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P-51 D. 20th Fighter Group. 77th Fighter Squadron .

scheme with added

OD camouflage on upper surfaces. Early Group id
• It 's the Kid' ~_~!!I!II.........

P-5ID, 20th Fighter Croup, 79th Fighter Squadron . 8th AF. Standard bare-metal scheme.
, Gentle Annie .

P-5ID, 353rd Fighter Croup. 35151 Fighter Squadron. 8th AF. Sta ndard bare- met..,1 finish
yellow/black Group identification markings on nose. Note greyed-in national . and
white outline 10 ' black wing bands.

P-51 D. 15th Fighter Croup, 47th Fighter Squadron . 20th AF . POA. Yellow / black / yellow spinner;
black wing and fuselage band outlined with yellow : black outlined yellow fin and rudder marking .
• LiI Butch '

P- 51 D. 15th Fighter Croup . 78th Fighter Squadron . 20th AF. POA . Yellow/black spinner and nose
marking, yellow/black wing lip. tailplane tip and top of fin and rudder .
, Pee Wee'

© W4 R Q 0. _ _
P-51D ot t he yellow nosed 36151 fighter Croup . 8th Air Force bombed-up .nd ready to go on " d awn op . Little W a lden . Herts.


If a list of the dozen most outstanding military always be the Mustang's main claim 10 immortality
aircraft of the cenwry is compiled in the year 2,000, - long range bomber escon.
there is little doubt that the North American P-Sl The cleaned-up P-SID, with a more powerfu l
Musrang will be included . The fin est American fighter engine and the rear vision immeasurably improved by
of the Second World War, and one of rhe classic a new "bubble" canopy, was delivered [Q the
fighters of all time, the Mustang was the fruit more U.S.A.A.F. fighter squadrons in Europe and the
of a happy series of chances than a delibera tely Pacific in 1944; and it proved to be the definitive
evolved policy. version of the design. T he most impon ant advantage
It was born in response to a request from lhe Britjsh held by the Mustang over its contemporaries was
Purchasing Commission in the United States for a range, and thus its ability [Q accompany the B-17
P-40 replacement. The early model P-Sl 's and Flying Fortresses and B-24 Li berators of rhe U. S. 8th
P-SIA's, firSt delivered to the R.A.F. in mid-1942, Bomber Command on their deep penetration raids
were useful ground attack aircraft by vinue of their from England over Germany and occupied Europe.
armament of four O.S in. and four 0.3 in. machine The daylight bombing offensive had up to that time
guns; bu t the low altitude rating of their Allison extracted a high cosr in Ame.r ican lives; the fighter
engines rendered them unsui ta ble for normal fighter rypes previously availa ble [ 0 the Allies had been able
operations. It was not until a British suggestion led to to do little more than take the bombers half way [0
the mating of the exceUent Mustang airframe with the their target, and then sortie again [0 meer the sur-
classic Rolls-Royce Merlin engine tha t the full poten- vivors and shepherd them home over the Channel.
tial of the type became apparent. For [he critical hours immediately before and after
reaching the target area, the bombers had [0 with-
The U.S.A.A.F. in England received their first stand as best they could the attacks of rhe determined
P-S IB's and P-SIC's powered by Packard-built Mer- and magnificemly brave German fighrer pilots of the
lins in December 1943; and during that month they Home Defence organization. Now, at last, the Allies
carried OUt their firSt mission in rhe role which will had a firs t-class fighter aircraft capable of accompany-

Front cover caption. from top to bottom :

88 of the 325th Fighte r Group , 319th Fighter Squadron , 15th Air Force , Italy
• Horse. Itch' flown by Maj. Hiro. 357th Fighter Group . 363rd Fighter Squadron . 8th Ai. Fo",e, ETO
• Moonbeam McSw ine ' flown by Capt. William Whi.hner, 352nd Fighter Group. 487th Fighte.r Squadron. 8th Air
Force , ETO
F-51D of the Pennsylva nia Air National Guard
F-5ID of the We.t Virginia Air National Guard, see photo
20th Fe, 55th FS, dispersal area at King.clitfe.
Northants . P-Sl D' s shDwing 20th Fe early style
nose marking and OD fu.elage top decking and
wing upper surfaces. (vi a C. I. Letzter'

ing the bombers on the 1,100 mile round trip to opening of the Second Front. By keeping up an un-
Berlin. relenting pressure on the seriously depleted German
Jettisoning almost-empty drop tanks, the P-sl's fighter defences along the coast of Hider's Festung
could meet the Messerschmitts and Focke-Wulfs of EUropa, the Allied air forces won the initiative; and
the Reichsverreidigung on equal terms. Although then began the "softening-up" of German forces in
rather vulnerable to fire from the 20 mm. and 30 mm. France and the Low Countries in preparation for the
cannon which most Lufrwaffe fighters carried, the invasion. The Mustang was responsible for the des-
P-51D was superior in speed and manoeuvrability to truction of vast numbers of vehicles and installations
all German piston-engined fighters over 20,000 feet, along the invasion coast during the build-up before
which was the normal altitude of the escorted bomber D-Day, and the period of the ac tual landings. By the
formations. time the Allied armies broke out of the Normandy
beachheads and began to strike south and east, the
The improvement in the efficiency and morale of P-SID and its stable-mates had won such total com-
the bomber force was incalculable; the squadrons of mand of the skies over the battlefront that all German
Mustangs weaving and darting around the Fortress road and rail traffic by day was in constant danger
phalanxes were an ever-present reassurance to the of destruction. As the air war over Europe continued,
crews that their lonely crucifixion was over. Apart and resistance to the Allied bombing offensive was
from the direct results of the continued American pushed back by the advance of the ground forces,
bombardment of the German aircraft and armament a proportion of the escort formations of Mustangs
industry, the added strain imposed on the Luf twaffe would leave their " Big Friends" when they were
·fighter units was proportionately massive. Already safely on their way back to England, and indulge in
suffering from the conflicting demands on its resources "free chase" operations over the fighting front and
from Russia, Italy and the West, the German fighter the German rear echelons. These marauding opera-
arm now faced a rapid increase in losses over the tions rose [0 such a pitch in the last months of the
homeland. It had been a formidable enough task to war that by the Spring of 1945, any son of daylight
make an impression on the massed guns of the Fort- movement by German troops was an invitation to
ress and Liberator formations; now every interceptor instant attack from the air. During ground-attack
mission involved the risk of meeting modern fighter missions, the P-sID was frequently fitted with racks
aircraft determined (0 keep the interceptors from their for rocket projectiles, in addition to the standard
charges, and frequently with a considerable height armament of six 0.5 in. machine guns with 1,260
advantage. The bomber crews had good reason for rounds of ammunition.
the affection they soon formed for their "Little
Friends." As well as escorting the bombers on their normal
round-trip raids over Germany, the far-ranging
The P-5ID was not used solely in the eScort rele, P-51D's accompanied the" shuttle" raids, deep pene-
however. As the numbers of Mustang squadrons in- tration attacks flown from the V.S.A.A.F. bases in
creased, and the air war over Europe began to tilt England, which continued east or south after striking
inexorably in favour of the Allies, the P-sl 's joined the target and landed on airfields in Russia or North
the mighty P-47D Thunderbolts of the 9th US. Air Africa. With an 85 V.S. gallon fu selage tank and two
Force and the Spitfires and Typhoons of R.A.F. 92 gaUon wing cells, the Mustang had a normal range
Fighter Command, in a calculated effort to win total of 1,300 miles ; two 75 or ISO gallon drop tanks could
air superiority over the coaStS earmarked for the also be carried.

