21csci13c CWB 3

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Research Project 2020/2021

Informatics and Computer Science

Module Title Legal and Professional Issues in Computing

Module Leader Semester Two

Dr. Mohamed Elguiendy & Dr.
Marwa Zein
Assessment Weight Due Date
(40% of the total course mark)

Instructions to students:

1. This is a group research project, (3 to 4 students only).

2. The total mark of the assessment is 40 marks. The allocation of marks is shown
in marking criteria table.

3. Submission:
o Use Ariel 12 font, justified text and 1.5 spacing.
o Save the file as a pdf, the file name is: Legal_YournameYouID.pdf
o Upload the file to E-Learning by the deadline. Submission is via the Elearning
system only.
o Your submission will be checked against plagiarism by the Turnitin system.
The submission must be accompanied by the Turnitin report.
o Late submissions and submissions using email will not be accepted.

4. Academic Honesty: Copying of text from any source or getting help from any
person is a plagiarism. If any plagiarism case is detected, a misconduct report
will be filled and BUE regulations will be applied.

Project Instructions:

- Feedback: Oral feedback will be given to students 2 weeks after the exam.
Phase 1: Proposal Requirements (Proposal Weight 10%)
You are required to write a proposal discussing a topic relevant to our studies
and involving a judicial case or a dispute related to Computing or IT in general
or to computing professional matters.


Your Proposal should include:

A cover page containing title and group members (3 to 4 students only),

The body should include at least one paragraph.
References must be included (at least 3 references).
Word count (500 -700).

Phase 2: Report Requirements (Report Weight 65%)


Your report should include:

• A cover page includes title and group members (3 to 4 students only).

• Your report should be divided as follows:
o Introduction. o
Background (Detailed).
o Discussing the case in detail with regards to (Legal
accusations, Professional and Ethical manners regarding
your case).
 Handling and discussing your case in detail,
elaborating every aspect and the related laws and
regulations that governs your case.
o Conclusion.
 Writing your opinion after concluding the case is highly
 References (from 5-10 references).
 Word count (1300 – 1500).

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Phase 3: Presentation (Presentation Weight 25%)


 Each group should present their work in 15 minutes.

 PowerPoint presentation should be submitted.
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