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Oatmeal and banana pancakes

Good morning teacher and classmates, today we are going to present our healthy recipe
which are the oatmeal and banana pancakes.
To prepare these delicious pancakes full of protein and vitamins, first we must know what
are its ingredients:


 1 cup of oatmeal
 1 ripe banana
 Cow or vegetable milk
 1 egg
 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
 1 dash of honey (to taste)
 1 dash of oil


1. We will begin, putting the chopped banana with the egg in the blender. It is not
necessary to grind it completely.
2. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend until you get a homogeneous mass. Until
the dough is ready.
3. Then, prepare a frying pan with a little oil and cook over low heat the pancakes one
at a time. To do this, pour small portions of batter so that they do not burn.
4. When bubbles start to come out of the top of the pancake, it is time to flip them.
Keep the pan with the flame at the minimum so that they cook properly.
5. Finally, you will have the oatmeal and banana pancakes ready, you can add honey
or nuts to taste.


Problemas macroeconómicos
Inflación y deflación

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