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PlusOne Visual and Performing Arts. | Grade | Learner's Book i % eat SECONDARY BOOK PRESS (cbors oth cents orice pes ec SECONDARY BOOK PRESS ! AUTOZONE COMPLEX. 30 KAGUV! STREET, HARARE, ZIMBABWE Tel: +263 242 771 206 | ~263 242 753 204 . Mobile: ~263 712 560 870 | +263 713 445 110 Emit Website: wav secondarybookpiress.cozw PlusOne Visual and Performing Arts | Grade 6 = Leamer’s Book : ISBN: 978-0.7974-80d4-5 I First Pubbehed in 2019 Copyright © M, Kamusoko F.Mokonese T.Murando P: Ngwarat Egitor in Chief: Munyaradzi Gunduza Development Editor: Munyaradzi Gunduzo Text layout and Cover design: Parsons P, Makornbore Mustrations: Praise Foye and Tinashe Chiadawa + Printed byr Secondary Book Press ; Every effort has been made ta trace the copyright halders, Inthe event of unintentional o ns pr errors, onyinférrtotion that wauld enable the publisher to make the proper arrangements wll be oppreciated all rignts -eserved. Ne part of this pulzication may be Tepraduced, stored in a tetrieval system, ar transmitted in any form ar by any *MEONs, electronic. Meehenicel, Photocopying, recording or ‘otnerwise, witnout prior permission of the copyright owner, 6 CONTENTS (contents SY ORY OF ARTS AND CULTURE lusi¢. TOP ts Unit 1. Unit 1.2: Visual Arts. Unit 2.3; Theatre Unit 2.4: Danes Test 1..... TOPIC 2: AESTHETIC VALUES AND APPRECIATION... Unit 3.4%Dance. TOPIC 4: ARTS TECHNOLOGY, Unit 4.1: Music ies f ae] sa TORY OF ARTS AND CULTURE In every society, artists do important oles especially in the promotion and preservation of culture. Musicians were there to sing songs that talked about how people used to five in the past and even today. Different cultures in Africa hove differant types of music they create, perform and even listen tc, Some af these music tyres specify the different roles of men, wamen and children. There are a number of developments that have taken place in visucl art in the past and present. These developments are mostly influenced by the culture of people. In theatre arts, each historical period in Zimbabwe had its own different creations. These creations were influenced by the culture of differant societies. People used to-create scripts. ts, costumes and props using Incally available materials. Qarce was another arts sector that showed culture in many ways. The way people performed their dances showed how they used to live anid interact in their different communities, Dance features were found in different comraunities of Zimbabwe. {a} identity and describe the types of music in Africa, th] sing songs from different cultures in Africa, td explain the rales of musicians in pre-colonial, colonial and past-colonial pertods. (2) krow the tole of chitdren, men ond women in music. (e) play musicat instruments, In grade 5 you were able to identify social functions and sing different songs that ore sung during different social functions. Yau alca were able to describe the meaning of the songs ond assess the rele of gender roles in indigenous music. Music has beer changing aver time withthe influented of technology and this wos covered in grade 5. Gender rofes and child protection in Indigenous music were dlsa covered explaining how women ond chitdren are affected by the development of music. Musical instruments of Zimbabwe were the dast sub-topic to be covered whereby you were exposed to vurious indigenous instruments of Zimbabwe. foe sine mee wees me at Foreign anything that does not Belong to your country: Modern —— something racent.or eurrant. Indigenous - anything that belongs ¢¢ or originated from your nation or society. Culture ~ way ef life of a people such as haw people dress, eat, communicate, Genre = a style of music that is common in a certain area or society, Shebeens local homes converted to min-bars where illegal drags bike mbanje were se Rate of rusicin prv-colonial period Before the whites came into Zimbabwe. musicians had very important riles in their communities. Sore of the roles include: (o} Moking musi¢el instruments using the available [oeal resources. for example hosho using gourds (mapudzi/amiakhemane), mbira using smelted iron and tree trunks. Ib) Entertaining their communities during gatherings such as bire, celebrating the coming of an in-law or installotion of chiefs, Ic) Preservation and spreading of cultural