Sunday School Curriculumn

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TOPIC 1: SALVATION Baptism, Believing, Born Again, Confession, Salvation

A free five-week Sunday school lesson series designed

specifically for those students who are ready to receive Jesus into MATERIALS:
their hearts, or who are starting to ask questions about being
 Light blue construction paper for sky
baptized. The goal of this series is to help such children realize
 Medium green construction paper for grass
that the decision to accept Jesus is something they need to do on
 White construction paper for clouds
their own and that in doing so they can have New Life in Christ.  Yellow and dark blue construction paper for lettering (about
3 inches high)
 Black construction paper for engine and wheels
ADDITIONAL SERIES RESOURCES:  Orange construction paper for rail cars
Salvation Railroad (Bulletin Board)  Black maker for lettering (believes, pray, repent, confess,
All aboard the Salvation Railroad! A quick reminder of the different  Black yarn (thick) for track
steps every child should understand before being baptized. You  Yellow construction paper for border (optional)
can easily create this bulletin board using basic shapes.

This bulletin board is great for use in a children's class on

salvation. The different cars can represent weekly topics to discuss
with the children to help them understand their need for
forgiveness, how God sent His son to save us from our sins, and
why we are baptized.
Lesson 1 - Heaven is a Free Gift Lesson 5 - Trusting in Christ Alone
After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will In this Sunday school lesson, the children will discover that
understand that it is impossible for someone to get to Heaven on faith is the key to receiving the gift of Salvation. Out of faith we
his or her own efforts. The next two lessons address the issues are able to trust in Christ alone, confess His Holy name before
that all persons are sinners and this sin causes separation from others, be repentant of our sins, and finally in obedience to His
God. The last two lessons explain how God sent His only Son to Word, be baptized.
pay the price for our sins and how it is by placing our trust in
Jesus alone that we can be saved.
Lesson 2 - Am I a Sinner? LESSON 1 - HEAVEN IS A FREE GIFT
After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will
understand that even they have committed sin at one point in TOPICS
their lives. They will also see sin for what it really is, a serious
Believing, Born Again, Faith, Grace, Heaven, Salvation
problem in everyone's life.
Lesson 3 - The Cost of Sin
I. AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes)
After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will
realize that because of sin they are separated from God, and that Work Folders: Give a simple double sleeve folder to each child as
because God is just, He must punish sin. However, He is also they arrive. First have them write their name on the top in easy-
merciful, and does not want to punish us. to-read letters. These folders will be used to keep all work
throughout the series.
Lesson 4 - Jesus is the Answer
In this Sunday school lesson, the children will discover that
Jesus is God's answer to our sin. They will learn that Jesus died on What Would I Do to Go to Heaven? (Activity)
the cross for us, and purchased our place in Heaven. Jesus got
Place one copy of this activity inside each folder, along with one
what he did not deserve, to keep us from getting what we do
index card with the following:
deserve, that is eternal death and separation from God.
Before class, print or make copies of one activity page for each


Give each child a copy of the activity page and read the
instructions at the top. After the kids have completed ranking the
Have each child fill out their index card and drop it into the Prayer suggestions, discuss their choices with the rest of the class.
Box at the front of the class. Then have them follow the
instructions for the activity, "What Would I Do to Go to
WHAT WOULD I DO TO GO TO HEAVEN? Children may have the idea that they can earn their way to heaven, or
that they must live a worthy life. Before a child can have an assurance of
In this Sunday school activity, children rank good deeds for going to heaven, they must first learn that admittance to heaven is not
getting to Heaven, only to learn that Heaven is a gift, and cannot something they can earn. People do not go to heaven because they were
be earned. good people. The Bible says that no one can earn the gift of heaven. Heaven
is a free gift. However, the one thing everyone must do is to let Jesus come
TOPICS: into their heart so He can be Lord of their life. Some of the children may
already know this, which is great.
Grace, Heaven, Salvation, Works
After the children complete their list, go over their answers. Determine
Activity page for each child [PDF] Click here who gave the highest rank for each of the statements. Then explain that this
was only a fun activity. Everything is important, and as children of God, we
should do our best to do all of the things on the list. However, even doing all
DURATION: of them perfectly cannot earn anyone the right to go to heaven, because
heaven is a free gift. If you had to pay something, or do something, it would
Approximately 12 minutes not be a gift. Let's see what the Bible says about this free gift.
Have the kids turn in their Bible to Ephesians 2:8-9 and have a
volunteer read the verses.
Helpful tips on classroom prayer.
Prayer Box
Decorate a small box with a removable lid. Label the outside of
the box "Prayer Box." Have the kids put their name on an index
card, and jot down a personal prayer request. When finished,
place the cards into the prayer box. At the end of class, have each
child pull out one card from the box and have them pray for that
person during the week.

Open Prayer Journal

Purchase a spiral notebook. Put the date of the current Sunday in
the top corner of the sheet of paper for that week. Have the
book open to the appropriate page each Sunday and displayed in
a prominent place. Encourage the children to write down any
prayer requests or praises as they arrive each Sunday. They can
also look at previous pages to see what prayers were answered.
The journal can be referred to during class prayer time, or the
requests can be reviewed at the end of class and given to the
children for prayer during the week.
Wall of Prayer
To encourage prayer requests, make a "Wall of Prayer." Hang up a
piece of newspaper (end rolls from local papers may be free) or
you can use butcher block paper. Allow the children to write their
prayer requests on the paper after they have shared their requests
with the class. It is a faith building visual reminder of the prayers
Discussion Questions:
and allows for great follow-up on prayers when they get
answered. 1. Did you recognize any of the commandments Jesus gave the
young ruler? (Last 5 of the 10 commandments, except Jesus
changed the 10th one from do not covet to love your neighbor.)
III. MEMORY WORK (12 minutes)
2. Since the man said he kept all the commands mentioned by
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this Jesus, why do you think he asked, what do I still lack? (He was
not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no aware of something holding him back.)
one can boast" Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV
3. Why did the young man go away sad? (He had great wealth,
Have several children read these verses? Then explain that but more importantly, he knew he couldn't do what Jesus
"saved" is similar in meaning to eternal life, or Heaven. Read the suggested.)
verse again, but this time substitute the words "can go to Heaven"
4. Does having great wealth make it impossible to go to Heaven?
for "have been saved." Ask, what does "not by works" mean?
5. Then what was really keeping this man from eternal life? (The
IV. SCRIPTURE READING AND DISCUSSION (15 minutes) man loved his wealth more than Jesus. So his riches prevented
him from placing his faith in Jesus and following Him in obedience.
Without Jesus, no one can receive the gift of eternal life.)
During Jesus' ministry, many people heard Him talk about the
6. Based on verse 26, can a man be good enough to save himself?
Kingdom of God and eternal life in Heaven. It was clear that life
(No, with man it is impossible, but with God all things are
on earth was different than the life Jesus was talking about. One
day, a young ruler came to Jesus to find out what he had to do to
have eternal life in Heaven. The passage we are going to read is
from Matthew chapter 19, but the very same account can also be
V. CLASS EXERCISE (15 minutes)
found in Mark 10 and Luke 18.
The Price is Right (Game)

Read Matthew 19:16-26 (The Rich Young Man)

lower. Fold the index cards into tents so the red estimated
amounts are showing.


