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The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Mission Statement To promote the professional and personal growth of women

educators and excellence in education

Beta Gamma News

Burdette Issue 23

New Member Initiation to be the focus of October meeting in Greenville

Beta Gamma sisters, get ready to welcome a number of new initiates into our chapter at our October meeting. The following amazing women educators will be inducted into Delta Kappa Gamma on Saturday, October 10th : Linda Brown, Betty C layton (honorary) , Lori E l l i s , J u l i e McCoy, Bette M obl ey , M emory Reed, N ikki Rolison, Kimb erl y Sawy e r, Gail Sh eppard, Ange la Wi l l i ams, and Brook Zu ern er. Three of our other initiates have a longstanding commitment, which will cause them to be initiated at our February meeting. Th ey are Tammy Harris, Lori K ing, and Kim O N ea l . All of these outstanding women are top-notch teachers, who have shown excellence in our field. They are also active in their schools and communities and serve as coaches, club sponsors, and committee members and/or officers. Please join me in welcoming them to our wonderful sisterhood. O ur n ew memb e r initiation wil l b e fo l lowed by the b u s in e s s m e eting and a wonderf u l l unch to b e s erv ed b y the G re env il l e/ M eriw eth er group .
Please make plans to join us at the Greenville Methodist Church 502 N. Talbotton St. Greenville, Ga. 30222 at 10:30 for fellowship and a light breakfast. The initiation ceremony will begin promptly at 11:00.
Childrens Books, Bingo Prizes

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Psi State

October, 2009

Donations to be collected at October meeting.

Beta Gamma Chapter is continuing its projects of providing childrens books for DFACS or a similar service agency and of supplying a nursing home or senior citizens center with Bingo prizes. These items will be distributed in the Greenville/Meriwether area. Collection boxes will be located near the sign-in table at our October meeting. You will want to be part of these worthwhile projects. Please be sure to mark your calendar with a reminder to bring donations.

Dont forget to pay your yearly dues of $67.00 for active members and $25 for reserve members at the October 10th meeting. Treasurer Donna Pattersons address: 200 Green Ridge Rd. Cataula, Ga 318043229
Among the benefits of membership are: interaction with educators from all levels, disciplines, and environments; source of professional and personal growth; support for graduate study through state and international scholarships; recognition and awards to members for exemplary achievements; venue for teaching and learning current educational and leadership practices; participation in Society workshops, conferences, seminars, and conventions; worldwide contacts sharing educational profession and focus.

You are an integral part of our chapter and of our Society. Your continued membership is of value both to you and to our organization.

Congratulations to Beverly Wadsworth on the marriage of her daughter, Katie, this past December. Congratulations, also, to Mary Anne Harman on the marriage of her daughter, Katherine, this past summer. Kudos to Jennifer Barbee on her selection as Mountain View Elementary AND Meriwether County Teacher of the Year! Great Job, Jennifer! Katie Hamilton has added to her family with the birth of a baby boy on July 31st! Congratulations!

Red Roses & Member News

Marys Minutes
As usual, I cannot believe that the season of plump pumpkins, turning leaves, and the fall harvest is upon us once again. The school year continues to accelerate, yet we continue to fit in all of the tasks for our students that we must in an even shorter amount of time. My fellow educators continue to amaze me with their perseverance, dedication, and professionalism, even in the face of budget cuts and furloughs. Kudos to all of us! On a lighter note, I am so excited about the wonderful ladies who will be joining us as our new sisters in Delta Kappa Gamma this month and in February! It is such a joy to be able to share our wonderful organization with other outstanding women educators in our area. The fourteen outstanding women who will be joining Beta Gamma will enable us to grow our chapter and our sorority, just as our Psi State President Jo Davis has encouraged us to do. On another important note, please remember how vital your attendance is to Beta Gamma. You are missed when you do not attend, and you also miss good fun, great fellowship, and important information when you miss one of our four yearly meetings per school year. Looking forward to seeing you at the October meeting,


Member Spotlight:

Jodie Day: Beta Gammas very own Tri-Athlete!

