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Task 3- Debating controversial Issues

Presented by:


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Licenciatura en Ingles como lengua extranjera
Escuela de Educación – ECEDU
CEAD: Medellìn

Tabla de contenido
SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................... 3

SCRENNSHOT ON DEBATE PARTICIPATION ............................................................................. 5



The debate was held on April 15, 2023. It started at 6 in the afternoon, and began with the

explanation by the teacher about the mechanics with which the debate would take place.

Immediately afterwards, the teacher separated the groups that were in favor and against abortion

into different rooms.

We were given a maximum of ten minutes in separate rooms to organize the topics and the

order in which they should be presented. my team was made up of the students Janeth and

Natalia, who were against abortion. We decided that the issue should be approached first from a

religious perspective, then from the political agenda and how it influences women's decisions

regarding abortion, and finally from a psychological perspective, understanding the mental

damage that abortion can cause women.

The next step in the development of the debate consisted in the introduction of the topic by

each one of the participants, arguing the personal position of each one regarding abortion and

why they were in favor or against it. I started postulating the general position of the group,

arguing that as a group, we have a Christian vision, by which we understand that we are not the

owners of anyone else's life, and that therefore we do not consider abortion a choice of life, I also

affirmed that the global political agenda does not take into account the true feelings of women

regarding abortion, but rather uses them and sells them the idea of being the owners of their

bodies simply for populism. We argue that we faithfully believe that the life of any human being

is valuable, and that it begins from the moment of conception.

After this introductory activity, the debate begins based on the initial statements of each

participant. The questions and the debate were based on questions that tried to determine the

opposing position regarding morality and ethics in relation to abortion, the biological reality of a

pregnancy, the thoughts related to the beginning of life as human beings, the socioeconomic

problems that a woman can face in relation to her pregnancy and finally the separation of men

from the decision of a woman when she wants to abort.

Finally, each participant presented their conclusions on the debate and gave their final arguments

regarding their position on the topic discussed.



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