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Learning outcomes:

At the end of the lectures, students will:

Have an understanding of basic concepts, methods, and psychological theories in

developmental psychology
Have an understanding of the main approaches and different perspectives of researchers in
this field.
Have an awareness of the value of investigating the development of psychological
Understand how views of children and development have changed over human history
Be able to outline and critically evaluate the key processes in social development and
demonstrate an understanding of the need for research studies that focus on developmental
processes in the 21s t Century.

I) Introduction and outline of module

2) Exploring the value of Developmental Theories and Models.

3) Freud's Theory of Development

4) Piaget's Cognitive-Stage Theory

5) Erikson1s Theory of Development

6) Bowlby's Attachment theory

7) Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Theory of Development

8) Future perspectives in developmental Psychology Assessment

Developmental psychology.


Jacki Watts, Kate Cockcroft, & Norman Duncan

Cape Town, South Africa: I-JCT Press (2009)


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