P-51 D, 20th Fe. 77th FS, 8th AF. upper surface s

camouflaged OD . ' Its the Kid' port a nd stbd. in
black . No wing bands . (U5AF)
The Mustang flew in three other theatres of opera- materialised. Two weeks later the 4th provided the
tions besides Nonhern Europe. In the Mediterranean, escort for an American "shuttle:' raid; and after 7t
P-5ID's of the U.S. 15th Air Force operated in sup- hours in the air, landed at Piryatin within one minute
port of the British and American armies in the last of the estimated arrival time. Of the group's 68
months of the gruelling Italian campaign. They Mustangs, one had been shot down over Gennany,
escorted Fortresses and Liberators on trips to the the second (Ralph Hofer's "Salem Representative ")
Ploesti oil refineries in Rumania; and, together with was off on a private war, eventually landing safely at
many other Allied fighter types, added to the prob- Kiev. By the end of the European war, the 4th had
lems of the German forces in the Balkans. destroyed 1,016 German aircraft. The tOp scorers
In the China-Burma-India theatre the P-51's played were Maj. John Godfrey (36), Maj. Don Gentile (33)
their part in harassing the Japanese armies and dis- and Maj. Duane Beeson (25)*
rupting their communications. Over the vast areas of Top scorer in the U.S. 9th Air Force was Lt. Bruce
the Pacific war zone their range was an ideal asset. Carr, who ended the war with 14 victories and Ut
After the capture of Iwo Jima in February 1945, the enemy aircraft destroyed on the ground. This 3S4th
P-SID's began to operate alongside the B-29 Super- F.G. pilot, whose P-SID was christened .. Angel's
fortresses of the U.S. 20th Bomber Command in their Playmate," was one of two American fighter pilots
long-range offensive against the Japanese Home who became "aces in a day." This apparent contra-
Islands. They made the first land-based fighter strike diction in terms comes about through the American
against Tokyo, on April 7th, 1945. With external system under which any pilot who destroys five
tanks fitted the P-SID had a total capacity of 489 U.S. enemy aircraft is dubbed an ace; and on 2nd April
gallons, giving it the remarkable range of 2,080 miles, 1945 Carr shot down three Fw 190'5 and two Bf 109'5.
and an endurance of 8t hours in the air! Mainly the Mustangs of the 9th Air Force were
The versatility of the design also aJlowed conver- employed on ground attack, in line with the tactical
sion for reconnaissance duties; designated F-6D in role of the parent organization; however, towards the
this role, the Mustang carried vertical and oblique end of the war such distinctions became blurred, aU
cameras and additional radio gear. Mustangs attacking any target which presented itself,
Probably the outstanding P-51 unit in Norrhern in the air or on the ground.
Europe was the 4th Fighter Group, led by Colonel Operating from Lesina air field in Italy, the most
Don Blakeslee. Formed round a nucleus of ex-R.A.F. famous Southern European group was the 32Sth-
IC Eagle Squadron" pilots, rhe Group was based at "The Checkertails." They relinquished their P-47's
Debden, and numbered among its officers several of for P-SIB's and P-51C's in May 1944, and began
the outstanding American fighter pilots of the war. receiving P-S ID's shortly afterwards. Their war
Some of these pilots have become household words mainly consisted of fighter sweeps and eSCOrt mis-
- Don Gentile, John GodIrey, Ralph Hofer, Nicholas sions, and their hunting-grounds were Italy, Southern
Megura, Duane Beason; and throughout their ope.ra- France, Austria, Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia
tions they maintaincd a friendly rivalry with the and Rumania. They made many escort sonies with
Thunderbolt pilots of the other premier American the "Big Friends," notably the frequent attacks on
fighter group, the 56th - "Hub Zemke's Wolfpack." the Rumanian oil installations; and many fighter
The red-nosed P-51's of the 4th Group rook part sweeps over German airfields and transport facilities
in all the major battles of the daylight offensive. They in Eastern Europe. They also had a chance to try
made many sorties 10 Berlin and were in Ihe forefront
of the calculated campaign of bringing the Luftwaffe ~These scores, in the usual American fashion, include
to combat, and destroying them, on every possible aircraft destroyed 00 the ground. The actual aerial vic-
occasion. On D-Day, along with the other 8th Air tories were: Godfrey (18), Gentile (23), Beeson (18) and
Force fighter groups, they provided a wall of fighters the whole Grou~l 550. By European custom the 56th
round the American beachheads, sealing the arca off F.G., with 680 killS in aerial combat, would be considered
from the expected Luflwaffe onslaught which never the winners of the Group race.

