the next year

20. There were 2 complete plays that shakespeare had written, which have been lost

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