values through: their music. Id) To bring abeut the spirit mediums themwesisikhwoma} Tc urs so that they communicate with God (Musikavenhuy Upkulunkulu) through spirits of the dead {vedzimufamediozi] Ie) Inviting people to important gatherings in a community. [6 Alerting the communities abou the death of a king. . so uiennat perua In 190, the whites took our country and resettled blacks in arees with paor sods and Intle rain such as Gwaai and Shangané. They tock most of the fertite lands ta establist their farms and used blacks as their source of labour. They nlso forced them 4o pay taxes such as huttax, cattle tax among other taxes, This angered the blacks who ended up taking arms to fight the whites. Musicians such ag Thomas Mapfumo, Chinx Chingaira played o very important: role during this pewad of colonisation. 0) They were o tool for bringing out the unfair treatment by the whites threugh their songs. Ib} Motivating the fighters te continue fighting the whites so as to get hack our land and cate Ic] Preservirag the culture of the blacks by informing new generations about the way of lite before the comina gf the whites thraugh songs such as ‘Chamutengure’ ld} [hey acted as the mouthpiece of the oppressed. te} Te bring obout the spirits for protection against white cuelty. if] To bring about the spitit of resistance in African pegple against coloniotsm. ce tee stestviggl qenwernel Zimbabwe finally got its Independence on 18 April 1980. This marked the new era.or period whereby black Africans were now the leaders of this country. From 1980 to date, there has bees o lot af changes in terms of our music. Musicians in this post-colonial erm have got many roles to play like: {o) Educating ond entertaining during different gatherings, (b} Reviving different cultural groupings af Zimbabwe that were once marginalised. (gj To thank the (vedzimu/amahiozi) ancestors for victory aver colonial masters, the whites. {d) Celebrating independence Je) Reviving last cultural norms and values. If} Uniting the people regardless of cultural, political or secia! background. ree “Give ony three roles of musicians in pre-colenial ara. During the colonial period, musicians were used to____ Write the important roles played by Musitians from 1980 up to ‘date. Name any two musicians of the pre-colonial era. Name any three musicians of the post-colonial era. wer und music in the modem world Music is used as ¢ way of promating gender equality. Gender equality is whereby men and wornen or boys and girls ore treated the same or given the sare respect and honour in the music business, In the past men occupied the important roles like leading the band, playing instruments such os guitars, drums and praducing music. Women and chidren were seen os supporters, through dance, vecals, clapping of hands, ululating and praising. Women aad children were also not allowed to visit performance venues such as night clubs, galas and music concerts especially during the night Today children, men ond weren aré-equal in musie. Women and children can do anything that men used to do in music. Children are now forming bands that entertain people ot different events. There ore schaol music competitions happening where children ore showeasimg their talints in music. Wamen are now playing instruments that were only played by men forexample Tarira Negitare is well known for playing @ guitar. Female musicians like Hope Masike are alse known fer playing mbira, bad Music careers can now be done by anyone regordiess of being mole or female or age Men 00 how lead in vocals, clap hands and dance while women can also play instruments such 18 guitars, mbira, drums and soxophone just like men used to do. mand worsen in music in the moder: werid eset hy elec Name any four popular female artists that you know, hot is the role of women in musi¢ production? Give arly four popular male artists of the post-colonial era VWinte the rales of men and wornen in music Find out the songs of musicians in pre-colaniql, ealoni¢l and post-colonial periods, eeu vga Africa 15 0 continent that stretches fram Capetown in South Africa ta Cairo in Egypt. It is divided into fifty-four countries with different music cultures, There are various music types inthis continent which include; Pople desing tg Morabi music af a shobeen ~ Marobi is « style of township music that started in