Designing Atmospheric Storage Tanks - Article From Chemical Engineering March-2017

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Engineering Practice

Designing Atmospheric Storage Tanks

Insights into the basics of process design of atmospheric storage tanks and an
example of how to prepare a process datasheet are presented here

Prasanna Kenkre
Jacobs Engineering India

torage tanks are widely
used in the petroleum re-
fining and petrochemical
sectors to store a variety of
liquids, from crude petroleum to fin-
ished product (Figure 1). This article
presents the basic process of de-
signing atmospheric storage tanks
(ASTs), as well as a discussion about
preparing a process datasheet. An
example is used to illustrate the
points made.
FIGURE 1. Storage tanks are a common sight at petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants
When to opt for ASTs
In simple terms, storage tanks that entering the vessel. the vapor space, which reduces the
are freely vented to the atmosphere Typically, ASTs are considered to accumulation of product vapors and
are known as (aboveground) atmo- have an operating pressure ranging possible formation of a combustible
spheric storage tanks (ASTs). They from 0 to 0.5 psig. Tanks designed mixture. In some cases, the natural
have a vertical cylindrical configura- to operate at pressures between 0.5 ventilation is avoided and the vent
tion and can be easily identified by and 15 psig are termed as low-pres- is either sent for treatment (for ex-
the open vent nozzle or “goose- sure storage tanks. Designs above 15 ample, to a scrubbing tower) or to a
neck” vent pipe on the tank roof. psig are treated as pressure vessels. vapor-recovery system (for example,
ASTs may be shop-welded or field- a benzene-vapor-recovery system).
welded and are customarily fabri- Tank roof types As a rule of thumb, fixed-roof
cated from structural quality carbon There are two basic types of ver- tanks are used to store liquids with
steel, such as A-36 or A-283 Gr.C. tical-tank roof designs — fixed or true vapor pressures (TVP) of less
The vertical cylindrical shape and floating roof. than 10 kPa(a) (TVP is the absolute
relatively flat bottom helps to keep Fixed roof. In this design, the tank pressure when the vapor is in equi-
costs low. roof is welded with the shell and the librium with liquid at a constant tem-
ASTs store low-vapor-pressure roof remains static. perature). Floating roofs are limited to
fluids that do not pose any environ- Floating roof (internal or external). storing liquids with a maximum TVP
mental, hazard or product-contami- In this design, the tank roof floats of 75 kPa(a). For liquids with flash
nation issues, so they can be freely on the liquid surface and rises and point (the lowest temperature, cor-
vented to the atmosphere. However, falls with changes in liquid level. The rected to a barometric pressure of
when storing certain fluids, such internal floating-roof tank (IFRT) has 101.3kPa(a), at which application of
as when vapors of the stored liquid a permanent fixed roof with a float- a flame test causes the vapor of the
are flammable or when oxidation ing roof inside while the external test portion to ignite under the speci-
of liquid may form hazardous com- floating-roof tank (EFRT) consists fied conditions of the test) below
pounds, it is undesirable to have of an open-topped cylindrical shell 37.8°C, excessive loss of volatile
the tank vapor space freely vented. with a roof that floats on the liquid. liquids occurs from the use of open-
In such cases, inert gas blanketing An IFRT is used where heavy ac- vented fixed-roof tanks. Hence,
of the vapor space may be used. cumulation of snow or rainwater, or floating roofs are mostly used for liq-
Tanks with inert-gas blanketing are lightning is expected and may af- uids with flash points below 37.8°C.
also often included in this category. fect the roof buoyancy of an EFRT.
A blanketing system is normally de- In an IFRT, tank vapor space located Codes for tank design
signed so that it operates at slightly above the floating roof and below The American Petroleum Institute
higher than atmospheric pressure, the fixed roof includes circulation (API; Washington, D.C.; www.api.
therefore preventing outside air from vents to allow natural ventilation of org) has developed a series of atmo-


