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Pauline M. Camacho, MD, FACE1; Alaleh M. Mazhari, DO1; Cory Wilczynski, MD1;
Ruth Kadanoff, MD2; Steven Mumm, PhD3,4; Michael P. Whyte, MD3,4

ABSTRACT months. When she sustained a sacral fracture, teriparatide

was administered for a further 18 months.
Objective: Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a rare inher- Results: Patient 1’s serum ALP increased while
ited metabolic bone disease from deficient activity of the receiving teriparatide and returned to baseline after its
tissue-nonspecific isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase discontinuation. BMD remained unchanged, but no frac-
(TNSALP). Reportedly, teriparatide (parathyroid hormone tures were sustained. Patient 2’s serum ALP increased, but
1-34) can benefit the adult form of HPP, including fracture the improvement was not sustained. Femoral neck BMD
healing. We studied 2 women with adult HPP given teripa- increased significantly during the first cycle, declined
ratide and reviewed the reports of 6 additional patients. significantly afterwards, and was regained during a second
Methods: A 68-year-old black woman (patient 1) course of teriparatide.
described low-trauma fractures and had subnormal serum Conclusion: Teriparatide shows some benefit for adult
alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity. Biochemical find- HPP. (Endocr Pract. 2016;22:941-950)
ings were consistent with HPP. Mutation analysis revealed
a heterozygous defect in exon 10 of TNSALP (ALPL). Abbreviations:
Teriparatide was injected daily for 2 years. Four years ALP = alkaline phosphatase; BMD = bone mineral
later, she fractured her right hip. Treatment was resumed density; BSAP = bone-specific alkaline phosphatase;
for 8 months without further fractures. A 53-year-old white CTX = C-telopeptide; DXA = dual-energy X-ray
woman (patient 2) reported low-trauma fractures and absorptiometry; FN = femoral neck; HPP = hypophos-
had subnormal serum ALP. Mutation analysis revealed a phatasia; LS = lumbar spine; PEA = phosphoethanol-
heterozygous defect in exon 8 of TNSALP. She injected amine; PLP = pyridoxal 5'-phosphate; PTH = parathy-
teriparatide daily for 2 years. One year later, bone mineral roid hormone; SQ = subcutaneous; TNSALP = tissue-
density (BMD) declined and treatment was resumed for 3 nonspecific isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase; TPTD
= teriparatide


Submitted for publication June 22,2015 Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a rare inherited metabolic
Accepted for publication January 24, 2016 bone disease characterized by low serum alkaline phospha-
From the 1Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Loyola University
Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois, 2Division of Rheumatology, Loyola tase (ALP) activity (hypophosphatasemia), setting it apart
University Medical Center, Maywood, Illinois, 3Center for Metabolic Bone from other forms of rickets or osteomalacia (1-5). As a
Disease and Molecular Research, Shriners Hospital for Children, St. Louis, consequence of the underlying loss-of-function mutation(s)
Missouri, and 4Division of Bone and Mineral Diseases, Department of
Internal Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine at Barnes- in the gene that encodes the tissue-nonspecific isoenzyme
Jewish Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri. of alkaline phosphatase (TNSALP), the enzyme’s natural
Address correspondence to Dr. Pauline Camacho, 2160 South First Avenue, substrates accumulate extracellularly, including inorganic
Maywood, IL 60153.
E-mail: pyrophosphate (PPi), a potent inhibitor of mineraliza-
Published as a Rapid Electronic Article in Press at http://www.endocrine tion, pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP), the principal circulat- on April 4, 2016. DOI: 10.4158/EP15890.OR ing form of vitamin B6, and phosphoethanolamine (PEA)
To purchase reprints of this article, please visit:
Copyright © 2016 AACE. (1). TNSALP is a cell-surface enzyme, and the excess PPi

