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Data Archiving in Production Planning

and Control (PP)
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SAP S/4HANA | 2022 Latest


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Archiving Production Orders (PP-SFC)

De nition
The archiving object PP_ORDER is provided for archiving production orders for the Production Planning and Control (PP)
component. The object contains all of the data for the production order, such as:


Material components

Production resources/tools

Inspection characteristics and inspection characteristic values

Trigger points

Con rmations

Goods movements with errors


Purchase requisitions

Document links

You can use the archiving program to archive data that you no longer require. In this case, the data is written to archive les
and, provided that it has been archived successfully, deleted from the system.

Only one archiving object is required to archive production orders. The archiving object is called PP_ORDER.

As a rule, the same job is used to create archive les and delete the data from the system. However, you can also carry out
these steps separately (see Starting the Deletion Program (PP-SFC)).

When you call up the archive management function by choosing Tools Archiving Orders from the Shop Floor Control
menu, the eld for the name of the archiving object is prepopulated with PP_ORDER.

Selection Criteria

You can select the production orders to be archived according to the following criteria:

Order number

Order type


MRP controller

Production supervisor

Selection pro le (only when setting LÖVM or LÖKZ)

Delivery date/time overrun (only when setting LÖVM or LÖKZ)

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Only those orders that satisfy the following conditions are archived:

They satisfy the selection criteria.

The order category is “10” ( = production order).

The deletion indicator is set.

The residence time 2 has expired.

 Note
The delivery date/time overrun is set to 90 days as standard. This ensures that orders that have not yet been
released, for example, are not selected.

See also:

Production Orders in DRB (PP-SFC)

ILM-Related Information for the Archiving Object

You can use this archiving object with ILM object PP_ORDER within the framework of SAP Information Lifecycle Management. A
prerequisite for this is that you have activated the associated business function Information Lifecycle Management (ILM)
(transaction SFW5). The system then additionally shows the ILM Actions frame. With these actions, you can carry out an
archiving process in which the retention periods stored in the Information Retention Manager are evaluated, for example.
Furthermore, you can create snapshots (copies) of data or destroy data that satis es the applicable prerequisites.

For more information about the relevant business functions for SAP ILM, see Activating SAP ILM.

For more information about ILM Enhancements in data archiving, see ILM-Speci c Enhancements to Archive

The following elds are de ned for PP_ORDER in the ILM policy and visible in the processing of ILM policies (transaction

Available time references

End of Year (END_OF_YEAR)

Last Change Date (LAST_CHANGE_DATE)

Available standard condition elds

Standard Field Country from Company Code (BS_COUNTRY_OF_BUKRS)

Available condition elds

Order Type (AUART)

Order Category (AUTYP)

Company Code (BUKRS)

Plant (WERKS)

Available policy categories

RTP: Retention Rules

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For more information, see SAP Information Lifecycle Management.

Archiving Master Recipes (PP-PI-MD)

De nition
Archiving object PI_PLAN for archiving master recipes in the component Production Planning and Production Control for
Process Industry (PP-PI). See also: The Archiving Object

 Note
This archiving object has been revised within the framework of a project for standardizing and optimizing the data archiving
process. You can use the standardized archiving object by activating the business function Data Archiving: Standardization
of Archiving Objects (technical name DA_ARCHOBJ_STANDARD_1 ). For more information, see Data Archiving:
Standardization of Archiving Objects or the business function documentation in the Switch Framework (transaction SFW5).

 Note
You can use the archiving object within the framework of Information Lifecycle Management . A prerequisite for this is that
you have activated the associated business functions. The system then additionally shows the ILM Actions frame. With these
actions, you can carry out an archiving process in which the retention periods stored in the Information Retention Manager
are evaluated, for example. Furthermore, you can create snapshots (copies) of data or destroy data that satis es the
applicable prerequisites. For more information, see the ILM Actions in Write Program section of ILM Enhancements for Data
Archiving .

You can use the archiving object PI_PLAN to archive the following objects

Individual master recipes (identi ed via recipe groups and recipe keys)

Recipe groups

 Note
You can access the archiving function from the system administration area menu as well as from the master recipe
area menu.

