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Healthy LifeStyle
Jahelly Balcázar.
Rosita Medina.
Luis Tenesaca
3ro BGU


Living a healthy lifestyle is essential for everyone. It helps us to remain fit, active and
have a stress-free life. It is important to understand the importance of having a healthy
lifestyle and follow some basic tips to incorporate it into our daily routine. A healthy
lifestyle can help us to have a balanced life, with enough time for work, leisure and rest.
One of the most important aspects of having a healthy lifestyle is to have a balanced and
nutritious diet. This means eating a variety of foods from all the food groups. It is
important to include fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins in our diet.
It is also important to limit the intake of processed and junk foods. Additionally, it is
important to ensure that we drink enough water throughout the day. Physical activity is
another important part of having a healthy lifestyle. It helps us to remain active and fit.
It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety. It is important to ensure that we get at least 30
minutes of exercise every day. This can include taking a walk, running, playing sports
or any other activity that we enjoy. Having a good night’s sleep is essential for our
mental and physical health. It is important to ensure that we get at least 7-8 hours of
sleep every day. Adequate sleep helps to reduce stress and improve concentration and
focus. It is also important to make sure that our bedroom is comfortable, dark and quiet
in order to get a good night’s sleep. Stress is an inevitable part of our lives. It is
important to understand how to manage stress in order to have a healthy lifestyle. Some
of the ways to manage stress include engaging in activities that we enjoy, yoga and
meditation, talking to someone about our problems and taking regular breaks.
Good health habits can help you avoid disease and improve your quality of life. The
following steps will help you feel and live better.
 Exercise regularly and control your weight.
 No Smoking.
 DO NOT drink a lot of alcohol and avoid it completely if you have a history of
 Use medications prescribed by your health care provider as directed.
 Eat a healthy and balanced diet.
 Taking care of teeth.
 Control high blood pressure.
 Follow good security practices.

Exercise is a key factor in staying healthy. Exercise strengthens bones, heart and lungs,
tones muscles, improves vitality, relieves depression and helps you sleep better.
Talk to your provider before starting an exercise program if you have health problems
such as obesity, high blood pressure, or diabetes. This helps ensure that the exercise is
safe and that you get the most out of it.
Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States. One in
5 deaths each year is the direct or indirect result of smoking.
Indirect exposure to cigarette smoke can cause lung cancer in non-smokers. Indirect
exposure to this smoke is also linked to heart disease.
It is never too late to quit smoking. Talk to your provider about medicines and programs
that can help you quit smoking.

Alcohol consumption changes many brain functions. It affects in the first instance the
emotions, the thought and the judgment. With continued alcohol ingestion, motor
control is affected, producing slurred speech, slower reactions, and loss of balance.
Having a higher amount of body fat and drinking on an empty stomach speed up the
effects of alcohol.
Alcoholism can lead to diseases such as:
Diseases of the liver and pancreas
Cancer and other diseases of the esophagus and digestive tract
myocardial damage
Brain damage
DO NOT drink alcohol during pregnancy. Alcohol can seriously harm the fetus and lead
to fetal alcohol syndrome.
Parents should talk to their children about the dangerous effects of alcohol. Talk to your
provider if you or someone close to you has an alcohol problem. Many people whose
lives have been affected by alcohol benefit from being part of an alcoholism support


Drugs and medications affect people in different ways. Always tell your provider about
all drugs you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs and vitamins.
Drug interactions can be dangerous.
Older people need to be very careful about interactions when they are taking many
All your health care providers should know about all the medicines you are taking. Take
the list with you when you go for checkups and treatments.
Avoid drinking alcohol while you are taking medication, as this can cause serious
problems. The combination of alcohol and tranquilizers or pain relievers can be deadly.
Pregnant women should not take any drugs or medications without consulting their
doctor, including over-the-counter medications. The fetus is most sensitive to drug
damage during the first 3 months. Tell your provider if you have been taking any drugs
before you became pregnant.
Always take medications as prescribed. Taking any drug in a way other than prescribed
or taking too much can cause serious health problems and is considered drug addiction.
Abuse and addiction are not only associated with "illicit" drugs.
Legal drugs such as laxatives, pain relievers, nasal sprays, diet pills, and cough
medicines can also be misused.
Addiction is defined as continued use of a substance even though you are experiencing
problems related to your use. Simply needing a drug (such as a pain reliever or
antidepressant) and taking it as prescribed is not an addiction.