• Centl. Annl • .' 1'- 51 D of the 10th Fe . 19th FS. 8th AF . • howing e .. ly lOth FC and white no." ma.king. photo t.k.,n at
Botli.h.m d.tring Croup Command",. conf",,,n<,, _ I USAF I
• Sad Sack' of Ihe 20th FC, 77th FS . 8th AF.
showing laler black and white 20th Croup
nose marking. Black disc: tail marking.
(via G. I. Lelzter)

their hand at "shuttle " raiding co Russia, and long round trip to Tokyo. Although the 1,500 mile 'mission
escort missions from Italy to Berlin and back. The allowed only about a quarter of an hour's loiter over
3Z5th's leading Mustang aces were Cap£. Harry Parker the target, the two Groups shot down ZI Japanese
(13) and Capt. Wayne Lowry (11). The Group's 319th intercepcors for the loss of tWO Mustangs.
Squadron numbered among its officers one particu- The 15th and Zlst were joined in May by the
larly distinctive pilot - a Lt. Hiawatha Mohawk! 506th Fighter Group, and continued to alternate
The first Mustang units in the Pacific theatre were escort missions with ground attack operations until
the machines of the 15th and 21st Fighter Groups, the end of the war. The 506th took part in one
shipped from Hawaii to Saipan in February and on particularly grim episode, on the 1st June, when IS
to Iwo Jima in March of 1945. The first few weeks P-51D's and lZ pilots were lost - but not to enemy
of operations were spem in attacks on ground targets action. They are presumed to have run out of fuel
in the Bonin Islands; but on April 7th 96 P-51D's after encountering severe weather on the return trip,
from the tWO Groups escorted the B-Z9's of the a . pointed reminder of the risks of flying over the
20th Bomber Command on a trip which they were immense Pacific combat area, even. in the far-ranging
to repeat many times in the next four months - the Mustang.

The major units equipped with the P-51D in the variou theatres of operations included the following;
8th A.F., E.T.O. 78th F.G. 354th F .G. 359th F.G.
4th F.G. 339th F.G. 355th F.G. 361st F.G.
ZOth F.G. 35Znd F.G. 356th F.G. 3Mth F.G.
353rd F.G. 357th F.G. 379th F.G.
9th A.F., E.T.O. 354th F.G. 370th F.G. 67th T.R.G.
363rd F.G. 10th F.R.G. 69th T.R.G.
15th A.F ., ITALY 31st F.G. 325th F.G. 68th T.R.G.
52nd F.G. 33Znd F.G.
10th A.F., C.B.I. 23rd F.G. 311th F.G. 1st, Znd Air Commando
51st F.G. 8th P.R.G.
5th A.F., S.W.P.A. 8th F .G. (P.W.) 7lst P.R.G. 3rd Air Commando
7th A.F./ZOth A.F., P.O.A.
15th F.G. Zlst F.G. 35th F.G. 506Lh F.G.
3rd A.F., U.S. (T) 53rd F.G. 337th F.G. 407rh F.G.
54th F.G. 338th F.G.
4th A.F., V.S . (T) 369th F.G. 372nd F.G.
Abbreviations ; E.T.O.-European Theatre of Opera- war; (T ) - Training' F.G. - Fighter Group'
tions; c.B.I. - China - Burma - India Theatre; P.R.G. - Photographic Reconnaisance Group;
P.O.A.-Pacific Operational Area; (P.W.)-POSt T.R.G. - Tactical Reconnaisance Group.
P-51 D', of the 10th FC, 55th FS, 8th AF taxyinB round the peri meter track at King,ciifte prior to lake -oft to. an e5eo.1 mission
owe, Ce.many. (via C. J. le!%ler) D, 20th Fe, 79th FS, 8th AF,

, Dolly' in yellow outlined black. No
wing band •.

Right. MC-R • Bridgets B"nnion ' lOth

FC, 79th FS, 8th AF. Capt. Darrel A.
Beschen', ale flown by Capl. Rober.
H. Pollock.

Below. Black nose marking. only on

, Little Lady,' red outlined white.
20th Fe;, 55th FS , 8th Af . ( U5Af)
P- Sl D, 359th FC, 370th
FS, 8th AF, flown by Mal.
Ray S. Kenman, 24i
destroyed . Creen nose.
blue rudder.
(via C, I. Letzter )

I Hubert I green nosed red

rudd ered P -5 1 D of tt1e 359th FC,
369th FS , 81h AF, flow n by FI ll.
R. l . Burtner. (via C. I. Letzter)

P-51 D, 3591h FC, 3681h FS. 8th

AF. green nose. yellow rudder.
Eillht swa.tika. under the cockpit.
pilol unknown. (via C. ,. Let~ t e,)

Line up of 359th FC, 3681h FS,

8th AF, P-SID " al Eut W,eth.m ,
Norfolk . ere"n no..,., yellow
,udders. five black .. o .. e~ on
C".anopy frame of • Lady: second
.le in line . [vi. C. I. Letzter,

Formation of 356th FC, 361st FS, 8th AF. P-5ID'. ,etu.nlnl from .sco,' mlulDn to Lutskendo,f, c."nany, 9"' Feb. 1945". (USAF)

Blue and white nosed P-51 D ot the 364th FC , 383rd FS. 8th AF. !tonninlton, Suffolk. May 1945". Note rocket attach .... nt points
under win •. (USAF)

Above. P-51 D. 364th FC. :!85th
FS. 8th AF. in rough country .
• Rugged Rebel ' in black. note
twin rear ... view mirrors.
Honnington. (USAF )

Left. P- Sl D probably of the IsI

Scouting Force. ht Bomb.
Division. 8th AF. Rcd/white
nose. red tall trim. OD canopy
frame. (via C. I. Le !,!e r)

Below. P-Sl D. 352nd FC. 486th

FS. 8th AF. after bel!y landing
at Manoton. Kent. Blue nose.
yellow rudder. (R"y E. Bowers)

• PaddY 11 ' 01 the H2nd
Fe , 328th FS , 8th AF.
di,persed a t Bodncy ,
Norfolk, ETO . (USA F)

• Moonbeam M.Swlne '

of the blue.nosed 3S1nd
Fe, flown by M aj.
WiIIlam Wishner. IS
victories. of the 487th
FS. 8th AF, Bodney,
Norfolk, ETO . ( USAF)

• Straw Boss 2 ' of the 3S2nd FC.