The archiving object PI_PLAN for archiving master recipes contains the following data for a master recipe:

Material-recipe assignment

Operations and phases


Material components and material quantity calculation

Production resources and tools

Purchasing data (purchasing info record and vendor master record)

Classi cation data

Inspection characteristics and characteristic values

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Process instructions and process instruction characteristics


When you implement archiving object PI_PLAN , data from the following tables is archived:

Table Description

PLKO Recipe header

PLKZ Time-independent header data, such as administrative data

MAPL Material-recipe assignment

KALT Header of material quantity calculation

KALC Formulas for material quantity calculation

PLFL Sequences

PLPO Operations and phases

PLAS Assignment of operations to sequences

PLMZ Material component assignments

PLFH Assignments of production resources/tools

PLMK Inspection characteristics

PLMW Inspection characteristic values

PLAB Relationships

PLFT Process instructions

PLFV Process instruction characteristics

EINA Purchasing info record (general data)

EINE Purchasing info record (purchasing organization data)

STXH Headers of long texts for recipe and recipe objects

STXL Lines of long texts for recipe and recipe objects

Selection Criteria

You can select master recipes for archiving according to the following criteria:



You can select master recipes for several materials within one plant.

Task list type, recipe group (task list group) and recipe key (group counter)

To select master recipes, you must enter task list type 2 Master Recipe .


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Recipe usage (task list usage)

Planner group

Deletion ag

If you enter the deletion ag as a criterion for the archiving run with a delete program, you can only choose the Delete
Over Entire Period option.

Application-Speci c Features (PP-PI-MD)

When deleting master recipes, change statuses and the option of deleting these change statuses online (that is, not using an
archiving session) are of particular importance.

See also:
Master Recipes with Several Change Statuses

Deletion Flag for XStep Archiving

When working with master recipes with XSteps, the system sets the deletion ag for XStep archiving on deletion of the master
recipes from the database. You can archive the XSteps using archiving object CMX_STEPS .

For further information see:

Archiving XSteps

Archiving and Deletion of Master Recipes and XSteps

XSteps (Execution Steps)

Dependencies (PP-PI-MD)
Before master recipes are archived and deleted, the system checks for the following usages:

Usage in a production version

The master recipe is stored in the material master record as part of a production version.

Usage in an inspection lot

This criterion is only relevant if you have installed the application component Quality Management System (QM) . You can only
archive a master recipe if it is no longer used in an inspection lot.

Usage in a run schedule header

A run schedule header always requires information from the source master recipe, for example during con rmation. You can
only archive this type of master recipe once the run schedule header has been completed and archived.

Therefore, the archiving process for master recipes is dependent on the following objects:

Material master records with production versions

Run schedule headers

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Inspection lots (archiving object QM_CONTROL)

 Caution

Before archiving a master recipe, the system does not check whether you have de ned relationships to other master
recipes. Relationships across recipes are deleted when the master recipe containing the preceding phase of the relationship
is deleted. They are also deleted if the recipe with the follow-up phase is not deleted in the same archiving run.

What Happens If a Master Recipe Is Still Being Used?

If in the usage check, the system nds a master recipe that is still being used, the system responds in one of the following ways:

The archiving run is terminated. You receive an information message with speci cations for the master recipe that is still
being used. To achieve this result, do not set the Log indicator in the variant maintenance.

The system completes the archiving run. You receive a log with a list of all master recipes that could not be archived or
deleted because of the usage check.

To achieve this result, set the Log indicator in the variant maintenance.

Authorization Object C_ROUT (PP-PI-MD)

De nition
In addition to the general archiving authorization for master recipes, you need authorization for object C_ROUT .

You need authorization for object C_ROUT for the following activities:

Activity 24 : Creating archive les

Activity 41 : Deleting from the database

Criteria for Deleting/Archiving (PP-PI-MD)

Deleting over Entire Period

If you delete over an entire period, all master recipes that meet your selection criteria (for example, material and status) are

 Note

You can also enter existing deletion ags as a selection criterion. If you do not explicitly specify deletion ags as a criterion,
the system deletes master recipes regardless of whether they have deletion ags.

Deleting up to a Key Date

If you delete up to a key date, all change statuses that end before this key date are deleted. Whether master recipes or recipe
objects have deletion ags or whether you have previously deleted them online is not important for the periods before the key
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In addition, the system checks change statuses, which lie on or after the key date. In this case, whether you have already
deleted these change statuses online is a deciding factor. The system deletes these change statuses from the database even
though are on or after the key date. This does not cause any time gaps. If a change status does not have an online deletion ag,
the system does not delete subsequent change statuses from the database, even if they already have an online deletion ag.