spheric tank standards and speci- TABLE 1. API 650 AND API 620 DESIGN LIMITATIONS
fications. Some of these are: API Standard Internal design External design Internal design Other limitations
Specification 12B, API Specifica- pressure limit pressure limit temperature
(psig) (psig) limit (°C)
tion 12D, API Specification 12F, API
API 650 ≤ 2.5 ≤ 0.03625 ≤ 93 1. When using API 650 for pressures
Standard 2000, API Standard 650, exceeding 2.5 psig (internal), 0.036
API Standard 620. The ASME Boiler psig (external) but not exceeding
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section 1 psig and temperatures greater
VIII, although not required below 15 than 93°C but not exceeding 260°C,
psig, may also be useful. requirements given in the associated
annexures needs to be met.
BS EN 14015 is used in Europe, 2. Different specifications
along with other codes, such as (ASTM,CSA, ISO, EN for plates) sug-
BS EN 13445, PED, SEP, KIWA gested for carbon steel, low-alloy
and others. carbon steel, structural steel, killed
carbon steel and so on. The material
The two main API codes used for of construction used shall conform to
tank design are API 650 and API 620 the specifications given in API 650.
(Table 1). To design tanks with stainless steel
For different fluid groups, the type and aluminium, Annex S & AL needs
of storage and the appropriate de- to be followed respectively1
API 620 2.5–15 Not applicable 2 ≤ 121.1 and For other low temperature limitations
sign code to be followed can be
–45.5 refer to Appendices Q, R & S1
found in Ref. 1.
Calculation design basis 1. Plate materials [4] are given in both API 620 & 650.
Before starting the sizing calcula- 2. API 620 does not contain provision for vacuum design. However, vertical tanks designed in accordance with
API 620 may withstand a partial vacuum of 0.0625 psig in the vapor space with the liquid level at any point from
tions, a calculation design basis is full to empty.
prepared that provides a back-up of
all the information used in the pro-
cess design of the storage tank. In Dimensions of a storage tank re- storage capacity and vapor pres-
most engineering companies, this ally depend on the process require- sure of the stored product, certain
document is a must, and is prepared ment and needs of the client. For a regulatory requirements may govern
to understand the source of data given inflow rate, the tank dimen- the type of tank to be used, for ex-
and to keep traceability of data used sions will vary based on the amount ample, Standard 1910.110-Storage
in the design. Typically, it contains of time the tank is designed to hold and Handling of Liquefied Petroleum
details like the following: the contents. Also, based on the Gases by OSHA regulations of U.S.
1. The equipment tag number
2. Objective of design (for example,
to calculate the dimensions of the M3
tank T-1001; to set level alarms P1
and so on) H2
3. Basis of design (notes like: HHLL
(high high liquid level) is set at an
elevation above HL to permit an
operator time response of 20 min)
4. Assumptions (for instance, a maxi- LA (HH)
mum capacity utilization of 90% is
5. Actual calculations
6. Sketches LA(H)
7. Results or conclusions
8. Reference documents
9. Attachments.

Sizing ASTs LA (L)

Typically, tank capacity is given in the
process part of a basic design and LA (LL)
engineering package (BDEP) directly
as the process volume required or
indirectly as the residence time (for Slope
example, hours or days of storage
of product or raw material feed). At
times, the number of tanks and their
preliminary dimensions (diameter  FIGURE 2. This preliminary sketch of an AST also shows the relative positions of the alarm levels (LAs)
height) may also be mentioned. defined in the text