328 th FS. 8th AF . Photo taken a t
Bolti,ham during Crou p
Comm anders conlerence . IUSAF )

P. 51 D. 41h FC , 334th
FS. 8th AF. Photo t ake n
at Ma nsIon afte r
e mNgen.y Inndlng.
(Ray E. Bowe,.)
-. C

P-Sl D. 355'h Fe. 354'h FS. 8th AF .• Bulldogs'

above exhaust ports I Jane 11 ' below , flown by
Col . Marshall. (via C. I. Letzterl

Above .• Falthflll Fernl. 11.'

355th FC. 354th FS. 8th AF .
Red/nat. metal/red no.e and
rudder. Name In black
(via los . F. Consigliol

P-51 D. 355th FC. 3S4th FS.

8th AF. See cololl' IlIultr8tlon.

Bllle noso band and rudder on

this P-51 D of tho 355th FC.
357th FS. 8th AF. Note white
472 on .udder.
(via Frank F. Smith)

P-51 D flown by Capt. Mln.hew .

355th FC. 35fth FS. 8th AF.
Seven black crOlSes on unopy.
(via C. I. Letzter)

1 o
P-SlD of the 36lst FC, 374th FS, 8th AF. Photo taken on ops. DYer France, pilot Lt.-Col. Roy A. Webb. (USAF)
Yellow no.e and ruddered P-SI D of the 36lst Fe, 376th fS, 8th AF, oyer France. Note additional thin black stripe to D- Day
Identific.tion .... rkings . ( USAF)

P-51 D's of the 36\st FC. 375th FS, 8th AF. Yellow noses medium blue camouflage. ' Lou IV ' flown by Col. I. I. Christian who was
killed in this ale while diYe bombing a target in France in 1944. Ale 'A' • Skybouneer.' (USAF)
• Yaki ma Chief: P.51D of the
479th Fe. 434lh FS. 8th AF.
Highly polished spinne, and
,ed ,udder . Note serial ha.
been deleted .

Buffed spinner and yellow

ruddered P·51D of Ihe 4791h
Fe . 435th FS. 8th AF,
touching down at Wattisham,
Suffolk, home base of the
4791h Fe . Code is 12 •.
(Ray E. Bowers)

P· Sl D of the .. me unil
coming in at Watti.ham .
Nole greyed in national
insignia . 479th Fe u~ed
polished spinner only as nose

, W eexy ,' black

ruddered P· 51D
of Ihe 4791h Fe .
4361h FS . 8th AF .
off Ihe runway al
Ma nsIon . Al e
Ic tte r and §e ria l
unknown .
(Rav E. Bowers)
· The Millie P: one of many .imil.rly named Mustang, flown by M ai . Cillier , 55th FC . 343rd FS . 8th AF. oper.ting horn Wormingfo.d.
Northants. rM,ni , try o f Defenc.e '

P· 51 D. 55th FC . 343.d FS . 8th AF. ' Mi .. M.,ilyn 11 . in simila, scheme to the ' Milli" P ' but without tail dripes. (via C. J. Lclzte,)
• The Ben gal Lance,,' • P·SID of the 339th Fe. S03,d FS . 8th AF, taxying through winle, . now at Fowlm ere . C.mb, id,,,. lanu"1
1945. (USAF )

, Roller ,' a P· S1 D of Ihe 3391h Fe , S04th FS . 81h AF .t 'est in m.,.hland. "".r Man.lon . Kenl. [me.gency and bad weather airfie ....
(Ra y E. Bow ers)

P. Sl D. H9th Fe: . 505th FS, .Iso a t ,est ., MansIon . 504th FS Mustang coming in 10 land at F"wl",."." Cambs.
(Ray E. B owcr ~ ) March 1945. (USAF )

P - SID ' Mary , 01 the

339th Fe. SOSth FS.
8th AF, flown bv Lt.
Baugher. Red and
white nose , ye llow
,,,d'de,. Note unu su al
pos.ltion of code. SQ.
under ,ort wing.
Close fonnalion of
P-St D'. of the 353rd FC.
350th FS, 8th AF . Yellow
rudden. (USAF)


'Oanny Boy 2nd ' bell, dc>wn in the host. Serial 415516 . name repealed on port ,idc . 3S3rd fe . 350th FS. 8th AF . Dec . 1944. fUSAF l
'Cinny,' 353rd Fe, 351<t
FS, 8th AF. Code YI.
serial 414106 . Wing bands
outlined .in white.
(via C. I. Letzter)
350th FS. P-51 D landing at Raydon after cs cart mission . Feb. " Donna-Mite • of the 3S2nd FS comin,g in at Raydon , serial
1945. (USAFJ 411624. Feb. 1945. (USAFJ

f •• mat;on of 357th FC .
FS. 8th AF. P-5"1 D's .
• Sweet Hele" 11.'
• We. Wl11y' 413334,
Mace . 3.d ale
. 4th ale ' Bow
413596, ht Lt. Coon.
Ernest VagI)

Two P-51 D', of

the same forma-
tion above.
(vi a Ernes t Va gi)

No.o .' C4-C 01 th" 357th FC. 362 FS . 8th AF. Nose d etai l of Ca pt. BochkJy' s P-S I O. White w ings. bl.>ek Club
(vIa Ernesl' VagI) .:! nd' detail. {P o Yanl via C. I. Lel:I " . ,
P.51 D .f the 15"7th FC. 362nd FS , 81h AF . On tni t ... ck a t L"is ton , Norfolk . June 1945 . (U5AF )
P-51 D • Hurry Home Honey.' 357th Fe, 364th FS, 8th AF, flown b.y Cpt. Richard A. Pet.rson, CO of the J64th FS, escorling flak.
crippl'ed B-11 Forlr ••• home f,r om Cermany. Pholo taken from B-17 by Cpl. E. W . Poveroff. IUSAF)

• Horses Itch' flown by Maj. Hiro of th2 357th FC, 163rd FS. Close form a tion of P- 51 D', of th e 357th FC , 364 th FS. 8th AF.
8th Al' . Code 86-D , seria l 4 13518 . White no.e . (v i. C . I. Le t z1er )
(via G. I. Le t ded
P-51 D of th e 357th FC, 363rd FS , 8th AF, on dispersal are a, Leiston , Norfolk . Ivi. Fred C. Dicke y)
463,177. MX-C of the 78th Fe. 82nd FS. 8th AF. p.anged at Duxfo.d . Cambs . Jan. 1945.