Deleting up to a key date is especially useful when you no longer need accumulated historical data.

Deletion Flag and Online Deletion Indicator

Note that you can remove a deletion ag at any time.

In contrast, you can no longer remove online deletion indicators once they have been set. The system sets this indicator
internally when you delete a recipe object online (directly) during processing. You can no longer process the object after this
point. However, the object is still physically present in the database until you start the deletion program.

See also:

Master Recipes with Several Change Statuses

Master Recipes with Several Change Statuses (PP-PI-MD)

If you change master recipes or recipe objects with a change number, the master recipe has several change statuses. If you
never make changes with a change number, the master recipe and its recipe objects have only one change status.

For more information on the change status of a master recipe or recipe object, see the administrative data of the
corresponding object.

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Deleting Master Recipes Online

If you delete a change status online in a master recipe with several change statuses, only this one change status along with its
subordinate objects is deleted. You can still access the other change statuses

The master recipe and its subordinate objects are subsequently locked:

For the entire validity period of the header change status, if you have accessed the master recipe without a change

From the valid-from date of the change number to the end of the header change status, if you have accessed the master
recipe with a change number.

 Example

The change statuses of your master recipe are distributed as illustrated in the graphic. You delete the recipe online on the
key date shown in the graphic. The system automatically deletes the change statuses of all subordinate objects within the
header change status, such as operations, phases, or component assignments. In this example, the change status for
operation 10 is only partially deleted because it starts before the change status of the recipe header. After the start of the
deleted header change status, you can no longer access the change status of operation 10.

Setting a Deletion Flag

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When you set a deletion ag for one change status in a master recipe which has several change statuses, the deletion ag is set
for all change statuses of the master recipe. If you enter deletion ags as a selection criterion for an archiving run, the entire
master recipe, including all recipe objects and change statuses, is archived. If you remove a deletion ag, this always affects all
of the change statuses of the recipe.

How to Delete a Master Recipe with Several Change Statuses Completely from the Database:

Set a deletion ag in the recipe header. Select Deletion ags as a selection criterion for an archiving run with deletion


Specify the complete master recipe in the selection criteria for the archiving run and remove the Over entire period

Administrative Data (PP-PI-MD)

De nition

You can display administrative data concerning master recipe objects and their assignments in the administrative data area of
various screens:

Information about the recipe object: During assignment of material components to a master recipe, for example, you
can see the item number by which the material component is identi ed in the bill of material, its item category (for
example, variable-size item) and its quantity.

Information about the validity of a recipe object and its assignment: Based on this information, you can see the validity
period of the recipe object and its assignments as well as when and by whom the object or its assignments were created.
If an object has several change statuses , the validity period refers to the selected change status.

Information about changes made to a recipe object or its assignment: You can see whether the recipe object or its
assignments were changed using a change number, as well as when and by whom the change was made.

See also:

Displaying Administrative Data on Recipe Objects

Standard Log (PP-PI-MD)

De nition

The standard log contains the following information for each archiving run or archive le:

Number of archived data objects

Tables concerned

Number of table records processed

Variant Settings for Writing (PP-PI-MD)

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You can use this function to de ne the variant settings for archiving the archiving object PI_PLAN.

You can use the archiving object within the framework of SAP NetWeaver Information Lifecycle Management . A prerequisite for
this is that you have activated the associated business functions. In this case, the ILM Actions frame is additionally shown. With
these actions, you can carry out an archiving process in which the retention periods stored in the Information Retention
Manager are evaluated, for example. Furthermore, you can create snapshots (copies) of data or destroy data that satis es the
applicable prerequisites.

If you want to archive a master recipe, you must no longer use it in the following objects:

Material master records with production versions

Inspection lots (archiving object PM_CONTROL)

Archive these objects before you archive the master recipes used in them.

 Caution
Before archiving a master recipe, the system does not check whether you have maintained relationships to other master
recipes. Relationships between recipes are deleted when the master recipe containing the preceding phase of the
relationship is deleted. They are also deleted if the recipe with the follow-up phase is not deleted in the same archiving run.

Creating Archive Files for Master Recipes (PP-PI-MD)

Creating Archive Files for Master Recipes (PP-PI-MD)


1. In the SAP menu, choose Logistics Production - Process Master Data Master Recipes Recipe and Material List
Delete Recipes With Archiving.