A tank is a compound geometric TABLE 2. ESTIMATING TANK DIMENSIONS
form, such as a combination of cy- Steel plate Tank Capacity per m Required tank Number of courses in L/D ratio
lindrical shell and conical roof. How- course diameter of tank height height completed tank
ever, it should be noted that the net (mm) (m) (m3) (m) – –
volume and the maximum volume 1,800 9 63.6 9 5 1
mentioned in the process data- 2,400 9 63.6 9.6 4 1.07
sheets are calculated only for the cy-
lindrical shell. The tank head volume Therefore, the volume that will be inal capacities (for example, as given
is never considered in the storage stored in the tank is calculated to be in Appendix A of API 650 [2]). These
tank process-volume calculation. 147,857 gal (approximately 560 m3). appendix tables readily provide the
The purpose of storage is based tank height and number of courses
on varied process functional require- Selecting tank dimensions (number of rows of steel plates
ments, including the following: As a starting point to estimate the stacked) for a given tank diameter.
• Product storage tank — To store correct preliminary dimensions (di- However, all the requirements men-
chemical inventory produced in a ameter and height) by trial and error, a tioned in Appendix A need to be met.
plant process engineer can refer to as-built Using the tables given in Appendix
• Spare tank — For temporary plant data, such as a storage tank A of API 650 [2], we obtain the results
storage of fluid until inspection or process datasheet; an equipment tabulated in Table 2. For calculated
maintenance of working tank is list; or a general assembly drawing. tank volume and a diameter of 9 m,
completed This will at least give a fair idea of ini- we can obtain two different configu-
• Off-specification tank — To store tial values of the diameter and height rations with (diameter  height 
product deviated from normal speci- to be used for trial and error. number of steel plate courses) as (9
fications until it is re-processed Alternatively, typical volume versus  9  5) or (9  9.6  4). The height-
• Check tank — To verify or sample dimensions table provided by a tank to-diameter ratio (L/D) for these two
raw material, intermediate or prod- fabricator can be used, or tables for configurations will be 1 and 1.07, re-
uct quality before its use or transfer typical sizes and corresponding nom- spectively. Both the L/D ratios calcu-
• Day tank — For fuel-oil supply to
diesel generators and dual-fuel TABLE 3. SETTING TANK ALARMS
boilers Tank height (L) – 9,000 mm
Tank diameter (D) – 9,000 mm
Calculating the tank volume L/D – 1.00 -
As an example, a storage tank will Geometric volume – 572.27 m3
be designed using the following Tank filling rate – 57.5 gpm
known data: Center line of 2-in. pump out nozzle from tank bot- – 175 mm
• To store, for 30 h, light off-specifica- tom (regular nozzle) [3]
tion olefin (C6, C8, C10) production Tangent to the top of pump out nozzle = = 175 + (60.3/2) 205.15 mm
• Working volume to gross volume height of center line of pump out nozzle +
ratio = 0.7 (for IFRT, this needs to (O.D. of pump out nozzle)/2 in.
be ≤0.9) Center line of 6-in. jet mixer nozzle from tank bot- – 306 mm
• The highest inflow rate to the tank tom (regular nozzle) [3]
is 57.5 gal/min Tangent to the top of of jet mixer nozzle inside the = 306 + (168.3/2) 390.15 mm
tank bottom = height of center line of jet mixer
• Vapor pressure at operating tem- nozzle + (O.D. of pump out nozzle)/2
perature = 41.3 kPa(a)
Clearance between floating roof and top of jet mixer ~ 4 in. 100 mm
• Tank has a 2-in. pump-out nozzle
Elevation at the tip of mixer nozzle inside the tank ~ 4 ft 1,219 mm
and 6-in. jet-mixer nozzle (assumed)
In this case, because the TVP is Low low liquid level (LLLL) – 1,319 mm
greater than 10 kPa(a), we opt for an
Height between LLLL and LLL ~ 3 in. 76 mm
internal floating-roof tank.
Low liquid level (LLL) – 1,395 mm
We have gathered storage time
Process volume – 392 m3
and tank volume ratio (0.7) from the
process part of the BDEP and the Height corresponding to process volume = process volume / [0.785  6,161.67 mm
tank inflow rate and vapor pressure
High liquid level (HLL) – 7,556.67 mm
from a heat and material balance
(H&MB) table. Time gap to fill the height between HLL and HHLL
Process volume = (Maximum inflow (Considering time for operator intervention) - 20 min
 time) Height between HLL and HHLL (calculated) = (Time to fill the height be- 68.43 mm
tween HLL & HHLL  tank fill-
= 57.5 gal/min  30 h  60 min/h ing rate) / [0.785  (dia.)2]
= 103,500 gal (~392 m3)
Height between HHLL and HLL ~ 3 in. 76 mm
Tank volume required = (Process
High high liquid level (HHLL) – 7632.67 mm
Volume)  0.7
Free space above HHLL (minimum 500 mm) = Tank height – HHLL 1,367.33 mm
= 103,500  0.7
= 147,857 gal (~560 m3) Percentage of filling achieved = HHLL/tank height 0.85 %