AboYe. P- 51D of the 78th Fe. 84th FS . cra sh-landed at Duxfa.d . June 1945.

S.I.w . 415699 .1.0 bent .t Dudo.d . 78th Fe. 84th FS. 8th AF . Jan. 1945. rUSA FI
Above. From left to right 8'1th . 83rd. 82nd FS's of the 78th Fe, 8th AF. All photos taken lun e 19'1S at Duxford.

Below. 78th Fe . 84th FS . black , udde,s ! 83,d FS , white outlined ,cd ,udders; 82nd FS . ,cd ,udders . all s pinners halved black/whil •.

P- 510 , 20th Fighter Croup, 55th Fighter Squad,on, 8th Air Force, Kingscliffe, North.nfs, UK, ETO,

P- 51 D 20th Fighter
. Bridgcts B4.,"nion '

P-5 1 D, 359th Fighter Croup, 368th Fighter Squ.dron, 8th Air Force, Eost W rcth" m, Norfolk, UK , ETO •
• L" dv '

P-51 D. 359th

P-5 1 D, 359th Fighter Croup, 370th Eost Wreth.m , Nortolk, UK , ETO.
'D"ddy. ClrI'

© w .. ",,-c

P- SI D, 356.h Figh.e. C roup. 361,. Fig Squ. dron, 8.h Air Force , MOt" e,hom, Sullol' . UK. ETO .
, I."ey lerk .

P-51 D. 354.h Fighle r Croup . 383rd Fighl . r Squadron . 8th Ai, Fo,ee . Hunin g.on. Suffolk . UK . fTO .
I Babs in Arms '

P- 51 D. 364'h Figh'e, Croup , 3851h Figh'e r Squadron . 8 th Air
' Rug ged Reb el.'

P- 51 D. 3SInd Fig hl . r Croup, 328.h Squ.dron . S.h Air Fo rce. Bodnc y. Norlolk . UK , ETO .
, Str., w Bos'1i 2 I

P- 51 D. 4.h Fig ~' e r Croup . 33 5 .h Fight .. Squ. d,o n. 8 th

P- 51 D, 3 5 51h Croup . 354th Fi gh'e , Squ ad. o n. 8 th Air f o rce, St eeple Mord. n, He r" , UK . ETO.
, Tc x." Te rror

4 13571
P- SIO, 355th Fighte r Group. 357th Fightor Squ . dron. 8th Air Forc e,

P- Sl0 , 36 lot Fig ht e r G;ouP . 374th Fighter Squ,dron , 8th Air Forco. Lit tl e W. tde n. He r... UK . ETO .
. Duches'5 Df Manhatrc n '

P- 510. 36 .. , Fi ~ hf c r G,oup. 375th Fi ~ htcr Squ.d ran . 8 th Ai, Fa,ee. Li lt 'c W . ldcn. He rt s, UK. ETO.
'Lou IV '

. P- 510 ,

·O.qu.,kc · ' I
P-S l D. 55th Fi ghter G,aup. B8th Fig hte r Squad,on . 8th Air Force, Worminglord, Nort ha nts. UK. ETO .

P- S l0 . 55th F i~htor
t Miu M .u Uyn 11 '

© .,. -

P-51 D. B9th F' Group . 503rd FiSh".. Squadron. 8th Air Force . Fowlme. e. Ca mb, . UK . ETO .

P-51 D. H9th Fight. r G.oup . 504.h Fig hter Squad.on . S.h Ai. Fo.ce. FQwlmcre. C., mbs. UK . ETO .
. P.l uline '


P- 51 D. 339.h Fighte. Group. S05.h Squ.,d.o n. 8.h Air Force. Fow lm • ••• Comb •• UK. ETO.

P- 51 D.

P-5 1 D, 357th Fig h'e r Group . 364th Fillh'e. Squ ., d.on , Slh Air Force. Ld, ton . Suffolk. UK . ETO .
, T.lngc: rinc .

© WA crI:.
p- 51D. 353rd Fightor Group . 350tl> Fighte. SQuad, on. 8th Air Fo,ce, R.ydo • • Suflolk, UK . ETO.
• Galloping Ghost '

P- 51 D. 353,d Fig ht". Group. 35Znd Fig h. er Squ., d,on . 8th Ai, Fo,e.,. R. ydon. Suffolk .
. Donna-mite '


P- 51 D. 78th Fighter Group . 83,d
. Small Boy Her• .

P- 51 D. 78th Fight.r GroUp. 841h Fig hter SQu.dron . 8th Air Forte. Duxfo ,d. Combs. UK.

F 6K , 69th Tactic. 1
P- 51D , Uni, unknown, c. 364th FG, 383,d FS. 8th AF. h.ns/ .... d 10 91h Air Fo'Ce . ETD .
I B.,bs in Arms'

P- 510 . Unit unknown, e1 lS41h Fi~hlo, !iroup, 9th Ai, Force, ETO.

P-5 1D, 370th Figh. e. Group , 402nd Figh.e, Squ.dron. 91h Ai. Forco. ETO .
. Nnncy Lee'

p_ 51 D. 31 •• Figh'.r Group .
I AmcriCi)n B~,)uty'

P- 51 D. 52 nd FiR"'. ' G.oup . 41h Fig h •• , Squ.d,on, 15.h Air Fo.ce. Modn., 1',ly .
. Queen M."joric·

© D.
P-51 D. 325th Fighter C.oup. 311th Fighte. Squadron . HQ .i.e •• f,. 15th Ai. Force . Vinecn%o. Italy.

P.51 K. 3 1lth
. Shady Katy •

P-5IK . 31lth Fighter C.oup . S30th Fighte. Squ.d.on , lOth Ai. Force, CBI.

R2tOn Croup, 81nd Tactical Recon Squadron. 5th Air F"or'ce. Philipp in es~ POA .
f - 6K, 71!it T']ctical
' The Flying Unde.t.ker '/' Snook. 5th '

P- 5ID, Unit unknown, 5th Air Farce, Philippines / Okin, w. , POA.
, Iump in-J.'Jcqucs '

P- SID, 15th Fighte. C. oup, 45th Fighter Squad.on. VII Figh'e . Comm,nd . 20,h Ai. Force. Iwo lim •. POA.

