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Gangstalking is not a “fair fight.

” Gangstalkers will use, with the blessing of the thuggish federal

government of the United States, a combination of overt thuggery, phony police calls, clandestine
thuggery, tactical thuggery, hostile threats, and outright violence in what can be described as a “mobile
gulag.” Gangstalking is the political blunder that will end up leading to the international discrediting of
America. This thuggish program is what the federal government of the USA has attempted to embed
into the national consciousness as “the new norm.”

This is being done by federal liaisons, posing as everyday citizens facilitating, oftentimes through
example, the spreading of gangstalking’s many annoyance tactics as everyday “safety procedures” that
“everyone is doing these days.”

The more advanced methods of gangstalking such as electronic communications interception, thermal
imaging use, GPS interception, social media hacking, community mobilization, conversation
eavesdropping, and tracking protocols are used by congressionally authorized stalkers who work in a
covert capacity.

The thugs that participate in gangstalking are useful idiots. They do what they are told to do when they
are told to do it. It is presented to them as something other than federally authorized clandestine

The United States of America has lost its soul as a sovereign entity and is nothing more than a special
interest dump, a lobbyist’s cesspool, and a military industrial complex revenue generator.




This country has been legislatively duped into not only participating in gangstalking, but electing many of
the same negligent politicians that signed it into law under the guise of national security protocols.

A targeted individual cannot so much as go into a restaurant and order a meal without one of these
thuggish, hostile, mischievous, belligerent, federally directed thugs following them in or appearing later
and causing any number of problems or discomforts to the targeted person.

These American goons, which are tantamount to federally authorized henchmen will try to intimidate,
harass, or otherwise disrupt the natural life of the targeted person.

Thuggery has replaced the rule of law in America, and the Congress of the United States of America has
authorized and financed that same thuggery through the gangstalking mechanism, a fool-hearted
national security platform gone haywire, and turns a blind eye to this fact, knowing that when their
legislative ineptitude is exposed, that they will destroy the evidence, hire fall-men, spin the truth, and lie
about the prevalence and harm that this ultra-stupid national security disaster has caused the American
economy and society. The thugs that participate in gangstalking will never be prosecuted because they
commit their crimes in clandestine forms that are hard to record or detect, but are extremely obvious to
the targeted individuals that experience it on a daily basis.

Gangstalking is a federal disaster. This 24/7/365 attack mechanism is governmental in its cause and
implementation. The gangstalkers that practice this thuggish garbage use a combination of thuggery,
space-crowding, signaling, vehicular obstruction of movement, phony 911 calls, menacing maneuvers,
verbal thuggery, biological attacks, disease spreading, food contamination, attempted murder, felony
assault, burglary, theft, arson, murder, rape, attempted rape, abduction, vandalism, and other American
societal embarrassments.

The protocols for gangstalking was legalized through the American congress via national security
earmarks that were stuffed into 5,000-10,000 pages bills that no one in the country read through
entirely. The above named criminally insane methods are a part of the war machine that is leveled
against targeted individuals in a daily basis.

The United States Congress will never own up to its legislative incompetence; it would rather turn its
head to the thuggish human rights atrocities that it has legalized post 9/11/2001, in the form of hastily
passed, panic stricken, fly-by-night national security methods, that have handed over the rights,
liberties, and freedoms of the American populace to military industrial complex mechanisms, and
various other undisclosed “national security” groups that direct, guide, coach, instruct, and instigate the
various acts of thuggery that a targeted person experiences daily.

The concept of “inalienable rights” is dead in America, as are the concepts of law and order,
constitutional rights, and freedom. This country’s elected officials have sold this country lock-stock-and-
barrel to third party interests, most of which, are “national security” companies, defense and aerospace
firms, surveillance companies, and various other military industrial complex actors, that receive billions
in taxpayer money every year to find ways to instigate costly conflicts at home and abroad.

According to most analytical and statistical data sets, the thuggish, negligent, and congressionally inept
United States government commits 2% of its GDP to military industrial endeavors. I submit to you that
this is inaccurate. The United States spends 50% of its total “budget” on military expenditures.

The military is this country’s only pride. The social, economic, and labor components of the USA are
shattered and have been for 60 years; the private prison industry here is the world’s largest, and it
results in skewed judicial proceedings; its academic construct at the high school and college levels are
full of students who cheat and bribe their way to their diplomas; government contracts are thuggishly
issued to cronies who give the complacent politicians kickbacks for the money, the athletic leagues at
the collegiate and professional levels are riddled with steroid pumping cheaters who earn their
accolades illegally; the religious establishment in America is full of tax-exempt fairytale peddlers who
from the pulpit advocate international violence and other such thuggery; the majority demographic in
the USA is made possible by illegal alien migration; national security legislation in America overrides its
constitution and Bill of Rights; legislative earmarks determine public policy rather than the will of the

The United States is a sick and diseased nation that rejoices in its injustices, poorly conceived legislative
constructs, international tomfoolery, and in gangstalking, America’s unwaged war against its own

From 2003 to the present day, the United States Congress, in its panic stricken self-absorbed negligence,
has legalized, enabled, and continually financed gangstalking, a federally directed community oriented
attack mechanism, that has a “search and destroy” protocol, a workplace mobbing protocol, a public
disruption protocol, a target location protocol, and a thug recruitment protocol.
Mind you, the thugs that participate in gangstalking come from a wide variety of socioeconomic
backgrounds. A doctor that participated in gangstalking is just as degenerate as a newly released
convicted felon that participated in gangstalking.

This post 9/11 program is rooted in waste, criminal negligence, and legislative thuggery. The recruiting,
spying, location, disruption, electronic communications interception, vehicular attacks, and thug
mobilization units cost billions a year to manage, enriching the military industrial complex, and
denigrating the United States Constitution, rendering it useless.

The USA has betrayed the public trust, lied to its allies, and spread this thuggish disruption product
throughout the world, using its political coercion, power mongering, and cut throat legislative treason.

The verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues that the apish, thuggish, hate mongering
gangstalkers use to locate, disrupt, and irritate a target are courtesy of the American taxpayer.

The warmongering United States government’s latest war is against its own citizens in what is
tantamount to an atrocious war profiteering spectacle for its military industrial complex.

The citizenry of the United States is under attack by its maniac Congress, its lobbyists, and its maniacally
zealous religious components, all of which benefit from the traitorous, distasteful, ill-conceived war
monkey called gangstalking.

{ The gangstalkers are weasels; they take orders from other gangstalkers in the form of cues and signals.
Once they complete their assignment of annoying, obstructing, crowding, or otherwise jeopardizing
someone, they scurry off.

American congress-people are weasels. They draw a six-figure salary courtesy of the American taxpayer;
they have private bodyguards courtesy of the American taxpayer; they hold offices and sit on
committees courtesy of the American taxpayer; they ride in limousines and book flights on private jets
courtesy of the American taxpayer. What do they do for the American taxpayer in return? They pass
unconstitutional, thuggish, inbred, violent, murderous, wasteful, annoying, pandering, stupid, egregious,
self-serving, ill-conceived, military industrial thuggery that manifests as post 9/11/2001 “national
security” thuggery, which has earmarked or embedded in it, gangstalking which is gulag-inspired

The thuggish United States federal government is as useless as a fur coat in a desert. Its Senate, House
of Representatives, Supreme Court, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, its state and local
legislatures, and its various other organizations and bureaucracies are breeding grounds for useless
mind-numbing thuggery.

This country has the least amount of confidence in its government in the world. The federal judiciary is
made up of politically appointed justices that rule on issues according to what lobbyists, political parties,
politicians, and the military industrial complex tells it to.

This country is not an asset to humanity, nor is it an asset to the global economy. At
$32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, it is nothing more than a war machine purchasing, bad legislation
passing, trillion dollar budget signing, photo opportunity loving, no bid contract giving, international
The legislature of this country is not content with upholding the American Constitution. As a matter of
fact, we have no Constitution. What we have instead of a Constitution, are millions of malicious, useless,
thuggish, illiterate pieces of national security legislation that governs America. The constitution has been
overwritten by these pieces of legislation. The United States federal government has handed over the
country to a Department of Justice and a Department of Defense that’s have “hit the ground running”
since 2003 in sabotaging the principle constitutional precept of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of

This has been done through the authorization of thuggish programs like gangstalking, which allows
bands of thugs, idiots, nincompoops, buffoons, knuckleheads, inbreds, morons, religious zealots,
scoundrels, fools, harassers, felons, corrupted third parties, thuggish imbeciles-, and strange American
thugs to perpetually jeopardize targeted individuals on a daily basis while using a degenerately thuggish
system of verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues to “point out” the targeted individual’s
exact location so that other goonish-, thuggish gangstalkers will know who to bother-, obstruct, crowd,
or harass, all under the supervision of federally authorized “watchers,” who have one hand in a gun
somewhere in the vehicle, and the other hand on the “911” button on their phone, all from a hidden
location while the targeted person deals with the gangstalkers that he has mobilized towards them in a
cowardly, weaselly, covert fashion. The thugs that the thuggish United States federal government has
thuggishly authorized to violently engage targeted individuals via a coded system of cues, both gestural
and verbal, have been given permission by the USA to contaminate people's food, spread disease via
strategically placed coughs, sneezes, heavy breathing, and other disgusting bodily functions that carry
with it the spread of bacteria and viruses.

The USA's thuggish, criminally insane, silly, wasteful, unneeded, ever dumb, military industrial complex
feeding thuggery known as gangstalking is biological warfare, disease warfare, scorched earth combat,
and biohazard warfare.

Gangstalking is the manifestation of a weak, thuggish, cowardly, spineless, degenerate, governmentally

illiterate Congress, which routinely passes 10,000 pages bills with no knowledge whatsoever as to what
is in the bills, giving the daily American societal mechanisms over to thugs who are gangstalkers, and the
military industrial complex‘s thuggish handlers. The United States federal government spends more
money on defense per year (nearly $1,000,000,000,000 / year) than any other country, not because of
national safety, but to thuggishly enrich war machine makers who in turn create innovative wayside to
sabotage people in a federally directed thuggish fashion.

( The United States military isn’t made up of men and women who are not brave, virtuous, or fortuitous.
Rather it is made up off people who like the pay, benefits, travel, job titles, ranks, retirement packages,
and the many different sexual partners and sex opportunities that the thuggish United States military
offers them.

The United States of America is a swamp, cesspool, mudpit, gulag, money wasting bribe-taking,
violence-encouraging, politically illiterate dung hill. This country thuggishly uses taxpayer money to
finance street thuggery, intimidation, murder and attempted murder, assassinations, car accidents and
vehicular thuggery, poisoning, theft, home invasions, child abuse, academic dishonesty, military
thuggery, police thuggery, private’s security thuggery, and public corruption all under the banner of
“justice, liberty, and national security.” )
The United States federal government is a criminally negligent criminal enterprise and has been for 100
years; it illegally criminalizes private citizens via the gangstalking method with no court proceedings or
federal process. }

The United States federal government, its elected representatives, and the decision makers in its various
auxiliaries are not qualified to speak on good governance, the rule of law, or freedom.

The USA has, over the decades, billed itself as “the shining city on a hill” and “a beacon of freedom
around the world.” It is neither. Rather it is a nation, indebted to its own federal reserve system to the
tune of $32,000,000,000,000.000, is legislatively illiterate to the point where it no longer vets the bills
that come before it; it does not take responsibility for its human rights abuses or treason, it ignores the
assertions by its citizens that it has authorized the equivalent of a mobile gulag against them, its
wasteful, irresponsible, deleterious, degenerate, and criminally negligent Congress moves so slowly on
the political issues of the most importance, that these issues quickly snowball into governmental

The United States Federal Government has enlisted, for better or for worse and purposely or
inadvertently (through stealth national security legislation) a nationwide group of degenerate animals,
aloof thugs, criminally prone corrupted inbreds, and herd-mentality-loving freedom haters that enjoy
protection from any consequences related to their thuggish, mindless, buffoonish, and ape-like behavior
towards other citizens.

This country is one thing and one thing only, a fundraiser for the military industrial complex and related
industries. With respect to gangstalking, related industries are not limited to war machine builders, but
includes the hospital industry and the clinical psychiatric/psychological industries, all of which will enjoy
increased revenues from the derived persons problems and physical injuries that gangstalking causes its

Gangstalkers are not patriots; they are not patriotic, nor do they suspect that they are doing their
federal government’s bidding with their actions. They are simply degenerate martinets that enjoy the
status quo in America, which has degenerated into a nationwide cabal of useful idiots who are
infatuated with being able to commit violent crimes and or crimes of aggravated menacing against
targeted persons with no recourse whatsoever.

The formula for present day gangstalking involves a number of hidden provocation, harassment, and
psychological warfare techniques that are designed to be difficult for the targeted individual to control,
observe, or report.

People who take an adversarial stance towards targeted individuals’ endeavor of exposition to what
they are experiencing will say “go to the police,” or “try to cope.” I am especially suspicious of these
kinds of people because these suggestions given the totalitarian styled nationwide attack mechanisms
that a targeted individual experiences. Simply put, the police can’t do anything about gangstalking and
“coping” or not reacting is extremely dangerous for a targeted individual to do.

The American psychiatric and professional psychological community is violently and purposefully rigged
against targeted individuals. If targeted individuals can be clinically diagnosed as psychotic for their
assertions on gangstalking, then the lecherous and traitorous American program can commence
There is not one psychiatrist or psychologist in the whole of this country that will agree with or give an
acknowledgement of the degenerate congressional thuggery that targeted individuals are experiencing.
Rather they see it as an opportunity to charge the targeted person fees and “diagnos” them with a
mental disease that they may not have.

As a matter of fact, this program may be designed to stimulate the psychiatric and professional
psychological industry from the insurance money they will get from appointments/visits related to the
psychosis and related mental illnesses that gangstalking is “capable” of causing its targeted persons.
Gangstalking is ultimately meant to cause agoraphobia in its targets.

More visits to these “mind doctors” means more revenues generated for their respective industries.

Gangstalking also stimulates the hospital industry from all of the injurious “accidents” that targeted
individuals experience at the hand of their degenerate, thuggish, clumsy, and illbred

The military industrial complex also benefits financially from this program. The military industrial
surveillance, communications intercepting technology, as well as the unseen war machines used in a
targeted person’s gangstalking campaign are a part of the nearly $1,000,000,000,000.00 in taxpayer
money that is spent on military industrial war expenditures.

This program should be investigated by the United Nations and the actors in it charged with high

The United States federal government is guilty of political and economic thuggery behind this program.

The United States political and governmental establishments are totally and utterly useless.

Gangstalking has been going on in an accelerated capacity since at least 2011. Its targets are chosen in
secret, the thuggery that they encounter is unexpected and unannounced, there is judicial process, and
no warnings or notices given to the targeted person.

The congressional, legislative, and bureaucratic thuggery that the United States has authorized post 9-
11-2001, is tantamount to high treason, thuggish preemptive actions against United States citizens, and
constitutional rights violations.

The United States of America has enabled and financed state-sanctioned domestic terrorism.

The post 9/11/2001 national security scare birthed draconian, thuggish, illbred, civil rights disasters like
gangstalking, namely because the national security bills passed through congress during this time period
and beyond were 9,500 pages long, loaded with civil liberty restricting earmarks, and no one in the
Congress or the President’s executive office read them thoroughly.

Thuggery such as workplace mobbing, community harassment, electronic communications interception,

street theater, derived or staged car accidents, murder and attempted murder, assault, burglary and
vandalism, all of which are a part of gangstalking’s violent repertoire, have been stealthily legalized due
to congressional legislative ignorance.

The United States’ commitment to the purchase and use of military industrial war machines has
rendered its collective judgement on good governance as useless. The United States spends nearly $1T
per/year on the military industrial complex conundrum, and because there are no wars to fight, the
United States has waged war on its own citizens.

This covert war, called gangstalking, utilizes many of the costly and ineffective military industrial war
machines that are sitting around and collecting dust. This being done to stimulate the military industrial
complex in absence of any costly wars with “boogeyman” regimes.

The military industrial complex is a size able donor to political campaigns in the USA, and in return US
politicians reward it with trillion dollar government contracts, causing revenue explosions and increased
stock prices for the makers of war machines.

Gangstalking is a war profiteering enterprise used to stimulate the military industrial complex, this being
done at the expense of its citizen’s freedom, liberty, oppportunities for good governance, and their
constitutional rights.

The United States is not at war with another country right now. There are no third-world countries for it
to invade. No false flag operations to lead the country in to another Middle Eastern war, no more
excuses to create terrorist "boogeymen," in other countries, and most recently the military junta of
Afghanistan kicked America out of their country. America will never invade Iran, China, North Korea, or
Russia for fear of getting decimated.

The American military industrial complex, that was the financial, economic, and political beneficiary of
every American war since the Korean War of 1953, (which is technically still going on in theory
geopolitically.)—is the root cause of gangstalking, the same as it was the root cause of the Cold War, the
Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, and various other world-
wide skirmishes that America has involved itself in.

The military industrial complex refers to the "military industry" which is the capacity for the United
States to spend billions of taxpayer dollars per-year on military war machines, typically in the name of
"national security." The companies that produce these war machines and sell them to the United States
federal government reap enormous financial profits and serious increases in their stock performance.
The contracts that these war companies reap are courtesy of the congress, many of whom obviously get
kickbacks from the war companies and line their own pockets in that regard.

Because of the lack of wars being fought by this country around the world, the military industrial
complex is wearing thin. With fewer war machines being sold to the United States federal government
for its Department of Defense, its companies profits are declining and their stock performances are
waning. With so many members of congress with personal and political investments in the success of
the military industrial complex, "something had to be done."

Now the United States of America has foolishly and ineptly declared war on its own citizens. Why?
Simple. Because it can't declare war anywhere else in the world presently. War generates lots of money
for military industrial war-machine makers, and those invested in that particular industry. Why lose out
on the guaranteed profits of an industry that taxpayers pay billions to each year anyhow?

Now the United States of America has gangstalking; an undeclared, unannounced, unnecessary war
(also called covert war) which stimulates its military industrial complex once again.
The gangstalkers are weasels; they take orders from other gangstalkers in the form of cues and signals.
Once they complete their assignment of annoying, obstructing, crowding, or otherwise jeopardizing
someone, they scurry off.

American congress-people are weasels. They draw a six-figure salary courtesy of the American taxpayer;
they have private bodyguards courtesy of the American taxpayer; they hold offices and sit on
committees courtesy of the American taxpayer; they ride in limousines and book flights on private jets
courtesy of the American taxpayer. What do they do for the American taxpayer in return? They pass
unconstitutional, thuggish, inbred, violent, murderous, wasteful, annoying, pandering, stupid, egregious,
self-serving, ill-conceived, military industrial thuggery that manifests as post 9/11/2001 “national
security” thuggery, which has earmarked or embedded in it, gangstalking which is gulag-inspired

The thuggish United States federal government is as useless as a fur coat in a desert. Its Senate, House
of Representatives, Supreme Court, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, its state and local
legislatures, and its various other organizations and bureaucracies are breeding grounds for useless
mind-numbing thuggery.

This country has the least amount of confidence in its government in the world. The federal judiciary is
made up of politically appointed justices that rule on issues according to what lobbyists, political parties,
politicians, and the military industrial complex tells it to.

This country is not an asset to humanity, nor is it an asset to the global economy. At
$32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, it is nothing more than a war machine purchasing, bad legislation
passing, trillion dollar budget signing, photo opportunity loving, no bid contract giving, international

The legislature of this country is not content with upholding the American Constitution. As a matter of
fact, we have no Constitution. What we have instead of a Constitution, are millions of malicious, useless,
thuggish, illiterate pieces of national security legislation that governs America. The constitution has been
overwritten by these pieces of legislation. The United States federal government has handed over the
country to a Department of Justice and a Department of Defense that’s have “hit the ground running”
since 2003 in sabotaging the principle constitutional precept of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of

This has been done through the authorization of thuggish programs like gangstalking, which allows
bands of thugs, idiots, nincompoops, buffoons, knuckleheads, inbreds, morons, religious zealots,
scoundrels, fools, harassers, felons, corrupted third parties, thuggish imbeciles-, and strange American
thugs to perpetually jeopardize targeted individuals on a daily basis while using a degenerately thuggish
system of verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues to “point out” the targeted individual’s
exact location so that other goonish-, thuggish gangstalkers will know who to bother-, obstruct, crowd,
or harass, all under the supervision of federally authorized “watchers,” who have one hand in a gun
somewhere in the vehicle, and the other hand on the “911” button on their phone, all from a hidden
location while the targeted person deals with the gangstalkers that he has mobilized towards them in a
cowardly, weaselly, covert fashion. The thugs that the thuggish United States federal government has
thuggishly authorized to violently engage targeted individuals via a coded system of cues, both gestural
and verbal, have been given permission by the USA to contaminate people's food, spread disease via
strategically placed coughs, sneezes, heavy breathing, and other disgusting bodily functions that carry
with it the spread of bacteria and viruses.

The USA's thuggish, criminally insane, silly, wasteful, unneeded, ever dumb, military industrial complex
feeding thuggery known as gangstalking is biological warfare, disease warfare, scorched earth combat,
and biohazard warfare.

Gangstalking is the manifestation of a weak, thuggish, cowardly, spineless, degenerate, governmentally

illiterate Congress, which routinely passes 10,000 pages bills with no knowledge whatsoever as to what
is in the bills, giving the daily American societal mechanisms over to thugs who are gangstalkers, and the
military industrial complex‘s thuggish handlers. The United States federal government spends more
money on defense per year (nearly $1,000,000,000,000 / year) than any other country, not because of
national safety, but to thuggishly enrich war machine makers who in turn create innovative wayside to
sabotage people in a federally directed thuggish fashion.

The United States military isn’t made up of men and women who are not brave, virtuous, or fortuitous.
Rather it is made up off people who like the pay, benefits, travel, job titles, ranks, retirement packages,
and the many different sexual partners and sex opportunities that the thuggish United States military
offers them.

The United States of America is a swamp, cesspool, mudpit, gulag, money wasting bribe-taking,
violence-encouraging, politically illiterate dung hill. This country thuggishly uses taxpayer money to
finance street thuggery, intimidation, murder and attempted murder, assassinations, car accidents and
vehicular thuggery, poisoning, theft, home invasions, child abuse, academic dishonesty, military
thuggery, police thuggery, private’s security thuggery, and public corruption all under the banner of
“justice, liberty, and national security.”

The United States federal government is a criminally negligent criminal enterprise and has been for 100
years; it illegally criminalizes private citizens via the gangstalking method with no court proceedings or
federal process.

America is a congressional scourge. Over the past 60 years, it has legalized earmarks, a number of killing
missions that have threatened the lives, liberties and livelihoods of the citizens of this country.

This country, The United States of America, is a vassal state with various interests trying to control it
with these designated legislative mandates (earmarks) that neither Congress nor the people could ever
independently to vote on. These earmarks, once passed have the full force of the law and can make your
life worse without you realizing it.

Gang—stalking is a direct result of allocated funding programs that affect national security,
infrastructure, and other things, sneaking past the judgment and will of Americans, with stealth an
unconscionable maliciousness; and we, the people, didn't know that programs such as this existed
legally. Gangstalking was passed unnoticed by the authorizing congressional representatives. This
program operates through a variety of harassment, threats, vehicular assaults, home invasions,
workplace mobbing mechanisms and/or other violent or murderous mechanisms. This being the case,
the passage of these various national security and infrastructure earmarks makes the U.S. federal
government guilty of state-sanctioned criminal murder.
Inducing gang harassment (gang stalking) programs and designated or derived personal hazards are the
result of several speculations contained in several congressional budgets, national security legislation,
and other federal, state, and local laws.

The thousands of pages of legislation that contain malicious earmarked content that most politicians
have never read or heard of, could destroy the fabric of American society, end democracy and nullify our
status as a constitutional republic.

Gangstalking was invented by bad clowns who did not like the social or economic direction of the
country and decided to create a gangster shadow government and shadow army themselves.

The ringleaders of the Gang-Stalk achieved their mad ambitions with the authority the mad
exterminationist American congress through a covert/insert/designated mechanism which has
permeated federal, state and local US legislatures.

Those targets, (targeted indivisuals) including myself, take our experience with this inflammatory
program and its destructive and highly intrusive nature very seriously.

An itemized veto (the line-item veto) is the only way to destroy this horrible and unconstitutional
bullying contract known as gang bullying or community harassment.

The US government has committed state-sanctioned murder. State-sanctioned killings are part of a
ubiquitous gang-harassment program that runs through American society.

Gang stalking is the result of thousands of congressional appropriations (secretly hidden legislative and
statutory provisions) that have passed Congressional legislatures and have been incorporated into
American law.

Derogatory Records in gangstalking :

Gangstalking is a database driven federally funded enterprise.

In order for a person to be surveilled, tracked, disrupted, harassed, obstructed contained, violently
engaged by thuggish stalkers, annoyed, and have their constitutional rights violated on a daily basis by
federally enabled crooked liaisons, they must first have the right amount of derogatory deleterious
governmental records entered against their name, and into the right federally accessible databases.

Derogatory records that lead to a gangstalking campaign do not have to be criminal records. Derogatory
records entries against a United States citizen can be done in a hidden, covert, clandestine, and
otherwise totally untraceable fashion. There are semi-law enforcement databases such as private
investigator records that can serve as "just cause" for the criminally negligent entry into a gangstalking
protocol. Just cause or "reasonable suspicion" is the sole qualifier for a United States citizen to be
entered into a federally authorized gangstalking campaign. The databases that a targteted individual is
entered into that enable a gangstalking campaign against them are maintained by the Department of
Justice, the Department of Defense, Fusion Centers, Private Investigator offices, private security
databases, confidential or "top secret" police or national security database mechanisms, or a
combination of all of the above. If a person is deemed "reasonably dangerous," "a threat to society," or
"subversive to the public's interest," then they can be placed in such a database in a quiet secretive
extrajudicial or otherwise behind the scenes manner.
Derogatory records can be generated against a person by high-schools, middle-schools, and elementary
schools as well as doctors offices, state-funded neighborhood watch personnel, police and sheriff
departments, and other law enforcer, semi-law enforcer, and other peace officer or "protection
agencies" can contribute derogatory records against a person without actually charging them with a
crime or arresting them.

