Research Poster Merey

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Yeskara Merey 11B
Subject: GPPW
Nutrition has been found to play a crucial role in maintaining mental health,
with several studies highlighting the link between a healthy diet and reduced
risk of mental health disorders. However, there is a lack of comprehensive
understanding of the impact of nutritional habits on mental health.

Research question:how does nutritional quality and eating habits

impact students’ mental health and mood?

According to the research, this unequal intake combined with a lack of vitamins and minerals is associated with depression, concentration
and memory problems.Dr Andrew McCulloch, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation, says: 'We are well aware of the effect of diet
upon our physical health, but we are only just beginning to understand how the brain, as an organ, is influenced by the nutrients it derives
from the foods we eat, and how our diets have an impact on our mental health.(Research, n.d.-b)

The results of this study provide insights into the relationship
middle and high school students were taken between nutritional quality, eating habits, and mental health
an online survey conducted in Nazarbayev of young individuals. The findings suggest that a considerable
Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology portion of students do not have a balanced diet and do not
with overall 90 responders consume micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

Moreover, the survey revealed that many students do not

This survey was conducted anonymously in
read food labels, which can result in consuming foods with
order to gain more honest answers from
high amounts of sugar, salt, or saturated fats. This lack of
different grade students starting from 7th and
attention to food labels may be due to a lack of knowledge
ending with 12th grade.
or interest, and it may lead to unhealthy eating habits and
negative impacts on mental health. Therefore, it is
In order to participate to survey student must important to educate students about how to read food
be from NIS, but not from dormitory students; labels and make informed decisions about their food
referring to the fact that dormitory students choices.
are fully provided by food by school canteen.
In conclusion, the findings of this study suggest that there is a complex relationship
Our study also found that many students consume food for
emotional reasons, such as stress, sadness, and loneliness.
CONCLUSION between nutritional quality, eating habits, and mental health of young individuals. The
results highlight the need for interventions that promote healthy eating habits, raise
This is concerning because emotional eating has been linked awareness about the harmful effects of junk food, educate students about how to read
to a range of negative mental health outcomes, including food labels, and promote alternative coping mechanisms for emotional eating. Such
increased anxiety and depression. interventions may have positive impacts on the mental well-being of young
individuals, which is crucial for their academic success and overall quality of life.

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