Jodie was born and grew up in Orlando, Florida where she went to Red Bug Elementary School, Tuskawilla Middle School, and Lake Howell High School. She then attended Seminole Community College for two years before heading to Valdosta State University to finish her degree in teaching. She graduated from VSU in 2000 and began working at Upson-Lee Middle School in July of 2000. She has been teaching math for ten years now, and shes been a member of DKG for about one year, crediting Merle Teal for her membership in our sisterhood. Jodies favorite school years were in middle school, and she says, I loved middle school and would go back right now! However, her favorite teacher and the teacher that inspired her is Paula Pylant, who was Jodies fourth grade teacher. Jodie states, She is a wonderful lady and I still keep in touch with her. One of Jodies favorite school stories occurred when one of her students asked her who Evan Einstein was. Jodie was confused and asked what she was talking about. The little girl then pointed to a poster which read, Even Einstein asked questions. Jodie has been married for six years to Darren Day and is the mother of two beautiful children, Colton who is five years old, and Kinsleigh who is three years old. She also has a new hobby to share: competing in triathlons! Jodies goal was to complete her first triathlon in 1 hour, 15 minutes, and she did! In fact, she completed the triathlon held at Callaway Gardens this past summer in just 1 hour, 11 minutes, which is amazing! It is great that we in Beta Gamma have members who are so talented, athletic, and full of energy! Way to go, Jodie!

Jodie, Darren, Colton, Kinsleigh Jodie, Colton, Kinsleigh YAY! Jodie, the Tri-Athlete! Below: Jodie and her family with a feathered friend

Beta Gamma Birthday Girls

Linda Johnston-10/4 Michele Purvis-10/7 Tammy Bailey-10/18 Ida Ann Dunn-10/21 Frances Trice-10/25 Carol Gilreath-10/31 Frances McDowell-10/31


Marilu Goolsby-11/4 Susan Hardy-11/21 Lynda Woodall-11/22 Katie Hamilton-11/27 Jennifer Barbee-11/29


Lisa Tuttle-12/16 Ricki Robbins-12/29

Book Reviews with Charlotte Zuerner

Summer on Blossom Street by Debbie Macomber Enjoy another novel from New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber. You can follow the lives of Lydia, Brad, Phoebe, Anne Marie, Hutch, Alix, and Jordan as they go through a summer of challenges, surprises, romance, and new beginnings. Life can be as complicated as a knitting or crocheting pattern and that's the thing that brings them all together. Return to Sullivans Island by Dorothea Benton Frank Beth Hayes has just graduated from college and is craving her independence and a chance to write a novel. Instead, she has been elected by her family to house sit Island Gamble. She vows to rest, relax, and rejuvenate herself, but then she meets Max and her plans quickly change. Sullivans Island is truly a magical place.

Reminder of Upcoming Dates

Members dropped for non-payment of duesNovember 1, 2010 Beta Gamma Executive Board Meeting---January 23, 2010--Panera Bread in Columbus, GA at 10:30 Beta Gamma Chapter MeetingFebruary 13, 2010--Hamilton, GA at 10:30 Psi State Executive Board MeetingFebruary 27, 2010 Beta Gamma Chapter Committee Reports DueFebruary 1, 2010 International Scholarship applications due-February 1, 2010

Recipe Corner with Merle Teal Almond Strawberry Salad

3 cups fresh baby spinach 1/2 cup sliced fresh strawberries 1/4 cup sliced honey-roasted almonds 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 1 tablespoon honey 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar DIRECTIONS: In a large bowl, combine the spinach, strawberries and almonds. In a jar with a tight-fitting lid, combine the vinegar, honey and sugar; shake well. Drizzle over salad and toss to coat. Serve immediately.

Mrs. Mary Burdette 7316 Cedar Creek Loop Columbus, GA 31904

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