P· 51 D. 21" fighter Croup . 72nd Fig hter Squadron . VII fight.r Co"'m~nd. 20th Ai, Force. lwo li ma. POA .
. Little Angel ' /. The 104 '

P-Sl D.

P-51D. 21st Fight er Croup . S3lst Fighter Squ.l dron , VU Fighte r Command . 20t'h A ir Force. Iwo limj), POA.

P-SI D. 505th Fighter Croup. 457 th Force. Iwo Jim.:J . POA .
. Hel-ctcr .

P-Sl D. S06th fight e r Cro up . 458th Fi

P. 51 D. 5 06th Fig hter Croup . ~59th fighter Squ,dron . VII Fighter Command. 20th Air Force. Iwo lima. POA _
. The Shawn cc Pr incess '
j Bilbs in Arms .~ ex 36 4 th Fe. 381rd FS , tra nsferred to 9th AF, unit unknown . Sec co'our ifJustration .
Checkertail P-51 D of the 325th Fe, 317th FS. 15th AF. tlylng over mountalnou. country in Ita.y. (via E. McDowell)

• "'.ry Nell' of the 325th

Fe. 317th FS, 15th AF. red
nose . yellow wing bands
inboard .nd at tip. yellowl
black checks on tail.
(E. McDowell)

• Dust, Butt.' 325th Fe. 317th FS, 15th AF. Red nose. yellow wing tip and Inboard bands. (via E. McDowell)

Abo.• e . • Squeczic: 325th
• Checke, · FC . 319th FS. 15th
AF . Not. yellow wing b,nd • • t
trp .1nd inboard . red nose .
(E. McDowell 1

Right. Closc.up shot at P-51 D

of the 3Z5th FC . 317th FS . 15th
M. Note wing tip yellow b.nd
Jnd absenc e of inboard band .
Red noSe. (E. McDowelll

aolow. P· 51 D. 3l5th FC. 31 8t h

fS, with early tail marking.
YellDw willg bands. red nO se.
(via E, M cDowell 1

Formittion of P-5' D', of the 3 ht Fe . 308th FS. '5th AF , hi~h ovcr Italy . Red no.e, red stripes on n,tural me,"' tail unit, yellow
inboa rd wing band., red/yellow wing tip . HL-C ' 0 K.,ye' flown by M.j . L.,'"nd P. Molland, 111 victories , CO of the 308th FS.
HL -B flown by Capt. loh" I. VolI , 1.1 v jctories, sCc colour iIIustr. tion . Note the codes of the 315t Fe, '5th Af duplicate the cod ••
of the 78th Fe, 8th AF . 31st Fe code. 307th FS, MX -: 308th FS. HL- ; 309th FS, WZ -. (USAFI
P·S1D's 01 thc tour 15th AF Fighter Croups. from top to bottom . HL-A. 31st FC. 308th FS ; WD-Q , Slnd FC . 4th FS ; 7. l00th FS ;
00, 32Sth 'Chcckcrh il' FC. person ." mount of Lt.-Col. C. H. Beverl"y. 325th Croup Commander. Sce colour illustrations. (USAFl
Red tailed • Hel-eter '
of the S06th Fe .
~57th FS. 20th AF.
operating out of Iwo
Jima esco1ting 8·29
formations to lap,]n .
Note twin radio
masts aft of cockpit
and ex ha mast under
cent're section .
( VIii C. I. Letz le r)

P-51D of the 506th Fe. 458th F'S. 20th AF, 'wo lima . Bonin Island • • July 1945. Black stripe. on natu .. 1 mc'a' . (USAF)

Yellow t ., il"d • The Shownc" Princess ' of the S06th re. 462nd FS. 20th AF. two lima . Bonin h'and • . (USAF )
Block .triped P- 51 D of the S06th FC. 458th FS, 20tto AF. parked alongsldo the runway .g.ln,t a background 01 wolc.nic dust blown
vp by the Merll". of other Mustang. taking off . Iwo 11 ..... July 1945. (USAF)
'Little Ang~l-th" 104' of the 2 ht Fg. 72nd FS . 20th AF . ye llow s pinne r, nose and hil stripe. att er crash landins an Iwo lima .
Note fu ol from fr.cturcd ta nk . (via C. I. Letz tcr,

Aboye .• Lil Butch • af the 15th FC, 47th FS. 20th AF . Ye llow /blac k / yellow spinne r. wing
lined in yellow. Iwo Jim •. (via C. J. Le t z te,)
Below . Form.tion of 15th FC, 45th FS, 20th AF . P-51 D·s. photo I., ken on B- 29 osco,t mission to Ja p.n . lwo ,i m• . Sce colour iIIus-
trotlon . (USAF)

L\ \;'j'j \,

Two P-SI D's , ' Tiny Coy 8 .1 be' and ' Three at • Kind .' at the 21st FC , 72nd FS, 10th Af, on the parking arca of on ai rfi eld on Iwo lima, Bonin Isla nd. , Yellow .nd mo1lking •. (USAFI

Long line-up of P-51 D', ot the 15th fC , 78th fS , lOth AF, .Io ng,ide the runway, Iwo lim • . Yellow .nd bl ,lCk m.,k ing • . Notc t"eFighter Croup, on Iwo lim. were unil' at the 7th AF
under the Comm a nd at the lOt h Af . IUSA FI

Nose detail of F-6D ' The Flying Undertaker '
/ ' Sook s-5 t h,' 71st TRG, 82nd TRS, 51h AF ,
POA. Flown by Maj. Wm . A. Shomo who on
the 11 th Janu a ry 1945 whilst on a recon
mission to Lu:z:on in the Philipp ines inter-
cepted a form a t ion of 12 J 'p.l nese f igh ter,;
escorting. Be lty bomber. Attacking this
torce Capt. ShDmo. as he then W .1S , dcUroycd
6 fi g hte rs . nd the Belty. It . Paul Lip.comb,
wingmo1n , des troyed 3 fighters . For thi.s
action Maj . Shomo received the Congressional
Medal of Honour an d It . Lipscomb the
Distingu ish ed Flying Cross. (via C . I. Le t z ler )

--- l2l2
" 7 i!'!j (J ,(

Above . F-6D 'The Flying Undertaker.' 71st

TRG, 82nd TRS, Sth AF. POA. See colour
illustration. (via C. I. Letzter)

Sta rboard side nose det.iI of ' The Flying

Undertake r ,' yellow letters with black
outline . Mal . Shomo was a I,cen'cd embalmer
~;f~i: !i;~::ft!the USAAF, hence the name
Abo"c. Black and white ba nded P-51 D . lumpin - l a cques ' flown by
Lt. J, E. Youn g. unit unknown , 5th AF , POA . ('It a G. I. Letz'''')

Righ t , Close - up s howing de t a il of p",Sol\a1 insig nia of Lt. I. E.

