English-Only Movement Essay

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Disappointment Party

The English-Only movement is a trend which treat to do that everyone in the

United States just speak English and not matter the root of people (immigrant) you
should speak this language. This tendency is working to become the English
language in the official language in U.S with law and force the immigrants to
speech with that language relegating their native language.
The English movement has been debatable on the question whether or not is a
good idea to implement because in U.S there are a lot people from different
countries who have been contributing with the State paying taxes, voting, holding
political offices and other things being significant citizens. Some causes for the
emergence of this movement and reinforce it are intolerance and ignorance which
segment the population and what could end in the reduction of immigrants who
contribute to the State to see that freedom of expression is not respected in its
Firstly, the intolerance happens when the native American cannot understand what
are talking immigrant people, and they start to think that immigrants are saying bad
things about them, disrespect them. This attitude is evident in different spaces
such as restaurants, malls even at street. There is evidence that a native American
when listen to immigrants speaking in their native language, this American begins
to face with a bad behavior and abuse with their words to those who are doing it.
Secondly, the ignorance is another cause of the English-Only movement and this
one is most important because native Americans who support this tendency have
never thought in studying another language or think how the immigrants (bilingual)
feel about this theme. Ignorance could destroy easily any relationship regardless of
Finally, both intolerance and ignorance are responsables to segment the
population, in this case of U.S. This effect is translated in how immigrants would
desist to move out to the United States and help the economy with their
contribution paying taxes, etc. In the future could happen that international
investors reduce their direct investments affecting negatively the country.
In conclusion, the English-Only movement is directly responsible to create more
intolerance and ignorance on the new generations from U.S. destroying a beautiful
culture comprehended for a combination of different cultures from every part of the
world. I suggest to teach at U.S. school the importance to know different languages
and respect everyone and also how those languages have helped to build a strong
country able to surpass any problem and support other countries worldwide.

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