Copyright © 2016 AACE ENDOCRINE PRACTICE Vol 22 No. 8 August 2016 941
942 Hypophosphatasia & Teriparatide, Endocr Pract. 2016;22(No. 8) Copyright © 2016 AACE

in the bone milieu in HPP interferes with hydroxyapa- with serum ALP of 15 U/L (normal, 30 to 110 U/L) (Table
tite crystal formation for deposition into the skeleton and 1) was, however, evident in 2002 at 63 years of age before
leads to rickets or osteomalacia (1,6). Autosomal reces- the prednisone therapy.
sive and autosomal dominant inheritance from among at Ibandronate had been given for approximately 7
least 300 predominantly missense mutations throughout months (September 2005 to April 2006) for low BMD.
TNSALP (ALPL) largely explain the broad expressivity of Serum ALP before ibandronate was 19 U/L (normal, 30 to
HPP, which ranges from death in utero from an unminer- 110 U/L). and then ranged from 14 to 18 U/L. When HPP
alized skeleton to problems with dentition or arthropathy was diagnosed, ibandronate was discontinued due to fear it
beginning in adult life (1-5,7). HPP presenting in adult- could exacerbate her HPP skeletal disease (12).
hood commonly features recurrent low-trauma metatarsal Height was 170 cm (67 inches) and weight was 83 kg
fractures and/or femoral pseudofractures that may begin a (183 pounds). Physical exam was unremarkable except for
debilitating clinical course (1,2). grade 1 kyphosis, without muscle weakness or limitations
Asfotase alfa, a mineral-targeted recombinant human in range-of-motion. No dental abnormalities were noted.
TNSALP, was approved multinationally in 2015 for the Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA, Lunar Prodigy,
treatment essentially of pediatric-onset HPP; however, Madison, WI) revealed “osteopenia” in January 2003 after
there is as yet no approved medical therapy for adult-onset beginning prednisone. In 2005, after varying doses of pred-
HPP in Europe or North America. Teriparatide (TPTD: nisone, her femoral neck (FN) T-score had decreased to
parathyroid hormone [PTH] 1-34), an anabolic agent for −2.9 (Table 2).
bone given daily as a 20-μg subcutaneous (SQ) injection, We diagnosed adult HPP in July 2006 based on her
increases bone formation, bone mineral density (BMD), typical clinical and biochemical findings, including low-
and reduces fractures in postmenopausal women with trauma fractures, hypophosphatasemia with serum ALP
osteoporosis (8). Within 3 to 6 months of beginning TPTD ranging from 11 to 20 U/L (normal, 30 to 110 U/L), serum
treatment, patients with osteoporosis can significantly BSAP of 3.4 µg/L (normal, 4.5 to 22.4 µg/L), and a high
increase circulating bone-specific ALP (BSAP) and then serum PLP level of 95 ng/mL (normal, 5 to 30 ng/mL)
markers of bone resorption (9). (Table 1). Subsequently, TNSALP gene analysis supported
Beginning in 2007, a total of 6 case reports evaluated the diagnosis (See “TNSALP Mutation Analysis” section
TPTD given for HPP to adults, but only 4 of the publi- below). At HPP diagnosis in 2006, serum ionized calcium,
cations provided the underlying TNSALP defect to help PTH, and creatinine levels were normal, and the serum
understand their responses (8,10,11). Here, we describe phosphorus (inorganic phosphate) level was slightly
2 women with the adult form of HPP caused by different elevated, at 4.8 mg/dL (normal, 2.6 to 4.4 mg/dL), consis-
heterozygous missense defects in TNSALP who seemed to tent with HPP (Table 1) (1). Concurrent hypovitaminosis
benefit from TPTD therapy. D was treated with ergocalciferol 50,000 IU weekly for 12
weeks, followed by 50,000 IU monthly. TPTD was given
METHODS as 20 µg SQ injections daily beginning 5 months after the
discontinuation of ibandronate and continued for 2 years
Case Reports (from September 2006 to September 2008). She report-
Patient 1 ed being compliant with the TPTD therapy for the entire
This 68-year-old black woman was referred to Loyola duration.
University Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disease While receiving TPTD, serum ALP and BSAP and
Center in April 2006 for low-trauma fractures, low BMD, urinary N-telopeptide (NTX) increased (Fig. 1 A, B, and
and hypophosphatasemia. She reported a low-trauma frac- C). Her elevated serum PLP level initially declined slightly
ture of a femur resulting from slipping on ice at age 27 from 95 to 77.9 ng/mL, but without any vitamin B6 supple-
years. A low-trauma fracture of a first metatarsal occurred mentation increased after 19 months of TPTD adminis-
in her 50s. She did not recall the duration for fracture heal- tration to just below the baseline value (Fig. 1 D). With
ing. At age 64 years, a dental crown was placed, but she vitamin D administration, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D
reported no other dental abnormalities. Her family history transiently increased to above the target level, but subse-
revealed “osteoporosis” and fractures in her mother, but quently normalized with a lower dose of vitamin D (Table
the details were unknown. 1). We worried that hypervitaminosis D could suppress any
Before referral, she had taken prednisone for approxi- TPTD-mediated increase in serum ALP.
mately 3 years for polymyositis, initially considered fibro- One month after stopping TPTD, serum ALP was 25
myalgia. However, in 2002, she manifested diplopia and U/L and serum BSAP was 5.6 µg/L. Eleven months after
collagen vascular disease and was diagnosed with poly- TPTD discontinuation, these values had returned to base-
myositis by her rheumatologist. Prednisone was started in line levels, and the PLP level had increased to above the
2003 and continued with doses ranging from 2.5 mg daily baseline level (Fig. 1 A, B, and D).
to her current dose of 10 mg daily. Hypophosphatasemia
Copyright © 2016 AACE Hypophosphatasia & Teriparatide, Endocr Pract. 2016;22(No. 8) 943