I am even inclined to think at this point that most targeted individuals, or people who identify with/as
targeted individuals have no criminal record to speak of. I am a targeted individual myself and I have no
criminal record. My significant other, Lori Ann Moore, experiences similar gangstalking thuggery against
her person as well, leading me to suspect that she is a targeted individual , and she has no criminal
record either.

The fact that many targeted individuals have no criminal record makes them easier targets for the
thuggish lowlifes that practice gangstalking. I believe that the reasoning for this is as follows: -If a person
is generally a law-abiding citizen, then they wouldn't have the "edge" or "criminal mind," or the
psychological or physiological "toughness" that it takes to withstand a gangstalking campaign
successfully. Not unless of course, they are former athletes, trained in hand-to-hand combat, are
unusually physically large or strong, or have developed a street-smart unusually tough, or unusually
vigilant or observant mentality over the course of their lives. It is typically criminally minded,
exceptionally brutish, or naturally combative or violent people who have such a disposition, not well-
meaning law-abiders. This is why a good many of the people who are "tapped in" to gangstalking and act
as gangstalkers have criminal records even though gangstalking is a United States government project
and the targeted people who have to defend themselves against the gangstalkers are people with no
criminal records to speak of.

Gangstalkers do not have to have a criminal record to particpate in gangstalking however; any of them
do not have criminal records; as a matter of fact, there are government employees, (federal, state, and
local) who practices gangstalking as well as IT professionals, law-enforcers, corporate executives,
doctors, teachers, clergymen, construction workers, teachers and professors, military personnel and

Gangstalking is at its core, a system of derived, directed, learned, and improvised behaviors that
resemble one another. Their only goal is to create a hostile environment for a targeted individual, get
them into trouble with the law, physiologically harm them, or kill them.

This program is poorly conceived, poorly operated, poorly implemented, poorly executed, poorly
engaged in, and operated with such a hostile pandering violence, that one must be on guard or "en
garde" every second of every day, or otherwise risk injury or death at the hands of a federally enabled
band of gangstalking punks.

Gangstalking is an extrajudicially implemented thuggish, politically and anthropologically illiterate,

military industrial complex revenue generator. Its core value to its infiltrating perpetrating crafters is war
profiteering the same as when the United States goes to "war" with a third war country. Gangstalking,
like one of these poorly conceived "America First" wars, maximizes revenue or the military industrial
complex while minimizing the threat of deadly recourse to the perpetrators by the targets.
The ultimate goal of gangstalking, the United States Congress’s legislative catastrophe, is to cause the
targeted individual to be, injured, maimed, incarcerated or otherwise institutionalized, destitute,
isolated, or killed.

This merits, protocols, or objectives of this stinking American program were not examined, researched,
vetted, or even read. When a “national security concern” arises before the Congress of the United
States, they vote in favor of whatever “measures” are proposed; this being in spite of the cost or the
damage it does to freedom, democracy, constitutionalism, the rule of law, the morale of the citizenry, or
its collective concept of common sense.

Gangstalking relies on thugs, bandits, criminally insane persons, corporate saboteurs, agent
provocateurs, instigators, hostile imitators, haters or insanely jealous persons, martinets, corrupt
persons, religious zealots, illegal aliens, hostile political actors, secessionists, illiterates, half minded
psychopaths, violent felons, violent criminals, violent gang-members or militia members, and other
deleterious, degenerate, violent, hostile, or terroristic American citizens and non-citizens.

This country has authorized gangstalking, which is a thug march that uses hastily passed post-9/11/2001
national security legislation as its anchor.

This program does nothing but feeds the military industrial complex and the industries that benefit from
the harm that is done to the targeted individuals. The Congress, the Supreme Court, the Department of
Justice, and the Department of Defense ought to be collectively ashamed for their role in the
implementation of this national crime. />

The United States is a sick and diseased nation that rejoices in its injustices, poorly conceived
legislative constructs, international tomfoolery, and in gangstalking, America’s unwaged war against
its own citizens.
From 2003 to the present day, the thuggish United States Congress, in its panic stricken self-absorbed
negligence, has legalized, enabled, and continually financed gangstalking, a federally directed
community oriented attack mechanism, that has a “search and destroy” protocol, a workplace
mobbing protocol, a public disruption protocol, a target location protocol, and a thug recruitment
Mind you, the thugs that participate in gangstalking come from a wide variety of socioeconomic
backgrounds. A doctor that participated in gangstalking is just as degenerate as a newly released
convicted felon that participated in gangstalking.
This thuggish post 9/11 program is rooted in waste, criminal negligence, and legislative thuggery.
The recruiting, spying, location, disruption, electronic communications interception, vehicular
attacks, and thug mobilization units cost billions a year to manage, enriching the military industrial
complex, and denigrating the United States Constitution, rendering it useless.
The thuggish USA has betrayed the public trust, lied to its allies, and spread this thuggish disruption
product throughout the world, using its political coercion, power mongering, and cut throat
legislative treason.
The verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues that the apish, thuggish, hate mongering
gangstalkers use to locate, disrupt, and irritate a target are courtesy of the American taxpayer.
The warmongering United States government’s latest war is against its own citizens in what is
tantamount to an atrocious war profiteering spectacle for its military industrial complex.
The citizenry of the United States is under attack by its maniac Congress, its lobbyists, and its
maniacally zealous religious components, all of which benefit from the traitorous, distasteful, ill-
conceived war monkey called gangstalking.
The United States relies on dumb, aloof, useful idiots who have a thuggish disposition to operate and
further gangstalking.
According to most analytical and statistical data sets, the thuggish, negligent, and congressionally
inept United States government commits 2% of its GDP to military industrial endeavors. I submit to
you that this is inaccurate. The United States spends 50% of its total “budget” on military
The military is this country’s only pride. The social, economic, and labor components of the USA are
shattered and have been for 60 years; the private prison industry here is the world’s largest, and it
results in skewed judicial proceedings;— its academic construct at the high school and college levels
are full of students who cheat and bribe their way to their diplomas; —government contracts are
thuggishly issued to cronies who give the complacent politicians kickbacks for the money, the
athletic leagues at the collegiate and professional levels are riddled with steroid pumping cheaters
who earn their accolades illegally; —the religious establishment in America is full of tax-exempt
fairytale peddlers who from the pulpit advocate international violence and other such thuggery;— the
future majority Latino demographic in the USA is made possible by illegal alien migration, namely
that of a spineless and dangerously thuggish United States Congress;—national security legislation in
America overrides its constitution and Bill of Rights;— legislative earmarks determine public policy
rather than the will of the people.
The United States is a sick and diseased nation that rejoices in its injustices, poorly conceived
legislative constructs, international tomfoolery, and in gangstalking, America’s unwaged war against
its own citizens.
From 2003 to the present day, the United States Congress, in its panic stricken self-absorbed
negligence, has legalized, enabled, and continually financed gangstalking, a federally directed
community oriented attack mechanism, that has a “search and destroy” protocol, a workplace
mobbing protocol, a public disruption protocol, a target location protocol, and a thug recruitment
Mind you, the thugs that participate in gangstalking come from a wide variety of socioeconomic
backgrounds. A doctor that participated in gangstalking is just as degenerate as a newly released
convicted felon that participated in gangstalking.
This post 9/11 program is rooted in waste, criminal negligence, and legislative thuggery. The
recruiting, spying, location, disruption, electronic communications interception, vehicular attacks,
and thug mobilization units cost billions a year to manage, enriching the military industrial complex,
and denigrating the United States Constitution, rendering it useless.
The USA has betrayed the public trust, lied to its allies, and spread this thuggish disruption product
throughout the world, using its political coercion, power mongering, and cut throat legislative
The verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues that the apish, thuggish, hate mongering
gangstalkers use to locate, disrupt, and irritate a target are courtesy of the American taxpayer.
The warmongering United States government’s latest war is against its own citizens in what is
tantamount to an atrocious war profiteering spectacle for its military industrial complex.
The citizenry of the United States is under attack by its maniac Congress, its lobbyists, and its
maniacally zealous religious components, all of which benefit from the traitorous, distasteful, ill-
conceived war monkey called gangstalking.
The United States relies on dumb, aloof, useful idiots who have a thuggish disposition to operate and
further gangstalking.
The gangstalkers are weasels; they take orders from other gangstalkers in the form of cues and
signals. Once they complete their assignment of annoying, obstructing, crowding, or otherwise
jeopardizing someone, they scurry off.
American congress-people are weasels. They draw a six-figure salary courtesy of the American
taxpayer; they have private bodyguards courtesy of the American taxpayer; they hold offices and sit
on committees courtesy of the American taxpayer; they ride in limousines and book flights on private
jets courtesy of the American taxpayer. What do they do for the American taxpayer in return? They
pass unconstitutional, thuggish, inbred, violent, murderous, wasteful, annoying, pandering, stupid,
egregious, self-serving, ill-conceived, military industrial thuggery that manifests as post 9/11/2001
“national security” thuggery, which has earmarked or embedded in it, gangstalking which is gulag-
inspired thuggery.
The thuggish United States federal government is as useless as a fur coat in a desert. Its Senate,
House of Representatives, Supreme Court, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, its state
and local legislatures, and its various other organizations and bureaucracies are breeding grounds for
useless mind-numbing thuggery.
This country has the least amount of confidence in its government in the world. The federal judiciary
is made up of politically appointed justices that rule on issues according to what lobbyists, political
parties, politicians, and the military industrial complex tells it to.
This country is not an asset to humanity, nor is it an asset to the global economy. At
$32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, it is nothing more than a war machine purchasing, bad legislation
passing, trillion dollar budget signing, photo opportunity loving, no bid contract giving, international
The legislature of this country is not content with upholding the American Constitution. As a matter
of fact, we have no Constitution. What we have instead of a Constitution, are millions of malicious,
useless, thuggish, illiterate pieces of national security legislation that governs America. The
constitution has been overwritten by these pieces of legislation. The United States federal
government has handed over the country to a Department of Justice and a Department of Defense
that’s have “hit the ground running” since 2003 in sabotaging the principle constitutional precept of
“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
This has been done through the authorization of thuggish programs like gangstalking, which allows
bands of thugs, idiots, nincompoops, buffoons, knuckleheads, inbreds, morons, religious zealots,
scoundrels, fools, harassers, felons, corrupted third parties, thuggish imbeciles-, and strange
American thugs to perpetually jeopardize targeted individuals on a daily basis while using a
degenerately thuggish system of verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues to “point out”
the targeted individual’s exact location so that other goonish-, thuggish gangstalkers will know who
to bother-, obstruct, crowd, or harass, all under the supervision of federally authorized “watchers,”
who have one hand in a gun somewhere in the vehicle, and the other hand on the “911” button on
their phone, all from a hidden location while the targeted person deals with the gangstalkers that he
has mobilized towards them in a cowardly, weaselly, covert fashion. The thugs that the thuggish
United States federal government has thuggishly authorized to violently engage targeted individuals
via a coded system of cues, both gestural and verbal, have been given permission by the USA to
contaminate people's food, spread disease via strategically placed coughs, sneezes, heavy breathing,
and other disgusting bodily functions that carry with it the spread of bacteria and viruses.
The USA's thuggish, criminally insane, silly, wasteful, unneeded, ever dumb, military industrial
complex feeding thuggery known as gangstalking is biological warfare, disease warfare, scorched
earth combat, and biohazard warfare.
Gangstalking is the manifestation of a weak, thuggish, cowardly, spineless, degenerate,
governmentally illiterate Congress, which routinely passes 10,000 pages bills with no knowledge
whatsoever as to what is in the bills, giving the daily American societal mechanisms over to thugs
who are gangstalkers, and the military industrial complex‘s thuggish handlers. The United States
federal government spends more money on defense per year (nearly $1,000,000,000,000 / year) than
any other country, not because of national safety, but to thuggishly enrich war machine makers who
in turn create innovative wayside to sabotage people in a federally directed thuggish fashion.
( The United States military isn’t made up of men and women who are not brave, virtuous, or
fortuitous. Rather it is made up off people who like the pay, benefits, travel, job titles, ranks,
retirement packages, and the many different sexual partners and sex opportunities that the thuggish
United States military offers them.
The United States of America is a swamp, cesspool, mudpit, gulag, money wasting bribe-taking,
violence-encouraging, politically illiterate dung hill. This country thuggishly uses taxpayer money to
finance street thuggery, intimidation, murder and attempted murder, assassinations, car accidents and
vehicular thuggery, poisoning, theft, home invasions, child abuse, academic dishonesty, military
thuggery, police thuggery, private’s security thuggery, and public corruption all under the banner of
“justice, liberty, and national security.” )
The United States federal government is a criminally negligent criminal enterprise and has been for
100 years; it illegally criminalizes private citizens via the gangstalking method with no court
proceedings or federal process.
The United States federal government, its elected representatives, and the decision makers in its
various auxiliaries are not qualified to speak on good governance, the rule of law, or freedom.
The USA has, over the decades, billed itself as “the shining city on a hill” and “a beacon of freedom
around the world.” It is neither. Rather it is a nation, indebted to its own federal reserve system to the
tune of $32,000,000,000,000.000, is legislatively illiterate to the point where it no longer vets the
bills that come before it; it does not take responsibility for its human rights abuses or treason, it
ignores the assertions by its citizens that it has authorized the equivalent of a mobile gulag against
them, its wasteful, irresponsible, deleterious, degenerate, and criminally negligent Congress moves
so slowly on the political issues of the most importance, that these issues quickly snowball into
governmental catastrophes.
The United States Federal Government has enlisted, for better or for worse and purposely or
inadvertently (through stealth national security legislation) a nationwide group of degenerate
animals, aloof thugs, criminally prone corrupted inbreds, and herd-mentality-loving freedom haters
that enjoy protection from any consequences related to their thuggish, mindless, buffoonish, and ape-
like behavior towards other citizens.
This country is one thing and one thing only, a fundraiser for the military industrial complex and
related industries. With respect to gangstalking, related industries are not limited to war machine
builders, but includes the hospital industry and the clinical psychiatric/psychological industries, all of
which will enjoy increased revenues from the derived persons problems and physical injuries that
gangstalking causes its targets.
Gangstalkers are not patriots; they are not patriotic, nor do they suspect that they are doing their
federal government’s bidding with their actions. They are simply degenerate martinets that enjoy the
status quo in America, which has degenerated into a nationwide cabal of useful idiots who are
infatuated with being able to commit violent crimes and or crimes of aggravated menacing against
targeted persons with no recourse whatsoever.
The formula for present day gangstalking involves a number of hidden provocation, harassment, and
psychological warfare techniques that are designed to be difficult for the targeted individual to
control, observe, or report.
People who take an adversarial stance towards targeted individuals’ endeavor of exposition to what
they are experiencing will say “go to the police,” or “try to cope.” I am especially suspicious of these
kinds of people because these suggestions given the totalitarian styled nationwide attack mechanisms
that a targeted individual experiences. Simply put, the police can’t do anything about gangstalking
and “coping” or not reacting is extremely dangerous for a targeted individual to do.
The American psychiatric and professional psychological community is violently and purposefully
rigged against targeted individuals. If targeted individuals can be clinically diagnosed as psychotic
for their assertions on gangstalking, then the lecherous and traitorous American program can
commence unchallenged.
There is not one psychiatrist or psychologist in the whole of this country that will agree with or give
an acknowledgement of the degenerate congressional thuggery that targeted individuals are
experiencing. Rather they see it as an opportunity to charge the targeted person fees and “diagnos”
them with a mental disease that they may not have.
As a matter of fact, this program may be designed to stimulate the psychiatric and professional
psychological industry from the insurance money they will get from appointments/visits related to
the psychosis and related mental illnesses that gangstalking is “capable” of causing its targeted
persons. Gangstalking is ultimately meant to cause agoraphobia in its targets.
More visits to these “mind doctors” means more revenues generated for their respective industries.
Gangstalking also stimulates the hospital industry from all of the injurious “accidents” that targeted
individuals experience at the hand of their degenerate, thuggish, clumsy, and illbred
The military industrial complex also benefits financially from this program. The military industrial
surveillance, communications intercepting technology, as well as the unseen war machines used in a
targeted person’s gangstalking campaign are a part of the nearly $1,000,000,000,000.00 in taxpayer
money that is spent on military industrial war expenditures.
This program should be investigated by the United Nations and the actors in it charged with high
The United States federal government is guilty of political and economic thuggery behind this
The United States political and governmental establishments are totally and utterly useless.
Gangstalking has been going on in an accelerated capacity since at least 2011. Its targets are chosen
in secret, the thuggery that they encounter is unexpected and unannounced, there is judicial process,
and no warnings or notices given to the targeted person.
The congressional, legislative, and bureaucratic thuggery that the United States has authorized post
9-11-2001, is tantamount to high treason, thuggish preemptive actions against United States citizens,
and constitutional rights violations.
The United States of America has enabled and financed state-sanctioned domestic terrorism.
The post 9/11/2001 national security scare birthed draconian, thuggish, illbred, civil rights disasters
like gangstalking, namely because the national security bills passed through congress during this time
period and beyond were 9,500 pages long, loaded with civil liberty restricting earmarks, and no one
in the Congress or the President’s executive office read them thoroughly.
Thuggery such as workplace mobbing, community harassment, electronic communications
interception, street theater, derived or staged car accidents, murder and attempted murder, assault,
burglary and vandalism, all of which are a part of gangstalking’s violent repertoire, have been
stealthily legalized due to congressional legislative ignorance.
The United States’ commitment to the purchase and use of military industrial war machines has
rendered its collective judgement on good governance as useless. The United States spends nearly
$1T per/year on the military industrial complex conundrum, and because there are no wars to fight,
the United States has waged war on its own citizens.

Gangstalking is an extrajudicially implemented thuggish, politically and anthropologically illiterate,

military industrial complex revenue generator. Its core value to its infiltrating perpetrating crafters is
war profiteering the same as when the United States goes to "war" with a third war country.
Gangstalking, like one of these poorly conceived "America First" wars, maximizes revenue or the
military industrial complex while minimizing the threat of deadly recourse to the perpetrators by the
The ultimate goal of gangstalking, the United States Congress’s legislative catastrophe, is to cause
the targeted individual to be, injured, maimed, incarcerated or otherwise institutionalized, destitute,
isolated, or killed.
This merits, protocols, or objectives of this stinking American program were not examined,
researched, vetted, or even read. When a “national security concern” arises before the Congress of
the United States, they vote in favor of whatever “measures” are proposed; this being in spite of the
cost or the damage it does to freedom, democracy, constitutionalism, the rule of law, the morale of
the citizenry, or its collective concept of common sense.
Gangstalking relies on thugs, bandits, criminally insane persons, corporate saboteurs, agent
provocateurs, instigators, hostile imitators, haters or insanely jealous persons, martinets, corrupt
persons, religious zealots, illegal aliens, hostile political actors, secessionists, illiterates, half minded
psychopaths, violent felons, violent criminals, violent gang-members or militia members, and other
deleterious, degenerate, violent, hostile, or terroristic American citizens and non-citizens.
This country has authorized gangstalking, which is a thug march that uses hastily passed post-
9/11/2001 national security legislation as its anchor.
This program does nothing but feeds the military industrial complex and the industries that benefit
from the harm that is done to the targeted individuals. The Congress, the Supreme Court, the
Department of Justice, and the Department of Defense ought to be collectively ashamed for their role
in the implementation of this national crime.
In the United States’ federally authorized gangstalking protocol, the intentional spreading of disease,
biological attacks, and the applied communication of contagious sicknesses abound.
The targeted individual is not a recognized United States citizen once he is tapped for a gangstalking
campaign. Any report he sends to the Department of Justice (including the FBI or the CIA), the
Department of Defense, or any local, state, or federal law enforcement or military organization will
be met with a coy impertinence, and will be dismissed as “inconclusive.”
I am fully aware that my project exposing gangstalking is being monitored by local, state, and federal
law enforcement, semi-law enforcement, and military factions. I suspect that the overwhelming vast
majority of them either disagree, disbelieve, or are disillusioned with my assertions, and the United
States federal law enforcers that have secretly observed and/or monitored me for a specified period to
examine my claims have returned either a “negative” diagnosis of gangstalking or an “inconclusive”
The United States of America is not capable of admitting to a legislative blunder of this magnitude.
The USA has legalized terrorism, namely biological attacks against its own citizens. The United
States routinely dispatched a thug unit of numbskull, thuggish, toad-like gangstalkers against my
person, this having continually gone on for twenty years now.
The congresspeople of the United States, many of them, simply do not know the Constitution, the
law, the legislative process, or politics. They simply smile for the cameras, spout party-approved
talking points, and hope nothing they say or do hurts their re-election efforts.
On metro-buses, gangstalkers board and exit them in units. When a targeted individual rides on any
public transportation, his location is “pointed out” by gangstalkers in his vicinity, to other who may
be at the next stop on the route.
The methods that gangstalkers use to point out a targeted individual vary. Some use physical gestures
such as slapping the bus window after they get off of the bus to indicate the target is on board; other
stalkers will flag a bus down, get on the bus and ask the driver a nondescript useless question and get
right back off of the bus; other gangstalkers will give some other indecipherable physical gesture as
they exit the bus which is to “alert” other gangstalkers in the area that there is a targeted individual
on board.
Covert communication is a part of gangstalking. When a targeted individual goes into a retail store,
the gangstalkers that followed him to the facility will signal other stalkers outside the building as to
who the target is.
The United States legal code is easily tampered with, manipulated, undermined, stepped over, and
overridden. The legislative process in the United States is flawed to the maximum. 10,000 pages
bills, none of which are ever read by the Congress or the President, are voted upon, ratified, passed,
and signed off on regardless of what drivel is contained therein.
The bills that are drafted by United States representatives and brought before Congress for a vote are
heavily influenced by third parties who regularly exploit the United States’ legislative process to
“insert” stealth attachments, or earmarks to these bills, which carry with them devastating
consequences for the American public.
These earmarks are expensive, wasteful, useless pieces of political refuse that have the full legal
weight of any congressional law that is passed even though they are not read or understood by the
elected officials that vote them through.
The federal government of the United States of America is joined in its legislative ineptitude by the
State and local governments of this country.
State legislatures do not thoroughly vet the bills that are voted upon by their legislative assemblies,
and the Governors of the states in the Union do not read the bills either. The bills passed in each
respective state in the country contain just as much pork barrel projects, earmarks, and
misappropriations as do federal legislation. State governments, in the United States are just as
irresponsible with their handling of national security matters as is the United States federal
government. The State legislatures of the United States regularly authorize unconstitutional civil-
rights restrictions as well, many of which have a clandestine, "top secret" disruption mechanism that
dispatches gangs of street thugs known as gangstalkers that use a system of communication signals
that include color coded signals, street theater, hand signals, physical gestures, vehicular maneuvers,
and verbal commands, all of which are federally designed to "point out" targeted individuals to other
gangstalkers so that they will know who to "engage" in their government authorized thuggery.
Local governments also legalize variations of the same clandestine "national security" protocols that
federal and state legislatures do. The gangstalking protocol, which is also known as "community
harassment," "covert war," street stalking," "cause stalking," and "hate stalking," is authorized in city
council legislative assemblies in votes that are finalized by the mayor, city manager, or city
commissioner. Local townships, villages, cities, and other municipalities have budgets just as State
and Federal Governments do; these budgets are drafted by local executive government officials and
their offices, and are generalized for speed, voted upon, passed and implemented. Little is ever
disclosed about the particulars of any of these local legislative matters, particularly when it comes to
national security protocols.
In order to find and eradicate the monstrously wasteful, anti-freedom, thuggishly negligent post
09/11/01 national security measures that were passed over the past 20 years, the federal government
would have to hire a panel of IT specialists to comb through the several hundred thousands of pages
of legislative buffoonery that has passed congress without first vetting it, a worthwhile endeavor that
would cost the American taxpayer far less than the treasonous, treacherous, wasteful, useless, violent,
disruptive thuggery that constitutes an American gangstalking campaign.
The United States federal government would rather spend many more billions of taxpayer dollars to
fund, finance, implement, and allow gangstalking to continue in order to show the “faith” that it has
in its legislative process, the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice.
Meanwhile targeted individuals like myself and my significant other encounter thuggery, the likes of
which is present in no country on earth but America, while its snarky, spiteful, and uninvolved
congressional representatives sit in their congressional offices consulting their spin doctors to find a
way to stifle the narrative of how this monstrous violation of civil and human rights came to be.
The most common gangstalking tactic that targeted individual's see is called "synchronization."
Synchronization is when a gangstalker does something at the exact "same time" as the target, with
the intent of disrupting the targeted person's movement. For example, you are walking through a
plaza, and the split nanosecond that you step into the parking lot area, a car comes speeding through,
cutting you off, almost hitting you, or just grazing you. Those are timed, synchronized movements
made by a gangstalker who has taken a federally directed cue to your exact location at that precise
second; the goal is to impede the targeted individual's movement, stun the target, and psychologically
"contain" him (give the targeted person a sense of being unable to "outrun" his attackers).
Another form of synchronization that a targeted individual see often is the swinging of doors
mechanism. The very second that a targeted individual comes near a door (not a second to early or
too late,) the door swings open either hitting you or just missing you. Those are also timed
synchronized maneuvers.
Gangstalking is not limited to a target's location when he is on foot; a targeted person experiences
synchronization when he is driving in his motor vehicle as well. Synchronization occurs on the open
road in the form of timed, prearranged, purposely executed vehicular maneuvers which are often
aimed at:
•causing a car crash,
(staged and derived car accidents are extremely common in gangstalking campaigns; they are an
attempt to keep the targeted individual off of the road and impede the target's ability to roam about
These staged car accidents are also aimed at artificially stimulating the American auto insurance,
auto body, car rental, hospital, and funeral services industries, as more car accidents mean higher
monthly rates on auto insurance, more car accidents mean more repairs for auto body repair
companies, more car accidents mean more car rentals for the car rental companies so that the targeted
person can get around, more car accidents also mean more hospital visits as the targeted individuals
who experience injuries as a part of their car accidents will have to pay for more hospital and/or
doctor visits to regain their health and vitality. More car accidents also mean more caskets purchased
for the casket companies, and for the funeral homes, more burial and/or cremation revenues are
raised as a result of the derived, staged and/or phony car accidents.
Many of the above named industries are publicly traded in some form or fashion and stand to benefit
financially from the catastrophic events caused by gangstalking. Yes ladies and gentlemen,
gangstalking is a revenue generator for certain industries and a mobile gulag for the targeted
The destruction caused by gangstalking can be accurately described as a "profiteering" mechanism as
can be seen with my assertions.
These road incidents are also "warnings" to the targeted individual that their stalkers are government
directed and federally protected and that they not their "friends" and that they can and will kill you.)
•causing the targeted individual to get a traffic citation, namely, through increased speed to escape
the stalkers or making illegal U-turns or so-forth to switch directions and go the opposite way of the
stalkers. It should also be noted that targeted individuals also get more stoplight violations than non-
targets, namely because stoplights are computer operated and can be hacked, hijacked, and remotely
controlled so as to turn red "right as a target gets to it," so as to cause a camera-generated traffic
citation or getting pulled over by a patrolman that may be close by.
---I should note that the stoplights would be remote controlled by someone other than the patrolman
who would pull you over for running the stoplight, but the patrol may or may not know that the
stoplight is rigged.
(enough of these types of traffic citations will impede the targeted person's ability to move about
freely as their driver license will be suspended, or worse, revoked entirely.)
Traffic citations also generate revenue for cities, towns, municipalities, villages, and townships, and
are a part of the "revenue generating aspect of gangstalking. The more traffic citations a city gets, the
more money that they have in their treasury to award contracts to third party companies that do
business with the city or state.
The gangstalking protocol is federally directed. It is not United States citizens mobilizing themselves.
Whoever would suggest that United States citizens, most of who have no history whatsoever in
personnel mobilization, military stratagem, interpersonal covert communications applications,
signaling, and clandestine organizational recourse and response protocols, is fooling themselves.
The farce is that the United States federal government is twiddling its thumbs waiting on the next
$5,000,000,000,000.00 budget to be passed and has no knowledge whatsoever on the treasonously
thuggish post 9/11/2001 community harassment and knuckle-headed thuggery protocol that it signed
off on and has continually funded and further implemented since 2003.
Without federal direction and guidance, gangstalkers do not mobilize; as a matter of fact, they go
back to being private citizens again which is a prospect that they detest. Gangstalkers and community
harassers are the sort of knuckleheads that enjoy feeling as if they are “plugged in” to something
“special.” It’s too bad that this “special” signaling, mobilization and interception mechanism that
they practice is both a crime against humanity and a treasonous unconditional construct.
The United States federal government is a boon to human civilization. It’s easily penetrated
legislative mechanism is a danger to all people from every corner of the world. The congresses of the
United States, over the past 20 years have neglectfully and fearfully sold the United States federal
government, as well as every state and municipality in the Union, to the military industrial complex,
its interests, and the interests of those who profit from it.
The United States of America is an international pariah. Its federal foreign ambassadors are officially
trying, for and on behalf of the United States, to influence other countries to adopt, as a part of their
national security repertoire, gangstalking, including its community harassment, workplace mobbing,
and its legalized murder and attempted murder mechanisms as the law.
The United States does not want to be the only country in the world to enable, finance, and mobilize
the gangstalking mechanism. It passed gangstalking as the law, in post September 11, 2001 national
security measures via thousands of unseen earmarks that were covertly inserted into its national
security legislation.
{ In turn, the federal legislature of the United States has officially forfeited the United States
Constitution, revoked the United States Bill of Rights, and renounced itself as a democracy and as a
constitutional republic.
Rather it is a blank check (courtesy of the American taxpayer) to the military industrial complex, its
auxiliaries, and the nationally malevolent pay-to-play surveillance protocols.
The military industrial complex, its fusion centers, and their combined influence on the federally
directed street-stalking, thug mobilization mechanism, have permeated every crevice of local, state,
and federal government, corporate America, Hollywood, the general American media, all of which
are subjected to the calamitous national security protocol that the United States Congress, terrified
and panick-stricken concerning the events of 9/11, foolishly, absentmindedly, and negligently passed
and unleashed upon the world-at-large.
The Congress of the United States have unleashed upon society a treasonous taxpayer funded thug
mobilization unit called gangstalkers. And they use a system of physical and verbal signals with each
other to locate, disrupt, obstruct, injure, and/or harass a targeted individual.
Gangstalkers, as I explain in this post, come from many different socioeconomic backgrounds. Some
are homeless, some are millionaires, some are middle-class, some are from the top 1% of all human
money earners, and some are upper-middle-class. I refer to gangstalkers generally as derelicts,
knuckleheads, thugs, numbskulls, cowards, troublemakers, nitwits, dimwits, useful idiots, pricks,
schmucks, camel excrement and etc...,.
Gangstalking is a federally directed war atrocity that is legally and lawfully carried out against
United States citizens whose names, vital statistics, variations of their names, and variations of their
vital statistics have been entered in national security databases as "dangerous," "subversive,"
"violent," "at-risk," or "troublesome.".
The people who have been extrajudicially chosen for victimization in this vicious, hostile, violent,
murderous, cowardly, knuckleheaded program are called targeted individuals. Targeted individuals
are targeted by the residents and non-residents of whatever community they are in, namely, by any
number of numb-skull derelicts called gangstalkers. Gangstalkers use a system of "cues" to know
where to go, when to go, and who to bother, disrupt, attack, obstruct etc...,. These cues consist of
verbal cues, physical and gestural cues, vehicular cues, color coded cues, noise cues, music cues, and
a number of other cues. These cues are the federally directed stalkers' way of covertly following,
speaking to, harassing, crowding, or violently engaging a targeted person. The thugs that participate
in gangstalking come in many different socioeconomic categories across the demographic spectrum.
It is difficult to know why they do what they do. They are definitely not paid monetarily for what
they do, as there is a risk for their clandestine hate protocol to be exposed as the crime that it is.
There is however, a definite payoff for them, even if it is something as simple as "looking tough in
front of their wife, kids, girlfriend, or families," or maybe the federally directed and deeply rooted
corporate and governmental aspects of this program will "magically," give them a raise at work, or
maybe a better grade in a college course, or favor at church, or a better deal on a car etc...,.
Gangstalking is a 24-hour-a-day catastrophe. A targeted person can leave their residence (or non-
residence) any time of the day or night and will definitely run into gangstalkers. If he is driving,
stalkers use vehicular cues to trap, contain, and obstruct his vehicular path, and rigged remotely
controlled stop lights give the targeted person the constant danger of running a red light and getting
ticketed (stop lights are computer operated and can be hacked or remotely controlled just like any
computer system can. It isn't difficult, especially with federally authorized GPS monitoring, remote
hacking technology and military industrial synchronization equipment, to turn a stop light quickly
from green to yellow to red seconds quicker than the standard computerized module supports, so as
to "cause" the targeted individual to run a red light, oftentimes with a state trooper or a local police
officer present.) Gangstalking is, at its core, a clandestine harassment, disruption, obstruction,
workplace mobbing, vehicular containment, troublemaking, murder and attempted murder
mechanism. It is a cooperative activity between gangstalkers from a variety of different locations,
(for example, a stalker on the street can communicate with a stalker in an office building by honking
his horn in a Morse code communication mechanism to the stalker in the building, the stalker in the
building can then communicate with stalkers in the lobby by making an announcement on the
intercom or other mechanism, the stalkers in the lobby can communicate back to stalkers in the street
by making various phone calls or text messages to various other people in the street whose phone
may ring in a certain musical arrangement which will be near a targeted individual, who the next
nearest stalker will know to attack.
This is my interpretation of the various means of communicative cues that gangstalkers share with
each other, but "ground zero" (the gangstalker that first identifies the targeted individual, is always a
government liaison.) This being true because a person has to be governmentally identified as a
federally identified targeted individual in order for the containment, obstructing signal-making, and
further communicative thuggery can commence.