Stress is normal. It can be a great motivator and it works in some cases. However, too
much stress can lead to health problems such as insomnia, upset stomach, anxiety, and
mood swings.
Learn to recognize the factors that are most likely to cause stress in your life.
You may not be able to avoid all stress, but knowing the source can help you feel in
The more control you feel you have over your life; the less damaging stress will be in
your life.

Obesity is a serious health concern. Excess body fat can put a strain on your heart,
bones, and muscles. It can also increase the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, varicose
veins, breast cancer, and gallbladder disease.
Obesity can be caused by eating too much and consuming unhealthy foods. Lack of
exercise also plays a role. A family history can also be a risk for some people.

Eating a balanced diet is important for good health.
Choose foods that are low in saturated fat and trans fat, as well as low in cholesterol.
Reduce your intake of sugar, salt (sodium), and alcohol.
Eat more fiber, which can be found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain products,
and nuts.
Good dental hygiene can help you keep your teeth and gums healthy for a lifetime. It is
important that children acquire good dental habits from an early age. To have proper
dental hygiene:
Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily.
Use a fluoride toothpaste.
Get regular dental checkups.
Limit your sugar intake.
Use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Replace the toothbrush when the bristles begin to bend.
Ask your dentist to show you the proper ways to brush and floss.
Lifestyle is defined by the WHO as a general way of life, based on the interaction
between living conditions and individual patterns of behavior, which are determined by
sociocultural factors and Personal characteristics. The lifestyle is related to the social
structure, it also includes a set of values, norms, attitudes, habits and behaviors.
(Tapiero Paipa, 2012)
The qualities that individuals acquired over time and space that they develop are the
fundamental pillar to adopt customs and habits that favor the maintenance of health.
factors of life healthy, are elements that condition the state of health of people who they
function in their different environments; these items can be converted in styles or
behaviors that individuals acquire depending on their own personality and social circle.
In different universities projects have been developed and elaborated documents that
guide towards a healthy life; it is so, that the pontifical Catholic University of Chile
(Lange & Vio, 2006)4 started his project in november 2003 in Santiago, with the theme:
"Building Healthy Universities"; projects that were ventured into other countries, such
as those of North America: USA, Canada, Mexico; Latin American countries
(Colombia, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Argentina, Panama, Brazil and Peru) ;
Country of Central America: Cuba. In addition to European countries such as: Spain
and the United Kingdom.
The investigation of (Castaño, Martha, & Jose); on "Lifestyles and health in students of
the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Manizales”, carried out in 2008, where it
was obtained that 31.2% have an activity other than study; in 52.9% of cases this
activity is sport. A ratio was found of non-smokers of 68.1%, 34.1% have problems
with alcohol, and 70% do consume. 80.7% say they protect themselves against STDs,
94.9% protect themselves against pregnancy. Very close relationship only with the
Family, mostly good with friends, university classmates and teachers; distant from the
other networks support. Only 15.4% of students have an adequate diet, 60.7% of
students with light sleepiness, 31.4% present a risk factor positive for impulsivity.
Nearly half of the population with problems of anxiety, probable case of depression
10.3% and case of depression 3%. Ruiz Fátima, and others performed in Vasco, in
2005, (Irazusta, Ruiz, & Gil 2005) an investigation on life habits of Nursing students, in
which It was obtained as a result that in relation to physical activity it is evident that a
17% of students perform intense physical exercise at least 3 times a week while 47% do
not perform any type of physical activity, instead manifested by food, it was verified
that one can observe the lipid profile of ingested fat. 51.68% of the ingested fat is in the
form of fatty acids monounsaturated, 19.4 % in the form of polyunsaturated fatty acids
and 28.92 % in saturated fat. Regarding fat intake, 86% ingested more recommended
proportion of fat (Recommended: 30% of the Kcal of the diet), 7% ingest the
recommended proportion of fat and 7% ingest less recommended fat ratio. Within the
analysis of this research we came to consolidate that a large number of the student
population is prone to having unhealthy eating habits for this reason make them
vulnerable to risks due to not eating a healthy diet or balanced.
Research by (Apcho & Milagros Ponte) on healthy Lifestyles of nursing students at the
University of San Marcos in Lima – Peru conducted in 2010 shows that 60% of students
have a lifestyle healthy; when analyzing it by dimensions; it is determined that the
health dimension with responsibility with 76.7% and physical activity with 82.9%
predominates a lifestyle not healthy. In the healthy nutrition dimension, first-year
students, second, fourth and fifth years have a healthy lifestyle, and the students of third
year with 65.2% have an unhealthy lifestyle; in dimensión spiritual growth with 86.8%
and interpersonal relationships 75.2% predominates the healthy lifestyle in the five
years of study. Within the systematization From this investigation it was possible to
obtain the result of the student population which it was evidenced that they have healthy
lifestyles where there is a large percentage that possesses healthy nutrition, spiritual
growth, while there is a great quantity that do not carry out physical activities for which
they are more in styles of sedentary lifestyle In this regard, (Veny, 2014) conducted the
2013 National Health Survey, and obtained the following results: 61.3% of the
population over 17 years of age has overweight or obesity; 90% is sedentary; 42%
smoke; 36% have hypertension blood pressure and high cholesterol and 55% are at high
or very high cardiovascular risk. Using these statistical data, it determines that the
highest percentage of the population is vulnerable to having a bad lifestyle as they suffer
from catastrophic diseases referring to the statistical data that from an early age are
adapted to risk factors where the intake is higher than the needs together with a bad
administration of food and therefore nutrients which leads to a high percentage of
overweight or obesity, such as arterial hypertension and high cholesterol; a sedentary
lifestyle can be included in excess of labor work a ccompanied by tobacco use; Through
this research trying to investigate in the field study, in the nursing school there are
patterns of behavior in social groups that describe these health risks.
In Spain (Bennasar M. V., 2014) he carried out a study on lifestyles of the students of
the University of the Balearic Islands and for this purpose I designed and validated a
instrument that evaluates the lifestyles and health status of university Students
(ESVISAUN). The results reaffirm the idea that health behaviors of university students
should not require each other in isolation, since that there is a tendency towards the
conglomeration of risk factors such as smoking, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity.
Through this questionnaire (Bennasar, 2014) it is described that there are too many risk
factors, and deteriorated health behaviors since there is poor nutrition and food
inadequate, where as results we have a population with a focus on disease index.
Taking as reference the investigation carried out in Mexico, in 2004, by (Irma
Lumbreras), entitled "Lifestyles and health risks in Students university students of the
Autonomous University of Tiaxala”. which made more tan 60% of students are over 20
years of age and only 10% of them participate in cultural activities; also found that more
than 80% of students did not performs physical activity due to the indiscriminate use of
computers, the same that contribute to a sedentary lifestyle. In addition, 40% presented
inappropriate habits food, putting the population at risk of being overweight. for this
very reason it is concluded that more than 50% of students have a lifestyle not healthy,
for which prevention strategies are proposed, such as providing information on proper
eating behaviors, exercise habits, importance of sleep in order to favor their lifestyle”
(Ponte, 2010).
The University of Colombia (García Laguna, García Salamanca, Tapiero Paipa, &
Ramos, 2012) in their research on healthy lifestyles, they refer to the fact that in
Regarding eating habits, 95% of the university population consume high amounts of
sugar and processed foods, in relation to physical activity refers to the fact that the large
population is sedentary.
The class of 3rd year made a survey entitled healthy lifestyle, the teacher told us to
make group of two and make the survey for investigation purposes, we interviewed 35
people, 21 classmates and the rest of people were students and teachers from the school.
The results were finally done and me and my classmate for this work were surprised
when we did the count and realized that there are some population doing bad habits.
These are the final results:
Section A
Food and Drink
Do you eat five different kinds of fruit and vegetable a day?

