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Saturday, July 22, 2023

Trump Mass. lawmaker now key to different tax fight

Neal pushed for Trump’s returns but
Service investigation of the presi- told the Globe he felt vindicated
dent’s son Hunter Biden, drawing when the Supreme Court late last
sees separate issue in Hunter Biden case Neal and the powerful committee he year upheld the committee’s right to
reveres into the controversy. obtain the returns.
By Jim Puzzanghera House Ways and Means Committee, Neal, 74, has been there before. Now, Neal and other Democrats

trial is set GLOBE STAFF

WASHINGTON — Representa-
tive Richard Neal of Springfield is a
self-described institutionalist, a vet-
he again has become a key player for
his party in a high-stakes tax fight
that could reverberate in the presi-
dential election.
As the panel’s chairman in 2019, he
launched a long legal battle to suc-
cessfully obtain former president
Donald Trump’s tax returns. Neal’s
are contrasting that deliberative ap-
proach with what they call the Re-
publicans’ rush to air the whistle-
blower allegations without conduct-

for May
eran lawmaker who prefers diving Republicans have seized on alle- low-key, methodical approach was ing a thorough investigation of the
into complex fiscal policy over gations from a whistle-blower of im- criticized by progressives and explosive assertion that the Justice
throwing partisan bombs. proper interference by the Biden ad- spurred a primary challenge to him Department shielded Hunter Biden
But as the top Democrat on the ministration in an Internal Revenue in 2020. He ignored his critics and NEAL, Page A7

Judge rejects defense bid

for delay and prosecution
request for December date
By Alan Feuer
Recent drownings highlight concern among parents of children with autism
The federal judge overseeing former president
Donald Trump’s prosecution on charges of ille-
gally retaining dozens of classified documents set
a trial date on Friday for May 2024, taking a mid-
dle position between the government’s request to
go to trial in December and Trump’s desire to
push the proceeding until after the 2024 elec-
In her order, Judge Aileen Cannon said the tri-
al was to be held in her home courthouse in Fort
Pierce, Fla., a coastal city 2½ hours north of Mi-
ami that will draw its jury pool from several
counties that Trump won handily in his two pre-
vious presidential campaigns.
Cannon also laid out a calendar of hearings,
throughout the remainder of this year and into
next year, including those concerning the han-
dling of the classified material at the heart of the
The scheduling order came after a conten-
tious hearing Tuesday at the federal courthouse
in Fort Pierce where prosecutors working for the
special counsel, Jack Smith, and lawyers for
Trump sparred over when to hold the trial.
The timing of the proceeding is more impor-
tant in this case than in most criminal matters
because Trump is now the front-runner for the
TRUMP, Page A6

Looking ahead

Cynthia Laine visited Coggshall Park in Fitchburg with her family: Ryan, 13; Kendrick, 10; Jeremiah, 20 months; Luke, 11; and

television future husband, Rosemond. Laine is the founder and executive director of the Black Autism Coalition.

By Matthew Gilbert By Zeina Mohammed

32% 62%

of parents with children on said fears of their children wandering
Imagine, if you will, that it’s six months from ahaira Lopez was the spectrum report having or running off prevent them from
now, Hollywood writers and actors are still on devastated this a close call with drowning attending or enjoying activities
strike, and studio heads are continuing to make month by the news
millions of dollars while their that 7-year-old Anna
CRITIC’S workers, still dragging them- Mburu had drowned
NOTEBOOK selves to the now A-list-less picket in the Merrimack River, the sec- of death for all children. But chil-
lines, lose their apartments. ond reported local drowning of a dren with autism are 160 times
You sit down to watch TV — not the news, or child with autism in two months. more likely to drown than neuro-
sports, but a story with characters and a plot. In May, 4-year-old Mohamed Fof- typical kids, according to a 2017
That Peak TV feeling of infinite options that ana was found dead on Spectacle study in the American Journal of
we’ve gotten used to in the past decade — so many Island after becoming separated Public Health. Nearly one-third
shows, so little time — is no longer in the air. The from a relative on Castle Island. of parents whose children are on
air, when it comes to fresh programming, is stag- Lopez, the mother of a son the spectrum report having a
nant. Production for almost every American script- with autism and executive direc- close call with drowning, and
ed series has long been on pause, the studio execs tor of Autism Sprinter, a Ran- more than half said fears of their
are pondering changes to their approaches now dolph nonprofit, said she lives in children wandering or running
that the streaming boom has abated and their fear of a similar fate befalling her off prevent them from attending
stock prices have fallen, and the people who write family. or enjoying activities outside
about TV and movies for a living are coming up “I cried because, too often, their homes, according to the Na-
with long lists of recommended oldies for viewing- families like us can’t enjoy public tional Autism Association.
hungry readers. The me of six months from now is places like the beach, especially if “We can never let our guard
trying to decide if he can once again nudge Globe you have a child who’s nonver- down,” said Janeka Melanson,
readers into trying “Nurse Jackie” or “Better bal,” said Lopez. “Looking away who remembers when her
Things.” for one second can turn into a daughter Harper, who is autistic,
On the networks, programming is especially tragedy.” bolted from her in public seven Mark Melanson held his 10-year-old daughter, Harper, who is
TELEVISION, Page A10 Drowning is a leading cause AUTISM, Page A10 on the autism spectrum.

TONY BENNETT 1926-2023 The US women’s national soc-

cer team won its first match of

Singer whose voice could swing with the times the 2023 World Cup, defeating
Vietnam, 3-0. C1.

By Mark Feeney Seven leading AI companies in

GLOBE STAFF the United States have agreed
Tony Bennett, whose huskily expressive voice and warm, wel- to safeguards on the technolo- Sol train
coming manner made him one of the foremost popular singers gy’s development, the White
of the last eight decades, died Friday at his home in Manhattan. House said, pledging to man- Saturday: Stormy then sunny.
He was 96. age the risks of the new tools High: 79-84. Low: 65-70.
His publicist, Sylvia Weiner, announced his death. even as they compete. A2. Sunday: Sunny and nice.
Mr. Bennett had revealed in 2021 that he had Alzheimer’s dis- High: 81-86. Low: 67-72.
ease. More than 1,000 pilots and
Sunrise: 5:27 Sunset: 8:14
The winner of 19 Grammy Awards, one of them for lifetime other personnel in the Israeli
achievement, Mr. Bennett was the last great interpreter of the air force reserve said they Comics and Weather, D4-5.
classic American popular song. He belonged to a line that began would not report for duty next Obituaries, C9.
with Bing Crosby in the 1920s, reached its zenith with Frank Si- week if the government pushes
natra in the ’50s, and, in the person of Mr. Bennett, maintained through a contentious plan to
an exceedingly high standard down to the present. How high? reduce judicial power without
VOL . 304, NO. 22
Crosby called Mr. Bennett “the greatest singer I ever heard.” Si- broader consensus. A5.
natra considered him “the best singer in the business, the best *
exponent of a song.” A North End restaurant owner Suggested retail price
Unlike Crosby and Sinatra, Mr. Bennett found himself em- who had been sought by po- $3.50
braced by the rock generation. His appearance at the MTV Music lice was ordered held without
Awards in 1993 drew widespread attention and led to a “Tony bail after his arrest in connec-
Bennett Unplugged” concert on MTV. The resulting CD was the tion with a shooting on Ha-
Mr. Bennett performed at a private concert at the Encore largest popular success of his career. “I Left My Heart in San nover Street on July 12. B1.
casino in Everett in 2019. BENNETT, Page C9
A2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3

The Nation
AI companies agree to safeguards after pressure
Voluntary rules our values,” Biden said in brief tion,” Biden said. Nick Clegg, the president of glob- R Conducting research on the dealing with this new technolo-
remarks from the Roosevelt The White House offered no al affairs at Meta, the parent risks of bias, discrimination, and gy thoughtfully and proactively.
help, but Biden Room at the White House. details of a forthcoming presiden- company of Facebook, said in a invasion of privacy from the But the rules that they agreed
“This is a serious responsibil- tial executive order that will deal statement. “They are an impor- spread of AI tools. on are largely the lowest com-
says more needed ity. We have to get it right,” he with a bigger problem: how to tant first step in ensuring respon- mon denominator and can be
said, flanked by the executives control the ability of China and sible guardrails are established interpreted by every company
By Michael D. Shear f r o m t h e c o m p a n i e s . “A n d other competitors to get ahold of for AI and they create a model ‘We must be clear- differently. For example, the
and Cecilia Kang there’s enormous, enormous po- new AI programs, or the compo- for other governments to follow.” firms are committed to strict cy-
NEW YORK TIMES tential upside as well.” nents used to develop them. As part of the safeguards, the eyed and vigilant bersecurity around the data and
Seven leading AI companies
in the United States have agreed
The announcement comes as
the companies are racing to out-
That involves new restric-
tions on advanced semiconduc-
companies agreed to:
R Security testing of their AI
about the threats code used to make the “language
models” on which generative AI
to voluntary safeguards on the do each other with versions of AI tors and on the export of the products, in part by indepen- ... from emerging programs are developed. But
technology’s development, the that offer powerful new ways to large language models. Those dent experts, and to share infor- there is no specificity about
White House announced Friday, create text, photos, music, and are hard to control — much of mation about their products
technologies.’ what that means — and the com-
pledging to manage the risks of video without human input. But the software can fit, com- with governments and others PRESIDENT BIDEN panies would have an interest in
the new tools even as they com- the technological leaps have pressed, on a thumb drive. who are attempting to manage protecting their intellectual
pete over the potential of artifi- prompted fears about the spread An executive order could pro- the risks of the technology. property anyway.
cial intelligence. of disinformation and dire voke more opposition from the R Ensuring that consumers Paul Barrett, the deputy di-
The seven companies — Am- warnings of a “risk of extinction” industry than Friday’s voluntary are able to spot AI-generated rector of the Stern Center for
azon, Anthropic, Google, Inflec- as self-aware computers evolve. commitments, which experts material by implementing wa- Business and Human Rights at
tion, Meta, Microsoft, and Open- The voluntary safeguards are said were already reflected in termarks or other means of In a statement announcing New York University, said that
AI — formally announced their only an early, tentative step as the practices of the companies identifying generated content. the agreements, the Biden ad- more needed to be done
commitment to new standards Washington and governments involved. The promises won’t re- R Publicly reporting the capa- ministration said the companies “ T he voluntar y commit-
in the areas of safety, security, across the world rush to put in strain the plans of the AI compa- bilities and limitations of their must ensure that “innovation ments announced today are not
and trust at a meeting with Pres- place legal and regulatory frame- nies nor hinder the development systems on a regular basis, in- doesn’t come at the expense of enforceable, which is why it’s vi-
ident Biden at the White House works. of their technologies. And as vol- cluding security risks and evi- Americans’ rights and safety.” tal that Congress, together with
on Friday. Lawmakers, however, have untar y commitments, they dence of bias. For the companies, the stan- the White House, promptly
“We must be clear-eyed and struggled to regulate social me- won’t be enforced by govern- R Deploying advanced artifi- dards described Friday serve two crafts legislation requiring
vigilant about the threats ... dia and other technologies. ment regulators. cial intelligence tools to tackle purposes: as an effort to fore- transparency, privacy protec-
from emerging technologies that “We’re going to work with “ We are pleased to make society’s biggest challenges, such stall, or shape, legislative and tions, and stepped up research
can pose — don’t have to but can both parties to develop appro- these voluntary commitments as curing cancer and combating regulatory moves with self-polic- on the wide range of risks posed
pose — to our democracy and priate legislation and regula- alongside others in the sector,” climate change. ing, and as a signal that they are by generative AI,” Barrett said.

Daily Briefing
Biden picks female
N.D. shooter had
goal to ‘kill fast’ admiral to lead Navy
Historic nominee
FARGO, N.D. — The man
who ambushed Fargo police of- to chiefs of staff
ficers during a traffic stop last
week, killing one and wound- By Lolita C. Baldor
ing two others and a civilian, ASSOCIATED PRESS

searched the internet for terms WASHINGTON — President

including “explosive ammo” Biden has chosen Admiral Lisa
and “kill fast,” as well as for Franchetti to lead the Navy, an
what crowded events might be unprecedented choice that, if
happening in North Dakota’s she is confirmed, will make her
largest city, authorities said the first woman to be a Penta-
Friday. gon service chief and the first fe-
Mohamad Barakat, 37, was male member of the Joint Chiefs
apparently driven by hatred of Staff. Lisa Franchetti is the current
and wanting to kill, and he Biden's decision goes against vice chief of operations.
didn’t seem to be particular the recommendation of his Pen-
about which group or individ- tagon chief. But Franchetti, the dangerous,” Biden said. “He is
ual he might target, state At- current vice chief of operations risking our ability to ensure that
torney General Drew Wrigley for the Navy, has broad com- the United States Armed Forces
said at a news conference. mand and executive experience, remain the greatest fighting
On the day of the attack, Ju- and was considered by insiders force in the history of the world.
ly 14, Barakat loaded his car to be the top choice for the job. And his Republican colleagues
with guns, a homemade gre- In a statement Friday, Biden in the Senate know it.”
nade, gasoline canisters, pro- noted the historical significance Franchetti is slated to serve
pane tanks containing impro- of her selection and said as the acting Navy chief begin-
vised explosives, and more “throughout her career, Admiral ning next month when Admiral
than 1,800 rounds of ammuni- Franchetti has demonstrated ex- Michael Gilday, the current top
tion, authorities said. tensive expertise in both the op- naval officer, retires as planned.
About 2 miles from his erational and policy arenas.” Several women have served
home, he came across a fender Defense Secretary Lloyd Aus- as military service secretaries as
bender by “happenstance” and tin recommended that Biden se- political appointees, but never
pulled over to watch from his lect Admiral Samuel Paparo, the as their top uniformed officer. A
parked vehicle, Wrigley said. current commander of the Na- woman, Admiral Linda L. Fa-
With police and firefighters vy’s Pacific Fleet, several US offi- gan, is currently the comman-
busy helping, Barakat watched Dylan Warfel (in black) and cials said last month. But in- dant of the Coast Guard. She,
for several minutes until the Kristina Gertser are trying to stead, Biden is nominating Pap- however, is not a member of the
officers walked by him, when capture domesticated aro to lead US Indo-Pacific Joint Staff. The Coast Guard is
he lifted a .223-caliber rifle out lionhead rabbits in Wilton Command. part of the Department of
of his car window and began Manors, Fla. A senior administration offi- Homeland Security, not the Pen-
firing, Wrigley said. cial said Biden chose Franchetti tagon.
The rifle had a “binary trig-
ger” that allowed it to fire so
Effort underway to round up rabbits in Fla. suburb based on the broad scope of her
experience at sea and ashore, in-
The news last month that the
defense chief had recommended
rapidly that it sounded like an WILTON MANORS, Fla. — have populated the suburban food. “They bring a lot of joy to cluding a number of high-level Papara stunned many in the
automatic weapon, the attor- Dan Trebowski was angry when Fort Lauderdale neighborhood the neighborhood.” policy and administrative jobs Pentagon because it was long
ney general said. he saw people in front of his so they can be put up for adop- Lionhead rabbits are bred to that give her deep knowledge in believed that Franchetti was in
The three officers who were Wilton Manors home trying to tion. live in homes. They are not wild budgeting and running the de- line for the top Navy job.
shot had no time to react and capture the lionhead rabbits They are captured using animals any more than a pack partment. In a statement Friday, Austin
fell in rapid succession. Ba- that have populated his neigh- traps, hands, and, sometimes, of cocker spaniels would be just At the same time, the official praised the nomination, saying,
rakat also shot and wounded a borhood. He feared the domes- nets. They are not harmed in because they descend from acknowledged that Biden un- “I’m very proud that Admiral
fleeing woman, Karlee Kos- ticated bunnies, who are not the process. wolves. Florida’s environment derstands the historical nature Franchetti has been nominated
wick, who had been involved meant to live outdoors, were be- “It is important that they are in particular is not friendly to of the nomination and believes to be the first woman Chief of
in the fender bender, the attor- ing taken away to be killed. not euthanized. It is under- them. Their thick, bushy mane that Franchetti will be an inspi- Naval Operations and member
ney general said. He calmed down once he standable that this is not the and heavy coat makes them ration to sailors, both men and of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
The fourth officer at the was assured that Dylan Warfel, right environment for them,” overheat in the summer. Their women. The official spoke earli- where she will continue to in-
scene, Zach Robinson, engaged Tina Crossgrove, and Kristina Trebowski said Thursday night. lack of fear makes them suscep- er on condition of anonymity be- spire all of us.”
Barakat in a shootout, which Gertser were from Penny & Still, he is a bit disappointed tible to predators like cats and cause the nomination had not A surface warfare officer, she
ended with Robinson shooting Wild Smalls of South Florida. that the rabbits can’t stay — his hawks. And they get hit by cars. been made public. has commanded at all levels,
and killing Barakat as bystand- Theirs is one of the groups that two schnauzers love playing They also dig holes in yards and Franchetti’s nomination will heading Sixth Fleet and Naval
ers crouched nearby. has begun capturing the esti- with them. Most of them just damage outdoor wiring. join the list of hundreds of mili- Forces Korea. She was the second
ASSOCIATED PRESS mated 60 to 100 rabbits that hop right up to people, seeking ASSOCIATED PRESS tary moves that are being held woman to be promoted to four-
up by Republican Senator Tom- star admiral, and she did multi-
my Tuberville of Alabama. He is ple deployments, including as
5 Patriot Front members convicted Guilty plea filed in child porn case blocking the confirmation of
military officers in protest of a
commander of a naval destroyer
and two stints as aircraft carrier
COEUR D’ALENE, Idaho — “a little army” at a hotel park- ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A for- count associated with Meek. Defense Department policy that strike group commander.
Five members of the white na- ing lot in Coeur d’Alene, police mer investigative journalist for As part of a plea agreement, pays for travel when a service Paparo, who if confirmed will
tionalist hate group Patriot have said. ABC News pleaded guilty Fri- Meek admitted he used an iP- member has to go out of state to replace Admiral John Aquilino,
Front were convicted Thursday Police found riot gear, a day to federal child sexual hone to exchange the illicit ma- get an abortion or other repro- is a naval aviator and a Topgun
of misdemeanor charges of con- smoke grenade, shin guards, abuse material charges. terials, including a video show- ductive care. graduate with more than 6,000
spiracy to riot at a Pride event. and shields inside the van after James Gordon Meek, 53, of ing the sexual abuse of an in- Biden, in his statement , flight hours in Navy fighter jets
A Kootenai County jury pulling it over near where the Arlington, Va., admitted during fant, during a chat session with blasted Tuberville for prioritiz- and 1,100 landings on aircraft
found Forrest Rankin, Devin North Idaho Pride Alliance was a plea hearing in US District two other individuals. ing his domestic political agen- carriers. A Pennsylvania native,
Center, Derek Smith, James Ju- holding a Pride in the Park Court in Alexandria that he ille- An FBI affidavit indicates da over military readiness. he graduated from Villanova
lius Johnson, and Robert Whit- event, Coeur d’Alene Police gally possessed and transported that agents founds dozens of “What Senator Tuberville is University and was commis-
ted guilty after about an hour of Chief Lee White has said. images of child sexual abuse. child sexual abuse images and doing is not only wrong — it is sioned into the Navy in 1987.
deliberation, news outlets re- Rioting is generally a misde- He covered national security is- videos when they searched
ported. meanor in Idaho. Conspiracy to sues for the network until he re- Meek’s home last year.
A total of 31 Patriot Front riot is punishable by up to one signed last year. The affidavit says evidence
members, including one identi- year in jail, as well as a $5,000 Court papers indicate the in- was also seized showing Meek Reporting corrections
fied as its founder, were arrest- fine, and up to two years of pro- vestigation began when the FBI used Snapchat and other apps
ed June 11, 2022, after some- bation. The five men are sched- received a tip from Dropbox to pressure minors into sending The Globe welcomes information about errors that call for
one reported seeing people uled to be sentenced on Friday. about videos showing the sexu- him sexually explicit images. corrections. Information may be sent to or
loading into a U-Haul van like ASSOCIATED PRESS al abuse of children in an ac- ASSOCIATED PRESS left in a message at 617-929-8230.
S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e A3

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A4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3

The World
Spain’s election raises party questions
Voters deciding Sánchez’s Socialists have, for
their part, raised alarm about
gant, and unprincipled impulse
to break any promise and make
seek support from both indepen-
dence parties again.
which side keeps their conservative opponents’ ex- any alliance to stay in power. “Of course,” Sánchez said. “To
tremist allies in the Vox party. Vox The main beef is his alliance carry out a labor reform, I would
bad company could become the first far-right with pro-independence Catalans. look for votes, even under the
party to enter government since During Spain’s last national elec- stones.”
By Jason Horowitz the Franco dictatorship if the tion, Sánchez promised to arrest Supporters of Sánchez point
NEW YORK TIMES leading conservative party wins the leading Catalonian secession- out that the negotiations have
BARCELONA — The war in and needs its support. ists. But soon after, with his gov- greatly reduced tensions with
Ukraine is raging. Scorching tem- The hyper-focus on political ernment’s survival depending on Catalan’s separatist movement,
peratures are prompting a cli- bedfellows has obscured a de- their support, he began negotiat- but conservative voters say that
mate reckoning. Economic inse- bate about critical issues in ing their pardons instead. the near-secession still leaves a
curity abounds. But the Spanish Spain such as housing, the econ- “He succumbed to political bad taste in their mouths.
election may pivot on the ques- omy, and employment, as well as pressure and the need to govern Even more so, they say they A person walked among debris at a farm storage building
tion of bad company. the prime minister’s actual re- the country,” said Gabriel Ru- are disgusted by Sánchez’s de- damaged in a Russian attack in Ukraine’s Odesa region.
As Spaniards prepare to vote cord, which includes winning fián, a member of parliament pendence on the votes of EH

Russia scolded
in national elections Sunday, ex- from the European Union a with Esquerra Republicana, a Bildu, the descendants of the po-
perts say voters are being asked price cap on gas for electricity. pro-Catalan independence party. litical wing of ETA, which killed
to decide who — the center-left “This election is about the Conservatives also frequently more than 850 people as it, too,
government or the favored cen- partners,” said Pablo Simón, a recall that Sánchez once claimed sought to carve out an indepen-

for backing out

ter-right opposition — has the political scientist at Madrid’s he would not be able to sleep dent country from Spain.
more unsavory, less acceptable, Carlos III University. “The part- through the night if the far-left That Basque terrorist group
and dangerously extremist ners of the right and the part- Podemos party entered his gov- disbanded more than a decade
friends. ners of the left.” ernment. But Sánchez needed ago, and Spain’s judiciary has

of grain deal
Polls suggest that Prime Min- Neither the conservative Pop- the party, so it did. deemed Bildu a legitimate and
ister Pedro Sánchez, the Socialist ular Party nor Sánchez’s Social- Since then, Podemos has col- democratic political group. But
leader, will be ousted by conser- ists have gone up or down radi- lapsed and, experts say, its mis- for many Spaniards, it remains
vatives who have made hay of cally in support since the last takes and overreaches have tainted by the bloody legacy of
his reliance on allies who have elections, in 2019, and neither is turned moderate and swing vot- the past and concern for the
tried to secede from Spain. They expected to win an absolute ma- ers to the conservatives. Sánchez country’s cohesion in the future.
include northern Spain’s Catalo- jority of Spain’s 350-seat Con- is hoping that a new left-wing Even Sánchez’s key allies rec- Port attacks also
nian independence movement
and political descendants of the
Instead, the Populist Party
umbrella group, Sumar, can
make up for the losses and get
ognized the right benefited by
dictating the terms of the elec-
draw UN ire
Basque secessionist group ETA, and its potential nationalist part- him to a threshold where he can tion as a referendum on Bildu. By Claire Parker
who infuriated voters before lo- ners in Vox have used the prime again turn to his secessionist al- “Their whole campaign is con- and Robyn Dixon
cal elections in May when they minister’s allies to create a pic- lies for support in parliament. structed on this,” said Ernest Ur- WASHINGTON POST

fielded 44 convicted terrorists as ture of what they call “Sánchis- In an interview on National tasun, a member of the European Russia is facing a barrage of
candidates, including seven mo.” They define it as the prime Spanish Radio on Sunday, Sán- Parliament and the spokesperson criticism from countries around
found guilty of murder. minister’s self-interested, arro- chez said he would, if necessary, for the left-wing Sumar party. the world — including some of
its friends — for its strikes on
Ukrainian ports and its decision
this week to suspend participa-
Daily Briefing tion in a UN deal that allowed
Ukrainian grain to be exported
through the Black Sea.
Senior diplomats at a meet-
ing of the UN Security Council Igor Strelkov
on Friday excoriated Russia’s
moves, which have sent grain
prices soaring and which offi-
Hard-line critic
cials warned would exacerbate held in Moscow
global food insecurity, leading
some people in the world’s poor- ASSOCIATED PRESS

est countries to starve. MOSCOW — A prominent

“Russia is waging war on the hard-line nationalist who ac-
world’s food supply,” Linda cused Russian President
Thomas-Greenfield, US ambas- Vladimir Putin of weakness
sador to the United Nations, and indecision in Ukraine
warned the council. “Russian ex- was arrested Friday on charg-
porters are already benefiting es of extremism, a signal the
while millions who cannot af- Kremlin has toughened its
ford higher-priced grain suffer, approach with hawkish crit-
especially people in the Middle ics after last month’s abortive
East and Africa. Let’s be clear: rebellion by the Wagner mer-
Russia has zero, zero legitimate cenary company.
reason to suspend its participa- Igor Strelkov, a retired se-
tion in this arrangement.” curity officer who led Mos-
Gabon's representative la- cow-backed separatists in
mented the apparent conclusion eastern Ukraine in 2014 and
of a rare diplomatic success sto- was convicted of murder in
ry in the Ukraine war, which had the Netherlands for his role
“allowed us to hope that a cer- in the downing of a Malaysia
tain degree of calm would begin Airlines passenger jet that
to prevail, namely in terms of year, has argued that a total
food security.” mobilization is needed for
The Black Sea Grain Initia- Russia to achieve victory. He
tive, brokered by the United recently criticized Putin as a
Nations and Turkey last July, re- “cowardly mediocrity.”
UNREST IN NAIROBI — An opposition supporter threw a teargas canister fired by antiriot police Friday during started shipments of Ukrainian Moscow’s Meshchansky
clashes with Kenyan police officers on the third day of anti-government protests in Nairobi. grain after a months-long District Court ordered the 52-
Russian blockade caused global year-old Strelkov, whose real
food prices to skyrocket. The name is Igor Girkin, to be
blockade set off alarm bells held pending an inquiry.
Presidential candidate office raided Amsterdam cruise port may move about rising hunger, at a time
when climate change and con-
GUATEMALA CITY — Gua- power day by day is carrying AMSTERDAM — Amster- from its current location close flict were already fueling food in- recently for the European Com-
temalan agents and police raid- out to try to intimidate us, to dam wants to move a cruise lin- to the central rail station. security. mission to connect a subsidiary
ed the offices of the Seed Move- try to derail the electoral pro- er terminal out of the heart of “A clear decision has been One of the two agreements of the Russian Agricultural Bank
ment of presidential candidate cess.” the historic capital city as the made by the council that the guaranteed safe passage of com- to SWIFT, he said.
Bernardo Arévalo on Friday as The raid followed allega- latest step in its ongoing battle cruise (terminal) should leave mercial ships from the Ukraini- “I am deeply disappointed
part of an investigation into al- tions earlier Friday by Guate- against pollution and hordes of the city,” Ilana Rooderkerk, an Black Sea ports of Odesa, that my proposals went unheed-
leged wrongdoing in the party’s malan electoral authorities that tourists clogging its narrow, leader of the centrist D66 party Chernomorsk, and Yuzhny, with ed,” Guterres said Monday.
formation. a number of state actors were cobbled streets. in Amsterdam, told the Associ- inspection teams in Turkey China’s deputy UN ambassa-
Andrea Reyes, a lawyer and attempting to interfere with the The Dutch capital is one of ated Press in an email on Fri- charged with checking for unau- dor Geng Shuang noted
party member, confirmed that country’s presidential election. the many picturesque Europe- day. “The municipal executive thorized people and cargo. It al- Guterres’s commitment to make
the agents and police had come The electoral authorities sought an cities — from Rome to Ven- of Amsterdam is now going to so forbade parties from attack- every effort to ensure that both
to search for documents. The an order from the country’s ice to Paris — grappling with work on how to implement it.” ing civilian vessels and port facil- Ukrainian grain and Russian
Attorney General’s Office also highest court to protect the how to manage visitor numbers Dick de Graaff, director of ities tied to the initiative. A food and fertilizer get to world
confirmed the search. electoral process. that are again soaring in the af- Cruise Port Amsterdam that op- parallel accord made it easier for markets. He expressed hope that
In an audio recording The country’s political sys- termath of shutdowns during erates the terminal in the city Russia to export grain and fertil- Russia and the United Nations
shared with journalists, Arévalo tem has been in disarray since the coronavirus pandemic. center, told the AP the company izer — products that were not will work together to resume ex-
denounced the raid as illegal the progressive Arévalo placed Aldermen at Amsterdam’s had taken note of the vote and under Western sanctions, but ports from both countries “at an
and said it “is part of the politi- a surprising second in an initial municipality voted Thursday in is awaiting the municipality’s with which banks and traders early date” in the interest of
cal persecution that the corrupt round of voting June 25. favor of a motion calling on the next move. had been wary of involvement “maintaining international food
minority that knows it is losing ASSOCIATED PRESS city to move the terminal away ASSOCIATED PRESS for fear of being penalized. security and alleviating the food
Russia had repeatedly threat- crisis in developing countries in
ened to pull out of the agree- particular.”
Likely Beethoven bones set for study Indonesian market ends slaughter ment, complaining that Western
sanctions were still hindering
In recent months, Russia
held up inspections of vessels
LONDON — Ludwig van ailed the classical music mae- TOMOHON, Indonesia — sparked outrage. the export of Russian agricultur- seeking to exit the Black Sea,
Beethoven, wracked by deaf- stro who died in 1827. Authorities on Friday an- The permanent end of the al products. Russia has demand- slowing the flow of goods. Still,
ness and ill health throughout ‘‘It’s about finding the right nounced the end of the “brutal- slaughter and trade was an- ed better global access for its under the deal, more than 1,000
much of his life, asked for his balance between comprehensi- ly cruel” dog and cat meat nounced Friday by the Regional own agricultural products and vessels carried some 36 million
body to be studied when he ble public interest and respect slaughter at a notorious animal Secretary of the city of Tomo- wants the Russian Agricultural tons of food commodities from
died. for a deceased person,’’ Univer- market on the Indonesian is- hon, Edwin Roring. HSI said Bank — which has financed oil Ukrainian ports to countries
This week, an American sity Rector Markus Müller said land of Sulawesi following a they will be rescuing all the re- shipments since the Ukraine in- around the world, according to
businessman returned frag- in a statement. ‘‘We gratefully years-long campaign by local maining live dogs and cats from vasion — to be reconnected to UN figures.
ments of a skull that scientists accept these fragments and will activists and world celebrities. the slaughterhouse suppliers the SWIFT global payments sys- Moscow’s withdrawal — cou-
believe belong to the famed store them responsibly.’’ The Tomohon Extreme Mar- and taking them to sanctuaries. tem. pled with its announcement that
German composer for research The remains were donated ket will become the first such “We hope that Tomohon will UN Secretary General it would consider all ships en
at the Medical University of Vi- by Paul Kaufmann, who, ac- market in Indonesia to go dog be totally free from dog and cat António Guterres told reporters route to Ukrainian Black Sea
enna, where he lived and cording to the statement, inher- and cat meat-free, according to meat trades,” Roring said. “We this week he sent a letter to Pres- ports to be involved in the con-
worked. ited the fragments from his the anti-animal cruelty group believe the way to reduce peo- ident Vladimir Putin detailing flict as of Thursday — effectively
Medical and DNA experts Austrian-born mother, who in Humane Society International, ple’s interest in consuming dog actions the United Nations has reimposed Russia’s blockade.
will study and store the bones, turn received them from the es- or HSI. Images of dogs and cats and cat meat in Tomohon is to taken to facilitate the export of That could allow Russian grain
known also as the Seligmann tate of her great-uncle. being bludgeoned and blow- stop selling it in markets.” Russian fertilizer. The United to replace Ukrainian grain in
fragments, to find out what WASHINGTON POST torched while still alive had ASSOCIATED PRESS Nations also brokered a proposal global markets.
S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e The World A5

UK voters hand Sunak’s Conservative Party two defeats

Labour, Liberal Frome, in England’s southwest,
revealing further cracks in what
that unless there is a significant
change in the political landscape
to give the prime minister
enough political breathing space
Democrats win had long been a heartland of To- in the coming months, the To- to hold off for now. And it came
ry voters. ries are on track to lose to La- after a week of better-than-ex-
in Tory districts But the Conservatives avoid- bour in the next national elec- pected economic news on infla-
ed a sweep by narrowly holding tion. tion.
By Mark Landler on to Uxbridge and South Ruis- “No matter how much they Still, for Labour, the victory
and Stephen Castle lip, in the northwestern fringes tr y to make it all about Ux- in Selby and Ainsty was one of
NEW YORK TIMES of London, a district that had bridge, Conservative MPs will its most striking in decades: The
LONDON — Britain’s Conser- been represented by the former know in their heart of hearts party’s candidate, Keir Mather,
vative Party suffered crushing prime minister, Boris Johnson. that this was a very bad night for overturned the largest Conserva-
defeats in the race for what had For Sunak, who has been their party,” said Tim Bale, a pro- tive majority in a by-election
previously been two safe seats in weighed down by a cost-of-living fessor of politics at Queen Mary since 1945 with a huge swing in
Parliament, but narrowly avoid- crisis and scandals involving University of London. the vote. At 25, Mather will be-
ed losing a third contest, in elec- Johnson and other Tories, the The success of Labour in one come the youngest member of
tion results Friday that sent an victory in Uxbridge was likely an district and the Liberal Demo- the House of Commons.
ominous signal about the politi- outlier — driven by an unpopu- crats in another, he said, sug- “This is a historic result that
cal future of Prime Minister Ri- lar plan by London’s Labour gested that people were voting shows that people are looking at
shi Sunak. mayor, Sadiq Khan, to extend a tactically to increase the odds of Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak talked to Conservative Labour and seeing a changed
The main opposition Labour costly low-emission zone to en- defeating the Conservatives. Party members at a cafe in Ruislip Friday after the elections. party that is focused entirely on
Party won its biggest by-election compass the district. “Voters are pretty clued-up the priorities of working people
victory since 1945 in Selby and The other two races, analysts now as to which opposition par- over his attendance at lock- bridge, Sunak tried to put a good with an ambitious, practical
Ainsty, in Yorkshire in the north said, are a better gauge of Brit- ty to support if they want to get down-breaking parties; Nigel face on the outcome. plan to deliver,” the Labour lead-
of England — a dramatic shift in ain’s anti-incumbent mood after rid of the government next year,” Adams, a close ally of Johnson’s “By-elections, midterm, are er, Keir Starmer, said.
fortunes and a worrisome defeat 13 years of Conservative rule Bale said. in Selby and Ainsty; and David always difficult for an incum- For the Liberal Democrats,
for the Tories in a region that and provided a possible preview By-elections occur when a Warburton of Somerton and bent government,” he said to Sky the victory in Somerton and
had undergirded their sweeping of the general election that Su- seat in the House of Commons Frome, who admitted to using News. “They rarely win them.” Frome was numerically even
national victory three years ago. nak must call by January 2025. becomes vacant between gener- cocaine. Such were the fears of a wipe- more impressive: Sarah Dyke, a
The centrist Liberal Demo- Voters in reliably Tory bas- al elections. These races were The voting took place Thurs- out that there had been rumors Somerset counselor, overturned
crats scored a thumping win in tions of Britain’s north and triggered by the departures of day, and results were counted that Sunak might have rushed a Tory majority of more than
another former Conservative south came out strongly against Johnson, who was rebuked by through the night and into early into a Cabinet reshuffle Friday. 19,000 to win the seat by 11,008
s tronghold, Somer ton and the Conservatives, suggesting his peers for misleading them Friday. In a morning visit to Ux- But the split decision appeared votes.