Table 1
Biochemical Studies of Bone and Mineral Metabolism in Patient 1

Serum Urine
Total Ionized NTX
ALP Phos PLP calcium 25-OHD Creatinine (17-124
Date (30-110 Bone-specific ALP (2.6-4.4 (5-30 ng/ (1.1-1.3 (30-80 ng/ (0.7-1.5 mg/ BCE/mmol
(Mo/Yr) U/L) (4.5-22.4 μg/L)a mg/dL) mL) mmol/L) mL) dL) creatinine)b
9/02 15
12/02 16 4.8 1.0
5/04 20
5/05 11
10/05 14
1/06 18
Ibandronate 16 3.4 4.2 95 1.22 67 1.1 32
6/06 16 1.4
9/06 2.9 38
TPTD Started
10/06 17
12/06 24
4/07 25 5.0 78 1.23 139 1.01
10/07 26 7.0 1.14 43 1.35
4/08 21 4.5 93 1.13 47 1.13 79
6/08 25 1.27
TPTD Stopped
10/08 25 5.6 >100 48 1.19
12/08 20
8/09 19 3.7 45 1.26
10/09 19 1.22
12/09 19 1.45
6/10 15 2.7 >100 66 1.47
9/10 20 1.49
12/10 20 3.8 157 70 1.45
6/11 19 4.1 1.85
11/11 20 3.4 70 1.61
6/12 16 2.9 5.1 81 1.41
9/13 12 2.59
TPTD Resumed
10/13 20 5.9 78 3.13
2/14 15 2.51
5/14 3.4 108 2.78
TPTD Stopped
6/14 14 2.97
Abbreviations: 25-OHD = 25-hydroxyvitamin D; ALP = alkaline phosphatase; BCE = bone collagen equivalents; NTX = N-telopeptide; PLP =
pyridoxal 5’-phosphate; Phos = phosphorus; TPTD = teriparatide.
Note: All studies were performed at the same laboratory (Maywood, IL) between 2002 and 2014.
aPremenopausal female: 4.5-16.9 μg/L; postmenopausal female: 7.0-22.4 μg/L.
bPremenopausal: 17-94 BCE/mmol creatinine; postmenopausal: 26-124 BCE/mmol creatinine.
Normal ranges provided in parentheses.
944 Hypophosphatasia & Teriparatide, Endocr Pract. 2016;22(No. 8) Copyright © 2016 AACE

Table 2
Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometrya Results Before and After Treatment With Teriparatide in Patient 1
% Change Mean femoral % Change
L2-4 BMD compared to neck BMD compared to
Date (g/cm2) T-score Z-score previous study (g/cm2) T-score Z-score previous study
1/03 1.159 −0.3 0.807 −1.4
1.006 −1.6 −1.4 −13.1b 0.693 −2.9 −2.8 −14.1b
Ibandronate started
Ibandronate stopped
TPTD started
10/07 1.012 −1.6 −1.4 +0.6 0.714 −2.3 −2.1 +3.1
TPTD stopped
4/10 1.035 −1.4 −0.7 +2.2 0.708 −2.4 −1.8 −1.0
Abbreviations: BMD = bone mineral density; TPTD = teriparatide.
aLunar Prodigy (Madison, WI).
bSignificant change.