The Government of the United States of America perpetrates state-sanctioned murder. State-
sanctioned Murder is a part of the gangstalking program which is extremely prevalent in the
American societal function. Gangstalking is the result of several thousands of congressional earmarks
that have penetrated bills and nested themselves into the American legal code. Gangstalking is when
United States citizens are mobilized, deputized, and directed towards targeted persons [ people who
have been placed in a gangstalking campaign against their lives ] [{as they go about their daily
business. }]
The gangstalking protocol is federally directed. It is not United States citizens mobilizing themselves.
Whoever would suggest that United States citizens, most of who have no history whatsoever in
personnel mobilization, military stratagem, interpersonal covert communications applications,
signaling, and clandestine organizational recourse and response protocols, is fooling themselves.
The farce is that the United States federal government is twiddling its thumbs waiting on the next
$5,000,000,000,000.00 budget to be passed and has no knowledge whatsoever on the treasonously
thuggish post 9/11/2001 community harassment and knuckle-headed thuggery protocol that it signed
off on and has continually funded and further implemented since 2003.
Without federal direction and guidance, gangstalkers do not mobilize; as a matter of fact, they go
back to being private citizens again which is a prospect that they detest. Gangstalkers and community
harassers are the sort of knuckleheads that enjoy feeling as if they are “plugged in” to something
“special.” It’s too bad that this “special” signaling, mobilization and interception mechanism that
they practice is both a crime against humanity and a treasonous unconditional construct.
The United States federal government is a boon to human civilization. It’s easily penetrated
legislative mechanism is a danger to all people from every corner of the world. The congresses of the
United States, over the past 20 years have neglectfully and fearfully sold the United States federal
government, as well as every state and municipality in the Union, to the military industrial complex,
its interests, and the interests of those who profit from it.
In order to find and eradicate the monstrously wasteful, anti-freedom, thuggishly negligent post
09/11/01 national security measures that were passed over the past 20 years, the federal government
would have to hire a panel of IT specialists to comb through the several hundred thousands of pages
of legislative buffoonery that has passed congress without first vetting it, a worthwhile endeavor that
would cost the American taxpayer far less than the treasonous, treacherous, wasteful, useless, violent,
disruptive thuggery that constitutes an American gangstalking campaign.
America is a congressional scourge. Over the past 60 years, it has legalized earmarks, a number of
killing missions that have threatened the lives, liberties and livelihoods of the citizens of this country.
This country, The United States of America, is a vassal state with various interests trying to control it
with these designated legislative mandates (earmarks) that neither Congress nor the people could
ever independently to vote on. These earmarks, once passed have the full force of the law and can
make your life worse without you realizing it.
Gang—stalking is a direct result of allocated funding programs that affect national security,
infrastructure, and other things, sneaking past the judgment and will of Americans, with stealth an
unconscionable maliciousness; and we, the people, didn't know that programs such as this existed
legally. Gangstalking was passed unnoticed by the authorizing congressional representatives. This
program operates through a variety of harassment, threats, vehicular assaults, home invasions,
workplace mobbing mechanisms and/or other violent or murderous mechanisms. This being the case,
the passage of these various national security and infrastructure earmarks makes the U.S. federal
government guilty of state-sanctioned criminal murder.
The gangstalkers are weasels; they take orders from other gangstalkers in the form of cues and
signals. Once they complete their assignment of annoying, obstructing, crowding, or otherwise
jeopardizing someone, they scurry off.
American congress-people are weasels. They draw a six-figure salary courtesy of the American
taxpayer; they have private bodyguards courtesy of the American taxpayer; they hold offices and sit
on committees courtesy of the American taxpayer; they ride in limousines and book flights on private
jets courtesy of the American taxpayer. What do they do for the American taxpayer in return? They
pass unconstitutional, thuggish, inbred, violent, murderous, wasteful, annoying, pandering, stupid,
egregious, self-serving, ill-conceived, military industrial thuggery that manifests as post 9/11/2001
“national security” thuggery, which has earmarked or embedded in it, gangstalking which is gulag-
inspired thuggery.
The thuggish United States federal government is as useless as a fur coat in a desert. Its Senate,
House of Representatives, Supreme Court, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, its state
and local legislatures, and its various other organizations and bureaucracies are breeding grounds for
useless mind-numbing thuggery.
This country has the least amount of confidence in its government in the world. The federal judiciary
is made up of politically appointed justices that rule on issues according to what lobbyists, political
parties, politicians, and the military industrial complex tells it to.
This country is not an asset to humanity, nor is it an asset to the global economy. At
$32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, it is nothing more than a war machine purchasing, bad legislation
passing, trillion dollar budget signing, photo opportunity loving, no bid contract giving, international
The legislature of this country is not content with upholding the American Constitution. As a matter
of fact, we have no Constitution. What we have instead of a Constitution, are millions of malicious,
useless, thuggish, illiterate pieces of national security legislation that governs America. The
constitution has been overwritten by these pieces of legislation. The United States federal
government has handed over the country to a Department of Justice and a Department of Defense
that’s have “hit the ground running” since 2003 in sabotaging the principle constitutional precept of
“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
This has been done through the authorization of thuggish programs like gangstalking, which allows
bands of thugs, idiots, nincompoops, buffoons, knuckleheads, inbreds, morons, religious zealots,
scoundrels, fools, harassers, felons, corrupted third parties, thuggish imbeciles-, and strange
American thugs to perpetually jeopardize targeted individuals on a daily basis while using a
degenerately thuggish system of verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues to “point out”
the targeted individual’s exact location so that other goonish-, thuggish gangstalkers will know who
to bother-, obstruct, crowd, or harass, all under the supervision of federally authorized “watchers,”
who have one hand in a gun somewhere in the vehicle, and the other hand on the “911” button on
their phone, all from a hidden location while the targeted person deals with the gangstalkers that he
has mobilized towards them in a cowardly, weaselly, covert fashion. The thugs that the thuggish
United States federal government has thuggishly authorized to violently engage targeted individuals
via a coded system of cues, both gestural and verbal, have been given permission by the USA to
contaminate people's food, spread disease via strategically placed coughs, sneezes, heavy breathing,
and other disgusting bodily functions that carry with it the spread of bacteria and viruses.
The USA's thuggish, criminally insane, silly, wasteful, unneeded, ever dumb, military industrial
complex feeding thuggery known as gangstalking is biological warfare, disease warfare, scorched
earth combat, and biohazard warfare.
Gangstalking is the manifestation of a weak, thuggish, cowardly, spineless, degenerate,
governmentally illiterate Congress, which routinely passes 10,000 pages bills with no knowledge
whatsoever as to what is in the bills, giving the daily American societal mechanisms over to thugs
who are gangstalkers, and the military industrial complex‘s thuggish handlers. The United States
federal government spends more money on defense per year (nearly $1,000,000,000,000 / year) than
any other country, not because of national safety, but to thuggishly enrich war machine makers who
in turn create innovative wayside to sabotage people in a federally directed thuggish fashion.
The United States military isn’t made up of men and women who are not brave, virtuous, or
fortuitous. Rather it is made up off people who like the pay, benefits, travel, job titles, ranks,
retirement packages, and the many different sexual partners and sex opportunities that the thuggish
United States military offers them.
The United States of America is a swamp, cesspool, mudpit, gulag, money wasting bribe-taking,
violence-encouraging, politically illiterate dung hill. This country thuggishly uses taxpayer money to
finance street thuggery, intimidation, murder and attempted murder, assassinations, car accidents and
vehicular thuggery, poisoning, theft, home invasions, child abuse, academic dishonesty, military
thuggery, police thuggery, private’s security thuggery, and public corruption all under the banner of
“justice, liberty, and national security.”
The United States federal government is a criminally negligent criminal enterprise and has been for
100 years; it illegally criminalizes private citizens via the gangstalking method with no court
proceedings or federal process.
The United States is not at war with another country right now. There are no third-world countries
for it to invade. No false flag operations to lead the country in to another Middle Eastern war, no
more excuses to create terrorist "boogeymen," in other countries, and most recently the military junta
of Afghanistan kicked America out of their country. America will never invade Iran, China, North
Korea, or Russia for fear of getting decimated.
The American military industrial complex, that was the financial, economic, and political beneficiary
of every American war since the Korean War of 1953, (which is technically still going on in theory
geopolitically.)—is the root cause of gangstalking, the same as it was the root cause of the Cold War,
the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, and various other
world-wide skirmishes that America has involved itself in.
The military industrial complex refers to the "military industry" which is the capacity for the United
States to spend billions of taxpayer dollars per-year on military war machines, typically in the name
of "national security." The companies that produce these war machines and sell them to the United
States federal government reap enormous financial profits and serious increases in their stock
performance. The contracts that these war companies reap are courtesy of the congress, many of
whom obviously get kickbacks from the war companies and line their own pockets in that regard.
Because of the lack of wars being fought by this country around the world, the military industrial
complex is wearing thin. With fewer war machines being sold to the United States federal
government for its Department of Defense, its companies profits are declining and their stock
performances are waning. With so many members of congress with personal and political
investments in the success of the military industrial complex, "something had to be done."
Now the United States of America has foolishly and ineptly declared war on its own citizens. Why?
Simple. Because it can't declare war anywhere else in the world presently. War generates lots of
money for military industrial war-machine makers, and those invested in that particular industry.
Why lose out on the guaranteed profits of an industry that taxpayers pay billions to each year
Now the United States of America has gangstalking; an undeclared, unannounced, unnecessary war
(also called covert war) which stimulates its military industrial complex once again.
The protocols, domination tactics, acts of explicit annoyance to another, implicit acts of ignorance,
scent harassment, intentional aggravation, and acts of outright violence are all a part of the federally
enabled earmarked national security protocol known as gangstalking.
Every neighborhood, personal residence, business district, church, office building, workplace, retail
store, public facility, municipal beach, public park, municipal recreation center, public property,
municipal complex or structure, public swimming pool, municipal library, grocery store, convenience
store, hardware store, elementary, middle, and high school, college and university, amusement park,
movie theater, pub and tavern, nightclub, gentlemen's club, five-star restaurant, fast-food restaurant,
buffet-restaurant, concert, mom-and-pop store, warehouse, and gas station is a stronghold for
gangstalking and derivative thuggery.
Even information technology firms and big data firms, ones who are typically conscientious about
their new-hires, are loaded to the hilt with gangstalking practitioners that actively, willingly, and
intentionally sabotage the digital progress of targeted individuals who either don't know, don't
understand, or refuse to participate in the verbiage, physical gestures, or other tomfoolery that
gangstalkers use to identify one another.
Gangstalkers, namely those that are federally directed, have the ability to use thuggish military
industrial technology to intercept a targeted individual's electronic communications, making it easier
for them and other gangstalkers to track, intercept, and disrupt him.
People learn gangstalking in different ways. The first gangstalkers, the ones that received
deputization from the federal government circa 2004, learned directly from DOD sources in a "top
secret" environment, under the auspices of "national security research."
Laymen and laywomen, which make up the majority of the United States population, learn how to
gangstalk targeted persons via word-of-mouth, by observation of other gangstalkers, and by
experiencing light gangstalking themselves, by other gangstalkers as a gangstalking training module.
Once a targeted individual is tracked, identified, marked as suspicious, and engaged by one of these
annoying buffoons, other buffoons can follow suit if they so choose. Targeted individuals have been
entered in a clandestine or "confidential" DOD or DOJ (or both) database as "subversive" or "a threat
to national security" or "a threat to the public peace."
National Security Legislative Earmarks are responsible for the gangstalking pandemic in America,
and throughout the world. Malicious and mischievous inserts into congressional budgets, national
security protocols, and other federal state, and local legislative matters are the reason that "designated
community protectors" or other law-enforcer and semi-law-enforcer [ plain clothes or not ] deputized
USA citizens have found a way to infiltrate the American societal mechanism in a way that causes
people to follow verbal, written, gestural, vehicular, and other cues which have no cause other than to
mobilize throngs of ignorant people, many of whom have surly or violent dispositions, towards a
targeted person, with the intention of instigating an altercation or other problem. The Government of
the United States of America perpetrates state-sanctioned murder. State-sanctioned Murder is a part
of the gangstalking program which is extremely prevalent in the American societal function.
Gangstalking is the result of several thousands of congressional earmarks that have penetrated bills
and nested themselves into the American legal code. Gangstalking is when United States citizens are
mobilized, deputized, and directed towards targeted persons [ people who have been placed in a
gangstalking campaign against their lives ] as they go about their daily business. Gangstalkers are the
cause of derived car accidents, violent street encounters, and deadly police encounters, all of which
are used against targeted individuals as weapons. Derived vehicular containment against a targeted
person, the mobilization of criminally insane street thugs, and phony 911 calls to local law
enforcement officers are all weapons that gangstalkers use against a targeted individual. Because
gangstalking is a world-wide catastrophe, these tragedies are happening in all four corner of the
world. That’s right, other countries have had earmarks that enable gangstalking plugged into their
legal code, by the same thugs that have enabled community harassment and workplace mobbing here
in America. The only way to defeat gangstalking is to hold the Congress of the United States of
America accountable. Since 9/11/2001, there have been several hundreds of thousands of earmarks
that have stealthily snuck past Congress while having been tagged onto national security bills, entire
budgets, and infrastructure legislation. To call gangstalking in particular, and earmarks in general,
treasonous, harmful, unconstitutional, and misappropriations is an understatement. Earmarks betray
the public trust and make a mockery of the legislative process which American congressional
assemblies have used since the 18th century. There is a [ follow the money ] element to gangstalking
and the orchestrators of gangstalking stand to profit from the carnage, chaos, and anarchy. The
United States legal code is no longer a representation of constitutional values. The United States of
America is not a democracy. The United States of America is not a Constitutional Republic. The
United States of America is a client state and a legislative dummy that malicious third-parties can
manipulate using the earmarks mechanism. The citizens of the United States of America are nothing
more than expendible pieces of property that march in step to the treasonous tune of gangstalking
interests. The formulators of gangstalking knew full well that this program would give them control
over the vital institutions of The American Republic, oftentimes at the expense of American blood
and treasure. The orchestrators of gangstalking should be arrested, tried and executed by public
hanging or given the death penalty by electric chair or firing squad for the crimes of treason and mass
murder. An earmark is a stipulation, sometimes, wasteful or harmful, and sometimes
unconstitutional, that is tagged onto a congressional bill. Congressional bills are often times
thousands of pages long; as a result, earmarks often go undetected and cannot be ‘deleted.’ Rather,
the entire bill must be rejected, stagnating the process. Gangstalking was earmarked into the
American legal code under the guise of a national security, police assistance, private security, or
other such bill. Congress doesn’t read the bills it signs into law, and sometimes thousands of
earmarks are legalized along with the bill and go totally undetected.
Gangstalking is a federal disaster. This 24/7/365 attack mechanism is governmental in its cause and
implementation. The gangstalkers that practice this thuggish garbage use a combination of thuggery,
space-crowding, signaling, vehicular obstruction of movement, phony 911 calls, menacing
maneuvers, verbal thuggery, biological attacks, disease spreading, food contamination, attempted
murder, felony assault, burglary, theft, arson, murder, rape, attempted rape, abduction, vandalism,
and other American societal embarrassments.
The protocols for gangstalking was legalized through the American congress via national security
earmarks that were stuffed into 5,000-10,000 pages bills that no one in the country read through
entirely. The above named criminally insane methods are a part of the war machine that is leveled
against targeted individuals in a daily basis.
The United States Congress will never own up to its legislative incompetence; it would rather turn its
head to the thuggish human rights atrocities that it has legalized post 9/11/2001, in the form of hastily
passed, panic stricken, fly-by-night national security methods, that have handed over the rights,
liberties, and freedoms of the American populace to military industrial complex mechanisms, and
various other undisclosed “national security” groups that direct, guide, coach, instruct, and instigate
the various acts of thuggery that a targeted person experiences daily.
The concept of “inalienable rights” is dead in America, as are the concepts of law and order,
constitutional rights, and freedom. This country’s elected officials have sold this country lock-stock-
and-barrel to third party interests, most of which, are “national security” companies, defense and
aerospace firms, surveillance companies, and various other military industrial complex actors, that
receive billions in taxpayer money every year to find ways to instigate costly conflicts at home and
According to most analytical and statistical data sets, the thuggish, negligent, and congressionally
inept United States government commits 2% of its GDP to military industrial endeavors. I submit to
you that this is inaccurate. The United States spends 50% of its total “budget” on military
The military is this country’s only pride. The social, economic, and labor components of the USA are
shattered and have been for 60 years; the private prison industry here is the world’s largest, and it
results in skewed judicial proceedings; its academic construct at the high school and college levels
are full of students who cheat and bribe their way to their diplomas; government contracts are
thuggishly issued to cronies who give the complacent politicians kickbacks for the money, the
athletic leagues at the collegiate and professional levels are riddled with steroid pumping cheaters
who earn their accolades illegally; the religious establishment in America is full of tax-exempt
fairytale peddlers who from the pulpit advocate international violence and other such thuggery; the
majority demographic in the USA is made possible by illegal alien migration; national security
legislation in America overrides its constitution and Bill of Rights; legislative earmarks determine
public policy rather than the will of the people.
The United States is a sick and diseased nation that rejoices in its injustices, poorly conceived
legislative constructs, international tomfoolery, and in gangstalking, America’s unwaged war against
its own citizens.
From 2003 to the present day, the United States Congress, in its panic stricken self-absorbed
negligence, has legalized, enabled, and continually financed gangstalking, a federally directed
community oriented attack mechanism, that has a “search and destroy” protocol, a workplace
mobbing protocol, a public disruption protocol, a target location protocol, and a thug recruitment
Mind you, the thugs that participate in gangstalking come from a wide variety of socioeconomic
backgrounds. A doctor that participated in gangstalking is just as degenerate as a newly released
convicted felon that participated in gangstalking.
This post 9/11 program is rooted in waste, criminal negligence, and legislative thuggery. The
recruiting, spying, location, disruption, electronic communications interception, vehicular attacks,
and thug mobilization units cost billions a year to manage, enriching the military industrial complex,
and denigrating the United States Constitution, rendering it useless.
The USA has betrayed the public trust, lied to its allies, and spread this thuggish disruption product
throughout the world, using its political coercion, power mongering, and cut throat legislative
The verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues that the apish, thuggish, hate mongering
gangstalkers use to locate, disrupt, and irritate a target are courtesy of the American taxpayer.
The warmongering United States government’s latest war is against its own citizens in what is
tantamount to an atrocious war profiteering spectacle for its military industrial complex.
The citizenry of the United States is under attack by its maniac Congress, its lobbyists, and its
maniacally zealous religious components, all of which benefit from the traitorous, distasteful, ill-
conceived war monkey called gangstalking.
{ The gangstalkers are weasels; they take orders from other gangstalkers in the form of cues and
signals. Once they complete their assignment of annoying, obstructing, crowding, or otherwise
jeopardizing someone, they scurry off.
American congress-people are weasels. They draw a six-figure salary courtesy of the American
taxpayer; they have private bodyguards courtesy of the American taxpayer; they hold offices and sit
on committees courtesy of the American taxpayer; they ride in limousines and book flights on private
jets courtesy of the American taxpayer. What do they do for the American taxpayer in return? They
pass unconstitutional, thuggish, inbred, violent, murderous, wasteful, annoying, pandering, stupid,
egregious, self-serving, ill-conceived, military industrial thuggery that manifests as post 9/11/2001
“national security” thuggery, which has earmarked or embedded in it, gangstalking which is gulag-
inspired thuggery.
The thuggish United States federal government is as useless as a fur coat in a desert. Its Senate,
House of Representatives, Supreme Court, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, its state
and local legislatures, and its various other organizations and bureaucracies are breeding grounds for
useless mind-numbing thuggery.
This country has the least amount of confidence in its government in the world. The federal judiciary
is made up of politically appointed justices that rule on issues according to what lobbyists, political
parties, politicians, and the military industrial complex tells it to.
This country is not an asset to humanity, nor is it an asset to the global economy. At
$32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, it is nothing more than a war machine purchasing, bad legislation
passing, trillion dollar budget signing, photo opportunity loving, no bid contract giving, international
The legislature of this country is not content with upholding the American Constitution. As a matter
of fact, we have no Constitution. What we have instead of a Constitution, are millions of malicious,
useless, thuggish, illiterate pieces of national security legislation that governs America. The
constitution has been overwritten by these pieces of legislation. The United States federal
government has handed over the country to a Department of Justice and a Department of Defense
that’s have “hit the ground running” since 2003 in sabotaging the principle constitutional precept of
“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
This has been done through the authorization of thuggish programs like gangstalking, which allows
bands of thugs, idiots, nincompoops, buffoons, knuckleheads, inbreds, morons, religious zealots,
scoundrels, fools, harassers, felons, corrupted third parties, thuggish imbeciles-, and strange
American thugs to perpetually jeopardize targeted individuals on a daily basis while using a
degenerately thuggish system of verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues to “point out”
the targeted individual’s exact location so that other goonish-, thuggish gangstalkers will know who
to bother-, obstruct, crowd, or harass, all under the supervision of federally authorized “watchers,”
who have one hand in a gun somewhere in the vehicle, and the other hand on the “911” button on
their phone, all from a hidden location while the targeted person deals with the gangstalkers that he
has mobilized towards them in a cowardly, weaselly, covert fashion. The thugs that the thuggish
United States federal government has thuggishly authorized to violently engage targeted individuals
via a coded system of cues, both gestural and verbal, have been given permission by the USA to
contaminate people's food, spread disease via strategically placed coughs, sneezes, heavy breathing,
and other disgusting bodily functions that carry with it the spread of bacteria and viruses.
The USA's thuggish, criminally insane, silly, wasteful, unneeded, ever dumb, military industrial
complex feeding thuggery known as gangstalking is biological warfare, disease warfare, scorched
earth combat, and biohazard warfare.
Gangstalking is the manifestation of a weak, thuggish, cowardly, spineless, degenerate,
governmentally illiterate Congress, which routinely passes 10,000 pages bills with no knowledge
whatsoever as to what is in the bills, giving the daily American societal mechanisms over to thugs
who are gangstalkers, and the military industrial complex‘s thuggish handlers. The United States
federal government spends more money on defense per year (nearly $1,000,000,000,000 / year) than
any other country, not because of national safety, but to thuggishly enrich war machine makers who
in turn create innovative wayside to sabotage people in a federally directed thuggish fashion.
( The United States military isn’t made up of men and women who are not brave, virtuous, or
fortuitous. Rather it is made up off people who like the pay, benefits, travel, job titles, ranks,
retirement packages, and the many different sexual partners and sex opportunities that the thuggish
United States military offers them.
The United States of America is a swamp, cesspool, mudpit, gulag, money wasting bribe-taking,
violence-encouraging, politically illiterate dung hill. This country thuggishly uses taxpayer money to
finance street thuggery, intimidation, murder and attempted murder, assassinations, car accidents and
vehicular thuggery, poisoning, theft, home invasions, child abuse, academic dishonesty, military
thuggery, police thuggery, private’s security thuggery, and public corruption all under the banner of
“justice, liberty, and national security.” )
The United States federal government is a criminally negligent criminal enterprise and has been for
100 years; it illegally criminalizes private citizens via the gangstalking method with no court
proceedings or federal process. }
The United States federal government, its elected representatives, and the decision makers in its
various auxiliaries are not qualified to speak on good governance, the rule of law, or freedom.
The USA has, over the decades, billed itself as “the shining city on a hill” and “a beacon of freedom
around the world.” It is neither. Rather it is a nation, indebted to its own federal reserve system to the
tune of $32,000,000,000,000.000, is legislatively illiterate to the point where it no longer vets the
bills that come before it; it does not take responsibility for its human rights abuses or treason, it
ignores the assertions by its citizens that it has authorized the equivalent of a mobile gulag against
them, its wasteful, irresponsible, deleterious, degenerate, and criminally negligent Congress moves
so slowly on the political issues of the most importance, that these issues quickly snowball into
governmental catastrophes.
The United States Federal Government has enlisted, for better or for worse and purposely or
inadvertently (through stealth national security legislation) a nationwide group of degenerate
animals, aloof thugs, criminally prone corrupted inbreds, and herd-mentality-loving freedom haters
that enjoy protection from any consequences related to their thuggish, mindless, buffoonish, and ape-
like behavior towards other citizens.
This country is one thing and one thing only, a fundraiser for the military industrial complex and
related industries. With respect to gangstalking, related industries are not limited to war machine
builders, but includes the hospital industry and the clinical psychiatric/psychological industries, all of
which will enjoy increased revenues from the derived persons problems and physical injuries that
gangstalking causes its targets.
Gangstalkers are not patriots; they are not patriotic, nor do they suspect that they are doing their
federal government’s bidding with their actions. They are simply degenerate martinets that enjoy the
status quo in America, which has degenerated into a nationwide cabal of useful idiots who are
infatuated with being able to commit violent crimes and or crimes of aggravated menacing against
targeted persons with no recourse whatsoever.
The formula for present day gangstalking involves a number of hidden provocation, harassment, and
psychological warfare techniques that are designed to be difficult for the targeted individual to
control, observe, or report.
People who take an adversarial stance towards targeted individuals’ endeavor of exposition to what
they are experiencing will say “go to the police,” or “try to cope.” I am especially suspicious of these
kinds of people because these suggestions given the totalitarian styled nationwide attack mechanisms
that a targeted individual experiences. Simply put, the police can’t do anything about gangstalking
and “coping” or not reacting is extremely dangerous for a targeted individual to do.
The American psychiatric and professional psychological community is violently and purposefully
rigged against targeted individuals. If targeted individuals can be clinically diagnosed as psychotic
for their assertions on gangstalking, then the lecherous and traitorous American program can
commence unchallenged.
There is not one psychiatrist or psychologist in the whole of this country that will agree with or give
an acknowledgement of the degenerate congressional thuggery that targeted individuals are
experiencing. Rather they see it as an opportunity to charge the targeted person fees and “diagnos”
them with a mental disease that they may not have.
As a matter of fact, this program may be designed to stimulate the psychiatric and professional
psychological industry from the insurance money they will get from appointments/visits related to
the psychosis and related mental illnesses that gangstalking is “capable” of causing its targeted
persons. Gangstalking is ultimately meant to cause agoraphobia in its targets.
More visits to these “mind doctors” means more revenues generated for their respective industries.
Gangstalking also stimulates the hospital industry from all of the injurious “accidents” that targeted
individuals experience at the hand of their degenerate, thuggish, clumsy, and illbred
The military industrial complex also benefits financially from this program. The military industrial
surveillance, communications intercepting technology, as well as the unseen war machines used in a
targeted person’s gangstalking campaign are a part of the nearly $1,000,000,000,000.00 in taxpayer
money that is spent on military industrial war expenditures.
This program should be investigated by the United Nations and the actors in it charged with high
The United States federal government is guilty of political and economic thuggery behind this
The United States political and governmental establishments are totally and utterly useless.
Gangstalking has been going on in an accelerated capacity since at least 2011. Its targets are chosen
in secret, the thuggery that they encounter is unexpected and unannounced, there is judicial process,
and no warnings or notices given to the targeted person.
The congressional, legislative, and bureaucratic thuggery that the United States has authorized post
9-11-2001, is tantamount to high treason, thuggish preemptive actions against United States citizens,
and constitutional rights violations.
The United States of America has enabled and financed state-sanctioned domestic terrorism.
The post 9/11/2001 national security scare birthed draconian, thuggish, illbred, civil rights disasters
like gangstalking, namely because the national security bills passed through congress during this time
period and beyond were 9,500 pages long, loaded with civil liberty restricting earmarks, and no one
in the Congress or the President’s executive office read them thoroughly.
Thuggery such as workplace mobbing, community harassment, electronic communications
interception, street theater, derived or staged car accidents, murder and attempted murder, assault,
burglary and vandalism, all of which are a part of gangstalking’s violent repertoire, have been
stealthily legalized due to congressional legislative ignorance.
The United States’ commitment to the purchase and use of military industrial war machines has
rendered its collective judgement on good governance as useless. The United States spends nearly
$1T per/year on the military industrial complex conundrum, and because there are no wars to fight,
the United States has waged war on its own citizens.
This covert war, called gangstalking, utilizes many of the costly and ineffective military industrial
war machines that are sitting around and collecting dust. This being done to stimulate the military
industrial complex in absence of any costly wars with “boogeyman” regimes.
The military industrial complex is a size able donor to political campaigns in the USA, and in return
US politicians reward it with trillion dollar government contracts, causing revenue explosions and
increased stock prices for the makers of war machines.
Gangstalking is a war profiteering enterprise used to stimulate the military industrial complex, this
being done at the expense of its citizen’s freedom, liberty, oppportunities for good governance, and
their constitutional rights.
The United States is not at war with another country right now. There are no third-world countries
for it to invade. No false flag operations to lead the country in to another Middle Eastern war, no
more excuses to create terrorist "boogeymen," in other countries, and most recently the military junta
of Afghanistan kicked America out of their country. America will never invade Iran, China, North
Korea, or Russia for fear of getting decimated.
The American military industrial complex, that was the financial, economic, and political beneficiary
of every American war since the Korean War of 1953, (which is technically still going on in theory
geopolitically.)—is the root cause of gangstalking, the same as it was the root cause of the Cold War,
the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, and various other
world-wide skirmishes that America has involved itself in.
The military industrial complex refers to the "military industry" which is the capacity for the United
States to spend billions of taxpayer dollars per-year on military war machines, typically in the name
of "national security." The companies that produce these war machines and sell them to the United
States federal government reap enormous financial profits and serious increases in their stock
performance. The contracts that these war companies reap are courtesy of the congress, many of
whom obviously get kickbacks from the war companies and line their own pockets in that regard.
Because of the lack of wars being fought by this country around the world, the military industrial
complex is wearing thin. With fewer war machines being sold to the United States federal
government for its Department of Defense, its companies profits are declining and their stock
performances are waning. With so many members of congress with personal and political
investments in the success of the military industrial complex, "something had to be done."
Now the United States of America has foolishly and ineptly declared war on its own citizens. Why?
Simple. Because it can't declare war anywhere else in the world presently. War generates lots of
money for military industrial war-machine makers, and those invested in that particular industry.
Why lose out on the guaranteed profits of an industry that taxpayers pay billions to each year
Now the United States of America has gangstalking; an undeclared, unannounced, unnecessary war
(also called covert war) which stimulates its military industrial complex once again.
The gangstalkers are weasels; they take orders from other gangstalkers in the form of cues and
signals. Once they complete their assignment of annoying, obstructing, crowding, or otherwise
jeopardizing someone, they scurry off.
American congress-people are weasels. They draw a six-figure salary courtesy of the American
taxpayer; they have private bodyguards courtesy of the American taxpayer; they hold offices and sit
on committees courtesy of the American taxpayer; they ride in limousines and book flights on private
jets courtesy of the American taxpayer. What do they do for the American taxpayer in return? They
pass unconstitutional, thuggish, inbred, violent, murderous, wasteful, annoying, pandering, stupid,
egregious, self-serving, ill-conceived, military industrial thuggery that manifests as post 9/11/2001
“national security” thuggery, which has earmarked or embedded in it, gangstalking which is gulag-
inspired thuggery.
The thuggish United States federal government is as useless as a fur coat in a desert. Its Senate,
House of Representatives, Supreme Court, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, its state
and local legislatures, and its various other organizations and bureaucracies are breeding grounds for
useless mind-numbing thuggery.
This country has the least amount of confidence in its government in the world. The federal judiciary
is made up of politically appointed justices that rule on issues according to what lobbyists, political
parties, politicians, and the military industrial complex tells it to.
This country is not an asset to humanity, nor is it an asset to the global economy. At
$32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, it is nothing more than a war machine purchasing, bad legislation
passing, trillion dollar budget signing, photo opportunity loving, no bid contract giving, international
The legislature of this country is not content with upholding the American Constitution. As a matter
of fact, we have no Constitution. What we have instead of a Constitution, are millions of malicious,
useless, thuggish, illiterate pieces of national security legislation that governs America. The
constitution has been overwritten by these pieces of legislation. The United States federal
government has handed over the country to a Department of Justice and a Department of Defense
that’s have “hit the ground running” since 2003 in sabotaging the principle constitutional precept of
“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
This has been done through the authorization of thuggish programs like gangstalking, which allows
bands of thugs, idiots, nincompoops, buffoons, knuckleheads, inbreds, morons, religious zealots,
scoundrels, fools, harassers, felons, corrupted third parties, thuggish imbeciles-, and strange
American thugs to perpetually jeopardize targeted individuals on a daily basis while using a
degenerately thuggish system of verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues to “point out”
the targeted individual’s exact location so that other goonish-, thuggish gangstalkers will know who
to bother-, obstruct, crowd, or harass, all under the supervision of federally authorized “watchers,”
who have one hand in a gun somewhere in the vehicle, and the other hand on the “911” button on
their phone, all from a hidden location while the targeted person deals with the gangstalkers that he
has mobilized towards them in a cowardly, weaselly, covert fashion. The thugs that the thuggish
United States federal government has thuggishly authorized to violently engage targeted individuals
via a coded system of cues, both gestural and verbal, have been given permission by the USA to
contaminate people's food, spread disease via strategically placed coughs, sneezes, heavy breathing,
and other disgusting bodily functions that carry with it the spread of bacteria and viruses.
The USA's thuggish, criminally insane, silly, wasteful, unneeded, ever dumb, military industrial
complex feeding thuggery known as gangstalking is biological warfare, disease warfare, scorched
earth combat, and biohazard warfare.
Gangstalking is the manifestation of a weak, thuggish, cowardly, spineless, degenerate,
governmentally illiterate Congress, which routinely passes 10,000 pages bills with no knowledge
whatsoever as to what is in the bills, giving the daily American societal mechanisms over to thugs
who are gangstalkers, and the military industrial complex‘s thuggish handlers. The United States
federal government spends more money on defense per year (nearly $1,000,000,000,000 / year) than
any other country, not because of national safety, but to thuggishly enrich war machine makers who
in turn create innovative wayside to sabotage people in a federally directed thuggish fashion.
The United States military isn’t made up of men and women who are not brave, virtuous, or
fortuitous. Rather it is made up off people who like the pay, benefits, travel, job titles, ranks,
retirement packages, and the many different sexual partners and sex opportunities that the thuggish
United States military offers them.
The United States of America is a swamp, cesspool, mudpit, gulag, money wasting bribe-taking,
violence-encouraging, politically illiterate dung hill. This country thuggishly uses taxpayer money to
finance street thuggery, intimidation, murder and attempted murder, assassinations, car accidents and
vehicular thuggery, poisoning, theft, home invasions, child abuse, academic dishonesty, military
thuggery, police thuggery, private’s security thuggery, and public corruption all under the banner of
“justice, liberty, and national security.”
The United States federal government is a criminally negligent criminal enterprise and has been for
100 years; it illegally criminalizes private citizens via the gangstalking method with no court
proceedings or federal process.
America is a congressional scourge. Over the past 60 years, it has legalized earmarks, a number of
killing missions that have threatened the lives, liberties and livelihoods of the citizens of this country.