Quran desecration in
Sweden sparks protests
Thousands of Muslims filled streets
to express rage outside embassies
By Abby Sewell manded the expulsion of the
ASSOCIATED PRESS Swedish ambassador.
BEIRUT — Thousands of “The Quran talks to humans
people took to the streets in a all the time, and its voice will
handful of Muslim-majority never be stopped,” protester
countries Friday to express Fatemeh Jafari said. “They can
their outrage at the desecration never destroy the Quran! Even
of a copy of the Quran in Swe- if they burn it, we will stand by
den, a day af ter protes ters it!”
stormed the country’s embassy The demonstrations come
in Iraq. after Swedish police permitted
The protests in Iraq, Leba- a protest Thursday in which an
non, and Iran that followed Iraqi of Christian origin living
weekly prayers were controlled in Stockholm — now a self-de-
and peaceful, in contrast to scribed atheist — threatened to
scenes in Baghdad on Thursday, burn a copy of the Quran. In the
when demonstrators occupied end, the man kicked and stood
the Swedish Embassy com- on the holy book outside of the
pound for several hours and set Iraqi Embassy. He gave similar
a small fire. treatment to an Iraqi flag and
The embassy staff had been to photos of Sadr and of Iran’s
evacuated before the storming, supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali
and Swedish news agency TT Khamenei.
reported that they were relocat- T he right to hold public
ed to Stockholm for security demonstrations is protected by
Demonstrators flew flags as they protested near the Israeli village of Moshav Shoresh on Friday. reasons. the constitution in Sweden, and
For Muslims, any desecra- blasphemy laws were aban-

Israeli reservists threaten to stop serving tion of the Quran, their holy
text, is abhorrent.
Under scorching heat Friday,
doned in the 1970s. Police gen-
erally give permission based on
whether they believe a public
thousands gathered in Bagh- gathering can be held without
Cite objections Strip and Syria, patrol missions The opposition fears that the In a statement, the Israel De- dad’s Sadr City, a stronghold of major disruptions or safety
to plan for court over Israel, and surveillance
missions over Lebanon and the
legislation undermines the qual-
ity of Israel’s democracy, re-
fense Forces said many reserv-
ists who had already declared
influential Iraqi Shiite cleric
and political leader Muqtada al-
The reaction in Iraq was par-
occupied West Bank are fre- moves a key check on govern- their intent to stop serving had Sadr, some of whose followers ticularly virulent, although no
By Patrick Kingsley quently led by reserve pilots and ment overreach and will allow not in fact formally notified the took part in the attack on the embassy staff were injured
and Ronen Bergman drone operators. Many of them the government — the most ul- military of their intention. Swedish Embassy. They bran- since none were present. After
NEW YORK TIMES have more experience than tranationalist and ultraconser- The air force is not monolith- dished Qurans, burned the protesters left the embassy, dip-
JERUSALEM — More than those in the full-time forces. An vative in Israeli history — to ic, and many officers — both in Swedish flag and the LGBTQ lomats closed it to visitors with-
1,000 pilots and other personnel Israeli strike on Iran, which build a less pluralist society. the full-time force and among rainbow flag and chanted, “Yes, out specifying when it would re-
in the Israeli air force reserve Prime Minister Benjamin Ne- Critics of the government al- its reserve — have either yes to the Quran, no, no to Isra- open.
said Friday they would not re- tanyahu has said Israel must be so say it is legitimate for civil- pledged to carry on serving de- el.” The state-run Iraqi News
port for duty next week if the ready to carry out if needed to ians whose permanent military spite their personal political Iraqi Prime Minister Agency reported that some 20
government pushes through a protect itself, would also heavily opinions, or said they support Mohammed Shia al-Sudani had people were arrested in connec-
contentious plan to reduce judi- rely on reservists. the judicial changes in the first called on protesters and securi- tion with the storming of the
cial power without broader con- Even a shor t break from “When we are on place. ty forces to ensure that the embassy. Among those arrested
sensus. training could affect their ability In the streets, protests con- demonstrations remained were an Associated Press pho-
In a joint letter released Fri- to fly, since it would take time the edge of an tinued. Thousands of Israelis peaceful. tographer and two Reuters staff
day, 1,142 air force reservists —
including 235 fighter pilots, 98
for pilots to regain battle-ready
sharpness, the military says.
abyss — of losing joined a march from Tel Aviv to
Jerusalem on Friday in a dem-
In the southern suburbs of
Beirut, thousands more gath-
who were covering the protests.
The detained journalists were
transport plane pilots, 89 heli- The move reflects the deep the country we onstration against Netanyahu’s ered at a protest called by the released hours later without
copter pilots, and 173 drone op- social ruptures that have been coalition. Iran-backed militia and politi- charges, following an order
erators — said they would not widened by the government’s
fought for — the The demonstrators planned cal party Hezbollah, also bran- f r o m t h e p r i m e m i n i s t e r ’s
serve if the government pro- judicial plan. contract has been to camp overnight at Shoresh, dishing copies of the holy book office.
ceeded with its plan to reduce In a vote next week, the gov- about 11 miles from Jerusalem, and chanting “with our blood, Sudani, the Iraqi prime min-
the ways in which the Supreme ernment seeks to bar the Su- broken.” before heading to Israel’s parlia- we protect the Quran.” Some ister, ordered the expulsion of
Court can overrule the govern- preme Court from overruling OFER LAPIDOT ment on Saturday, the Jewish burned Swedish flags. the Swedish ambassador and
ment. the national government using Reserve air force brigadier day of rest. The secretar y-general of the withdrawal of the Iraqi
“Legislation that allows the the legal standard of “reason- general Unrest also continued on the Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, charge d’affaires from Sweden.
government to act in an ex- ableness,” a concept that judges occupied West Bank. Israeli in a video address Thursday
tremely unreasonable manner use to block ministerial appoint- forces shot and killed a 17-year- night called on Muslims to de-
will harm the security of the ments and contest planning de- old Palestinian boy, Palestinian mand their governments expel
state of Israel, will cause a loss of cisions, among other measures. duty has ended to decide to health officials said, the latest Sweden’s ambassadors. Iraq cut
trust and a violation of my con- The government and its sup- withdraw from volunteer ser- bloodshed in a more than year- diplomatic ties with Sweden BOSTON GLOBE MEDIA
sent to continue risking my life porters say the legislation will vice. long cycle of violence that has earlier that day. 1 Exchange Place, Suite 201
— and will lead, with deep sor- improve democracy by giving Ofer Lapidot, a reserve air gripped the region. “I invite brothers and sisters Boston, MA 02109-2132
row and lack of choice, to the elected lawmakers more author- force brigadier general who The boy — whom Palestinian in all neighborhoods and villag-
suspension of my volunteer ser- ity and will allow them to more stepped down during a wave of health officials identified as Mu- es to attend all mosques, carry-
The Boston Globe (USPS061-420)
vice in the reserves,” the letter easily implement the policies resignations by reservists last hammad Fouad Atta al-Bayed — ing their Qurans and sit in is published Monday–Saturday.
said. they were elected to enact. The week, said the judicial overhaul was shot in the head by Israeli them, calling on the state to Periodicals postage-paid at Boston, MA.
If such a large number of re- court can still overrule the gov- had broken a social contract be- forces during unrest in the vil- take a stance toward Sweden,” Postmaster, send address changes to:
servists follow through with ernment using other legal mea- tween the state and its reservists lage of Umm Safa, north of Ra- Nasrallah said in the address, Mail Subscription Department
their threat, defense officials sures. — altering the nature of the mallah. The village has been a according to Lebanon’s state- 300 Constitution Dr.
have said it could significantly “Israel will continue to be a state that the volunteers were target of attacks by Jewish set- run National News Agency. Taunton, MA 02783
affect the capacity of the air democratic state,” Netanyahu serving. tlers in recent weeks. In Iran, thousands marched
force and its operational readi- said in a speech Thursday. “It “When we are on the edge of The Palestinian news agency i n Te h r a n a n d o t h e r c i t i e s YEARLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATES
ness. will continue to be a liberal an abyss — of losing the country Wafa reported that Israeli forces across the country, demonstra- FOR NEW ENGLAND
Israeli fighter squadrons are state.” we fought for — the contract has had fired live ammunition, tear tions that were aired on state Seven days .....................$1,612.00
strongly reliant on reserve pilots He criticized reservists who been broken,” Lapidot said in an gas, and stun grenades during television. In the capital, pro- Daily (6 Days).................$1,060.80
who have regular civilian jobs have attempted to shape govern- interview last week with Kan, confrontations with local resi- testers gathered in the city cen- Sunday only.......................$520.00
but who volunteer for several ment policy by refusing to serve. the Israeli public broadcaster. dents. ter, shouting: “Death to the
days each month to train or par- “In a democracy, the military is “What is worse?” he added. The Israeli army said that a Americanized Sweden! Death For all other mail subscription rates and
ticipate in combat and recon- subordinate to the government “The destruction of the country? member of the paramilitary bor- to Israel! Death to enemies of information, call 1-888-MYGLOBE or visit
naissance missions. — it does not compel the govern- Or the strengthening of an army der police unit opened fire after the supreme leader!”
The total number of profes- ment,” he said. “When elements that will be serving an illegiti- masked suspects threw stones Student protesters pelted Free newspaper reading service for
sional and reservist pilots has in the military try, with threats, mate government — legal but and rocks at Israeli forces. It the Swedish Embassy building the visually impaired: Contact
never been declared by the air to dictate policy to the govern- not legitimate — that is bringing confirmed that a person was hit that was closed for the week- Perkins Braille &Talking Book Library at
force. But officials say that Isra- ment, this is unacceptable in us all to a dictatorship and will by gunfire, but gave no further end, which in Iran is Friday and 800-852-3133 or
el’s regular strikes in the Gaza any democracy.” soon give us illegal orders?” details. Saturday, with eggs and de-
A6 The Nation T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3

Ala. lawmakers fail to create 2nd Black-majority district

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Ala- served in the Cabinet. the probe of Russian ties to his
bama lawmakers on Friday re- President Trump changed 2016 campaign.
fused to create a second majori- that in 2017, putting both intel- Patrick Toomey, deputy di-
ty-Black ligence directors in his Cabinet. rector of the ACLU’s National
POLITICAL congres- But Biden changed it back again Security Project, said in a state-
NOTEBOOK sional dis- when he took office in 2021. ment that the latest errors show
trict, a move that could defy a With his decision Friday, both it is “long past time for Congress
recent order from the US Su- positions are once again in the to step in.”
preme Court to give minority Cabinet. “As Congress debates reau-
voters a greater voice in elec- The new status — which is thorizing Section 702, these
tions and trigger a renewed bat- largely symbolic and is not ex- opinions show why that can’t
tle over the state’s political map. pected to add any new responsi- happen without fundamental
The legislation now goes to bilities for Burns — is a credibili- reforms,” he said.
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey, ty boost for the agency after ASSOCIATED PRESS
who is expected to sign it. coming under intense criticism
Lawmakers in the Republi- for intelligence failures before Pandemic readiness office
can-dominated House and Sen- the terror attacks two decades leader named
ate instead passed a plan that ago. WASHINGTON — President
would increase the percentage Burns started in the Foreign Biden has picked Dr. Paul
of Black voters from about 31 Service in the early 1980s and Friedrichs, a military combat
percent to 40 percent in the has been a player in American surgeon and retired Air Force
state’s Second District. A confer- foreign policy since then, serv- major general who helped lead
ence committee proposed the ing presidents in both parties. the COVID-19 response at the
map as a compromise between NEW YORK TIMES Pentagon, to head a new White
plans that had percentages of 42 House office created by Con-
percent and 38 percent, respec- Alabama state Representative Chris England criticized a congressional redistricting plan. Court cites improper gress to prepare for and manage
tively, for the southeast Alabama searches by FBI future biological threats.
district. Republican to win that district. WASHINGTON — FBI em- The White House announced
State lawmakers faced a It will never, ever elect a Demo- ployees wrongly searched for- the appointment Friday and said
deadline to adopt new lines after crat. They won’t elect a Black. eign surveillance data for the it would take effect Aug. 7. It
the Supreme Court in June up- They won’t elect a minority,” last names of a US senator and a will then be up to Friedrichs to
held a three-judge panel’s find- said Senator Rodger Smither- state senator, according to a set up the new office, the Office
ing that the current state map — man, a Democrat from Birming- court opinion released Friday. of Pandemic Preparedness and
with one majority-Black district ham. The disclosure could further Response Policy.
out of seven in a state that is 27 Republicans have been reluc- complicate Biden administra- The appointment comes af-
percent Black — likely violates tant to create a Democratic- tion efforts to renew a major spy ter a lengthy search for a direc-
the federal Voting Rights Act. leaning district and are engag- program that already faces bi- tor that ended where it began —
Voting rights advocates and ing in a high-stakes wager that partisan opposition in Congress. at the White House, where
Black lawmakers said the plan the courts will accept their pro- Another FBI employee im- Friedrichs recently joined the
invoked the state’s Jim Crow his- posal. Republicans argued that properly queried the Social Se- staff of the National Security
tory of treating Black voters un- the map meets the court’s direc- curity number of a state judge Council as the senior director for
fairly. tive and draws compact districts who alleged civil rights viola- global health security and biode-
Former US attorney general that comply with redistricting tions by a municipal chief of po- fense. Before that, he served as
Eric Holder, chairman of the Na- guidelines. lice, according to the opinion by the Joint Staff surgeon at the
tional Democratic Redistricting “If you think about where we Bowling Green, Ky., fire personnel fought a fire Friday at a the chief judge of the Foreign In- Pentagon, providing medical ad-
Committee, said the map “and were, the Supreme Court ruling building that houses an office of US Senator Rand Paul. telligence Surveillance Court. vice to the chair of the Joint
the Republican politicians who was 5-4, so there’s just one judge News of the latest violations Chiefs of Staff.
supported it, would make that needed to see something eral Voting Rights Act and said reflecting the integral role the comes as the Biden administra- His planned selection was re-
George Wallace proud,” refer- different. And I think the move- any map should include two dis- CIA plays in our national securi- tion faces a difficult battle in ported last week by The Wash-
ring to the segregationist former ment that we have and what tricts where “Black voters either ty decision-making at this criti- persuading Congress to renew ington Post.
Alabama governor. we’ve come to compromise on comprise a voting-age majority” cal time,” Biden said in a state- Section 702 of the Foreign Intel- NEW YORK TIMES
“It arrogantly defies a very today gives us a good shot,” or something close. The Su- ment. ligence Surveillance Act, which
conservative United States Su- House Speaker Nathaniel Led- preme Court upheld that deci- Burns, a veteran diplomat allows spy agencies to collect Senator Paul’s office in Ky.
preme Court decision ... from better said. sion. with a career stretching back swaths of emails and other com- damaged by fire
just weeks ago,” Holder said in a Republican Senate President ASSOCIATED PRESS more than three decades, has munications. BOWLING GREEN, Ky. — A
statement. Pro Tem Greg Reed said he be- been a key player in the admin- Already this year, spy officials fire caused heavy damage Friday
Republicans argued that lieved the changes to the district CIA director returns to istration’s efforts to counter Rus- have disclosed that the FBI im- morning to a building that hous-
their proposal complies with the make it a so-called opportunity Cabinet position sia’s invasion of Ukraine. He properly searched Section 702 es the Bowling Green office of
directive to create a second dis- district. President Biden on Friday el- traveled to Moscow before the databases for information relat- Kentucky Senator Rand Paul as
trict where Black voters could “I’m confident that we’ve evated CIA Director William invasion and has been to Kyiv ed to the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the well as a local law firm.
influence the outcome of con- done a good job. It will be up to Burns to become a member of several times since the war start- US Capitol and the 2020 pro- Fire crews were called to the
gressional elections. Opponents the courts to decide whether his Cabinet, citing the agency’s ed to confer with the country’s tests following the police killing building on State Steet around 2
said it flouted a directive from they agree,” Reed said. work in providing “good intelli- leaders. of George Floyd. a.m. Friday and found a heavy
the panel to create a second ma- The debate in Alabama is be- gence, delivered with honesty The position of CIA director Democrats who have long de- blaze that required additional
jority-Black district or “some- ing closely watched across the and integrity” on China, the had been a Cabinet-level one un- manded new limits on the FBI’s units, Bowling Green Fire De-
thing quite close to it” so that nation, and could be mirrored in Russia-Ukraine conflict, and til 2005, when the post of direc- access to surveillance have in- partment spokeswoman Katie
Black voters “have an opportuni- fights in Louisiana, Georgia, emerging technologies. tor of national intelligence was creasingly been joined by Re- McKee told the Daily News.
ty to elect a representative of Texas, and other states. “Bill has always given me created in the aftermath of the publicans angry about the bu- No injuries were reported.
their choice.” The three-judge panel ruled clear, straightforward analysis Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Starting reau’s investigations of former The cause and origin of the fire
“There’s no opportunity there in 2022 that the current legisla- that prioritizes the safety and se- that year, the director of nation- president Trump as well as er- were under investigation.
for anybody other than a white tive map likely violates the fed- curity of the American people, al intelligence, not of the CIA, rors and omissions made during ASSOCIATED PRESS

Trump documents trial set for May Trump’s firm settles suit
Continued from Page A1
Republican presidential nomi-
person familiar with the situa-
It is not clear whether the
idence that Trump’s lawyers
will have to sort through was
“voluminous,” she wrote.
from Cohen over bills
nation and his legal obliga- May 2024 date will hold. As It included more than 1 mil- By Larry Neumeister gations wasn’t an outgrowth of
tions to be in court will inter- part of her order, Cannon des- lion pages of unclassified mate- and Jennifer Peltz his former job but rather a per-
sect with his campaign sched- ignated Trump’s case as “com- rial, at least nine months of sur- ASSOCIATED PRESS sonal decision to try to reduce
ule. plex,” a move that could allow veillance camera footage, and NEW YORK — Donald his own criminal legal exposure
The date Cannon chose to for additional delays. more than 1,500 pages of clas- Trump’s company and his for- as an indictment loomed.
start the trial — May 20, 2024 In a 38-count indictment sified documents. There was al- mer longtime lawyer and fixer Jury selection in the case be-
— falls after the bulk of the pri- filed last month by Smith’s of- so additional discovery materi- Michael Cohen have settled a gan Monday, with a trial slated
mary contests. But it is less fice, the former president was al from electronic devices lawsuit over Cohen’s claims that to start next week.
than two months before the charged with illegally holding seized by the government dur- he was unfairly stuck with big While the former president
on to a trove of 31 documents ing its investigation. Judge Aileen Cannon noted legal bills after getting entan- would not have been a witness
containing sensitive national All of that, Cannon wrote, the trial’s complexity. gled in investigations into the in the trial, his son Donald
In a 38-count security information in viola- was on top of what is expected former president. Trump Jr. was expected to testi-
tion of the Espionage Act. to be a constellation of complex election. Lawyers for the two sides fy.
indictment filed He was also accused of con- pretrial motions filed by “The publicity surrounding told the judge they had reached Co h e n p l e a d e d g u i l ty i n
last month, Trump spiring with one of his person-
al aides, Walt Nauta, to ob-
Trump’s legal team.
During the hearing Tues-
President Trump is chronic and
almost permanent,” Harbach
a settlement during a video con-
ference Friday in Manhattan,
2018 to multiple charges, ad-
mitting that he lied to Congress,
was charged with struct the government’s repeat- day, lawyers for Trump said said. “ There is no reason to just as Cohen’s 2019 lawsuit violated campaign finance laws
ed efforts to reclaim the they might file motions argu- think that it’s going to get any was slated to go to trial Monday through excessive political con-
illegally holding documents. ing that Trump was allowed to better.” in a state court. Details of the tributions, lied to multiple
on to a trove of 31 Se tting the schedule for remove documents from the The documents case is just agreement were not made pub- banks to obtain financing, and
Trump’s trial was the first sig- White House under the Presi- one of the criminal and civil le- lic. evaded income taxes by failing
sensitive nificant decision in the case for dential Records Act and at- gal matters confronting the for- Cohen said Friday the matter to report more than $4 million
documents in Cannon, who was appointed by
Trump in 2020. She was ran-
tacking the special counsel’s
authority to bring charges in
mer president as he seeks to re-
turn to the White House.
“has been resolved in a manner
satisfactory to all parties.” Mes-
in income. He was sentenced to
three years in prison, although
violation of the domly assigned to the case in the first place. Trump is also under indict- sages seeking comment were he served nearly two-thirds of it
June and faced enormous scru- They also noted that they ment in Manhattan on charges left with lawyers for Trump’s at home, released after the
Espionage Act. tiny after having made some would probably question the stemming from hush-money company, the Trump Organiza- COVID-19 outbreak over-
rulings last year in a related classification status of certain payments to a porn star before tion. whelmed the nation’s prisons.
matter that were favorable to documents central to the case the 2016 election. That case is Cohen claimed in his lawsuit He then became a key wit-
Trump and that were ultimate- and challenge the validity of the scheduled to go to trial in that the Trump Organization ness in the New York grand jury
ly overturned in a stinging re- grand jury process in Washing- March 2024. had promised to pay his legal proceeding that led to Trump’s
versal by a federal appeals ton and Miami that led to the He was also informed this expenses and did so for a time, April indictment on charges of
start of the Republican Nation- court. indictment. week that he could be indicted footing more than $1.7 million falsifying Trump Organization
al Convention in July and the But in her scheduling order “The court will be faced with on federal charges related to his in legal fees. records to protect Trump’s 2016
formal start of the general elec- Friday, she split the difference extensive pretrial motion prac- efforts to remain in office after But, Cohen said, the compa- candidacy by suppressing
tion season. between the two sides, giving tice on a diverse number of le- his defeat in the 2020 election, ny reneged after he began coop- claims that he had had extra-
Trump’s advisers have been neither the government nor gal and factual issues,” Cannon and the district attorney in Ful- erating with federal prosecutors marital sexual encounters.
blunt that winning the presi- the defense what they had wrote. ton County, Georgia, is com- in their investigations related to Trump denied those encoun-
dency is how he hopes to beat sought. By scheduling the trial for pleting an investigation into Trump’s business dealings in ters, and he pleaded not guilty
the legal charges he is facing, She rejected Trump’s re- the middle of the presidential Trump’s efforts to overturn his Russia and attempts to silence to the criminal charges. He cast
and he has adopted a strategy quests to delay the trial until af- campaign, Cannon implicitly election loss in Georgia. women with embarrassing sto- the case as a Democratic district
of delaying the trial, which is ter the election or to put off set- rejected another argument Trump is also facing a state ries about his personal life. attorney’s attempt to blunt his
expected to take several weeks, ting any schedule at all for the Trump’s legal team had raised trial on civil fraud accusations Cohen’s lawyers stopped rep- ongoing campaign to return to
for as long as possible. moment, saying that some ba- in court Tuesday: that the for- in New York in October. Anoth- resenting him after the compa- the White House in 2025.
The Justice Department de- sic amount of case manage- mer president could never get a er trial on whether he defamed ny stopped paying. His lawsuit Trump has now sued Cohen,
clined to comment on Cannon’s ment was required. But she al- fair jury during an election cy- the writer E. Jean Carroll is set said that harmed his ability to accusing him of violating a
decision. But it did not come as so noted that the government’s cle because of what one of his to open Jan. 15 — the same day respond to the federal investiga- company confidentiality agree-
a surprise to prosecutors, who proposal to seat a jury in De- lawyers, Christopher Kise, as the Iowa caucuses. tions. ment, breaching ethical stan-
set their initial, aggressive cember was “atypically acceler- called “the extraordinary and On Jan. 29, a trial begins in In court papers, the Trump dards for lawyers, and mali-
timetable expecting that she ated and inconsistent with en- unrelenting press coverage.” yet another lawsuit, this one ac- Organization has disputed that ciously “spreading falsehoods”
would select a date, probably suring a fair trial.” David Harbach, one of cusing Trump, his company, it made certain promises and about Trump. A Cohen spokes-
sometime in the first half of Cannon listed a number of Smith’s top deputies, took issue and three of his children of us- has said it satisfied any obliga- man, attorney Lanny Davis, re-
2024, and reject the Trump le- reasons the case needed time to with that position, saying that ing the family name to entice tions it did have. The company sponded that Trump was abus-
gal team’s request to push it move toward trial. the media coverage of Trump vulnerable people to invest in also has argued that Cohen’s in- ing the legal system to harass
past the election, according to a The amount of discovery ev- would not abate even after the sham business opportunities. volvement in the federal investi- Cohen.
S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e The Nation A7

Neal sees differences in Texas

Trump, Biden IRS fights A&M
Continued from Page A1
man in 2019. That’s a sharp con-
trast with the new chairman, Ja-
plea agreement a “sweetheart
deal” engineered by Biden ad-
from felony tax charges. Neal
also accused Republicans of im-
properly using the Ways and
son Smith of Missouri, 43, who
after just eight years on the com-
mittee became its youngest
ministration officials that avoid-
ed more serious felony charges
against him.
Means Committee’s unique au-
thority to reveal some of Hunter
chairman ever in January when
Republicans took control of the
“The Ways and Means Com-
mittee is charged with ensuring
Follows conflict
Biden’s private tax information. House. Upon securing the gavel, that the tax code is enforced fair-
over job offer
“They’re making it up as they Smith, a self-described “fire- ly,” Smith said at Wednesday’s
go on this stuff. ... I mean it’s band,” promised “aggressive oversight committee hearing. Representative to journalist
conspiracy, conspiracy, conspira- oversight.” “Clearly, the president only be- Richard Neal
cy,” Neal said in an interview in Republicans maintain Neal lieves in making taxpayers pay (above) has By Remy Tumin and
his Capitol Hill office. “This was the one who politicized the their fair share if they don’t served on the Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs
seems to me as though it’s debas- committee by releasing Trump’s share his last name.” Ways and Means NEW YORK TIMES

ing the Ways and Means Com- t a x r e t u r n s l a s t y e a r. T h e y The whistle-blowers initially Committee since Texas A&M University said
mittee.” warned at the time that Demo- testified in private to the Ways 1993. Hunter Friday that its president was re-
crats had opened the door to pri- and Means Committee and re- Biden (right, signing “immediately” follow-
vate tax information being used vealed details of Hunter Biden’s center) pleaded ing a conflict over the school’s
‘This seems to me as a political weapon, but insist earnings, including that he re- guilty to shifting offers to a candidate
that’s not what they’re doing ceived at least $8.3 million in in- misdemeanor tax who appeared set to lead its
as though it’s with Hunter Biden. come from 2014-19 from foreign charges. journalism school but ultimate-
debasing the Ways Last month, after a four-year
investigation by a Trump-ap-
companies, with some based in
China, Romania, and Ukraine.
ly declined the position after
facing pushback over her work
and Means pointed US attorney, Hunter Taxpayer information is private, had a legitimate legislative pur- tor of the Revolving Door Proj- promoting diversity.
Biden reached an agreement but the Ways and Means Com- pose, as required by law, for ob- ect, a progressive public interest The president, M. Katherine
Committee.’ with the Justice Department to mittee, along with the Senate Fi- taining and then releasing group, criticized Neal’s slow- Banks, submitted a letter of re-
REP. RICHARD NEAL, plead guilty to misdemeanor tax nance Committee, can vote to re- Trump’s tax returns: assessing paced approach to Trump’s taxes tirement late Thursday in
Speaking about Republicans’ charges and a separate gun lease it. how the IRS “audits and enforc- in 2019. He continues to believe which she said that the nega-
use of the committee to reveal charge that likely will keep him The Ways and Means Com- es the federal tax laws against a Neal could have acted quicker, tive attention over the journal-
Hunter Biden’s tax data out of prison. mittee met in private last month president.” Although the law re- but said the approach “arguably ism director, Kathleen McElroy,
In April, an IRS whistle-blow- and voted along party lines to re- quires the IRS to audit the presi- strengthened” the notion the was a distrac tion for Texas
er, later joined by a second one, lease the transcripts that includ- dent’s tax returns annually, no committee must demonstrate a A&M, one of the largest univer-
Neal said the whistle-blower came forward and alleged the ed Hunter Biden’s tax informa- audit was launched of Trump’s legislative need before obtaining sities in the country.
allegations, aired Wednesday Justice Department interfered in tion. Smith said that the infor- returns until April 3, 2019, the private tax information. Still, Banks’s resignation came
during a hearing before the their investigation of Hunter mation was “clearly in the public day that Neal requested them, he’s not sure that will matter in days after the resignation of the
House Oversight and Account- Biden, including delaying the in- interest” and acknowledged that the committee found. Such an the Hunter Biden case. dean overseeing the universi-
ability Committee, should be vestigation so the statute of limi- it could not be used by other audit was crucial in Trump’s “I suspect Smith can con- ty’s College of Arts and Sciences
taken seriously but that Republi- tation on some of his actions had committees investigating Hunt- case, Neal said, because he was struct a legislative pretext for and also followed a tense meet-
cans had made them an obses- expired and blocking the execu- er Biden unless Ways and Means the first major party nominee in this investigation, even as I’m ing between Banks and the uni-
sion. tion of a search warrant for Pres- voted to release it, according to a decades not to publicly release skeptical it is anything other versity’s faculty senate Wednes-
“This is not about defending ident Biden’s home. Justice De- transcript of the meeting. his tax returns. than a political stunt,” Hauser day.
Hunter Biden. That’s not my partment officials have said Neal led the Democratic After Trump’s Treasury De- said in an email. During that meeting, Banks
goal here,” Neal said of his objec- there was no special treatment charge at the meeting, arguing partment, which oversees the Smith said the Hunter Biden said she was sorry that McElroy
tions to how Republicans have of the president’s son and noted that the Hunter Biden case was a IRS, refused the request for the case highlights the need for “leg- would not be joining the uni-
been handling the matter, par- that the investigation was over- law enforcement matter outside tax returns, Neal went to court islative reforms that protect versity and added she was em-
ticularly on the Ways and Means seen by Trump-appointed US At- the committee’s purview and re- in July 2019 to obtain them. But against interference and favorit- barrassed by how the situation
Committee. “He is a private citi- torney David C. Weiss, who was jecting any comparison to his ef- some progressives criticized him ism.” But Neal has argued that had been handled. But she also
zen. If the Justice Department given full autonomy in the case. fort to obtain Trump’s tax re- for the pace of his effort — first Republicans have no real legisla- suggested that she knew little
has issues with him, then they But in the hearing Wednes- turns. waiting about three months af- tive purpose in digging into about the details of what had
have issues with him.” day, one of the whistle-blowers, “For our part, and for my part ter becoming Ways and Means Hunter Biden’s taxes. led to the shifting offers made
The Republican approach on Gary Shapley, said he heard for sure, we exercised restraint, Committee chairman to request “It’s throwing up mud and to McElroy, a former New York
Hunter Biden is particularly Weiss say he would not be the always stuck to the facts, and the returns from Treasury and seeing if anything sticks,” Neal Times editor and professor of
galling to Neal, who is a staunch “deciding official” on any Hunter never previewed our work in the then another three months to told the Globe. “I have no prob- journalism at the University of
protector of the tax-writing com- Biden charges. Weiss and Justice press,” Neal said, according to file suit. The lengthy legal fight lem with oversight, that’s the re- Texas.
mittee’s standing as the oldest Department officials have de- the transcript. “We conducted a meant the returns were not re- sponsibility of the Congress but McElroy had said that Texas
and one of the most prestigious nied the allegations. thorough investigation and were leased before the 2020 presiden- … the zealotry is inconsistent A&M had promised her a five-
congressional panels. Republicans, who launched only granted this authority after tial election and ultimately not with Ways and Means history.” year contract but that she was
Neal has served on the com- multiple investigations into our purpose was affirmed by the until December after the final le- ultimately given a one-year deal
mittee since 1993, slowly work- Hunter Biden after they took United States Supreme Court.” gal challenge was rejected. Jim Puzzanghera can be reached after complaints from an alum-
ing his way up to become chair- control of the House, called the Neal said that the committee Jeff Hauser, executive direc- at ni group and a conservative
publication over her work pro-
moting diversity, including an
opinion column she wrote in

