Guidance and Counselling

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 One of the most important area in
education which has acquired
considerable importance and received
much attention in recent year is guidance
and counselling.
 Present day nurses have to acquire some
specialized knowledge regarding
guidance and counselling in order to
guide their patient tactfully in this highly
competitive world.
Definition (Guidance)
 Guidance is continuous process of
helping individual, in the maximum of their
capacity in the direction most beneficial
to himself and to society.
Principle Of Guidance
 Every aspect of an individual’s personality
constitutes a significant factor of his total
display of attitude and behavior.
 All human being are similar in many ways,
individual differences must be recognized
 Guidance is continuous process
 Guidance is not limited to a few
 Guidance is fundamentally the
responsibility of parents in the home and
teachers in the school
 Specific guidance problem in any age
level should be referred to persons trained
to deal with particular area of adjustment.
 The guidance program should be flexible
in terms of individual and community
needs or else it will be lose its value
 Guidance is preventive rather than
Area Of Guidance
 Every individual at some time need help to become
a happier, more creative and better adjusted in the
family and society.
 There are several areas where a student require
assistance. This area can be classified into
1. Education
2. Vocation
3. Personal
4. Social
5. Health
6. Moral
7. Religion
8. Financial
 Counselling is a process of enabling the
individual to know himself and his present
and possible future situation
 Solve his own problems through a face to
face personal relationship with the
 Counselling is an accepting, trusting and
safe relationship in which client learn to
discuss openly what worries and upset
them, acquire essential social skill and to
develop the courage and self confidence
to implement the desired new behavior.
Principle Of Counselling
1. Respect
2. Authenticity
3. Non possessiveness warmth
4. Non-judgemental attitude
5. Accurate understanding of the client
6. Recognizing the client potential
7. Confidentiality
Who Should Be Counseled
The following type of student are in urgent need
of counselling.
 Student who have consistent record of
 Student whose scholastic achievement has
dropped suddenly
 Student who find it difficult to participate in the
class and extra-curricular activities
 Student who use exhibitionism for gaining
recognition or attention in class
 Student who find it difficult to adjust to the
college or clinical areas
 Student who suddenly decided to drop
out of college
 Student who display unusual ability in any
direction- intellectual, artistic, musical
 Students who have behavioral problems
such as drug addiction, aggressiveness,
bullying, stealing, shyness, timidity, etc.
Types Of Counselling
1. Individual counselling
2. Group counselling
Phase Of Counseling
1. Appointment and establishing
2. Assessment
3. Diagnosis
4. Setting goals
5. Intervention
6. Termination and follow up
Crisis Intervention
 Itis a form of counselling designed to
help individuals to adopt the
immediate effect of severe life event,
while acquiring better ways of dealing
with future stressful circumstances.
 This approach is used to treat
emotional reaction or disturb behavior
arising in response to crisis situation
such as marriage break down, rape,
unexpected bereavement and natural
disasters such as flood, earthquake.
 In crisis intervention, the most important
aim is that the client should recognize
that he has learnt a general method of
dealing with stressful conditions which
can be used for solving future problems.
 Treatment is usually short but intensive.
 The client is called on to be active in all
step of the crisis intervention process
including clarifying the problem,
verbalizing feelings, identifying goals
and options for reaching goals and
deciding a plan
Guidance And Counselling In
The Hospital
Problems faced by sick people-
 Fear, anxiety and frustration
 Reaction to illness
 Counselling of family
 Problems at discharge
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