This country, The United States of America, is a vassal state with various interests trying to control it
with these designated legislative mandates (earmarks) that neither Congress nor the people could
ever independently to vote on. These earmarks, once passed have the full force of the law and can
make your life worse without you realizing it.
Gang—stalking is a direct result of allocated funding programs that affect national security,
infrastructure, and other things, sneaking past the judgment and will of Americans, with stealth an
unconscionable maliciousness; and we, the people, didn't know that programs such as this existed
legally. Gangstalking was passed unnoticed by the authorizing congressional representatives. This
program operates through a variety of harassment, threats, vehicular assaults, home invasions,
workplace mobbing mechanisms and/or other violent or murderous mechanisms. This being the case,
the passage of these various national security and infrastructure earmarks makes the U.S. federal
government guilty of state-sanctioned criminal murder.
Inducing gang harassment (gang stalking) programs and designated or derived personal hazards are
the result of several speculations contained in several congressional budgets, national security
legislation, and other federal, state, and local laws.
The thousands of pages of legislation that contain malicious earmarked content that most politicians
have never read or heard of, could destroy the fabric of American society, end democracy and nullify
our status as a constitutional republic.
Gangstalking was invented by bad clowns who did not like the social or economic direction of the
country and decided to create a gangster shadow government and shadow army themselves.
The ringleaders of the Gang-Stalk achieved their mad ambitions with the authority the mad
exterminationist American congress through a covert/insert/designated mechanism which has
permeated federal, state and local US legislatures.
Those targets, (targeted indivisuals) including myself, take our experience with this inflammatory
program and its destructive and highly intrusive nature very seriously.
An itemized veto (the line-item veto) is the only way to destroy this horrible and unconstitutional
bullying contract known as gang bullying or community harassment.
The US government has committed state-sanctioned murder. State-sanctioned killings are part of a
ubiquitous gang-harassment program that runs through American society.
Gang stalking is the result of thousands of congressional appropriations (secretly hidden legislative
and statutory provisions) that have passed Congressional legislatures and have been incorporated into
American law.
Derogatory Records in gangstalking :
Gangstalking is a database driven federally funded enterprise.
In order for a person to be surveilled, tracked, disrupted, harassed, obstructed contained, violently
engaged by thuggish stalkers, annoyed, and have their constitutional rights violated on a daily basis
by federally enabled crooked liaisons, they must first have the right amount of derogatory deleterious
governmental records entered against their name, and into the right federally accessible databases.
Derogatory records that lead to a gangstalking campaign do not have to be criminal records.
Derogatory records entries against a United States citizen can be done in a hidden, covert,
clandestine, and otherwise totally untraceable fashion. There are semi-law enforcement databases
such as private investigator records that can serve as "just cause" for the criminally negligent entry
into a gangstalking protocol. Just cause or "reasonable suspicion" is the sole qualifier for a United
States citizen to be entered into a federally authorized gangstalking campaign. The databases that a
targteted individual is entered into that enable a gangstalking campaign against them are maintained
by the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, Fusion Centers, Private Investigator
offices, private security databases, confidential or "top secret" police or national security database
mechanisms, or a combination of all of the above. If a person is deemed "reasonably dangerous," "a
threat to society," or "subversive to the public's interest," then they can be placed in such a database
in a quiet secretive extrajudicial or otherwise behind the scenes manner.
Derogatory records can be generated against a person by high-schools, middle-schools, and
elementary schools as well as doctors offices, state-funded neighborhood watch personnel, police and
sheriff departments, and other law enforcer, semi-law enforcer, and other peace officer or "protection
agencies" can contribute derogatory records against a person without actually charging them with a
crime or arresting them.
I am even inclined to think at this point that most targeted individuals, or people who identify with/as
targeted individuals have no criminal record to speak of. I am a targeted individual myself and I have
no criminal record. My significant other, Lori Ann Moore, experiences similar gangstalking thuggery
against her person as well, leading me to suspect that she is a targeted individual , and she has no
criminal record either.
The fact that many targeted individuals have no criminal record makes them easier targets for the
thuggish lowlifes that practice gangstalking. I believe that the reasoning for this is as follows: -If a
person is generally a law-abiding citizen, then they wouldn't have the "edge" or "criminal mind," or
the psychological or physiological "toughness" that it takes to withstand a gangstalking campaign
successfully. Not unless of course, they are former athletes, trained in hand-to-hand combat, are
unusually physically large or strong, or have developed a street-smart unusually tough, or unusually
vigilant or observant mentality over the course of their lives. It is typically criminally minded,
exceptionally brutish, or naturally combative or violent people who have such a disposition, not well-
meaning law-abiders. This is why a good many of the people who are "tapped in" to gangstalking
and act as gangstalkers have criminal records even though gangstalking is a United States
government project and the targeted people who have to defend themselves against the gangstalkers
are people with no criminal records to speak of.
Gangstalkers do not have to have a criminal record to particpate in gangstalking however; any of
them do not have criminal records; as a matter of fact, there are government employees, (federal,
state, and local) who practices gangstalking as well as IT professionals, law-enforcers, corporate
executives, doctors, teachers, clergymen, construction workers, teachers and professors, military
personnel and politicians.
Gangstalking is at its core, a system of derived, directed, learned, and improvised behaviors that
resemble one another. Their only goal is to create a hostile environment for a targeted individual, get
them into trouble with the law, physiologically harm them, or kill them.
This program is poorly conceived, poorly operated, poorly implemented, poorly executed, poorly
engaged in, and operated with such a hostile pandering violence, that one must be on guard or "en
garde" every second of every day, or otherwise risk injury or death at the hands of a federally
enabled band of gangstalking punks.
Gangstalking is an extrajudicially implemented thuggish, politically and anthropologically illiterate,
military industrial complex revenue generator. Its core value to its infiltrating perpetrating crafters is
war profiteering the same as when the United States goes to "war" with a third war country.
Gangstalking, like one of these poorly conceived "America First" wars, maximizes revenue or the
military industrial complex while minimizing the threat of deadly recourse to the perpetrators by the
The ultimate goal of gangstalking, the United States Congress’s legislative catastrophe, is to cause
the targeted individual to be, injured, maimed, incarcerated or otherwise institutionalized, destitute,
isolated, or killed.
This merits, protocols, or objectives of this stinking American program were not examined,
researched, vetted, or even read. When a “national security concern” arises before the Congress of
the United States, they vote in favor of whatever “measures” are proposed; this being in spite of the
cost or the damage it does to freedom, democracy, constitutionalism, the rule of law, the morale of
the citizenry, or its collective concept of common sense.
Gangstalking relies on thugs, bandits, criminally insane persons, corporate saboteurs, agent
provocateurs, instigators, hostile imitators, haters or insanely jealous persons, martinets, corrupt
persons, religious zealots, illegal aliens, hostile political actors, secessionists, illiterates, half minded
psychopaths, violent felons, violent criminals, violent gang-members or militia members, and other
deleterious, degenerate, violent, hostile, or terroristic American citizens and non-citizens.
This country has authorized gangstalking, which is a thug march that uses hastily passed post-
9/11/2001 national security legislation as its anchor.
This program does nothing but feeds the military industrial complex and the industries that benefit
from the harm that is done to the targeted individuals. The Congress, the Supreme Court, the
Department of Justice, and the Department of Defense ought to be collectively ashamed for their role
in the implementation of this national crime.
In the United States’ federally authorized gangstalking protocol, the intentional spreading of disease,
biological attacks, and the applied communication of contagious sicknesses abound.
The targeted individual is not a recognized United States citizen once he is tapped for a gangstalking
campaign. Any report he sends to the Department of Justice (including the FBI or the CIA), the
Department of Defense, or any local, state, or federal law enforcement or military organization will
be met with a coy impertinence, and will be dismissed as “inconclusive.”
I am fully aware that my project exposing gangstalking is being monitored by local, state, and federal
law enforcement, semi-law enforcement, and military factions. I suspect that the overwhelming vast
majority of them either disagree, disbelieve, or are disillusioned with my assertions, and the United
States federal law enforcers that have secretly observed and/or monitored me for a specified period to
examine my claims have returned either a “negative” diagnosis of gangstalking or an “inconclusive”
The United States of America is not capable of admitting to a legislative blunder of this magnitude.
The USA has legalized terrorism, namely biological attacks against its own citizens. The United
States routinely dispatched a thug unit of numbskull, thuggish, toad-like gangstalkers against my
person, this having continually gone on for twenty years now.
The congresspeople of the United States, many of them, simply do not know the Constitution, the
law, the legislative process, or politics. They simply smile for the cameras, spout party-approved
talking points, and hope nothing they say or do hurts their re-election efforts.
On metro-buses, gangstalkers board and exit them in units. When a targeted individual rides on any
public transportation, his location is “pointed out” by gangstalkers in his vicinity, to other who may
be at the next stop on the route.
The methods that gangstalkers use to point out a targeted individual vary. Some use physical gestures
such as slapping the bus window after they get off of the bus to indicate the target is on board; other
stalkers will flag a bus down, get on the bus and ask the driver a nondescript useless question and get
right back off of the bus; other gangstalkers will give some other indecipherable physical gesture as
they exit the bus which is to “alert” other gangstalkers in the area that there is a targeted individual
on board.
Covert communication is a part of gangstalking. When a targeted individual goes into a retail store,
the gangstalkers that followed him to the facility will signal other stalkers outside the building as to
who the target is.
The United States legal code is easily tampered with, manipulated, undermined, stepped over, and
overridden. The legislative process in the United States is flawed to the maximum. 10,000 pages
bills, none of which are ever read by the Congress or the President, are voted upon, ratified, passed,
and signed off on regardless of what drivel is contained therein.
The bills that are drafted by United States representatives and brought before Congress for a vote are
heavily influenced by third parties who regularly exploit the United States’ legislative process to
“insert” stealth attachments, or earmarks to these bills, which carry with them devastating
consequences for the American public.
These earmarks are expensive, wasteful, useless pieces of political refuse that have the full legal
weight of any congressional law that is passed even though they are not read or understood by the
elected officials that vote them through.
The federal government of the United States of America is joined in its legislative ineptitude by the
State and local governments of this country.
State legislatures do not thoroughly vet the bills that are voted upon by their legislative assemblies,
and the Governors of the states in the Union do not read the bills either. The bills passed in each
respective state in the country contain just as much pork barrel projects, earmarks, and
misappropriations as do federal legislation. State governments, in the United States are just as
irresponsible with their handling of national security matters as is the United States federal
government. The State legislatures of the United States regularly authorize unconstitutional civil-
rights restrictions as well, many of which have a clandestine, "top secret" disruption mechanism that
dispatches gangs of street thugs known as gangstalkers that use a system of communication signals
that include color coded signals, street theater, hand signals, physical gestures, vehicular maneuvers,
and verbal commands, all of which are federally designed to "point out" targeted individuals to other
gangstalkers so that they will know who to "engage" in their government authorized thuggery.
Local governments also legalize variations of the same clandestine "national security" protocols that
federal and state legislatures do. The gangstalking protocol, which is also known as "community
harassment," "covert war," street stalking," "cause stalking," and "hate stalking," is authorized in city
council legislative assemblies in votes that are finalized by the mayor, city manager, or city
commissioner. Local townships, villages, cities, and other municipalities have budgets just as State
and Federal Governments do; these budgets are drafted by local executive government officials and
their offices, and are generalized for speed, voted upon, passed and implemented. Little is ever
disclosed about the particulars of any of these local legislative matters, particularly when it comes to
national security protocols.
In order to find and eradicate the monstrously wasteful, anti-freedom, thuggishly negligent post
09/11/01 national security measures that were passed over the past 20 years, the federal government
would have to hire a panel of IT specialists to comb through the several hundred thousands of pages
of legislative buffoonery that has passed congress without first vetting it, a worthwhile endeavor that
would cost the American taxpayer far less than the treasonous, treacherous, wasteful, useless, violent,
disruptive thuggery that constitutes an American gangstalking campaign.
The United States federal government would rather spend many more billions of taxpayer dollars to
fund, finance, implement, and allow gangstalking to continue in order to show the “faith” that it has
in its legislative process, the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice.
Meanwhile targeted individuals like myself and my significant other encounter thuggery, the likes of
which is present in no country on earth but America, while its snarky, spiteful, and uninvolved
congressional representatives sit in their congressional offices consulting their spin doctors to find a
way to stifle the narrative of how this monstrous violation of civil and human rights came to be.
The most common gangstalking tactic that targeted individual's see is called "synchronization."
Synchronization is when a gangstalker does something at the exact "same time" as the target, with
the intent of disrupting the targeted person's movement. For example, you are walking through a
plaza, and the split nanosecond that you step into the parking lot area, a car comes speeding through,
cutting you off, almost hitting you, or just grazing you. Those are timed, synchronized movements
made by a gangstalker who has taken a federally directed cue to your exact location at that precise
second; the goal is to impede the targeted individual's movement, stun the target, and psychologically
"contain" him (give the targeted person a sense of being unable to "outrun" his attackers).
Another form of synchronization that a targeted individual see often is the swinging of doors
mechanism. The very second that a targeted individual comes near a door (not a second to early or
too late,) the door swings open either hitting you or just missing you. Those are also timed
synchronized maneuvers.
Gangstalking is not limited to a target's location when he is on foot; a targeted person experiences
synchronization when he is driving in his motor vehicle as well. Synchronization occurs on the open
road in the form of timed, prearranged, purposely executed vehicular maneuvers which are often
aimed at:
•causing a car crash,
(staged and derived car accidents are extremely common in gangstalking campaigns; they are an
attempt to keep the targeted individual off of the road and impede the target's ability to roam about
These staged car accidents are also aimed at artificially stimulating the American auto insurance,
auto body, car rental, hospital, and funeral services industries, as more car accidents mean higher
monthly rates on auto insurance, more car accidents mean more repairs for auto body repair
companies, more car accidents mean more car rentals for the car rental companies so that the targeted
person can get around, more car accidents also mean more hospital visits as the targeted individuals
who experience injuries as a part of their car accidents will have to pay for more hospital and/or
doctor visits to regain their health and vitality. More car accidents also mean more caskets purchased
for the casket companies, and for the funeral homes, more burial and/or cremation revenues are
raised as a result of the derived, staged and/or phony car accidents.
Many of the above named industries are publicly traded in some form or fashion and stand to benefit
financially from the catastrophic events caused by gangstalking. Yes ladies and gentlemen,
gangstalking is a revenue generator for certain industries and a mobile gulag for the targeted
The destruction caused by gangstalking can be accurately described as a "profiteering" mechanism as
can be seen with my assertions.
These road incidents are also "warnings" to the targeted individual that their stalkers are government
directed and federally protected and that they not their "friends" and that they can and will kill you.)
•causing the targeted individual to get a traffic citation, namely, through increased speed to escape
the stalkers or making illegal U-turns or so-forth to switch directions and go the opposite way of the
stalkers. It should also be noted that targeted individuals also get more stoplight violations than non-
targets, namely because stoplights are computer operated and can be hacked, hijacked, and remotely
controlled so as to turn red "right as a target gets to it," so as to cause a camera-generated traffic
citation or getting pulled over by a patrolman that may be close by.
---I should note that the stoplights would be remote controlled by someone other than the patrolman
who would pull you over for running the stoplight, but the patrol may or may not know that the
stoplight is rigged.
(enough of these types of traffic citations will impede the targeted person's ability to move about
freely as their driver license will be suspended, or worse, revoked entirely.)
Traffic citations also generate revenue for cities, towns, municipalities, villages, and townships, and
are a part of the "revenue generating aspect of gangstalking. The more traffic citations a city gets, the
more money that they have in their treasury to award contracts to third party companies that do
business with the city or state.
The gangstalking protocol is federally directed. It is not United States citizens mobilizing themselves.
Whoever would suggest that United States citizens, most of who have no history whatsoever in
personnel mobilization, military stratagem, interpersonal covert communications applications,
signaling, and clandestine organizational recourse and response protocols, is fooling themselves.
The farce is that the United States federal government is twiddling its thumbs waiting on the next
$5,000,000,000,000.00 budget to be passed and has no knowledge whatsoever on the treasonously
thuggish post 9/11/2001 community harassment and knuckle-headed thuggery protocol that it signed
off on and has continually funded and further implemented since 2003.
Without federal direction and guidance, gangstalkers do not mobilize; as a matter of fact, they go
back to being private citizens again which is a prospect that they detest. Gangstalkers and community
harassers are the sort of knuckleheads that enjoy feeling as if they are “plugged in” to something
“special.” It’s too bad that this “special” signaling, mobilization and interception mechanism that
they practice is both a crime against humanity and a treasonous unconditional construct.
The United States federal government is a boon to human civilization. It’s easily penetrated
legislative mechanism is a danger to all people from every corner of the world. The congresses of the
United States, over the past 20 years have neglectfully and fearfully sold the United States federal
government, as well as every state and municipality in the Union, to the military industrial complex,
its interests, and the interests of those who profit from it.
The United States of America is an international pariah. Its federal foreign ambassadors are officially
trying, for and on behalf of the United States, to influence other countries to adopt, as a part of their
national security repertoire, gangstalking, including its community harassment, workplace mobbing,
and its legalized murder and attempted murder mechanisms as the law.
The United States does not want to be the only country in the world to enable, finance, and mobilize
the gangstalking mechanism. It passed gangstalking as the law, in post September 11, 2001 national
security measures via thousands of unseen earmarks that were covertly inserted into its national
security legislation.
{ In turn, the federal legislature of the United States has officially forfeited the United States
Constitution, revoked the United States Bill of Rights, and renounced itself as a democracy and as a
constitutional republic.
Rather it is a blank check (courtesy of the American taxpayer) to the military industrial complex, its
auxiliaries, and the nationally malevolent pay-to-play surveillance protocols.
The military industrial complex, its fusion centers, and their combined influence on the federally
directed street-stalking, thug mobilization mechanism, have permeated every crevice of local, state,
and federal government, corporate America, Hollywood, the general American media, all of which
are subjected to the calamitous national security protocol that the United States Congress, terrified
and panick-stricken concerning the events of 9/11, foolishly, absentmindedly, and negligently passed
and unleashed upon the world-at-large.
The Congress of the United States have unleashed upon society a treasonous taxpayer funded thug
mobilization unit called gangstalkers. And they use a system of physical and verbal signals with each
other to locate, disrupt, obstruct, injure, and/or harass a targeted individual.
Gangstalkers, as I explain in this post, come from many different socioeconomic backgrounds. Some
are homeless, some are millionaires, some are middle-class, some are from the top 1% of all human
money earners, and some are upper-middle-class. I refer to gangstalkers generally as derelicts,
knuckleheads, thugs, numbskulls, cowards, troublemakers, nitwits, dimwits, useful idiots, pricks,
schmucks, camel excrement and etc...,.
Gangstalking is a federally directed war atrocity that is legally and lawfully carried out against
United States citizens whose names, vital statistics, variations of their names, and variations of their
vital statistics have been entered in national security databases as "dangerous," "subversive,"
"violent," "at-risk," or "troublesome.".
The people who have been extrajudicially chosen for victimization in this vicious, hostile, violent,
murderous, cowardly, knuckleheaded program are called targeted individuals. Targeted individuals
are targeted by the residents and non-residents of whatever community they are in, namely, by any
number of numb-skull derelicts called gangstalkers. Gangstalkers use a system of "cues" to know
where to go, when to go, and who to bother, disrupt, attack, obstruct etc...,. These cues consist of
verbal cues, physical and gestural cues, vehicular cues, color coded cues, noise cues, music cues, and
a number of other cues. These cues are the federally directed stalkers' way of covertly following,
speaking to, harassing, crowding, or violently engaging a targeted person. The thugs that participate
in gangstalking come in many different socioeconomic categories across the demographic spectrum.
It is difficult to know why they do what they do. They are definitely not paid monetarily for what
they do, as there is a risk for their clandestine hate protocol to be exposed as the crime that it is.
There is however, a definite payoff for them, even if it is something as simple as "looking tough in
front of their wife, kids, girlfriend, or families," or maybe the federally directed and deeply rooted
corporate and governmental aspects of this program will "magically," give them a raise at work, or
maybe a better grade in a college course, or favor at church, or a better deal on a car etc...,.
Gangstalking is a 24-hour-a-day catastrophe. A targeted person can leave their residence (or non-
residence) any time of the day or night and will definitely run into gangstalkers. If he is driving,
stalkers use vehicular cues to trap, contain, and obstruct his vehicular path, and rigged remotely
controlled stop lights give the targeted person the constant danger of running a red light and getting
ticketed (stop lights are computer operated and can be hacked or remotely controlled just like any
computer system can. It isn't difficult, especially with federally authorized GPS monitoring, remote
hacking technology and military industrial synchronization equipment, to turn a stop light quickly
from green to yellow to red seconds quicker than the standard computerized module supports, so as
to "cause" the targeted individual to run a red light, oftentimes with a state trooper or a local police
officer present.) Gangstalking is, at its core, a clandestine harassment, disruption, obstruction,
workplace mobbing, vehicular containment, troublemaking, murder and attempted murder
mechanism. It is a cooperative activity between gangstalkers from a variety of different locations,
(for example, a stalker on the street can communicate with a stalker in an office building by honking
his horn in a Morse code communication mechanism to the stalker in the building, the stalker in the
building can then communicate with stalkers in the lobby by making an announcement on the
intercom or other mechanism, the stalkers in the lobby can communicate back to stalkers in the street
by making various phone calls or text messages to various other people in the street whose phone
may ring in a certain musical arrangement which will be near a targeted individual, who the next
nearest stalker will know to attack.
This is my interpretation of the various means of communicative cues that gangstalkers share with
each other, but "ground zero" (the gangstalker that first identifies the targeted individual, is always a
government liaison.) This being true because a person has to be governmentally identified as a
federally identified targeted individual in order for the containment, obstructing signal-making, and
further communicative thuggery can commence.
The Government of the United States of America perpetrates state-sanctioned murder. State-
sanctioned Murder is a part of the gangstalking program which is extremely prevalent in the
American societal function. Gangstalking is the result of several thousands of congressional earmarks
that have penetrated bills and nested themselves into the American legal code. Gangstalking is when
United States citizens are mobilized, deputized, and directed towards targeted persons [ people who
have been placed in a gangstalking campaign against their lives ] as they go about their daily
Gangstalkers are the cause of derived car accidents, violent street encounters, and deadly police
encounters, all of which are used against targeted individuals as weapons. Derived vehicular
containment against a targeted person, the mobilization of criminally insane street thugs, and phony
911 calls to local law enforcement officers are all weapons that gangstalkers use against a targeted