Fig. 1. Trend of biochemical findings before and after teriparatide (TPTD) was given (September 2006 to
September 2008 and September 2013 to May 2014). Shaded areas represent the normal reference ranges.
X-axis documents the month and year laboratory studies were obtained. (A) Serum alkaline phosphatase
measurements from 2001 until 2014. The only sustained increases were seen while the patient was receiv-
ing TPTD from September 2006 to September 2008 (area denoted with open squares) and June 2013 to May
2014 (area denoted with open triangles). (B and C) Similarly, serum bone-specific alkaline phosphatase and
urinary N-telopeptide (NTX) increased while TPTD was administered. (D) Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)
initially declined but later increased while on TPTD, and returned to a level higher than baseline levels after
Copyright © 2016 AACE Hypophosphatasia & Teriparatide, Endocr Pract. 2016;22(No. 8) 945

DXA T-scores were calculated using the combined She was compliant with the TPTD injections (20 μg
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey popu- SQ daily) prescribed for 2 years (September 2009 until
lation for the femur and the Lunar AP spine database (ver. September 2011). Two months after starting TPTD, a
112). From October 2007 to April 2012, DXA showed metatarsal fracture showed no delayed healing. Serum
stable BMD of the lumbar spine (LS) and FN despite her ALP increased to 36 U/L and peaked at 41 U/L (normal,
prednisone therapy (Table 2). While receiving TPTD for 20 to 132 U/L) (Fig. 2 A). Serum BSAP initially increased
2 years, and during follow-up lasting until 2014, there but subsequently dropped to 8.0 μg/L despite continuing
were no fractures and no adverse effects related to TPTD. TPTD therapy (Fig. 2 B). Although she did not have serum
Radiographs of her hands and left knee after a fall in 2009 C-telopeptide (CTX) measured before TPTD treatment, it
showed no fracture, but in the left femur there was focal increased from 338 pg/mL after 1 month of treatment to
distal lateral diaphyseal periosteal changes indicating new 599 pg/mL 4 months later (Fig. 2 C). Serum PLP at base-
bone formation in response to recent injury versus delayed line was 32 ng/mL and then dropped to 22.4 ng/mL (Fig.
healing in areas of prior fracture over 10 years previously. 2 D). One month after TPTD discontinuation, serum ALP
However, the absence of prior radiographs prohibited a decreased to 33 U/L (Fig. 2 A; Table 3).
comparison. Due to a decline in LS and FN BMD (Table 4), the
In July 2013, 4 years after discontinuing TPTD, she patient resumed TPTD from October 2012 to January
fell down steps and fractured her right hip, which required 2013 (second cycle). In April 2013, 4 months after TPTD
surgical repair. Bone was not examined histologically. was discontinued, she fell, and radiographs in June 2013
TPTD was resumed September 2013. Four months later confirmed a sacral fracture. A third cycle of TPTD was
(February 2014), another fall did not cause fracture. Serum given until January 2015. Repeat DXA showed improve-
ALP, 12 U/L prior to this second course of TPTD, increased ments in both LS and FN BMD (Table 4).
but then decreased to 15 U/L 4 months later (Table 1).
TPTD was continued until May 2014. TNSALP Mutation Analysis
After informed consent, TNSALP mutation analysis
Patient 2 was performed for both patients. Patient 1’s leukocyte
This 53-year-old white woman was referred to Loyola DNA was obtained using a Gentra Puregene DNA extrac-
University Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Disease tion kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) for peripheral blood
Center in October 2009 for HPP diagnosed from her medi- sent air express to St. Louis, Missouri. In our research labo-
cal history, laboratory data, and TNSALP mutation analy- ratory (S.M. and M.P.W., Washington University School of
sis. She recollected multiple fragility fractures, including Medicine, St. Louis, MO), we sequenced all 11 TNSALP
of a wrist and radius at ages 4 and 5 years, respectively, coding exons and adjacent mRNA splice sites using previ-
rib fractures in 1994, 1996, 2007 (falling down stairs), and ously described polymerase chain reaction and sequencing
2009 (when hugged), and a foot fracture in 2008 (strik- primers and conditions (12). For patient 2, a commercial
ing the foot on a cabinet). She did not report childhood laboratory (Connective Tissue Gene Tests, Allentown, PA)
dental abnormalities. Cluster headaches had been treated performed TNSALP mutation analysis.
intermittently with prednisone, but she had not received
glucocorticoids since 2002, 7 years before referral. RESULTS
Her mother had breast cancer with skeletal metastasis
(serum ALP data not available) and sustained a pathologic For patient 1, we identified a single (heterozygous)
hip fracture. No other family member was known to have TNSALP mutation involving exon 10: c.1133A>T,
bone disease. p.Asp378Val. This is a common mutation in the United
Height was 159 cm (62 inches) and weight was 47 kg States, which we have thus far found only in patients of
(102 pounds). Physical exam was unremarkable. No dental white ethnicity (7). Upon further questioning, the patient
abnormalities were observed. reported that her great grandfather was white.
Hypovitaminosis D was treated with ergocalciferol For patient 2, mutation analysis revealed a hetero-
50,000 IU weekly for 12 weeks, which increased her serum zygous c.818C>T, p.Thr273Met mutation within exon 8
25-hydroxyvitamin D level from 9 to 62 ng/mL (Table 3). of TNSALP. Though this mutation has not been reported
DXA prior to TPTD treatment reported “osteoporo- previously, we have detected it in the heterozygous state in
sis,” with a LS T-score of −3.9 and FN T-score of −2.6 2 individuals with adult HPP (Mumm and Whyte, unpub-
(Table 4). lished data).
Baseline serum ALP and BSAP were in the low-
normal range. Serum PLP level was elevated at 32 ng/mL DISCUSSION
(normal, 2.1 to 21.7 ng/mL), and phosphorus was high at
4.8 mg/dL (normal, 2.6 to 4.4 mg/dL) shortly after begin- Here, we report clinical, biochemical, and DXA find-
ning TPTD. ings from 2 women with adult HPP presenting with recurrent
946 Hypophosphatasia & Teriparatide, Endocr Pract. 2016;22(No. 8) Copyright © 2016 AACE