Make a card for the Bible also, with the actual value being what
In this Sunday school game, children guess the price of several
the Bible may have actually cost, and the estimated amount
items and discover the real price for Heaven.
slightly higher. Then make a card for the heaven poster, with the
TOPICS: actual value being $0 and the estimated amount $10,000.
Heaven, Salvation
MATERIALS: Display all 10 items in a row on a table with the Bible in the 9th
 8 small items (see below) spot and Heaven in the 10th spot as shown in the following
 1 Bible, 10 large index cards example:
 1 heaven poster [PDF] Click here
 Tally sheet for each team or child [PDF] Click here
 Treats (optional)
Approximately 15 minutes


Verse Worksheet 1
Purchase 8 items, or find inexpensive items from around the
house, like a bottle of lotion, mirror, sponge, candy bar, box of Hand out one worksheet to each child, and have them paraphrase
soap, etc. Give each item a value (price) close to the actual cost the first two verses. (Ephesians 2: 8,9 and Proverbs 14:12) The
and write it down in black ink on one side of a large index card. remainder will be completed at the end of lessons 2 and 3. When
On the other side in red ink, write down an estimated amount that finished, have the kids place the worksheet in their folder for next
is either slightly higher or slightly lower than the actual price. Try week.
to have about half of the estimated amounts higher, and half
Today (tonight) we learned that Heaven cannot be earned. No
matter how much money we have, no matter how good we are,
we cannot buy Heaven. It is a free gift - yes completely free!

A long time ago, the people of the world got together, and
thought they could build a tower all the way up to Heaven. Then
all they would need to do was climb up the tower, and be with
God. It was called the tower of Babel. A picture of what it may
have looked like is shown on your worksheet.

As the people were building this tower, God became quite angry.
For homework this week, I want you to read about the tower of
Babel in Genesis 11: 1-8. Next week, have an answer to the
following question: What was man trying to do that was so

Encourage all the children to return next week. There are more
games, activities and fun things to do, but more importantly,
everyone will learn more about Salvation.
Have each child take one card out of the box. (If they draw their
own name, have them put it back and try again) Have a few
minutes of silent prayer, so each child can pray for the person on
their card. After praying, have them write their name on the back
of the card. Close the lesson with prayer.

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

Just as the Opening Prayer is extremely important to the day’s When finished, have each child put the card back into the box for
lesson and structure, so too is the Closing Prayer. Not only does it next week. The cards will be returned to the owner during the
signal that the class has ended, but it also gives you the fourth lesson on Salvation.
opportunity to reinforce the lesson and share what was taught one TAKE HOME PAGE
more time. The children will know the lesson has real life
Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home.
application and meaning when it becomes part of the closing
Click here for NIV or KJV
prayer. The closing prayer should be brief. Remember, the
children are probably anxious to go on to the next phase of their
day, and will not likely keep still to hear a long closing pray.
The Closing Prayer should always include the following:
1. Praise to God for the opportunity to be able to hear His Word
and learn from it.
2. Application of the Lesson. For example, if the lesson was on
"Temptation," your prayer may include asking for the Holy Spirit to
help everyone during the week whenever they are tempted.
3. Safety and health for the children.
4. That others may see Jesus in our lives.
Prayer Box
In this Sunday school activity, children learn about the "Prayer of
Faith," and then develop their own prayer for the appropriate
Forgiveness, Grace, Heaven, Mercy, Prayer, Salvation
After completing this Sunday school lesson, the children will
understand that even they have committed sin at one point in
their lives. They will also see sin for what it really is, a serious Activity page for each child [PDF] Click here
problem in everyone's life.
(Note: Attended only by itself, this lesson may create some
despair or hopelessness in young children. Therefore, everyone
should be encouraged to do the assigned homework and attend Approximately 15 minutes
the next three lessons.) PREPARATION
TOPICS Before class, print or make copies of the activity page for each
Accountability, Born Again, Salvation, Faith, Sin child.


Work Folders: Have the children's work folders available as they Give each child a copy of the activity page and read the
arrive. instructions at the top. Give the children enough time to complete
filling in the blank spaces and come up with their own prayer of
faith. If your church has a specific Prayer of Faith, or Prayer of
After the children complete this activity, have them place it in their Salvation, you may want to have the children write that down in
folder to be used later. the spaces provided.
Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the
Father except through me." John 14: 6. The Apostle Paul says, "Everyone
who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:13.
The prayer of faith is one of the first steps to letting Jesus take control of
your life. If you believe what the Bible says about Jesus, that you have sinned
against God, and that Jesus died on the cross in order to forgive our sins,
then you are ready to pray this simple prayer.

You can refer to this page when you are ready to pray your Prayer of Faith.
The Opening Prayer is an important part of every lesson for several reasons.
First, it signals that it is time to start the class. The opening activities used
while waiting for kids to arrive allow the children to converse and catch up on
week long activities. When it is time to get serious, a prayer works great to
facilitate this action. Also, an Opening Prayer will set the mood for the lesson
while inviting the Holy Spirit to be in control.

The Opening Prayer should always include the following:

1. Praise to God for the opportunity to meet and for the attendance of
everyone present.
2. A request for guidance, especially for the teacher so that the Word of God
can be shared in a meaningful way.
3. Asking the children to be open to learning the Word of God and to invite
the Holy Spirit to be present in both everyone's heart and in the classroom.

