Quotation Q00004327

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RICARDO MEZA Date Apr 20,2023
CAMPBELL Reference Q00004327
CALIFORNIA, CA 33166 Name Eduardo Ramirez
United States E-mail
Telephone 52 56 76110460

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Dear Customer:
Please find below our quotation for the shipment details specified below.

Quotation Date: Apr 23, 2023 Valid to: Apr 30, 2023
Pieces: 1 Gross Weight 8.8 lbs
Chrgb. weight: Volume: 0.0 m³
Incoterm: CIF Estado de México Movement: Port to Door
Pickup Location: Laredo 20060 Unloading Place:México 57130

Pieces Package Type Nature of Goods Dimensions Weight Volume

1 Box Laptop 20 x 18 x 4 in 8.8 lbs

1) Customs Clarance 1,500.00 USD

2) Insurance Cargo Charge Import 35.00 USD
3) Inland Freight 50.00 USD
Total: 1,585.00 USD

For any futher question do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,
Eduardo Ramirez

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