Table 3
Biochemical Studies of Bone and Mineral Metabolism in Patient 2
Serum Serum Ionized Serum Serum
total ALP BSAP Phos PLP calcium 25-OHD creatinine CTX
Date (30-110 (4.5-22.4 (2.6-4.4 mg/ (5-30 ng/ (1.1-1.3 (30-80 ng/ (0.7-1.5mg/ (104-1,008
(Mo/Yr) U/L) µg/L)a dL) mL) mmol/L) mL) dL) pg/mL)b
31 0.5
[20-132 [0.5-1.5 mg/
U/L] dL]
[20-132 0.5
[20-132 9
[5.6-29.0 62
TPTD 36 9.6 4.8 22.4 1.16 43 0.58 338
2/10 13.8 1.16 30 0.53 599
6/10 9.2
12/10 8.9 33
11/11 33 8.0 29 0.84
TPTD 6.1
TPTD 6.8 62
TPTD 37 7.4 59
Abbreviations: 25-OHD = 25-hydroxyvitamin D; ALP = alkaline phosphatase; BSAP = bone-specific alkaline phosphatase; CTX =
C-telopeptide; OSH = outside hospital (Chicago, IL); Phos = phosphorus; PLP = pyridoxal 5'-phosphate; TPTD = teriparatide.
aPremenopausal female: 4.5-16.9 μg/L; postmenopausal female: 7.0-22.4 μg/L.
bPremenopausal: 17-94 bone collagen equivalents (BCE)/mmol creatinine; postmenopausal: 26-124 BCE/mmol creatinine.