Nuclear test’s fallout stretched farther than imagined which McElroy, who is Black,
said it was important to hire
more nonwhite faculty mem-
By Lesley M.M. Blume McElroy ultimately turned
NEW YORK TIMES down the one-year contract,
In July 1945, as J. Robert she said, and the episode be-
Oppenheimer and the other re- came a full-blown crisis for
searchers of the Manhattan Proj- Texas A&M after The Texas
ect prepared to test their brand- Tribune first reported on the
new atomic bomb in a New Mex- conflict. McElroy described a
ico desert, they knew relatively series of conversations in
little about how that mega- which the Arts and Sciences
weapon would behave. dean told her that there was
On July 16, when the plutoni- political pushback to her ap-
um-implosion device was set off pointment.
atop a 100-foot metal tower in a “I said, ‘ What’s wrong?’ ”
test code-named “Trinity,” the re- McElroy recalled of her conver-
sultant blast was much stronger sation with the dean, José Luis
than anticipated. The irradiated Bermúdez. “He said, ‘You’re a
mushroom cloud also went many Black woman who was at The
times higher into the atmosphere New York Times, and to these
than expected: some 50,000 to folks, that’s like working for
70,000 feet. Where it would ulti- Pravda.’” McElroy, who left the
mately go was anyone’s guess. available only from 1948 on- Times in 2011, did not immedi-
A study, released Thursday ward. ately return a call seeking com-
before submission to a scientific Determined to fill in the ment Friday.
journal for peer review, shows gaps, the team started the study At the faculty senate meet-
that the cloud and its fallout about 18 months ago. i n g We d n e s d a y, B a n k s d e -
went farther than anyone in the A breakthrough came in scribed a breakdown of com-
Manhattan Project had imag- March, when Alzner and Megan munication in the process of
ined in 1945. Using state-of-the- Smith, another cofounder of trying to hire McElroy but said
art modeling software and re- shift7 and a former US chief the university had stood by the
cently uncovered historical technology officer in the Obama offers it had made to her.
w e a t h e r d a t a , t h e s t u d y ’s administration, contacted the “Based on what I under-
authors say that radioactive fall- National Oceanic and Atmo- stood, at all points in this pro-
out from the Trinity test reached spheric Administration. There, cess, she was coming here,”
46 states, Canada, and Mexico Gilbert P. Compo, a senior re- Banks said, adding that the of-
within 10 days of detonation. search scientist at the University fer was still open.
“It’s a huge finding and, at of Colorado and the NOAA Physi- But Banks faced tough ques-
the same time, it shouldn’t sur- cal Sciences Laboratory, told the tions from faculty members,
prise anyone,” said the study’s team the European Centre for who criticized what they said
lead author, Sébastien Philippe, Medium-Range Weather Fore- was political meddling in the
a researcher and scientist at casts had only a week earlier re- university’s hiring process and
Princeton University’s Program leased historical data that chart- an embarrassing sequence of
on Science and Global Security. ed weather patterns extending events.
The study also reanalyzed 30,000 feet or higher above “Apparently, no one knows
fallout from all 93 above-ground Earth’s surface. who made the offer, no one
US atomic tests in Nevada and Using the new data and soft- knows how many offers were
created a map depicting com- From left: J. Robert Oppenheimer and Lieutenant General Leslie Groves, the leader of the ware built by NOAA, Philippe re- made, nobody knows who
posite deposition of radioactive 1945 Manhattan Project. At right, the mushroom cloud caused by the Trinity nuclear test. analyzed Trinity’s fallout. And signed which offer, and nobody
material across the contiguous while the authors acknowledge knows who read or wrote those
United States. government for potential expo- nology in New Jersey, said. They site for several hours.” Soon, he limitations and uncertainties offers,” said Raymundo Ar-
How much of Trinity’s fallout sure to radiation from nuclear had little understanding, he said, added, “various levels were seen within their calculations, they róyave, an engineering profes-
still remains at original deposi- explosions. about how radioactive materials to move in different directions.” maintain that “our estimates sor. “Frankly, we look incompe-
tion sites across the country is The drift of the Trinity cloud could embed in ecosystems, near Warren assured Groves that an likely remain conservatively tent.”
difficult to calculate, said Susan was monitored by Manhattan and far. “They were not really assessment of the fallout’s reach low.” The faculty senate passed a
Alzner, an author of the study Project physicists and doctors, thinking about effects of low dos- could be undertaken later. The results show that New resolution to create a fact-find-
and the cofounder of shift7, an but they underestimated its es on large populations.” In the decades that followed, Mexico was heavily affected by ing committee to look into how
organization that coordinated reach. At the time, Dr. Stafford L. a lack of crucial data bedeviled Trinity’s fallout. Computations McElroy’s hiring was handled.
the study’s research. “They were aware that there Warren, a Manhattan Project assessments and attempted by Philippe and his colleagues I n a s t a t e m e n t F r i d a y,
“It’s a frozen-in-time image,” were radioactive hazards, but physician specializing in nuclear studies of the fallout. The United show the cloud’s trajectory pri- chancellor John Sharp said
she said. they were thinking about acute medicine, reported to Lieutenant States had no national monitor- marily spreading up over north- that Mark A. Welsh III, dean
The findings could be cited risk in the areas around the im- General Leslie Groves, leader of ing stations in place in 1945 to east New Mexico and a part of of the university’s government
by advocates aiming to increase mediate detonation site,” Alex the Manhattan Project, that the track the fallout, Philippe said. the cloud circling to the south and public service school,
the number of people eligible for Wellerstein, a nuclear historian Trinity cloud “remained towering Plus, essential historical weather and west of ground zero over the would take over as interim
compensation by the federal at the Stevens Institute of Tech- over the northeast corner of the and atmospheric data were next few days. president.
A8 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3



City Council’s exercise in budgeting

ends in a whimper

t was supposed to level the budgeting playing proposed budget. ning for reelection, made a reference to some council-
field in Boston. In 2021, voters decided to give As the Council discovered the hard way, though, ors acting like pigs during the budget process. That in
the City Council a teensy bit more say in the there really aren’t a lot of nonessential city services to turn ticked off Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson,
city budget, while also creating a new office de- cut to make room for their priorities, such as expand- chair of the council’s budget-writing Ways and Means
signed to engage voters in the often-tedious ing the city’s tree canopy, improving Black Heritage Committee, who insisted that in Boston, “a Black wom-
budgetary process. Trail signage, opening more English-as-second-lan- an can’t complain.”
The result, so far: rancor, long and pointless de- guage classes, or providing $10 million to fund the new In the end, only the pay raise proposal passed. And
bates, and ultimately little to show for the effort. citizen-involved part of participatory budgeting pro- now that’s gone, too.
And in what seemed like a coda to a disastrous pro- “You had six new councilors just learning the ropes,
cess, Mayor Michelle Wu informed the council this and that added to the challenge,” said Pam Kocher,
week that the single budget change on which they If the new process is going to work, president of the Boston Municipal Research Bureau.
managed to muster the votes to override her mayoral “There was a lot of uncertainty and confusion, pres-
veto — well, it turned out to be illegal and, therefore,
and produce anything like the more sure from advocates in the community who thought
would not be enforced. responsive and transparent they could get more [from the council] and a major
If the new process is going to work, and produce learning curve about the process.”
anything like the more responsive and transparent
budgetary process voters were Step one to doing a better job next year would be to
budgetary process voters were promised, councilors promised, councilors need to use develop a better understanding of the limitations of
need to use their power more pragmatically and wisely. the new process. Promises to voters notwithstanding,
The final twist to this year’s process involved
their power more pragmatically the new budgeting law actually allows the council to
$584,896 from the $4.2 billion budget that the council and wisely. amend only about 42 percent of the city’s budget — or
tried to shift from contractual services in the city’s about $1.8 billion this year. Exempt from the council’s
property management division to instead fund a raise ability to reallocate funds are the school budget and
for municipal police officers assigned to protect city cess (Wu’s budget sets aside $2 million for that pur- such fixed costs as pensions, debt service, and state as-
buildings, including City Hall. Problem is, the city is in pose). The council had proposed to fund those items by sessments. For the rest of the budget, as Kocher said,
the midst of negotiating that labor contract with the cutting the budget for police, public works, libraries, “The mayor still runs the process.” And, as in the case
officers’ union, and the vote was clearly intended to cir- and veterans. of the municipal police union, there are legal re-
cumvent that process. Wu ended up vetoing most of the council-approved straints, too.
“There is no other interpretation of this override big ticket items, rightly calling cuts to the police de- Next year the citizen-involvement piece of the char-
vote than as a directive from the City Council to the partment “illusory.” In her veto letter, she noted that ter change should be fully operational. Wu appointed a
Administration to adopt the [municipal police union’s] personnel cuts to public works and transportation director of the Office of Participatory Budgeting last
specific salary increase demands in bargaining, which “would mean holding positions vacant and delaying month.
is a clear cut violation of the City Charter and state hiring for critically needed positions in both depart- “So let’s do some more education — for all of us,”
law,” Wu wrote in a one-page letter to the council. “The ments to fill potholes, upgrade crosswalks, plow snow, Kocher said. “Let’s think about what kind of support
council cannot use the budget-making process to dic- and ensure our street infrastructure is safe.” and guidance and training would be helpful so council-
tate collective bargaining.” Those original amendments passed by a 7-5 vote — ors can have a more grounded understanding of the
This was the second year the council was able to ex- a vote that broke largely along racial lines, with coun- budget.”
ercise a broader role under the 2021 referendum that cilors of color favoring the shifts. When the time came Assuming next year’s council can start by keeping
allows councilors to change some — but not all — line for the council to try to muster the two-thirds vote to their discussions civil — and what a sea change that
items as long as they do not increase the budget’s bot- override Wu’s vetoes, things went from bad to worse. would be — the new process can still give them more
tom line. So every dollar the councilors propose to For more than seven and a half hours, councilors ar- say. Or, they can squander their chance to influence the
spend on their favored programs (i.e., raises for munic- gued not so much with the Wu administration but with budget with poorly thought through gestures, the way
ipal police) must be cut from elsewhere in the mayor’s each other. Councilor Frank Baker, who won’t be run- they did this year. That’ll be up to them.


Have an extra room? Host a migrant.

armen lives with her husband
and two young children in a
Cambridge home that happens
to have a separate apartment.
Before the COVID-19 pandem-
ic, Carmen and her husband rented it on
Airbnb for extra income. During the pan-
demic, through a free Airbnb initiative, they
hosted traveling health care workers who
needed a place to stay.
And for the past year or so, Carmen has
hosted a handful of recently arrived migrant
families — from Haiti and Venezuela, for in-
stance — who were in need of emergency
housing. The daughter of Cuban immi-
grants, Carmen and her
husband wanted to use
There are the apartment “in a way
currently 15 to that was helpful for peo-
ple,” Carmen told me in
20 host an interview. “We felt like
we could do something a
families like little more valuable.”
Carmen’s in the Carmen — which is
not her real name; she
state, according preferred to remain
anonymous — learned via
to the Healey a neighbor about BIJAN/
administration. Beyond, a nonprofit orga-
nization that provides
services to immigrants,
including court accompaniment, fundraising
for bond payments, and logistical assistance
with housing and transportation for newly
arrived immigrants. (I wrote about the orga-
nization’s work in 2019.) Sergeline, who did not want to give her family’s last name, sat on a bed in a hotel room in Boston in early May with her baby,
So Carmen got in touch with the group’s Luna, and her son Fritz, 17. They arrived from Boston Medical Center’s waiting room.
coordinators. It helps that she speaks Span-
ish. So far, the families she’s hosted have comers have arrived in New York City. nership with the Healey administration last apartments available” for new arrivals “to
stayed only a handful of nights. Lately, she “I think you could trace it back ultimately month as a first-stop for homeless or un- stay with them for one to two days until lon-
said, the volume of requests for volunteers to to when [Ron] DeSantis and [Greg] Abbott, housed immigrant families struggling with ger-term placements are arranged.” Reason
host migrants has increased. [the governors of] Florida and Texas, respec- basic needs, said Lenita Reason, the organi- said anyone interested in learning more
Indeed, Massachusetts has been dealing tively, began dumping immigrants elsewhere zation’s executive director. “Our administra- about becoming a host family should email
with several crises at once: It’s a housing/ specifically to score political points, which is tion continues to explore all options for ex-
emergency shelter crisis colliding with an in- just an atrocious way of playing with the lives panding shelter capacity, including evaluat- Because she is aware of the temporary
flux of migrants moving to the area. While of people already traumatized,” said Kathleen ing whether the host family program could need for housing, Carmen plans to continue
the state works to assign newly arrived mi- McTigue, a retired minister who lives in Dor- be expanded,” Karissa Hand, a spokesperson offering her apartment to migrants. She told
grants to long-term shelters, which can take chester and who volunteers with Beyond for Governor Maura Healey, said in a state- me the benefits outweigh any costs, which
a couple of days, most of them need to find a fielding emergency housing requests and try- ment. are minimal and involve investing time in
place to stay in the meantime. For a while, ing to find host families through the group’s That would be a step in the right direction figuring out logistics more than anything
that’s why so many migrants were sheltering network of volunteers. because the state seems to understand that else, according to Carmen. The migrant fami-
in the lobby of Boston Medical Center. But But the problem with host homes is that it’s not a permanent solution. And the mi- lies often “look so tired when they walk in,”
now that BMC is not allowing that, groups they aren’t really a solution, McTigue said. grant influx is not abating. she said. And then “you just kind of see that a
like Beyond and the Brazilian Worker Center They’re a solution for a night or two — a There are currently 15 to 20 host families big weight has been lifted off their shoulders.
have stepped up to coordinate temporary stopgap. Still, the immediate need exists to like Carmen’s in the state, according to the … It sounds cheesy but you can see the look
housing for migrants. host unhoused immigrants temporarily as Healey administration. And they’re mostly of relief in their eyes.”
The intersection of those challenges is not the state continues its efforts to expand shel- active in hosting newly arrived families on
unique to Massachusetts. Take Chicago, ters, as reported by WBUR’s Gabrielle Eman- weekends. Reason said the Brazilian Worker Marcela García is a Globe columnist. She can
where more than 700 people were sleeping uel. Center is recruiting host families, community be reached at
inside city police stations as of last week. In The Brazilian Worker Center in Allston organizations, and faith-based groups into a Follow her on Twitter @marcela_elisa and on
the last year or so, more than 80,000 new- launched the Family Welcome Center in part- network of volunteers who “have rooms or Instagram @marcela_elisa.
S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e A9


A hurdle in the path of advanced math

in Cambridge schools
Educators should strive
to lift every student
In the article “In Cambridge schools, math
brings division” (Page A1, July 15), Christo-
pher Huffaker quotes the Cambridge Public
Schools superintendent giving a rationale for
why the system no longer offers algebra 1 in
middle school: “We have a huge focus on ad-
dressing both the academic achievement
gaps and the opportunity gaps in our com-
munity,” Victoria Greer says. “One thing the
district is not interested in doing is perpetu-
ating those gaps.”
I find it stunning that Cambridge school
leaders would pursue a strategy of holding
back students who are ready and prepared
for algebra 1 courses in order to prevent the
achievement gap between students from be-
coming broader. I believe the strategy should
be to provide each and every student the
most advanced opportunity they can handle,
thereby elevating the performance of all stu-
dents. If it takes even more effort to bring up
the levels of underperforming students, so be
it, but strive to make every student as well-
educated as possible. To do otherwise is a
dereliction of duty.

To close achievement gaps,

focus on elementary years
People are right to be astonished over the ar-
ticle “In Cambridge schools, math brings di-
vision” (See Twitter, Reddit, or the hundreds
of comments that have been posted on the A parent brought his child to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. elementary school in Cambridge in April 2021.
story on
Cambridge Public Schools won’t teach al-
gebra 1 before ninth grade, thus pushing af-
fluent families to supplement math in other
the world, be it of one ethnicity or many, be it
of common socioeconomic level or diverse,
So much is wrong with the ing degree at University of California, Berke-
ways and effectively shutting those with less there will always be some students who are Cambridge School I can’t imagine what would have hap-
wherewithal out of advanced math (and smarter than others in that classroom. There pened if I had gotten to high school and been
blocking paths to STEM careers). is no reason to penalize those students for
Committee’s decision to forced right back into algebra (which I took
But commenters’ plentiful comparisons their ability by denying them access to more drop algebra 1 from in seventh grade). If you hammer down a
to Harrison Bergeron, the main character in advanced courses than those that their peers student’s spark to learn long enough, don’t
Kurt Vonnegut’s short story of the same are studying. Yet that is exactly what we do middle school math. Just be surprised when that spark extinguishes.
name, are inapt. In that dystopia, those with when we set our benchmarks low, and that is
talent must keep it tamped down. In our re- what is happening in Cambridge, where the
because some kids aren’t NOREEN WAUFORD
ality, while Black and Hispanic students in more advanced algebra 1 class is not being ready for it doesn’t mean
the Cambridge schools have significantly offered in middle school.
lower math scores than white and Asian The article points out that the Dallas that no kid should have How are we to compete
peers, this does not mean they have less abil-
ity. It means the city’s public school system
school system is doing just the opposite — re-
quiring students to opt out of honors classes
access to it. on the world stage?
has failed them. rather than opt in — with resounding suc- We need the best and brightest to be able to
To close the gap, Cambridge Public cess. That is the kind of path we must follow excel if our country is to advance in the math
Schools must focus on elementary education if the United States hopes to maintain its may look like equality, but it undercuts equi- and sciences and we are to compete on the
and, in particular, require third-grade math leading position in the arts and sciences. ty and does a disservice to all. world stage. How is it social justice to penal-
(and reading) proficiency so that schools are JUDITH SEBESTYEN LIZ ZUCKER ize the capable? Social justice is giving every-
held to a high standard that ensures children Brookline Cambridge one what they need.
learn. Other states have seen remarkable re- What the students who can’t perform well
sults with this approach. in advanced classes need is a school system
Every child has the potential to excel. School system’s strategy Don’t extinguish laser focused on academics, not the dumbing
Some face far higher hurdles than others. down of education. Enough of this teaching
Public schools should be where every child
may look like equality, students’ spark of “you can’t help it if you are a victim of rac-
gets the education they need to unlock their but it undercuts equity Last Saturday’s Globe article on the decision ism,” which, to my mind, is what the Cam-
potential for success in the real world. So much is wrong with the Cambridge of the Cambridge school district to stop offer- bridge schools are doing here. Education is
EUGENIA SCHRAA HUH School Committee’s decision to drop algebra ing advanced math in middle school had me defined as a process of giving systematic in-
Cambridge 1 from middle school math. Just because seeing red. The reporter also notes that the struction.
some kids aren’t ready for it doesn’t mean California Board of Education has created It is not acceptable that many schools
The writer is a candidate for Cambridge that no kid should have access to it. controversy by considering a similar math have low and inequitable proficiency rates in
School Committee and is a former public The decision assumes that doing away framework for the state. As a sixth-grader in math and reading. Curriculums need to be
high school teacher in the Bronx. with opportunities for advanced learning California in 2006-07, I was lucky enough to required to get back to building a foundation
will somehow close the achievement gap that have a wonderful mother who fought for a of step-by-step knowledge in these areas. On-
plagues our society. In fact, by penalizing policy that allowed me to move into seventh- ly then can students gain a vast field of
There is no reason able kids, many of whose families might not grade math and opened the door to students knowledge from science to history, the basis
be able to afford whatever it takes to over- after me. By the end of high school, I took of an educated citizenry — something our
to penalize students come a slow start, the decision only exacer- multivariable calculus at San Jose State Uni- country is desperately in need of.
for their ability bates that gap. versity, which allowed me to reduce my pre- GENEVIEVE O’BRIEN
In every classroom in every school system in Putting all math classes at the same level requisite class workload during my engineer- Duxbury

abcde Fo u n d e d 1 8 7 2 CHRISTOPHER WEYANT


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A10 The Region T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3

‘Some days it’s waiting for the whole

day for someone else to come and take
over just to take a shower’
RAQUEL QUEZADA, Mass. Developmental Disabilities Council

Parents of kids
with autism live
life on high alert
uAUTISM give for reasons of privacy, also
Continued from Page A1 used to run off and gravitate to-
years ago at the age of 3, leaving ward the water. For this reason,
Melanson the impossible choice she made sure there were no
of running after her or staying creeks or rivers near her new
with her other daughter, then an home when she moved from
infant whose stroller she had Dorchester to Randolph.
been pushing. Constantly needing to watch
“Those were very scary times, kids can take an extreme toll on
especially in parking lots,” said parents’ mental health, many of
Melanson, director of HR, diver- whom struggle to find addition-
sity, equity and inclusion at the al time to adequately care for
Asperger/Autism Network, a themselves or other children
Watertown nonprofit. “There they may have, said Raquel
were times I wouldn’t take them Quezada, secretary of the Massa-
both out in public at the same chusetts Developmental Disabil-
time.” ities Council and board member
Children on the autism spec- of the Disability Law Center, Coalition, which supports Black Top, Cynthia Laine
trum are prone to “eloping,” or which provides legal advocacy and brown families of children encouraged her
wandering from caregivers and on disability issues. with autism. “My son is an 11- son Luke, 11, to go
safe environments. A 2012 study “We do what we can, but it’s a year-old boy, he’s not even 5 feet down the slide
found that 49 percent of families struggle every day, and there’s tall yet.” while visiting
with a child on the spectrum had not enough reprieve,” she said. She encourages families she Coggshall Park in
reported that their kids eloped “Some days it’s waiting for the works with and those that listen Fitchburg. At left,
and, of those that did, more than whole day for someone else to to her weekly Facebook Live in Janeka Melanson
half “went missing long enough come and take over just to take a Haitian Creole to register their walked near her
to cause concern.” shower.” children with the local police de- family’s Wayland
Many kids with autism have As the mother of four Black partment and work to make home with
difficulty understanding and sons, two of whom are autistic, them comfortable with law en- daughters Harper,
communicating their thoughts Cynthia Laine is also concerned forcement, given that kids with 10, and Briar, 7,
and desires, so they may not about interactions with law en- autism are much more likely to and husband,
have functional language to say, forcement and racial profiling. interact with law enforcement Mark.
“‘I want to do this,’ or ‘I’m going Her 11-year-old son, Luke, she during their lifetimes. For her,
here,’” said Shari Krauss, autism said, frequently wandered to a that included introducing her
program director at Boston neighbor’s house when they first son to police officers, having him
Medical Center. Kids also often moved to Fitchburg last year. sit in a police car, and taking him
lack age-appropriate safety The neighbors called the police to the station.
awareness and don’t understand multiple times. There’s also a need for more
the risks involved in things like While she understands her adaptive swim lessons for autis- children safe. But many parents especially without tailored sup- pediatrics at Boston University
touching a hot stove or leaving neighbors’ discomfort, Laine tic children in lower-income and aren’t aware of them, and they port, said Abdullahi. Chobanian & Avedisian School
home without telling a caregiver. said she explained her son’s di- diverse communities, said can be expensive, said Asha Ab- Many parents are unaware of Medicine.
“We also find that a lot of our agnosis to the family and was Laine, who plans to work with dullahi, founder and executive that eloping is widespread. They “After 30 years, the thing that
kids are very sensory motivated shocked to learn that, when they her local YMCA to bring on in- director of the Somali Parents end up blaming themselves if most surprises me is how many
and that sources of water can be called the police again, they gave structors qualified to work with Advocacy Center For Education, their child wanders off and for parents feel like they’re the only
a huge draw,” Krauss said. “So a description of a much bigger children with autism. Geogra- a nonprofit dedicated to empow- not knowing to ask for help or ones this happens to, and they’re
you pair that interest with a lack person and said he was vandaliz- phy and cost can often be a bar- ering Somali parents to better not feeling comfortable doing so, doing a bad job. Neither is true,”
of safety awareness, and you can ing, which she said was not true. rier to swim education for low- advocate for children with dis- said Dr. Marilyn Augustyn, a de- she said.
arrive at something as devastat- “They said he was 6-foot- income and marginalized com- abilities. While some types of in- velopmental-behavioral pedia-
ing.” something and 170 pounds,” munities. surance cover trackers, the trician at Boston Medical Center Zeina Mohammed can be
Like Harper, Lopez’s son, said Laine, founder and execu- Tracking devices are a crucial lengthy process of getting cover- and director of the division of reached at
whose name she prefers not to tive director of the Black Autism tool that can help parents keep age can be difficult to navigate, developmental and behavioral

Unscripted TV future could be more ‘bleak’ than ‘peak’

Continued from Page A1
grim. People generally look at
Seeking comic relief,
fall TV as the start of a new cycle,
but that didn’t happen in the fall solidarity on picket lines
of ‘23 — something TV advertis-
ers noted, too, as they sought By Krysta Fauria get them through it.
other platforms for their own fall and Jill Lawless “There’s an Arby’s here and
product pushes. The late-night ASSOCIATED PRESS Eric hasn’t eaten Arby’s in a
shows remain stuck in repeat LOS ANGELES — The com- year,” Heidecker said.
mode, where they’ve been since bined strike by Hollywood ac- “It’s been 364 days since I
the writers went on strike at the tors and screenwriters entered had a big roast beef and we’re
beginning of May. Yes, that is its second week with no swift doing it today,” Wareheim said.
Jimmy Kimmel still talking to end in sight, and union leaders It has been harder for pick-
Tom Cruise about “Top Gun: and star strikers, including a eters to keep the energy up at
Maverick,” a movie that long ago bevy of comedians, attempted more sprawling corporate
receded in our rearview mirror. to boost morale Friday as the campuses such as Warner
Meanwhile, “Saturday Night novelty of picket lines wears Bros. Studios and Walt Disney
Live,” the weekly dose of humor off. Studios in Burbank, where a
that we love or love to hate, is “ The momentum is still Southern California heat wave
still on hiatus as we creep ever building,” said stand-up comic hit hard all week.
closer to the 2024 election, its and actor Marc Maron outside But as the strike has begun
newbie-heavy cast champing at Netflix headquarters. “I got to stretch on, the regular ap-
the bit. In our overwhelmed cul- some of my comedy buddies — pearance of star writers and
ture, many of us benefit from Members of the Writers Guild of America and the Screen Actors Guild walked a picket line we’re like, let’s go, let’s make actors has given a jolt to picket
comics who ride the news, who outside of Paramount Pictures in Los Angeles on Friday. sure we’re there and we show lines in both LA and New York,
make us laugh instead of cry up for our union. There’s a lot and provided high-profile voic-
when it comes to political absur- new year unfolds. Announced in than they have already, as the show up on TV aren’t getting of people here and look, even- es on issues that are key to
dities and planetary anxieties. July, CBS brought Kevin Cost- desperate and formerly stream- the advance hype they generally tually they have to, they have both writers and actors — bet-
But in the entertainment freefall ner’s “Yellowstone,” a cable and ing-phobic finally relent and go rely on to attract eyes. The stars to negotiate, right?” ter pay and preserving estab-
of ‘24, those kinds of jokes can streaming series, to Sunday searching for something new, or aren’t doing publicity, and any- Maron starred on the series lished practices like residual
only be found at local comedy nights, beginning with the first at least new to them? Yes, it is. way there aren’t any talk shows “GLOW” for Netflix, whose payments, as well as protec-
clubs. “The Daily Show,” “Last episode of the first season. And Production on “Stranger or award shows for them to ap- headquarters in an increasing- tion from the use of artificial
Week Tonight With John Oliver,” ABC imported the MCU minise- Things,” “Yellowjackets,” “Eu- pear on — the Emmys, original- ly hip section of Hollywood intelligence. Roughly 65,000
they’re all idling in neutral. ries “Ms. Marvel” from corporate phoria,” “Emily in Paris,” “An- ly scheduled for Sept. 18, 2023, have been a bustling hub dur- actors — the vast majority of
The networks’ winter 2024 cousin Disney+. It was a smart dor,” “Hacks,” “Severance,” and still haven’t aired, and the Os- ing the strike, with music whom make less than $27,000
primetime lineups are more move, luring network viewers many others remains interrupt- cars are a big question mark. blasting and food trucks serv- a year from their screen work
crammed than ever with game into streaming storytelling while ed, but streaming nonetheless Conventions such as Comic- ing ice cream, shaved ice, and — along with 11,500 screen-
shows and reality contests. giving them something new. It’s offers many more options. Con that highlight upcoming churros. writers, are on strike.
“Name That Tune While on a not hard to imagine, say, NBC One advantage for streamers series have less reach, without His fellow comedians and On Friday, actors in London
Date in the Dark With Someone bringing Natasha Lyonne’s “Pok- and their cable counterparts is their usual mob of meet-and- comic actors abounded on the rallied in solidarity with their
in a Furry Suit Who Once Went er Face” — a perfect network their access to the world. In ad- greets. picket line, including “Satur- Screen Actors Guild-American
Out With Your Mother” is just a crime-of-the-week series, with dition to the last finished shows It’s six months from now, the day Night Live” and “Portland- Federation of Television and
shot away. There are repeats some edits, of course — over they have waiting for release in actors and writers are still on i a” a l u m Fr e d A r m i s e n , Radio Artists brethren. Stars
here and there of the likes of “Ab- from Peacock. Then, when the 2024, they are scarfing up new strike, and, like the hand sanitiz- “Hacks” star Hannah Einbind- including Brian Cox, Andy Ser-
bott Elementary” and the “Chi- strikes are over, those who liked material filmed in other coun- er on grocery shelves early in the er, “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” actor kis, Hayley Atwell, Simon
cago” franchise, titles that have “Poker Face” just might ante up tries — something Netflix in par- pandemic, the TV stock is Chelsea Peretti, “What We Do Pegg, and Imelda Staunton
shut down production; but those for Peacock to catch the next ticular has long been adept at. strangely low. Your remote con- in the Shadows” vampire Mark gathered with other perform-
episodes are getting tiresome as new season. Most of these are foreign-lan- trol batteries are draining fast Proksch, and longtime comedy ers and production crew in Le-
President’s Day comes around. Ultimately, though, stream- guage shows, but HBO’s “House from so much clicking, so much team Eric Wareheim and Tim icester Square for the demon-
In the fall, some of the networks ing and cable still have the most of the Dragon,” which filmed searching. The story lines of Heidecker, who said they were stration organized by British
still had new episodes to show — programming juice to get by in season two in 2023 in the United your favorite shows are starting not optimistic about a quick actors’ union Equity.
of “Magnum P.I.” and “Quantum the new year, since they’ve gen- Kingdom, will appear in ‘24. to fade from memory. For an en- end to the strike. They chanted “One strug-
Leap,” for example — but in the erally worked in advance, with And Apple TV+’s Irish series gaging night of viewing, you’ll "I think it’s going to be a gle, one fight, we support SAG-
new year, as strike negotiations more finished series in storage “Bad Sisters” is moving ahead, have to fall back on your wits — long struggle, a long fight," AFTRA fight.”
remain tense, not so much. awaiting release and — except too, with its second season. and, of course, keep an eye on Heidecker said. “We’re going In the United States, Bos-
To plug holes in their nightly for Apple TV+ — massive librar- What’s the next “Squid Game”? your local TV critic. to have to be out here until we ton, Philadelphia, and Chicago
schedules, the networks tried ies of older titles. Is it possible TV-hungry minds want to know. get what we need to get.” were among the the major cit-
some corporate sharing in the that the broadcast networks will Another twist: Those new Matthew Gilbert can be reached But they were confident ies with strike events Wednes-
fall that is catching on as the begin losing even more viewers and returning series that do at about finding sustenance to day and Thursday.
Metro B
LivingArts PAGE B6

T H E B O S T O N G L O B E SAT U R DAY, J U LY 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 | B O S T O N G L O B E .C O M / M E T R O

Has the time come for another COVID shot? Senate

Health officials share recommendations ahead of a new booster expected in the fall
By Martin Finucane ments from some experts who believe
adds funds
how many shots you received so far. first offered to people in September,
the CDC advice may in some cases be There’s no need to play catch-up before “regardless of whether they previously

for Cape

More than three years after the pan- too cautious. you get the bivalent shot. The original completed their [monovalent] primary
demic began, the question is still im- The CDC says that everyone ages 6 shots and boosters from Moderna, Pfiz- series.”
portant. Is it time to get another In Massachusetts, the state Depart-
COVID-19 vaccination?
While summer is in full swing, the
Doctors advise that everyone
virus is still out there, lurking at low
levels, and people continue to get sick.
ment of Public Health says about 2.1
million people got boosters after Sept.
1, 2022, nearly all of which were the bi-
valent shots. That’s about 30 percent of
And when colder weather comes, it’s stays updated on vaccinations the state’s population of about 7 mil- But federal money
going to be crucial to stay protected.
Health officials are expected to roll
once colder weather comes. lion. Nationally, about 17 percent of
people have gotten the bivalent shots, is not a sure thing
out a new shot in the fall but advise the CDC says.
that everyone right now be “up to date” People who are 65 and older can By Tal Kopan and Matt Stout
on their vaccinations. and up should get an updated, bivalent er, and Johnson & Johnson are no lon- also get a second bivalent shot, and GLOBE STAFF

Here are the current recommenda- booster vaccine. It’s as simple as that. ger even authorized. people who are immunocompromised WASHINGTON — The Senate in-
tions of the US Centers for Disease Forget about what type of vaccine The CDC recommends that every- can receive even more, according to cluded $350 million toward the re-
Control and Prevention, and com- you got previously. It doesn’t matter one get the bivalent shot, which was COVID SHOTS, Page B5 placement of the two aging Cape Cod
bridges in a wide-ranging appropria-
tions bill unveiled on Thursday, a po-
tential step toward the billions of dol-
lars needed to build the new roadways
over the Cape Cod Canal.
Even those millions are far from
ready for the bank, as a divided Wash-
ington is staring down a major fight
over government funding this fall.
But the money’s inclusion in the
Senate legislation signaled more of an
appetite in Washington to help shoul-
der the estimated $4 billion replace-
ment of the Sagamore and Bourne
bridges, the 88-year-old federally
owned arching structures that are the
only roads on and off the peninsula.
The line item in the Senate’s draft
“energy and water development” ap-
propriations bill for the bridges follows
a request by President Biden in his
budget proposal for $350 million for
the project, and is the product of a con-
certed effort by Massachusetts’ Demo-
cratic senators, Elizabeth Warren and
Edward Markey, to get federal money
for the needed investment.
“Securing $350 million in the Sen-
ate Appropriations bill is a critical win
in the decades-long effort to replace
the aging Cape Cod Canal bridges,”
Warren and Markey said in a state-
ment. “We will continue pushing to en-
sure this funding is signed into law and
appreciate our ongoing partnership
with Governor Healey, the Biden Ad-
ministration and Senate Appropria-
tions Committee Chair Murray as we
continue to prioritize this federal in-
vestment in our infrastructure.”
Having those funds actually arrive
in Massachusetts remains a significant
The Amtrak 681 Downeaster train to Brunswick, Maine, represented the final uncompleted leg on the Amtrak map for Nat Read, 84. uphill climb. The Senate still needs to


pass its appropriations bills, as does
the House, for the two chambers to be-
gin having conversations with the
White House about a deal to fund the
government beyond the end of this fis-

cal year in September.
While Biden and House Speaker
Kevin McCarthy negotiated a cap on
spending earlier this year as part of a
deal to raise the debt limit, the GOP-
Nat Read’s

By Vivi Smilgius and Maggie Scales

ride from at Read boarded the Amtrak 681 Downeaster train at North Station Friday morn-

North Station
to Brunswick,
ing, a small suitcase in tow. This wasn’t just any trip; it marked the completion of
the train enthusiast’s decades-long quest to travel all 21,400 miles of the entire
Amtrak railroad.
Read, 84, boarded the 8:50 a.m. train to Brunswick, Maine, arriving at about
Maine, Friday 12:15 p.m. and completing the final leg of his tour — or, as he put it, “the last
thread of passenger rail on Amtrak’s spiderweb map.”
completed his Once Read arrived in Brunswick, he said the train staff made an announce-

ment over the speaker to let all the passengers know that Read’s trip completed
his journey of traveling across the entirety of Amtrak’s railroad.
“I feel fulfilled, this has been over 80 years it’s taken me, and to be in Brunswick after all of this, it’s an
to stave off
effort to travel
elated feeling,” Read said from Maine on Friday. “It was a day I will remember forever.”

