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Lecture no.

Engr. M. Nouman,
Lecturer, CED, SUIT.
• Planning can be thought of as determining “what” is going to be
done, “how”,“where” and by “whom”.
• The process of choosing the one method and order of work to be
adopted for a project from all the various ways and sequences in
which it could be done” (Antill and Woodhead, 1990, p. 8; Callahan,
Quackenbush, and Rowings, 1992, p. 2).

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• Scheduling consists of determining the time needed for each of the
planned tasks and the overall length of the project schedule
• Scheduling consists of integrating that plan with a calendar or
specific time frame.

§ Difference between planning & scheduling:

• Scheduling is just one part of the planning effort.
• Project planning answers the questions i.e., What is going to be done?
How? How much? Where? By whom? When? Scheduling deals with
when on a detailed level.

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• A Gantt chart, commonly used in project management, is one of the
most popular and useful ways of showing activities (tasks or events)
displayed against time.
• On the left of the chart is a list of the activities and along the top is a
suitable time scale.
• Each activity is represented by a bar; the position and length of the
bar reflects the start date, duration and end date of the activity.
• The first Gantt char t was devised in the mid 1890s by Karol
Adamiecki, a Polish engineer who ran a steelworks in southern
Poland and had become interested in management ideas and

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• Some 15 years after Adamiecki,
Henry Gantt, an American
engineer and project
management consultant,
devised his own version of the
chart and it was this that
became widely known and
popular in western countries.
• Consequently, it was Henry
Gantt whose name was to
become associated with charts
of this type.
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• A bar chart is a graphical
representation of project activities
that are shown in time scaled bar
lines with no links shown between
the bars (activities).
• PMI defines a Gantt chart as “a
bar chart of schedule information
where activities are listed on the
vertical axis, dates are shown on
the horizontal axis, and activity
durations are shown as horizontal
bars placed according to start
and finish dates.

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§ This allows you to see at a glance;
• What the various activities are
• When each activity begins and
• H ow l o n g e a c h a c t iv i t y i s
scheduled to last.
• Where activities overlap with
other activities and by how much.
• T he star t and end date of the
whole project.
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• Bar char ts are simple
presentations that show when
m a j o r wo r k a c t i v i t i e s a re
• A major strength of bar charts
is the ability to clearly and
quickly present the status of a
• No extensive training is
re q u i re d t o l e a r n h o w t o
extract information from them.

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• Bar charts begin to fail to provide valuable information
when projects become more complex.
• A general criticism of bar charts is that they do not show
clear dependencies between activities.
• B a r c h a r t s h o r t c o m i n g s v i r t u a l ly d i s a p p e a r wh e n
scheduling software is used.

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Construction Management (Engr. M. Nouman) - Fall 2022 10
Construction Management (Engr. M. Nouman) - Fall 2022 Primavera 11
• An activity is a single work step that has a
recognizable beginning and end.
• The elements into which a construction
project can be sub-divided.
• Activities are time consuming tasks.
• Activities are resource consuming.
• The order in which the activities are to be
accomplished is called the logic.

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• Activities are defined within a hierarchical system which sub-divides
larger elements of the project.
• This system is commonly referred as work breakdown structure or
simply WBS.
• Breaking work into smaller tasks is a common productivity technique
used to make the work more manageable and approachable.

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Design Procurement Construction Inspection Turnover

Permits Drawings Electrical Plumbing Interior Exterior Masonry Finishes Walk thru Closing

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• The time which each activity requires for completion.
• Most construction activity durations are expressed in work days,
calendar days, hours etc.
• All time consuming activities are assigned a duration.
• Duration can also be calculated either from past experience,
feedback from construction manager/supervisor or by calculating/
examining daily production rates of the equipment and manpower.
• For example duration of 5000 tons is 10 days (500 tons/day).

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• To ensure reasonable duration, the scheduler should work closely with the
project estimator and supervisor. Activities durations are a result of
a. Method of construction,
b. Project time limits,
c. Construction sequencing,
d. Weather,
e. Concurrent work activities,
f. Labor training &
g. Complexity of tasks.
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• Activities are normally related to other activities in the
• Three types of possible links among activities
1. Predecessor.
2. Successor.
3. Concurrent/ independent.

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• There are four types of relationships between activities.
1. Finish to start.
2. Start to finish.
3. Finish to finish.
4. Start to start.

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1. Finish to start:
• As per PMBOK “A logical connection in which a successor venture
cannot start until predecessor activity has finished.”
• The traditional relationship between activities.
• Examples:-
• The plaster must be finished before tile can start.
• The concrete cannot be placed (poured) until the formwork has been
• The doors cannot be hung until door frames have been installed.
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2. Start to finish:
• As per PMBOK “A logical connection in which a successor activity
cannot finish until a predecessor activity has started .” OR
• In start-to-finish relationships, as soon as the predecessor activity
starts, the successor activity will finish.
• This relationship is rarely found in real-life projects.

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2. Start to finish:
• For example we're installing a
n e x t - g e n e ra t i o n ro u t e r t o
replace a tired old one.
• You can't finish disconnecting
the old router until the new one
is up and running.

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3. Finish to finish:
• As per PMBOK “A logical
re l a t i o n s h i p i n wh i c h a
successor activity cannot finish
until a predecessor activity has
• The broadcast of a f ootball
match cannot finish until the
match is finished.

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4. Start to start:
• As per PMBOK “A logical
re l a t i o n s h i p i n wh i c h a
successor activity cannot start
until a predecessor activity has
• Excavation for the foundation
cannot start until clearing and
grubbing begins (usually with
a cer tain lag i.e., a cer tain
percentage is completed).
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