Because you are not as restricted to how much time you have left, the
Opening Prayer works best for including prayer request and praises. With a
new class, the children may not feel comfortable speaking up, but as they get
to know each other they will be more open to sharing praises and prayer Divide the class into two or more teams. The challenge is for each team to
requests. Sharing like this can take a while, so it is important to make sure outdo the other(s) in saying the memory verse and reference in a creative
the kids stay focused on giving only a praise or a prayer request and not to way. The teacher will lead one team, and a helper lead the other team(s).
become side-tracked on other issues. If the class size is very large, you may Teams alternate saying the verse and its reference. Example: The leader of
also want to consider dividing the kids into smaller groups and have prayer team 1 will have his/her kids say the verse while hopping on one foot. The
led by more than one adult leader or helper. leader of team 2 will respond by having the kids say the verse while clapping
after each word. Team 1 then says the verse while turning around in circles.
Team 2 while doing the twist, and so on. There really is no winner, but the
kids will have a lot of fun, and they will unknowingly memorize the verse.

When including prayer request and praises, always consider the following:
1. Ensure everyone has a chance to contribute. V. CLASS EXERCISE (10 minutes)

2. Rather then trusting your memory, be prepared to jot down what is said. Sin is Gross (Object Talk)

3. Be sure to touch on each child's requests. It is important to them to know SIN IS GROSS!
that you care about them and that their prayers are important.
A bubble bath has no effect on sin, it's only Jesus that can make you truly
4. Make sure special needs of your church or church members are also clean.
After prayer, ask the children about their homework assignment. They were
Sin, Salvation
to read about the tower of Babel in Genesis 11:1-8
 Syrup, crushed crackers
Discuss the following question:
 Dirt, water, bar of soap
1. In the story about the tower of Babel, what were the people trying to do  Water based paint
that was so wrong? (They were trying to reach God through their own  Paper towels, newspaper
efforts.)  One bucket, four bowls


"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" Romans 3:23 NIV Approximately 10 minutes
WHAT YOU WILL DO: mean we are all doomed? By the grace of God there is an answer to our sin
problem. God sent His only son Jesus into the world to die for our sins. The
Before class, crush crackers into fine pieces and place them into a bowl. Place blood of Jesus will wash away our sins.
a water-based paint in one bowl, syrup in one bowl, dirt in a bowl, and water
in the bucket. Cover the tabletop in newspaper and place the bowls and
bucket on top of the newspaper, in the above order. (Put your hand in the bucket of water and thoroughly wash the contents of
the bowls off your hand using the bar of soap and water.) In Isaiah 1:18 we
read, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
WHAT YOU WILL SAY: though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."

Today we will be talking about a very important subject, that subject is sin.
Simply put, sin is gross! It is not cool, cute or something you want to see how (Raise your hand out of the bucket and show the class that your hand is now
close you can get to before falling in. Sin is vile, unholy and deadly! clean.)
(Put your hand in the bowl containing the paint, ensuring that you get a good Sin Revealed (Object Talk)
amount of paint on your hand and then display your hand to the class.) What
would happen if we never washed our hands or took a bath? (Allow a few SIN REVEALED
kids to answer the question.) Even when we try to hide our sins, or pretend they never happened, they
(Put your hand in the bowl containing the syrup, ensuring that you get a have a way of showing up, like buttons in a glass of cola.
good amount of syrup on your hand and then display your hand to the class.) TOPICS:
Our bodies would become dirtier and dirtier. Soon we would begin to smell
really bad. Confession, Forgiveness, Repentance, Sin, Truth

(Put your hand in the bowl containing the crushed crackers making sure that  Clear drinking glass
the crackers stick to the syrup on your hand. Then display your hand to the  Can of cola
class.) Before long, germs would begin to breed and disease would set in. It  Several plastic buttons
would be very unhealthy and we would begin to contaminate others.  Spoon

(Put your hand in the bowl containing the dirt and once again display your Approximately 5 minutes
hand to the class.) Our condition would continue to worsen until the final
outcome would be death. Did you know that sin affects our spiritual lives in
much the same way? We can take a bath to wash the dirt off our bodies, but WHAT YOU WILL DO:
what can we do about sin? We all sin. A bath cannot remove sin, so does that
To start the Object Talk, you will pour about 4 oz. of dark cola into a drinking
glass. Then you will drop several buttons into the cola. The buttons will sink
to the bottom where they will be out of sight, but in a few seconds, they will
rise to the surface for all to see. Use a spoon to remove the buttons. Introduction:
During Jesus' ministry, he was tested many times by the Pharisees and
teachers of the law. They wanted to trap Jesus into breaking Jewish law. In
our story today, the Pharisees tried to get Jesus to disobey the law for
Have you ever felt that after doing something wrong, if you just keep it a punishing someone caught in sin. They knew Jesus was compassionate and
secret no one will ever find out? Do you know that no matter how hard we try went from town to town forgiving people of their sin. But would Jesus punish
to keep our sins a secret they have a way of becoming known? Let me show someone for sinning according to the law?
you what I mean.

John 8:1-11 (A Woman Caught Sinning)

(Pour the soda into the glass) This glass represents you, and this soda, well it
represents a place where we hide our bad secrets, maybe deep inside our
heart where we do not want anybody to know. Now these buttons here Discussion Questions:
represent sin. (Point to buttons.) This button is that time you lied to
1. Did the lady come to Jesus on her own? (no) Why do you think that was?
someone, this button is that time you did not want to share with your friend,
(Discuss possibilities.)
and this button represents that television show your parents told you not to
watch, but you did anyway. I am going to drop these sins into this glass of 2. What was the lawful punishment supposed to be for this lady's sin? (To be
soda, and they will be hidden from our sight, just like hiding our sins. (Drop stoned to death.)
all buttons into the cola.)
3. Could the woman escape the punishment for her sin on her own? (No.)
4. What did Jesus do after the Pharisees made their accusations? (He wrote
Can you see them? They are hidden. Nevertheless, we can only keep these something on the ground)
sins a secret for a little while; eventually sin has a way of coming to the
surface. Look, there they are. Sin cannot be hidden forever. Therefore, 5. Jesus said "Whoever is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at
instead of trying to hide sin, we need to try our best to do what is right. the woman. Why didn't anyone throw a stone at the woman? (No one was
When we do fail, we know that we can ask Jesus to forgive us, and he will. without sin.)
The Bible says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, and will forgive 6. What did Jesus tell the woman after everyone had left? (To go and leave
us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1John 1:9) He will clean her life of sin.)
us of our sins, just like this.
7. Why did Jesus say, "Go now and leave your life of sin?" (Allow for
(Remove buttons with spoon.) Now our heart (soda) is clean again.
Old Enough to Know (Activity)
In this Sunday school activity, children use colors and words to demonstrate
the awareness of sin within their lives.
Accountability, Discernment, Salvation, Sin

Activity pages 2
Activity pages 1
their name at the top, and record the number of seconds at the bottom of the

Next, give each child a copy of Activity Page 2, and read the instructions at
the top. Have the children time each other as before on how fast they can
say the color, not read the word.