He planned to ride back to Boston immediately and take three trains home to Altadena, Calif., on Satur- flooding
the entire While his first Amtrak ride was decades prior, it was a couple of years ago that Read, an avid traveler, re-
alized he was just 10 segments from traversing the entire Amtrak map. He set out to complete the spider-
By Steph Machado

Amtrak map web but was halted during the pandemic. Now, he said, it was time to finish what he started.
“I have a fascination with watching America go by,” he said in an interview earlier in the week. “Sitting
PROVIDENCE — On three separate
occasions this month, heavy rains have
READ, Page B4 flooded Providence streets, leaving
basements inundated,
cars floating, and at
least one person kaya-

Restaurant owner arrested in North End shooting king down a main

The city scrambled
some snowplows — to
Authorities found couldn’t immediately be reached
for comment.
mixed reviews — to try
to push the water away from homes and
him on Cape Cod In court, prosecutors argued into sewers, as rain fell faster than the
that Mendoza should be held storm water system could handle.
By Travis Andersen without bail for the safety of the Providence has already seen more
GLOBE STAFF community, noting that the shoot- than 7 inches of rain in July, according
Patrick Mendoza, a North End ing occurred on the neighbor- to the National Weather Service, more
restaurant owner who had been hood’s busiest street. No one was than four times the normal amount.
wanted by police since he alleged- injured in the shooting, and Men- As a concrete jungle by a bay, the city
ly shot at another man on Ha- doza fled the area. faces dual vulnerabilities when it comes
nover Street on July 12, was ar- More than a week passed be- to flooding: heavy rains that the sewer
rested Friday in Falmouth and or- fore Mendoza was arrested Friday system can’t contain — that’s what hap-
dered held without bail. morning by members of the Bos- pened this month — and wind-driven
Mendoza, 54, pleaded not ton Police Fugitive Unit, with help surges from Atlantic coastal storms.
guilty in Boston Municipal Court from the Falmouth Police Depart- With extreme weather events on the
to several charges, including as- ment, according to a police report. rise, Providence leaders are thinking
sault to murder, for allegedly He was taken into police custo- more about preventing catastrophe.
opening fire on Rocco Giovanello, dy “while in the area of 200 Ter Starting Monday, work will begin on a
a 60-year-old with whom he and Heun Drive” in Falmouth, accord- $3 million construction project to re-
his brother have feuded for years. ing to the report. The address is pair the Fox Point Hurricane Barrier,
Mendoza, the owner of Moni- listed as the site of Gosnold Be- the massive blockade that prevents
ca’s Trattoria, will remain in cus- havioral Health Treatment Center. downtown from becoming an offshoot
tody until a detention hearing Ju- Gosnold spokesperson George Defense lawyer Rosemary C. Scapicchio spoke with Patrick Mendoza, who was of Narragansett Bay.
ly 26, records show. His lawyer MENDOZA, Page B4 allowed to remain hidden from view, in Boston Municipal Court on Friday. HURRICANE BARRIER, Page B3
B2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3

Judge OK’s bail

changes for man
charged in rapes
Ex-bank VP can eung could accompany his
son when he begins college.
now go to Cape, Earlier this year, Cheung
was allowed to travel to New
family events Hampshire to pick up a vehi-
cle he bought at auction, ac-
By John R. Ellement cording to court papers. He
GLOBE STAFF returned as required, Parker
A Quincy man charged said.
with raping two women and “Mr. Cheung has been on
two children at knifepoint release since his family posted
will be allowed to spend time bail in September 2022,” Park-
on Cape Cod with his family er wrote. “He would not put
and help his son move into those funds at risk to his fami-
college, according to court re-
Ivan W. Cheung has plead- ‘Mr. Cheung
ed not guilty to 11 charges in
Suffolk Superior Court and states that his
has been free on $200,000
cash bail posted by his family
family is close-
since he was arrested in Sep- knit and
tember, court records show.
WHITE OUT — The parking lot and some Cheung is a former vice
frequently spends
vehicles at the Shell Gas Station at 219 president of State Street Corp. time together.
Cambridge St., in Allston, were covered in and had worked for the firm
white powder after the fire suppression for 15 years before his arrest, Since his arrest,
system went off Friday afternoon as drivers according to court records.
His lawyer, E. Peter Parker,
Mr. Cheung has
of two vehicles were getting ready to pump
gas. Taxi driver Jean Aristide (right)
recently asked for some short- had to miss out
term changes to the 10 p.m.
surveyed the inside of his cab covered with curfew ordered when he was on several events.’
the white powder, which is sodium arraigned. E. PETER PARKER Ivan W.
bicarbonate, an official said. The fire “Mr. Cheung states that his Cheung’s Attorney
suppression system is designed to be family is close-knit and fre-
triggered by heat and to rapidly release the quently spends time together.
Since his arrest, Mr. Cheung
agent, said Boston Deputy Fire Chief
has had to miss out on several ly’s detriment by fleeing.”
Matthew Kenneally in a news conference at events,” Parker wrote. Suffolk District Attorney
the scene. “It is non-hazardous and non- “His eldest son will start Kevin R. Hayden’s office did
toxic,” he said. The gas station can’t open college out of town at the end not oppose the requests be-
till the system is working, he said. of August and opportunities cause they were minor and
for the entire family to spend Cheung has not violated any
time together will be put on a conditions of bail, according
lengthy hold.” to James Borghesani, a

West Nile virus detected in South Boston Pa r k e r a s k e d S u p e r i o r

Court Judge Catherine Ham
to allow Cheung to return
spokesman for Hayden.
Ham approved the chang-
es to bail conditions, which
home past curfew on Aug. 1 were first reported by the Bos-
By John R. Ellement and into the fall, we encourage are most active. Most people who are infected so he and his family could ton Herald, in an handwritten
GLOBE STAFF residents to protect themselves R Wear long clothing and with West Nile virus do not expe- “travel to Cape Cod for the notation on the paper filing.
The West Nile virus was de- by using insect repellent and high socks to keep mosquitoes rience any signs or symptoms of day to go fishing and crab- Cheung is charged with
tected in a mosquito pool in wearing long-sleeve clothing away from your skin. illness, according to the Public bing.” committing four “stranger
South Boston, the first time this when outside at dusk and dawn R Use EPA-approved insect Health Commission. “Those activities are tide- r a p e s ” b e tw e e n 2 0 0 3 a n d
summer the mosquito-borne ill- for prolonged periods of time,” repellents like DEET, oil of lem- “In some cases, people will dependent and would likely 2006 in Boston. According to
ness has been found in the city, she said in a statement. on, eucalyptus, picaridin, or experience a headache, fever, result in returning home past Hayden’s office, DNA linked
according to the Boston Public The discovery of the virus in IR3535. nausea, vomiting, and body the nighttime curfew,” Parker Cheung to the rapes of two
Health Commission. Boston comes after the state R Make sure window and aches which can last for a few wrote. women in 2005 and 2006.
The commission said there Department of Public Health door screens fit properly and days or several weeks. In most Cheung requested permis- A pattern in the the as-
are no confirmed cases of West detected West Nile virus in don’t have any holes. cases, individuals with mild sion to stay out past curfew saults allegedly linked him to
Nile virus in Boston and the B r o o k l i n e o n Ju l y 7 a n d i n R Regularly empty and clean symptoms recover on their own,” on Aug. 5 so he and his wife the rapes of a 13-year-old girl
“risk of transmission remains Worcester on July 13. bird baths, unused flowerpots, the commission’s website says. could “attend a concert with and a 14-year-old girl in 2003.
low.” Mosquitoes transfer the The public health agencies and other vessels containing More information on West his sister and her husband,” Prosecutors are continuing
virus to humans through bites. recommend the following strate- standing water to prevent mos- Nile Virus and other mosquito- Parker wrote. to conduct DNA testing, re-
Dr. Bisola Ojikutu, executive gies to reduce the risk of expo- quitoes from breeding. Flip over borne illnesses is available on Parker also requested that cords show.
director of the commission, said sure to mosquitoes. unused kiddie pools and dispose BPHC’s website. Cheung be allowed to spend
precautions should be taken to R Avoid spending extended of old tires, which can attract the night at his sister’s house John R. Ellement can be
avoid being bitten. periods of time outdoors from mosquitoes for breeding. John R. Ellement can be reached in Middleborough as part of a reached at
“During this time of the year dusk to dawn, when mosquitoes R Regularly clean out gutters. at family sleepover on Aug. 12.
Parker asked that the cur- Follow him on Twitter
few be lifted on Aug. 23 so Ch- @JREbosglobe.

Maine man arrested in alleged Jan. 6 assaults

By Travis Andersen Federal prosecutors said that shouted “Let’s go,” and leaned disorderly conduct in a Capitol
GLOBE STAFF Brackley allegedly entered the forward, allegedly using both building; committing an act of
A Maine man was arrested US Capitol via the Senate wing arms to push through the offi- physical violence on the Capitol
Friday and charged with assault- doors at about 2:23 p.m., some cers, prosecutors said. grounds or buildings; and pa-
ing police officers during the 10 minutes after they were first Brackley allegedly led the rading, picketing, and demon-
Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the breached. Brackley made his crowd toward the Senate cham- strating in a Capitol building, le- News Advertising
US Capitol, federal prosecutors way to the Crypt area of the ber and was again halted by po- gal filings show. CONTACTS, TIPS, COMMENTS DISPLAY
said. building, where a group of riot- lice, who used chemical spray More than 1,000 people have Switchboard: (617) 929-2000 (617) 929-2200
Matthew Brackley, 39, of ers had assembled and were that caused Brackley and other been arrested in connection (617) 929-7400
Waldoboro, Maine, was arrested pushing against police lines, rioters to retreat, prosecutors with the insurrection, which un- CLASSIFIED
there Friday and was slated to prosecutors said. said. Brackley left the Capitol folded after Donald Trump gave (617) 929-1500
appear in federal court in Port- The rioters pushed past po- building at about 3:05 p.m. a fiery speech to his supporters SPOTLIGHT TEAM TIP LINE
land later in the day, according lice and advanced further into Brackley is charged with as- urging them to “fight like hell” (617) 929-7483
to court documents and US At- the building, prosecutors said. saulting, resisting, or impeding before they marched to the Capi-
torney Matthew M. Graves in Police told Brackley and the police; civil disorder; entering tol and forced Congress to evac- Customer service City Retail Other

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case will be prosecuted. did not comply and instead building or grounds; disorderly the certification of President home delivery
Details of the Portland hear- asked the officers where then- and disruptive conduct in a re- Biden’s 2020 election victory. Daily single copy $3.50 3.50 3.50
Sunday single copy $6.00 6.00 6.00
ing weren’t immediately avail- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s of- stricted building or grounds; en-
able and his lawyer couldn’t be fice was, prosec utors said. gaging in physical violence in a Travis Andersen can be reached
reached for comment. Brackley turned to the crowd, restricted building or grounds; at

This day in history FRIDAY MIDDAY 4492 LUCKY FOR LIFE
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Today is Saturday, July 22, ºIn 1934, bank robber John by a fellow prison inmate). cafes, killing two people and EXACT ORDER Lucky Ball 07
the 203rd day of 2023. There are Dillinger was shot to death by ºIn 1992, Colombian drug wounding 13 others; authorities All 4 digits $5,395 Jackpot: $1,000 a day for life; no
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Today’s Birthdays: Singer Biograph Theater, where he had his luxury prison near Medellin. an emotionally disturbed loner, Any 2 digits $65 MASS CASH
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Jackpot: $100,000; no winners
median-director Albert Brooks is “Manhattan Melodrama.” in December 1993.) rampage. ANY ORDER
76. Rock singer Don Henley is ºIn 1942, the Nazis began ºIn 2011, Anders Breivik, a ºIn 2020, the mayor of Port-
All 4 digits $450 July 21 29-40-47-50-57
76. Jazz musician Al Di Meola is transporting Jews from the War- self-described “militant nation- land, Oregon, was among those First 3 $252
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tor John Leguizamo is 63. R&B centration camp. Norwegian island youth retreat agents as he appeared outside a FRIDAY NIGHT 9848 winners
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singer Emily Saliers (Indigo led by General George S. Patton by Oslo that killed eight others cous protests; Ted Wheeler and EXACT ORDER Midday Night
Girls) is 60. Actor Diana Maria captured Palermo, Sicily, during in the nation’s worst violence hundreds of others were object- All 4 digits $5,374 Thursday 7212 4288
Riva is 54. Actor/singer Jaime World War II. since World War II. ing to the presence of federal po- First or last 3 $752 Wednesday 9601 3556
Camil is 50. Singer Actor Parisa ºIn 1975, the House of Rep- ºIn 2013, frenzied crowds of lice sent by President Donald Any 2 digits $64 Tuesday 6640 5855
Fitz-Henley is 46. Actor A.J. resentatives joined the Senate in Roman Catholics in Rio de Ja- Trump. Any 1 digit $6 Monday 9598 8409
Cook is 45. Actor Keegan Allen is voting to restore the American neiro mobbed the car carrying ºLast year, Steve Bannon, a ANY ORDER Sunday 4059 4950
36. Actor Selena Gomez is 31. citizenship of Confederate Gen- Pope Francis as he returned to longtime ally of former Presi- All 4 digits $448 FRIDAY NUMBERS
Britain’s Prince George of Cam- eral Robert E. Lee. his home continent for the first dent Donald Trump, was con- First 3 $125 AROUND NEW ENGLAND
bridge is 10. ºIn 1991, police in Milwau- time as pontiff, embarking on a victed of contempt charges for Last 3 $251 Maine, N.H., Vermont
ºIn 1862, President Abra- kee arrested Jeffrey Dahmer, seven-day visit. defying a congressional subpoe- Day: 3-digit 219 4-digit 1222
ham Lincoln presented to his who later confessed to murder- ºIn 2018, a man walking na from the House committee Eve: 3-digit 464 4-digit 9613
Cabinet a preliminary draft of ing 17 men and boys (Dahmer along a Toronto street fired a investigating the Jan. 6 insurrec- Rhode Island 7476
the Emancipation Proclamation. ended up being beaten to death handgun into restaurants and tion at the US Capitol.
S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e B3

Providence set to start repair project on hurricane barrier

Continued from Page B1
The hurricane barrier won’t
prevent the kind of street flood-
ing that Rhode Island has seen
this summer. But it addresses a
different kind of flooding: coast-
al storm surge that threatens
downtown Providence.
David Radcliffe, the city’s
deputy emergency management
director, would love to rename
the 3,000-foot-long barricade
the “storm surge barrier,” since it
addresses much more than hur-
“It’s really an all-hazards
coastal flooding defense,” Radc-
liffe said in an interview with the
Globe on Thursday outside the
barrier in Fox Point.
Built from 1961 to 1966 for
$15 million after Hurricane Car-
ol devastated downtown Provi-
dence, the hurricane barrier is
now mostly run by the US Army
Corps of Engineers, which han-
dles the massive river gates for
which the barrier is most recog-
But the city still owns huge
street-level gates on Allens Ave-
nue, South Water Street and
Bridge Street, plus underground
sewer gates that prevent seawa-
ter from overwhelming the sew-
er system. The Fox Point Hurricane Barrier helps protect Providence from storm surges. The big river gates were most recently closed for a storm last Dec. 23.
Those are the sections of the
barrier set to see long-needed re- minutes. recently closed for a windy was about a foot deep. I haven’t ture, has pledged to make im- erty owners to make changes,
pairs starting Monday, with con- In the second phase, the city storm on Dec. 23 of last year, seen anything like it while I’ve proving it a top priority. such as adding rain barrels to
struction continuing until mid- plans to repair the street-level while the street-level vehicle been in Providence.” So what’s the plan now that collect water from their gutters
August, according to city offi- gates, replacing steel plates in gates were most recently closed “It’s definitely been a wetter he’s in office? before it hits the street.
cials. A second phase is planned the road that have cracked. The for Tropical Storm Henri in than average summer,” said Kyle He’s proposing $35 million in There’s $75,000 in this year’s
for next year. plates help lock the gates in 2021. Pederson, a meteorologist with sewer upgrades over five years in budget to assess the stormwater
“We’re lucky to have it, but place when the y have to be With sea levels on the rise, the National Weather Service in the most recent version of the system, according to press secre-
it’s only as good as it is operable,” closed ahead of coastal flooding. the 25-foot-tall hurricane barrier Norton. “In Providence, a very Capital Improvement Plan, tary Josh Estrella.
Mayor Brett Smiley said in an in- The hurricane barrier will re- cannot protect Providence forev- urban area, it can’t handle as which still has to be approved by The mayor said he plans to
terview outside the barrier. “You main fully operational during er. But Radcliffe said it is project- much rainfall because concrete the City Council. propose more money in next
have to prepare as if we’re living construction, Radcliffe said. ed to be sufficient until 2072. is not going to soak up rain.” In the short-term, Smiley year’s budget to address storm-
on borrowed time for another (Hurricane season officially While the hurricane barrier On July 10, the city flooded said city workers are dredging water management. But he said
major hurricane.” started June 1.) seeks to address storm surge, due to heavy rains again. It hap- waterways, essentially scraping he’s also starting to talk to may-
The $1.5 million first phase The overall goal is to keep the Providence has more recently pened yet again six days later, out muck and debris so the ors of neighboring communities
of repairs involves replacing the Providence River below 7 feet, been battered by heavy rains, when the city saw 3.35 inches of water level is lower. such as North Providence about
“severely corroded” hydraulics Radcliffe explained. Anything causing street flooding through- rainfall on Sunday. It was the His longer term thinking in- participating in the process,
for the underground sewer gates above that would start to flood out the city and beyond. 31st-highest single day of precip- volves strategies to “help the since water doesn’t stop flowing
at Allens Avenue, which current- downtown. “It came up very quickly in a itation in Providence since water stay where it falls,” includ- at the city border.
ly have to be closed manually, a The hurricane barrier’s gates matter of one or two minutes,” record-keeping began, Pederson ing creating more permeable “It’s not fair to the people
process that involves coordina- have been closed during major Timothy Empkie told the Globe said. surfaces, man-made ravines and who happen to be downhill,”
tion with multiple agencies, weather events from hurricanes on the Fourth of July, when flash Smiley, who during his may- other solutions to help water Smiley said.
according to city officials. The Gloria and Bob to Superstorm floods hit in the afternoon. “It oral campaign on Labor Day last absorb rather than flow down
new hydraulics will allow the Sandy, protecting downtown. was just a torrent. It extended year stood on a flooded roadway the pavement. And it could in- Steph Machado can be reached
gates to close automatically in The big river gates were most from each side of the street and to criticize the city’s infrastruc- volve incentivizing private prop- at



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S h a world beat
Meredith Goldstein explores all
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B4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3

84-year-old finishes the Amtrak journey of a lifetime

Continued from Page B1
With his love for
up high in a rail car and looking adventure, Read
at the deserts of the West, the
farmlands of the Midwest, the
has visited all
small communities of the seven continents,
Northeast, and being on a mag-
ic carpet to watch America un-
seen 100
fold. I’ve never grown tired of countries, and
One of his earliest railroad stood on both the
memories is a steam engine
ride from Kentucky to Texas
North and South
during World War II. Read was poles.
traveling home with his mother
and brother after they said
goodbye to his father, who was
fighting in the war. His mother addition to being a lifelong
had to stand throughout the train rider, he served as vice
day-and-a-half trip, he remem- president of public relations for
bered. the US High Speed Rail Corpo-
“She developed a hatred of ration. He was part of an effort
train travel from that time,” to build a high-speed rail line
Read said, “but I was caught up from Los Angeles to San Diego
with the adventure of it.” in 1983 — an “exciting idea”
A year later, he voyaged with that, he said, failed to get the
the Boy Scouts of America to a population’s consensus and ul-
jamboree in Irvine Ranch, Ca- timately failed.
lif., which later became an He is also a veteran of the
Amtrak stop itself. The trip was Vietnam War, a retired US Navy
a circuitous ride full of sightsee- captain, a published author, a
ing stops including the Grand stand-up comedian, and a po-
Canyon and Great Salt Lake. lice officer.
Read remembered sleeping Read continues to harbor his
four boys to a two-person bunk, Nat Read showed a map of the Amtrak network that he will be completing to conductors Jeremy Abbott (right) and Chuck passion for adventure. While
“nose to toes and toes to nose.” Moyer at North Station in Boston prior to the final leg of his journey on the Downeaster train to Maine. Friday afternoon marked the
With his love for adventure, end of his Amtrak journey, it
Read has visited all seven conti- ministrators] came to check my Read presented his train was not the end of his love for
nents, seen 100 countries, and fluency I could learn enough to ticket at North Station. After railroads or appetite for a chal-
stood on both the North and limp along,” he said. “I made a all his trips around the lenge, he said.
South poles. list of 50 words every morning world, he said rail travel still “I’ve set different goals and
In the late 1950s, Read was and I knew about 10,000 by the stands out most to him. One satisfied them one at a time. I’m
one of 72 American students on time they came.” of his earliest railroad 84 years old now and kind of
an exchange trip to the Soviet Years later, Read visited the memories was taking a coming to the end of the list,”
Union — “the trip of a lifetime,” South Pole with the US Navy as steam engine from Kentucky he said. “I’m sure I’ll think of
he said. He had always been fas- a public affairs officer. This to Texas during WWII. something.”
cinated with the region, he said, made him eager to visit the
which was relatively unknown North Pole, so he pulled a few the world, Read said rail travel Vivi Smilgius can be reached at
to average citizens at the time, strings and did that, too. still stands out most to him —
and was desperate for the “I tried to get a ride on a nu- and he continues to opt for Follow her on Twitter
chance to learn more about it. clear submarine, but that didn’t trains over planes and automo- @viviraye.
“I put on my application that work,” he laughed. “But I was biles. Maggie Scales can be reached at
I could speak a little Russian. I able to book passage on a Rus- Read’s love of railroads and
only knew five words, but I fig- sian nuclear icebreaker.” thirst for adventure permeated Follow her on Twitter
ured by the time [the trip ad- After all those trips around into every aspect of his life. In @scales_maggie.

Senate includes $350m for Cape bridges, but it’s no sure thing
uBRIDGES current funding — or even enter The bridges themselves are have to begin limiting the size jected grant applications from funding plans.
Continued from Page B1 a lengthy government shut- an unusual entity. They are cur- of trucks allowed on either the state and the Army Corps Now, Healey said she would
controlled House has vowed d o w n s h o u l d t h e tw o s i d e s rently owned by the federal gov- bridge in 2026 and 2030, re- seeking a combined $3 billion. commit $262 million for the
to keep funding levels below reach a stalemate. ernment but will eventually be spectively. Warren also sent let- A US Department of Trans- project under a state capital
that level, setting up a heated Governor Maura Healey in turned over to the state once re- ters to a collection of local lead- portation official told state and plan that covers through fiscal
battle with the Democratic Sen- May promised to double the placed. When they first opened ers asking them to detail the Army Corps leaders in March year 2028, with plans to spend
ate and Biden. state’s financial commitment to to traffic in 1935, they were in- impact of the aging bridges on that while the project scored additional funding on the
Money for the bridges could the project up to $700 million. tended to stand for just 50 their communities this week as well in various ways, the federal bridge project after that.
prove uncontroversial and Federal transportation officials years, and the Army Corps rec- part of an effort to continue to agency had identified a $630 In May, the Cambridge Dem-
make it into a final agreement, have said that pre vious at- ommended in 2020 that both be make the case for their replace- million shortfall in the project, ocrat also tapped Will Rasky as
if one were to be reached. But tempts to score federal aid for replaced. ment. according to notes that the her federal affairs director,
the GOP has not hidden its de- the project failed partly because T he y ’re now considered The work is considered one state’s highway administrator turning to a Biden administra-
sire to cut anything it views as the state and US Army Corps of functionally obsolete, and offi- of the most expensive bridge made of the meeting and the tion alum to serve as her ad-
objectionable as it slashes fed- Engineers, which currently cials have said pursuing long, projects in the country, and Globe obtained through a pub- ministration’s liaison to Con-
eral budgets broadly, recently owns and maintains the bridg- costly fixes in lieu of replace- questions of how to cover the lic records request. gress and the White House.
voting in a committee to strip es, didn’t have a fully fleshed- ment could be catastrophic to cost have long dogged the State lawmakers in 2021 Rasky previously served as the
earmarks that were related to out financing plan. crossings that carry tens of mil- plans. Replacing the bridges passed a borrowing bill that adviser for governmental affairs
LGBTQ community services, in- In a statement, Healey said lions a car each year. would also take years. Repre- specifically committed $350 in the Department of Transpor-
cluding $2 million Representa- the inclusion of the $350 mil- Without replacing or fixing sentative Bill Keating, a Bourne million to the project. But dur- tation.
tive Ayanna Pressley sought to lion in the Senate bill was “very each bridge, officials have said Democrat, previously told the ing last year’s application pro-
help finance a housing project exciting and welcome news,” they would be forced to perma- Globe that one timeline he was cess, MassDOT officials — then Tal Kopan can be reached at
for LGBTQ seniors in Hyde and called the project one of her nently close a lane in each di- given pegged completion of the under Republican Charlie Bak- Follow
Park. administration’s top priorities. rection by 2032 on the Bourne project in the early 2030s. er’s administration — gave no her on Twitter @talkopan.
And Washington insiders are “We will continue working Bridge and 2036 on the Saga- But identifying how to actu- indication they had more to of- Matt Stout can be reached at
unsure if the parties will even closely with our local, state and more Bridge. Should they sim- ally pay for it has eluded offi- fer after federal transportation Follow
reach a government funding federal partners to see this proj- ply fix things as they fail, offi- cials. In September and Janu- officials pressed the state on him on Twitter @mattpstout.
bill or if they will simply extend ect through,” she said. cials warned they would likely ary, the federal government re- whether they had additional

Restaurateur held without bail in recent North End shooting

uMENDOZA quested that the manager of re- That afternoon, as Giovanel-
Continued from Page B1 cord status be transferred from lo drove his Ford Explorer to-
Regan Jr., chief executive of Patrick Mendoza to Amanda ward Salem Street, Frankie
Regan Communications, said in McQueen. A manager of record Mendoza waved him over to
a statement that the treatment is an individual, approved by talk. As Giovanello got out of
center “was legally prohibited the licensing board, who is for- the car, Patrick Mendoza ran
to disclose that Patrick Mendo- mally responsible for an estab- over and smashed a glass bottle
za was a patient in its care in ac- lishment. over his head, police said. As the
cordance with federal regula- Mayor Michelle Wu’s office brothers punched and kicked
tions.” confirmed on Friday that the him, Frankie Mendoza broke off
“Gosnold is grateful that this Mendozas had submitted the the side mirror and used it as a
situation was resolved without application and it is now under weapon, according to the re-
incident,” Regan said in the review by the licensing board, port.
statement. which now has 30 days to Patrick Mendoza was found
It was not immediately clear schedule a hearing. guilty of assault and battery in
when Mendoza had arrived at The Hanover Street shooting the case and was sentenced to
the treatment facility. happened the same week that probation.
Late on July 12, Mendoza al- Mendoza’s probation sentence He was one of four North
legedly fired at Giovanello with for a 2019 altercation involving End restaurant owners who in
a snub-nosed revolver, missing Giovanello was set to end, au- May 2022 filed a federal lawsuit
him and striking the window of thorities said. against Wu, claiming the city’s
Modern Pastry, a popular bak- But on the day of the shoot- $7,500 outdoor dining fee for
ery that Giovanello lives above. ing, authorities filed notice of North End restaurants was un-
On Thursday, the city’s li- an alleged probation violation, constitutional.
censing board gave a lawyer for court records show. Hours later, An amended version of the
the Mendoza family until the Mendoza allegedly confronted lawsuit filed in March made a
end of Friday to submit evi- Giovanello as he waited for his Jorge Mendoza was in the courtroom during his brother Patrick Mendoza’s hearing Friday. new claim: that Wu was biased
dence that a proposed ne w daughter to get off work at Mod- against white men and Italian
manager was qualified to be re- ern Pastry. turned his bike around, Giovanello came across a traffic rate ways. Americans. A judge dismissed
sponsible for the restaurant. Around 10:30 p.m., he spot- dropped it on the street, and jam on Salem Street in the But as the day went on, Gio- the lawsuit in June.
The panel convened a hearing ted Mendoza riding a bicycle pulled a gun from his waist- North End, according to legal vanello “heard rumor ” that
to consider whether the restau- down Hanover Street and said band, according to the report. filings. The cause of the backup, Frankie Mendoza was looking Travis Andersen can be reached
rant should keep its liquor and Mendoza began swearing at Giovanello ran down the side- Giovanello would later tell po- for him. He had known the at
food license in light of the him, calling him “[exple- walk and tried to take cover be- lice, was Patrick Mendoza’s brothers for about 15 years, and John R. Ellement and Emily
shooting. tive]face” and warning, “I’m hind a Jeep as Mendoza fired brother, Frankie, and Frankie’s told police he figured Frankie Sweeney of the Globe staff and
The deadline came after Wil- gonna get you,” police wrote in a twice in his direction, according g i r l f r i e n d . Gi o v a n e l l o a n d Mendoza wanted to apologize. correspondents Nick Stoico,
liam Ferullo, a longtime lawyer report. to the police report. Frankie exchanged words, po- That was wishful thinking, Talia Lissauer, and Sarah Raza
for the Mendoza family, re- Giovanello said Mendoza In the February 2019 case, lice said, and went their sepa- according to a police report. contributed to this report.
S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e B5

Births among those 30 and older fall for first time in decade
By Alison Kuznitz from The Pew Charitable Trusts. pursue higher education as well the state’s decreasing birth rate. The data show that the teen report shows the share of people
STATE HOUSE NEWS DPH, which did not make an as the cost of child care and over- “Planned Parenthood League birth rate in 2020 continued to who received adequate prenatal
The number of people 30 and official available for an interview all cost of living in Massachu- of Massachusetts continues to drop following a plateau in care decreased from about 83
older who gave birth decreased on its report Thursday, told the setts, DPH said. It also noted see strong interest in long-acting 2019. The teen birth rate was 5.9 percent to 77 percent in 2020,
for the first time in 10 years dur- News Service it is difficult to ex- that expanded insurance cover- reversible contraception, like births per 1,000 female ages 15 though the timing coincided
ing 2020, according to new data plain the drop in births among age exists for assisted reproduc- IUDs, across all age groups,” to 19, compared to 20.1 in 2008. with the COVID-19 pandemic
published by the Department of people ages 30 and older with tive technology to tackle infertil- Roncari said in a statement. Racial disparities persist in when access to care was more
Public Health. only one year of data — particu- ity related to someone’s age. “When people have access to the teen birth rate. The Hispanic difficult.
The drop of 1.8 percent in larly whether it’s an anomaly or DPH cautioned that birth quality, affordable sexual and re- teen birth rate in 2020 was 21 “Most birthing people experi-
that age group comes as overall could signal an emerging trend. rate trends by age could change productive health care, they re- per 1,000 females ages 15 to 19 enced the pandemic for at least
births in Massachusetts in 2020 Meanwhile, the number of in the aftermath of the COVID- tain control over their health, — compared to 1.7 for Asian/Pa- some portion of their pregnancy.
— 66,442 — declined by 3.9 per- births among people under age 19 pandemic amid the rise in re- bodies, and futures, including cific Islander teens, 10.3 for This report describes trends in
cent. The peak of births in the 30 decreased “more sharply” by mote work and flexible work op- decisions about if and when to Black teens, and 2.2 for white prenatal care and birth out-
state came in 1990 with 92,461, 7.6 percent, according to the re- tions. have children.” teens, according to the report. comes in Massachusetts in 2020
according to DPH’s 2020 birth port. Dr. Danielle Roncari, vice All races and ethnicities saw State sexual education pro- and does not aim to analyze or
data annual report. The national median age of president of medical services at decreased birth rates, including grams for teens incorporate ra- explain the impact of the pan-
Fewer births nationally could women giving birth is also ris- Planned Parenthood League of American Indian/Alaska Native cial equity, DPH said. Program demic on these trends,” the re-
eventually hamper states’ econo- ing, going from 27 in 1990 to 30 Massachusetts,cited expanded by 15 percent, Asian/Pacific Is- providers are required to focus port states. “Future studies will
mies through lowered tax reve- in 2019, according to the US access to family planning servic- lander by 6.1 percent, Black by their work on racial and ethnic be needed to understand the
nue streams and federal fund- Census Bureau. es — including to contraception 3.9 percent, Hispanic by 0.8 per- groups who are most affected by pandemic’s impact on short- and
ing, as well as a smaller labor Delayed childbirth reflects following a 2017 law — when cent, and white by 4.6 percent, teen pregnancy, DPH said. long-term parental and child
force, according to an analysis more young women wanting to asked about factors underlying the report indicates. In another key finding, the health.”