South African urban areas in the 1970s Ikis a kayboord style ronted in the African tradition, Marabi music wos uséd to drthw pecpla into la¢ol illegal bars or “shebeens" where they would enjoy. The style was characterised by 0 few simple chords repeated in different improvised patterns that could go on for along time, This made people dance for a lang time without having to know the songs well, People were able to pick up the teel and rhythm of the song after © few times through the progression. No sound samples of early Marabé have been preserved, singe it was never recorded at the beginning, The style inspired various genres such as loz and Pate pata, Marobl music is ails popular in Zimbabwe with the likes of Kireni Zulu. This 1s 0 Zimbabwean music style which started among the Shona people. It consists of o basic pattern which includes many weaved melodies that are repeated in a cyctic form. eeeneietiione pon fete MEE Fach piece in the traditional mbira sangs includes o kushoure teading) part anda kutsinhira intertwining) part. Hoshe, o pair af gourd rattles playing a consistent rhythm, complete Lhe mbira ensemble, usually starting after the mbira players. In same greas, « dium played softly may be included. Singing may be added by the mbira players or others present. Mbira music is passed from generntian to generation through oral means. It is mostly played ot ritual ceremonies like bira hanguring the ancestoral spirits. Itis a music genre thet is believed to have originated from Kanindo style. The Kaninde style was borrowed from Kenyo, and gave birth to.@ new style called Sungura. This music is more populey with the likes of Glick Macheso and Nicholas Zachariah. Dance plays @ big rele in Sungura. Many bonds have dancers who nerform nice dancing styles. woe sit hapten Maina wer cn FRc ey Tate Itis believed that the earliest Sungura donce style was chibhosikera adopted from farm workers and people who lived in rural areas. The dance hos moves that represent o cyclist pedalling a bicycle. it was developed into Museve and Borrowdale dances, Alar: Jazz is a music gente that stigingted in African-American communities of New Orleans, United States of America in the late 19% and early 20° centuries. Jazz if characterized by swing ond blue notes, call ond respense vocals, polyrhythms and improvisation. = ey on Notable Jnzz musicians in Zimbabwe include Charles Fernando, Victor Kunonga. Darathy Masuke, Augusting Musarurwo and many athers Jit is u style of popula: Zimbabwean dance music. IC has qat fast beat and rhythm ployed an drums arid accompanied by @ guitar. soph! cent lear |. nustosmng int dere 1m Boh Iii Is one of Zimbabwean fast beat, and was popularised by Chozezesa Challengers and Mary others including Baba Harare. The comman sang by Paul Mpotu’s “Murambinda” is mostly used ot weddings and parties. stisa popular musi¢ genre thet eriginated in Jamaica in the lot 1966s. Reggoe usually communirates news obout pwace, social gossia and politics. is ecognizable from the counterpoint between the bass and drum downbeat and the offbeat rhythm section. Puoular reggae artists commonly known a5 Rusiotonans include Bob Morley and Lucky Dube wha is well known with the sang, "Together a5 one" aE ets This 15.9 popular music and dance genre that arigimaxed in Cuiga during the 1940s. In Zimbarowe it started araund 1960s and 1970s. It tas got viher styles such as the Kwasa Rwosg which hos a fast temps Popular «humba artists and groups include Kanda Blongoman, Koffi Olamide who sang “Papa Mobimbo", Awilo Longomibt: of the Karoline bit sang, Diamond Musica. Extra Musicu amang others. Use the: picture bxtlow to answer the questions thal follow. 1. IWentify nstsurents shoven an the picture 2. Name ctly one popular artist wha phys any {wo af the instruments above, 3. What type ef music in Africo uses such inst: uments? A. Give characteristics of the type of music you huve named above. ENE Key points in this unit + In Afrien there are many types cf music performed by ddferent groups and artists, + Musicians played very important roles during the pre-colonial, éolunial and post- | colonial periods in Zimbabwe. They used to motivate fighters of Chimurenga and educate the people of Zimbabwe. + Music rales for men, children and women are now the same in this modern world crmpored ta whot happened in the pass Unit