The Government of the United States of America perpetrates state-sanctioned murder. State-
sanctioned Murder is a part of the gangstalking program which is extremely prevalent in the
American societal function. Gangstalking is the result of several thousands of congressional earmarks
that have penetrated bills and nested themselves into the American legal code. Gangstalking is when
United States citizens are mobilized, deputized, and directed towards targeted persons [ people who
have been placed in a gangstalking campaign against their lives ] [{as they go about their daily
business. }]
The gangstalking protocol is federally directed. It is not United States citizens mobilizing themselves.
Whoever would suggest that United States citizens, most of who have no history whatsoever in
personnel mobilization, military stratagem, interpersonal covert communications applications,
signaling, and clandestine organizational recourse and response protocols, is fooling themselves.
The farce is that the United States federal government is twiddling its thumbs waiting on the next
$5,000,000,000,000.00 budget to be passed and has no knowledge whatsoever on the treasonously
thuggish post 9/11/2001 community harassment and knuckle-headed thuggery protocol that it signed
off on and has continually funded and further implemented since 2003.
Without federal direction and guidance, gangstalkers do not mobilize; as a matter of fact, they go
back to being private citizens again which is a prospect that they detest. Gangstalkers and community
harassers are the sort of knuckleheads that enjoy feeling as if they are “plugged in” to something
“special.” It’s too bad that this “special” signaling, mobilization and interception mechanism that
they practice is both a crime against humanity and a treasonous unconditional construct.
The United States federal government is a boon to human civilization. It’s easily penetrated
legislative mechanism is a danger to all people from every corner of the world. The congresses of the
United States, over the past 20 years have neglectfully and fearfully sold the United States federal
government, as well as every state and municipality in the Union, to the military industrial complex,
its interests, and the interests of those who profit from it.
In order to find and eradicate the monstrously wasteful, anti-freedom, thuggishly negligent post
09/11/01 national security measures that were passed over the past 20 years, the federal government
would have to hire a panel of IT specialists to comb through the several hundred thousands of pages
of legislative buffoonery that has passed congress without first vetting it, a worthwhile endeavor that
would cost the American taxpayer far less than the treasonous, treacherous, wasteful, useless, violent,
disruptive thuggery that constitutes an American gangstalking campaign.
America is a congressional scourge. Over the past 60 years, it has legalized earmarks, a number of
killing missions that have threatened the lives, liberties and livelihoods of the citizens of this country.
This country, The United States of America, is a vassal state with various interests trying to control it
with these designated legislative mandates (earmarks) that neither Congress nor the people could
ever independently to vote on. These earmarks, once passed have the full force of the law and can
make your life worse without you realizing it.
Gang—stalking is a direct result of allocated funding programs that affect national security,
infrastructure, and other things, sneaking past the judgment and will of Americans, with stealth an
unconscionable maliciousness; and we, the people, didn't know that programs such as this existed
legally. Gangstalking was passed unnoticed by the authorizing congressional representatives. This
program operates through a variety of harassment, threats, vehicular assaults, home invasions,
workplace mobbing mechanisms and/or other violent or murderous mechanisms. This being the case,
the passage of these various national security and infrastructure earmarks makes the U.S. federal
government guilty of state-sanctioned criminal murder.
The gangstalkers are weasels; they take orders from other gangstalkers in the form of cues and
signals. Once they complete their assignment of annoying, obstructing, crowding, or otherwise
jeopardizing someone, they scurry off.
American congress-people are weasels. They draw a six-figure salary courtesy of the American
taxpayer; they have private bodyguards courtesy of the American taxpayer; they hold offices and sit
on committees courtesy of the American taxpayer; they ride in limousines and book flights on private
jets courtesy of the American taxpayer. What do they do for the American taxpayer in return? They
pass unconstitutional, thuggish, inbred, violent, murderous, wasteful, annoying, pandering, stupid,
egregious, self-serving, ill-conceived, military industrial thuggery that manifests as post 9/11/2001
“national security” thuggery, which has earmarked or embedded in it, gangstalking which is gulag-
inspired thuggery.
The thuggish United States federal government is as useless as a fur coat in a desert. Its Senate,
House of Representatives, Supreme Court, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, its state
and local legislatures, and its various other organizations and bureaucracies are breeding grounds for
useless mind-numbing thuggery.
This country has the least amount of confidence in its government in the world. The federal judiciary
is made up of politically appointed justices that rule on issues according to what lobbyists, political
parties, politicians, and the military industrial complex tells it to.
This country is not an asset to humanity, nor is it an asset to the global economy. At
$32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, it is nothing more than a war machine purchasing, bad legislation
passing, trillion dollar budget signing, photo opportunity loving, no bid contract giving, international
The legislature of this country is not content with upholding the American Constitution. As a matter
of fact, we have no Constitution. What we have instead of a Constitution, are millions of malicious,
useless, thuggish, illiterate pieces of national security legislation that governs America. The
constitution has been overwritten by these pieces of legislation. The United States federal
government has handed over the country to a Department of Justice and a Department of Defense
that’s have “hit the ground running” since 2003 in sabotaging the principle constitutional precept of
“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
This has been done through the authorization of thuggish programs like gangstalking, which allows
bands of thugs, idiots, nincompoops, buffoons, knuckleheads, inbreds, morons, religious zealots,
scoundrels, fools, harassers, felons, corrupted third parties, thuggish imbeciles-, and strange
American thugs to perpetually jeopardize targeted individuals on a daily basis while using a
degenerately thuggish system of verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues to “point out”
the targeted individual’s exact location so that other goonish-, thuggish gangstalkers will know who
to bother-, obstruct, crowd, or harass, all under the supervision of federally authorized “watchers,”
who have one hand in a gun somewhere in the vehicle, and the other hand on the “911” button on
their phone, all from a hidden location while the targeted person deals with the gangstalkers that he
has mobilized towards them in a cowardly, weaselly, covert fashion. The thugs that the thuggish
United States federal government has thuggishly authorized to violently engage targeted individuals
via a coded system of cues, both gestural and verbal, have been given permission by the USA to
contaminate people's food, spread disease via strategically placed coughs, sneezes, heavy breathing,
and other disgusting bodily functions that carry with it the spread of bacteria and viruses.
The USA's thuggish, criminally insane, silly, wasteful, unneeded, ever dumb, military industrial
complex feeding thuggery known as gangstalking is biological warfare, disease warfare, scorched
earth combat, and biohazard warfare.
Gangstalking is the manifestation of a weak, thuggish, cowardly, spineless, degenerate,
governmentally illiterate Congress, which routinely passes 10,000 pages bills with no knowledge
whatsoever as to what is in the bills, giving the daily American societal mechanisms over to thugs
who are gangstalkers, and the military industrial complex‘s thuggish handlers. The United States
federal government spends more money on defense per year (nearly $1,000,000,000,000 / year) than
any other country, not because of national safety, but to thuggishly enrich war machine makers who
in turn create innovative wayside to sabotage people in a federally directed thuggish fashion.
The United States military isn’t made up of men and women who are not brave, virtuous, or
fortuitous. Rather it is made up off people who like the pay, benefits, travel, job titles, ranks,
retirement packages, and the many different sexual partners and sex opportunities that the thuggish
United States military offers them.
The United States of America is a swamp, cesspool, mudpit, gulag, money wasting bribe-taking,
violence-encouraging, politically illiterate dung hill. This country thuggishly uses taxpayer money to
finance street thuggery, intimidation, murder and attempted murder, assassinations, car accidents and
vehicular thuggery, poisoning, theft, home invasions, child abuse, academic dishonesty, military
thuggery, police thuggery, private’s security thuggery, and public corruption all under the banner of
“justice, liberty, and national security.”
The United States federal government is a criminally negligent criminal enterprise and has been for
100 years; it illegally criminalizes private citizens via the gangstalking method with no court
proceedings or federal process.
The United States is not at war with another country right now. There are no third-world countries
for it to invade. No false flag operations to lead the country in to another Middle Eastern war, no
more excuses to create terrorist "boogeymen," in other countries, and most recently the military junta
of Afghanistan kicked America out of their country. America will never invade Iran, China, North
Korea, or Russia for fear of getting decimated.
The American military industrial complex, that was the financial, economic, and political beneficiary
of every American war since the Korean War of 1953, (which is technically still going on in theory
geopolitically.)—is the root cause of gangstalking, the same as it was the root cause of the Cold War,
the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, and various other
world-wide skirmishes that America has involved itself in.
The military industrial complex refers to the "military industry" which is the capacity for the United
States to spend billions of taxpayer dollars per-year on military war machines, typically in the name
of "national security." The companies that produce these war machines and sell them to the United
States federal government reap enormous financial profits and serious increases in their stock
performance. The contracts that these war companies reap are courtesy of the congress, many of
whom obviously get kickbacks from the war companies and line their own pockets in that regard.
Because of the lack of wars being fought by this country around the world, the military industrial
complex is wearing thin. With fewer war machines being sold to the United States federal
government for its Department of Defense, its companies profits are declining and their stock
performances are waning. With so many members of congress with personal and political
investments in the success of the military industrial complex, "something had to be done."
Now the United States of America has foolishly and ineptly declared war on its own citizens. Why?
Simple. Because it can't declare war anywhere else in the world presently. War generates lots of
money for military industrial war-machine makers, and those invested in that particular industry.
Why lose out on the guaranteed profits of an industry that taxpayers pay billions to each year
Now the United States of America has gangstalking; an undeclared, unannounced, unnecessary war
(also called covert war) which stimulates its military industrial complex once again.
The protocols, domination tactics, acts of explicit annoyance to another, implicit acts of ignorance,
scent harassment, intentional aggravation, and acts of outright violence are all a part of the federally
enabled earmarked national security protocol known as gangstalking.
Every neighborhood, personal residence, business district, church, office building, workplace, retail
store, public facility, municipal beach, public park, municipal recreation center, public property,
municipal complex or structure, public swimming pool, municipal library, grocery store, convenience
store, hardware store, elementary, middle, and high school, college and university, amusement park,
movie theater, pub and tavern, nightclub, gentlemen's club, five-star restaurant, fast-food restaurant,
buffet-restaurant, concert, mom-and-pop store, warehouse, and gas station is a stronghold for
gangstalking and derivative thuggery.
Even information technology firms and big data firms, ones who are typically conscientious about
their new-hires, are loaded to the hilt with gangstalking practitioners that actively, willingly, and
intentionally sabotage the digital progress of targeted individuals who either don't know, don't
understand, or refuse to participate in the verbiage, physical gestures, or other tomfoolery that
gangstalkers use to identify one another.
Gangstalkers, namely those that are federally directed, have the ability to use thuggish military
industrial technology to intercept a targeted individual's electronic communications, making it easier
for them and other gangstalkers to track, intercept, and disrupt him.
People learn gangstalking in different ways. The first gangstalkers, the ones that received
deputization from the federal government circa 2004, learned directly from DOD sources in a "top
secret" environment, under the auspices of "national security research."
Laymen and laywomen, which make up the majority of the United States population, learn how to
gangstalk targeted persons via word-of-mouth, by observation of other gangstalkers, and by
experiencing light gangstalking themselves, by other gangstalkers as a gangstalking training module.
Once a targeted individual is tracked, identified, marked as suspicious, and engaged by one of these
annoying buffoons, other buffoons can follow suit if they so choose. Targeted individuals have been
entered in a clandestine or "confidential" DOD or DOJ (or both) database as "subversive" or "a threat
to national security" or "a threat to the public peace."
National Security Legislative Earmarks are responsible for the gangstalking pandemic in America,
and throughout the world. Malicious and mischievous inserts into congressional budgets, national
security protocols, and other federal state, and local legislative matters are the reason that "designated
community protectors" or other law-enforcer and semi-law-enforcer [ plain clothes or not ] deputized
USA citizens have found a way to infiltrate the American societal mechanism in a way that causes
people to follow verbal, written, gestural, vehicular, and other cues which have no cause other than to
mobilize throngs of ignorant people, many of whom have surly or violent dispositions, towards a
targeted person, with the intention of instigating an altercation or other problem. The Government of
the United States of America perpetrates state-sanctioned murder. State-sanctioned Murder is a part
of the gangstalking program which is extremely prevalent in the American societal function.
Gangstalking is the result of several thousands of congressional earmarks that have penetrated bills
and nested themselves into the American legal code. Gangstalking is when United States citizens are
mobilized, deputized, and directed towards targeted persons [ people who have been placed in a
gangstalking campaign against their lives ] as they go about their daily business. Gangstalkers are the
cause of derived car accidents, violent street encounters, and deadly police encounters, all of which
are used against targeted individuals as weapons. Derived vehicular containment against a targeted
person, the mobilization of criminally insane street thugs, and phony 911 calls to local law
enforcement officers are all weapons that gangstalkers use against a targeted individual. Because
gangstalking is a world-wide catastrophe, these tragedies are happening in all four corner of the
world. That’s right, other countries have had earmarks that enable gangstalking plugged into their
legal code, by the same thugs that have enabled community harassment and workplace mobbing here
in America. The only way to defeat gangstalking is to hold the Congress of the United States of
America accountable. Since 9/11/2001, there have been several hundreds of thousands of earmarks
that have stealthily snuck past Congress while having been tagged onto national security bills, entire
budgets, and infrastructure legislation. To call gangstalking in particular, and earmarks in general,
treasonous, harmful, unconstitutional, and misappropriations is an understatement. Earmarks betray
the public trust and make a mockery of the legislative process which American congressional
assemblies have used since the 18th century. There is a [ follow the money ] element to gangstalking
and the orchestrators of gangstalking stand to profit from the carnage, chaos, and anarchy. The
United States legal code is no longer a representation of constitutional values. The United States of
America is not a democracy. The United States of America is not a Constitutional Republic. The
United States of America is a client state and a legislative dummy that malicious third-parties can
manipulate using the earmarks mechanism. The citizens of the United States of America are nothing
more than expendible pieces of property that march in step to the treasonous tune of gangstalking
interests. The formulators of gangstalking knew full well that this program would give them control
over the vital institutions of The American Republic, oftentimes at the expense of American blood
and treasure. The orchestrators of gangstalking should be arrested, tried and executed by public
hanging or given the death penalty by electric chair or firing squad for the crimes of treason and mass
murder. An earmark is a stipulation, sometimes, wasteful or harmful, and sometimes
unconstitutional, that is tagged onto a congressional bill. Congressional bills are often times
thousands of pages long; as a result, earmarks often go undetected and cannot be ‘deleted.’ Rather,
the entire bill must be rejected, stagnating the process. Gangstalking was earmarked into the
American legal code under the guise of a national security, police assistance, private security, or
other such bill. Congress doesn’t read the bills it signs into law, and sometimes thousands of
earmarks are legalized along with the bill and go totally undetected.