Young . Ivia G. I. Lel >l e r l •

Below . Okin . w . based P -51 D, unit unknown, 5th AF . POA.

(viD C. I. Le t zler)
Black tailed P-510
of a n unknown unit.
10th AF. CBI. Note
OF loop.
(P·c !er M . Bowersl

Black tail stripe and

!, 84 .nd Ijghtnin,ll
fl •• h on this P-51 D.
2nd Air Comm ando
Croup. 10th AF. CBI.
India 1945.
C.nopy 00.
(Peter M. Bowers)

• MV Ned .' • P- 51 K ot the 311 th FC . 530 th FS. 10th AF . CBI . P-Sl K • Shad\, Katy' of the 311th FC, 529th FS. 10th AF. CBI .
Yellow t in and rudde r wilh s lripes. black fuselage stripes. Chi n. 1945. (Peter M . Bowers)
Note OF loop . hoad of r.ldio m 051. ChiM 19~5 . (Peter M . Bowers)
• The Worldly Wench.' • P-51 K of the 311 Ih FC . S29th FS . 10th AF. CBI. note OF loop a ft of .. dio mast. China 1945 . (Peter M. Bowersl

P·S 1D'. in ve ry ploin post- wa r finis h, aboye PF· 13S. block 5. red spinn er . below PF·267 . (USAFl

~ ~
Ba re
Olive Drab
.. Red
Medium IlIuc
C••• n Orange

Al 20th FC.

Sbndoll\'d bare metal schema

applicable to .11 8ih AF
'P ·51 D', afte, .ddition of Standard yellow nosl! m.Jt"king
as in C2 . Only Mustang Croup
black identification b.nd~ .
to Use modium bh,e as 3n
upper surfoce camouflage.
subseque ntly painted on. 86 35Sth FC. National m.uking on upper
Upper sLllrbcc D- DolY !Stripes surface:!' surrou"ded
Jnd .dentity b,ands Dverpa4ntcd by " ,urow outli"Q of
with teMporary OD camouflage. bare mota l, not shown
on pill" ."iew.


C6 55th fG . C3 361st FC.

Non-st,imd.iltd c.3mouflagc
lC,h emc ilpparc-ntJy only applied
to ./e of the 343,d FS. Upper
sutfaces of ey -G .simifa r with NDte thl~ pl:'!n view ShOW5 the
addition of white tail bands. stnnd:nd position of the stripes
C6 55th FC. but ~he poshion ilnd sequonce
ll~ coh)urs v\u icd on some
Und e r surbccs of CY .. C simi'ar,
aircrllft. pliJ,nly shown
on the 'Iide-view colour
C4 479th Fe.

Under s urf."ces. All white F6 52nd Fe.

D- Da y biJnds removed schome
reverting back to stllndiu d' SI'nd .. d 1 Sth AF under
except for two black o-o.y 5urt.'lC;c scheme with yellow
fusel"8c bands. Common
scheme on I he 4 79th Fe.
St.,nd."d OD /G rey under
surface scheme except for
.!)ddition of D-D3y Inv .. !io"
G ?k YAWI€fitif
No •• detail of L2-K •
• ee pholo page I J.t

D.f 3571h FG.

F6 52nd FG.

Upper surfaces, D- DI1)' b.lnds

oycr ... painted e:lliCcpt for single U PPCf surbcc scheme.
white: band. Scheme rcver't ing
10 standa rd 00 c.mouflage .

Upper l uthces. unde r surt.ues
D3 339th Fe.
identica l. sta nd;ud bare Mota l
5c.hcmc with ilddition of ~...
D... Day In'iillion stri pel. f6 .::.
52nd FG .
w;ng tip

D: .~~:
Cl 325th FC •
Sta. ndard w ing
- 1'- ~~;,~ VcIJ.
15th FC. 45th fS
Iwo lima. POA.

SCJ61h FC.
458th FS. Iwo lima, POA.

F5 'Detail of

Under surface.s and upper

. surtaces identic.ll.
Non -da ndard wing t:jPi and


Cr oup t ~ iI
marking, pa5aioh an d F5
angle of red stripes varied Dctol il of pcrs oft31 m~rking
bIt 10 ale.


51h Air Fot<e.

Philippinos / Okin ow•. POA. Group.
• IU1l1ping-Iacqu e•• 72nd Flghte, Squadron,
Iwo lima. POA .
'F- 6K , 71s1 Tactlul Recan Croup, victory m;ir1cings.
82nd Tactical Recon Squad,o". Red On
Slh AI, Forc .. , Philippines. SWPA . ~"~~,,.~ ~"~ '!"~
• The Flying Undertake, • / :1 ",,-~ "'4 "'~ ;.1 .. ..;;:-. ;1,,,:..
, Snook., 5th' ~,~'!:... ,~ ,::"~ ...."~
~, ,--=-- ;1 \,";;:' =- ~ \~ -;~ ,,,,,"
Colourful F- 510's of the Ohio Air Nation.1 Cuard 16lnd Fighte r Squ,dron . 1s t al e red / wh it e / blu e / yello w spinner ; black 15 ; fu,el age
stripes. fin t ip .1nd toliJpl\)ne t ip s red . 2nd a l e h alve d yellow / black spjnnel ~ blolCk 6~ : red / whit e / blue tU.$(!1age shipes ; fin ~ nd tail-
pl,ne tip, red. Bl a ck ONC on t",e la ge. (R"y E Bo wers I

; .
Sh.,Jrkmouth F-5'D ot the Wes t Virgi nia Air Niltional Cuard more or less on the S(:f.Jp hea p . nQW a mus('um piece.