Children will immediately see how much longer it took to complete the second
page. You will compare how reading complicated the task, just as sin in our
life gets in the way of our relationship with God.


Note: Pages must be printed in color When we were young, we could not read, but we could name the different
 Large clock with second hand colors. It was easy to tell our mom or dad something was red, green, or
 Pencils yellow. We even had fun naming the different colors. When we were young,
we also did not know too much about sin. We knew when we did something
wrong. However, we did not know the full consequences of our sin.
Approximately 12 minutes It is sort of like learning to read. After we learn to read, words take on
PREPARATION meaning. They become important. With the second page, it was more difficult
to say the color because our ability to read the words interfered with our
Before class, print or make copies of both activity pages for each child. Bring ability to focus only on the color.
a large clock with a second hand so everyone in the class can count the
seconds. Children can also use a wristwatch if they have one.
That is the way sin is. Now that we are older, we can feel sin as a real
presence in our lives and not merely doing something wrong. We begin to
WHAT YOU WILL DO: see sin for what it really is: disobedience to God. We begin to see how sin
affects our relationship with God. The Apostle Peter gave us a strong
Pair up the children. Then give each child a copy of Activity Page 1 and read
message: "As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had
the instructions at the top. Have one child of each pair use the clock to time
when you lived in ignorance." (1 Peter 1: 14)
how fast his or her partner can name all of the colors in order. Then switch
and have the second child time the first. Be sure to tell the children to write
IX. CLOSING CLASS EXERCISE (5 MINUTES) this is Genesis 4:1-14. When we meet again for our next lesson on
Verse Worksheet 1 Salvation, have an answer to the following questions:
(SAME AS FOR LESSON 1) 1. What were the real reasons Cain killed his brother Abel?
Have the children take Verse Worksheet 1 from their folder, and have them 2. How was Cain punished for his sin?
paraphrase the second two verses. (Romans 3:23, and Romans 6:23a.) The
remainder will be completed at the end of lessons 3. When finished, have the
kids place the worksheet back in their folders to use next week.
Encourage all the children to return next week. There are more
X. APPLICATION (5 MINUTES) games, activities and fun things to do, but more importantly,
Last week (yesterday) we learned that Heaven is a free gift, and it everyone will learn more about Salvation.
cannot be earned. No matter how much money someone may
have, or no matter how many good things they do, it will not get
them to Heaven. XI. CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)
Prayer Box

Today we learned that everyone is a sinner. No one is perfect. Sin Have each child take one card out of the box. (If they draw their
is anything that goes against God's Will, even the little things we own name, have them put it back and try again) Have a few
do that may not seem too bad. Little lies, a little cheating, minutes of silent prayer, so each child can pray for the person on
pretending not to hear your parents call you, it is all sin. Sin can their card. After praying, have them write their name on the back
be a thought, an action, or even not doing something you should. of the card. Close the lesson with prayer.
And because of this sin, we are separated from God. In fact, the
Bible says that the wages, or payment, for this sin is death. We
When finished, have each child put the card back into the box for
will see this more clearly next week, and in the weeks to come, we
next week.
will discover God's answer to our sin, and how we can have
eternal life with Him. CLOSING PRAYER
Just as the Opening Prayer is extremely important to the day’s
lesson and structure, so too is the Closing Prayer. Not only does it
A familiar Bible story to some of you is when Cain killed his
signal that the class has ended, but it also gives you the
brother Abel. For homework this week, I want you to read about
opportunity to reinforce the lesson and share what was taught one
more time. The children will know the lesson has real life
application and meaning when it becomes part of the closing
prayer. The closing prayer should be brief. Remember, the
children are probably anxious to go on to the next phase of their
day, and will not likely keep still to hear a long closing pray.
The Closing Prayer should always include the following:
1. Praise to God for the opportunity to be able to hear His Word
and learn from it.
2. Application of the Lesson. For example if the lesson was on
"Temptation," your prayer may include asking for the Holy Spirit to
help everyone during the week whenever they are tempted.
3. Safety and health for the children.
4. That others may see Jesus in our lives.


After completing this Sunday school lesson,
the children will realize that because of sin they
are separated from God, and that because God is
just, He must punish sin. However, He is also
merciful, and does not want to punish us.

Born Again, Salvation, Grace, Justice, Judgement of God,
Mercy, Wrath
Crossword puzzle in


Approximately 15 minutes
Work Folders: Have the children's work folders available
as they arrive.
Have the children look up and read Romans 1:18. Then, give each
God's Wrath Revealed (Puzzle) child a pencil or a marker and a copy of the crossword puzzle.
Explain that in order to pick the right words, they must read each
After the children complete this activity, have them place
of the verses shown after the clue. For younger children, you may
it in their folders. want to have them work in pairs, or do one crossword puzzle as a
class project.


(Crossword) "The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all
ungodliness and unrighteousness of men." (Romans 1:18) Kids
look up different Bible verses to solve this crossword puzzle about
God's wrath.

Judgement of God, Sin, Wrath

1. Praise to God for the opportunity to meet and for the
attendance of everyone present.
2. A request for guidance, especially for the teacher so that the
Word of God can be shared in a meaningful way.
3. Asking the children to be open to learning the Word of God and
to invite the Holy Spirit to be present in both everyone's heart and
in the classroom.

Because you are not as restricted to how much time you have left,
the Opening Prayer works best for including prayer request and
praises. With a new class, the children may not feel comfortable
speaking up, but as they get to know each other they will be more
open to sharing praises and prayer requests. Sharing like this can
take a while, so it is important to make sure the kids stay focused
on giving only a praise or a prayer request and not to become
side-tracked on other issues. If the class size is very large, you
may also want to consider dividing the kids into smaller groups
OPENING PRAYER AND PRAISE (5 minutes) and have prayer led by more than one adult leader or helper.

The Opening Prayer is an important part of every lesson for

several reasons. First, it signals that it is time to start the class. When including prayer request and praises, always consider the
The opening activities used while waiting for kids to arrive allow following:
the children to converse and catch up on week long activities.
When it is time to get serious, a prayer works great to facilitate 1. Ensure everyone has a chance to contribute.
this action. Also, an Opening Prayer will set the mood for the 2. Rather then trusting your memory, be prepared to jot down
lesson while inviting the Holy Spirit to be in control. what is said.
3. Be sure to touch on each child's requests. It is important to
The Opening Prayer should always include the following: them to know that you care about them and that their prayers are
4. Make sure special needs of your church or church members are more and read it again. Continue until all the words are erased,
also mentioned. and the children are reciting the entire verse from memory.

