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Boser Faulen. . . . . . . . 9,200 Rigikulm . . . . . . . . . . . . .


periodicals, which abounded at the beginning of the century;

of a genus of aquatic birds (Diomedea), closely allied to the

treated with carbonate of lime (ground chalk or limestone)

of Ammonius and to reproduce the pure doctrine of Aristotle.

used before; as getting of quicke settes. diching, hedging

Ezion-Geber of Scripture, another of the ports whence the

considerable Portuguese expedition was being organized under

one of the pope's mistresses, creations which caused much

the names and positions being identical. If this theory is

who had long been interested in Zanzibar, and who saw in the

I. von IIabsburg (Gotha, 1865); A. L. J. Michelsen,

(14). Above this whole range of building runs the monks'

of the III army corps which formed part of the II German

C. Pascal, Studii di alntichita e Mitologia (1896).

5 Holden v. Hardy, 169 United States Reports, 336, 385-387.

line is about 21 deg. F., the monthly means run from -17 deg. to 60 deg.

at Paris in 1548 and his De Lumbricis at Venice in 1570.

ale, which is a full, sweetish beer, of a dark colour and with

wave-length, then, on account of the greater dispersion in

captivity the animal often lies upon one side on the surface

to almost any sort of land.'' Blith speaks of an instrument

attempts to establish the true salmon in alien localities

as in a case when goods are shipped and received to be

the guereza, gelada, guenon and dog-faced baboon. They

yielded Shakespeare suggestions for The Tempest. Colonel

effectually deprived Shoa of her independence (March 1878).

Ali refused to fight any longer, and demanded that the issue

Alabama therefore stayed away from the polls, and, after five

others had previously used it in a similar connexion, e.g.

Fredericksburg was so disastrous a defeat. Six thousand

subjection on the other. With the institution of adoption,

commerce, but he was overruled. He sailed on the 21st of

Albuminuria. This form affects some people after partaking

the geologically recent changes of altitude whereby the breadth

H. Cloister. U. Cellars and storehouses. 6. Chapel.

south), the lyre (which has found its way to some of the Nilotic

100 Volumes of Volumes of Acetylene.

more comprehensive idea of experience or human life as a

Aluminium Co., organized to work certain patents for winning

Uganda boundary commission, fixed the highest summit at 16,619

the minnesinger Conrad von Wurzburg (ed. M. Haupt, Leipzig,

powerful fleet, and arrived in July at Quiloa (Kilwa), which

of sleep'' or cemetery (Probleme im Aposteltexte, 1-8,


1899 5837 20,370 7604 12,898

While the Carian and Lycian were probabIy independent of the

path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,642

remains. The hot springs, which are of sulphureous quality,

alone: the substance must go ``to him who most wants it.''

residence was reduced to five years. When the interests


volt. (2) Never leave the cells discharged, if it be avoidable.

conduct of the foreign affairs of the republic. He was sent

abscess contains septic germs, and these may have reached the
sisters, while following the funeral procession of the two

| Cumic '' | C6H4.C3H7.CHO |235 deg. | |

and continued until 1830. On the 4th of July in that year a

recognized arrangement. These Cluniac obedientiae differed

genera. The lemon and wild vine are also here met with,

mayor, 8 aldermen and 24 councillors. Area 3427 acres.

further, but constitute a palisading round the central cell

In most parts of the country there are two harvests, as generally

was successively attorney and solicitor-general to the prince

English law now means at the High Court of Justice ``a civil

association in the synoptics of the earliest eucharist with

to appoint an administrator who performs the duties of an

the process of ``alternating''' i.e. of two things following

alcohols result from the reduction of ketones; and from the

See E. A. Gait, A History of Assam (Calcutta, 1906).

are rivals; the Italian Alps boast of Trepalle, 6788 ft.

the city upon a site granted by the emperor Akbar. He also

flee. The priests remained behind in Jerusalem, and their

MES. Mensis. MESS. Menses.

simple and light construction, a hoe or mattock, and a light

small district forming the south-western corner of Bavaria,

the case of bishops of the Orthodox Church, whose sticharia

endeavouring to extend France's influence in West Africa, in

formed in 1899; Belgium, the Chambre Syndicate des Experts

colonial expansion, and although the wording of the letter was

hypochlorite which is a very convenient agent for bleachers,

sources, that there were white men flying a strange flag at

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