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To implement F(x, y, z) = Σ(1, 3, 4, 8) with a 4:1 multiplexer, you can first map the inputs (x, y, z) to
the select inputs (S0, S1) of the multiplexer. The truth table for the function can be simplified using
Karnaugh maps or Boolean algebra, and then you can assign the outputs of the multiplexer based on
that simplified expression.

2. The state diagram of a 4-bit synchronous counter can be represented with 4 flip-flops, each
representing a bit of the counter. The output of each flip-flop will transition based on clock cycles, as
well as the input from neighboring flip-flops. The transitions between the states are illustrated
through arrows connecting the states in the diagram.

3. To design a combinational circuit with three inputs (A, B, and C) and one output, you can use logic
gates such as AND, OR, and NOT gates. Based on your condition that the output should be 1 when
the binary value of the inputs is less than 3, we can design the circuit as follows:
- Connect inputs A, B, and C to the inputs of three separate AND gates.
- Connect input A to an inverter gate.
- Connect the outputs of the AND gates and the inverter gate to the inputs of an OR gate.
- The output of the OR gate will be the desired output.

4. To implement the truth table, K-map, and logic circuit of a full adder, you can follow these steps:
- Begin by writing down the truth table for a full adder, which includes inputs A, B, and C_in, and
outputs S (sum) and C_out (carry out).
- Use Karnaugh maps to simplify the expressions for S and C_out. This will help you minimize the
number of required logic gates in the circuit.
- Given the simplified expressions, you can now design a logic circuit using basic logic gates such as
AND, OR, and XOR gates.

5. To design a counter with the binary sequence 0, 1, 3, 7, 6, 4, repeating, using T flip-flops:

- Start by drawing T flip-flop diagrams for each bit of the counter (in this case, a 3-bit counter).
- Connect the output of the first flip-flop (the LSB) to the T input of the second flip-flop, and so on.
- Connect the output of the second flip-flop to the T input of the third flip-flop.
- For each flip-flop, connect the clock signal to the clock input, and the inverted output of the
previous flip-flop to the T input.
- Make sure to reset the counter appropriately at the desired point to repeat the binary sequence.

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