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Task 1- Reflecting upon English language awareness

Presented by:


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Licenciatura en Ingles como lengua extranjera
Escuela de Educación – ECEDU
CEAD: Medellìn

Tabla de contenido

SELF-INTRODUCTION SCREENSHOT ......................................................................................... 3

STEP1-COURSE RECOGNITION. ................................................................................................... 4

WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE COURSE? ........................................................................................................4

HOW MANY LEARNING OUTCOMES CAN YOU FIND IN THE SYLLABUS? ..........................................................4

WHAT ARE SYNCHRONIC INTERACTION ACTIVITIES? .....................................................................................5

HOW MANY ACTIVITIES DOES THE COURSE HAVE? ........................................................................................5

WHICH ACTIVITIES IN THE COURSE IMPLY REAL-TIME INTERACTION? ..........................................................5

SUMMARIZE WITH YOUR OWN WORDS THE COURSE RULES AND CONDITIONS ...............................................6

STEP 2- REFLECTION UPON LANGUAGE AWARENESS. .......................................................... 7

STEP 3- LINK TO THE VIDEO. ....................................................................................................... 9

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................10

Self-introduction screenshot

Step1-course recognition.
Check the course presentation, agenda, rules and conditions, syllabus, contents, and activity

guides and evaluation rubrics in the Learning environment. Then, introduce yourself in the forum

and answer the following questions:

What is the purpose of the course?

The course learning purpose is to reinforce students’ foreign language linguistic,

sociolinguistic, and pragmatic competences through the accomplishment of oral production tasks

in given sets of real-time interaction.

How many learning outcomes can you find in the syllabus?

There are four learning outcomes:

Learning Outcome 1: demonstrate oral skills to express fluently and spontaneously about

different cultural subjects for social or academic purposes.

Learning Outcome 2: discuss about a controversial issue using pro or con arguments to convince

a counterpart towards a specific point of view.

Learning Outcome 3: interpret extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when

relationships are only implied and not signaled explicitly.

Learning Outcome 4: describe complex subjects with clear and detailed information developing

particular points and rounding off with an appropriate conclusion.


What are synchronic interaction activities?

It is a process that allows students to interact with the tutor. It is also a space where students

can solve any questions they may have about the contents and the activities. The participation is

must, and students must be attentive to dates and times in which this virtual encounters will take


How many activities does the course have?

There are six presented activities or tasks in the course:

Task 1: Reflecting upon English language awareness.

Task 2: Partaking in seven weekly mandatory encounters.

Task 3 : Debating controversial issues.

Task 4: Speaking part of Cambridge C1 Advanced

Task 5: Standardized tests listening quiz

Task 6: Delivering a speech through a web conference system.

Which activities in the course imply real-time interaction?

Task 2 : to participate in seven weekly Mandatory encounters one hour long to talk
about diverse topics.

Task 3: to participate in a real-time debate to defend a point of view.

Task 6: To conduct an online meeting or webinar through a web conference system presenting a
complex academic topic.

Summarize with your own words the course rules and conditions

The conditions and rules of the course are divided into two general groups: individual

behavior standards and group behavior standards.

In general terms, the general behavior standards refer to the norms to avoid plagiarism, the

technical requirements necessary to carry out the activities proposed by the course, the norms of

values and respect necessary for the interaction with tutors and classmates. It also refers to the

rules and times of the synchronous meetings, and how these must be completed taking into

account the instructions provided by the guides and the instructions given by the tutor in the

course forums. Reference is also made to the obligation to participate in scheduled virtual


Group behavior standards refer to participation in scheduled web conferences and the rules of

behavior during such meetings.


Step 2- Reflection upon language awareness.

To begin with, I would like to say that in the course of the last 10 years I have had the

opportunity to take the TOIEC test twice. The first time I did it was in 2013, the result obtained

from me was B2 according to the common European framework. The second time I took it was in

2018; the result obtained was for level C1. Likewise, in 2022 he presented the APTIS test whose

result was level C1 according to the European framework for languages.

Unfortunately, during my school days I never had the opportunity to attend a language school, I

would have liked it, but the economic situation of my family at that time was not the best. my

first encounter with the English language occurred in high school; I must say that I had excellent

teachers who made me grow fond of the language, likewise my older brothers and my parents

listened to music in English all the time, so I grew up with it, and apart from that it was easy for

me to understand the concepts and grammar. So, I have to say that I began to acquire my level of

English in those days.

In 2006, I was presented with the opportunity to travel to Australia, and for three years I had

the opportunity to learn and practice the language daily. This daily interaction with native

speakers gave me the opportunity to learn many more things about the language and at the same

time to feel more confident in using English in my daily activities.

Despite all of the above, I can affirm without hesitation that the level of English that I have

today has been acquired through teaching it. When I started teaching in 2013, I had a vague idea

of what English was all about; but I had to start preparing classes, reading, preparing myself to

face the challenges of a classroom and I was able to realize that definitely the best way to become

a teacher is when you teach it.

Today, at 43 years of age, I decided that I need to become a professional in teaching. Not only

to obtain better professional opportunities, but because I consider that it is necessary to have clear

pedagogical and didactic concepts in order to face the challenges of teaching the new generations.

That is why I made the decision to study a degree in English.

According to what I have read, it is important to know that the way in which an adult learns

has nothing to do with the way in which a child does. It is clear that we learn during the course of

our entire lives, but it is also clear that the moment of our lives in which we acquire more

knowledge and learning is more intense, is during childhood, since during this period of time

brain development is set. It is also important to affirm that the motivations for which an adult

learns have nothing to do with those that a child does. As adults we decide to learn due to

multiple factors, however a child does so based on the decision of adults.

In relation to how long I should study the language, I personally believe that in any area of

study you should be in a constant search for knowledge, including the study of languages. It all

depends on the way in which I plan what I want to learn and study. For me, learning English is a

daily activity and I make it part of my life, not only from the activities that I develop at work, but

I also apply them to my life plans and to my daily life as well, Activities as simple as watching

television or listen to music, I do them 90% in English.


Step 3- Link to the video.

Link to the video :

Shekhtman, M. E. A. (november12 2009). Achieving Success in Second Language

Acquisition. Cambridge University press. https://www-cambridge-


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