Activity Memo 2022

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Sep. 18 th ,2022.

Middle School Activities

Dear Parents and Students of the MS,
We are proud to announce the start of a new activities program this year for our MS
students. The activities will be held weekly on Mondays. Each student will choose an
activity he/she would like to participate in from the following list:
1-Drama 2-Music (instrument)
3-Music (Choir) 4-Weaving/Macramé
5-Crafts 6-Drawing/Painting
7-Cooking 8-Fitness Karate Kata
9- Rhythmic Performance (Girls)

Students will attend their activity for a full semester (Q1 and Q2) but can change to
another activity for the 2nd semester (the start of 3rd Quarter).
*Please be advised that some clubs are limited to a certain number of students. If we
cannot accommodate the student’s 1st choice we will try 2nd or 3rd choice.
MS ACIC Administration

-Student Name: --------------------------------------------------- -Grade: -----------

-Date: --------------------
Choice #1:------------------------------
Choice #2:------------------------------
Choice #3:------------------------------
*Student’s Signature: ------------------------------------------
*Parent’s Signature: --------------------------------------------

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