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Pistay Mini Mart

Financial Information System


A Research Project Presented

To the Computer Programming Faculty

Compostela Valley Institute of Technology, Inc.(COMVIT)

Montevista, Davao de Oro


In Partial of the Requirements

For the Senior High in Computer Programming NC-IV


Frances Rae N. Fernandez

Sharmen M. Saberon

Jemima D. Amodia

Ian Chris Pagara

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Computer is an important tool in which business organizations use in financial

reporting and operational methods to obtain data recording systems as well as

computer literacy is treated as an important asset in the modern business world. The

study described the computer literacy of Small business staff and owners, the level

of usefulness and seriousness of problems encountered in using computers. Further,

the study determined the significant difference among the level of literacy,

usefulness and seriousness of problems encountered by small business staff and

owners in using computers. Rejecting the hypothesis, there is significant difference

on the responses of Small business staff and Small business owners as to literacy,

usefulness, and seriousness of problems being encountered by respondents in

performing their work with the use of computer. Based on the findings, the extent of

literacy on computer especially on the context of information systems that are

present in the computer is very much literate. The level of usefulness of computer

especially on the information systems in making financial reports according to the

response of Small business staff is moderately useful. While for Small business

owners, it is very much useful. The respondents commonly experience problems

with their advancement using computerized information system. It implies that there

are no serious problems being encountered by respondents in dealing with the aid of

computer. The researcher recommends that Small business organizations (SBOs)

should develop a different approach especially designed for the respondents. This
could be done in coordination to multi-agency to provide adequate knowledge in

utilizing the information systems that are being installed in the computer.[1]

A financial information system (FIS) accumulates and analyzes financial data used

for optimal financial planning and forecasting decisions and outcomes. An FIS is

used in conjunction with a decision support system, and it helps a firm attain its

financial objectives because they use a minimal amount of resources relative to a

predetermined margin of safety. An FIS can be thought of as a financial planner for

electronic commerce that can also produce large amounts of market and financial

data at once obtained from financial databases worldwide. Financial data analysis

may be conducted through trend evaluations, ratio analyses and financial planning

modeling. Data outputs that are produced by FIS can include

The predictive analytics included in these applications may also narrow down exactly

what could be expected from a business interaction or transaction that has yet to

take place.

The management of financial information in an e-commerce business is paramount

in order to gain maximum operating results in the shortest amount of time. An FIS

can also yield huge amounts of data for daily business operations. Financial markets

traders and salespeople have the greatest demand for FIS because they work in

very fast environments and their on-demand computing systems must keep up with

real-time activities in order to allow these professionals to operate in real time.

Broker investigating, investment and trade data along with fiscal asset classes can

be relayed through an FIS. This also works for smaller businesses that need to

obtain financial data about local markets. FIS is a form of real-time operating system

that works to enhance financial information exchanges. [2]

Financial markets around the world can affect each other in a matter of seconds as

financial information systems are programmed to buy or sell stocks and financial

derivatives automatically when activated by sudden changes in global market trends

and conditions.

Information Systems for Global Financial Markets: Emerging Developments and

Effects offers focused research on the systems and technologies that provide

intelligence and expertise to traders and investors and facilitate the agile ordering

processes, networking, and regulation of global financial electronic markets. How

these systems work to manipulate, move, and provide intelligence to the stock

market is still a mystery to many students, and it is the intent of this book to provide

real-world cases and examples that can unveil these systems to business students

interested in financial trading, the dynamics of financial electronic markets, and the

tactical technologies that facilitate the trading process and trading decisions. [3]

Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) support the automation and

integration of public financial management processes including budget formulation,

execution (e.g. commitment control, cash/debt management, treasury operations),

accounting, and reporting. FMIS solutions can significantly improve the efficiency

and equity of government operations, and offer a great potential for increasing

participation, transparency and accountability. Whenever FMIS and other PFM

information systems (for example, e-procurement, payroll, debt management) are

linked with a central data warehouse (DW) to record and report all daily financial

transactions, offering reliable consolidated platforms can be referred to as integrated

FMIS (or IFMIS). The World Bank is a leading provider of financing and technical

assistance for FMIS development. [4]


Driven by aggressive economic policy and structural changes in the 1980s and

1990s, the complexity of the Philippine financial system has gradually increased. The

sustained thrust of the reform process in the 1990s facilitated the rapid expansion

and eventual integration of the local financial system with the rest of the world. The

structural reforms that allowed freer entry of foreign capital paved the way for healthy

competition and increased efficiency with the introduction of new technology, greater

transparency and broader opportunities for growth. Notwithstanding these gains,

increased financial integration has also heightened the country’s vulnerability to

external shocks and exposure to risks. The 1997 Asian financial crisis exposed the

country’s vulnerability to shocks. While a number of policy measures were put in

place to address these weaknesses, the emergence of new risk would require

constant recalibration of such measures and the evolution of new ones. The

Philippine financial system Resources continue to increase In the last ten years, the

financial sector has benefited from a number of liberalization and deregulation

initiatives as globalization has taken root more strongly in the Philippines. As a

result, the Philippine financial system’s underlying fundamentals have posted steady

progress since 2000. As of November 2005, the total assets of the Philippine

banking system amounted to P 4.4 trillion, more than double the amount recorded in

1996 (Table 1). Commercial banks (KBs), which are further subdivided into universal
and regular commercial banks, continued to be the dominant players in the industry,

accounting for more than 90 percent of the total assets. [5]

Problem Statements
Objective of the Study
Scope and Limitations
Significance of the Study








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