After prayer, ask the class about their homework assignment. CLASS EXERCISE (5 minutes)
They were to read about the time Cain killed his brother Abel in
Sin Spoils (Object Talk)
Genesis 4:1-14.
A little bit of mold can ruin a sandwich. Likewise, without Jesus,
Discussion questions:
even a little bit of sin will keep us out of Heaven.
1. What were the reasons Cain killed his brother Abel? (Pride,
jealousy, lack of faith in a holy God.)
2. How was Cain punished for his sin? (He was banished from the
Forgiveness, Salvation, Sin
presence of God.)
3. Was the punishment given Cain too harsh, not harsh enough? MATERIALS:
Explain. Two pieces of bread
Green food coloring
A paper napkin

MEMORY WORK (12 minutes)

"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the
Approximately 5 minutes
godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by
their wickedness." Romans 1:18 NIV PREPARATION:
Write the entire verse on the board and have the children read it Place several drops of green food coloring on one piece of bread.
together. Then begin by erasing some of the words, for example You want to create the appearance that mold is growing on the
the word "the" or all words with only three letters etc. Then have surface of the bread.
the children read the verse again with the missing words. Then
erase a few more words and have them read it again. Erase a few
You will pretend to make a sandwich using a piece of bread that is Today, we will be reading from the book of Joshua, right after the
moldy, to demonstrate how even a little bit of mold can ruin a Israelites fought and won the battle of Jericho. Jericho was the
good sandwich. Compare this to how even a little bit of sin, first city conquered by the Israelites after entering the promised
without Jesus, will keep us from going to Heaven. land, so it was especially significant. Every material thing taken
from the city was to be devoted to God. However, one man
violated these instructions.
Read Joshua 7:1
I am starving! I think I will make a nice tasty sandwich. (Take the
Discussion Questions:
good piece of bread and set it on a napkin.) Okay here is the first
piece of bread. It is a great start to a tasty sandwich! (Take out 1. Who violated the instructions regarding the devoted things from
the moldy piece of bread and make a yucky face.) Oh, gross! This Jericho? (Achan)
piece of bread has mold growing all over it! (Show the moldy
2. Who was affected because of his sin? (All Israel)
bread to the students.) I'm not going to eat that! How many of
you would eat a sandwich made using moldy bread? Even a little Later, Israel went to battle against the city of Ai. But this time
bit of mold would ruin a great sandwich. they were not successful. In fact, about 36 men were killed and
the rest were forced to return to camp, afraid and trembling. Then
the Lord told Joshua why they failed. It was because Israel had
Sin has the same effect on us; God will not allow anyone with violated the covenant by taking some of the devoted things. Then
even a little bit of sin into Heaven. The bad news is the Bible says God told Joshua what he must do.
that all of us have sinned. Romans 3:10 says, "There is no one
Read Joshua 7:14-26 (Punishment for Achan)
righteous, not even one." The good news is that God loves us so
much that He sent Jesus into the world to forgive our sins. If we Discussion Questions:
ask Jesus to forgive us for the sins we have committed, and ask
1. How was Achan discovered as the one who violated God's
Him to become the Lord of our lives, He will. Then we can get into
covenant? (By coming tribe by tribe, clan by clan, then family by
Heaven, because Jesus has paid the price for our sins.
family, God was able to show Joshua who the sinner was.)
2. What does this tell you about our sins? (You cannot hide them
Introduction: 3. What were the consequences of Achan's sin? (Yes, death.)
4. What do we deserve for our own sins? (Eternal separation from Approximately 10 minutes
5. Why was Achan's family killed along with him? (The family may
have assisted in hiding the items. Also because Achan did not fear
God, that attitude may have rubbed off on his family. In order to
cleanse Israel, the entire family needed to be destroyed.) First, give each child a blank sheet of paper. Have them roll it up
into a ball. Then ask one of the larger kids to volunteer to pretend
6. What happened when Israel cleansed themselves of the sin of
that they were caught committing a terrible crime. Have them
Achan? (God turned from his anger and wrath.)
stand in the middle of the room. Tell the class "In Jesus' day,
when people were caught committing certain crimes, the
punishment may have been to get "stoned to death" by the people
CLASS EXERCISE (10 minutes)
living in the village. Should we stone this criminal?" The children
Who is Without Sin? (Activity will most likely shout yes, but tell them not to throw above the
WHO IS WITHOUT SIN? waist and not to throw hard so the child will not get hurt or
frightened. Then ask the children how they felt while throwing the
After taking balled-up pieces of paper and pretending to stone a "stones". Was it fun? Did you feel good about it? Let them know
sinner, the children will compare judging others to having sin in that their reactions were probably very similar to those in Jesus'
their own lives. time.
Then give each child another blank sheet of paper and a pencil or
TOPICS: marker. This time, however, tell them not to roll it up just yet
because they will be writing something on it first.
Acceptance, Judging, Sin

Have the kids think of a recent time that they sinned, such as
MATERIALS: telling a lie about their homework, arguing with their parents, or a
About 25 sheets of 8½" by 11" paper time they were disobedient, etc. Tell them to write that sin on the
paper. Next, have the children think of how many times they
Pencils/markers for each child sinned during the past week. Remind them of all the things that
may be considered a sin, and have them write the number down
on the piece of paper. Then tell them to ball-up the paper as
DURATION: before and hold on to it.
Next have the children look up and read John 8:3-11. Ask a everyone is a sinner. Because of that sin, we are separated from
volunteer to pretend they have committed a crime, like adultery as God.
in the Bible passage, or any other serious crime. Then ask the
class, "Should we stone this criminal? Remember in the story
Jesus said 'If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to Today, we learned how deadly that sin really is. Achan's entire
throw a stone.' Who is without sin in this class?" (Make sure the family was destroyed because of his sin against God. The Bible
children understand that they cannot throw the paper because says that God is just and must punish sin; however, He is also
they have sinned.) "That's right, we have all sinned. Even Jesus merciful and doesn't want to punish us. You may be wondering
said that 'everyone has sinned, and falls short of the glory of God'. how God could punish our sins but not us. How can we cleanse
Before we judge someone else for doing wrong, we need to look ourselves from our sins? In our next lesson, we will see how God
at our own lives and ask ourselves if we are any better. Like the solved this dilemma by sending His only son, Jesus, to live with us.
woman in the story, we should go and try our best not to sin
For homework this week, I want everyone to read a short
passage. Romans 5: 6-11. Read it several times, and be sure to
Closing CLASS EXERCISE (5 minutes) look up any words you are not familiar with. When we meet again
for our next lesson on Salvation, have an answer to the following
Verse Worksheet 1
Have the children take Verse Worksheet 1 from their folder, and
1. Would it be difficult to give up your life to save the life of a real
have them paraphrase the last two verses (Isaiah 59:2 and
"bad" person or someone who sins against you? Why or why not?
Romans 1:18). When finished, ask for two or more volunteers to
share their paraphrases for all six verses. The finished Verse 2. How did God demonstrate His love for us?
Worksheets may be taken home or kept in the folders.