Gangstalking is a federal disaster. This 24/7/365 attack mechanism is governmental in its cause and
implementation. The gangstalkers that practice this thuggish garbage use a combination of thuggery,
space-crowding, signaling, vehicular obstruction of movement, phony 911 calls, menacing
maneuvers, verbal thuggery, biological attacks, disease spreading, food contamination, attempted
murder, felony assault, burglary, theft, arson, murder, rape, attempted rape, abduction, vandalism,
and other American societal embarrassments.
The protocols for gangstalking was legalized through the American congress via national security
earmarks that were stuffed into 5,000-10,000 pages bills that no one in the country read through
entirely. The above named criminally insane methods are a part of the war machine that is leveled
against targeted individuals in a daily basis.
The United States Congress will never own up to its legislative incompetence; it would rather turn its
head to the thuggish human rights atrocities that it has legalized post 9/11/2001, in the form of hastily
passed, panic stricken, fly-by-night national security methods, that have handed over the rights,
liberties, and freedoms of the American populace to military industrial complex mechanisms, and
various other undisclosed “national security” groups that direct, guide, coach, instruct, and instigate
the various acts of thuggery that a targeted person experiences daily.
The concept of “inalienable rights” is dead in America, as are the concepts of law and order,
constitutional rights, and freedom. This country’s elected officials have sold this country lock-stock-
and-barrel to third party interests, most of which, are “national security” companies, defense and
aerospace firms, surveillance companies, and various other military industrial complex actors, that
receive billions in taxpayer money every year to find ways to instigate costly conflicts at home and
According to most analytical and statistical data sets, the thuggish, negligent, and congressionally
inept United States government commits 2% of its GDP to military industrial endeavors. I submit to
you that this is inaccurate. The United States spends 50% of its total “budget” on military
The military is this country’s only pride. The social, economic, and labor components of the USA are
shattered and have been for 60 years; the private prison industry here is the world’s largest, and it
results in skewed judicial proceedings; its academic construct at the high school and college levels
are full of students who cheat and bribe their way to their diplomas; government contracts are
thuggishly issued to cronies who give the complacent politicians kickbacks for the money, the
athletic leagues at the collegiate and professional levels are riddled with steroid pumping cheaters
who earn their accolades illegally; the religious establishment in America is full of tax-exempt
fairytale peddlers who from the pulpit advocate international violence and other such thuggery; the
majority demographic in the USA is made possible by illegal alien migration; national security
legislation in America overrides its constitution and Bill of Rights; legislative earmarks determine
public policy rather than the will of the people.
The United States is a sick and diseased nation that rejoices in its injustices, poorly conceived
legislative constructs, international tomfoolery, and in gangstalking, America’s unwaged war against
its own citizens.
From 2003 to the present day, the United States Congress, in its panic stricken self-absorbed
negligence, has legalized, enabled, and continually financed gangstalking, a federally directed
community oriented attack mechanism, that has a “search and destroy” protocol, a workplace
mobbing protocol, a public disruption protocol, a target location protocol, and a thug recruitment
Mind you, the thugs that participate in gangstalking come from a wide variety of socioeconomic
backgrounds. A doctor that participated in gangstalking is just as degenerate as a newly released
convicted felon that participated in gangstalking.
This post 9/11 program is rooted in waste, criminal negligence, and legislative thuggery. The
recruiting, spying, location, disruption, electronic communications interception, vehicular attacks,
and thug mobilization units cost billions a year to manage, enriching the military industrial complex,
and denigrating the United States Constitution, rendering it useless.
The USA has betrayed the public trust, lied to its allies, and spread this thuggish disruption product
throughout the world, using its political coercion, power mongering, and cut throat legislative
The verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues that the apish, thuggish, hate mongering
gangstalkers use to locate, disrupt, and irritate a target are courtesy of the American taxpayer.
The warmongering United States government’s latest war is against its own citizens in what is
tantamount to an atrocious war profiteering spectacle for its military industrial complex.
The citizenry of the United States is under attack by its maniac Congress, its lobbyists, and its
maniacally zealous religious components, all of which benefit from the traitorous, distasteful, ill-
conceived war monkey called gangstalking.
{ The gangstalkers are weasels; they take orders from other gangstalkers in the form of cues and
signals. Once they complete their assignment of annoying, obstructing, crowding, or otherwise
jeopardizing someone, they scurry off.
American congress-people are weasels. They draw a six-figure salary courtesy of the American
taxpayer; they have private bodyguards courtesy of the American taxpayer; they hold offices and sit
on committees courtesy of the American taxpayer; they ride in limousines and book flights on private
jets courtesy of the American taxpayer. What do they do for the American taxpayer in return? They
pass unconstitutional, thuggish, inbred, violent, murderous, wasteful, annoying, pandering, stupid,
egregious, self-serving, ill-conceived, military industrial thuggery that manifests as post 9/11/2001
“national security” thuggery, which has earmarked or embedded in it, gangstalking which is gulag-
inspired thuggery.
The thuggish United States federal government is as useless as a fur coat in a desert. Its Senate,
House of Representatives, Supreme Court, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, its state
and local legislatures, and its various other organizations and bureaucracies are breeding grounds for
useless mind-numbing thuggery.
This country has the least amount of confidence in its government in the world. The federal judiciary
is made up of politically appointed justices that rule on issues according to what lobbyists, political
parties, politicians, and the military industrial complex tells it to.
This country is not an asset to humanity, nor is it an asset to the global economy. At
$32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, it is nothing more than a war machine purchasing, bad legislation
passing, trillion dollar budget signing, photo opportunity loving, no bid contract giving, international
The legislature of this country is not content with upholding the American Constitution. As a matter
of fact, we have no Constitution. What we have instead of a Constitution, are millions of malicious,
useless, thuggish, illiterate pieces of national security legislation that governs America. The
constitution has been overwritten by these pieces of legislation. The United States federal
government has handed over the country to a Department of Justice and a Department of Defense
that’s have “hit the ground running” since 2003 in sabotaging the principle constitutional precept of
“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
This has been done through the authorization of thuggish programs like gangstalking, which allows
bands of thugs, idiots, nincompoops, buffoons, knuckleheads, inbreds, morons, religious zealots,
scoundrels, fools, harassers, felons, corrupted third parties, thuggish imbeciles-, and strange
American thugs to perpetually jeopardize targeted individuals on a daily basis while using a
degenerately thuggish system of verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues to “point out”
the targeted individual’s exact location so that other goonish-, thuggish gangstalkers will know who
to bother-, obstruct, crowd, or harass, all under the supervision of federally authorized “watchers,”
who have one hand in a gun somewhere in the vehicle, and the other hand on the “911” button on
their phone, all from a hidden location while the targeted person deals with the gangstalkers that he
has mobilized towards them in a cowardly, weaselly, covert fashion. The thugs that the thuggish
United States federal government has thuggishly authorized to violently engage targeted individuals
via a coded system of cues, both gestural and verbal, have been given permission by the USA to
contaminate people's food, spread disease via strategically placed coughs, sneezes, heavy breathing,
and other disgusting bodily functions that carry with it the spread of bacteria and viruses.
The USA's thuggish, criminally insane, silly, wasteful, unneeded, ever dumb, military industrial
complex feeding thuggery known as gangstalking is biological warfare, disease warfare, scorched
earth combat, and biohazard warfare.
Gangstalking is the manifestation of a weak, thuggish, cowardly, spineless, degenerate,
governmentally illiterate Congress, which routinely passes 10,000 pages bills with no knowledge
whatsoever as to what is in the bills, giving the daily American societal mechanisms over to thugs
who are gangstalkers, and the military industrial complex‘s thuggish handlers. The United States
federal government spends more money on defense per year (nearly $1,000,000,000,000 / year) than
any other country, not because of national safety, but to thuggishly enrich war machine makers who
in turn create innovative wayside to sabotage people in a federally directed thuggish fashion.
( The United States military isn’t made up of men and women who are not brave, virtuous, or
fortuitous. Rather it is made up off people who like the pay, benefits, travel, job titles, ranks,
retirement packages, and the many different sexual partners and sex opportunities that the thuggish
United States military offers them.
The United States of America is a swamp, cesspool, mudpit, gulag, money wasting bribe-taking,
violence-encouraging, politically illiterate dung hill. This country thuggishly uses taxpayer money to
finance street thuggery, intimidation, murder and attempted murder, assassinations, car accidents and
vehicular thuggery, poisoning, theft, home invasions, child abuse, academic dishonesty, military
thuggery, police thuggery, private’s security thuggery, and public corruption all under the banner of
“justice, liberty, and national security.” )
The United States federal government is a criminally negligent criminal enterprise and has been for
100 years; it illegally criminalizes private citizens via the gangstalking method with no court
proceedings or federal process. }
The United States federal government, its elected representatives, and the decision makers in its
various auxiliaries are not qualified to speak on good governance, the rule of law, or freedom.
The USA has, over the decades, billed itself as “the shining city on a hill” and “a beacon of freedom
around the world.” It is neither. Rather it is a nation, indebted to its own federal reserve system to the
tune of $32,000,000,000,000.000, is legislatively illiterate to the point where it no longer vets the
bills that come before it; it does not take responsibility for its human rights abuses or treason, it
ignores the assertions by its citizens that it has authorized the equivalent of a mobile gulag against
them, its wasteful, irresponsible, deleterious, degenerate, and criminally negligent Congress moves
so slowly on the political issues of the most importance, that these issues quickly snowball into
governmental catastrophes.
The United States Federal Government has enlisted, for better or for worse and purposely or
inadvertently (through stealth national security legislation) a nationwide group of degenerate
animals, aloof thugs, criminally prone corrupted inbreds, and herd-mentality-loving freedom haters
that enjoy protection from any consequences related to their thuggish, mindless, buffoonish, and ape-
like behavior towards other citizens.
This country is one thing and one thing only, a fundraiser for the military industrial complex and
related industries. With respect to gangstalking, related industries are not limited to war machine
builders, but includes the hospital industry and the clinical psychiatric/psychological industries, all of
which will enjoy increased revenues from the derived persons problems and physical injuries that
gangstalking causes its targets.
Gangstalkers are not patriots; they are not patriotic, nor do they suspect that they are doing their
federal government’s bidding with their actions. They are simply degenerate martinets that enjoy the
status quo in America, which has degenerated into a nationwide cabal of useful idiots who are
infatuated with being able to commit violent crimes and or crimes of aggravated menacing against
targeted persons with no recourse whatsoever.
The formula for present day gangstalking involves a number of hidden provocation, harassment, and
psychological warfare techniques that are designed to be difficult for the targeted individual to
control, observe, or report.
People who take an adversarial stance towards targeted individuals’ endeavor of exposition to what
they are experiencing will say “go to the police,” or “try to cope.” I am especially suspicious of these
kinds of people because these suggestions given the totalitarian styled nationwide attack mechanisms
that a targeted individual experiences. Simply put, the police can’t do anything about gangstalking
and “coping” or not reacting is extremely dangerous for a targeted individual to do.
The American psychiatric and professional psychological community is violently and purposefully
rigged against targeted individuals. If targeted individuals can be clinically diagnosed as psychotic
for their assertions on gangstalking, then the lecherous and traitorous American program can
commence unchallenged.
There is not one psychiatrist or psychologist in the whole of this country that will agree with or give
an acknowledgement of the degenerate congressional thuggery that targeted individuals are
experiencing. Rather they see it as an opportunity to charge the targeted person fees and “diagnos”
them with a mental disease that they may not have.
As a matter of fact, this program may be designed to stimulate the psychiatric and professional
psychological industry from the insurance money they will get from appointments/visits related to
the psychosis and related mental illnesses that gangstalking is “capable” of causing its targeted
persons. Gangstalking is ultimately meant to cause agoraphobia in its targets.
More visits to these “mind doctors” means more revenues generated for their respective industries.
Gangstalking also stimulates the hospital industry from all of the injurious “accidents” that targeted
individuals experience at the hand of their degenerate, thuggish, clumsy, and illbred
The military industrial complex also benefits financially from this program. The military industrial
surveillance, communications intercepting technology, as well as the unseen war machines used in a
targeted person’s gangstalking campaign are a part of the nearly $1,000,000,000,000.00 in taxpayer
money that is spent on military industrial war expenditures.
This program should be investigated by the United Nations and the actors in it charged with high
The United States federal government is guilty of political and economic thuggery behind this
The United States political and governmental establishments are totally and utterly useless.
Gangstalking has been going on in an accelerated capacity since at least 2011. Its targets are chosen
in secret, the thuggery that they encounter is unexpected and unannounced, there is judicial process,
and no warnings or notices given to the targeted person.
The congressional, legislative, and bureaucratic thuggery that the United States has authorized post
9-11-2001, is tantamount to high treason, thuggish preemptive actions against United States citizens,
and constitutional rights violations.
The United States of America has enabled and financed state-sanctioned domestic terrorism.
The post 9/11/2001 national security scare birthed draconian, thuggish, illbred, civil rights disasters
like gangstalking, namely because the national security bills passed through congress during this time
period and beyond were 9,500 pages long, loaded with civil liberty restricting earmarks, and no one
in the Congress or the President’s executive office read them thoroughly.
Thuggery such as workplace mobbing, community harassment, electronic communications
interception, street theater, derived or staged car accidents, murder and attempted murder, assault,
burglary and vandalism, all of which are a part of gangstalking’s violent repertoire, have been
stealthily legalized due to congressional legislative ignorance.
The United States’ commitment to the purchase and use of military industrial war machines has
rendered its collective judgement on good governance as useless. The United States spends nearly
$1T per/year on the military industrial complex conundrum, and because there are no wars to fight,
the United States has waged war on its own citizens.
This covert war, called gangstalking, utilizes many of the costly and ineffective military industrial
war machines that are sitting around and collecting dust. This being done to stimulate the military
industrial complex in absence of any costly wars with “boogeyman” regimes.
The military industrial complex is a size able donor to political campaigns in the USA, and in return
US politicians reward it with trillion dollar government contracts, causing revenue explosions and
increased stock prices for the makers of war machines.
Gangstalking is a war profiteering enterprise used to stimulate the military industrial complex, this
being done at the expense of its citizen’s freedom, liberty, oppportunities for good governance, and
their constitutional rights.
The United States is not at war with another country right now. There are no third-world countries
for it to invade. No false flag operations to lead the country in to another Middle Eastern war, no
more excuses to create terrorist "boogeymen," in other countries, and most recently the military junta
of Afghanistan kicked America out of their country. America will never invade Iran, China, North
Korea, or Russia for fear of getting decimated.
The American military industrial complex, that was the financial, economic, and political beneficiary
of every American war since the Korean War of 1953, (which is technically still going on in theory
geopolitically.)—is the root cause of gangstalking, the same as it was the root cause of the Cold War,
the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, the War in Iraq, the War in Afghanistan, and various other
world-wide skirmishes that America has involved itself in.
The military industrial complex refers to the "military industry" which is the capacity for the United
States to spend billions of taxpayer dollars per-year on military war machines, typically in the name
of "national security." The companies that produce these war machines and sell them to the United
States federal government reap enormous financial profits and serious increases in their stock
performance. The contracts that these war companies reap are courtesy of the congress, many of
whom obviously get kickbacks from the war companies and line their own pockets in that regard.
Because of the lack of wars being fought by this country around the world, the military industrial
complex is wearing thin. With fewer war machines being sold to the United States federal
government for its Department of Defense, its companies profits are declining and their stock
performances are waning. With so many members of congress with personal and political
investments in the success of the military industrial complex, "something had to be done."
Now the United States of America has foolishly and ineptly declared war on its own citizens. Why?
Simple. Because it can't declare war anywhere else in the world presently. War generates lots of
money for military industrial war-machine makers, and those invested in that particular industry.
Why lose out on the guaranteed profits of an industry that taxpayers pay billions to each year
Now the United States of America has gangstalking; an undeclared, unannounced, unnecessary war
(also called covert war) which stimulates its military industrial complex once again.
The gangstalkers are weasels; they take orders from other gangstalkers in the form of cues and
signals. Once they complete their assignment of annoying, obstructing, crowding, or otherwise
jeopardizing someone, they scurry off.
American congress-people are weasels. They draw a six-figure salary courtesy of the American
taxpayer; they have private bodyguards courtesy of the American taxpayer; they hold offices and sit
on committees courtesy of the American taxpayer; they ride in limousines and book flights on private
jets courtesy of the American taxpayer. What do they do for the American taxpayer in return? They
pass unconstitutional, thuggish, inbred, violent, murderous, wasteful, annoying, pandering, stupid,
egregious, self-serving, ill-conceived, military industrial thuggery that manifests as post 9/11/2001
“national security” thuggery, which has earmarked or embedded in it, gangstalking which is gulag-
inspired thuggery.
The thuggish United States federal government is as useless as a fur coat in a desert. Its Senate,
House of Representatives, Supreme Court, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, its state
and local legislatures, and its various other organizations and bureaucracies are breeding grounds for
useless mind-numbing thuggery.
This country has the least amount of confidence in its government in the world. The federal judiciary
is made up of politically appointed justices that rule on issues according to what lobbyists, political
parties, politicians, and the military industrial complex tells it to.
This country is not an asset to humanity, nor is it an asset to the global economy. At
$32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, it is nothing more than a war machine purchasing, bad legislation
passing, trillion dollar budget signing, photo opportunity loving, no bid contract giving, international
The legislature of this country is not content with upholding the American Constitution. As a matter
of fact, we have no Constitution. What we have instead of a Constitution, are millions of malicious,
useless, thuggish, illiterate pieces of national security legislation that governs America. The
constitution has been overwritten by these pieces of legislation. The United States federal
government has handed over the country to a Department of Justice and a Department of Defense
that’s have “hit the ground running” since 2003 in sabotaging the principle constitutional precept of
“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
This has been done through the authorization of thuggish programs like gangstalking, which allows
bands of thugs, idiots, nincompoops, buffoons, knuckleheads, inbreds, morons, religious zealots,
scoundrels, fools, harassers, felons, corrupted third parties, thuggish imbeciles-, and strange
American thugs to perpetually jeopardize targeted individuals on a daily basis while using a
degenerately thuggish system of verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues to “point out”
the targeted individual’s exact location so that other goonish-, thuggish gangstalkers will know who
to bother-, obstruct, crowd, or harass, all under the supervision of federally authorized “watchers,”
who have one hand in a gun somewhere in the vehicle, and the other hand on the “911” button on
their phone, all from a hidden location while the targeted person deals with the gangstalkers that he
has mobilized towards them in a cowardly, weaselly, covert fashion. The thugs that the thuggish
United States federal government has thuggishly authorized to violently engage targeted individuals
via a coded system of cues, both gestural and verbal, have been given permission by the USA to
contaminate people's food, spread disease via strategically placed coughs, sneezes, heavy breathing,
and other disgusting bodily functions that carry with it the spread of bacteria and viruses.
The USA's thuggish, criminally insane, silly, wasteful, unneeded, ever dumb, military industrial
complex feeding thuggery known as gangstalking is biological warfare, disease warfare, scorched
earth combat, and biohazard warfare.
Gangstalking is the manifestation of a weak, thuggish, cowardly, spineless, degenerate,
governmentally illiterate Congress, which routinely passes 10,000 pages bills with no knowledge
whatsoever as to what is in the bills, giving the daily American societal mechanisms over to thugs
who are gangstalkers, and the military industrial complex‘s thuggish handlers. The United States
federal government spends more money on defense per year (nearly $1,000,000,000,000 / year) than
any other country, not because of national safety, but to thuggishly enrich war machine makers who
in turn create innovative wayside to sabotage people in a federally directed thuggish fashion.
The United States military isn’t made up of men and women who are not brave, virtuous, or
fortuitous. Rather it is made up off people who like the pay, benefits, travel, job titles, ranks,
retirement packages, and the many different sexual partners and sex opportunities that the thuggish
United States military offers them.
The United States of America is a swamp, cesspool, mudpit, gulag, money wasting bribe-taking,
violence-encouraging, politically illiterate dung hill. This country thuggishly uses taxpayer money to
finance street thuggery, intimidation, murder and attempted murder, assassinations, car accidents and
vehicular thuggery, poisoning, theft, home invasions, child abuse, academic dishonesty, military
thuggery, police thuggery, private’s security thuggery, and public corruption all under the banner of
“justice, liberty, and national security.”
The United States federal government is a criminally negligent criminal enterprise and has been for
100 years; it illegally criminalizes private citizens via the gangstalking method with no court
proceedings or federal process.
America is a congressional scourge. Over the past 60 years, it has legalized earmarks, a number of
killing missions that have threatened the lives, liberties and livelihoods of the citizens of this country.
This country, The United States of America, is a vassal state with various interests trying to control it
with these designated legislative mandates (earmarks) that neither Congress nor the people could
ever independently to vote on. These earmarks, once passed have the full force of the law and can
make your life worse without you realizing it.
Gang—stalking is a direct result of allocated funding programs that affect national security,
infrastructure, and other things, sneaking past the judgment and will of Americans, with stealth an
unconscionable maliciousness; and we, the people, didn't know that programs such as this existed
legally. Gangstalking was passed unnoticed by the authorizing congressional representatives. This
program operates through a variety of harassment, threats, vehicular assaults, home invasions,
workplace mobbing mechanisms and/or other violent or murderous mechanisms. This being the case,
the passage of these various national security and infrastructure earmarks makes the U.S. federal
government guilty of state-sanctioned criminal murder.
Inducing gang harassment (gang stalking) programs and designated or derived personal hazards are
the result of several speculations contained in several congressional budgets, national security
legislation, and other federal, state, and local laws.
The thousands of pages of legislation that contain malicious earmarked content that most politicians