[ ] = outside lab reference ranges.

Copyright © 2016 AACE Hypophosphatasia & Teriparatide, Endocr Pract. 2016;22(No. 8) 947

Table 4
Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometrya Results Before and After Treatment With Teriparatide in Patient 2
% Change Mean % Change
compared femoral compared
L2-4 BMD to previous neck BMD to previous
Date (g/cm2) T-score Z-score study (g/cm2) T-score Z-score study
0.714 −3.9 0.686 −2.6
5/10 0.794 −3.4 −2.2 NA 0.614 −3.1 −1.9 NA
TPTD 0.808 −3.3 −1.9 +2.0 0.661 −2.7 −1.4 +7.7b
6/12 0.745 −3.8 −2.4 −7.8b 0.635 −2.9 −1.6 −3.9
6/13 0.735 −3.9 −2.4 −3.5 0.613 −3.1 −1.7 −1.4
6/14 0.754 −3.7 −2.1 +2.7 0.667 −2.6 −1.1 +8.8b
Abbreviations: BMD = bone mineral density; OSH = outside hospital; TPTD = teriparatide.
NA = not applicable, as the imaging was not performed on the same machine.
aLunar Prodigy (Madison, WI).
bSignificant change.

fractures and then given multiple cycles of TPTD. Because life. All were probably white (8-10,13), since the report of
both individuals were prescribed TPTD cumulatively for Schalin-Jäntti et al (11) without this information was from
longer than the 2-year approval duration for osteoporosis, Finland. All showed a modest biochemical improvement
they were informed about a rare risk of osteosarcoma and (8,13). Two of the reports described subjective improve-
advised to report any unusual pain, swelling, etc. Each ment of bony pain while on treatment.Though serum ALP
carried a heterozygous missense mutation in TNSALP. activity did not normalize in most cases, improvement in
We also assessed the data in the medical literature from BSAP suggested that persistently low ALP activity from
all 6 such adult HPP patients treated with TPTD or PTH the liver due to the HPP prevented correction of the total
1-84 (8-11,13). ALP level. We also found a consistent increase in the bone
The first use of TPTD for HPP were reported by Whyte resorption markers urinary NTX and serum CTX while our
et al (8) in 2007 concerning a 56-year-old white woman patients received TPTD, suggesting bone resorption and
with adult HPP who seemed to benefit symptomatically, perhaps remodeling had activated, but this was not studied
biochemically, and radiographically from TPTD admin- by bone histology.
istered for 18 months. The second patient, a 75-year-old In 2010, Gagnon et al (10) reported that their patient’s
white woman given TPTD for 24 months, was reported by serum ALP initially doubled, urine PEA and serum
Camacho et al (9) in 2008. Additional reports by Doshi et al PLP decreased, and other markers of bone remodeling
(13) in 2009 and Gagnon et al (10) in 2010 described indi- increased during TPTD treatment. Yet, between months 8
vidual patients who received TPTD for 34 and 13 months, and 13 of therapy, serum ALP, serum PLP, and urine PEA
respectively. Two siblings with HPP reported by Schalin- all returned to baseline, suggesting possible resistance
Jäntti et al (11) in 2010 received PTH 1-84 for 7 and 18 to, versus noncompliance for, the TPTD treatment. The
months. Notably, all 8 HPP patients treated with PTH 1-34 pattern of this patient’s biochemical changes was perhaps
or 1-84 have been women in the fifth to eighth decade of from poor compliance with administration of TPTD, as
948 Hypophosphatasia & Teriparatide, Endocr Pract. 2016;22(No. 8) Copyright © 2016 AACE

Fig. 2. Biochemical testing of patient 2 before and after teriparatide (TPTD) treatment was given October
2009 to October 2011 (open squares), October 2012 to January 2013 (open diamonds) and October 2013 to
January 2015 (open triangles). Shaded areas represent the normal reference ranges. Times off TPTD are in
blue diamonds. X-axis documents the month and year laboratory testing was performed. (A) Serum alkaline
phosphatase measurements from 2006 until 2015. The sustained increases occurred while the patient was
receiving TPTD from October 2009 to December 2009 and a smaller rise in January 2015 after the third trial
of TPTD. (B-D) Similarly, bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BSAP), C-telopeptide (CTX), and pyridoxal
5'-phosphate (PLP) initially increased while on treatment. BSAP and PLP later decreased, even below base-
line levels in the case of BSAP (B) while on TPTD.

