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Topic 38 : Peer pressure

1. -> negative emotional & psychological outcome

(Increased anxiety, stress or depression)
Due to dev the sense of identity.
2. Fear of isolation -> engage in risky behaviors (smoking, drinking ,
drug abuse) social rejection.
Social interaction
Aware of potential negative effects & make right decisions.

Topic 37: Motivation Vs Money in the workforce. 25-75%

Work-life balance
Serveral motivating factors:
- job satisfaction
- social connections / sense of community
- pursuit career advancement opportunities = Job prospect =
Opp for personal growth & deve
- perks (insurrance, transport, vacation)
- maintain skills & knowledge

Money = Financial Rewards = financial independent / stability.

Topic 36:
Thanks to the advent of the internet, It has made easier to access
goods and services from anywhere, particularly those who live in
the remote areas. / isolated areas.

- greater convenience & flexibility, esp who have mobility and
physical limitations.
- possible to connect w ppl from diverse backgrounds & cultures.
->to build communities and support network online.
- share = social interaction -> thrive emotionally and
- Social Isolation (due to lack of direct/ face-to-face
-> lead to mental health prob & well-being
(depression & anxiety
- Lack of empathy & understanding , Difficult to build & maintain
the meaningful relationships.

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