The initial screen for archive administration appears.

2. Enter archiving object PI_PLAN and choose Write .

3. Enter a variant.

The variant comprises the selection criteria and deletion criteria for archiving and deleting master recipes.

Choose Maintain to create a new variant or check the data of an existing variant.

4. Choose Start Date and enter the start date for the archiving run.

5. Choose Spool Parameters. and enter the spool parameters.

6. Choose .

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The archive les are then created in the background on the start date. After the archive run, the system creates a
standard log .

 Caution
If the Start Automat. indicator is set for the deletion program in Archive Customizing , the system automatically
invokes the deletion program after the archiving run. Note that this option is selected in the standard system.

See also:

The Archiving Procedure

Archive Administration

Deleting Master Recipes (PP-PI-MD)

Memory Requirement and Runtimes (PP-PI-MD)

Memory Requirement

A master recipe with twelve operations, four material components, and two production resources/tools needs 40 kilobytes of
memory space for archiving.

You can nd out the maximum length of individual data records in the data dictionary info system. For more information, see:
Storage Space Gained by Archiving.

Program Runtime

At present, no information exists about program runtimes for archiving master recipes.

Deleting Master Recipes (PP-PI-MD)

If the deletion program is not automatically called after the rst archive le has been created (see archive Customizing,
Deletion Program Settings ), you must start the deletion program manually. Wait until all archive les have been created before
doing this.

You have the following options:

Process an entire archiving run with all created archive les

Select individual archive les for processing

1. In the SAP menu, choose Logistics Production - Process Master Data Master Recipe s Recipe and Material
List Delete Recipes With Archiving.

2. The initial screen for archive administration appears.

3. Enter archiving object PI_PLAN and choose Delete .

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4. The Archive Administration: Execute Delete Program screen appears.

5. Choose Archive Selection.

6. A dialog box appears with all of the archive runs that exist for archiving object PI_PLAN. Usually this is the last archive
run you carried out.

7. To delete a complete archive run, select the archive run and choose .

8. To delete speci c archive les only, choose Display Files .

You see all of the archive runs that have not yet been deleted along with their archive les. Select the desired archive
les and choose Continue .

9. Choose Start Date and enter the start date for deletion.

10. Choose Spool Params. and enter the spool parameters.

11. Choose .

The selected master recipes are deleted in the background from the start date. After the deletion program is complete, the
system creates a standard log .

See also:

Deleting Data from the Database

Transferring Deletion Flags (PP-PI-MD)

You use this function if you have master recipes from releases prior to Release SAP S/4HANA 3.0D and want to enter deletion
ags as criteria for your archiving session with delete program.

As of Release 3.0D, deletion ags always refer to all change statuses of a master recipe. When you set a deletion ag for one
change status, the deletion ag is set in the entire master recipe.

In previous releases, deletion ags were handled differently. Master recipes from older releases may only have deletion ags in
individual change statuses. You may therefore have to transfer existing deletion ags to all of the change statuses in the
master recipe. To do this, use report RCPREDEL.

You have master recipes from releases prior to Release SAP S/4HANA 3.0D.

You do not need this report for data created in Release SAP S/4HANA 3.0D and higher.

You can use report program RCPREDEL to set existing deletion ags in all change statuses of a master recipe.

If you archive master recipes of older releases (with deletion ags as a selection criterion) without using report program
RCPREDEL rst, only the master recipes with a deletion ag in all change statuses are archived. The master recipes that have

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deletion ags in individual change statuses are not selected when you enter deletion ags as a criterion.

It is sufficient to run this program once . Once the report has run, the system has created the same prerequisites for old and
new recipe data.

Deleting Without Archiving (PP-PI-MD)

You use this function if you want to delete master records without archiving them rst.

 Caution

When you delete without archiving, you may lose data unintentionally. You should only use this form of deletion for the data
you have created for testing.

1. In the SAP menu, choose Logistics Production - Process Master Data Master Recipe s Recipe and Material
List Delete Recipes Without Archiving.

2. The Deletion of Task Lists without Archiving screen appears.

3. Maintain the selection criteria to delete master recipes or recipe objects and note the deletion criteria .

4. Choose .

The selected recipes or recipe objects are completely deleted from the database.

The system creates a standard log .

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