have never read or heard of, could destroy the fabric of American society, end democracy and nullify
our status as a constitutional republic.
Gangstalking was invented by bad clowns who did not like the social or economic direction of the
country and decided to create a gangster shadow government and shadow army themselves.
The ringleaders of the Gang-Stalk achieved their mad ambitions with the authority the mad
exterminationist American congress through a covert/insert/designated mechanism which has
permeated federal, state and local US legislatures.
Those targets, (targeted indivisuals) including myself, take our experience with this inflammatory
program and its destructive and highly intrusive nature very seriously.
An itemized veto (the line-item veto) is the only way to destroy this horrible and unconstitutional
bullying contract known as gang bullying or community harassment.
The US government has committed state-sanctioned murder. State-sanctioned killings are part of a
ubiquitous gang-harassment program that runs through American society.
Gang stalking is the result of thousands of congressional appropriations (secretly hidden legislative
and statutory provisions) that have passed Congressional legislatures and have been incorporated into
American law.
Derogatory Records in gangstalking :
Gangstalking is a database driven federally funded enterprise.
In order for a person to be surveilled, tracked, disrupted, harassed, obstructed contained, violently
engaged by thuggish stalkers, annoyed, and have their constitutional rights violated on a daily basis
by federally enabled crooked liaisons, they must first have the right amount of derogatory deleterious
governmental records entered against their name, and into the right federally accessible databases.
Derogatory records that lead to a gangstalking campaign do not have to be criminal records.
Derogatory records entries against a United States citizen can be done in a hidden, covert,
clandestine, and otherwise totally untraceable fashion. There are semi-law enforcement databases
such as private investigator records that can serve as "just cause" for the criminally negligent entry
into a gangstalking protocol. Just cause or "reasonable suspicion" is the sole qualifier for a United
States citizen to be entered into a federally authorized gangstalking campaign. The databases that a
targteted individual is entered into that enable a gangstalking campaign against them are maintained
by the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, Fusion Centers, Private Investigator
offices, private security databases, confidential or "top secret" police or national security database
mechanisms, or a combination of all of the above. If a person is deemed "reasonably dangerous," "a
threat to society," or "subversive to the public's interest," then they can be placed in such a database
in a quiet secretive extrajudicial or otherwise behind the scenes manner.
Derogatory records can be generated against a person by high-schools, middle-schools, and
elementary schools as well as doctors offices, state-funded neighborhood watch personnel, police and
sheriff departments, and other law enforcer, semi-law enforcer, and other peace officer or "protection
agencies" can contribute derogatory records against a person without actually charging them with a
crime or arresting them.
I am even inclined to think at this point that most targeted individuals, or people who identify with/as
targeted individuals have no criminal record to speak of. I am a targeted individual myself and I have
no criminal record. My significant other, Lori Ann Moore, experiences similar gangstalking thuggery
against her person as well, leading me to suspect that she is a targeted individual , and she has no
criminal record either.
The fact that many targeted individuals have no criminal record makes them easier targets for the
thuggish lowlifes that practice gangstalking. I believe that the reasoning for this is as follows: -If a
person is generally a law-abiding citizen, then they wouldn't have the "edge" or "criminal mind," or
the psychological or physiological "toughness" that it takes to withstand a gangstalking campaign
successfully. Not unless of course, they are former athletes, trained in hand-to-hand combat, are
unusually physically large or strong, or have developed a street-smart unusually tough, or unusually
vigilant or observant mentality over the course of their lives. It is typically criminally minded,
exceptionally brutish, or naturally combative or violent people who have such a disposition, not well-
meaning law-abiders. This is why a good many of the people who are "tapped in" to gangstalking
and act as gangstalkers have criminal records even though gangstalking is a United States
government project and the targeted people who have to defend themselves against the gangstalkers
are people with no criminal records to speak of.
Gangstalkers do not have to have a criminal record to particpate in gangstalking however; any of
them do not have criminal records; as a matter of fact, there are government employees, (federal,
state, and local) who practices gangstalking as well as IT professionals, law-enforcers, corporate
executives, doctors, teachers, clergymen, construction workers, teachers and professors, military
personnel and politicians.
Gangstalking is at its core, a system of derived, directed, learned, and improvised behaviors that
resemble one another. Their only goal is to create a hostile environment for a targeted individual, get
them into trouble with the law, physiologically harm them, or kill them.
This program is poorly conceived, poorly operated, poorly implemented, poorly executed, poorly
engaged in, and operated with such a hostile pandering violence, that one must be on guard or "en
garde" every second of every day, or otherwise risk injury or death at the hands of a federally
enabled band of gangstalking punks.
Gangstalking is an extrajudicially implemented thuggish, politically and anthropologically illiterate,
military industrial complex revenue generator. Its core value to its infiltrating perpetrating crafters is
war profiteering the same as when the United States goes to "war" with a third war country.
Gangstalking, like one of these poorly conceived "America First" wars, maximizes revenue or the
military industrial complex while minimizing the threat of deadly recourse to the perpetrators by the
The ultimate goal of gangstalking, the United States Congress’s legislative catastrophe, is to cause
the targeted individual to be, injured, maimed, incarcerated or otherwise institutionalized, destitute,
isolated, or killed.
This merits, protocols, or objectives of this stinking American program were not examined,
researched, vetted, or even read. When a “national security concern” arises before the Congress of
the United States, they vote in favor of whatever “measures” are proposed; this being in spite of the
cost or the damage it does to freedom, democracy, constitutionalism, the rule of law, the morale of
the citizenry, or its collective concept of common sense.
Gangstalking relies on thugs, bandits, criminally insane persons, corporate saboteurs, agent
provocateurs, instigators, hostile imitators, haters or insanely jealous persons, martinets, corrupt
persons, religious zealots, illegal aliens, hostile political actors, secessionists, illiterates, half minded
psychopaths, violent felons, violent criminals, violent gang-members or militia members, and other
deleterious, degenerate, violent, hostile, or terroristic American citizens and non-citizens.
This country has authorized gangstalking, which is a thug march that uses hastily passed post-
9/11/2001 national security legislation as its anchor.
This program does nothing but feeds the military industrial complex and the industries that benefit
from the harm that is done to the targeted individuals. The Congress, the Supreme Court, the
Department of Justice, and the Department of Defense ought to be collectively ashamed for their role
in the implementation of this national crime.
In the United States’ federally authorized gangstalking protocol, the intentional spreading of disease,
biological attacks, and the applied communication of contagious sicknesses abound.
The targeted individual is not a recognized United States citizen once he is tapped for a gangstalking
campaign. Any report he sends to the Department of Justice (including the FBI or the CIA), the
Department of Defense, or any local, state, or federal law enforcement or military organization will
be met with a coy impertinence, and will be dismissed as “inconclusive.”
I am fully aware that my project exposing gangstalking is being monitored by local, state, and federal
law enforcement, semi-law enforcement, and military factions. I suspect that the overwhelming vast
majority of them either disagree, disbelieve, or are disillusioned with my assertions, and the United
States federal law enforcers that have secretly observed and/or monitored me for a specified period to
examine my claims have returned either a “negative” diagnosis of gangstalking or an “inconclusive”
The United States of America is not capable of admitting to a legislative blunder of this magnitude.
The USA has legalized terrorism, namely biological attacks against its own citizens. The United
States routinely dispatched a thug unit of numbskull, thuggish, toad-like gangstalkers against my
person, this having continually gone on for twenty years now.
The congresspeople of the United States, many of them, simply do not know the Constitution, the
law, the legislative process, or politics. They simply smile for the cameras, spout party-approved
talking points, and hope nothing they say or do hurts their re-election efforts.
On metro-buses, gangstalkers board and exit them in units. When a targeted individual rides on any
public transportation, his location is “pointed out” by gangstalkers in his vicinity, to other who may
be at the next stop on the route.
The methods that gangstalkers use to point out a targeted individual vary. Some use physical gestures
such as slapping the bus window after they get off of the bus to indicate the target is on board; other
stalkers will flag a bus down, get on the bus and ask the driver a nondescript useless question and get
right back off of the bus; other gangstalkers will give some other indecipherable physical gesture as
they exit the bus which is to “alert” other gangstalkers in the area that there is a targeted individual
on board.
Covert communication is a part of gangstalking. When a targeted individual goes into a retail store,
the gangstalkers that followed him to the facility will signal other stalkers outside the building as to
who the target is.
The United States legal code is easily tampered with, manipulated, undermined, stepped over, and
overridden. The legislative process in the United States is flawed to the maximum. 10,000 pages
bills, none of which are ever read by the Congress or the President, are voted upon, ratified, passed,
and signed off on regardless of what drivel is contained therein.
The bills that are drafted by United States representatives and brought before Congress for a vote are
heavily influenced by third parties who regularly exploit the United States’ legislative process to
“insert” stealth attachments, or earmarks to these bills, which carry with them devastating
consequences for the American public.
These earmarks are expensive, wasteful, useless pieces of political refuse that have the full legal
weight of any congressional law that is passed even though they are not read or understood by the
elected officials that vote them through.
The federal government of the United States of America is joined in its legislative ineptitude by the
State and local governments of this country.
State legislatures do not thoroughly vet the bills that are voted upon by their legislative assemblies,
and the Governors of the states in the Union do not read the bills either. The bills passed in each
respective state in the country contain just as much pork barrel projects, earmarks, and
misappropriations as do federal legislation. State governments, in the United States are just as
irresponsible with their handling of national security matters as is the United States federal
government. The State legislatures of the United States regularly authorize unconstitutional civil-
rights restrictions as well, many of which have a clandestine, "top secret" disruption mechanism that
dispatches gangs of street thugs known as gangstalkers that use a system of communication signals
that include color coded signals, street theater, hand signals, physical gestures, vehicular maneuvers,
and verbal commands, all of which are federally designed to "point out" targeted individuals to other
gangstalkers so that they will know who to "engage" in their government authorized thuggery.
Local governments also legalize variations of the same clandestine "national security" protocols that
federal and state legislatures do. The gangstalking protocol, which is also known as "community
harassment," "covert war," street stalking," "cause stalking," and "hate stalking," is authorized in city
council legislative assemblies in votes that are finalized by the mayor, city manager, or city
commissioner. Local townships, villages, cities, and other municipalities have budgets just as State
and Federal Governments do; these budgets are drafted by local executive government officials and
their offices, and are generalized for speed, voted upon, passed and implemented. Little is ever
disclosed about the particulars of any of these local legislative matters, particularly when it comes to
national security protocols.
In order to find and eradicate the monstrously wasteful, anti-freedom, thuggishly negligent post
09/11/01 national security measures that were passed over the past 20 years, the federal government
would have to hire a panel of IT specialists to comb through the several hundred thousands of pages
of legislative buffoonery that has passed congress without first vetting it, a worthwhile endeavor that
would cost the American taxpayer far less than the treasonous, treacherous, wasteful, useless, violent,
disruptive thuggery that constitutes an American gangstalking campaign.
The United States federal government would rather spend many more billions of taxpayer dollars to
fund, finance, implement, and allow gangstalking to continue in order to show the “faith” that it has
in its legislative process, the Department of Defense and the Department of Justice.
Meanwhile targeted individuals like myself and my significant other encounter thuggery, the likes of
which is present in no country on earth but America, while its snarky, spiteful, and uninvolved
congressional representatives sit in their congressional offices consulting their spin doctors to find a
way to stifle the narrative of how this monstrous violation of civil and human rights came to be.
The most common gangstalking tactic that targeted individual's see is called "synchronization."
Synchronization is when a gangstalker does something at the exact "same time" as the target, with
the intent of disrupting the targeted person's movement. For example, you are walking through a
plaza, and the split nanosecond that you step into the parking lot area, a car comes speeding through,
cutting you off, almost hitting you, or just grazing you. Those are timed, synchronized movements
made by a gangstalker who has taken a federally directed cue to your exact location at that precise
second; the goal is to impede the targeted individual's movement, stun the target, and psychologically
"contain" him (give the targeted person a sense of being unable to "outrun" his attackers).
Another form of synchronization that a targeted individual see often is the swinging of doors
mechanism. The very second that a targeted individual comes near a door (not a second to early or
too late,) the door swings open either hitting you or just missing you. Those are also timed
synchronized maneuvers.
Gangstalking is not limited to a target's location when he is on foot; a targeted person experiences
synchronization when he is driving in his motor vehicle as well. Synchronization occurs on the open
road in the form of timed, prearranged, purposely executed vehicular maneuvers which are often
aimed at:
•causing a car crash,
(staged and derived car accidents are extremely common in gangstalking campaigns; they are an
attempt to keep the targeted individual off of the road and impede the target's ability to roam about
These staged car accidents are also aimed at artificially stimulating the American auto insurance,
auto body, car rental, hospital, and funeral services industries, as more car accidents mean higher
monthly rates on auto insurance, more car accidents mean more repairs for auto body repair
companies, more car accidents mean more car rentals for the car rental companies so that the targeted
person can get around, more car accidents also mean more hospital visits as the targeted individuals
who experience injuries as a part of their car accidents will have to pay for more hospital and/or
doctor visits to regain their health and vitality. More car accidents also mean more caskets purchased
for the casket companies, and for the funeral homes, more burial and/or cremation revenues are
raised as a result of the derived, staged and/or phony car accidents.
Many of the above named industries are publicly traded in some form or fashion and stand to benefit
financially from the catastrophic events caused by gangstalking. Yes ladies and gentlemen,
gangstalking is a revenue generator for certain industries and a mobile gulag for the targeted
The destruction caused by gangstalking can be accurately described as a "profiteering" mechanism as
can be seen with my assertions.
These road incidents are also "warnings" to the targeted individual that their stalkers are government
directed and federally protected and that they not their "friends" and that they can and will kill you.)
•causing the targeted individual to get a traffic citation, namely, through increased speed to escape
the stalkers or making illegal U-turns or so-forth to switch directions and go the opposite way of the
stalkers. It should also be noted that targeted individuals also get more stoplight violations than non-
targets, namely because stoplights are computer operated and can be hacked, hijacked, and remotely
controlled so as to turn red "right as a target gets to it," so as to cause a camera-generated traffic
citation or getting pulled over by a patrolman that may be close by.
---I should note that the stoplights would be remote controlled by someone other than the patrolman
who would pull you over for running the stoplight, but the patrol may or may not know that the
stoplight is rigged.
(enough of these types of traffic citations will impede the targeted person's ability to move about
freely as their driver license will be suspended, or worse, revoked entirely.)
Traffic citations also generate revenue for cities, towns, municipalities, villages, and townships, and
are a part of the "revenue generating aspect of gangstalking. The more traffic citations a city gets, the
more money that they have in their treasury to award contracts to third party companies that do
business with the city or state.
The gangstalking protocol is federally directed. It is not United States citizens mobilizing themselves.
Whoever would suggest that United States citizens, most of who have no history whatsoever in
personnel mobilization, military stratagem, interpersonal covert communications applications,
signaling, and clandestine organizational recourse and response protocols, is fooling themselves.
The farce is that the United States federal government is twiddling its thumbs waiting on the next
$5,000,000,000,000.00 budget to be passed and has no knowledge whatsoever on the treasonously
thuggish post 9/11/2001 community harassment and knuckle-headed thuggery protocol that it signed
off on and has continually funded and further implemented since 2003.
Without federal direction and guidance, gangstalkers do not mobilize; as a matter of fact, they go
back to being private citizens again which is a prospect that they detest. Gangstalkers and community
harassers are the sort of knuckleheads that enjoy feeling as if they are “plugged in” to something
“special.” It’s too bad that this “special” signaling, mobilization and interception mechanism that
they practice is both a crime against humanity and a treasonous unconditional construct.
The United States federal government is a boon to human civilization. It’s easily penetrated
legislative mechanism is a danger to all people from every corner of the world. The congresses of the
United States, over the past 20 years have neglectfully and fearfully sold the United States federal
government, as well as every state and municipality in the Union, to the military industrial complex,
its interests, and the interests of those who profit from it.
The United States of America is an international pariah. Its federal foreign ambassadors are officially
trying, for and on behalf of the United States, to influence other countries to adopt, as a part of their
national security repertoire, gangstalking, including its community harassment, workplace mobbing,
and its legalized murder and attempted murder mechanisms as the law.
The United States does not want to be the only country in the world to enable, finance, and mobilize
the gangstalking mechanism. It passed gangstalking as the law, in post September 11, 2001 national
security measures via thousands of unseen earmarks that were covertly inserted into its national
security legislation.
{ In turn, the federal legislature of the United States has officially forfeited the United States
Constitution, revoked the United States Bill of Rights, and renounced itself as a democracy and as a
constitutional republic.
Rather it is a blank check (courtesy of the American taxpayer) to the military industrial complex, its
auxiliaries, and the nationally malevolent pay-to-play surveillance protocols.
The military industrial complex, its fusion centers, and their combined influence on the federally
directed street-stalking, thug mobilization mechanism, have permeated every crevice of local, state,
and federal government, corporate America, Hollywood, the general American media, all of which
are subjected to the calamitous national security protocol that the United States Congress, terrified
and panick-stricken concerning the events of 9/11, foolishly, absentmindedly, and negligently passed
and unleashed upon the world-at-large.
The Congress of the United States have unleashed upon society a treasonous taxpayer funded thug
mobilization unit called gangstalkers. And they use a system of physical and verbal signals with each
other to locate, disrupt, obstruct, injure, and/or harass a targeted individual.
Gangstalkers, as I explain in this post, come from many different socioeconomic backgrounds. Some
are homeless, some are millionaires, some are middle-class, some are from the top 1% of all human
money earners, and some are upper-middle-class. I refer to gangstalkers generally as derelicts,
knuckleheads, thugs, numbskulls, cowards, troublemakers, nitwits, dimwits, useful idiots, pricks,
schmucks, camel excrement and etc...,.
Gangstalking is a federally directed war atrocity that is legally and lawfully carried out against
United States citizens whose names, vital statistics, variations of their names, and variations of their
vital statistics have been entered in national security databases as "dangerous," "subversive,"
"violent," "at-risk," or "troublesome.".
The people who have been extrajudicially chosen for victimization in this vicious, hostile, violent,
murderous, cowardly, knuckleheaded program are called targeted individuals. Targeted individuals
are targeted by the residents and non-residents of whatever community they are in, namely, by any
number of numb-skull derelicts called gangstalkers. Gangstalkers use a system of "cues" to know
where to go, when to go, and who to bother, disrupt, attack, obstruct etc...,. These cues consist of
verbal cues, physical and gestural cues, vehicular cues, color coded cues, noise cues, music cues, and
a number of other cues. These cues are the federally directed stalkers' way of covertly following,
speaking to, harassing, crowding, or violently engaging a targeted person. The thugs that participate
in gangstalking come in many different socioeconomic categories across the demographic spectrum.
It is difficult to know why they do what they do. They are definitely not paid monetarily for what
they do, as there is a risk for their clandestine hate protocol to be exposed as the crime that it is.
There is however, a definite payoff for them, even if it is something as simple as "looking tough in
front of their wife, kids, girlfriend, or families," or maybe the federally directed and deeply rooted
corporate and governmental aspects of this program will "magically," give them a raise at work, or
maybe a better grade in a college course, or favor at church, or a better deal on a car etc...,.
Gangstalking is a 24-hour-a-day catastrophe. A targeted person can leave their residence (or non-
residence) any time of the day or night and will definitely run into gangstalkers. If he is driving,
stalkers use vehicular cues to trap, contain, and obstruct his vehicular path, and rigged remotely
controlled stop lights give the targeted person the constant danger of running a red light and getting
ticketed (stop lights are computer operated and can be hacked or remotely controlled just like any
computer system can. It isn't difficult, especially with federally authorized GPS monitoring, remote
hacking technology and military industrial synchronization equipment, to turn a stop light quickly
from green to yellow to red seconds quicker than the standard computerized module supports, so as
to "cause" the targeted individual to run a red light, oftentimes with a state trooper or a local police
officer present.) Gangstalking is, at its core, a clandestine harassment, disruption, obstruction,
workplace mobbing, vehicular containment, troublemaking, murder and attempted murder
mechanism. It is a cooperative activity between gangstalkers from a variety of different locations,
(for example, a stalker on the street can communicate with a stalker in an office building by honking
his horn in a Morse code communication mechanism to the stalker in the building, the stalker in the
building can then communicate with stalkers in the lobby by making an announcement on the
intercom or other mechanism, the stalkers in the lobby can communicate back to stalkers in the street
by making various phone calls or text messages to various other people in the street whose phone
may ring in a certain musical arrangement which will be near a targeted individual, who the next
nearest stalker will know to attack.
This is my interpretation of the various means of communicative cues that gangstalkers share with
each other, but "ground zero" (the gangstalker that first identifies the targeted individual, is always a
government liaison.) This being true because a person has to be governmentally identified as a
federally identified targeted individual in order for the containment, obstructing signal-making, and
further communicative thuggery can commence.
The Government of the United States of America perpetrates state-sanctioned murder. State-
sanctioned Murder is a part of the gangstalking program which is extremely prevalent in the
American societal function. Gangstalking is the result of several thousands of congressional earmarks
that have penetrated bills and nested themselves into the American legal code. Gangstalking is when
United States citizens are mobilized, deputized, and directed towards targeted persons [ people who
have been placed in a gangstalking campaign against their lives ] as they go about their daily
Gangstalkers are the cause of derived car accidents, violent street encounters, and deadly police
encounters, all of which are used against targeted individuals as weapons. Derived vehicular
containment against a targeted person, the mobilization of criminally insane street thugs, and phony
911 calls to local law enforcement officers are all weapons that gangstalkers use against a targeted