APPLICATION (5 minutes)
So far, we have learned that Heaven is a free gift, and it cannot
be earned. No matter how much money someone has, or how
many good things they do, they cannot get to Heaven on their
own. Last week (yesterday) we learned that no one is perfect, and
Encourage all the children to return next week. There are
more games, activities and fun things to do, but more
importantly, everyone will learn more about Salvation.

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

Prayer Box
Have each child take one card out of the box. (If they
draw their own name, have them put it back and try
again) Have a few minutes of silent prayer, so each child
can pray for the person on their card. After praying, have
them write their name on the back of the card. Close the
lesson with prayer.

When finished, have each child put the card back into the
box for next week.


Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take

Salvation, Baptisim, Faith, Grace, Believing,
Heaven, Sin

AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes)

Work Folders: Have the children's work folders
available as they arrive.

Finish the Story (Activity)

After the children complete this activity, have them
place it in their folders.


Further info? Click here

After prayer, ask the class about their homework

assignment. They were to read Romans 5:6-11.


Discussion Questions:
1. Why would it be hard to die for a real "bad"
person, someone who sins against you? (You might SIN GETS HEAVY
consider them as your enemy, not worthy)
The weight of our own sin is hard for us to bear, but
2. How did God demonstrate His love for us? (He Jesus bore the sins of the world.
sent His only begotten son to die in our place, even
though we were sinning against Him)
Cross, Redemption, Sacrifice, Salvation, Sin
MEMORY WORK (12 minutes)
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: MATERIALS:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 24 heavy books of the same size
Romans 5:8 NIV
(Church hymnals for example)
Have all the kids sit in a circle, and pick someone to
start. That child will say the first part of the verse.
The child to his or her left (clockwise) must say the DURATION:
second part of the verse, and the next child to the Approximately 10 minutes
left say the reference. Do this several times,
challenging the kids to go faster and faster. You
may also want use a stopwatch to time their
progress. WHAT YOU WILL DO:
During class, give each person a book, and suggest the
book contains all of the sins they committed over the
CLASS EXERCISE (10 minutes) years. For small classes, you can give each child more
Sin Gets Heavy (Object Talk) than one book. Then you will demonstrate how heavy sin
gets by having them place the books on the outstretched
arms of a volunteer. You will compare this to how heavy (Have the children come up in an orderly fashion and
all of the sins of the world must have been for Jesus to carefully place their book one on top of the other. Keep
bear on the cross. stacking until the volunteer calls for an end. Then have
everyone give him or her a loud cheer.)
I want you to imagine that the book I gave you has all of Can you imagine how heavy just the sins in this classroom
the sins you have committed written in it. Every lie, every could be? How about the sins in our church? How about
time you talked back, every time you grumbled, every the sins in our neighborhood? Jesus did not bare only
time you slammed a door, every time you cheated, and some sins. The Bible says, "Jesus is the atoning sacrifice
anything else. Some of you may need a bigger book, for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of
however let's pretend they are all in there. How long do the whole world." 1 John 2: 2. Jesus himself was
you think you could hold that book up at arm’s length? without sin. It was because of our sin that He died
Some day you may want to try, but probably after only a on the cross. He died in our place.
few minutes, it would become quite heavy.

Discussion Questions
I need a strong volunteer? (Have the volunteer come to
the front and stretch out his or her arms, similar to how 1. How does it make you feel to know the extent of what
Jesus did while on the cross, only with his or her palms Jesus did?
up.) 2. If Jesus died already for our sins on the cross, what
does that mean for us? (We are free to live a life of
righteousness in the presence of God.)
Now, one by one, come up and stack your book of sin
upon the hands of our volunteer. Keep the sides even as
you do. Oh, and volunteer, just yell out "IT'S ENOUGH"
when the books of sin get to be too much for you.
SCRIPTURE READING AND DISCUSSION (15 refers to the physical birth, while being born of the Spirit
minutes) refers to when we awaken to God’s Spirit working in us.)
Introduction: 4. What does Jesus mean when he says, “The Son of Man
must be lifted up?” (He must be lifted upon the cross to
Today, we will be reading a familiar passage from the
die for us, and when we turn our faith to him, we will be
Gospel of John. It starts with an older man named
saved from our sins.)
Nicodemus asking Jesus a very important question. The
answer Jesus gives is a lesson for everyone about the gift 5. Read verses 16-18 again. What does it really mean to
of Salvation. believe? (It means to trust in Christ alone, and letting Him
become the Lord of your whole life. That means living a
life in obedience to His Word.)
Read John 3:1-21 (If possible, choose two good readers
6. How do you think Nicodemus came away from his
to read the parts of Nicodemus and Jesus)
conversation with Jesus?
a. Totally confused
Discussion Questions:
b. With a clear understanding about being born again
1. Nicodemus called Jesus a teacher from God. Who is He
c. Convinced to trust and follow Jesus
really according to these scriptures? (The son of man,
verse 13; God’s one and only son, verse 16; savior, verse d. With more questions than answers
17; light, verse 19.) 7. How about you?
2. What does it mean to be born again? (To enter into
Heaven requires a rebirth, something impossible for man,
but possible for God. To be born again means we become CLASS EXERCISE (10 minutes)
a new person spiritually, a person forgiven of sin and Throw Away Your Sins (Game)
involved in an intimate relationship with God.)
3. What is being born of the water and of the Spirit? How
are they different? (Being born of the water probably
A different spin on an old children’s game with a Christian are throwing more back. Each team will throw the balls
life application Idea by Jonathan Miller (sins) to the opposite side and keep throwing any that
come back. After about 30 seconds of throwing, the team
that has the least number of balls on their side will be the
Purity, Repentance, Sin, Temptation winner. Then switch the teams around and play again.
Sheets of paper, one for each child WHAT YOU WILL SAY:
Masking tape When we accept Jesus in our lives, he gives us the
DURATION: strength and help we need to get rid of all our sins.
However, being a Christian does not mean we are
Approximately 10 minutes completely free of sins. Sometimes there are temptations,
PREPARATION: such as envy, anger, disobedience, and other garbage of
which we need to be aware. These come in different
Crumple the sheets of paper into balls according to the
forms and ways, to turn our eyes away from Jesus. We
number of children in the room. Then divide the children
know what these sins are and when they come our way,
in to two teams, and have them stand at opposite sides of
we need to throw them away.
the room. Mark the center of the floor with masking tape
to separate each team. Then have each child pick up one
paper ball. Closing CLASS EXERCISE (10 minutes)
Verse Worksheet 2
Have the children take Verse Worksheet 2 from their
WHAT YOU WILL DO: folder, and have them paraphrase the first three verses
(Isaiah 53:6; 1 Peter 2:24; and James 2:19). The
In this game, the paper balls represent sin, and the kids
remainder will be completed at the end of lessons 2 and
will pretend to throw these sins away. However, as they
3. When finished, have the kids place the worksheet in
throw them away, the kids on the other side of the room
their folders for next week.
Sin is keeping us from having a relationship with God in
Heaven. God is a just God, and must punish this sin,
which is eternal death. However, God is also merciful. He
loves us and does not want to punish us.