she had missed at least 9 doses according to the dispen- cal profile, is uncertain. Serum ALP was low prior to iban-
sary history. We confirmed by pharmacy refill history that dronate exposure and was unchanged throughout the thera-
our 2 patients were likely compliant with dosing of TPTD py. Nevertheless, she had a favorable response to treatment
for at least the first full 2 years of treatment. Patient 2 had with TPTD, showing improvement in bone turnover mark-
an initial rise in serum BSAP, which was inexplicably not ers despite her prior bisphosphonate treatment. Doshi et al
sustained, yet serum ALP continued to increase with TPTD (13) reported widening of femur fractures seen radiologi-
administration. Her largest increases in serum ALP and cally, and BMD declined after treatment with risedronate.
BSAP occurred in the first cycle of treatment. While patient 1 received TPTD, BMD values were main-
The serum PLP response to treatment with TPTD has tained in both her spine and hip. This experience empha-
been variable in the literature. The PLP level declined in sized the importance avoiding bisphosphonates for patients
the patient reported by Camacho et al (9), similar to our with HPP (12). Also, patient 1’s hypophosphatasemia was
patient 2, whose PLP level dipped from 32 to 22.4 ng/dL not likely due to prednisone therapy. Her serum ALP levels
(Table 3). In contrast, the patients described by Whyte et al were low prior to starting prednisone in 2002. However,
(8) and Doshi et al (13) had relatively unaltered serum PLP likely impaired bone mineralization in HPP and enhanced
levels. It may be that changes in the TNSALP substrate bone resorption may have been exacerbated by prednisone,
levels occurring within the skeleton are not closely reflect- as evidenced by the BMD decline while she was taking
ed by the circulating PLP level. prednisone.
Similar to the experience of Doshi et al (13), patient 1 Radiographic improvement characterized by bony
was treated for 7 months with a bisphosphonate (ibandro- bridging, reduction of fracture lines (8), periosteal callus
nate) prior to TPTD. Its impact, including on her biochemi- formation (11), increased bone mineralization (10), and
Copyright © 2016 AACE Hypophosphatasia & Teriparatide, Endocr Pract. 2016;22(No. 8) 949