Need another COVID shot? Officials have recommendations.

uCOVID SHOTS ing indoors . . . we’re going to manufactured in time for a roll- “although the exception would not be needed. should contact their doctors, he
Continued from Page B1 have an uptick in infections so out in the fall. be those who are at high risk He cited a hypothetical case said, because it’s not easy to “fig-
the CDC. it’s good to get vaccinated before Dr. David Hamer, a professor based on advanced age, serious of a completely healthy 25-year- ure this out from the guidelines.”
Children from 6 months to 5 that time comes,” he said. of global health and medicine at underlying immunocompromis- old man who has had three shots The bivalent shots were for-
years old should get at least one (While on the topic of avoid- Boston University, said that he ing conditions, etc.” and had COVID-19 twice al- mulated to protect against both
bivalent shot, and maybe more ing COVID-19, he noted that didn’t think that people who got Dr. Paul Sax, clinical director ready. “Does it really make sense the original virus strain and the
depending on the number of “everybody’s tired of masks,” but the first bivalent shot needed to of the Division of Infectious Dis- to have him get an extra vaccina- Omicron strain. The new shots
original shots they’ve received they continue to be useful. If you get the second. “I favor having eases at Brigham and Women’s tion now? It really doesn’t,” he this fall will be monovalent
previously, the vaccine types, have a cough or a cold or are go- my patients wait until either the Hospital, said people who’ve got- said. again, targeting a single Omi-
and their age, the CDC said. ing to be around someone with a In the fall, “the monovalent cron subvariant.
Dr. Philip Landrigan, direc- cough or a cold, or are in a vaccine that will likely be recom- The US Food and Drug Ad-
tor of Boston College’s Program crowded public place, “slip on a ‘It makes sense to get this vaccine closer m e n d e d s h o u l d b e a b e tt e r ministration told vaccine manu-
for Global Public Health and the
Common Good, said people
mask,” he said.)
Other experts said their cur- to the time there’s actually an outbreak.’ match to the circulating vari-
ants,” he said. “Also, while
facturers last month to develop
shots tailored to fight the
should follow the CDC guide- rent advice on booster shots DR. DAVID HAMER COVID is still very much circu- XBB.1.5 subvariant, after ex-
lines. And he suggested that peo- would vary from the CDC’s. Boston University professor of global health and medicine lating — just saw another person perts determined that the sub-
ple 65 and older and people who They pointed, among other with it today — disease levels are variant appeared to be the best
are immunocompromised sign things, to the current low levels lower than they’ll likely be in the target for future vaccines. The
up for their additional bivalent of the pandemic, widespread im- fall and winter, which has been CDC is expected to update its
shots. munity in the population, and the case the last three winters.” vaccine recommendations in
“It’s important to remind the arrival of what’s expected to The decision to get a bivalent mid- to late September once
people that even though you can be a better vaccine, possibly as shot should consider a person’s FDA approves the shots.
get a respiratory infection, the soon as September. new booster is available and/or ten the first bivalent booster age, their immune status, and Early studies have shown
big thing about the COVID-19 Federal regulators last month there is a new wave of SARS- don’t need a second one “unless their previous exposure to that vaccines targeting XBB.1.5
vaccines is they keep you out of advised vaccine manufacturers CoV-2,” he said by email. they’re over 80, medically frag- COVID-19, either through shots also help protect against other
the hospital and they keep you to reformulate their COVID-19 “My current advice is wait,” ile, or immunocompromised.” or infections, he said. XBB subvariants, such as
alive,” he said. You may get sick, shots to target an Omicron sub- he said. “It makes sense to get Like Hamer, he said he would “People who are highly vul- XBB.1.16 and XBB.2.3.
he said, but “you’re going to be variant to provide the best pro- this vaccine closer to the time recommend a first bivalent shot nerable should choose to be Je re m i a h Ma n i o n o f t h e
alive to work and play next tection as the weather turns there’s actually an outbreak.” for those at high risk of severe maximally vaccinated,” he said. Globe staff contributed to this re-
week.” colder and more people gather Hamer also said that many disease, such as older people or But for “intermediate-risk peo- port.
While it’s steamy outside indoors. Pfizer, Moderna, and people who have gotten their those with comorbidities. But ple, it depends on degree of im-
now, “as soon as the weather Novavax have said that updated original shots and boosters don’t for younger, healthy adults, he munity.” Martin Finucane can be reached
gets chilly and people start mov- vaccines could be developed and even need the first bivalent shot, said, the first bivalent shot may If people have questions, they at

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B6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3

By Elena Giardina


n Thursday, the opening of direc-

tor Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” at
the Boston Common AMC the-
ater, attendees were decked out
in sparkles, sequins, studs, and,
of course, pink. Some pieces were designer,
some were thrifted, and some were from Ama-
zon, but all made up more than just a costume.
Katie McCann, a 33-year-old West End resi-
dent, wore a pink, bedazzled dress with a feath-
ered hem to a nearly sold-out screening. She al-
so carried a hot pink Balenciaga handbag and
matching fuzzy slides.
“I was obsessed with Barbie as a little girl,”
said McCann. “It was the clothes for me. I think
that’s what started all of it, just the Barbie fash-
ion.” Exiting and entering the theater, ticket-
holders passed through the double doors in
flashes of pink — all shades of it, too. Some
wore stripes, others were in florals and flamin-
gos. Bryce Mosher, 26, of Chelsea, decided that
pink cowboy hats also made the cut.
“Oppenheimer,” Christopher Nolan’s new
drama about the Manhattan Project, is the
“Barbie” movie’s box office competitor this
weekend. Planning to attend a five-hour double-
feature with his partner, Mosher paired his
sparkly accessory with dark suit pants and a
matching suit jacket as an homage to both
Maura McGonagle, 34, of Allston, wore se-
quined heels featuring shiny red parrots from
UK-based brand Irregular Choice. She also wore
her mother’s pink, striped dress from the 1980s

Reclaiming ‘girliness’ through

for a retro-inspired Barbie look. When asked if
she was channeling any specific doll, McGon-
agle said, “I am the Barbie that was played with
and had their hair cut off and has stains all over

fashion at ‘Barbie’ screening

Her 38-year-old sister, Meghan McGonagle,
of Weymouth, “upcycled” her Barbie-fied shoes
— a pair of purple, sparkly cowboy boots bedaz-
zled with rhinestones. She also had a hot pink,
French tip manicure that matched both her
dangling earrings and her eye makeup.
Married couple Josh Garstka and Nicholas
DiSabatino, both 36 from Medford, matched
with pink floral button-up shirts and crew
socks. They said that they were “here for the
Kenaissance” — a reference to Eva Mendes’s
joke regarding her husband, Ryan Gosling’s,
role as Barbie’s love interest — but they also at-
tributed their festive outfits to a deeper connec-
tion with Barbie dolls.
“I remember going to McDonald’s and get-
ting the Hot Wheels [toy] in my Happy Meal. I
was really jealous that I couldn’t get the Barbies
because they seemed much more fun,” said
Garstka. “It was a much more gendered time
when we were kids. I hope kids these days get
to pick whatever toys they want.”
DiSabatino reminisced about his favorite Bryce Mosher posed for a photo before entering the AMC Boston Common. Also posing for a photo (top) were a group of friends, all in
childhood Barbie from 1992: “Totally Hair” Bar- Boston for a summer filmmaking program at Emerson College. Barbie-inspired fashion choices extended to footwear (above right).
bie, who had hair down to her ankles and a lit-
tle container of styling gel included in the pack- They said they were eager to promote the Barbie has always been that you can be any- that’s perceived as not a good thing,” Cooke
age. “Everyone should be able to play with Bar- empowering message that Barbie has evolved thing you want to be,” she said. “It’s really sim- said. “But now I feel like a lot of women, specifi-
bies. Boys and girls,” he said. to embody: Anyone can be anything at any ple in terms of its message, but I think it’s really cally Gen-Z women, are reclaiming their femi-
While many viewers arrived in style, a group time. Over the years, Barbie has been an astro- effective.” ninity through this movie.” Cooke dressed to
of friends from Concord took it to the next level naut, a journalist, and a park ranger. She has al- “A lot of girls grow up thinking they can’t emulate a vintage Barbie look with a floral-
with a stretch limousine that transported them so been a beach-goer, a pool-lounger, and a roll- love pink. . . . It’s that misogyny where you printed dress from the 1960s, white knee-high
to the screening. Most of them were wearing er skater. have to apologize for liking femininity and lik- socks, and an oversized hair bow.
pink, and each came equipped with enthusiasm Miriam Diabagate, 20, said she channeled ing being a girl,” Diabagate continued. “I love “We’ve always been put down for being too
for the “Barbie” movie. Across the street on Bos- “Ballerina Barbie” with a baby pink tutu dress that Barbie embraces her femininity, but girly,” Cooke said, “but now I feel like women
ton Common, a group of friends from a summer and a handbag shaped like a rotary phone: “I that she’s also a boss and has every job in the are saying, ‘whatever, we’re going to reclaim
filmmaking program at Emerson College gath- just want to be as girly as possible.” world.” this girliness and make it ours.’”
ered before the screening to compare their pink The Emerson film student said Barbie’s opti- Fellow student Camille Cooke, 20, of
attire. Overalls, crochet accessories, barrettes, mism and endless opportunities have been Brookline, felt similarly about Barbie’s symbol- Elena Giardina can be reached at
jelly sandals, and bandanas came in all shades. meaningful for her. “I love that the message of ism. “She’s very hyper-feminine, and usually

The late Tony Bennett left a piece of his heart in Boston, too
By James Sullivan cial “A Family Christmas.” times beginning in 1991. His final bill- Bill Hanney, who owns the North Shore
GLOBE CORRESPONDENT “I never met anyone who loved life ing there, with his close friend and ad- Music Theatre in Beverly. Bennett
From its earliest days, WBCN was more than him,” said Loprete. “I’ve mirer Lady Gaga, occurred in 2015. played there several times beginning in
known for its free-form style of pro- been dreading this day.” Tim Ray, a Berklee professor who the 1990s, including a 2014 appearance
gramming. Even by “The Rock of Bos- Around Boston, many of Bennett’s joined Bennett as his piano accompa- a few years after Hanney bought the
ton’s” loose standards, though, the mu- friends and admirers mourned the loss. nist around 2016 and was soon ap- venue.
sic of Tony Bennett was an anomaly. Radio legend Ron Della Chiesa and his pointed his musical director, noted that “He worked the room like a 25-year-
That didn’t stop ChaChi Loprete wife, Joyce, first met Bennett about 40 Bennett was a particular fan of female old,” Hanney recalled. “Out of all the
from tearing open a delivery from Co- years ago. When Bennett’s daughter jazz singers who were fluent improvis- people we’ve had perform, he’s proba-
lumbia Records containing a vinyl copy Antonia came to the city to study at ers — Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, bly tops on my list. When I had the op-
of Bennett’s latest album, “The Art of Berklee College of Music, she often Sarah Vaughan. portunity to book him, I grabbed it. It
Excellence,” one day at the ’BCN studio stayed with the Della Chiesas at their By the time Ray auditioned for Ben- wasn’t cheap, but guess what? It was
in 1986. Though he was already known home in the South End. nett, the singer was showing some ef- worth every penny.”
as a Beatles fanatic, Loprete grew up in On the day of his friend’s death, Del- fects of Alzheimer’s, though he had not “It’s almost the end of an era for his
Cambridge listening to his parents’ re- la Chiesa wore a Tiffany watch Bennett yet gone public with the diagnosis. “But style of music,” said Maggie Scott, who
cordings of the great Italian-American gave him around the time of Antonia’s his presence, his voice, and his com- recently retired as a Berklee professor
crooners — Al Martino, Frank Sinatra, graduation from Berklee. mand of the audience were always top- after a long run in the voice depart-
and of course the former Anthony “It’s engraved on the back: ‘Thanks notch,” Ray said. “I still marvel at that.” ment. She mentored Antonia Bennett
Benedetto. for everything. Love, Tony,’” Della Chie- For years, Bennett typically closed and has remained in touch with the
When program director Oedipus sa said. his shows by setting down his micro- family.
gave the young DJ the go-ahead to play These days the longtime Boston ra- phone and singing without it. “You could always understand his
a selection from Bennett’s new album dio fixture hosts a weekly program, “Most singers would never think to lyrics, and he always sang in tune,”
on the air, WBCN helped kick off one of “Strictly Sinatra,” from 9 p.m.-midnight sing without a microphone,” Ray said. Scott said. “And his choice of songs was In 1981, Tony Bennett performed
the more unlikely comebacks in pop Sundays on WPLM 99.1 FM. This “Even in his 90s, he could, absolutely.” always positive. Whatever he chose to with Count Basie and his orchestra
music history. Bennett — a star in the week’s show will be a tribute to Ben- Loprete recalled accompanying Ben- sing had a positive tone.” at Berklee Performance Center.
1950s, a has-been by the 1970s — nett. nett for an appearance at Carnegie Hall. Best known for several signature
would soon become the living embodi- “There’s Tony Bennett, and then During soundcheck, Loprete climbed to songs, including “Rags to Riches,” “I themselves privileged to be in atten-
ment of the Great American Songbook there are other singers,” Della Chiesa the fifth-level balcony of the renowned Left My Heart in San Francisco,” dance for one of Bennett’s final shows,
for the MTV generation. said. “There are lots of Sinatra imita- venue as his friend put the microphone “Stranger in Paradise,” and “The Best Is in 2021, at Radio City Music Hall.
After enjoying three decades re- tors, but nobody imitates Tony Ben- down. Yet to Come,” Bennett suffered his mid- “The music was the last thing to go,”
stored at the top of his form, Tony Ben- nett.” “And he yelled up, ‘Hey ChaChi, I’m career drought in part because he re- Della Chiesa said.
nett died Friday following several years Pressed to elaborate, Della Chiesa gonna try ‘Fly Me to the Moon,’” Lo- fused to record the bubblegum pop Besides that engraved watch, he
of decline due to Alzheimer’s disease. noted Bennett’s Calabrian heritage. prete remembered. “You could hear ev- songs of the ’60s, as many of his con- cherishes the sketches Bennett, a devot-
Bennett would have turned 97 on Aug. “His father used to get up in the erything. People loved it when he put temporaries had. Della Chiesa recount- ed painter, made of the couple and gift-
3. mountains and sing from the top of the the microphone down.” ed a story about Bennett’s mother, An- ed to them.
Loprete remained in close contact hill,” he explained. “Tony grew up lis- Bennett’s band late in his career fea- na, a dressmaker who once told a cus- “Sooner or later we’d get to talking
over the years with Bennett and his son, tening to opera, Enrico Caruso, and tured several musicians with Boston tomer that she couldn’t make the about the Italian Renaissance,” said
Danny, who managed the singer’s busi- what the Italians call bel canto. He ties, including guitarist Gray Sargent elegant wedding dress the woman Della Chiesa. “He’d say, ‘These modern
ness affairs. He accompanied them to could sustain a note longer than just and bassist Marshall Wood. Wood’s wanted for her daughter because — guys are all right, but look at Raphael
the Super Bowl, to Abbey Road Studios about anybody.” wife, the singer Donna Byrne, was a fa- it being the Depression — she could on- and Michelangelo. How did they do
in London, and to the White House for Bennett performed with Arthur Fie- vorite of Bennett’s. She often served as ly afford to work with “chintzy” materi- it?’”
a Fourth of July celebration. dler and the Boston Pops at Symphony his opening act. “It doesn’t get any bet- al.
“He was the cool uncle,” said Lo- Hall in 1977, the first of six appearanc- ter than this,” he once said of her sing- “She taught me never to use cheap James Sullivan can be reached at
prete. In fact, Loprete appeared as one es there. He was also a regular with the ing. material,” Bennett said. Follow
of Bennett’s “sons” in his 1992 TV spe- Pops at Tanglewood, appearing nine “He couldn’t have been nicer,” said Della Chiesa and his wife considered him on Twitter @sullivanjames.
Sports C
Golf: British Open, 5 a.m., USA; 7 a.m., NBC
Women’s World Cup: England-Haiti, 5:30 a.m., Fox
WNBA: Sun-Dream, 1 p.m., ESPN
WFA Championship: Renegades-Slam, 1 p.m., ESPN2
Baseball: Mets-Red Sox, 2 p.m., 7 p.m., NESN, FS1
Listings, C7
T H E B O S T O N G L O B E SAT U R DAY, J U LY 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 | B O S T O N G L O B E .C O M / S P O RT S

Chad Finn

Celtics need
more talent
to add up to
better team
The Celtics’ roster has more
pure talent than the version
that went quietly to the Heat
in Game 7 of the Eastern
Conference finals. The addi-
tion of 7-foot-3-inch Kristaps
Porzingis, a once and perhaps
future unicorn, has made
that a truth.
But “more talented” and “better team” are
not synonymous, and with the departures of
flawed fighters Marcus Smart and Grant Wil-
liams, it suddenly feels like the Celtics could
use one more trustworthy player at about three
I’m intrigued. I’m concerned. I hope there’s
more clarity, and another playable depth piece
or two, on the way.
While we await the addition of more rein-
forcements (I’d take Austin Rivers), let’s check
in with the key members of the cast . . .
Jaylen Brown: I don’t feel great about it, but
it’s the truth. The longer this curious delay in
signing Brown to a supermax contract goes on,
the more I find myself pondering whether the
Celtics would be better off if there had been an
ideal trade to find a more compatible match for
Jayson Tatum. The Fenway Park grounds crew scrambled to get the infield covered when Friday night’s game was halted in the bottom of the fourth inning.
Brown is a special scorer, but I have increas-

Storming back
ing trepidation about paying roughly $300 mil-
lion to a player who isn’t a particularly willing
or able passer (he had 68 assists and 66 turn-
overs in the playoffs, an abysmal ratio). More
damningly, unofficially led the league last sea-
son in catnaps while his man roasted him on a
backdoor cut.
Brown’s regression (indifference?) on de-
fense belies the work he has put in to hone oth-
er parts of his game — or create shots for him-
self, anyway. One simple way for the Celtics to Story-book Suspended
improve this coming season is for the holdover
players to add variety to their skill sets and rep-
return yields game could
When Brown eventually signs, hopefully he
won’t consider the massive contract a total val-
3-run homer stress staff
idation of how he plays. There is more to be
done. By Greg McKenna By Alex Speier
Jayson Tatum: I cannot make up my mind GLOBE CORRESPONDENT GLOBE STAFF

on how it would have gone in Game 7 against PORTLAND, Maine — It took With a downpour descend-
the Heat had he not sprained his ankle and Tr e v o r S t o r y m o r e t h a n 1 0 ing upon Fenway Park and light-
rendered himself practically sessile on the first months to return to the field. It ning illuminating the night sky,
possession, but I figure there are two out- took him three plate appearanc- the game between the Red Sox
comes: The Celtics would have won and com- es to leave the yard. and Mets was delayed in the
pleted the comeback from down, 3-0, in the se- Facing a full count in the fifth bottom of the fourth inning
ries. The Celtics would have blown a 10-point inning, the shortstop belted a with the Mets leading, 4-3.
lead with four minutes left and lost on a Jimmy three-run homer to break the After nearly two hours, the
Butler dagger. One or the other. Anyway, Tat- game open, the final action in game was suspended, with a
um: He always comes back with something his first rehab appearance with scheduled resumption on Satur-
new in his repertoire, and the most important Double A Portland. day at 2:10 p.m. The two teams
thing he can do this offseason is figure out how “It was kind of surreal, play- will then play a full game —
to become more efficient, especially in the mid- ing in a real game,” Story said. originally scheduled for 4:10
range. I trust that he will. “It’s been a long time coming, I p.m. — at 7:10 p.m. The two
Kristaps Porzingis: Concerns about his du- feel like. You put in a lot of work teams will be able to call up a
rability are legitimate, and given how frustrat- to get to this point. Still not 27 th player for the full game,
ed he would get in Dallas when Luka Doncic done, but definitely a big step in but not for the conclusion of the
would go into iso-ball mode, it’s fair to wonder the right direction. suspended game.
how he will mesh with Tatum and especially “I felt like a kid out there The deluge seemed somehow
Brown. But I do think many of us — especially again, competing. I’ve been fitting on a night that rapidly
those still bummed that Smart is no longer looking forward to that for a devolved for the Red Sox.
here — are underestimating Porzingis’s gifts as long time.” The Sox took an initial lead,
an offensive player, and it’s going to feel like al- After the former Rockies star with leadoff hitter Jarren Duran
most a pleasant surprise when we finally do get signed a six-year, $140 million once again playing the role of
to watch him play. contract with the Sox, his first catalyst, lining a single to right
Derrick White: His approval rating after season in Boston was cut short against Mets starter Kodai Sen-
emerging as the ultimate glue guy and, on by a heel injury he suffered in ga. As has so often been the case
FINN, Page C7 STORY, Page C5 Trevor Story returned in style, homering in his first rehab game for Portland. RED SOX, Page C5

Smith kick-starts US women in opener


By Anne M. Peterson

United States 3 A U C K L A N D ,
New Zealand —
Vietnam 0 Sophia Smith
scored twice for the United States in
the opening half and the two-time de-
fending champions kicked off the rebound off her missed penalty, but
Women’s World Cup with a 3-0 victory she quickly returned. It was just her
over Vietnam, a newcomer to the second penalty miss for the United
tournament. States.
Lindsey Horan added a goal for the Smith, one of 14 Americans play-
favored Americans, who have won ing in their first-ever World Cup,
four World Cups overall and are vying showed why she was named both US
for an unprecedented three-peat in Soccer’s Player of the Year and the Na-
this year’s tournament. tional Women’s Soccer League MVP
Vietnam drew comparisons to last year with her two first-half goals.
Thailand, the team the Americans Smith scored off a pass from cap- Hammer time
routed 3-0 in in their 2019 World Cup tain Lindsey Horan in the 14th min- Harman (above) shoots 65 for a five-shot lead
opening game, ahead of the match ute. Smith and Horan celebrated with and a tie of 36-hole mark at British Open. C2
Saturday (late Friday in Eastern a choreographed handshake after the
Time). But Vietnam was surprisingly goal. She scored again in first-half
Drop the hammer
MIAA hits Bishop Fenwick with 1-year post-
resilient, kept the game closer than stoppage time to make it 2-0 going in-
season ban in all sports for rules violation. C6
expected, and goalkeeper Tran Thi to the break. The United States was at
Kim Thanh stopped Alex Morgan’s first flagged as offside before a video Dramatic debut
first-half penalty attempt. review confirmed the goal. Messi comes off the bench, scores winning
Morgan was knocked to the field The US team was infused with free kick in his Inter Miami debut. C6
Sophia Smith (right) celebrated her second goal with Crystal Dunn. clutching her calf after trying for the WORLD CUP, Page C6
C2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3


Harman leads Open by five shots Scores

At Royal Liverpool GC, Hoylake, England
Yardage 7,383 Par 71

Brian Harman...............................67-65-–132
Tommy Fleetwood...................... 66-71-–137
Sepp Straka..................................71-67-–138

American shoots 65, Jason Day......................................72-67-–139

Min Woo Lee................................71-68-–139
Shubhankar Sharma...................68-71-–139
Emiliano Grillo..............................66-74-–140 -2
ties 36-hole record Adrian Otaegui.............................67-73-–140
Jordan Spieth...............................69-71-–140
Cameron Young...........................72-68-–140
Richard Bland...............................70-71-–141 -1
By Doug Ferguson Laurie Canter............................... 71-70-–141
Stewart Cink.................................68-73-–141
ASSOCIATED PRESS Wyndham Clark...........................68-73-–141 -1
Nicolai Hojgaard..........................71-70-–141 -1
HOYLAKE, England — Brian Harman Max Homa.................................... 68-73-–141
Matthew Jordan...........................69-72-–141
found himself in elite company through Thriston Lawrence......................71-70-–141 -1
Rory McIlroy.................................71-70-–141 -1
two rounds at Royal Liverpool, tying the Guido Migliozzi............................69-72-–141 -1
Antoine Rozner............................67-74-–141 -1
36-hole record also held by Tiger Woods Matthew Southgate....................71-70-–141 -1
Henrik Stenson............................ 73-68-–141 -1
and Rory McIlroy. Even better was having Michael Stewart.......................... 68-73-–141 -1
Alexander Bjork...........................69-73-–142 E
no company at all atop the leaderboard Viktor Hovland.............................70-72-–142 E
Tom Kim........................................74-68-–142 E
Friday in the British Open. Hideki Matsuyama......................70-72-–142 E
Marcel Siem................................. 71-71-–142 E
Harman seized control early with four Byeong Hun An............................73-70-–143 +1
straight birdies, and saved his best for the Abraham Ancer............................72-71-–143
Thomas Detry...............................74-69-–143
final hole. He ripped a 5-iron to 15 feet for Joost Luiten.................................. 71-72-–143
Adrian Meronk.............................72-71-–143
eagle, giving him a 6-under 65 that gave Alex Noren....................................68-75-–143 +1
Thomas Pieters............................70-73-–143 +1
him a five-shot lead over Tommy Fleet- Jordan Smith................................71-72-–143 +1
Oliver Wilson................................69-74-–143 +1
wood going into the weekend. Christiaan Bezuidenhout............73-71-–144 +2
Corey Conners.............................73-71-–144 +2
Not since Scottie Scheffler at the 2021 Bryson DeChambeau..................74-70-–144 +2
Zack Fischer.................................71-73-–144 +2
Masters has a player led a major by five Alex Fitzpatrick............................74-70-–144 +2
Matt Fitzpatrick...........................72-72-–144 +2
shots through 36 holes. The last player to Tyrrell Hatton...............................71-73-–144 +2
Rikuya Hoshino............................75-69-–144 +2
lead the British Open by five shots at the Sungjae Im....................................70-74-–144 +2
halfway point was Louis Oosthuizen at St. Zach Johnson...............................75-69-–144
Kurt Kitayama..............................72-72-–144
Andrews in 2010. Both went on to win Romain Langasque......................70-74-–144
Hurly Long....................................72-72-–144
handily. Louis Oosthuizen.........................74-70-–144 +2
J.T. Poston.....................................71-73-–144 +2
“I understand a lot can happen at an Jon Rahm...................................... 74-70-–144 +2
Patrick Reed.................................70-74-–144 +2
Open, but eight shots is a lot of shots to Brandon Robinson-Thompson...71-73-–144 +2
Xander Schauffele.......................70-74-–144 +2
spot a player who’s playing really well,” Cameron Smith............................72-72-–144 +2
GREGORY SHAMUS/GETTY IMAGES Brendon Todd...............................74-70-–144 +2
said Jordan Spieth, who lost three shots Sami Valimaki..............................76-68-–144 +2
Gary Woodland............................73-71-–144 +2
on the back nine for a 71 that left him Tommy Fleetwood, pondering his putt on the 18th, scrambled for a 71 to remain five shots out of the Open lead. Patrick Cantlay............................70-75-–145 +3
Rickie Fowler................................72-73-–145 +3
eight behind. “But I think we’ll just have Ryan Fox........................................78-67-–145 +3
to look at what Brian will do. He’s in con- final two holes for his 71. edge of a bunker to 2 feet for eagle. Padraig Harrington.....................74-71-–145
Brooks Koepka.............................70-75-–145
trol now. It’s on him.” Fleetwood, who grew up about 45 “I think the scorecard is a long way off Christo Lamprecht...................... 66-79-–145
David Lingmerth..........................70-75-–145
McIlroy had even more ground to minutes away in Southport, had massive how the game feels,” Smith said. “It’s been Robert MacIntyre........................74-71-–145 +3
Victor Perez..................................74-71-–145 +3
make up. He figured a round in the 60s support from the gallery in the northwest a frustrating couple of days.” Andrew Putnam...........................73-72-–145 +3
Richie Ramsay..............................73-72-–145 +3
would have put him right back in the mix. of England. He knows about big deficits That’s what made Harman’s round so Scottie Scheffler..........................70-75-–145 +3
Adam Scott...................................72-73-–145 +3
He lost his spark around the turn and on- in the Open, having started four shots be- impressive. A pint-sized lefthander with Scott Stallings..............................74-71-–145 +3
Danny Willett................................73-72-–145 +3
ly a birdie at the par-5 18th allowed him hind Shane Lowry at Royal Portrush in Georgia grit, Harman has done the best at Missed cut
Keegan Bradley.............................70-76–146 +4
to break par with a 70. He was nine shots the final round in 2019. keeping the ball in play — on grass, not Ben Griffin......................................75-71–146 +4
Kyungnam Kang............................78-68–146 +4
behind in his quest to end nine years At least this time he still has 36 holes. pot bunkers — and he has made only one Pablo Larrazabal...........................72-74–146 +4
without a major. “Brian had two amazing days,” Fleet- bogey through 36 holes. Taylor Moore.................................76-70–146
Collin Morikawa............................73-73–146
Harman’s 65 matched the lowest score wood said. “He’s a long way in front. Of His start got everyone’s attention — Seamus Power.............................. 71-75–146
Kazuki Yasumori...........................73-73–146
for Royal Liverpool, which is hosting the course there’s a long way to go. But still, birdie putts from 20 feet on the second, Jose Luis Ballester Barrio............73-74–147 +5
Harris English................................75-72–147 +5
Open for the 13th time. He was at 10-un- for myself and everybody else playing, it’s 25 feet on the third, 18 feet on the fourth. Lucas Herbert................................71-76–147 +5
Tom Hoge.......................................72-75–147 +5
der 132, the same score Woods in 2006 just do your thing, play one shot at a time And then he went long on the par-5 fifth, Joaquin Niemann..........................78-69–147 +5
Yannik Paul....................................77-70–147 +5
and McIlroy in 2014 had when they went . . . You just have to keep playing until it’s only to watch his chip bang into the pin Sahith Theegala............................79-68–147 +5
Sam Burns......................................73-75–148 +6
on to win the claret jug. over and see where you finish.” and stop inches away for the easiest bird- Tony Finau......................................73-75–148 +6
JON SUPER/ASSOCIATED PRESS Kazuki Higa....................................73-75–148 +6
Harman cared only about a little food, The course remained tough, even ie of all. Billy Horschel.................................73-75–148 +6
Bio Kim ........................................... 74-74–148 +6
a little sleep, and not thinking about though the R&A chose to rake sand in the Brian Harman was all smiles after his He also chipped in for par on No. 12 Michael Kim...................................75-73–148 +6
much more. bunker toward the edges to keep golf balls eagle on No. 18 sealed his 6-under 65. when he had to hit backward from a fair- Chris Kirk........................................78-70–148
K.H. Lee...........................................75-73–148
“I’ve had a hot putter the last couple from rolling next to the edges of the steep, way bunker, and his two par saves on the Francesco Molinari.......................73-75–148
Trey Mullinax.................................75-73–148
days, so try to ride it through the weekend vetted sides. Such situations led to big for the PGA Tour’s postseason. 16th and 17th set him up for his big fin- Keita Nakajima..............................72-76–148 +6
Davis Riley......................................78-70–148 +6
— 36 holes to go, so try to rest up and get numbers in the opening round. Over the final hour, the only drama ish. Justin Rose.....................................74-74–148 +6
Kalle Samooja................................72-76–148 +6
ready,” Harman said. “It played tough — it played really, re- was who would survive the cut at 3-over Harman had the 54-hole lead at Erin Nick Taylor.....................................73-75–148 +6
Matt Wallace.................................75-73–148 +6
The key to Saturday might be to stay ally tough,” McIlroy said. “Ten under par 145. Hills in the 2017 US Open, only to close Dan Bradbury................................ 76-73–149 +7
Nacho Elvira...................................72-77–149 +7
dry with rain in the forecast. is unbelievably impressive out there. Scheffler, the world’s No. 1 player who with a 74 as Brooks Koepka blew past Ewen Ferguson..............................74-75–149 +7
Mateo Fernandez de Oliveira.....77-72–149 +7
Sepp Straka had six birdies over his We’ll see what the weekend holds. But af- has not finished worse than 12th this him to win the first of his five majors. Talor Gooch....................................74-75–149 +7
Russell Henley...............................73-76–149 +7
last seven holes — the other was a bogey ter two days I’m actually pretty happy year, delivered a clutch moment when he Harman says he was guilty of thinking too Rasmus Hojgaard......................... 78-71–149 +7
— for a 31 on the back nine that gave him with my two days’ work.” got up-and-down from a bunker on the much about the lead, a mistake he hopes Si Woo Kim....................................69-80–149
Shane Lowry..................................72-77–149
a 67. He was alone in third place, six shots At least he has two more days. par-5 18th for birdie. That gave him a 74 not to repeat. Charl Schwartzel...........................77-72–149
Ockie Strydom...............................72-77–149
behind Harman. Dustin Johnson shot an 82, his worst to make the cut on the number. Most surprising to Harman, who is Connor Syme.................................74-75–149 +7
Darren Clarke................................73-77–150 +8
Fleetwood made back-to-back birdies score in a major since the final round at Patrick Cantlay, the No. 4 player in the No. 26 in the world ranking, is that he Seungsu Han..................................76-74–150 +8
Thorbjorn Olesen..........................73-77–150 +8
on the back nine to get within four shots Pebble Beach that cost him a chance in world, was one outside the cut line when hasn’t won in six years and only has two Marco Penge................................. 74-76–150 +8
Travis Smyth..................................78-72–150 +8
of Harman, only to find a bunker to the the 2010 US Open. Justin Thomas re- he chipped in for birdie on the par-3 17th PGA Tour titles. He hasn’t contended in a Haydn Barron................................74-77–151 +9
Tiger Christensen......................... 77-74–151 +9
left of the 16th fairway. He could only bounded from his 82 with a 71 that was and made it. Defending champion Cam- major since the 2017 US Open, and regis- Daniel Hillier..................................78-73–151 +9
Phil Mickelson...............................77-74–151 +9
splash out and had to hit a superb pitch to all about momentum — he is playing next eron Smith was one over the cut when he tered only one other top 10, a year ago at Ernie Els..........................................75-77–152 +10
Branden Grace.............................. 73-79–152 +10
save bogey. He scrambled for par on the week in Minnesota as he tries to qualify hit a 6-iron that curled around the top St. Andrews. Alex Maguire................................. 72-80–152 +10
David Micheluzzi...........................77-75–152 +10
Taiga Semikawa............................77-75–152 +10
Callum Shinkwin...........................78-74–152 +10
Lee Hodges....................................76-77–153 +11
Takumi Kanaya.............................73-80–153 +11