Today, we discovered how God solved this by sending His

only begotten Son to die for us. Jesus was completely
without sin. He got what he did not deserve, to keep us
from getting what we do deserve, that is death.

The Grace of God can be described in this way (Write the

following acrostic on the board and encourage all the kids
to copy it somewhere on their folder.)

APPLICATION (4 minutes)
So far, we learned that no matter how hard we try, we
will never be good enough to get to Heaven on our own. In our next lesson, we will see how we can take hold of the Grace
Yet, it is a free gift. We also learned that we are sinners. of God and receive eternal life by putting our faith and trust in
For homework this week, I want everyone to read from the Gospel child can see who had prayed for them during the
of Matthew. Matthew 8: 23-27. It is a very familiar passage, but week.
this time I want you to read it several times, and think carefully
about what is going on. When we meet again for our next and
final lesson on Salvation, have an answer to the following
1. Why did Jesus tell the disciples they had little faith? Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take
2. How is faith related to not being afraid? Afraid of what?

Encourage all the children to return next week, for the final and
most important lesson on Salvation.

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

Prayer Box
Once again, have each child take one card out of the box.
(If they draw their own name, have them put it back and
try again) Have a few minutes of silent prayer, so each
child can pray for the person on their card. After praying,
have them write their name on the back of the card. Close
the lesson with prayer.

Then return the card to the owner. Each card

should have several names on the back, so each
Salvation, Born Again, Baptisim, Faith, Forgiveness, Sin,

AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes)

Work Folders: Have the children's work folders available
as they arrive.

Verse Worksheet 2
Have the children take Verse Worksheet 2 from their
folder, and have them paraphrase the last three verses
(John 3:36; Romans 10:9; and Acts 2:38. When finished,
ask for two or more volunteers to share their paraphrases
for all six verses. Then have them place the worksheet
back into their folders to take home.


After prayer, ask the class about their homework
assignment. They were to read about the time Jesus
calmed the storm from Matthew 8:23-27.

Discussion Question:
1. Why did Jesus tell the disciples they had little faith?
(They were putting their faith in their own abilities rather
than in Jesus. They knew they had no power over the
storm, but also they did not fully believe that Jesus did.)
2. How is faith related to not being afraid? Afraid of what?
(Fearful things will still exist, but having faith in Jesus will
help keep us from becoming powerless because of fear.)

CLASS EXERCISE (5 minutes)

Faith can be described in this way. (Write the following
acrostic on the board and encourage all the kids to copy it
somewhere on their folder.


Discussion Questions:
1. Who should we acknowledge Jesus to? (Other people)
2. When we acknowledge Jesus before men, to whom will
Jesus acknowledge us? (God)
MEMORY WORK (15 minutes)
3. Why do you believe Jesus says that we must
"Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also
acknowledge or confess Him before others?
acknowledge before my Father in heaven.”
4. What may happen if we don't acknowledge or confess
Matthew 10:32 NIV
Jesus? (He will not acknowledge us before God.)
5. Is it enough to simply state that Jesus is who he says
Have everyone find this verse in their Bible, and read it he is? (No, we also must put our trust in him, and accept
together several times. his power and authority over our lives.)

Jesus is speaking these words. "Acknowledge" in this SCRIPTURE READING AND DISCUSSION (15 minutes)
instance means to announce before others that Jesus is
who He claims to be, and to accept his power and
authority over your life. In other versions of the Bible, the In our Bible study today, we will be picking up just after
verse may read, "Whoever confesses me before men..." the Disciples received the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem on the
day of Pentecost. Shortly after that, Peter addressed the
crowds, and preached the Good News to all of them about
Have everyone read the verse again, but this time replace who Jesus really is and what He accomplished on the
the words acknowledges and acknowledge with the words cross. Let's pick up the story in Acts 2: 37.
confesses and confess. Have everyone recite the verse
Read Acts 2:37-47
one more time after discussion of the following:
Discussion Questions:
1. Why does Peter say "repent" in verse 38? What does •They saw many wonders and miraculous signs done by
"repent" mean? (To turn from - to change directions. the Apostles
Peter says we must turn from our sin and turn to Jesus as •They were together
Lord and Savior.)
•They had everything in common
2. What else does Peter suggest the people do besides
repenting of their sin? (To be baptized.) •They gave to anyone who had a need
3. What is promised to the people if they do what Peter •They met every day in the temple courts
suggests? (Their sins will be forgiven and they will receive •They gave praise to God
the gift of the Holy Spirit.)
4. Peter lets the crowd know who can be saved. Who?
(Those hearing, their children, people far off, all who the CLASS EXERCISE (10 minutes)
Lord calls.) New Life in Christ (Object Talk)
5. Do you believe the Lord is calling you? (Allow for NEW LIFE IN CHRIST
Baptism expresses the forgiveness of our sins and the
6. What changes took place in the lives of the new freedom to live a new life in Christ.
believers? (Allow the class to look through verses 42-47
and list them on the board.)
Baptism, Forgiveness, Obedience, Sin
•They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching
Roll of toilet paper
•They had fellowship with each other
Large bowl or bucket of water
•They broke bread and ate together Paper towel for drying hand
•They prayed together DURATION:
•They were filled with awe Approximately 10 minutes
You need one volunteer for this little experiment. First, Your hand now represents how each of us are bound by
you will take toilet paper and wrap it around the fingers of our sin. Can you spread your fingers apart? (The answer
one hand about ten times, so the fingers cannot be should be No.)
spread apart. Then you will have the volunteer submerge
his or her wrapped hand into the bowl of water. After
about 20 seconds, he or she will be able to spread his or Because of our sin, we are separated from God. We are
her fingers apart and remove the hand from the water spiritually dead. But Jesus forgives our sins. He cleanses
free from the toilet paper. The toilet paper represents us from all unrighteousness, so we can receive the gift of
being bound by sin, and the water shows how baptism the Holy Spirit and live a new life in Jesus. This truth is
expresses how we are free to walk a new life in Jesus, expressed by baptism. Let's see how it works. I want you
forgiven of our sins. to submerge your hand in this bowl of water. Keep it in
there. Everyone else, let's count to 20.