Thuggery has replaced the rule of law in America, and the Congress of the United States of America
has authorized and financed that same thuggery through the gangstalking mechanism, a fool-hearted
national security platform gone haywire, and turns a blind eye to this fact, knowing that when their
legislative ineptitude is exposed, that they will destroy the evidence, hire fall-men, spin the truth, and
lie about the prevalence and harm that this ultra-stupid national security disaster has caused the
American economy and society. The thugs that participate in gangstalking will never be prosecuted
because they commit their crimes in clandestine forms that are hard to record or detect, but are
extremely obvious to the targeted individuals that experience it on a daily basis.
Gangstalking is a federal disaster. This 24/7/365 attack mechanism is governmental in its cause and
implementation. The gangstalkers that practice this thuggish garbage use a combination of thuggery,
space-crowding, signaling, vehicular obstruction of movement, phony 911 calls, menacing
maneuvers, verbal thuggery, biological attacks, disease spreading, food contamination, attempted
murder, felony assault, burglary, theft, arson, murder, rape, attempted rape, abduction, vandalism,
and other American societal embarrassments.
The protocols for gangstalking was legalized through the American congress via national security
earmarks that were stuffed into 5,000-10,000 pages bills that no one in the country read through
entirely. The above named criminally insane methods are a part of the war machine that is leveled
against targeted individuals in a daily basis.
The United States Congress will never own up to its legislative incompetence; it would rather turn its
head to the thuggish human rights atrocities that it has legalized post 9/11/2001, in the form of hastily
passed, panic stricken, fly-by-night national security methods, that have handed over the rights,
liberties, and freedoms of the American populace to military industrial complex mechanisms, and
various other undisclosed “national security” groups that direct, guide, coach, instruct, and instigate
the various acts of thuggery that a targeted person experiences daily.
The concept of “inalienable rights” is dead in America, as are the concepts of law and order,
constitutional rights, and freedom. This country’s elected officials have sold this country lock-stock-
and-barrel to third party interests, most of which, are “national security” companies, defense and
aerospace firms, surveillance companies, and various other military industrial complex actors, that
receive billions in taxpayer money every year to find ways to instigate costly conflicts at home and
According to most analytical and statistical data sets, the thuggish, negligent, and congressionally
inept United States government commits 2% of its GDP to military industrial endeavors. I submit to
you that this is inaccurate. The United States spends 50% of its total “budget” on military
The military is this country’s only pride. The social, economic, and labor components of the USA are
shattered and have been for 60 years; the private prison industry here is the world’s largest, and it
results in skewed judicial proceedings; its academic construct at the high school and college levels
are full of students who cheat and bribe their way to their diplomas; government contracts are
thuggishly issued to cronies who give the complacent politicians kickbacks for the money, the
athletic leagues at the collegiate and professional levels are riddled with steroid pumping cheaters
who earn their accolades illegally; the religious establishment in America is full of tax-exempt
fairytale peddlers who from the pulpit advocate international violence and other such thuggery; the
majority demographic in the USA is made possible by illegal alien migration; national security
legislation in America overrides its constitution and Bill of Rights; legislative earmarks determine
public policy rather than the will of the people.
The United States is a sick and diseased nation that rejoices in its injustices, poorly conceived
legislative constructs, international tomfoolery, and in gangstalking, America’s unwaged war against
its own citizens.
From 2003 to the present day, the United States Congress, in its panic stricken self-absorbed
negligence, has legalized, enabled, and continually financed gangstalking, a federally directed
community oriented attack mechanism, that has a “search and destroy” protocol, a workplace
mobbing protocol, a public disruption protocol, a target location protocol, and a thug recruitment
Mind you, the thugs that participate in gangstalking come from a wide variety of socioeconomic
backgrounds. A doctor that participated in gangstalking is just as degenerate as a newly released
convicted felon that participated in gangstalking.
This post 9/11 program is rooted in waste, criminal negligence, and legislative thuggery. The
recruiting, spying, location, disruption, electronic communications interception, vehicular attacks,
and thug mobilization units cost billions a year to manage, enriching the military industrial complex,
and denigrating the United States Constitution, rendering it useless.
The USA has betrayed the public trust, lied to its allies, and spread this thuggish disruption product
throughout the world, using its political coercion, power mongering, and cut throat legislative
The verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues that the apish, thuggish, hate mongering
gangstalkers use to locate, disrupt, and irritate a target are courtesy of the American taxpayer.
The warmongering United States government’s latest war is against its own citizens in what is
tantamount to an atrocious war profiteering spectacle for its military industrial complex.
The citizenry of the United States is under attack by its maniac Congress, its lobbyists, and its
maniacally zealous religious components, all of which benefit from the traitorous, distasteful, ill-
conceived war monkey called gangstalking.
The United States relies on dumb, aloof, useful idiots who have a thuggish disposition to operate and
further gangstalking.
According to most analytical and statistical data sets, the thuggish, negligent, and congressionally
inept United States government commits 2% of its GDP to military industrial endeavors. I submit to
you that this is inaccurate. The United States spends 50% of its total “budget” on military
The military is this country’s only pride. The social, economic, and labor components of the USA are
shattered and have been for 60 years; the private prison industry here is the world’s largest, and it
results in skewed judicial proceedings; its academic construct at the high school and college levels
are full of students who cheat and bribe their way to their diplomas; government contracts are
thuggishly issued to cronies who give the complacent politicians kickbacks for the money, the
athletic leagues at the collegiate and professional levels are riddled with steroid pumping cheaters
who earn their accolades illegally; the religious establishment in America is full of tax-exempt
fairytale peddlers who from the pulpit advocate international violence and other such thuggery; the
majority demographic in the USA is made possible by illegal alien migration; national security
legislation in America overrides its constitution and Bill of Rights; legislative earmarks determine
public policy rather than the will of the people.
The United States is a sick and diseased nation that rejoices in its injustices, poorly conceived
legislative constructs, international tomfoolery, and in gangstalking, America’s unwaged war against
its own citizens.
From 2003 to the present day, the United States Congress, in its panic stricken self-absorbed
negligence, has legalized, enabled, and continually financed gangstalking, a federally directed
community oriented attack mechanism, that has a “search and destroy” protocol, a workplace
mobbing protocol, a public disruption protocol, a target location protocol, and a thug recruitment
Mind you, the thugs that participate in gangstalking come from a wide variety of socioeconomic
backgrounds. A doctor that participated in gangstalking is just as degenerate as a newly released
convicted felon that participated in gangstalking.
This post 9/11 program is rooted in waste, criminal negligence, and legislative thuggery. The
recruiting, spying, location, disruption, electronic communications interception, vehicular attacks,
and thug mobilization units cost billions a year to manage, enriching the military industrial complex,
and denigrating the United States Constitution, rendering it useless.
The USA has betrayed the public trust, lied to its allies, and spread this thuggish disruption product
throughout the world, using its political coercion, power mongering, and cut throat legislative
The verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues that the apish, thuggish, hate mongering
gangstalkers use to locate, disrupt, and irritate a target are courtesy of the American taxpayer.
The warmongering United States government’s latest war is against its own citizens in what is
tantamount to an atrocious war profiteering spectacle for its military industrial complex.
The citizenry of the United States is under attack by its maniac Congress, its lobbyists, and its
maniacally zealous religious components, all of which benefit from the traitorous, distasteful, ill-
conceived war monkey called gangstalking.
The United States relies on dumb, aloof, useful idiots who have a thuggish disposition to operate and
further gangstalking.
The gangstalkers are weasels; they take orders from other gangstalkers in the form of cues and
signals. Once they complete their assignment of annoying, obstructing, crowding, or otherwise
jeopardizing someone, they scurry off.
American congress-people are weasels. They draw a six-figure salary courtesy of the American
taxpayer; they have private bodyguards courtesy of the American taxpayer; they hold offices and sit
on committees courtesy of the American taxpayer; they ride in limousines and book flights on private
jets courtesy of the American taxpayer. What do they do for the American taxpayer in return? They
pass unconstitutional, thuggish, inbred, violent, murderous, wasteful, annoying, pandering, stupid,
egregious, self-serving, ill-conceived, military industrial thuggery that manifests as post 9/11/2001
“national security” thuggery, which has earmarked or embedded in it, gangstalking which is gulag-
inspired thuggery.
The thuggish United States federal government is as useless as a fur coat in a desert. Its Senate,
House of Representatives, Supreme Court, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, its state
and local legislatures, and its various other organizations and bureaucracies are breeding grounds for
useless mind-numbing thuggery.
This country has the least amount of confidence in its government in the world. The federal judiciary
is made up of politically appointed justices that rule on issues according to what lobbyists, political
parties, politicians, and the military industrial complex tells it to.
This country is not an asset to humanity, nor is it an asset to the global economy. At
$32,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, it is nothing more than a war machine purchasing, bad legislation
passing, trillion dollar budget signing, photo opportunity loving, no bid contract giving, international
The legislature of this country is not content with upholding the American Constitution. As a matter
of fact, we have no Constitution. What we have instead of a Constitution, are millions of malicious,
useless, thuggish, illiterate pieces of national security legislation that governs America. The
constitution has been overwritten by these pieces of legislation. The United States federal
government has handed over the country to a Department of Justice and a Department of Defense
that’s have “hit the ground running” since 2003 in sabotaging the principle constitutional precept of
“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
This has been done through the authorization of thuggish programs like gangstalking, which allows
bands of thugs, idiots, nincompoops, buffoons, knuckleheads, inbreds, morons, religious zealots,
scoundrels, fools, harassers, felons, corrupted third parties, thuggish imbeciles-, and strange
American thugs to perpetually jeopardize targeted individuals on a daily basis while using a
degenerately thuggish system of verbal, physical, gestural, vehicular, and other cues to “point out”
the targeted individual’s exact location so that other goonish-, thuggish gangstalkers will know who
to bother-, obstruct, crowd, or harass, all under the supervision of federally authorized “watchers,”
who have one hand in a gun somewhere in the vehicle, and the other hand on the “911” button on
their phone, all from a hidden location while the targeted person deals with the gangstalkers that he
has mobilized towards them in a cowardly, weaselly, covert fashion. The thugs that the thuggish
United States federal government has thuggishly authorized to violently engage targeted individuals
via a coded system of cues, both gestural and verbal, have been given permission by the USA to
contaminate people's food, spread disease via strategically placed coughs, sneezes, heavy breathing,
and other disgusting bodily functions that carry with it the spread of bacteria and viruses.
The USA's thuggish, criminally insane, silly, wasteful, unneeded, ever dumb, military industrial
complex feeding thuggery known as gangstalking is biological warfare, disease warfare, scorched
earth combat, and biohazard warfare.
Gangstalking is the manifestation of a weak, thuggish, cowardly, spineless, degenerate,
governmentally illiterate Congress, which routinely passes 10,000 pages bills with no knowledge
whatsoever as to what is in the bills, giving the daily American societal mechanisms over to thugs
who are gangstalkers, and the military industrial complex‘s thuggish handlers. The United States
federal government spends more money on defense per year (nearly $1,000,000,000,000 / year) than
any other country, not because of national safety, but to thuggishly enrich war machine makers who
in turn create innovative wayside to sabotage people in a federally directed thuggish fashion.
( The United States military isn’t made up of men and women who are not brave, virtuous, or
fortuitous. Rather it is made up off people who like the pay, benefits, travel, job titles, ranks,
retirement packages, and the many different sexual partners and sex opportunities that the thuggish
United States military offers them.
The United States of America is a swamp, cesspool, mudpit, gulag, money wasting bribe-taking,
violence-encouraging, politically illiterate dung hill. This country thuggishly uses taxpayer money to
finance street thuggery, intimidation, murder and attempted murder, assassinations, car accidents and
vehicular thuggery, poisoning, theft, home invasions, child abuse, academic dishonesty, military
thuggery, police thuggery, private’s security thuggery, and public corruption all under the banner of
“justice, liberty, and national security.” )
The United States federal government is a criminally negligent criminal enterprise and has been for
100 years; it illegally criminalizes private citizens via the gangstalking method with no court
proceedings or federal process.
The United States federal government, its elected representatives, and the decision makers in its
various auxiliaries are not qualified to speak on good governance, the rule of law, or freedom.
The USA has, over the decades, billed itself as “the shining city on a hill” and “a beacon of freedom
around the world.” It is neither. Rather it is a nation, indebted to its own federal reserve system to the
tune of $32,000,000,000,000.000, is legislatively illiterate to the point where it no longer vets the
bills that come before it; it does not take responsibility for its human rights abuses or treason, it
ignores the assertions by its citizens that it has authorized the equivalent of a mobile gulag against
them, its wasteful, irresponsible, deleterious, degenerate, and criminally negligent Congress moves
so slowly on the political issues of the most importance, that these issues quickly snowball into
governmental catastrophes.
The United States Federal Government has enlisted, for better or for worse and purposely or
inadvertently (through stealth national security legislation) a nationwide group of degenerate
animals, aloof thugs, criminally prone corrupted inbreds, and herd-mentality-loving freedom haters
that enjoy protection from any consequences related to their thuggish, mindless, buffoonish, and ape-
like behavior towards other citizens.
This country is one thing and one thing only, a fundraiser for the military industrial complex and
related industries. With respect to gangstalking, related industries are not limited to war machine
builders, but includes the hospital industry and the clinical psychiatric/psychological industries, all of
which will enjoy increased revenues from the derived persons problems and physical injuries that
gangstalking causes its targets.
Gangstalkers are not patriots; they are not patriotic, nor do they suspect that they are doing their
federal government’s bidding with their actions. They are simply degenerate martinets that enjoy the
status quo in America, which has degenerated into a nationwide cabal of useful idiots who are
infatuated with being able to commit violent crimes and or crimes of aggravated menacing against
targeted persons with no recourse whatsoever.
The formula for present day gangstalking involves a number of hidden provocation, harassment, and
psychological warfare techniques that are designed to be difficult for the targeted individual to
control, observe, or report.
People who take an adversarial stance towards targeted individuals’ endeavor of exposition to what
they are experiencing will say “go to the police,” or “try to cope.” I am especially suspicious of these
kinds of people because these suggestions given the totalitarian styled nationwide attack mechanisms
that a targeted individual experiences. Simply put, the police can’t do anything about gangstalking
and “coping” or not reacting is extremely dangerous for a targeted individual to do.
The American psychiatric and professional psychological community is violently and purposefully
rigged against targeted individuals. If targeted individuals can be clinically diagnosed as psychotic
for their assertions on gangstalking, then the lecherous and traitorous American program can
commence unchallenged.
There is not one psychiatrist or psychologist in the whole of this country that will agree with or give
an acknowledgement of the degenerate congressional thuggery that targeted individuals are
experiencing. Rather they see it as an opportunity to charge the targeted person fees and “diagnos”
them with a mental disease that they may not have.
As a matter of fact, this program may be designed to stimulate the psychiatric and professional
psychological industry from the insurance money they will get from appointments/visits related to
the psychosis and related mental illnesses that gangstalking is “capable” of causing its targeted
persons. Gangstalking is ultimately meant to cause agoraphobia in its targets.
More visits to these “mind doctors” means more revenues generated for their respective industries.
Gangstalking also stimulates the hospital industry from all of the injurious “accidents” that targeted
individuals experience at the hand of their degenerate, thuggish, clumsy, and illbred
The military industrial complex also benefits financially from this program. The military industrial
surveillance, communications intercepting technology, as well as the unseen war machines used in a
targeted person’s gangstalking campaign are a part of the nearly $1,000,000,000,000.00 in taxpayer
money that is spent on military industrial war expenditures.
This program should be investigated by the United Nations and the actors in it charged with high
The United States federal government is guilty of political and economic thuggery behind this
The United States political and governmental establishments are totally and utterly useless.
Gangstalking has been going on in an accelerated capacity since at least 2011. Its targets are chosen
in secret, the thuggery that they encounter is unexpected and unannounced, there is judicial process,
and no warnings or notices given to the targeted person.
The congressional, legislative, and bureaucratic thuggery that the United States has authorized post
9-11-2001, is tantamount to high treason, thuggish preemptive actions against United States citizens,
and constitutional rights violations.
The United States of America has enabled and financed state-sanctioned domestic terrorism.
The post 9/11/2001 national security scare birthed draconian, thuggish, illbred, civil rights disasters
like gangstalking, namely because the national security bills passed through congress during this time
period and beyond were 9,500 pages long, loaded with civil liberty restricting earmarks, and no one
in the Congress or the President’s executive office read them thoroughly.
Thuggery such as workplace mobbing, community harassment, electronic communications
interception, street theater, derived or staged car accidents, murder and attempted murder, assault,
burglary and vandalism, all of which are a part of gangstalking’s violent repertoire, have been
stealthily legalized due to congressional legislative ignorance.
The United States’ commitment to the purchase and use of military industrial war machines has
rendered its collective judgement on good governance as useless. The United States spends nearly
$1T per/year on the military industrial complex conundrum, and because there are no wars to fight,
the United States has waged war on its own citizens.
This covert war, called gangstalking, utilizes many of the costly and ineffective military industrial
war machines that are sitting around and collecting dust. This being done to stimulate the military
industrial complex in absence of any costly wars with “boogeyman” regimes.
The military industrial complex is a size able donor to political campaigns in the USA, and in return
US politicians reward it with trillion dollar government contracts, causing revenue explosions and
increased stock prices for the makers of war machines.
Gangstalking is a war profiteering enterprise used to stimulate the military industrial complex, this
being done at the expense of its citizen’s freedom, liberty, oppportunities for good governance, and
their constitutional rights.
Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran are four countries that the United States has foolishly and with
costly futility beat the war drum against for 50 years.
If the United States starts another trillion dollar war with another country, it will have two wars
occurring simultaneously. One war will be with the foreign country and the other war will be with its
own citizens.
The United States has not waged war with any of these countries because it is not sure it will win
against them in armed combat.
The United States’ military Industrial war monkey only works against countries that it will surely
decimate in armed combat. Taxpayer money is used by the federal government to buy its apish war
machines, creating exorbitant revenues for the manufacturers of these war machines, and an invasion
of the smaller less developed nation ensues under the banners of “regime change,” “the installation of
freedom or democracy,” or “national security,.”
By contrast, targeted individuals are an "easy" target for the United States' multi-trillion-dollar
military industrial war chimp, because the many billions of war-machines that it takes to surveil,
track, and disrupt the daily movements and biorhythm of the targeted individuals is done in a
clandestine, behind-the-scenes, and invisible fashion.
Targeted individuals are typically not trained in military combat, war strategy, hand-to-hand combat,
advanced self-defense tactics, or the like. The treasonous, traitorous, unconstitutional, politically
bumpy, covert frontal lobotomy that are given to targeted individuals that cannot withstand this state-
sanctioned assault on them, is nothing but military industrial politically inept, constitutionally
illiterate cowardice.
There are deceased Australopithecus' that have more common sense than to allow such an
misanthropic congressional misadventure.
Freedom, democracy, and national security are nonexistent here in the United States of America. In
its thuggish gangstalking campaigns against its own citizens, thuggish, inbred, aloof, dull, dummies
are mobilized in units against the targeted person with no mission outside the annoyance, harm, or
instigation of verbal or physical contact with the target.
The United States federal government foolishly continues in spite of this to call itself a democracy
and a constitutional republic. It needs to declare itself a fascist state and be honest with its citizens.
The “national security” state that America is now, allows for state-enabled thuggery at a cost of $32T
for the taxpayer.
A person does not need a criminal record to become a targeted individual. They do not need terrorist
affiliations, to be found to have been planning domestic terrorist attacks, under criminal
investigation, or have any derogatory civil or legal records indexed to their name at all.
Gangstalking, being the clandestine, piggish, military industrial/constitution destroyer that it is, can
be implemented or attached to anyone, anywhere, at any time, for any reason. The person is never
notified, there are no legal proceedings, no official government communications to that person, nor
are there any opportunities to fight the implementation, hire an attorney, or otherwise such legal or
political assistance to rid yourself of the illbred, poorly conceived, knuckle headed, pig protocol.
Gangstalking is an American failure, a political failure, an anthropological failure, a failure of
government, a failure of leadership, a failure of the use of databases and indexes, a failure of tax
revenue appropriation, a military industrial complex failure, a civil rights failure, a human rights
failure, a failure of democracy, a failure of the rule of law, a failure of allotment of civil liberties, a
failure of constitutional republicanism, and a failure to uphold one’s inalienable rights.
The United States of America is a failure as well. It is a failure in each of the above named
categories. It’s politicians are failures, as is it national security mechanism.
Gangstalking itself is a national security disaster. This fact is ironic because it was birthed by stealth
through post 9/11/2001 national security legislation.
The taxpayers pay for it. The targeted individuals endure it. Congress ignores it.
Ultimately it is an act of treason on the part of its crafters, an act of political ineptitude on the part of
the United States politicians who enabled it, and an act of pure thuggery by those who participate in
Orchestrated catastrophes have been carried out by governments over the past 100 years. These
events involve treasonous political actors conspiring with private sector third parties to collaborate on
a bloody, terrorist, or economic disaster, one which will require major changes such as tax increases,
the shelling out of government contracts, immediate war, constitutional amendments, or regime
change to remedy.
The conspirators of such a heinous crime against humanity will act as if the disaster occurred because
of a disadvantageous political climate, or “bear” economic conditions, all the while having been
plotted, financed and implemented by these same actors.
Gangstalking is an orchestrated catastrophe; it was earmarked through post September 11, 2001
congressional legislation by power-grabbing, freedom hating, megalomaniacal traitors.
It isn’t enough that these same treasonous persons, through treasonous and criminally negligent
waste, have helped guide America into a $32,000,000,000,000.00 monetary prison, namely through
wasteful, silly, stealthily crafted legislative inserts that do absolutely nothing for the American
populace but raise their taxes, drive up interest rates, cause inflation, increase sociological and
political anxiety, and make millionaires out of politically connected people who aren’t fit to manage
a small business even.
Orchestrated catastrophes are called false flag operations or black flag operations and have
contributed to major political changes in many countries including the United States. These
catastrophes feed the military industrial complex, requiring the United States to take out billions in
new loans from the Federal Reserve System to purchase new war machines for the offensive new war
Gangstalking is just that, a war venture. Orchestrated catastrophes in the life of the targeted
individual are cause by deputized and mobilized gangstalkers that have assimilated into a thuggish,
murderous, government.
The United States Constitution, despite efforts by politically hostile American oligarchs to eradicate
it, has certain value to the present day. No changes or fool hearted “updates” to it are necessary.
The constitution lays out a blueprint, mechanical design, overarching structure, and political ideology
concerning what a democratically sound government should look like.
There are a number of warnings in the constitution should foolish, self-serving, politically inept, or
poorly readied politicians should try to adopt ill bred or criminally incompetent dictates in its stead.
One of these warnings comes in the Second Amendment to the Constitution which asserts that the
general populace of the United States should be legally and lawfully able to purchase and keep
firearms; not only for the defense of their home or for hunting, to to protect themselves from a
tyrannical or foolish governmental unit.
This shows that the framers of the constitution anticipated and acknowledged that the United States
federal government, as is the case with any government, could become corrupted...even violently
corrupt; so corrupt in fact that the citizenry would need ballistic weapons to protect itself from it.
With the violence, burglaries, rapes, vandalisms, and other such thuggery present in gangstalking, the
inept national security and domestic terrorism perpetration, its blatant attack mechanism on
unsuspecting United States citizens, and its clandestine hostility and thuggish zealousness to inflict
harm on the target, the second amendment’s self-defense from government idea present in the
constitution seems more feasible than ever.
There are no doubt federally authorized instigating weasels trying to disrupt my social media
presence behind-the-scenes.
Facebook / Meta Enterprises have been outstanding at affording its users their constitutional right to
free speech.
The United States federal government would like to allow the stealth regulation of free speech via the
earmark mechanism.
Do I believe that the military industrial mechanism has found ways to permeate the legislative
process in America? Yes. Do I believe that it would do anything including staging or allowing social
catastrophes in order to further its agenda and secure more government contracts to “fight the evil?”
Do I believe that the congress of the United States of America is too weak, incompetent and
politically inept to do anything about it? Yes.
Gangstalking is but a piece of the puzzle to the military industrial disaster that has rendered this
country a laughing joke and a shell of its former self.
Unnecessary military intervention in world affairs and conflicts coupled with ensuing “national
security” legislation to make America “safer” and more “secure” are tantamount to high treason.
The United States’ deleterious effect on other nations through invasions, military base building, and
legislative intrigue are high crimes that are beneath the dignity of an incorporated nation.
The alleged aims of post 09/11/2001 national security measures as implemented by the United States
Congress are frivolous and untrustworthy.
The measures by-and-large do not make America safer and they do not make the world safer. By
contrast, they make this country and every country more dangerous as they clandestinely criminalize,
prosecute, persecute, attack, and marginalize their own citizens.
Citizen’s rights no longer exist here in America. Furthermore the military industrial complex is the
standard by which all American laws are passed.
The one and only question that is asked by congress before passing a bill is, “is the military industrial
complex helped by this?”
The United States Constitution has been tendered a mere piece of tattered paper by the American
legislature. The Bill of Rights have been vanquished, and the state constitutions of every state in the
union have been effectively revoked and unrecognized.
Apologists for the revolution of citizens rights in favor of illegal and destructive national security
laws will say that “loose” interpretation of the constitution will make for legislation that will seem to
contradict it, or that revisions to the United States Constitution should be made to accommodate
“today’s changing world.”
To that I say “hogwash.” Citizen’ rights are rooted in the constitutional concept of “ inalienable
rights,” those rights that are intrinsic to being a human being born into this world. Life, Liberty and
the Pursuit of Happiness are among this inalienable rights and are central tenets of the U.S.
Instead we have gangstalking, a military industrial war method that has been waged on the general
public. There are no legal justifications for this violently conceived piece of ignorant legislation.
The United Nations should declare the United States of America a failed state and subpoena its
elected leaders to explain themselves before an international tribunal.
The United States federal government, its departments, its Supreme Court, the economic wing of this
country, its Department of Defense and its Department of justice are political failures.
These departments, of which several trillions of taxpayer dollars are extracted from them to uphold
have been reduced to military industrial strongholds.
The United States no longer has credibility as a world power, a peacekeeper, or as a sovereign entity.
This country has legalized a covert, military industrial thuggery protocol known as gangstalking.
This thuggish leviathan is a legislative nightmare; its auspices of national security are fraudulent; its
operations resemble that of a mobile gulag.
The United States is not a democratic country, it is not a constitutional republic. This country is a
banana republic that has taxed its citizens to the maximum in order to pay its
$32,000,000,000,000.00 war adventure, infrastructure, and human experimentation bill.
God, Satan, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Peter, Paul, Mary, Joseph, or the Gingerbread Man have
nothing at all to do with gangstalking, its targets, or its perpetrators.
Gangstalking is not divine retribution against a targeted individual. Anyone that would assert that is a
fool. As a matter of fact, the United States federal government’s lack of stewardship as a keeper of
the United States Constitution’s ideals have allowed religious elements to wield otherworldly power
in the country’s legislative and judicial processes.
For example, the slogan “In God We Trust” is printed on American money which is an egregiously
violent defilement of the constitutional precept of [ The Separation of Church and State ].
“Under God” is in the pledge of allegiance, another debacle concerning the separation of church and
Many U.S. politicians declare America a “Christian Nation” a dangerous and uncouth assertion given
the secular nature of the founding political/governmental/constitutional documents of this country.
Surely at some point, and indeed it is already present in gangstalking’s “ street theater “ mechanism,
Christian, biblical, divinity, karma, and other such concepts will be zealously launched into the
gangstalking conversation by those who wish to justify America’s clandestine war against select
Quite frankly, the more religion, divine right, God’s will, “evidence of the second coming of Jesus
Christ,” and other such drivel are introduced into the gangstalking equation, the more foolish
America will look as a country and a sovereign entity.
Gangstalking is a political problem, an American structural deficiency problem, and a legislative
human rights debacle.
Targeted Individuals are United States citizens that are dead to rights.
Their constitutional rights were formally erased behind closed doors via post 09/11/2001 national
security earmarks.
The United States of America has forfeited its designation as a democracy and as a constitutional
republic having betrayed those governmental ideals in favor of the military industrial complex and
the squandering of taxpayer money that it takes to make the United States a legislative pariah.
Gangstalking is the manifestation of the slow and steady hijacking of the United States legislative
mechanism over the past twenty years.
This country, it’s treasury, its legislative mechanism, its political ideals (or lack thereof,) its puppet
Supreme Court and indeed the very lives of its populace have been willfully handed over to the
warmongering, apeish, hostile, anthropologically illiterate, sneaky, spiteful, criminally ignorant, and
perpetually unnerving military industrial complex, the war simian that has soaked up $32T over the
past twenty years in order to “keep law and order” “secure the Homeland” and “fight terrorism.”
The United States Department of Defense and the United Statesman Department of Justice are the
primary beneficiaries of the military industrial financial war animal.
There are no wars to fight around the globe right now, so in order to keep the behemoth military
industrial machine collecting contracts, revenues, and stock price increases, the congress of the
United States has authorized gangstalking, a covert, costly, Weasley, and oafish, attack mechanism
against the very populace of the United States.
The bureaucratic nature of gangstalking is equally as treacherous as the program itself.
Congress, the American media, and its mass communication mechanism have been shamelessly and
timidly quiet about gangstalking, its aims, and its cost.
By now, given gangstalking’s more prevalent role in daily American life, the United States’
“intelligence” community has likely engaged in defective, lackluster, and deleterious investigations
into the program, “concluding” either that it doesn’t exist, or that its existence cannot be “confirmed
or denied,” both of which are cover-up mechanisms typically brought by guilty parties who do not
want to be exposed for their criminally degenerative incompetence.
The blame for gangstalking’s existence and the damaging effect it has had on the United States
governmental mechanism and on its people rests on Congress, its military industrial obsession, and
its criminally negligent money-grubbing cronyism. The stalkers themselves are useful idiots who
“work for free” and will do anything they are told.
Gangstalking is military-grade, federally mandated, trillion dollar street thuggery that was blasted
through American legislative bills through stealth, trickery, and deceit (earmarks).
It’s thuggish and incompetent aims of population control, exterminationism, behavior modification,
social engineering, and brainwashing are laughable at best, and at worst, treasonous.
There are religious elements to the implementation of this congressionally inept social control
system. Christian churches, namely those involved in political endeavors in particular, are
strategically enlisted as the “useful idiots” that gangstalking’s military industrial hijacking of
Congress needs in order to continuing to rape the United States’ treasury in order to buy more war
machines for this clandestine project.
From the pulpit many pastors and politically involved church “leaders” will spew narratives that
weaken their respective congregations resistance to the ongoing flushing of American culture and
society down a military industrial grade toilet.
The United States federal government is nothing more than a ($32,000,000,000,000.01) war gorilla
who has by stealth, negligence, sleight-of-hand, and abuse of its intelligence, military, law
enforcement, and banking mechanisms has legalized murder, attempted murder, robbery, attempted
robbery, felony assault, computer hacking, (I am likely being electronically surveilled by a federally
financed spying orangutan as we speak) and every other degenerate act that there is has been enabled
by Congress through the national security earmark mechanism.
What I have to do the United States Congress is this, if I am an undesirable, if I am no longer
welcomed in this country, if the United States Constitution does not apply to me, have the courage to
look me in my face and say it plainly. Putting me in a gangstalking campaign to illustrate that my
citizenship in this country is worthless makes you look bad. {{{{ }}}}
By utilizing military-grade industrial tracking products, personnel mobilization, and military style
war stratagem, the United States federal government can continue funding its military industrial war-
machine through gangstalking, a stealth war that is an undeclared post 9-11-2001 act of domestic
terrorism against the targeted persons.
Gangstalking is not a joke, it is not a gimmick, it is not a game-show in which an audience observes
and enjoys; rather it is a federally funded destruction mechanism in which the physical, social, and
economic implosion of the target is the main goal.
This federally enabled program, one that was authorized by Congress in panic-stricken and
negligently hasty national security legislative votes, has authorized open air terrorist thuggery against
unsuspecting United States citizens.
The United States, at $32T in debt, while going deeper into debt, by financing programs like
gangstalking, while simultaneously denying its existence, and what’s more, sending remote-
controlled cars to Mars (presumably to try and find aliens there) and sending satellites into orbit (to
try and find extraterrestrials or some other being) is nothing more than a multi-trillion-dollar war
baboon and a multi-billion-dollar space-flight chimpanzee that irresponsibly and foolishly peddles
forward while its entire governmental and societal mechanism suffers and crumbles.
Gangstalking is not a “fair fight.” Gangstalkers will use, with the blessing of the federal government
of the United States, a combination of overt thuggery, phony police calls, clandestine thuggery,
tactical thuggery, hostile threats, and outright violence in what can be described as a “mobile gulag.”
Gangstalking is the political blunder that will end up leading to the international discrediting of
America. This thuggish program is what the federal government of the USA has attempted to embed
into the national consciousness as “the new norm.”
This is being done by federal liaisons, posing as everyday citizens facilitating, oftentimes through
example, the spreading of gangstalking’s many annoyance tactics as everyday “safety procedures”
that “everyone is doing these days.”
The more advanced methods of gangstalking such as electronic communications interception,
thermal imaging use, GPS interception, social media hacking, community mobilization, conversation
eavesdropping, and tracking protocols are used by congressionally authorized stalkers who work in a
covert capacity.
The thugs that participate in gangstalking are useful idiots. They do what they are told to do when
they are told to do it. It is presented to them as something other than federally authorized clandestine
The United States of America has lost its soul as a sovereign entity and is nothing more than a special
interest dump, a lobbyist’s cesspool, and a military industrial complex revenue generator.
This country has been legislatively duped into not only participating in gangstalking, but electing
many of the same negligent politicians that signed it into law under the guise of national security
A targeted individual cannot so much as go into a restaurant and order a meal without one of these
thuggish, hostile, mischievous, belligerent, federally directed thugs following them in or appearing
later and causing any number of problems or discomforts to the targeted person.
These American goons, which are tantamount to federally authorized henchmen will try to
intimidate, harass, or otherwise disrupt the natural life of the targeted person.
Thuggery has replaced the rule of law in America, and the Congress of the United States of America
has authorized and financed that same thuggery through the gangstalking mechanism, a fool-hearted
national security platform gone haywire, and turns a blind eye to this fact, knowing that when their
legislative ineptitude is exposed, that they will destroy the evidence, hire fall-men, spin the truth, and
lie about the prevalence and harm that this ultra-stupid national security disaster has caused the
American economy and society. The thugs that participate in gangstalking will never be prosecuted
because they commit their crimes in clandestine forms that are hard to record or detect, but are
extremely obvious to the targeted individuals that experience it on a daily basis.

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