British Open leadercards Connor Mckinney..........................76-77–153

Justin Thomas............................... 82-71–153
Marc Warren................................. 79-74–153
Alejandro Canizares.....................75-79–154 +12
Leaders after the second round at Royal Liverpool GC Eagle or better Birdie Bogey Double bogey or worse John Daly........................................77-77–154
Oliver Farr......................................74-80–154
Denny McCarthy...........................76-78–154 +12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OUT 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IN TOT Graeme Robertson....................... 75-79–154 +12
Adam Schenk.................................79-75–154 +12
YARDS 459 453 426 367 520 201 481 436 218 3561 507 392 449 194 454 620 461 136 609 3822 7383 Dustin Johnson..............................74-81–155 +13
Martin Rohwer.............................. 73-82–155 +13
PAR 4 4 4 4 5 3 4 4 3 35 4 4 4 3 4 5 4 3 5 36 71 Kyle Barker.................................... 76-80–156 +14
Jorge Campillo...............................82-74–156 +14
Harrison Crowe.............................76-80–156 +14
Brian Harman 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 31 4 4 4 3 4 5 4 3 3 34 65 Kensei Hirata.................................75-81–156 +14
Hiroshi Iwata.................................77-79–156 +14
Tommy Fleetwood 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 3 36 3 4 4 4 3 4 5 3 5 35 71 Gunner Wiebe................................79-79–158
Taichi Kho...................................... 83-77–160
Adri Arnaus....................................82-81–163 +21
Sepp Straka 3 4 6 4 4 3 4 5 3 36 4 4 3 2 3 4 5 2 4 31 67 Jazz Janewattananond.................81-83–164 +22

No. 1 Scheffler, 2022 champion Smith barely make cut

By Tales Azzoni stuff, not someone who’s trying to win a away by police.
ASSOCIATED PRESS British Open,” Thomas said. Just Stop Oil is an organization that
HOYLAKE, England — World No. 1 Johnson, a Masters champion, shot wants the British government to stop
Scottie Scheffler had to make a tough 10-over-par 81 after opening with a 3- new oil, gas, and coal projects. It has in-
up-and-down from the bunker for bird- over 74. He made six bogeys and two terrupted a slew of major sporting
ie. Defending champi- double bogeys Friday. events in Britain in recent months, in-
NOTEBOOK on Cameron Smith Morikawa, the 2021 Open champi- cluding Wimbledon, an Ashes cricket
pulled off a perfect 6- on, birdied two of the last four holes test and the world snooker champion-
iron from the fairway for a tap-in eagle. but finished at 4-over par for the tour- ship.
Both came through with great shots nament. Shane Lowry, the 2019 British Ahead of the Open, R&A chief exec-
at the 18th to make the cut at the Brit- Open champion, made four bogeys and utive Martin Slumbers said there were
ish Open on Friday, contrary to a slew a double to finish at 7 over. “significant security procedures in
of other major champions who are go- Tony Finau and Justin Rose ended at place” to deal with protesters and that
ing home for the weekend. 6 over, Ernie Els was at 7 over, Phil players have been advised to not get in-
Dustin Johnson never had a chance Mickelson at 9 over and John Daly at 12 volved.
after shooting in the 80s. Justin over.
Thomas couldn’t overcome what he Among those who made it on the Aussie aces 17th
called “bonehead” mistakes. Collin line were former major champions Australian Travis Smyth aced the
Morikawa made a late run that was not Brooks Koepka, Danny Willett, Patrick 17th hole.
enough. Reed, Padraig Harrington, and Adam Smyth hit a high 9-iron tee shot that
The cut at Royal Liverpool was as Scott. Christo Lamprecht, the South bounced twice before going in the pic-
low as 2 over during the day, and ended African amateur who went from a tie turesque hole that played 132 yards
with 76 players at 3 over or better. for the lead on the first day to being on long Friday.
Smith came into the final hole at 4- Scottie Scheffler made the cut with a par-saving bunker shot on No. 18. the verge of missing the cut on the sec- There was a huge roar from the
over par, needing at least a birdie. After ond day, Patrick Cantlay, Robert Ma- crowd, and Smyth raised his right arm
finding the fairway with a good drive par-4 14th and a bogey at the par-4 Scheffler raised both arms after hit- cIntyre, and Rickie Fowler also made it to celebrate as his caddie and playing
off the tee, he hit a superb 6-iron from 16th. He finished with a 1-over par 72. ting it close from the bunker to secure at 3 over. partners came over to congratulate
232 yards out to just over a foot from “Was just kind of another one of his 4. He had gotten unlucky when his him. It was the first hole-in-one at Hoy-
the hole for his eagle. those days,” said Smith, the Open win- second shot hit near the lip of the bun- Protestors disrupt 17th lake this week.
“It was a good shot,” Smith said. “I ner at St. Andrews last year. “But it was ker and bounced back into it. Three environmental activists brief- The 17th was redesigned to add dra-
hit plenty of good shots today that good to end like that for sure.” Thomas, a two-time major champi- ly interrupted play at the British Open. ma to the Open at Royal Liverpool this
didn’t get kind of that reward, so it was Scheffler made four bogeys on the on, struggled over the first two days at The Just Stop Oil protesters went year, challenging players with an elevat-
nice to finish off like that. Given the cir- back nine and arrived at the 18th need- Hoylake and finished at 11 over for the onto the 17th hole, with one throwing ed green well protected by steep slopes
cumstance, as well, probably an even ing a birdie to keep alive his streak of tournament. He shot 11-over 82 on what appeared to be orange paint to the and deep bunkers.
better shot.” not missing any cuts this season. He Thursday in a round that included a 9 side of the green. Another was led away Smyth, ranked No. 310, was 2-over
Smith was on the cut line after mak- has finished 12th or better in his last 19 on the last hole. from the green by American player Billy par for the round before making the
ing a birdie at the par-4 12th, but tournaments, though his last win was “Making two doubles and a quad, Horschel. ace. He finished his round at 1-over 72
dropped back after a double at the in March at the Players Championship. that’s 8-year-old, 9-year-old kind of The three protesters were escorted and was at 8 over for the tournament.
S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C3

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My perfect day?
Making yours.
C4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3


Judge set to take live BP

Benintendi lf 5 1 2 1 0 0 .289
Anderson ss 3 0 1 1 1 1 .236
Robert Jr. cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .272
Jiménez dh 4 1 2 0 0 0 .276
Burger 3b 4 0 0 0 0 4 .217
Grandal c-1b 3 1 1 2 1 1 .251
Sheets 1b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .218
Peréz ph-c 1 0 0 0 0 1 .167
Remillard rf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .299
Andrus 2b 4 1 2 0 0 0 .214
Rays top Orioles in much-needed win, beating the Roy- his left hand, but the three-time AL Totals
35 4
8 4 2 12

als, 5-4, in New York. MVP still isn’t close to a return.

AL East showdown Franchy Cordero homered for the Trout had the stitches removed
Correa ss
Julien 2b
Farmer 3b
5 1 0 0 0 0 .227
2 2 1 0 2 0 .318
0 0 0 0 0 0 .247
second straight game and Gleyber this week following surgery to repair Kirilloff 1b
Kepler rf
4 1 2 4 0 1 .284
4 1 1 0 0 0 .223
ASSOCIATED PRESS Torres also went deep for the Yan- his broken hamate bone, the slugger Wallner lf
Buxton dh
3 1 1 0 1 1 .303
4 2 2 4 0 1 .197
Yankees slugger Aaron Judge is set kees, who stopped a four-game slide said. His hand is still bruised and Solano 3b-2b 3 0 0 0 0 2 .272
Jeffers c 4 1 1 1 0 1 .260
to take live batting practice Sunday as and won for only the third time in 12 scabbed, and it must heal fully before Taylor cf 3 0 1 0 1 1 .220
Totals 32 9 9 9 4 7
he works his way back from a toe in- games since July 4. Torres extended he can resume swinging a bat. Chi. White Sox..........100 012 000 — 4 8 2
Minnesota..................500 200 20x — 9 9 0
jury. his hitting streak to 11 games. Trout has been out since July 3, E—Andrus (8), Remillard (3). LOB—Chi.
Yankees manager Aaron Boone The Yankees hit three homers for when he hurt his hand on a swing. White Sox 6, Minnesota 4. 2B—Jiménez (12),
Andrus (8), Kirilloff (11). HR—Benintendi (2),
said Friday before beating the Royals, the fourth time since Judge went on The Angels projected Trout would be off Ryan, Grandal (8), off Ryan, Kirilloff (8),
off Lynn, Buxton 2 (17), off Lynn, off Lynn, Jef-
5-4, that the team may be able to give the injured list on June 3. New York out for 6-8 weeks immediately after fers (5), off Lynn. DP—Chi. White Sox 2.
Chi. White Sox IP H R ER BB SO ERA
a timetable for the outfielder’s return improved to 16-22 without him. his injury, and the forecast hasn’t Lynn L 6-9 6„ 8 9 6 3 6 6.18
Shaw 1‚ 1 0 0 1 1 9.39
following the session. New York righthander Clarke changed significantly, manager Phil Minnesota IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Judge is serving his second stint Schmidt (6-6) was charged with three Nevin said. Ryan W 9-6 6 7 4 4 1 10 3.88
Pagán 1 1 0 0 1 0 3.40
on the injured list this season after runs and five hits in 5„ innings. Moran 2 0 0 0 0 2 4.31

tearing a ligament in his right toe A first for Harper Inherited runners-scored—Shaw 1-0.
HBP—by Shaw (Solano). NP—Lynn 100,
June 3 while making a catch against a Rays take AL East battle Bryce Harper flashed some glove Shaw 21, Ryan 104, Pagán 15, Moran 22. Um-
pires—Home, D.J. Reyburn; First, Clint Von-
QUINN HARRIS/GETTY IMAGES drak; Second, John Libka; Third, James Hoye.
bullpen fence in the outfield of Dodg- Zach Eflin pitched seven strong in- with a stunning catch in his first ca- T—2:20. A—31,339 (38,544).
The Cubs’ Cody Bellinger has made himself a hot er Stadium. nings to become the American reer start at first base, but the Guard-
commodity as the trade deadline approaches. He ran the bases Wednesday and League’s third 11-game winner, and ians ended Philadelphia’s interleague BRAVES 6, BREWERS 4
said the biggest hurdle for his return the Rays beat the Orioles, 3-0, in St. winning streak at 12 games by edging ATLANTA AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
Acuña Jr. rf 5 0 0 0 0 1 .328
is more mental than physical. Petersburg, Fla., in a matchup of the the Phillies, 6-5, in Cleveland. Albies 2b 3 1 0 0 1 1 .259

Riley 3b 4 2 2 2 0 1 .270
Meanwhile, catcher Jose Trevino top teams in the American League. José Ramírez had four hits and Olson 1b 3 1 1 0 1 1 .258
Murphy c 3 1 1 0 0 1 .290
has a tear in his right wrist that will Baltimore, which won 4-3 in 10 David Fry drove in two runs for Cleve- Ozuna dh 3 0 0 2 0 1 .234
Rosario lf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .247
require surgery, likely sidelining him innings Thursday night in the opener land. Arcia ss 3 1 1 2 1 1 .291
Harris II cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .268
for the rest of the season. of the four-game set, leads the AL J.T. Realmuto hit a two-run homer Totals 32 6 6 6 3 11
The 30-year-old Trevino was East with a .608 winning percentage and Bryson Stott had a solo shot for MILWAUKEE AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
EAST W L Pct. GB Div. Last 10 Streak Yelich lf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .287
placed on the 10-day injured list be- compared to Tampa Bay’s .604. The Philadelphia, which squandered Contreras c 4 2 2 1 0 1 .277
Baltimore 59 38 .608 — 17-12 7-3 L1 Adames ss 4 1 1 2 0 2 .211
fore Friday’s game against Kansas Orioles trailed the Rays by 6½ games some early scoring chances and lost Winker dh 4 0 1 1 0 1 .198
Tampa Bay 61 40 .604 — 18-11 4-6 W1 Caratini 1b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .240
*Toronto 54 43 .557 5 7-20 7-3 W1 City. He has been playing with the in- at the beginning of July. for just the fourth time in its last 19 Monasterio 3b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .291
Turang 2b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .203
Boston 51 46 .526 8 16-11 7-3 L2 jury throughout the season. Eflin (11-5) allowed two hits, road games. Perkins rf-cf 2 0 0 0 2 2 .210
New York 51 47 .520 8½ 13-17 3-7 W1 “I know how much this hurts, how struck out eight, and walked one, im- The Phillies also finished one win Wiemer cf
Tapia ph-rf
1 0 0 0 1 0 .207
1 0 0 0 0 0 .173
CENTRAL W L Pct. GB Div. Last 10 Streak invested he is obviously in our team,” proving to 10-1 in 11 starts at home. shy of matching the record of 13 con- Totals 30 4 6 4 5 10
Atlanta....................... 032 010 000 — 6 6 0
Minnesota 51 48 .515 — 19-12 6-4 W1 Yankees manager Aaron Boone said, The righthander joined teammate secutive interleague wins shared by Milwaukee.................200 002 000 — 4 6 0
LOB—Atlanta 4, Milwaukee 4. 2B—Olson
Cleveland 48 49 .495 2 13-13 5-5 W1 “so certainly feel for him but it was Shane McClanahan and Texas’s Na- the Yankees (2003-04), Rays (2004), (19), Yelich (23), Contreras (18). HR—Riley
Detroit 44 53 .454 6 18-12 6-4 L1 (21), off Peralta, Arcia (10), off Peralta,
getting to a point where we had to go than Eovaldi with 11 victories. Marlins (2013-14) and Dodgers Adames (17), off Soroka. SF—Ozuna. DP—
Chicago 41 58 .414 10 15-12 4-6 L1 get it taken care of.” Isaac Paredes and Jose Siri hom- (2017). Atlanta 2.
Kansas City 28 71 .283 23 9-25 3-7 L3
Trevino is batting .210 with four ered for the Rays, who stopped a five- Soroka W 2-1 6 6 4 4 2 4 5.52
WEST W L Pct. GB Div. Last 10 Streak homers and 15 RBIs in 55 games. He game skid and improved to 4-12 in Orioles active Fujinami Heller
1 0 0 0 1 1 2.77
1 0 0 0 0 2 2.94
Yates S 2 1 0 0 0 2 3 3.38
Texas 58 40 .592 — 16-11 7-3 L1 made the All-Star team and won a July. The Orioles activated Shintaro Fu- Milwaukee IP H R ER BB SO ERA
*Houston 54 43 .557 3½ 20-11 5-5 W2
Gold Glove last year, when he hit .248 jinami two days after acquiring the Peralta L 6-8 5 6 6 6 3 5 4.72
*Los Angeles 49 48 .505 8½ 16-14 4-6 W3
with a career-high 11 homers and 43 Kershaw close to return Japanese righthander from Oakland
3 0 0 0 0 5 2.51
1 0 0 0 0 1 5.40
*Seattle 48 48 .500 9 15-11 5-5 W1 HBP—by Peralta (Murphy). NP—Soroka
*Oakland 27 72 .273 31½ 4-24 2-8 L1 RBIs in 115 games after being ac- All-Star lefthander Clayton Ker- for lefthander Easton Lucas. Fujina- 87, Heller 13, Jiménez 17, Yates 32, Peralta 97,
BryWilson 37, Mejía 17. Umpires—Home,

quired from Texas late in spring shaw is expected to face hitters in a mi signed a $3.25 million, one-year Mark Wegner; First, Malachi Moore; Second,
Bruce Dreckman; Third, Stu Scheurwater.
training. simulated game Monday and could deal with the Athletics in January af- T—2:32. A—37,698 (41,700).
To replace Trevino, catcher Ben return for the NL West-leading Dodg- ter spending 10 years with the Han-
Rortvedt was recalled from Triple A ers as early as next weekend. shin Tigers. Fujinami went 5-8 with
Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. He will get The three-time NL Cy Young an 8.57 ERA in 34 games with Oak- LA DODGERS
Betts rf
4 2 1 2 2 1 .278
EAST W L Pct. GB Div. Last 10 Streak his first extended look since he was Award winner, who hasn’t pitched land, but over his last 17 appearanc- Freeman 1b
WiSmith c
4 3 2 3 2 2 .322
5 1 2 2 0 0 .291
Atlanta 63 33 .656 — 22-6 5-5 W2 acquired in a trade with Minnesota in since June 27 because of left shoulder es, he is 3-3 with a 3.28 ERA . . . The Martinez dh 4 0 2 3 1 2 .260
Taylor lf 5 0 1 0 0 0 .208
Philadelphia 52 45 .536 11½ 9-15 4-6 L3 March 2022. soreness, threw a bullpen session Fri- Blue Jays acquired reliever Génesis Muncy 3b 4 1 1 1 1 0 .188
DeLuca cf 2 0 1 0 0 1 .229
Miami 53 46 .535 11½ 13-16 2-8 L7 Rortvedt, 25, will assume a great- day. Manager Dave Roberts said Ker- Cabrera in a trade with the Cardinals Outman ph-cf 3 0 1 0 0 1 .244
New York 45 51 .469 18 13-13 5-5 L1 Rojas ss 2 3 1 0 2 0 .226
er role going forward along with Kyle shaw (10-4, MLB-best 2.55 ERA) for minor league catcher Sammy Her- YoHernándz 2b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .188
Washington 39 58 .402 24½ 9-16 5-5 W1 Totals 37 11 13 11 8 8
Higashioka. won’t make a rehab start before re- nandez. The Blue Jays designated
CENTRAL W L Pct. GB Div. Last 10 Streak TEXAS AB R H BI BB SO Avg.
turning to the active roster. righthander Trent Thornton for as- Semien 2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .272
Milwaukee 54 44 .551 — 20-9 7-3 L1 McKinney star of day signment to make room for Cabrera,
Seager ss 3 2 2 1 1 1 .350
JoshSmith pr-ss 0 0 0 0 0 0 .211
Cincinnati 53 46 .535 1½ 12-17 4-6 W3
Billy McKinney hit a three-run Trout’s stiches removed a lefthander who has struggled this
Lowe 1b
García rf
2 2 1 2 2 1 .281
2 1 1 0 2 0 .261
Chicago 46 51 .474 7½ 13-12 5-5 W1 Jung 3b 2 0 0 0 2 1 .271
St. Louis 44 54 .449 10 12-15 8-2 L1 homer and made two key catches in Mike Trout is making progress in year, going 1-1 with a 5.06 ERA in 32 Heim c 3 0 0 1 0 1 .284
Jankowski lf 2 0 0 1 0 1 .327
*Pittsburgh 42 54 .438 11 11-15 2-8 W1 center field as the Yankees got a his recovery from a broken bone in appearances. Garver ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .237
Duran dh 3 0 0 0 1 2 .294
WEST W L Pct. GB Div. Last 10 Streak Taveras cf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .284
Totals 26 5 4 5 8 7
Los Angeles 56 40 .583 — 14-11 8-2 W1 LA Dodgers................003 010 232 — 11 13 0
Arizona 54 44 .551 3 17-11 4-6 L2 CUBS 4, CARDINALS 3 PADRES 5, TIGERS 4 YANKEES 5, ROYALS 4 GUARDIANS 6, PHILLIES 5 Texas..........................200 201 000 — 5 4 0
LOB—LA Dodgers 9, Texas 4. 2B—Betts
San Francisco 54 44 .551 3 15-10 7-3 L3 ST. LOUIS AB R H BI BB SO Avg. SAN DIEGO AB R H BI BB SO Avg. KANSAS CITY AB R H BI BB SO Avg. PHILADELPHIA AB R H BI BB SO Avg. (24), Freeman (35), WSmith (13), Muncy (7),
San Diego 47 51 .480 10 12-13 6-4 W1 Kim 2b 5 0 1 0 0 0 .262 Schwarber dh 3 0 0 1 2 1 .187 Seager (29), García (22). HR—Freeman (18),
Carlson cf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .232 Garcia 3b 5 1 2 0 0 0 .277
Turner ss 5 1 1 0 0 2 .246 off Heaney, Seager (15), off Vesia, Lowe (11),
Nootbaar ph-cf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .256 Tatis Jr. rf 5 1 1 0 0 1 .284 Witt Jr. ss 5 0 0 0 0 1 .247
Colorado 38 59 .392 18½ 6-19 5-5 W1 Soto lf 3 2 2 3 1 1 .266 Castellanos rf 5 0 0 1 0 2 .286 off Gonsolin. SB—Rojas (7). CS—Jung (3). S—
Goldschmidt 1b 4 1 0 0 1 2 .283 Perez c 4 0 0 0 0 1 .249 Harper 1b 4 1 1 0 1 2 .294 YoHernández. SF—Heim, Jankowski. DP—LA
* — Not including late game Machado 3b 3 1 1 0 1 0 .255
Arenado 3b 5 0 1 2 0 0 .286 Melendez rf 3 1 1 0 0 0 .212 Realmuto c 5 1 1 2 0 0 .246 Dodgers 2; Texas 1.
Contreras dh 4 0 2 0 0 2 .242 Bogaerts ss 4 1 2 0 0 1 .264 Massey 2b 4 2 2 4 0 0 .212 Stott 2b 4 2 2 1 1 0 .307 LA Dodgers IP H R ER BB SO ERA
RESULTS O'Neill lf 4 1 1 0 1 1 .235 Cronenwrth 1b 4 0 1 2 0 0 .208 Olivares lf 3 0 0 0 1 1 .246 Bohm 3b 4 0 2 0 0 1 .281 Gonsolin 5 2 4 4 3 6 3.94
Walker rf 2 0 1 0 1 1 .284 Campusano c 4 0 1 0 0 0 .194 Marsh cf 1 0 0 0 3 0 .280 Vesia ‚ 1 1 1 1 1 6.20
Pratto 1b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .243
FRIDAY DeJong ss 4 0 1 0 0 1 .238
Kohlwey dh 3 0 0 0 0 2 .143
Waters dh 4 0 1 0 0 1 .246 Cave lf 3 0 1 0 1 1 .227 Brasier W 1-0 „ 0 0 0 1 0 1.38
Sánchez ph-dh 1 0 0 0 0 0 .191 Totals 34 5 8 5 8 9 Graterol 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.74
Knizner c 3 0 0 1 0 2 .222 Isbel cf 4 0 2 0 0 0 .208
NY Mets 4 (susp.) at Boston 3 At Cleveland 6 Philadelphia 5 Grisham cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .217 Ferguson 1 1 0 0 2 0 2.48
Donovan ph 0 0 0 0 1 0 .284 Totals 36 5 9 5 2 7 Totals 36 4 9 4 1 4 CLEVELAND AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Bruihl 1 0 0 0 1 0 3.22
Gorman 2b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .239 Kwan lf 5 1 2 1 0 1 .271
At Chi. Cubs 4 St. Louis 3 LA Dodgers 11 at Texas 5 NY YANKEES AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Texas IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Fermín 2b 2 1 1 0 1 0 .143 DETROIT AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Rosario ss 5 0 1 1 0 0 .261
Burleson ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .239 Peraza 2b 3 0 0 0 0 1 .178 Ramírez 3b 5 2 4 0 0 0 .294 Heaney 5 5 4 4 3 3 4.58
At Tampa Bay 3 Baltimore 0 Atlanta 6 at Milwaukee 4 McKinstry 3b 4 1 2 1 0 0 .247
Leclerc „ 2 0 0 1 1 3.07
Herrera c 0 0 0 0 0 0 .389 Cabrera ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .247 Rizzo 1b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .244 JNaylor 1b 5 1 2 1 0 2 .312
Bell dh 3 0 1 1 1 1 .240 Burke ‚ 0 0 0 0 0 2.77
Colorado 6 at Miami 1 At Minnesota 9 Chi. White Sox 4 Totals 34 3 7 3 5 12 Greene dh 4 1 1 2 0 2 .300 Torres dh 4 1 1 1 0 0 .263
Speas L 0-1 0 1 2 2 3 0 10.80
Fry c 4 1 2 2 0 1 .290
Torkelson 1b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .229 Stanton rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .193 Bradford 1‚ 1 1 1 0 0 4.78
San Diego 5 at Detroit 4 Pittsburgh at LA Angels Giménez 2b 3 0 0 0 0 2 .246
CHI. CUBS AB R H BI BB SO Avg. KCarpenter rf 3 0 0 0 1 0 .260 Cabrera rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .208 Anderson 1„ 4 4 4 1 4 5.20
Straw cf 3 1 1 0 1 0 .244
Tauchman cf 4 1 1 1 0 0 .259 Vierling cf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .270 FCordero lf 4 1 1 1 0 1 .197 Arias rf 2 0 0 0 1 1 .179 Speas pitched to 4 batters in the 7th. Inher-
At NY Yankees 5 Kansas City 4 Houston at Oakland
Hoerner ss 3 0 0 0 1 0 .268 Báez ss 4 1 2 0 0 0 .227 Kiner-Falefa lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .250 Brennan ph-rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .260 ited runners-scored—Brasier 1-0, Burke 3-0,
At Washington 5 San Francisco 3 Toronto at Seattle Happ lf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .243 Maton 2b 2 0 1 1 1 0 .165 LeMahieu 3b 3 1 1 0 1 1 .232 Totals 36 6 13 6 3 8 Bradford 3-1, Anderson 1-1. IBB—off Speas
Bellinger 1b 4 1 3 2 0 0 .317 Baddoo lf 3 0 0 0 0 3 .218 Volpe ss 2 1 1 0 0 0 .208 Philadelphia..............001 001 300 — 5 8 0 (Freeman). HBP—by Anderson (Rojas). WP—
At Cincinnati 9 Arizona 6 Suzuki rf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .259 Ibáñez ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .236 McKinney cf 2 1 1 3 1 1 .247 Cleveland...................200 112 00x — 6 13 0
Speas. NP—Gonsolin 92, Vesia 17, Brasier 8,
Morel 2b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .268 Rogers c 4 1 1 0 0 2 .208 Higashioka c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .227 Graterol 13, Ferguson 16, Bruihl 14, Heaney
THURSDAY Totals 33 4 8 4 3 9 LOB—Philadelphia 10, Cleveland 10. 2B— 72, Leclerc 29, Burke 7, Speas 23, Bradford 14,
Gomes dh 4 0 0 0 0 2 .265 Totals 29 5 5 5 2 6 Kwan (25), Bell (18), Fry (3). 3B—Turner (4). Anderson 51. Umpires—Home, Edwin Jime-
Mastrobuoni 3b 3 1 2 1 0 0 .217 San Diego..................302 000 000 — 5 9 1 HR—Realmuto (12), off Sandlin, Stott (9), off nez; First, Pat Hoberg; Second, Nestor Ceja;
At Atlanta 7 Arizona 5 Detroit 3 at Kansas City 0 Kansas City...............000 300 010 — 4 9 1
Amaya c 3 1 1 0 0 0 .274 Detroit........................000 011 200 — 4 8 0 Sandlin. SB—Ramírez 2 (12). S—Giménez. Third, Brian O'Nora. T—3:21. A—39,808
Totals 33 4 9 4 1 8 NY Yankees...............010 310 00x — 5 5 0
Milwaukee 4 at Philadelphia 0 At Seattle 5 Minnesota 0 E—Grisham (3). LOB—San Diego 6, Detroit Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO ERA (40,518).
E—Pratto (3). LOB—Kansas City 7, NY Yan- Suárez 5 8 4 4 2 5 4.07
St. Louis.....................010 000 200 — 3 7 0 6. 2B—Kim (14), Bogaerts (16). 3B—Cronen- kees 4. 2B—Garcia (13), Melendez (20), Isbel
At Cincinnati 5 San Francisco 1 Baltimore 4 (10 inn.) at Tampa Bay 3 Chi. Cubs................... 004 000 00x — 4 9 1 worth (5), Báez (4). HR—Soto 2 (19), off Ol-
son, off Olson, McKinstry (7), off SetLugo,
(13). HR—Massey 2 (6), off Schmidt, off
‚ 3 2 2 0 1 5.54
„ 1 0 0 0 0 3.66 AL LEADERS
At Toronto 4 San Diego 0 St. Louis 7 at Chi. Cubs 2 E—Morel (2). LOB—St. Louis 11, Chi. Cubs Kahnle, Torres (15), off Marsh, FCordero (6), Bellatti 1 0 0 0 1 2 5.06
Greene (7), off Martinez. SF—Maton. off Marsh, McKinney (5), off Marsh. SB—Wa- BATTING
6. 2B—Tauchman (9), Bellinger (15). HR— Soto 1 1 0 0 0 0 4.66 G AB H R Pct.
Chi. White Sox 6 at NY Mets 2 Houston 3 at Oakland 1 Bellinger (13), off Flaherty, Mastrobuoni (1), San Diego IP H R ER BB SO ERA ters (5). DP—Kansas City 1.
Cleveland IP H R ER BB SO ERA Bichette Tor 96 408 130 47 .319
off Flaherty. SB—O'Neill (2), Walker (4), Mo- SetLugo W 4-4 6 6 2 2 3 7 3.72 Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO ERA Y.Díaz TB 83 317 101 59 .319
rel (3). DP—Chi. Cubs 2. Martinez 1 2 2 2 0 1 3.95 Williams 4 5 1 1 4 3 3.74
Marsh L 0-4 5‚ 5 5 5 2 3 6.20 Morgan 1‚ 1 1 1 0 3 2.43 Yoshida Bos 84 328 104 51 .317
Suarez 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 J.Naylor Cle 86 321 100 40 .312
St. Louis IP H R ER BB SO ERA Clarke 1„ 0 0 0 0 2 6.15 Herrin 0 0 0 0 3 0 5.01
Hader S 24 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.97 Ohtani LAA 95 363 111 71 .306
Flaherty L 7-6 6 8 4 4 1 6 4.39 Heasley 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.12 Sandlin 1 2 3 3 1 1 3.35
Tucker Hou 95 346 103 49 .298
SATURDAY’S GAMES Pallante 1 1 0 0 0 0 4.71 Detroit IP H R ER BB SO ERA Stephan 1„ 0 0 0 0 2 3.21
Hays Bal 86 316 94 47 .297
Stratton 1 0 0 0 0 2 4.09 Olson L 1-4 5 7 5 5 2 5 4.53 NY Yankees IP H R ER BB SO ERA Clase 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.22
....... 2023 ....... Team .......2023 vs. opp....... .......Last 3 starts....... J.Ramírez Cle 93 367 108 61 .294
Shreve „ 2 0 0 0 1 4.33 Schmidt W 6-6 5„ 5 3 3 1 2 4.33 Herrin pitched to 3 batters in the 6th. Inher- Merrifield Tor 88 323 94 41 .291
Odds W-L ERA rec. W-L IP ERA W-L IP ERA Chi. Cubs IP H R ER BB SO ERA Peralta „ 1 0 0 0 0 2.41
White 1‚ 0 0 0 0 1 4.91 ited runners-scored—Strahm 2-1, Herrin 1-1, Turner Bos 93 356 103 60 .289
NY METS AT BOSTON, 4:10 p.m. Steele W 10-3 6‚ 6 2 2 1 9 2.95 Holton 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.74 King „ 1 0 0 0 1 3.29 Sandlin 3-0. WP—Suárez 2. NP—Suárez 94, HOME RUNS
Merryweather „ 1 1 1 1 2 4.10 Brieske 1 0 0 0 0 0 5.40 Kahnle 1 1 1 1 0 1 2.84 Marte 14, Strahm 7, Bellatti 20, Soto 9, Wil- Ohtani, LAA.......................................................35
Scherzer (R) -110 6-2 4.04 11-6 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 18.0 4.50 Fulmer ‚ 0 0 0 2 1 4.43 Holmes S 12 1 1 0 0 0 0 2.33 liams 81, Morgan 20, Herrin 15, Sandlin 17, Robert Jr., ChW................................................ 28
Paxton (L) -110 3-1 3.29 5-6 0-0 0.0 0.00 2-1 16.2 4.32 Inherited runners-scored—White 2-0. Stephan 20, Clase 14. Umpires—Home, Tom A.García, Tex.....................................................24
Leiter Jr. „ 0 0 0 1 0 3.38 NP—SetLugo 99, Martinez 18, Suarez 11, Had- Inherited runners-scored—Clarke 2-0, Per- Hanahan; First, Gabe Morales; Second, Adam Devers, Bos....................................................... 23
Alzolay S 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.57 er 12, Olson 95, Shreve 16, White 13, Holton alta 2-0, King 1-0. HBP—by Marsh (Peraza, Beck; Third, Dan Iassogna. T—2:54. A—38,260
KANSAS CITY AT NY YANKEES, 1:05 p.m. Burger, ChC.......................................................21
Inherited runners-scored—Merryweather 14, Brieske 13. Umpires—Home, Brian Knight; Volpe), by Schmidt (Melendez). NP—Marsh (34,830). Siri, TB................................................................20
Singer (R) +185 4-7 6.34 8-11 0-0 0.0 0.00 2-1 20.0 4.95 1-1, Leiter Jr. 2-0. HBP—by Steele (Walker), First, Todd Tichenor; Second, Tony Randazzo; 97, Clarke 11, Heasley 17, Schmidt 64, Peralta Judge, NYY........................................................ 19
Cole (R) -225 8-1 2.64 14-7 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-0 14.1 2.51 by Alzolay (Contreras). WP—Steele, Merry- Third, Alex Tosi. T—2:33. A—28,834 (41,083). 13, King 11, Kahnle 12, Holmes 15. Umpires—
weather. PB—Amaya. NP—Flaherty 104, Pal- Home, Brennan Miller; First, Lance Barrett; REDS 9, DIAMONDBACKS 6 Jung, Tex............................................................19
Paredes, TB.......................................................18
COLORADO AT MIAMI, 1:10 p.m. lante 17, Stratton 15, Steele 100, Merryweath- Second, Mark Carlson; Third, Jordan Baker.

