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Installation of Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) to provide Ultrafast

Broadband: Frequently Asked Question’s

Proposal from Openreach

Openreach has been installing fibreoptic cables in the streets of Edinburgh and other cities as part of
a three-year programme to make Ultrafast Broadband available to most premises. Openreach is now
ready to start installing fibre optic cables to larger blocks of flats. Openreach would bring fibre cabling
from the nearest cable chamber in the street into each block through the ducting used for the existing
copper wire. A new distribution box would be installed from which Openreach would run fibre cables
to the front door of each flat. Openreach would not do any work within any of the flats.

There would be no charge for any of this work in the common areas of the blocks of flats. Openreach
does not provide services direct to individual residential premises. Once the installation in the
common areas has been completed, it will be for the proprietors of individual flats to ask the
broadband service provider of their choice to make the connection and install the necessary fibre optic
cable within the flat.

Houses will not be involved in the Openreach project to install fibre cabling into blocks of flats. Once
the new fibre optic cabling in the street has been commissioned, it will be available for any house
proprietor to ask the broadband service provider of their choice to make the necessary connection to
the fibre cabling in the street, using the existing telephone duct to bring the cable into the house.
Openreach will inform the Factor when the new fibre cabling in the street has been commissioned
and is ready for use.

No-one will need make any change to their existing broadband or telephone service arrangements,
but proprietors of flats and townhouses should be aware that it is the long-term intention to switch
off the copper cable network, when all services will be provided only on the fibre optic cable network.
The current target date for that change is 2025.

1. Who are Openreach?

Openreach look after the fibres, wires and cables that connect the country. So, whether you're making
calls, video conferencing with clients, sharing files, downloading music, streaming movies, or indulging
in a bit of online retail therapy – it's likely to be on Openreach’s network.
Openreach don't sell phone, broadband or TV services. Instead, they work on behalf of service
providers (a full list of these service providers can be found under Question 11).

2. Why choose Openreach over their competitors?

There are a variety of companies who are now offering FTTP in the UK, including Hyperoptic and Virgin.
The benefit of using Openreach is that they are an ‘open network’, which means that you can choose
who to buy an Ultrafast service from once the Openreach cables have been installed, rather than being
tied down to a single supplier.
3. Why do I need this?

With more and more of everyday life moving online, your building will be protected against future
advances in online technology and able to cope with ever increasing data demands.

Fibre is far more robust and reliable than copper, so there will be no more service drop-outs due to
bad weather.

Openreach is an Open Access Network, so you won’t be tied down to any one internet service

Your property will become more attractive to buyers and tenants.

You can work from home with a reliable high-speed connection, exactly the same way you would in
the office, which is ideal for receiving and sending large volumes of data.

You can download 4K films, stream music, Online Multiplayer Gaming and video calling, running
multiple devices at the same time in the one home.

4. How much does the installation cost?

The installation of the fibre cables will be free of charge to the owners, residents and the Factor, James
Gibb. Openreach is picking up the bill as the government has asked Openreach to improve the

5. Am I obliged to use the new cables once installed? Will I lose existing services?

No, you will not be obliged to use the new cables should the installation go ahead. Your dedicated
fibre cable will remain in a small box waiting for the day that you would like to use it. Openreach will
not disconnect any existing service as the fibre is overlaying the existing network, and so you will
continue to be able to use your existing broadband services uninterrupted throughout installation.

If the owners and residents are happy with their current package and speeds they can stay as they are
today. However, Openreach plans to switch off the existing copper cable network by 2025. Everyone
will then be required to move onto fibre cables if they want to continue with telephone lines and
broadband. Individual Service Providers will contact their customers directly when this happens.

It is important to highlight that a visual survey will take place in each block of flats to determine what
installation options are available for each individual block. Property owners will then be consulted
about the findings of the survey, and there will be an opportunity for any concerns to be raised before
any installation work is instructed.

Openreach cannot confirm the pricing of the new Ultrafast fibre service as this is not something
Openreach offers to the end customer. That is done by Service Providers like BT Consumer, Sky,
Plusnet, TalkTalk, etc. A full list of service providers on the Openreach network is provided under
Question 11.
6. How will the installation impact the appearance of my building?

Each building will be different based on numerous factors.

Ideally, all cables will be hidden, and there will be no impact on the physical appearance of your
building. Not only is this beneficial for homeowners, but it is also beneficial for Openreach as if cables
are hidden, they are less likely to be damaged. This will occur if there are service cupboards, false
ceilings or risers which the cables can be hidden behind.

However, if cables cannot be hidden, then a small ‘breakout box’ will be installed just above the door
of each flat, which will be no larger than 130mm x 60mm. From each ‘breakout box’ will run an
‘Invisilight cable’, which has 12 fibres and runs to each apartment. Openreach aim to run these cables
along the edges of ceilings in order to minimise the impact on your building’s appearance. In the case
that numerous cables will be running along the same section of a wall, mini-trunking will be installed
to keep the cables safe and the area looking tidy.

7. What can I expect during the installation?

For a block of 6-8 addresses, Openreach aim to be in and out in around 2.5 days. Working hours are
08:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. However, if you would rather a later start or an earlier finish
then let us know. All engineers carry dust sheets, hoovers and will commit to leaving your building
clean and tidy at the end of every day. No equipment will be left overnight.

8. What if any damage occurs?

Openreach engineers are very experienced and work with great care and professionalism. However,
on the odd occasion, sometimes damage can occur. If the engineer is responsible for any damage
within your building, Openreach will cover the cost of restoring your building to its original condition.
Openreach also have access to fast response contractors in the case of an emergency. As a matter of
good practice, they will always take pictures of work areas before proceeding.

9. Fire stopping in your building

When working in multi dwelling units, special consideration must be given to fire stopping. All
Openreach engineers are FIRAS accredited. This covers the practical element of fire sealing/stopping.
A fire log/register is produced after every job, which covers all fire stopping procedures that
Openreach engineers have used on that particular job. A copy of this is typically left hanging in a
service cupboard door. Openreach will also provide James Gibb with a copy. Engineers will label, sign,
date and take a picture of any fire stopping that has been installed in the building.
10. What can I expect after the installation?

It will take a few weeks to commission the network. Once it has been commissioned, you will receive
notifications via marketing. You are then free to approach the service provider of your choice.
Openreach has no preference of who you receive your phone and broadband services from, as they
work on behalf of numerous service providers, as shown by the list below:

11. Who are the Openreach FTTP Service Providers?

This list of FTTP service providers using Openreach’s Ultrafast fibre cables is expected to increase over
the coming months as this network of cables expands across the UK.

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