Row Storage tank process datasheet Rev Issued Date Made Checked Approved
No. for by
1 Client: A1 Chemical Company Tag No.: T-1001 A Prelim- 1-Jan-16 KEPR SISA KOQU
2 Project: Perfect project Job No.: 820918
3 Location: Houston
4 Service: To hold off-specification batch of olefin material
5 No. required: one (1) I.D.: 9 m Height: 9 m Orientation: Vertical
6 Design conditions Sketch
7 Internal pressure: (Opt.): 0.0361 psig Design: 0.2167 psig
8 External pressure: (Opt.): ATM Design: 0.0625 psig
9 Operating temperature: 110°F Design: 150 °F
10 Liquid stored: Light olefin (C6, C8, C10)
11 Specific gravity (Max.): 0.72 at 110°F
12 Capacity (Working/Max.): 103,500 gal 147,857 gal
13 Roof type: (fixed/floating): Internal floating roof
14 Blanket gas: Nitrogen Vapor pressure @Tmax: 6 psi(a)
15 Code: API 650 Stamp: yes
16 Radiography: (1) Efficiency: (1)
17 Hydrotest:(shop/field): (1)
18 Stress relieve: (1)
19 Mag. particle: (1) Dye penetrant: (1)
20 Windload: (1) Earthquake: (1)
21 Weight (empty/full): (1)
22 Materials of construction
23 Component Basic material Corrosion allowance (in.)
24 Shell Killed carbon steel (2) 1/16
25 Roof Killed carbon steel (2) 1/16
26 Nozzle-MH / flanges Killed carbon steel (2) 1/16
27 Floor Killed carbon steel (2) 1/16
28 Boot Killed carbon steel (2) 1/16
29 Lining: N.A.
30 Gaskets: (1)
31 Bolting: (1)
32 Internals: Internal floating roof (3), jet mixer (4)
33 Roof support: (1)
34 Paint: (1)
35 Insulation: N.A.
36 Accessories
37 Insulation rings N.A.
38 Davit (1)
39 Pipe support rings (1)
40 Ladder and platform clips (1)
41 Internal piping (1)
42 Fire proofing clips (1)
43 Agitator N.A.
continued on next page
lated in Table 2, are acceptable. ized based on shell-plate lengths, standard sizes so as to reduce the
In general, tank heights do not ex- but tank heights are never standard- length of welded seam, loss of plate
ceed 1.5 times the tank diameter. As ized. To obtain an economical unit, material, amount of edge preparation
the tank height increases, the wall it is the tank manufacturer who will and the degree of handling during
thickness increases and a bigger choose the number of courses and erection. Shell heights are typically
load is imposed on the soil, thus re- plate widths to obtain the height re- rounded off to the nearest meter and
quiring heavier foundations. Often, for quired for a given diameter. Hence, a as far as possible, standard diame-
very large diameter tanks, L/D is kept process or mechanical design engi- ters are used. For this discussion, we
less than 1, leading to squatter tanks. neer does not necessarily specify the will consider an L/D of 1 and proceed
From a fire-fighting point of view, the number of shell-plate courses. The with our design.
maximum tank height considered is shell-plate sizes are generally kept as The initial dimensions quickly ob-
20 m. Tank diameters are standard- large as possible and within available tained from the table may be used
44 Nozzle Schedule
45 Mark Size Flange rating/face Service Mark No. Size Flange rating/face Service
46 A1 4 RF/150# Feed R1 1 Hold 1 RF/150# RVVB
47 B1 2 RF/150# Outlet P1 1 2 RF/150# Pressure tap
48 B2 2 RF/150# Sump outlet T1 1 1.5 RF/150# Temperature element
49 H1 20 (Hold 1) RF/150# Emergency vent T2 1 1.5 RF/150# Temperature indicator
50 H2 4 RF/150# Gage hatch
51 J1 6 RF/150# Jet mixer
52 L1 6 RF/150# Level transmitter
53 L2 6 RF/150# Level transmitter
54 M1 24 RF/150# Shell manway
55 M2 20 RF/150# Roof manway
56 M3 24 RF/150# IFR manway
57 N1 4 RF/150# Nitrogen
58 Notes:
59 1. Data by the mechanical-vessels group.
60 2. Material grade by the vessels group.
61 3. Internal floating-roof details by storage-tank vendor.
62 4. For details, see let mixer datasheet (Ref. Doc.: J-1001-PDS, Rev. A).
63 5. Nozzle A1 and B1 to be located on opposite sides of shell.
64 6. Nozzle N1 and H1 to be located on opposite sides of roof.
65 7. Suitable vacuum breaker (breather valve on rim vent) to be provided on roof when it rests at minimum.
66 8. The roof supports should be adjustable for minimum operating level from bottom and minimum level for manual cleaning.
67 9. Nozzles H2, L1 and L2 to be provided with stilling wells.
69 Holds
70 1. To be confirmed during detailed engineering. ATM = Atmosphere
71 2. Instrumentation group to confirm all instrument nozzle sizes. N.A. = Not applicable