Seabold (R) Off 1-3 5.88 4-9 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-3 11.0 13.91
er 21, Fulmer 15, Leiter Jr. 12, Alzolay 15. Um- NATIONALS 5, GIANTS 3 T—2:22. A—46,242 (46,537).
Trout, LAA..........................................................18
pires—Home, Ron Kulpa; First, Cory Blaser; Perdomo ss-3b 4 2 2 1 1 0 .278 A.García, Tex.....................................................80
Cueto (R) Off 0-1 36.00 0-1 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-1 1.0 36.00 Second, Brock Ballou; Third, Jansen Visconti.
ST. LOUIS AT CHI. CUBS, 2:20 p.m.
T—2:48. A—38,819 (41,649).
Wade Jr. 1b
1 0 0 2
Carroll lf
3 4 0 1 .286
0 0 1 0 .281
J.Naylor, Cle...................................................... 76
Ohtani, LAA.......................................................76
Slater ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .315 Walker 1b 3 0 0 0 1 2 .261 Devers, Bos....................................................... 73
Gurriel Jr. dh 4 0 0 0 0 1 .260
Mikolas (R)
Fulmer (R)
4.23 10-11
5.12 0-0
— RAYS 3, ORIOLES 0 Villar 2b
Pederson dh
0 0 0 0
1 2 0 1
Profar lf
2 2 0 1
.242 McCarthy rf 3 0 0 0 1 1 .250
Heim, Tex...........................................................67
Tucker, Hou.......................................................64
Rivera 3b 3 0 0 0 0 2 .285 Arozarena, TB...................................................61
Matos ph-dh 1 0 0 0 0 0 .258 Bryant rf 2 0 0 0 2 1 .252 Canzone ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .125
LA DODGERS AT TEXAS, 4:05 p.m. BALTIMORE AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Turner, Bos........................................................61
Davis 3b 4 1 1 1 0 2 .267 McMahon 3b 4 0 0 0 1 3 .251 Ahmed ss 0 0 0 0 0 0 .237
Henderson ss 4 0 0 0 0 2 .243 Conforto rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .244 Cron 1b 5 1 2 2 0 1 .255 Guerrero Jr., Tor...............................................61
Miller (R) -120 3-1 2.83 6-3 0-0 0.0 0.00 2-0 16.0 4.50 Moreno c 4 0 0 0 0 2 .270 Bregman, Hou...................................................60
Dunning (R) +100 6-1 2.78 8-5 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 18.2 3.38 Rutschman c 2 0 0 0 2 0 .273 Yastrzemski cf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .233 Díaz c 4 1 2 1 0 1 .268 Thomas cf 4 2 2 1 0 0 .236
Santander rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .268 Bailey c 4 0 0 0 0 2 .264 Grichuk dh 4 1 1 0 0 1 .300 Totals 34 6 7 6 4 9
ARIZONA AT CINCINNATI, 4:10 p.m. McClanahan, TB............................................11-1
O'Hearn 1b 4 0 1 0 0 1 .304 Sabol lf 3 0 1 0 0 2 .257 Tovar ss 4 0 1 0 0 2 .260
CINCINNATI AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Eovaldi, Tex....................................................11-3
Mountcastle dh 3 0 1 0 0 2 .235 Wisely 2b 1 0 0 0 1 0 .187 Trejo 2b 4 1 1 1 0 2 .240
TBA Off — — 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 — De La Cruz 3b 3 1 0 0 1 3 .274 Eflin, TB...........................................................11-5
Hays lf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .297 Flores ph-2b-1b 0 0 0 0 1 0 .292 BrDoyle cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .200 Kremer, Bal....................................................10-4
Williamson (L) Off 1-0 5.40 7-4 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-1 14.0 2.57 Senzel cf 2 2 0 1 1 0 .233
Cowser cf 2 0 0 0 0 2 .125 Schmitt ss 3 0 0 0 0 1 .213 Totals 36 6 9 6 3 14 Bassitt, Tor.....................................................10-5
Friedl ph-cf 2 0 0 0 0 1 .286
BALTIMORE AT TAMPA BAY, 4:10 p.m. Hicks ph-cf 1 0 0 0 0 1 .240 Totals 31 3 5 3 2 12 McLain ss 4 2 2 4 1 0 .301 Cole, NYY..........................................................9-2
Frazier 2b 2 0 0 0 0 0 .233 MIAMI AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Steer lf 5 0 2 3 0 1 .271 Gibson, Bal.......................................................9-6
Rodriguez (R) +150 2-2 7.35 7-4 1-0 5.2 3.18 0-1 13.1 9.45 WASHINGTON AB R H BI BB SO Avg. India 2b 4 0 2 0 1 0 .255
Urías ph-3b 1 0 0 0 0 1 .258 Arraez 2b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .373 Ryan, Min.........................................................9-6
McClanahan (L) -180 11-1 2.12 14-4 1-0 6.0 0.00 0-0 12.2 5.68 Abrams ss 4 2 2 1 0 0 .257 Votto 1b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .195 Kirby, Sea.........................................................9-8
Westburg 3b-2b 3 0 0 0 0 3 .262 Thomas rf 4 1 2 1 0 1 .292 Soler dh 4 0 0 0 0 2 .244
Totals 29 0 2 0 2 14 Cooper 1b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .262 Encarnacion- Dunning, Tex....................................................8-2
TORONTO AT SEATTLE, 4:10 p.m. Candelario 3b 3 1 0 0 1 1 .257 4 1 1 0 0 0 .294
Strand dh
Meneses dh 3 0 1 1 1 0 .279 Sánchez rf 3 0 1 0 1 1 .261
Stephenson c 3 2 0 0 1 0 .247
Gausman (R) -135 7-3 3.10 10-9 0-0 7.0 0.00 0-2 17.0 2.65 TAMPA BAY
Díaz 1b
1 0 1 1 .319
Ruiz c 4 0 1 1 0 0 .240 De La Cruz lf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .277 Benson rf 2 1 1 1 2 0 .292 NL LEADERS
Gilbert (R) +115 4-4 4.31 10-9 0-0 0.0 0.00 3-0 21.0 1.29 Garrett lf 3 1 0 0 0 1 .260 Segura 3b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .223 Totals 33 9 8 9 7 6
Franco ss 4 0 0 0 0 2 .270 Chavis 1b 2 0 1 1 0 0 .264 Wendle ss 4 0 1 0 0 1 .266 BATTING
SAN DIEGO AT DETROIT, 6:10 p.m. Arizona.......................101 010 300 — 6 7 1 AB H R Pct.
Raley rf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .271 Smith ph-1b 1 0 0 0 0 0 .266 Fortes c 3 0 0 1 0 1 .205
Cincinnati.................. 110 250 00x — 9 8 0 Arraez Mia.................. 359 134 40 .373
Margot ph-rf 1 0 0 0 0 0 .253 García 2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .263 Berti ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 .291
TBA Off — — 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 — E—Perdomo (3). LOB—Arizona 5, Cincinna- Acuña Jr. Atl............... 387 127 85 .328
Manning (R) Off 1-1 4.63 4-2 0-0 0.0 0.00 2-0 17.1 2.60 Arozarena lf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .269 Call cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .212 Myers cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .333 Freeman LAD ............. 382 123 81 .322
ti 9. 2B—Thomas (12), Steer (20), Benson (7).
Paredes 3b 4 1 2 1 0 1 .261 Totals 30 5 7 5 2 4 Totals 34 1 7 1 2 8 Stott Phi...................... 361 111 47 .307
3B—Marte (6). HR—Marte 2 (17), off Lively,
SAN FRANCISCO AT WASHINGTON, 7:05 p.m. BLowe 2b 3 1 1 0 0 1 .207 off Cruz, Thomas (6), off Cruz, McLain (9), off L.Thomas Was ........... 384 112 64 .292
San Francisco...........102 000 000 — 3 5 0 Colorado....................231 000 000 — 6 9 0
HaRamírez dh 3 0 2 1 0 0 .287 Martinez. SB—Senzel (5), McLain (8). CS— W.Smith LAD.............. 261 76 49 .291
Webb (R) -190 6-6 3.11 10-10 1-0 7.0 1.29 1-0 22.2 1.59 Siri cf 3 1 1 1 0 1 .224 Washington...............210 110 00x — 5 7 0 Miami.........................000 000 100 — 1 7 1 Castellanos Phi.......... 377 108 52 .286
Benson (2).
Gray (R) +160 4-6 3.64 8-11 1-0 7.0 2.57 1-2 16.0 4.50 LOB—San Francisco 3, Washington 4. 2B— Yelich Mil.................... 356 102 71 .287
Bethancourt c 3 0 0 0 0 0 .227 E—Sánchez (2). LOB—Colorado 7, Miami 8. Arizona IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Totals 31 3 7 3 1 8 Meneses (22), Ruiz (14), Chavis (2). HR—Ped- 2B—Trejo (9), Sánchez (16). HR—Profar (7), K.Marte Ari................. 353 101 67 .286
PHILADELPHIA AT CLEVELAND, 7:10 p.m. Henry L 5-3 4‚ 4 4 3 4 2 4.01 Arenado StL ............... 364 104 46 .286
erson (9), off Irvin, Davis (12), off Irvin, off Garrett, Cron (11), off Garrett, Díaz (10), Martinez ‚ 3 5 5 1 1 18.90
Baltimore...................000 000 000 — 0 2 0 Abrams (9), off Wood, Thomas (16), off off Garrett. HOME RUNS
Wheeler (R) -120 6-4 3.48 13-6 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-0 18.0 5.00 Adams ‚ 0 0 0 0 0 6.28 Olson, Atl...........................................................32
Tampa Bay................010 001 10x — 3 7 0 Wood. SB—Abrams (19). DP—Washington Frías 1 1 0 0 1 0 9.39
Bibee (R) +100 3-2 4.05 7-7 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-0 16.2 1.62 Colorado IP H R ER BB SO ERA Betts, LAD..........................................................27
1. Gilbert 1 0 0 0 0 1 1.80
LOB—Baltimore 4, Tampa Bay 5. 2B— Lambert W 2-1 5 3 0 0 1 3 5.49 Alonso, NYM......................................................26
ATLANTA AT MILWAUKEE, 7:15 p.m. Mountcastle (15), Paredes (15), BLowe (10). San Francisco IP H R ER BB SO ERA Ruiz 1 0 0 0 1 2 3.92
Koch 1 0 0 0 0 2 0.00 Schwarber, Phi.................................................26
HR—Paredes (18), off Bradish, Siri (20), off Wood L 4-4 4 5 5 5 2 1 4.99 Soler, Mia...........................................................24
Winans (R) -140 — — 0-0 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 0.0 — Johnson 1 2 1 1 0 2 6.05 Cincinnati IP H R ER BB SO ERA
Fujinami. Walker 3 2 0 0 0 3 2.40 J.Martinez, LAD.................................................23
Houser (R) +120 2-2 4.12 6-4 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-0 16.2 3.24 Bard 1 1 0 0 1 1 2.08 Lively 4„ 4 3 3 2 6 3.88
Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO ERA Llovera 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.69 Acuña Jr., Atl.....................................................23
Hollowell 1 1 0 0 0 0 4.26 Young W 4-0 ‚ 0 0 0 0 0 2.35
CHI. WHITE SOX AT MINNESOTA, 7:15 p.m. Bradish L 6-5 6 6 2 2 1 5 3.05 Farmer 1 0 0 0 0 1 3.91 Muncy, LAD.......................................................22
Washington IP H R ER BB SO ERA Albies, Atl.......................................................... 22
Fujinami 1 1 1 1 0 1 8.58 Miami IP H R ER BB SO ERA Cruz 1 3 3 3 0 2 4.89
Cease (R) +125 3-3 4.22 11-9 1-0 10.0 4.50 1-0 16.1 4.96 Irvin W 3-5 6„ 5 3 3 1 9 4.87 Sims 1 0 0 0 2 0 3.20 2 tied...................................................................21
Pérez 1 0 0 0 0 2 4.73 Weems ‚ 0 0 0 1 1 3.70 Garrett L 5-3 3 7 6 6 0 5 4.32
Gray (R) -145 4-1 2.56 8-11 1-0 5.0 0.00 0-2 17.2 5.60 Díaz S 28 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.85 RBIs
Ferrer 1 0 0 0 0 2 5.63 Soriano 4 0 0 0 1 8 1.99
Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB SO ERA Frías pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. Inherit- Olson, Atl...........................................................80
HOUSTON AT OAKLAND, 9:07 p.m. Finnegan S 13 1 0 0 0 0 0 3.24 Floro 1 2 0 0 0 0 4.74 Arenado, StL..................................................... 76
Eflin W 11-5 7 2 0 0 1 8 3.36 Okert 1 0 0 0 2 1 3.34 ed runners-scored—Gilbert 1-0, Young 1-0.
Wood pitched to 1 batter in the 5th. Inherit- IBB—off Martinez (De La Cruz). HBP—by Hen- J.Martinez, LAD.................................................69
Javier (R) -200 7-1 3.25 14-4 1-0 5.0 1.80 0-0 13.1 11.48 Poche 1 0 0 0 0 3 2.00
ed runners-scored—Walker 1-1, Weems 2-0. HBP—by Garrett (Bryant). Balk—Soriano. ry (De La Cruz, Votto). WP—Gilbert, Sims. Betts, LAD..........................................................67
Blackburn (R) +170 0-0 4.21 3-5 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-2 16.0 6.75 Fairbanks S 11 1 0 0 0 1 3 1.71
HBP—by Wood (Garrett). NP—Wood 75, WP—Johnson, Garrett. NP—Lambert 77, NP—Henry 88, Martinez 23, Adams 6, Frías 18, Freeman, LAD................................................... 67
PITTSBURGH AT LA ANGELS, 9:07 p.m. WP—Bradish 2. NP—Bradish 93, Fujinami Walker 43, Llovera 4, Irvin 111, Weems 13, Koch 15, Johnson 18, Bard 20, Hollowell 12, Gilbert 13, Ruiz 22, Lively 76, Young 3, Farmer Albies, Atl.......................................................... 66
12, Pérez 11, Eflin 87, Poche 15, Fairbanks 19. Ferrer 17, Finnegan 9. Umpires—Home, Jere- Garrett 59, Soriano 54, Floro 25, Okert 27. Um- 15, Cruz 21, Sims 28, Díaz 9. Umpires—Home, Alonso, NYM......................................................63
Bido (R) +155 0-1 3.60 1-5 0-0 0.0 0.00 0-0 10.0 8.10 Umpires—Home, Manny Gonzalez; First, mie Rehak; First, Chad Fairchild; Second, pires—Home, Ryan Wills; First, Mike Esta- Nate Tomlinson; First, David Rackley; Sec- C.Walker, Ari.....................................................63
Detmers (L) -185 1-5 4.02 7-10 0-0 0.0 0.00 1-1 15.1 7.63 Adrian Johnson; Second, Jeremy Riggs; Third, Charlie Ramos; Third, Nic Lentz. T—2:24. brook; Second, Andy Fletcher; Third, Erich ond, Chris Guccione; Third, Edwin Moscoso. Gorman, StL......................................................61
Team rec. — Record in games started by pitcher this season Junior Valentine. T—2:09. A—19,703 (25,025). A—26,062 (41,380). Bacchus. T—2:40. A—14,092 (37,446). T—3:06. A—31,824 (45,814). Lindor, NYM...................................................... 61
S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C5


Cooperstown visit raises Sale’s spirits

By Alex Speier

Chris Sale spent the All-Star break

in Cooperstown with his family to
watch his 13-year-old son, Ryland, take
part in a tournament. For Sale, the visit
was rich with joy and nostalgia.
As a 12-year-old, Sale had homered
in the same tournament.
“I was standing in the exact spot
where I took a picture with my home
run baseball, on Field 1, and was just
like, ‘This is where it was,’ ” Sale
beamed. “I think I made better memo-
ries this time around than I did when I
was a kid. It’s really cool to see one of
my sons do the same thing I did, with
how important it was to me.”
Sale also toured the Hall of Fame for
the first time in 22 years — and this
time, he got to see some memorabilia
from his own career.
“That was pretty cool. That was kind
of special,” said Sale. “Obviously, the
last couple years have sucked for me, so
it was a nice little pick-me-up, like,
‘Yeah, I used to be good.’ ”
Sale — who landed on the injured
list June 2 with a stress reaction in his
shoulder — took his rehab work with
him during the break. His Airbnb hosts
provided a throwing net so he could
work on building arm strength in the
backyard of his rental house, and he re-
turned to Fenway after his son was
eliminated from the tournament to
continue his throwing progression.
He’s now working off a mound, hav-
ing thrown a second bullpen session
(35 pitches) on Friday before the Red The Mets’ Daniel Vogelbach (middle) was greeted at home by Jeff O’Neil after putting the Mets ahead with a two-run homer in the fourth inning.
Sox game against the Mets was rained
out in the fourth inning. Double A Portland, playing five innings Garrett Whitlock (bone bruise) has Feeney (13th), lefty Jojo Ingrassia know? I lost my dad when I was 13 and
“I’m mixing all my pitches, feeling for the Sea Dogs, several other Red Sox started playing catch. Tanner Houck (14th), righty Isaac Stebens (16th), he became that guy,” said Cora. “I know
strong,” said Sale. also are progressing in their returns (facial fracture) is scheduled to throw a and lefty Zach Fogell (18th). managers, they call ex-managers to ask
Manager Alex Cora said Sale will from the injured list. bullpen session off a mound next week. According to major league sources, for advice and to see how to handle cer-
have another bullpen session on Sun- Most immediately, righthander John Catcher Reese McGuire (oblique) is the Sox signed Teel for a below-slot val- tain situations. I’ve got my brother.”
day or Monday, after which he’ll have Schreiber — who has made six rehab slated to start a rehab assignment Tues- ue of $4 million, and have agreements For whom will Cora’s mother root?
two live batting practice sessions, at appearances, including back-to-back day. with second-rounder Nazzan Zanetello “She roots for the Red Sox. I’m the
which point a rehab assignment (likely outings with Double A Portland on Pablo Reyes (oblique strain) will ($3 million bonus) and third-rounder manager. He’s a coach,” laughed Cora.
in early August) can be considered. Wednesday and Thursday, while build- continue his rehab assignment through Antonio Anderson ($1.5 million), both “And I paid for the freakin’ plane tick-
“Obviously, we’ve been through this ing back from a shoulder strain — will Sunday, at which point the Red Sox will of whom are expected at Fenway to fi- ets.”
before,” Cora said in reference to Sale’s be activated either Sunday or Tuesday, make a determination about how to nalize their deals this weekend. Revolving rotation
repeated trips to the injured list. “We depending on the Sox’ bullpen needs. proceed with a potential crowd of mid-
just have to be patient.” Schreiber’s return is significant giv- dle infielders. Family matters Brayan Bello is back in the Domini-
Still, with the Sox having edged clos- en the Sox’ only righthanded bullpen Feeling a draft With Mets third base coach Joey Co- can, where he will go on paternity leave
er to the postseason picture, Sale sees a options (not counting bulk-innings ra in Boston, the series between the starting Saturday . . . With Bello away
carrot in front of him. pitcher Nick Pivetta) have been Kenley The Red Sox announced the signing Red Sox and Mets offered an opportuni- from the team, the Sox flip-flopped Kut-
“Knowing the boys are playing well Jansen, Chris Martin, and Josh Winck- of 14 draftees: Catcher Kyle Teel (1st ty for a family reunion, with several ter Crawford and James Paxton in the
and when you come back, you’re gonna owski. round), righty Matt Duffy (4th), short- family members — including Cora’s rotation, with Crawford starting Friday
be right in the thick of things, it kind of “It’ll be good to have another righty. stop Kristian Campbell (4th), lefthand- mother and sisters — flying in for the and Paxton on Saturday. The outing will
adds a layer of excitement,” said Sale. Then you can mix and match,” said Co- er Connelly Early (5th), righthander CJ series. mark the seventh time in 12 starts that
Bullpen getting right ra. “It is important. The way he was Weins (6th), outfielder Caden Rose “There are air mattresses all over the Paxton has had at least six days of rest.
throwing the ball right before the inju- (7th), righthanders Trennor O’Donnell place,” said Alex Cora, who described
While Sale is ramping up toward ry, he was locked in, throwing a lot of (8th) and Blake Wehunt (9th), his older brother’s broad-ranging influ- Alex Speier can be reached at
facing hitters and shortstop Trevor Sto- strikes, getting people out. So it’ll be re- lefthander Ryan Ammons (10th), right- ence both in his life and profession. Follow him on
ry started his rehab assignment with freshing to get him back.” handers Max Carlson (12th) and Cade “This guy, for me, is the greatest, you Twitter at @alexspeier.

Three-run homer highlights Story-book return to field

uSTORY assignment was Corey Kluber, 7.04 ERA in 55 innings. Sox entered Friday three games them was awesome,” Epperson on sitting down one-on-one with
Continued from Page C1 who has been out since late June Kluber refused to use the in- behind Toronto and Houston — said. Mayer on Saturday. With Story
September. The 30 year old un- due to shoulder inflammation. jury as an excuse, but he did of- could change things. The Sox have struggled to at short, Mayer played third base
derwent internal brace surgery The veteran righthander al- fer that he might have been “bat- “I think we’ve done a lot of find an adequate replacement at for the first time in his career
— an alternative to Tommy John lowed one hit, no walks, and re- tling through some stuff ” that work to try to cut that timeline shortstop during Story’s lengthy and electrified the sellout crowd
that allows for a quicker recov- corded one strikeout. Relying was altering the way he was d o w n a s I ’m p l a y i n g t h e s e absence. Pablo Reyes has played of 7,368 at Hadlock Field with a
ery — on his right elbow in Janu- heavily on his offspeed arsenal, throwing. games, and so I feel good about 15 games there for the Sox this first-inning triple.
ary. the 37 year old threw 22 of his “I think more than anything, that,” Story said. season, but he led off for Port- “The kid can swing the bat,
Before he took the field Fri- 35 pitches for strikes, starting it was just getting things feeling Story hit .238/.303/.434 in 94 land Friday and played center that’s for sure,” Story said. “He’s
day, there was a moment of re- five of the seven batters he faced well, being able to go out there games for the Sox last season, field, on his own rehab assign- a big kid. I think he’s going to be
flection to appreciate the jour- with a strike. and kind of move the way I like but was poised to win a Gold ment for an abdominal strain. at the forefront of what we’re do-
ney. There could have been trou- to move or am able to,” he said. Glove at second base. Team- Story batted second, followed by ing for a long time. I think he’s
“Just took some time by my- ble with a runner on second in Kluber said he’ll find out the mates have praised Story, who the organization’s shortstop of got that kind of personality; he
self to realize the hard work and the third inning, but Story made next step in his rehab process led the majors in stolen bases in the future, Marcelo Mayer. Ep- believes in himself that way. I
realize the time and effort spent a nice play on a soft grounder, Saturday. Story is set for a longer 2020, for his ability to put pres- person said Mayer and second was excited to see him, and he
by not just me, but our whole making a throw across his body stint in the minors, with the sure on defenses with his speed baseman Nick Yorke — two first- showed out tonight.”
staff, a lot of people involved,” to end the inning. short-term plan for him to DH and power. On Friday, Portland round picks who could soon be Per custom, Story will treat
Story said. “I thought it was a good first on Saturday, then return to short manager Chris Epperson called anchoring the Sox’ middle in- the locker room to a postgame
Before his home run, Story step,” Kluber said. “Not perfect, Sunday. He could then join Tri- him “a Clydesdale.” field — have a “huge” opportuni- meal before leaving. On Friday,
worked a seven-pitch walk after but I think, all-in-all, happy with ple A Worcester, which begins a This is Story’s second assign- ty to pick Story’s brain. however, it was Kluber’s turn.
going down 0-2 and flew out to the way I commanded the ball.” six-game homestand Tuesday. ment in Portland. He played five “He’s a true pro,” Epperson “Trevor’s here for a couple
left field. The Sox signed Kluber with Normal preparation during games for the Sea Dogs last July said. “Those guys, he will talk to days,” Kluber said, “so I got it to-
“I felt like I was seeing the the hope he could be a produc- spring training for Story would while coming back from a bro- them about what to expect down night.”
ball well and getting some good tive member of the rotation after consist of approximately 20 ken wrist he suffered, coinciden- the road and what they need to
swings off,” he said. “Made the he made 31 starts for the Rays in games and 50 at-bats. He said tally, after being hit by a pitch really hone in on while they’re Greg McKenna can be reached at
adjustment there at the end, and 2022. However, the two-time Cy that would be ideal before re- from Kluber. here. That’s the type of guy he
yeah, homers are always good.” Young winner has struggled turning to the big leagues, but “The way he mingled with is.” Follow him on Twitter
Also in Portland on a rehab mightily this season, recording a added the wild-card race — the the players and connected with Story said he was planning @McKennaGregjed.

Suspended game vs. Mets could stress shorthanded Sox staff

uRED SOX double that put the Sox ahead, lowed multiple homers in three was the presence of at least sev- what is viewed as a market with playing good baseball.”
Continued from Page C1 3-0. straight games since they en scouts covering the contest many buyers and few sellers. The Sox — who are an as-
in recent weeks, Duran then cre- The advantage seemed siz- opened the season by allowing as the Aug. 1 trade deadline Despite that added dimen- tounding 2-13 (.133) against NL
ated mayhem with his speed, able. It wasn’t. multiple homers in each of the nears. The Mets — at 45-51, a sion of intrigue, Sox manager teams at Fenway this year, easily
stealing second and advancing The Mets stormed back with first five games of the year. startling disappointment — are Alex Cora downplayed the no- the worst home interleague re-
to third on a throwing error by two-run homers in the next two But the flood of homers was viewed as a likely seller, while tion that the outcome of games cord in baseball — will have the
catcher Francisco Alvarez, be- innings off Sox starter Kutter soon followed by an actual del- scouts from other teams are pre- takes on magnified significance opportunity to do just that for
fore scoring on a Justin Turner Crawford, with Brandon Nim- uge. As the rain intensified, paring in case the Sox (51-46, at this time. more than 14 innings Saturday.
ground out to give the Sox an mo hitting one into the right- crew chief Alfonso Marquez three games back in the wild “I don’t get caught up in the But with a rotation already
immediate 1-0 edge. fieldgrandstand in the third in- summoned the tarp mid-at-bat, card standings entering Friday) whole, ‘The next nine games are down to three full-time starters
The Sox soon extended their ning and Daniel Vogelbach with Senga ahead in the count, deal some of their players who do-or-die for the Red Sox!’ No,” (Crawford, James Paxton, and
advantage. With two outs in the launching a ball over the visi- 1-2, against Alex Verdugo with are signed or under team con- Sox manager Alex Cora said be- Brayan Bello — who is going on
bottom of the second, Triston tor’s bullpen in the fourth. one out. trol only through 2023 or 2024. fore the game. “We just play the paternity leave on Saturday)
Casas walked and advanced to In the last three games, Red Though incomplete, the con- The scheduled matchup of schedule and keep playing good plus long-man Nick Pivetta, the
second on a Connor Wong sin- Sox starters Crawford, Brayan test was noteworthy for the siz- Max Scherzer and James Paxton baseball and we’re going to be challenge facing the pitching
gle. Yu Chang connected with a Bello (3), and Joe Jacques (2) able contingent of visitors. The on Saturday night represents a fine. Obviously the topic [of the staff will be considerable.
96-mile-per-hour fastball at the have allowed a combined seven Mets had an enormous turnout, pair of pitchers whose availabili- trade deadline] is going to be
top of the zone, lofting a ball to homers in 9‚ innings. The resulting in resounding cheers ty and performances will be louder and louder and louder. Alex Speier can be reached at
left that banged off the Wall for three-game stretch marks the for New York’s two-run homers. monitored particularly closely That’s your job to do that. But Follow
an only-in-Fenway, two-run first time Sox starters have al- Yet perhaps more interesting by the rest of the industry in for us, just keep playing. Keep him on Twitter at @alexspeier.
C6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3

Bishop Fenwick draws 1-year postseason ban

MIAA cited violation for accountability if information report-
ed on student eligibility waivers is inac-
Jr. said the ruling is a result of the MI-
AA’s evaluation of a fifth-year participa-
student appeared in as a freshman,
and the “perception of his athletic abili-
principal Cecilia Marquez then attend-
ed a hearing with the MIAA Board of
of eligibility waiver curate or incomplete. Typically, student tion waiver application for one student- ty.” Directors on May 17.
eligibility waivers are used in cases of athlete. The MIAA denied the student’s “They are errors that were not in any The MIAA did not specify whether
By Emma Healy transfers and re-classification. waiver request, and the student never way intentional, and they were not the school can appeal the decision, but
GLOBE STAFF The MIAA did not specify which appeared on the field, Nunan said. made in any way to gain any competi- Nunan said that Fenwick’s legal repre-
Bishop Fenwick will be ineligible for sport, team, or athlete was involved in The application, however, contained tive advantage,” Nunan said. “And they sentation is in conversation with the
postseason tournament play across all the ruling. erroneous information, causing the MI- were errors that we acknowledged to MIAA.
sports during the 2023-24 school year “The Board determined that Bishop AA’s review. the MIAA.” “We’re hopeful that we can have an-
as a result of MIAA rule violations. The Fenwick’s failure to comply with MIAA’s “The MIAA is maintaining that Bish- Nunan declined to say who was re- other outcome or another resolution to
ruling applies to team and individual rules, and its pattern of conduct was op Fenwick, in its application for the sponsible for the errors on the form. this matter that will satisfy the MIAA’s
sports. sufficiently serious, egregious and re- waiver, was knowingly and willfully de- According to the statement, Fenwick need for accountability and also not un-
According to an MIAA statement re- peated to warrant imposition of the dis- ceitful,” Nunan said. made written and factual statements to fairly punish the students at Bishop
leased Friday, Fenwick, a parochial cipline outlined in Rule 87.6.4,” the There were three errors in the stu- the MIAA eligibility appeals board in Fenwick,” Nunan said.
school in Peabody that is a member of board, which voted unanimously to im- dent’s application, according to Nunan: November 2022 and March 2023. Ad-
the Catholic Central League, was in vio- pose the ban, wrote in the statement. the number of schools the student at- ministrators including Nunan, athletic Emma Healy can be reached at
lation of Rule 87.6, which outlines steps Fenwick president Thomas Nunan tended, the number of varsity games the director Scott Connolly, and former