Revision Exercises Multiple Choice Questions 1 Pick o Rlurnbo artist from the list given below. A. Mai Choramba B, Fungisal Zvakgvapane G. [nh Sunyzah D, Awilg Longambo 2 “the following are Reggae artists except 7 Av Lusky Dube B.Andy Muridzo €, Bob Marley 1. Karl Redgers Mii musics from _ - AL Mulawi B. Mozambique ©, Amenca D. Zimbabwe 4. Which of the following rales wes not for wamen in music? A. Burd leader 6. Singing C. Phayiny inetrurnen D, Nane pF them women were rot allowed te _______., during the pre-colonial eva Acting 8, play big instiuments C, danne Dvulylate 5 Which instrument Is played using fingers only? A.siuirdrotiies — B, Marimbo ©. Mbiro B. Ngome Regqae imusig slot ted in which coumtry? Ac jamaica B. Zimbabwe ©. Genge BD. South Africa > The follawing are foreign instruments in Zimbabwe except —_____. A. qound rattles (tasho) B. trumpet . saxophone D, guitar 9. 2 pepufar [iu song commenly used at weddings and parties is called _.___ _ A. Konganya B. Carolina Cioi B. Murambinda 10. Mbuya Stella Chiweshe 1s a popular __ player. A. quilar @. recorde! C. piono DB. nhare mbira oT Structured Questions 1 Name the artists oluw. (ui Name the instruments in picture & and 8. io} Which nistrument is indigenous and which one is farsign? (ci How does each of the instruments above played? (Ui Which type of African music uses mstruments in picture A ond B? 3, Whot are the roles of children, men and women in marem werld of music? 4. Write two roles of musicians in the, (fa) pre-colonial period (er colonial peried {-) post-colsnial period Practical Questions 1. a} Piuy at least one indigenous and one Wester instrument to your class, fb] Record your performancr: usiny any recording device available fe] Store the performance in any storage device available, 2. Choose two songs fram tun diftrrans foreign cultures and perform tn the class. inl identify the development of visual arts in the post and present Ib] compare the impact of culture in vsual artworks trom Zimbabwe and Souther Atrica [Cl see Uiversity of visual oriwores and antists of 7iribuhwe, Inthe previous grade you loaked ct the rale and development of misual arts in the pust- colonalera This inclurtes the aspects of loyalty ta one’s values and customs. in addition, you Janked of the ways of preserving and conserving artworks which include framing, re-gluing, ‘ond filling cracks. Art was said to involve rock paintings, pottery, bosketry, jewellery, textiles end corang Atthe fevel you wil learn the deveiapment and diversity of vistll art iri the past ond the present in Zimbabwe and Souther Affice. Audience ~ the people gieing ottention to a performance Acsthetic 2 set of ideus about beauty Culture —the ideas. customs and social behawaur of ¢ particular society. Labourer —@ person doiag unskilled manual work, Missionaries ~ a peisen sent on a religious mission in a fordign country. Innovator = someane wha intioduces new ideas, methods of products Fimbabwe has an artistic custom that gees way back inte histary. The cuslom has been passed on up te the present day, In the past, ort was more about style mare than the materiok: used. Emphosis was given on the Importance of how an artist communicates with his or her eudience, An leg communtcated was seen 95 mare important than the artwork itgeld Below are samme of the developments that took place: Artwork was drawn from life experencesond huriun emotions’ creatwaty and hsieny of the peaple. Recognisable onimal figures were made and use of shodings ont colour improved the visualimpact Objects were made in visual torr for geschetic urpases. Arts ond croft promoted traditionol craftsmanship » the use of tacaily available motenols and truthfulness in the way artworks were made. Artworks were made to honour gods because they ould aftord to hire artists. Missionaries canuibuled to the development ef urt Their thinking was based on the European way of life. Visual arts were designed rrainly in old missionary scheols repfacing an African style with western Christianity art. During the liberation war, people began te moke art bused on personal experiences rother than following the norms expected by society Artworks were made in response to the liberation strugyle Ficducts were images of war thot showed the life people went through during the liberation struggle. Aitists focused on themes af