Mestre Feng

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Cangdi Feng

Male; Age: 125; Height: 5' 8"; Weight: 180 lb.

Eyes: Black; Hair: Black
Power Level 8, 144 PP; Abilities 34 + Powers 60 + Advantages 12 +
Skills 23 (46 ranks) + Defenses 15
Strength 1 Agility 0 Fighting 5 Awareness 5
Stamina 1 Dexterity 0 Intellect 5 Presence 0 Dodge 5
Parry 5
Offense Initiative: +5
Attack Name Attack Bonus & Resistance DC Notes Fortitude 6
Throw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +8,
. . . . DC
. . . . 16
. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ..Bludgeon,
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .Crit
. .. .. .. ..20
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Toughness 1
Unarmed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +5, . . . . DC
. . . .16
. . . . . . . . . .Bludgeon,
. . . . . . . . . . . Crit . . . . .20 ...................................................................
Will 10
ü Sack of the Seven Demons (60 PP) Hero Points: 1
Chi Eater Mold: Nullify 8 (1 PP)
Chi, Counters: Magical and Divine Powers, DC 18; Alternate Resistance: Dodge, Broad,
Simultaneous (Standard - Ranged, 200/400/800 ft. - Instant)
Chromatic Smoke: Cloud Area Concealment Attack 4 (1 PP)
All Visual Senses, DC 14; Cloud Area 4: 120 feet radius sphere, DC 14, Attack: Dodge, Selective Dazed
(Free - Close - Sustained) Staggered
Terracota Warriors: Summon 6 (73 PP) Incapacitated
Active, Horde, Multiple Minions 4: 16 minions, Sacrifice (Standard - Close - Sustained)

Advantages Fatigue
Artificer Use Expertise (Magic) to create temporary magical devices. Fatigued
Assessment Use Insight to learn an opponent's combat capabilities. Exhausted
Benefit, Wealth (well-off) Gain a significant perquisite or fringe benefit.
Defensive Attack Trade attack bonus for active defense bonus.
Evasion Circumstance bonus to avoid area effects.
Fearless Immune to fear effects.
Great Endurance +5 on checks involving endurance.
Instant Up Stand from prone as a free action.
Quick Draw Draw a weapon as a free action.
Speed of Thought Use Int for Initiative instead of Agi.
Teamwork +5 bonus to support team checks.
Well-informed Immediate Investigation or Persuasion check to know something.

Base Movement Speed - 2 miles/hour, 30 feet/round (run 4 miles/hour, 60 feet/round; swim
0.5 miles/hour, 6 feet/round)
Routine Jump Distance - Running jump: 11 ft.; standing: 5.5 ft.; vertical: 2.2 ft.; standing
vert.: 1.1 ft.
Throwing Distance - Throw 400 lbs. 6 feet; throw 100 lbs. 30 feet; throw 25 lbs. 120 feet

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2017 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
Background Information Skills
Total Ranks Ability Other
Languages: Native Language
Acrobatics - -
Mestrer Feng é o líder mais erudito dos Wing Kong. Embora ele
possa ser tão curel e agressivo quanto seus pares quando Athletics +1 - 1
devidamente instigado, sua atitude tende a ser mais comedida e
tranquila a maior parte do tempo. Deception +4 4
Expertise: Alchemy - - 5
Sua especialidade são as poções e unguentos, sendo dito que
ele pode criar misturas para quase todas as finalidades Insight +13 8 5
instantaneamente quando surge uma emergência, por puro
Intimidation +0 -
Investigation +10 5 5
Perception +10 5 5
Persuasion +0 -
Ranged Combat: Throw +8 8
Sleight of Hand +8 8
Stealth +0 -
Technology - - 5
Treatment +13 8 5
Vehicles - -

Validation Report
Validation Report (0 issues): Nothing identified
Settings: Sourcebooks -> Cosmic Handbook: Cosmic Handbook; Sourcebooks -> Hero High: Hero High; Sourcebooks -> Supernatural
Handbook: Supernatural Handbook Equipment & Complications; Sourcebooks -> Gamemaster's Guide: Gamemaster's Guide Equipment
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2017 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.

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