for cost-estimation at a very early and safety may be affected; for ex- the jet mixer nozzle as 390.15 mm.
stage of the project. However, the ample, to provide sufficient NPSHA As a good engineering practice, LLLL
dimensions of the tank need to be (net positive suction head available) is set such that: 1) there is a minimum
firmed out as the project progresses for the pump, or to avoid surface clearance of at least 4 in. between
in design phases. Firming up a tank dry-out of the tank’s internal heat- the internal floating roof and any in-
dimension or tank sizing involves ing coils. In most cases, the tangent ternal parts, such as jet mixer nozzle;
checking the following three steps: to the top of the tank-outlet nozzle and 2) the roof remains floating with
1. Accommodate process volume or is considered as the LLLL alarm. its supports at least 4 in. above the
the working volume in the tank. Above the LLLL, some buffer volume tank bottom. Also, based on experi-
2. Set tank overfill protection level is provided until LLL, to avoid dis- ence, it is assumed that the elevation
requirement (to permit operator turbing the process volume due to at the tip of the mixer nozzle inside
response). draw-out by the pump. Above LLL, the tank is 4 ft. Thus, the LLLL is set
3. Set minimum operating volume in the height equivalent to process vol- at an elevation at the tip of the mixer
the tank. ume is then accommodated to reach nozzle plus the minimum clearance
HLL. To prevent overfill of the tank, between the internal floating roof and
Setting alarms an operator-intervention time of 20 the jet mixer nozzle at 1,319 mm. LLL
The overfill-protection volume and minutes is considered and a height is then set 3 in. above LLLL.
the minimum-volume allocation can corresponding to this volume, or a
be best understood in terms of level minimum of 3 in., is added above Preparing the tank datasheet
alarm (LA) values stated in the data- HLL to attain HHLL. As a minimum, Once the sizing is done, we move to
sheet. Typically, four types of alarms HHLL should be set at least 500 mm preparation of the tank datasheet.
are set at the following levels (see below top of the tank. The datasheet may be considered as
Figure 2 and Table 3): For a fixed-roof tank, as explained, the owner’s permanent record for de-
• LLLL — low low liquid level we consider LLLL = 205.15 mm (at scribing a tank, and it is used to make
• LLL — low liquid level the tangent of 2 in. pump out nozzle) proposals and place subsequent
• HLL — high liquid level and then set the remaining alarms contracts for fabrication and erection
• HHLL — high high liquid level starting from this point. of the tank. This section explains the
Usually, levels are set above some However, for an IFRT that also has information to be placed in the data-
point of reference in the tank. First, an internal jet-mixer nozzle, we have sheet by the process engineer.
LLLL is set. It is the lowest liquid an additional approach to fix the lev- General instructions. This set of in-
level below which the operation els. We evaluate tangent to the top of structions are of a basic nature, but