hope. fear, pain, disobedience. despair. loneliness. family displacertent and victory over oppressiar! ort shows the sociol ond falititel changes in human life. As cultures become mare ond mime comple, so does art, art is used to encaurage unity among different socketies Zibabweon art now strengthens the traditinnal starylines and cultural seats af the ndkyenous Zimbabwean people and sheir visions Development in science and technolagy led tou change in art It can be understood a: an expansion of technology-based media. Some artworks hove been moditied so that they become gestheticolly acceptable in the modern art industry like the processing of leather Nowadays artists are viewed os thinkers ond innovators. An artist can think of a model uf an object ond make use of ICT software such as Phalashup. Artin the past Present doy art A tock painting Accolourful portrait of a gid are Aclaypot Necklace made from auimal bones Abasket made af reeds made of arumal hides A modern legther jacket Avhand mode knife A knife (okenpi) eee 1. Zimbabwean art is dated back to the _ AL Iron Age B. Stone Age. £. Electronic Age DD, Pre-histovic 2 in the past an grust had tw be cee A unskilled! B. semi-skilled €, skilled D, learned 3. List atleast three things thet influenced art which was produced during the wor. What has influenced present day art? 5. Write two things that art shows us. Culture has @ great influence on the artworks that have been produced throughout the world. % a Le 2 Cur desire to tell a story isd result of what we see and do. Culture lea weople t mnake various artworks like elaypots. These are used whan communicating with spirits and the anges tnrs to protect families in te Aticon oditional Religion. Cor exemple, some of the South African people value Tshake’s partraits ax they have a strung effact on tle Zulu vadition Culture affects an artist’s work by shaping their worldview and the associations they ingy hove with colour. pattems, symbals, peaple and places. Each culture has its own different history ond way of understanding the warld, Far an artis! this means thal the message they try to communicate in their artwark is dane so thraugh ther awn culture. For exumple. the Aozvi tribe made artifacts with o herriagbone pattern. Through history artwoiks have been produced as an imitation of lhe culture and society in Which they were created. Cultural changes affects the values of both suriety and individuals, Within the society, This means that cultural changes make artisly renet, fol Make things easier to doar understand. tb) Understanding cultural differences. tq) Changing views, fd} Inteaduce values, fel Express experiences, Select answers [rom tae anes hated below, J, Culture influences art, This means that the two cannot be —_.., 2. Muking art which is based on culture gives a sense of _in people, This symbed is used in which religian? ee 4. Which tribe in Zimbabwe would make artifacts un the picture above? 5. The calous red has been knawn to represent _. (Ndebelevidentity/ove/separated/Christianity) The inost extro-ordinary and autstonding fegture of Zimbabwean eat ore the saupstone bids knawn as the Zimbabwe birds. These ‘birds had semething to do wath o religious cult or indicating a totem for the ruling people at that time which wos the Hungwe totem, The Son whe were hunters and gotherers often lived in caves and made various artworks: These included beading. decorative designs on ostrich shells and on useful objects such as cloypots and alsa on the cave walls, These cove painbngs showed peaple hunting, warfare landscape and ceremonies, The Zambezi people have been known for ther extyaordmary pottery which is decorated using cowie shells, However, the Shona have different types of claypots which thay use for different purposes like brewing beer and fetching water. The Vartozvi/Boretse peaple wha by arigin are ihe Shona people were pastoral farmers. Their art is Seen in tired cloypots, linear herringbone pattem. An image in Shona artis the change of a human into ‘an animal ef some kind. Drawmgs of herringbone potter are shown at the Khami ryins Basketry has #een dene using natural ond man-made materials. These include grass, plastic, bamboo and synthetic moterials. The: products in basketry indude storage baskets, chairs and fishing nets. The Tengo people have 4 range of baskets which are inspired