Note: Many Christian churches believe immersion is the

best way to express this new life we have in Christ, while (After counting to 20) Now can you spread your fingers
others say the spiritual meaning is what matters, and not apart? Go ahead and spread your fingers, and remove
the method. However, baptism by immersion is your hand leaving all the sin behind. Great job, you can
consistently found in scripture. now dry off.

WHAT YOU WILL SAY: We are baptized out of obedience to the Word of God for
the forgiveness of our sins. (Acts 2: 38) When you are
I need a volunteer. Great! Now hold out your hand. I'm baptized for real, you may hear something like the
going to wrap a lot of sin around it. (Take the roll of toilet following: "Because of your confession of faith, and in
paper and tightly wrap it about ten times around the obedience to Christ, you are now baptized in the name of
fingers of one hand. Make sure it is snug so the volunteer the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, for the
cannot spread his or her fingers apart.)
forgiveness of your sins, and for the gift of eternal life or APPLICATION (10 minutes)
the Holy Spirit." We covered quite a lot of information during this lesson
series. We learned that no matter how hard we try, we
will never be good enough to get to Heaven on our own.
Discussion Questions:
Yet, it is a free gift. We also learned that we are sinners.
1. What should someone do before they are baptized? Sin will keep us from having a relationship with God in
(One must first accept and trust in Jesus.) Heaven, and God is just. He must punish sin, which is
2. Why should someone be baptized (Out of obedience, eternal death. However, God is also merciful. He loves us
because Jesus commands it.) and does not want to punish us.

3. When should someone be baptized? (As soon as they

can after accepting Jesus into their heart.) In order to save us, He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus
to die for us. Jesus was completely without sin. He got
what He did not deserve, to keep us from getting what we
Closing CLASS EXERCISE (5 minutes) do deserve, death. Finally, we learned that when we put
My Prayer of Faith our faith and trust in Jesus, we can take hold of the Grace
of God, and receive eternal life.
Have the children take "My Prayer of Faith" completed
during lesson 2 from their folders. Suggest each student
take some time to review their prayer of faith, and then By praying the prayer of faith, we turn our lives over to
allow time for each student who is ready, to actually pray the Lordship of Jesus. By confessing His name before
their prayer to God. Afterwards, have those who prayed others, we show that we acknowledge that He alone is
their prayer of faith to raise their hand, so you will know Lord, our Lord and Savior. We can then take hold of the
who is ready to make a commitment to follow Jesus, promise that Jesus forgives our sins and gives us the Holy
confess publicly, and be baptized according to the specific Spirit. In obedience, we repent of our sins, meaning to
practices of your church. Here turn away from them and live a new life in Christ, and
express this through baptism.
Select another exciting Bible based children's Sunday
school lesson from Kids Sunday School Place.

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)


Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take

Lesson 1: GOD IS HOLY

This Sunday school lesson will identify God’s holiness as His

most prevalent attribute. Children will learn that all of God’s
additional attributes exist through and because of His holiness.

Holiness, Knowing God, Love, Mercy, Sin

AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes)

Prepare index cards with the following verses on one side
and the corresponding questions on the other side (Do not include
the answers). As children arrive, ask them to select a card, look up
the verse, and write the answer to the question on the back of the
card. Tell the children to keep the cards, as each scripture will be
discussed in the lesson.
Deuteronomy 32:4 - What makes God holy? (He is
Leviticus 20:8 – How can we be holy? (By obeying God.)
Psalm 34:9 – How can we be holy? (By fearing God.)
Psalm 111:9 – What does God’s holiness provide?
(Redemption and salvation through Jesus.)
Isaiah 5:16 – How will God’s holiness be proved? Read Leviticus 20:8 and Psalm 34:9
(Through his righteous actions, e.g. justice.)
Ask the children with the corresponding index cards to read the
passage(s) and share their answers. Draw the conclusion that
obedience and respectful fear of God makes us set apart like Him.
MEMORY WORK (12 minutes)
Read Psalm 111:9
"He is the Rock, his ways are perfect, and all his ways are just. A
faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he." Say, “God has proven His holiness to us by sending Jesus to die
Deuteronomy 32:4 NIV for our sins. If He wasn’t holy, then there would have been no
reason for His sinless, perfect Son to die for us.” Ask for children’s
Ask the class to read the verse out loud with you. Then sing it
answers to the scripture.
together as a class to the music of “Amazing Grace” (repeating the
last two measures of music to sing the scripture reference). Have
the children sing with you at least two more times.
Read Isaiah 5:16
Ask the children with the corresponding index cards to read the
SCRIPTURE READING AND DISCUSSION (15 minutes) passage and share their answers. Emphasize that God’s holiness is
Introduction: proved through all His other attributes (e.g. justice), so that is
how we know being holy is His primary feature.
Today we will learn what the Bible says about God’s holiness.
Have your index cards ready from the beginning of class, and we
will discuss your answers with each scripture. APPLICATION (5 minutes)
Read Deuteronomy 32:4 Comment, “God’s holiness makes Him loving, kind, merciful, just,
Explain that God’s perfection is what makes Him holy, and ask for and wise. While we can’t fully understand everything about His
additional input from any children who answered the index card. nature, we can accept that everything He does is motivated by His
Say, “God is fair and without sin even when we don’t understand holiness.” Ask the following question:
His will. We can trust that His decisions are always the best
How would our lives be different if God wasn’t holy?
Close the class in prayer and ask the Lord to increase the
children’s desire to know more about Him.

Come back next week to learn about the love God has for us.

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

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