Interventions-Spelling and Written Expression 1

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SPELLING Try this strategy

Student has difficulty with 1. Write word on board or sheet of paper.

the Spelling of Irregular 2. Say the word clearly and ask the student to look at the
Words (I) word and pronounce it clearly.
3. Ask student to study the word and try to develop a
visual image of the word. The student may try to picture
Try: Fernald Multisensory the word; may say the word; and/or trace the word with
Spelling Method- the index finger. The student studies the word until s/he
can make a mental picture.
4. When student indicates that s/he knows how to spell the
word, erase the word and then have the student attempt
to write the word from memory.
5. Erase the word or turn the paper over and ask student to
write the word 2 more times correctly from memory.

Student has difficulty with 1. Write word in large letters and have student circle the
the Spelling of Irregular irregular part of the word.
Words (II) 2. Have student trace the word 3 times, saying the word
and naming the letters while tracing.
3. Have student write the word 3 times with the word in
Try: Carreker Multisensory view, naming each letter while writing.
Spelling Method- 4. With eyes closed, have the student spell the word, then
check the model. Repeat this 3 times.
5. Remove the model, have the student say the word, then
write the word 3 times, naming the letters while writing.

Student has difficulty with 1. Encourage student to say the word slowly while writing
recording sounds in the each sound.
correct order.

Student can spell words in 1. Create graph on which words may be written down the
correct sequence of sounds, left side of the paper, and the days of the week Monday
but has not mastered (M) to Friday (F) are recorded across the top of the
common spelling patterns paper. Place a short list of words on the chart. These
(e.g., ight) words may be words misspelled in a student’s writings or
words designed to teach a spelling pattern.
Try: Spelling Flow List 2. Do daily testing of the words, placing a plus (+) under
Procedure each day the word is correct and a 0 in the box if a word
is incorrect.
3. When the word is spelled correctly 3 days in a row,
remove the word from the list, place it in a word box, and
add a new word to the list.
4. Review the word in the word box 1 week later. If
misspelled, add it back to the list. If correct return it to
the word box.

WRITTEN EXPRESSION Try this strategy

Adapted from Evidence-Based Academic Interventions by B. Wendling & N. Mather

Student needs help with the 1. TREE (“develop a Topic sentence, note Reasons to
quality of writing, knowledge provide support, Examine the quality of each reason,
of writing, approach to and note an Ending for the writing”)
writing, and self-efficacy. 2. STOP (“Suspend judgment, Take a side, Organize
ideas, and Plan as you write”)
Try: Self-Regulated Strategy 3. DARE (“Develop your topic sentence, Add supporting
Development (SRSD) - ideas, Reject possible arguments for the other side, and
End with a conclusion”)

Narrative Writing Strategy Elements of a Good Narrative

(Story Writing): S=Setting
SPACE LAUNCH C=Consequences
E=Emotional Reactions

Steps to Writing a Good Narrative

L=List idea words for my story
A=Ask if my ideas will meet my writing goals
U=Use encouraging self-talk
N=Now write a story with million-dollar words, sharp sentences
and lots of details
C=Challenge myself to develop more good ideas
H=Have fun

Expository Writing Strategy D=Decide on goals and themes

(Writing as a means to E=Estimate main ideas and details
explain, describe, instruct, F=Figure best order for main ideas and details
persuade, or inform): E=Express the them in the first sentence
N=Note each main idea and supporting details
DEFENDS D=Drive home the message in the last statement
S=Search for errors and correct

Expository Writing Strategy Elements of Good Persuasive Writing

(Persuasive Writing): D=Develop of position statement
A=Add supporting arguments
R=Report and refute counterarguments
DARE to DEFEND E=End with a strong conclusion

Steps to Good Persuasive Writing

D=Develop a list of idea words
E=Evaluate their importance
F=Find more ways to convince my reader
E=Encourage myself though self-talk
N=Now write an essay with clear ideas, sharp sentences, and
lots of details
D=Decided if I met my writing goals

Adapted from Evidence-Based Academic Interventions by B. Wendling & N. Mather


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