by noture and cultugal values of weavers. Smithing is the art af making objects by shaping metal such as steel. gold aid iton. The metals are heated until they became soft ond shuped inte desired shapes. This type of art has been used ta make vorigus tools like hoes, exes and slashers. Temtile has been done in Zimbabwe for beauty purposes. Methods used include sewing, knitting, crocheting and many others to. come Up with rugs ond mots, ae me The Zimbenwe bird is made of _ i A. granive B. hme | 2. The Shona peaple onginated from the _ : 2. Listtwo places in Zimbabwe where you can seé artworks produced in the past. 4. What artworks were the San kriown for? | 5. The San obtained their food by __ | 6. ‘ist two metals which are used im Smithing, | Key points in this uni Art must reflect the socia- political, cultural end political aspects of human beings. Artis a way of communicating, » Changes in technology lead ta changes in norms and values of people and also in artworks. + Some arlworks have religious values « Materials determine the type of artworks to be produced + The diverse works of art include mck paintings. pottery, bosketry, jewellery, textiles carving and smithing. Dae eee eee Unit Revision Exercises Multiple Chaice Questions than on meterial. Art inthe past emphasized on _ Avaye B. people C. style D. artists 7. Present day art is more about . Ac talent B. innovation G.understanding —D. artists 3. Where did artists in the past get their materials from? A. locally B. ought €, imparted D. Artificial 4. Many artworks are drawn from —_ A. read material 8. foreign material C. personal experiences. ©. staries 5. Art encourages A. conflict B. wor operatian Dy disngreement . |= encouraged a change in art fo Cure B. Technology ¢. Tradition D. Suciety 7. Which one of the following is a negative inspiration ef artwork? A. Conflict Bi Identity C. Culture D. Citizenship African Traditanol Religion believes in A.God & Allah C. Ancestors D. Khoma, 3, The people fram the Hungwe totern believes that a _ is sacred. A cow B. bird C. cracodile D. snake 10. Shong people use claypots tor the following purposes except ®, cooking €. brewing D. storing Structured Questions Use the follawing answers to answer the questions that follow. {commuyniceting, fear, metot, hunters, gods, herringbone, crocheting, loneliness gatherers, tianity, African Traditional Religion, hope, pottery, pain, victory) 1. Which pattemn was put an cloypots by the Rozvitaratse people? 2. Art con be used aso woy of _- 3. Which religion did the missionaries promote? 4. List thres themes which were put acres through art during the pre-cofanial era 5. t In which field af ort is this artwork classified? 6. Insrrathing -~ Ore heated and farged 2. The San were... and 8. One method in taxtile artis _. —---— 8. Which religion was originally found in Zimbabwe? 10, In the past artworks were made in honour of _. Practical Questions 1. visit o lecai Art Gallery and list the materials used 10 make a list of materials used wo make at east two artworks. 2. Moke an artwork which shows life in the past, rea THEATRE eter fo yea owed (a) create scripts that reflect particular historical periods and cultures. ih} create sets showing different historiea! periods and cultures (c] design costumes and props depicting different historical peviads and cuhures. id) identify theatrical traditions of different communities in Zimbabwe, Inthe previous favel, you learnt about cultural celebrations, storytelling, beliefs and traditions, theatre technology in the past and present as well os children’s rights, responsibilities ‘and unhofubupty, In this unit, the focus shall be on script, sets, costumes and props ond Zimbabwean theatre. By the end of the unit, you will be able to make scripts and design gastumes Gnd props that show different historical periods and cultures. Script —the text of a play or film, Domination = having control ever others. Nationalist — —1e support independence fer a country that 1s controlled By another, | Nativity —the birth of Jesus Christ. i Ceremony = the formal actions carried out oto public event, : Character =the person who takes a role ina play, i salen rey Pre-colonial era ts the time before Zimbabwe was colenised by Britain in 1890. Script is known os the written words of a ploy, movie or show. A script was not comman in the pre~ colonial er. This does not mean that there were ne plays ar theatre m the past Theatre was there and people af long ago created plays by communicating their ideas to very person who wos part of the play, Rehearsals were done without scrpts, Theatre was meant to entertain people during traditional ceremonies. funerals and mony other events. 