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Gustavo A Granados Delgado

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación – ECEDU

Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con énfasis en inglés – LiLEI

518011A_1391 English VI

Milly Andrea Muñoz Fandiño

April 9th, 2023.


Tabla de contenido

Pre-task. ........................................................................................................................................... 3

Step 1. .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Tag questions quizz screenshot. ............................................................................................... 3
Dictation X-mas exercise and VOA learning Material screenshots. ........................................ 4

During Task. .................................................................................................................................... 5

Step 1 ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Tag question Dialogue. ............................................................................................................ 5
Link to the audio Dialogue. ...................................................................................................... 6

Step 2. .......................................................................................................................................... 7
What is a CEO? Link to the google drive Folder. .................................................................... 7
What is a CEO? Screenshot of participation in the forum. ...................................................... 8

Step 3. .......................................................................................................................................... 9
Reported speech on the Dalai Lama. ........................................................................................ 9
Reported speech forum participation screenshot. .................................................................. 10
Link to the On-line video chat meeting on famous people reported speech. ......................... 10
On- line video chat meeting screenshot forum participation. ................................................ 11

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 12


Step 1.

Tag questions quizz screenshot.

Developed on March 23rd, 2023.

Granados, G. (2023).Tag question quizz result.[screenshots].

Dictation X-mas exercise and VOA learning Material screenshots.

Dveloped on April 1st, 2023.

Granados, G. (2023).Dictation X-mas exercise and VOA learning material.[screenshots].,

During Task.

Step 1

Tag question Dialogue.

Daniela: Hey there! How are you? I haven't seen you for ages!

Gustavo: I know. Time just flies, doesn't it?

Daniela: You´ve got a new job, haven’t you?

Gustavo: Yes, I have, I got a new job. What about you? I heard your husband was very sick,
wasn’t he?

Daniela: Yes, he was very sick last week, I Think is due to the weather changes. It has been
changing a lot, hasn’t it?

Gustavo: yes, it has, my son was very sick too, I think it is the weather now that you
mention it.

Daniela: You remembered to give him the flu medicine, didn't you?

Gustavo: Yes, I did, how kind of you for asking. I suppose you gave medicine to your
husband too, didn’t you?

Daniela: yes, I did. Hey…You are coming tomorrow to my house, aren't you?

Gustavo: by all means, thanks for the invitation Daniela, I’ll be there. you are living in the
same house, aren’t you?

Daniela: yes , I am….by the way, you still love pizza, don´t you?

Gustavo: Yes, I do, I can’t believe you remember that, I love pizza like you do, don’t you?

Daniela: The truth is that lately I’ve been enjoying pasta even more, since I got married.
It´s curious isn´t it?

Gustavo: Yes, it´s quite curious, how tastes change over time , don’t they?

Daniela: indeed, don’t forget to come tomorrow, ok? I’ll have pasta for you. Right?

Gustavo: Thank you very much for the invitation. Last week I heard that you have run for
city’s Mayor. Haven’t you?

Daniela: Yes, I have , I applied, I want to start this process and let people know me. I will
firstly do it on social media. That is how people in general are connecting to the world. I’m
broadcasting a live Facebook on Saturday at 8pm, you will be there. Won’t you?

Gustavo: Sure, I will. I utterly believe lots of people will vote for you ,won’t they?

Daniela: Yes. I hope so. It would be the best in the world. I'm very charming, aren't I?

Gustavo: hahaha…. Yes of course you are. You are very charming and good looking. I think
your family is proud. Aren't they?

Daniela: Yes, they are , they’ve been very supportive. But they care about the people who
hate me.

Gustavo: you mean , they do not fully support you, do they?

Daniela: Yes, they do absolutely , they support me, they only have their doubts. It’s
something normal isn´t?

Gustavo: Of course, it is but don’t worry about it, Oh it's very late now I have to go. Thank
you for the invitation to your house tomorrow, see you on time, right?

Daniela: See you tomorrow Gustavo.

Link to the audio Dialogue.

Step 2.

What is a CEO? Link to the google drive Folder.

What is a CEO? Screenshot of participation in the forum.

Developed on March 25th, 2023.

Developed on April 7th, 2023.

Developed on April 8th, 2023.

Granados, G. (2023).What is a CEO? Dictation exercise. [Screenshots].


Step 3.

Reported speech on the Dalai Lama.

The Dalai Lama-Reported speech on the listening form

The Listening from stated that the Dalai lama had been born in Tibet on

the 6th of July 1935. It says that his real name was Tenzin Gyatso. It affirms that he was the

leader of Tibet’s Buddhists but that he lived in India, where thousands of his followers visited

him. The audio reported also stated that he was the most famous Buddhist monk. They said he

campaigned for freedom in Tibet and peace in the World.

They say Tenzin had become Dalai Lama when he was just two years old, that he had

become Tibet’s ruler in November 1950; when he had turned fifteen. That happened one month

after China had taken over Tibet. His first big job had been to try and save his country from

Chinese rule. They say, he had tried it for nine years, but then he had had to scape to India. The

audio says that he had never been back.

The article also says the he had traveled to the west-to Europe and the Americas. Thousands

of people had welcomed him. It is said that he had helped to spread love and harmony around the

world. As well, he gave speeches wherever he went and he had won many awards. He had gotten

the Nobel Peace prize in 1989. It says that he was always a famous figure on the news.

The Dalai Lama had been one the best-loved and most well-known world leaders for many

decades. The listening tells us that he continued to as China to give his Tibetan people more

control over their land. That he made Chinese leaders angry by talking about Tibet. It says that

one day he might meet them and talk about a better and brighter future.

Reported speech forum participation screenshot.

Developed on April 1st, 2023.

Granados, G. (2023). Dalai lama reported speech exercise. [Screenshot].

Link to the On-line video chat meeting on famous people reported speech.

On- line video chat meeting screenshot forum participation.

Developed on April 8th, 2023.

Granados, G. (2023). Online video chat meeting. [Screenshot].


Hand, L. (n.d.). English Dictation Test - Intermediate - Xmas.

Hudson, J. (2018, March 20). A Pronunciation Guide to Tag Questions - Pronunciation Studio.

Pronunciation Studio.

Muñoz,M. .(2022). Reported speech: indirect speech. [Virtual Learning Object].

Tag Questions | Grammar | English Club. (n.d.).


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