complete healing of fractures (8-11,13) was reported total hip BMD, and stable right total hip BMD. Camacho
for TPTD treatment for 5 of the 6 adults with HPP who et al (9) observed low BMD prior to TPTD treatment. Four
presented with nonhealing fractures. Except for their DXA months after TPTD began, they found an 8.6% increase
findings, limited radiologic studies were available for our 2 in spine BMD and stable hip BMD. No change in BMD
patients. Patient 1 had no follow-up imaging, but her bone occurred after 17 months of treatment. Patient 1’s BMD
markers improved, and no further fractures occurred after remained stable during and after TPTD treatment, similar
TPTD therapy began and for almost 2 years after stopping to previous cases (8,9,13). In contrast, repeated courses of
TPTD treatment. Patient 2 sustained a metatarsal fracture TPTD for patient 2 significantly increased her FN BMD,
early (2 months) into the TPTD treatment, but there was no with BMD loss both in the spine and FN after TPTD
evidence of delayed healing that is common in adult HPP stopped. Some of the 8 HPP patients had hypovitaminosis
(4,8). A radiograph of her fingers showed a healing fracture D. In the initial phase of vitamin D replacement, increases
in August 2006. Her bone marker response was more vari- in BMD can reflect mineralization of accumulated osteoid.
able, initially exhibiting an increase in serum ALP (with a Then, as skeletal remodeling is restored, excess osteoid
corresponding increase in CTX), followed by a decline. may be removed, which can then decrease BMD. Perhaps
With the addition of our 2 new patients, results from this partly explains the variable DXA responses reported
TNSALP mutation analysis are now available for 6 of with TPTD treatment of adult HPP.
the 8 patients with adult HPP given TPTD or PTH 1-84. To date, only Gagnon et al (10) has provided bone
Mutation analysis was not performed for the patients report- histology data for TPTD given for HPP. At baseline from
ed by Camacho et al (9) or Doshi et al (13). The patient their adult patient, a femur fracture site specimen, obtained
reported by Whyte et al (8) was heterozygous for a single without prior tetracycline labeling, revealed changes
TNSALP missense mutation (c.1133A>T, p.Asp378Val) consistent with a mineralization defect. A second speci-
within exon 10. The patient reported by Gagnon et al men, from biopsy of an iliac crest 5 months after TPTD
(10) was compound heterozygous for 2 missense muta- therapy began and following tetracycline labeling, did not
tions occurring within exon 6 (p.Ala176Thr) and exon reveal fluorescent labels. However, the presence of resorp-
11 (p.Val423Ala) and also carried a single polymorphism tion lacunae, increased numbers of osteoblasts, and greater
at exon 12. Both siblings reported by Schalin-Jäntti et al extent of the bone surface covered by osteoid suggested
(11) were compound heterozygotes for a p.Gly339Arg and active remodeling had occurred. However, no tetracycline
p.Glu191Lys mutation but seemed to benefit from PTH labeling was seen in a third specimen, from a femur frac-
1-84 treatment. ture site, after discontinuation of TPTD. It was not clear if
Patient 1’s heterozygous TNSALP mutation in exon the method of bone labeling using different tetracyclines
10, 1133A>T, p.Asp378Val, is common in our HPP experi- affected the observations. While no tetracycline labels
ence (Mumm and Whyte, unpublished). Patient 2’s hetero- were seen by Gagnon et al (10), favorable responses seem-
zygous c.818C>T, p.Thr273Met change within exon 8 ingly from TPTD therapy included higher markers of bone
has not been reported in HPP but has been considered a turnover, evidence of fracture healing on imaging, and
“rare variant” of TNSALP associated with low serum ALP the bone histology changes summarized above. Why no
and low BMD (14). In fact, we have encountered this as a sustained response to TPTD was observed by Gagnon and
heterozygous mutation in 2 adult HPP patients (Mumm and colleagues is not clear, but compound heterozygosity for
Whyte, unpublished). the presence of 2 TNSALP mutations in their patient may
The presence of one normal TNSALP allele in both have been a factor. Clearly, further data, preferably from
of our patients (therefore likely having some wild type iliac crest biopsy with nondecalcified histomorphometry
TNSALP activity) perhaps helps to explain why they following tetracycline labeling is needed from adults with
responded to TPTD. There are no reports of TPTD or PTH HPP treated with TPTD.
1-84 given for the more severe pediatric forms of HPP,
likely because the “black box” warning proscribes TPTD CONCLUSION
when growth plates are open. Furthermore, these severe
forms of HPP typically involve the likely disadvantage of TPTD or PTH 1-84 has now been given “off label”
compound heterozygous TNSALP defects (1). and assessed for 8 patients with adult HPP. Notably, all
BMD data, available for 4 of the total of 8 HPP were women. Schalin-Jäntti et al (11) reported the only
patients treated by TPTD or PTH 1-84, do not show consis- patient for whom PTH 1-84 was administered. In general,
tent results from the therapy. However, interpretation of this treatment approach seems to have some benefit clini-
DXA BMD could be difficult when osteomalacia is present cally, biochemically, for bone healing, and perhaps for
at baseline (15). In fact, Whyte et al (8) observed in 2007 fracture prevention (8,9,11,13). Neither of our patients
an elevated T-score in the spine and normal T-score in the sustained a significant fracture while receiving TPTD.
total hip prior to TPTD treatment. Two years later, DXA However, the beneficial effects seem to decrease within
showed a 4.3% decline in spine BMD, 4.1% increase in left months after TPTD is stopped. In 2015, recombinant,
950 Hypophosphatasia & Teriparatide, Endocr Pract. 2016;22(No. 8) Copyright © 2016 AACE

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