2 ao Rercetsang ots i rhe s&s odes Beh Colonial ere is @ period in a counmy’s history when it was ruled by another country. In Zimbabwe colonial era started by the time we were colonised by the Brituins in 1890. + The whites started te introduce written scripts dominated by their Western culture in which black people were supposed to act on their important themes like abedience, ‘Christianity, punctuality and respect. * The colgnial scripts written by whites were meant to strengthen their rule ond spread ‘their Wester culture of worshipping, social life and politics. « Block people were also writing scripts. Around 1964, Safirtyo Madzikatire and Susan Chenjerai started writing dramas whith reached o lot of people in Rhodes. Their popular drama was "Mhuri yaVaMukadata” {The farnily of Mr. Mukadota! broadcasted ‘on the Rhodesia Broadcasting Corporation's Atiican Services. «Some of the liberation wor fighters were very creotive and they participated in theatre, ‘They entertained people during the pungwes using theatre tricks toshow hew difficult, was the war and the reasons why they were fighting the war. Scriptwriting during the ‘Chimurenga period was not well organised. It was acted in an unprepared way. Past-colanial period is the time at which Zimbabwe got independence from 1900 up te date, Scriplwriting is very popular naw in Zimbobwe. Many dramas, mowes ond shows are being done tg show theres like corruption, technology and its effects, foreign cultures and sn on. Such soripts Include: Tiri parwendo or Tunga which shows the Shona traditional culture and woy of life like mavriages and every day living. Seripts tke Gringo, Vharozipi, Landlord show life in urban arecs and other things. Allthese dramas show hew much freedom people got after independence to talk about everything they like, Some Zimbabwean novels or plays have been converted to became scripts far example; Inongava Njake Nigke, Nealsva Zera, Sorawega and athers : even ee re a meer [oe ere [ — 1. Whetisa script? 2. Narne three theatre historical periods found in Zimbabwe. 3. Whot wos theatre used for during the period of the whe settlers? Give one reason, | 4. Write any three popular actors found in the post colonial theave in Zimbabwe eis Set is the stage where acting takes place. itis usually determined by the kind of ceremony. A ceremony Jike rain making is done under a tree to make it believable. On the other hand, @ wotivity ploy appears more real when done in a kraal, Other ceremonies like good harvest and celebratitig birth have their set f+ Titmbabyer set: fet being a rural humestend. : Sets con also be made to show Ozimbadzemabwe for a Great Zimbabwe set if the play is set in this period, Banners of Zimbabwe bird and {logs can also be used on stage. The bunner should ga hand in hand with the event being celebrated, Sets have developed as follows: {0 Sets in the pre-calonial period — these wese mostly in the homesteads and in kraals. {ii} Sets in the coldnicl period ~ the set in the colonial period were usually in open spaces. tii) Sets in the post-colonial period - the sets range from stage setting to studio set ups as well as other relevant locations. Te age. _ selebration usually determines the set. (cultural / post-colonial) A nativity play appears ta be real when itis done ina ____. (rural homestead / kraal} The set for ¢rginmaking ceremony is usually_________. {undera tree/rural homestead} i Banners and flags should not be used on stage. (True / False} Sets can show different historical periads and_____. themesteads / cultures} i Joually de i pawe A costume is a set of clothes worn by an octar. Castumes help to build the character 0¢ well gs make the ceremony loak so real. It 15 Importont to use them well as they make the ceremony real. [tis important to use them in order to support the act being shown A twaditional ceremony like rain making should be done in the appropriate traditional ‘ottire. Death costumes shauld be black

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