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8 Vocabulary 2

1 Find the spelling mistakes. Rewrite the words correctly.

1 bloced blocked
2 rumor
3 recieve
¢ logg in
5 buly
6 narsty
7 usrname
8 victem
9 ignorre
10 donload

2 Complete the text with the words in Activity 1.

Someone at my school started a
rumour about me. They said
that I had told the teacher that some pupils
cheated in an exam. I didn’t do it, but now
many pupils in my class are angry with me. They
have started sending me 2 texts
and posting horrible messages on my social media
account. I 3 some people, so they can’t send me messages,
but now there are many more. Some days I ¢ 20 or 30 messages.
What can I do?

A person who acts this way is a 5 bully and you are a
. You didn’t do anything wrong and you shouldn’t let
them do this. First, tell your parents and ask them to talk to your teacher.
Next, 7 the messages. Do not answer them. Delete your
social media account or at least change your 8 and your password.
Try to stay away from social media. Don’t 9
, so you won’t see the
messages. And don’t 10
any pictures or post information. Let me
know how it goes.

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