nevertheless are equally important maintain a single process datasheet rate, angle and so on, can be given
as the detailed technical instructions. template that is created to contain in the datasheet itself or a reference
Also, they are commonly followed in only the data under process scope. of a separate datasheet may be
most engineering companies. This may be filled by the process en- given. Write notes 3 and 4.
• Use the correct, applicable and gineer and passed on to the mechani- Row 33–34. Data in these rows will
latest datasheet template cal engineer who may then use it to be filled by the mechanical-vessels
• In no case should a line in a data- complete an API 650 datasheet or fill a group. Write note 1.
sheet be left blank. If you don’t mechanical datasheet template to be Row 35. Insulation is not required in
have data for a particular param- used along with process datasheet. this case, so write N.A.
eter or it is not applicable, please For the sake of discussion, we con- Row 37. Not required in this case, so
put a dash or write “N.A.” (not ap- sider a simplified tank datasheet tem- write N.A.
plicable), respectively plate to be filled by a process engineer, Rows 38 and 42. Data in these rows
• Marking N.A., “TBC” (to be con- shown in Table 4. This example data- will be filled by the mechanical-ves-
firmed), “later” or other such ter- sheet can be broken down as follows: sels group. Write note 1.
minology can be used. It should, Rows 1–3. Enter all identification Row 43. Not required in this case, so
however, be stated clearly in the data and fill the revision table. write N.A.
datasheet what this terminology Rows 4–5. Refer to process descrip- Rows 46–57. Fill the nozzle
means tion and PFD to enter the service, schedule by referring to the P&ID,
• Every numerical entry should be number of tanks required and orien- PFD, process description and calcu-
correct and have appropriate units tation. Tank dimension values to be lations, as well as the process part
stated. If a value is repeated (for given from the calculation. of the BDEP. The process nozzles
example, dia. in the datasheet and Rows 7–11. Operating conditions, A1, B1, B2, N1 and R1 require ac-
sketch), it should be updated at liquid stored and specific gravity can tual sizing. A1 is to be sized based
both places in case of any revision be filled referring to PFD and H&MB on the maximum inlet-liquid flow, B1
• Document revision status should be stream data. Design conditions are and 2 are sized using rated pump
correctly entered, for example: typi- to be filled using process part of flow and pump-suction line-sizing
cal revision status entries include for BDEP or using DP/DT (design pres- criteria. Using inbreathing calcula-
quotation, bid, for design review, for sure/temperature) diagrams. If the tions N1 can be sized. R1 and H1
design revision and as-built tank stores multiple liquids (as ap- sizes to be confirmed later during
• Document revision number should plicable in this case), then state the detail engineering. Instrument, vent
be correctly entered, for example: 1, highest specific gravity of the liquid and manway sizes will be filled using
2, 3 or A, B, C or A1, A2 and so on at operating temperature. project design basis.
• Engineering notes and holds Rows 12–13. Enter the capacities Finally, make a simple tank sketch
should be given at the end of the from calculation (Working capacity showing the dimensions, correct noz-
datasheet and their reference in (from LLL to HLL) and maximum ca- zle tags and positions required, alarm
the datasheet should be given at pacity (from bottom to HHLL)). Roof levels and all internals dotted. n
the correct place type can be entered by referring to the Edited by Gerald Ondrey
• Sheet numbering should be cor- PFD and/or process part of the BDEP.
rectly done (for instance, sheet 1/5) Row 14. Refer to the process descrip- References
• Once the datasheet is prepared, tion and PFD and enter the data for 1. “GPSA Engineering Databook,” 12th ed, Section 6 –
it should pass checking and ap- blanketing gas and vapor pressure. Storage, Figure.6–2: Storage, 2004.
proval cycles. Only then can it be Rows 15–21. Data in these rows will 2. API 650, 12th ed., March 2013, Annex A, Tables A.1a
and A.3a.
issued for release be filled by the mechanical-vessels
Technical part. The process data group. Write note 1. 3. API 650, 12th ed., March 2013, Section 5 – Design,
Table 5.6a.
entered in the API 650 datasheet is Rows 24–28. State the basic mini-
4. API 650, 12th ed., March 2013, Section 4 – Materials,
filled in by the process engineer, and mum material of construction. The Table 4.4a-
the mechanical data portion is com- correct grade will be specified by the
pleted by the mechanical engineer. mechanical engineer. Write note 2. Author
For instance, data like operating and If an alloy material is used, state the Prasanna Digamber Kenkre is a
design conditions, liquid density and type specifically (for example, do not principal process engineer with
Jacobs Engineering India Pvt. Ltd.
vapor pressure, tank diameter and write SS only, but write SS 316, and (Millenium Business Park, Build-
height, tank sketch, basic material so on). The corrosion allowance is to ing No.7, Sector-2, Mahape, Navi
of construction, nozzle schedule and be given by referring to the process Mumbai - 400710, India; Email:
so on are provided by a process en- part of the BDEP.
He has 12 years of experience
gineer. Conversely, a mechanical en- Row 29. Lining is not required in this (national and international) in the
gineer supplies data like shell design case, so write N.A. field of process engineering and
method, plate width and thickness, Rows 30–31. Data in these rows will design. Kenkre has worked in different phases of proj-
ects, including front-end engineering design (FEED)
plate stacking criteria, joint efficiency, be filled by the mechanical-vessels and detailed engineering, for global clients in several
nondestructive examination (NDE), group. Write note 1. sectors of the chemical process industries, such as
positive material identification (PMI) Row 32. State applicable tank inter- petroleum refining, petrochemicals, polymers and
chemicals. He also works with the health, safety and
design requirements and so on. nals. For the jet mixer, the details like environmental (HSE) (Safety in Design) department.
Some engineering companies material, number, dimensions, flow- Kenkre has published a number of technical articles.


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