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Mention the Tests that are highly useful in nodular diseases

2. Relative to Bovine Ulcerative Mammillitis list:

a) primary cause of
b) Pathogenic agent.
c) animals that can be affected
d) primarily transmition way
e) the typical clinical signs
f) intermediate host

3. Realative to then is the Habronema parasite list:

a) Season most frequently observed
b) Diagnosis
c) best ways to control habronemiasis
d) treatment

4. Relative to Dermatophilosis
5. What is another name for?
6. Who can be affected by?
7. which stain would you use when Diagnosing this Infection?
8. How is transmitted?

9. List everything you know related to Bovine papilloma virus?

10. List everything you know related to dermatophytosis in pigs?

11. List the cause of immune-mediated dermatoses

12. List is the most common autoimmune disease in dogs, cats, horses, and

13. Relative to Pemphigus foliaceus list

a) differential diagnoses.
b) cytology findings
c) histopathology findings
14. concept of:
a) Nodule
b) Wheal
c) Vesicle
d) Bulla
e) Pustule
f) Excoriation
g) Lichenification
h) Erosion
i) Ulcer
j) Fissure
k) Epidermal collarette
l) Lichenification
m) Comedo
n) Cyst
15. Say 2 afections in the horses knee
16. list all related to Laminitis include differential diagnosis
20. What is the maximum length of time Dichelobacter nodosus can survive off a
sheep in the environment?
21. What is the main form of diagnosis for foot rot?
22. What stand in foot bath requires sheep to stand in the solution?
23. prevention of Swine Erysipelas
24. A horse is diagnosed with founder. What does this mean?

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