Of the 100%, 25.7% consume five fruits and five vegetables, 34.3% do not consume
five fruits or five vegetables, and 40% sometimes consume five fruits and five
Section B
Do you ever go to the gym?

Of 100%, 34.3% always go to the gym, 28.6% never go and 37.1% go sometimes.
Section C
Getting about, do you…
Go by bus or car?

Of 100%, 14.3% prefer to go by bus while 57.1% prefer to go by car and 28.6% prefer
Section D
Being good to yourself, Do you…
Get enough sleep?

Of 100%, 14.3% if they sleep enough while 42.9% do not sleep enough and the other
42.9% sleep enough sometimes.
From the results that we saw we can get to the conclusion that the population in the
UEAPP are least healthy and have bad habits for their health such as eating too many
candys, not playing sports, being lazy and not taking care of their health with not going
to the doctor, the possitive thing is that more of the people interviewed are younger so
they can change these bad habits and choose to have a lifestyle more healthy. We can
concluye too that the actual population are becoming the more least healthy as the years
go on and the tecnology improve, this improvement can make the nexts generations
more lazy beacuse they are going to depend more of the tecnology that makes the life
more easier for us and doing nothing more than just pressing a button. Living a healthy
lifestyle is important for everyone. It helps us to remain fit, active and have a stress-free
life. It is important to eat a balanced and nutritious diet, exercise regularly, get enough
sleep and manage stress in order to have a healthy lifestyle.



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