F-51 D's ot the Pennsylvania Air Nation Ol I Guard . ~6.q 1 03 . .abo ve . yellDw nosc -; black spinnc:-r. a nti-g l,Jtc ;)nd exha ust panel: yellow
,udd!?r; black Hn tip. Note radio mast und e r ccntfc ·s(' ction , Beto w ., 474624 w i th yello w s p inn er. fin a nd ru dde r top. Black an ti ·
g'are and C!'xha ust panel a nd black tip to aft fuscra ge o'l nd rudder. Radi o m as.t under c e n tre -section . (via G, I. Letzter l
. .....:..... . -

F-510's in post- war scheme, FF-825 above and below with red rudder and red bar in national insignia . (USAF)

F-51 D below FF-753 , note large long-range tanks. (USAF)

Formation of P-51 D's 479th FG, 435th FS, 8th AF. P-51 D flown by Capt. Donald Bochkay, 357th FG,
Yellow rudders. 363rd FS, 8th AF, serial 472244.
(Photos via E. R. McDOWELL)
'Billy Boy' of the 364th FG, 383rd FS, 8th AF,
Code N2.0, red' Billy Boy,' Capt. Bochkay with BC-F.

Blue nosed 'Patty IV,' 352nd FG, 328th FS, 8th • Pefie 2nd' flown by
AF. FG, 487th FS, 8th AF. 24 VICTor'''''.

P-51 D. Possibly 5th 0' 6th Fighter Squadron, I st Ai,

Commando Group . Commanded by Col. Phil eoch- P-Sl D. Possibly of 3.d or 4th Fighter Squadron, 3rd
rane, 10th AF, CBI. Black checks and fuselage stripes Ai, Commando Group, 5th AF. Philippines SWPA.
on natural metal, blue 66 and spinner band, red Red spinner, red/blue rudder stripes, black 34 and
• Sigh! • Black I See title page. name' VisciolM Virgin' lerial 463859 .
P-510, 472125 , ' Barba,a ' flown· by Lt. B. R. Crawford proba,bly
of the 3rd or 4th Fighter Squad,ofl of th e 3,d Air Commando
Group, Philippifles. Red spinner and 51 ripe alon g OD a nti-g lare
panel and base of canopy f.ame ; red and blue stripedruddet;
all black identity stripes thinly outlined with yellow ; . Barbara '
black outlined red; black 30 on fin between two thin red
line.• . (v ia Dave W . Menard )

Plan yiew detail.

upper and under
surfaces identical.

(photos via E. VagI)

Above. Line-up of black banded

P-510 '$ in the Philippines. unit un-
known. Note two bands per w ing .
Above right. P-5 I D's probably of the
3 rd Air Commando Group. Note three
black bands pe. wing.

Right. P-51D. 413287 •• Pendaja' of

the 52nd Fighter Group. 15th Air
Force. Italy. Red nose; yellow tail
unit; black bordered yellow wing tip
stripe. (USAF)

Each publication illustrates one type or major sub -types of a famous aircraft in the colour schemes and
markings of the Air Forces of the World. Each issue will contain eight pages of colour side view illustrations, sup-
porting black and white plan view drawings showing where necessary both upper and under surfaces, one hundred
and twenty-five half-tone photographs, each issue will also contain one full colour plate illustrating twenty
examples of Unit Insignia of the World's Air Forces.


No. 2 REPUBLIC P-47 THUNDERBOLT. In USAAF-USAF; RAF; Free French; French Air Force; Mexican, Brazilian
and other Air Forces.

AMERICAN P- 51 Band D MUSTANG in French; Italian; Swedish ; Royal Netherla nds; Netherlands East Indies;
Indonesian; Israeli; Philippine; Dominican; Somali ; South Korean ; Chinese Nationalist; Chinese Communist.
etc., Air Forces.

Polish; Czechoslovakian; Free French; French; R. Norwegian; R. Netherlands; R. Danish; Israeli; Italian;
Greek; Turkish ; Portuguese; Egyptian; Burmese, etc., Air Forces.

No. 5 NORTH AMERICAN P-51 BIC MUSTANG IN USAAF SERVICE. Similar content to No. 1 but with brief
coverage of the P-51 and A-36.

No. 6 CURTISS (P-40) KITTYHAWK Mk. I-IV. In RAF ; RAAF; RNZAF; SAAF: RCAF; Netherlands East Indies;
Russian and Finnish Air Forces. The Curti. P-40 Warhawk will be covered in a future issue.

North American P-51D Mustang

Dimensions: Span 37 ft. OS /16 in.; Length 32 ft. 3~ in.; Height 13 ft. 8 in.; Wing area 233·19 sq. fr.
Weights : Empty 7,125 lb.; Normal loaded 10,000 lb. ; Maximum weight (489 gaUons of fuel) 11,600 lb.
Performance: Maximum speed at 25,000 ft. - 437 m.p.h. ; 15,000 ft. - 413 m.p.h.; 5,000 fr. - 395 m.p.h.;
Cruising 362 m.p.h.; Landing speed 100 m .p.h.; Ceiling 41,000 ft.; Climb rate 3,475 ft. per min.; Range
normal 950 miles; Maximum with 489 gallons of fuel 2,290 miles.
Power unit: Packard Rolls-Royce Merlin V-165D-7 developing 1,450 h.p. at take-off, 1,650 h.p. under combat
emergency conditions.
Armament: 6 X ·50 in. Browning MG 53-2 machine guns; 2 x 1,000 lb. bombs; 10 X 5 in. HV aircraft
rocket s.
Price : $5 1,000 approx.



-=--- __ __ ~. ;:~704
'Ferocious Frankia' of the 361st Fighter Group, 374th Fighter Squadron. 8th Air Force. ETO.


Illustrated & compiled ,.

This pictorial survey of one of the most famous fighter aircraft of
World War I1 could not have been published without the generous
assistance of many friends whose names are arranged below in
alphabetical order ... my thanks to all ;
Ray E. Bowers. Peter M. Bowers, Jas. F. Consiglio, Roger A. Freeman.
George J . Letzter, Ernest R. M c Dowell, David W. Menard, Fra nk F.
Smith. Acknowledgement is also due to the M inistry of Defence and
last but not least the United States Air Force.

'Sigh!' P-S1D . Possibly of Sth or 6th Fighter Sqdn.1st Air Commando Group. 10th Air Force, CBI.

P.O. BOX No. 5 P. O. BOX 25, 707 OXFORD ROAD,

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