Renegades aim for fifth title

Egos in check in WFA championship vs. St. Louis Slam
By Kat Cornetta al championship. It’s not about all these crazy things that work,
GLOBE CORRESPONDENT personal accolades. It’s about which makes his defense that
If the Boston Renegades stepping up in the role that the much better,” said linebacker
hope to hoist the Women’s Foot- team needs you for at that Darcy Leslie.
ball Alliance’s national champi- time.” The Slam won the WFA title
onship trophy for the fifth con- The Renegades’ offense con- in 2009, but dropped to the
secutive year, they’ ll need to tinues to be the WFA’s best, league’s second division two
cast all ego aside. Though it’s with Cahill passing for 2,155 seasons later. They were suc-
never been about individuals yards in her 20th season. Bos- cessful, winning the 2016, ’17,
with this year’s edition. ton boasts three wide receivers and ’19 titles.
“In our circle at the end of in the league’s top six (Bonds, But when the WFA began
the last game, when we broke Stephanie Pascual, and KD Elli- play again after the COVID-19
down what we did in that son) and three of the league’s pandemic, the Slam did not.
game, that was actually some- top 15 rushers (Tytti Kuusinen, Citing the number of health-
thing we talked about,” said Falkowski, and Ruth Matta). care workers on its roster, St.
running back Katie Falkowski. That depth has allowed the Louis opted out of the 2021 sea-
“ We don’t care who gets the Renegades to score 128 points son. But the Slam rejoined the
credit, it’s who can get the job in two games this postseason. league in 2022, making the
done in this particular situa- Falkowski, who is one of jump to the top division.
tion.” Boston’s 13 first-team selec- The Slam advanced to Satur-
On Saturday, the Renegades’ tions, has emerged as one of the day’s game with a 44-27 victory
situation is a title game match- team’s go-to offensive weapons. over the Vixen, the team the
up with the St. Louis Slam in The Sandwich native has 353 Renegades defeated in the last
Nigerian keeper Chiamaka Nnadozie used a two-handed punch to thwart a Canadian bid. Canton, Ohio. Both teams enter rushing yards and seven touch- two national championship
the 1 p.m. matchup, which is downs. She will be called upon games. Those 27 points were
being aired on ESPN2, with 8-0 as the Slam target the Rene- the most St. Louis’s defense has
WOMEN’S WORLD CUP NOTEBOOK records. gades’ more well-known offen- allowed all year. In the regular
The unselfishness that coach sive stars, such as Matta and season, the Slam had five shut-

Nigeria, Canada battle to draw John Johnson has instilled over

his seven-year tenure could be
the edge the Renegades need.
A former Division 1 hockey
p l ay e r a t Ho l y C r o s s a n d a
outs, boasting the league’s top
“ They have a lot of disci-
Their roster includes legends member of Sandwich High’s pline,” said Falkowski. “On the
ASSOCIATED PRESS Viens in the 65th. At the end of middle of a first half in which and emerging stars, but success football coaching staff, defensive side, they had a mon-
Olympic champion Canada the Group B game, she fell to they enjoyed extraordinary is never overly reliant on one Falkowski is modest about what ster year. They had not a lot of
was held to a 0-0 draw by Nige- her knees and let out a celebra- dominance of possession and player. she has contributed in her third points scored on them through-
ria in its Women’s World Cup tory yell. freedom on attack carried Last year ’s national title season with the Renegades. out the regular season. So as an
opener in Melbourne, Austra- “We opened the Olympics Spain to the 3-0 lead over Costa game was an example. With ex- “As a running back, if you offense, that’s going to be a
lia, after Nigerian goalkeeper with a draw, and we’ve got to Rica by halftime. That lead en- perienced quarterback Allison feel like you have a great game challenge for us.”
Chiamaka Nnadozie made sev- move on quickly now and re- dured for all of the second half, Cahill out with an Achilles’ in- contributing to your team, that The Slam’s defense is led by
eral key saves, including one view and move on because that though Spain finished with 45 jury, wide receiver/cornerback feels really good,” said Falkows- Jasmine Yandell, who has 61
on a penalty from Christine is tournament football,” Priest- shots on goal, an extraordinary Chanté Bonds took her place ki. “But my job on the Boston tackles and two forced fumbles
Sinclair. man said. “You can’t get total. and led the Renegades to a 32- Renegades is to do whatever it on the season. Alisha Straws is
“We wanted three (points, bogged down on what you did Spain’s winning margin 12 victory over the Minnesota is I’m asked to do in that game.” another defensive anchor, with
for a win), but getting the point or didn’t do. It’s onto the next would have been much greater, Vixen. Johnson, who doubles as the 52 tackles.
keeps you in it and keeps you task.” but for a determined perfor- “It doesn’t matter who gets Renegades’ defensive coordina- Offensively, St. Louis boasts
alive for advancement. So it’s a mance by Costa Rica goalkeep- the credit,” said Falkowski, who tor, continues to use his person- veteran quarterback Jaime
very positive feeling right now,” Putellas in for Spain er Daniela Solero on her 26th had a late touchdown in the nel effectively, which was espe- Gaal, who completed 61.5 per-
Nigeria coach Randy Waldrum When Alexis Putellas made birthday. Solero saved a first- 2022 championship game. “I cially evident in the 58-6 victo- cent of her throws with 15 TDs
said following the match that her entry into Spain’s opener at half penalty and parried shot think everybody on our team is ry over the Alabama Fire in the in the regular season.
ended Friday after 1 a.m. East- the Women’s World Cup after shot to prevent Spain’s ready when their number is conference championship.
ern Time. against Costa Rica in Welling- lead growing beyond already called. We understand that our “[Johnson’s] just a little mad Kat Cornetta can be reached at
It was a crucial miss for Sin- ton, New Zealand, the Group E emphatic proportions. ultimate goal is to win a nation- scientist in his lab making up
clair, the 40-year-old who is the match was already won.
leading all-time scorer in inter- The two-time Ballon d’Or Swiss win inside job
national soccer — women or winner waited 77 minutes to Ramona Bachmann drilled
men — with 190 goals. Aiming leave the bench and to provide her penalty kick into the left PATRIOTS NOTEBOOK
to be the oldest player to score an early answer to questions side of the net moments before
at the Women’s World Cup, she
also missed a chance in the
ninth minute when she was un-
about her fitness after her long
recuperation from a knee inju-
ry. Her appearance in the 3-0
halftime to set up Switzerland’s
2-0 win over Philippines in
Dunedin, New Zealand.
Camp schedule taking shape
marked at the edge of the box win in stinging rain and cold Seraina Piubel added a sec-
but misfired. was an affirmation of her fit- ond-half goal, scoring on the By Christopher Price Christian Gonzalez (selected 17th overall) and
“Christine Sinclair has ness, the promise of better rebound from a missed shot by GLOBE STAFF defensive end Keion White (46th). Gonzalez and
scored many, many, many goals things to come as the tourna- Coumba Sow that ricocheted The Patriots have announced their public White were the final two members of New Eng-
for this country and I’m sure ment proceeds and the last off goalkeeper Olivia McDaniel, practice schedule for the first three days of train- land’s draft class to agree to deals.
the fans, the team and every- component of a triumphant who got the start in the World ing camp.
one can forgive missing a pen- night for Spain. Cup debut by the Philippines. While rookies reported to camp Friday, camp Not quite ready
alty kick,” Canada coach Bev “Every single moment for “Together, they made it real- for the entire roster is set to open on the fields The Patriots placed guard Mike Onwenu,
Priestman said. her really counts. She’s a really ly difficult to find solutions to behind Gillette Stadium on Wednesday. safety Cody Davis, and defensive tackle Justus
Nnadozie was voted Player good quality player,” Spain get in front of the goal, so, On the first three days of camp — Wednesday, Tavai on the physically unable to perform list.
of the Match. coach Jorge Vilda said. “We’re yeah, it was a tough game,” Thursday, and Friday — the gates will open to Rookie linebacker/defensive back Marte Mapu,
Sinclair lined up for the going to do our best to help her Swiss defender Luana Bühler the public at 8 a.m., with practice starting at who wore a red, noncontact jersey in spring
penalty shot in the 50th min- and get the best out of her.” said. 9:30. There’s no practice scheduled for Saturday, workouts because of a pre-draft pectoral injury,
ute after a earning it via a video Three goals in less than five The Group A encounter was July 29, and the schedule for the workout a week is apparently good to go. The same is true for
review. She exited in the 71st. minutes — an own goal, one by the first game inside Forsyth from Sunday is still to be determined. rookie wide receiver Kayshon Boutte, who
Nnadozie also denied a shot Aitana Bonmati, and another Barr Stadium, the tourna- The media will get their first chance of camp missed time during OTAs for undisclosed rea-
from inside the box by Evelyne from Esther Gonzalez — in the ment’s only indoor venue. to speak with coach Bill Belichick on Tuesday, sons.
with players David Andrews, Ja’Whaun Bentley,
and Matthew Slater also being made available. Christopher Price can be reached at

Smith sparks USWNT in opener On Friday, the Patriots also announced the
signing of their first two draft picks, cornerback Follow him on
Twitter at cpriceglobe.

uWORLD CUP up to the tournament, both few moments later.

Continued from Page C1 came in as substitutes in the The game was the first
young talent including 63rd minute. meeting between the United PATRIOTS POSITIONAL OUTLOOK OFFENSIVE LINE
Smith and Trinity Rodman af- The youngest player on the States and Vietnam. The Viet-
With training camp set to start at the end of the month, we’ll should remedy the situation, and if Reiff or Anderson can hold
ter settling for a disappointing team, 18-year-old Alyssa namese lost two exhibition provide a position-by-position breakdown of where the Patri- down the right tackle spot, that would go a long way toward
bronze medal at the Tokyo Thompson, was also a second- matches ahead of the tourna- ots stand heading into late July. Here’s a look at the offensive helping Mac Jones and the offense succeed. In a perfect
line: world, New England would feature (left to right) Brown,
Olympics. Among the veterans, half sub. ment and fell 9-0 to Spain in a Strange, David Andrews, Onwenu, and Reiff/Anderson.
Roll call: David Andrews, Jake Andrews, Calvin Anderson,
38-year-old Megan Rapinoe Horan scored into a wide- closed-door tune-up match in Trent Brown, James Ferentz, Chasen Hines, Atonio Mafi, Conor How this position rates vs. the rest of the league: Not great.
made her 200th international open net off a pass from Smith, Auckland last week. McDermott, Bill Murray, Mike Onwenu, Riley Reiff, Kody Instability at tackle has been one of the biggest questions
Russey, Sidy Sow, Cole Strange, Andrew Stueber. marks for the Patriots the last couple of seasons, particularly
appearance against Vietnam. who was rushed by the goal- Also in Group E are the By the numbers: on the right side. The Patriots had four starters at right tackle
Rapinoe, who scored in the keeper and deftly sent the ball Netherlands and Portugal, 5: The number of starting combinations the Patriots used last season. That, combined with the inconsistent perfor-
along their offensive line last season, a group that included mance of Brown on the left side, led to protection issues. The
World Cup final in France and back to her. Horan, who was re- which is also making its first interior still feels stable, but the issues on the edge have left
four starters at right tackle.
was named that tournament’s cently engaged, kissed her ring World Cup appearance. 9: The number of penalties that were assessed on Brown last New England looking for answers when it comes to offensive
line play.
best player, did not start. She in celebration. The group plays all matches season (not counting those that were declined or offset), tops
on the team. Quote of note: “I remember I went out to work out a player at
announced before the team left There was early drama in New Zealand, which is co- UCLA, and Adrian was the offensive line coach. I sat at a dis-
90: Three members of the line — Onwenu (99 percent), Brown
f o r Ne w Z e a l a n d t h a t t h i s when Rodman appeared in- hosting the tournament with (98 percent), and Strange (94 percent) — were the only offen- tance and watched him coach the whole practice. He’s a de-
sive players on the roster to play at least 90 percent of the tailed guy. He’s tough. He doesn’t have much patience for
would be her last World Cup jured after falling hard on her Australia. The United States guys that aren’t working hard.” — former offensive line coach
snaps in 2022.
and she would retire from her back when she was tackled by plays the Netherlands in a 2019 The skinny: One of the things that got lost in the drama sur-
Dante Scarnecchia on new O-line coach Adrian Klemm, on the
“6 Rings and Football Things” podcast this spring.
professional team at the end of defender Tran Thi Thu. Rapi- final rematch Thursday in Wel- rounding Matt Patricia’s role on the coaching staff last season
was the fact he not only served as the de facto play-caller, but Biggest story lines: Can New England find some stability at
the season. noe warmed up on the sidelines lington. tackle with newcomers Reiff or Anderson? Can Brown regain
the offensive line coach, as well. Patricia’s part-time role with
Rapinoe and midfielder and a stretcher was brought out Should the United States top the big guys up front undoubtedly played a part in the strug- his form?
Rose Lavelle, who were both on the filed, but Rodman stood the group, the team will head to gles protecting the quarterback. The arrival of Adrian Klemm CHRISTOPHER PRICE
limited by injuries in the run- and returned to the match a Sydney for the round of 16.
S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C7



7/22 7/23 7/24 7/25 7/26 7/27 7/28
EAST 2, 7 p.m. 7:10 7:10 7:10 10:15
W L Pct. GB
Norfolk ....................... 58 32 .644 —
Worcester.................. 51 41 .554 8 FS1
Durham ...................... 49 44 .527 10½
Lehigh Valley............ 47 43 .522 11
Buffalo........................ 44 48 .478 15
Scranton/W.-Barre .. 43 47 .478 15 NYR* SL*
Rochester .................. 43 48 .473 15½ 7:30 7:30
Jacksonville............... 41 51 .446 18
Syracuse.................... 38 53 .418 20½ AppleTV AppleTV
Charlotte.................... 38 54 .413 21
W L Pct. GB Home games shaded For updated scores:
Iowa............................ 55 36 .604 —
St. Paul....................... 55 37 .598 ½ On the radio, unless noted: Red Sox, WEEI-FM 93.7; Revolution, WBZ-FM 98.5. *Leagues Cup.
Nashville.................... 50 41 .549 5
Louisville.................... 49 42 .538 6
Memphis.................... 46 47 .495 10
Omaha ....................... 43 46 .483 11 ON THE AIR
Indianapolis .............. 43 49 .467 12½
Columbus .................. 41 50 .451 14
Gwinnett.................... 40 51 .440 15
AUTO RACING Transactions
Toledo ........................ 39 53 .424 16½ 12 p.m. NASCAR Truck: CRC Brakleen 150 FS1 MLB
FRIDAY’S RESULTS Arizona: P Andrew Chafin reinstated
3 p.m. IndyCar: Hy-Vee Homefront 250 NBC from paternity leave list.
Worcester 0 (susp.)at Scranton/
W.-Barre 4 5:30 p.m. Xfinity: Pocono Mountains 225 USA Baltimore: P Logan Gillaspie sent to
Norfolk Gwinnett 1 minors.
Buffalo Syracuse 2 BASEBALL Boston: P Brayan Bello placed on pa-
At Rochester 5.........................Durham 1 ternity leave list.
Memphis 12...................... at Charlotte 9 1:05 p.m. Kansas City at NY Yankees MLB Colorado: P Tommy Doyle sent to mi-
At Toledo 4.....................Lehigh Valley 2 nors. P Peter Lambert called up from
2, 7 p.m. NY Mets at Boston NESN, FS1 minors.
At Louisville 16.....................Columbus 1
At Nashville 17................. Jacksonville 3 7:15 p.m. Atlanta at Milwaukee Fox Kansas City: P Brooks Kriske released.
Norfolk (ppd.) Gwinnett Miami: RF Jerar Encarnación outright-
At Omaha 5...............................St. Paul 4
9:07 p.m. Pittsburgh at LA Angels MLB ed to minors. RF Jerar Encarnación ntr
Indianapolis Iowa 6 - called up from minors.
SATURDAY’S GAMES PRO BASKETBALL NY Mets: 3B Mark Vientos called up
Worcester at Scranton/W.-Barre...6:05 from minors.
Lionel Messi made a triumphant debut for Inter Miami with his winning free kick Friday. 1 p.m. WNBA: Connecticut at Atlanta ESPN NY Yankees: C Ben Rortvedt called up
Norfolk at Gwinnett.......................... 6:05
Buffalo at Syracuse...........................6:35 3 p.m. WNBA: Las Vegas at Minnesota ESPN from minors. C Jose Trevino placed on
Durham at Rochester........................6:45 10-day IL.
Memphis at Charlotte.......................7:04
9 p.m. WNBA: Chicago at Seattle NBA Philadelphia: 3B Drew Ellis sent to mi-
nors. CF Jake Cave, 1B Darick Hall

Lehigh Valley at Toledo................... 7:05
Indianapolis at Iowa.........................7:08 FOOTBALL called up from minors. 2B Josh Harri-
Columbus at Louisville.....................7:15 son removed from 10-day IL.
1 p.m. WFA: Boston vs. St. Louis ESPN2 Pittsburgh: P Jose Hernandez removed
Jacksonville at Nashville..................7:35
St. Paul at Omaha.............................8:05 from 15-day IL. P Jose Hernandez re-
GOLF called from minors rehab.
Worcester Scranton/W.-Barre 8 5 a.m. British Open USA Tampa Bay: C René Pinto called up
At Rochester 4.........................Durham 3 from minors. C Francisco Mejía placed
7 a.m. British Open NBC on 10-day IL.

Messi delivers Miami win

Columbus Louisville 6
At Syracuse 8............................Buffalo 6 Toronto: P Génesis Cabrera sent to mi-
7 a.m. LEPGA: La Sella Open Golf nors. P Génesis Cabrera traded. P
At Charlotte 3........................Memphis 1
Lehigh Valley Toledo 2 4 p.m. LPGA: Great Lakes Bay Invitational CBS Trent Thornton designated for assign-
Norfolk (ppd.) Gwinnett ment.
At Nashville 12............... Jacksonville 10 5 p.m. PGA: Barracuda Championship Golf NFL
Indianapolis Iowa 3 Baltimore: RB Melvin Gordon III signed.
HORSE RACING WR Rashod Bateman reserve/dnr.
Carolina: QB Bryce Young signed/draft
Lionel Messi made an un- eran edge rusher Dawuane manding lead. Both riders DOUBLE-A EASTERN 3 p.m. NYRA: America’s Day at the Races Fox choice.
forgettable debut for Inter Mi- Smoot on an incentive-laden were clocked at 3 hours, 31 5 p.m. Breeders’ Cup Challenge Series NBC Jacksonville: DT Nick Thurman cut. DE
NORTHEAST Dawuane Smoot re-signed/unrest FA.
W L Pct. GB New England: CB Christian Gonzalez,
ami, scoring on a free kick one-year contract that includes minutes, 2 seconds, with Mo- Portland..................... 13 5 .722 —
MEN’S SOCCER DE Keion White signed/draft choice.
from 25 yards out in the 94th $2.25 million guaranteed . . . horic officially winning by Hartford ....................... 9 8 .529 3½ 7:30 p.m. New England at NY Red Bulls AppleTV NY Giants: RB James Robinson signed.
Reading........................ 8 9 .471 4½ WR Cole Beasley signed/unrest FA.
minute to give the hosts a 2-1 Jaguars associate strength 0.004 of a second — the closest Somerset ..................... 8 9 .471 4½
Binghamton................. 6 11 .353 6½
WOMEN’S WORLD CUP NY Jets: WR Alex Erickson signed. S
Dane Cruikshank signed/unrest FA.
win over Mexican club Cruz coach Kevin Maxen has be- stage finish in race history. Yel- New Hampshire ......... 5 11 .313 7 5:30 a.m. England vs. Haiti Fox Washington: S Jartavius Martin
SOUTHWEST signed/draft choice.
8 a.m. Denmark vs. China Fox
Azul on Friday night in the come the first male coach in a low jersey holder Vingegaard W L Pct. GB
Richmond .................. 11 7 .611 — 1 a.m. (Sun.) Sweden vs. South Africa FS1
Leagues Cup. His left foot sent major US-based professional finished among his Jumbo-Vis- Erie.............................. 10 7 .588 ½
3:30 a.m. (Sun.) Netherlands vs. Portugal FS1
Akron............................ 9 9 .500 2
the ball over a wall of four Cruz league to come out as gay. Max- ma teammates and remained Bowie ........................... 9 9 .500 2
Altoona ........................ 7 8 .467 2½
6 a.m. (Sun.) France vs. Jamaica FS1 Basketball
Azul defenders and into the en spoke about his sexual ori- the clear favorite to claim his Harrisburg................... 8 10 .444 3 (Schedule subject to change)
upper left corner of the net. entation in an interview pub- second Tour victory on Sunday. New Hampshire 6 (susp.)at Portland 6 WNBA
Reading Altoona 1
Messi did not start, but came lished Thursday by Outsports. Erie Binghamton 2 EASTERN CONFERENCE
on eight minutes into the sec- TENNIS At Akron 5.............................Richmond 3
At Bowie 5...........................Harrisburg 2
W L Pct
New York................. 15 5 .750

ond half with Miami up 1-0 BASKETBALL Somerset Hartford 2 Connecticut............. 16 6 .727 —

thanks to Robert Taylor’s goal New Newport star SATURDAY’S GAMES

New Hampshire at Portland.................6
Atlanta ..................... 12 9 .571
Washington............. 11 10 .524

just before halftime. But Uriel Walker off to Euro American Alex Michelsen’s
Reading at Altoona.................................6
Erie at Binghamton...........................6:07
Soccer Cycling Chicago.................... 8 13 .381
Indiana ..................... 6 15 .286

Somerset at Hartford....................... 6:10 WESTERN CONFERENCE
Antuna tied it up for Cruz Azul Former NBA All-Star Kem- breakthrough week hit a new Harrisburg at Bowie..........................6:35 W L Pct
Las Vegas................ 20 2 .909

in the 65th minute — setting ba Walker is headed to Europe, high, as the 18-year-old
Richmond at Akron...........................7:05
WOMEN’S WORLD CUP TOUR DE FRANCE Dallas........................ 12 9 .571 7½
New Hampshire Portland 4 Minnesota................ 10 12 .455 10
GROUP A Friday
the stage for Messi’s heroics. signed by AS Monaco for the downed No. 4 seed Mackenzie At Altoona 4.............................Reading 3 GP W D L Pts. 19th Stage
Los Angeles............. 7 14 .333 12½
At Binghamton 8.............................Erie 6 Phoenix .................... 6 15 .286 13½
107.5 miles from Moirans-en-Mon-
upcoming season — marking McDonald 6-3, 6-3 to reach his Richmond Akron 2
New Zealand............. 1 1 0 0
Switzerland............... 1 1 0 0
3 tagne to Poligny
Seattle...................... 4 17 .190 15½

FOOTBALL Walker’s first playing stint in first tour-level semifinal at the Harrisburg 10......................... at Bowie 3
Somerset 6......................... at Hartford 4
Norway ...................... 1 0 0 1
Philippines................. 1 0 0 1
1. Matej Mohoric,Bahrain Victorious,
3:31:02s. 2. Kasper Asgreen, Soudal
New York Washington 87
the EuroLeague. The 6-foot ATP World Tour Hall of Fame GROUP B Quick-Step/Bel, same time. 3. Ben
Young inks pact guard was a three-time NBA Open in Newport, R.I. Mi-
Australia .................... 1 1 0 0 3
O'Connor, AGZR Citroen Team, :04s
behind. 4. Jasper Philipsen, Alpecin-
Connecticut 82........................Atlanta 71
Minnesota 73..................Los Angeles 70
NORTH Canada....................... 1 0 1 0 1 Deceuninck, :41.5. Mads Pedersen,
Phoenix 80..............................Chicago 62
The Carolina Panthers and All-Star in Charlotte, and then chelsen will face four-time W L Pct. GB Nigeria ....................... 1 0 1 0 1 LDL-Trek, same time. 6. Christophe
Las Vegas 79............................Seattle 63
Brooklyn .................... 15 6 .714 — Ireland........................ 1 0 0 1 0 Laporte, Jumbo-Visma, same time. 7.
No. 1 overall pick Bryce Young in his first season in Boston in tourney champ John Isner, Aberdeen................... 14 6 .700 ½ GROUP C Luka Mezgec, Team Jayco Alula,
Connecticut at Atlanta.......................... 1
Hudson Valley .......... 10 11 .476 5 GP W D L Pts. same time. 8. Alberto Bettiol, EF Edu-
agreed to a four-year contract, 2019-20. But the 33-year-old who rallied past No. 1 seed Jersey Shore ............... 7 14 .333 8 Spain .......................... 1 1 0 0 3 cation-Easypost, same time. 9. Matteo
Las Vegas at Minnesota........................3
Los Angeles at Dallas............................ 8
Japan.......................... 0 0 0 0 0 Trentin, UAE Team Emirates, same
the team announced. A person Walker has missed significant Tommy Paul 4-6, 6-3, 7-6 (4) . . Wilmington.................. 7 14 .333 8
Greensboro ................. 6 14 .300 8½ Zambia....................... 0 0 0 0 0 time. 10. Thomas Pidcock, Ineos Gren-
Chicago at Seattle..................................9
Costa Rica................. 1 0 0 1 0 adiers, same time.
familiar with the situation said time recently with knee issues, . Top-ranked Carlos Alcaraz SOUTH
W L Pct. GB GROUP D Also Phoenix at Washington.........................1
32. Neilson Powless, EF Education- Indiana at New York..............................3
the fully guaranteed deal is playing just nine games with won his first match since win- Hickory....................... 15 4 .789 — GP W D L Pts.
China.......................... 0 0 0 0 0 EasyPost, 13:07s behind. 38. Sepp
Bowling Green.......... 12 9 .571 4 Kuss, Jumbo-Visma, 13:43. 106. Kevin
worth $37.9 million. The deal Dallas last season. Walker has ning Wimbledon by rallying to Greenville .................. 10 10 .500 5½ Denmark.................... 0 0 0 0
England...................... 0 0 0 0
0 Vermaerke, Team DSM-Firmenich,
Rome .......................... 10 10 .500 5½
comes just four days before the averaged 19.3 points for his beat David Goffin 4-6, 6-4, 10-8 Winston-Salem........... 9 11 .450 6½
Asheville ...................... 7 13 .350 8½
Haiti............................ 0 0 0 0
0 16:45. 143. G Lawson Craddock, Team
Jayco Alula, same time.
Overall Standings
Auto Racing
Panthers are to report to train- 12-year NBA career. Monaco in the Hopman Cup in Nice, FRIDAY’S RESULTS GP W D L Pts.
1. Jonas Vingegaard, Jumbo-Visma,
Asheville Greenville 3 United States............ 1 1 0 0 3
75:49:24s. 2. Tadej Pogacar, UAE Team
ing camp in Spartanburg, S.C. won its first French pro league France. At Greenville 6.......................Asheville 0 Netherlands .............. 0 0 0 0 0
Emirates, 7:35s behind. 3. Adam FORMULA ONE
At Rome 5................................. Hickory 3 Portugal..................... 0 0 0 0 0
Young took over first-team title last season by beating the Greensboro Wilmington 3 Vietnam ..................... 1 0 0 1 0
Yates, UAE Team Emirates, 10:45. 4.
Carlos Rodriguez Cano, Ineos Grena- World Drivers’ Championship
reps in OTAs and is tracking to Metropolitans 92 and eventual MISCELLANY Jersey Shore Winston-Salem 5
At Aberdeen 2..............Bowling Green 1 GP W D L Pts.
diers, 12:01. 5. Simon Yates, Team
Jayco-Alula, 12:19. 6. Pello Bilbao Lo-
Through July 16
1. Max Verstappen, Red Bull............255
Brooklyn Hudson Valley 7 Brazil .......................... 0 0 0 0 0
be the team's Week 1 starter. No. 1 overall NBA draft pick pez, Bahrain Victorious, 12:50. 7. Jai 2. Sergio Perez. Red Bull...................156

Victor Wembanyama . . . Con- Kraken ink Dunn Hickory (ppd.) Rome

France ........................ 0 0 0 0
Jamaica...................... 0 0 0 0
Hindley, Bora-Hansgrohe, 13:50. 8. Fe-
lix Gall, AGZR Citroen Team, 16:11. 9.
3. Fernando Alonso, Aston Martin...137
4. Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes...........121
Giants add pair necticut Sun stars DeWanna T h e S e a tt l e K r a k e n r e -
Asheville at Greenville......................7:05
Hickory at Rome.....................................5
Panama...................... 0 0 0 0
GP W D L Pts.
Sepp Kuss , Jumbo-Visma, 16:49. 10.
David Gaudu, Groupama-FDJ, 17:57.
5. Carlos Sainz Jr, Ferrari....................83
6. George Russell, Mercedes..............82
Brooklyn at Hudson Valley..............6:05 Also 7. Charles Leclerc, Ferrari...................74
With less than a week until Bonner and Alyssa Thomas signed top defenseman Vince Greensboro at Wilmington..............6:35 Argentina................... 0 0 0 0
Italy ............................ 0 0 0 0
62. Neilson Powless, EF Education- 8. Lance Stroll, Aston Martin..............44
Jersey Shore at Winston-Salem...........7 EasyPost, 3:12:10s behind. 66. Kevin 9. Lando Norris, McLaren....................42
training camp, the New York are engaged to be married, the Dunn to a four-year, $29.4 mil- Bowling Green at Aberdeen............7:05 South Africa.............. 0 0 0 0 0 Vermaerke, Team DSM-Firmenich, 10. Esteban Ocon, Alpine....................31
THURSDAY’S RESULTS Sweden...................... 0 0 0 0 0 3:19:09. 87. G Lawson Craddock, Team 11. Oscar Piastri, McLaren..................17
Giants signed running back players and team announced lion NHL contract. The 26- Asheville (ppd.) Greenville GROUP H Jayco Alula, 3:51:48. 12. Pierre Gasly, Alpine.......................16
At Wilmington 3................Greensboro 2 GP W D L Pts. Young Riders Standings 13. Alexander Albon, Williams...........11
James Robinson and veteran on social media. The pair, who year-old had a career-high 14 At Winston-Salem 13...Jersey Shore 11 Colombia ................... 0 0 0 0 0 1. Tadej Pogacar, UAE Team Emirates, 14. Nico Hulkenberg, Haas....................9
Hickory (ppd.) Rome Germany.................... 0 0 0 0 0 75:56:59s. 2. Carlos Rodriguez Cano,
slot receiver Cole Beasley. both appeared in the WNBA goals and 64 points in 81 At Aberdeen 5..............Bowling Green 2 Morocco..................... 0 0 0 0 0 Ineos Grenadiers, 4:26s behind. 3. Fe-
15. Valtteri Bottas, Alfa Romeo........... 5
16. Guanyu Zhou, Alfa Romeo..............4
Brooklyn Hudson Valley 3 South Korea.............. 0 0 0 0 0 lix Gall, AGZR Citroen Team, 8:36. 4.
Robinson provides depth at All-Star Game last week, have games playing on the top pair- FRIDAY'S RESULTS Thomas Pidcock, Ineos Grenadiers,
17. Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri...............2
18. Kevin Magnussen, Haas..................2
running back and insurance in been public about their rela- ing . . . A third former North- Greenville, 6-0 United States 3.......................Vietnam 0 37:09. 5. Skjelmose Mattias Jensen, 19. Logan Sargeant, Williams...............0
Switzerland 2......................Philippines 0 LDL-Trek, 1:47:09 6. Mathieu Burgaud- 20. Nyck De Vries, AlphaTauri..............0
At Fluor Field at the West End,
case of any potential holdout tionship since 2021. western University football Greenville, S.C.
Spain 3..................................Costa Rica 0
eau, Total Energies, 1:54:15. 7. Tobias
Halland Johannessen, Uno-X Pro Cy-
ASHEVILLE AB R H BI BB SO Avg. World Constructors’ Championship
for Saquon Barkley . . . Browns p l a y e r h a s f i l e d a l aw s u i t Cole cf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .400 Japan at Zambia............................3 a.m. cling Team, 2:07:04. 8. Clement
Champoussin, Team Arkea-Sasmic,
Through July 16
Haiti at England........................5:30 a.m. 1. Red Bull Racing-Honda RBPT.......411
wide receiver Marquise Good- TOUR DE FRANCE against the school over hazing Cerny lf
Clifford dh
3 0 0 0 0 2 .216
3 0 1 0 0 2 .265 China at Denmark..........................8 a.m. 2:38:01. 9. Matthew Dinham, Team
DSM-Firmeich, 2:54:30. 10. Maxim Van
2. Mercedes.........................................203
THURSDAY'S RESULTS 3. Aston Martin-Mercedes................181
win will miss the start of his incidents that took place dur- Wrobleski c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .278 Gils, Lotto DSTNY, 3:00:34. 4. Ferrari...............................................157
first training camp with Cleve- Photo finish thrill ing the tenure of former coach
Borden II ss
Sandle rf
2 0 1 0 0 1 .265
2 0 0 0 0 2 .221
New Zealand 1.........................Norway 0
Australia 1..................................Ireland 0
Mountain Standings
1. Giulio Ciccone, LIDL-Trek, 88 pts. 2.
5. McLaren-Mercedes..........................59
6. Alpine-Renault...................................47
Kato 2b 2 0 0 0 0 1 .198 Canada 0....................................Nigeria 0 Felix Gall, AGZR Citroen Team, 82. 3.
7. Williams-Mercedes.......................... 11
land due to blood clots in his Matej Mohoric edged Pat Fitzgerald, The Washing- Espinosa 3b 2 0 1 0 0 1 .239 Jonas Vingegaard, Jumbo-Visma, 81.
8. Haas-Ferrari.......................................11
Williams 1b 2 0 0 0 0 2 .134 4. Neilson Powless, EF Education-
legs and lungs. . . . The Balti- T h u r s d a y ’s s t a g e w i n n e r ton Post reported . . . Kenya’s Totals 22 0 3 0 0 14 MLS EasyPost, 58. 5. Tadej Pogacar, UAE
9. Alfa Romeo-Ferrari.............................9
10. AlphaTauri-Honda RBPT................. 2
GREENVILLE AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Team Emirates, 49. 6. Simon Yates,
more Ravens agreed to a one- Kasper Asgreen in a photo fin- Fa i t h K i pye g o n b r o ke t h e Paulino 2b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .248 EASTERN CONFERENCE Team Jayco-Alula, 40. 7. Tobias Hal-
W L T Pts GF GA land Johanessen, UNO-X Pro Cycling NASCAR CUP SERIES
year deal with veteran running ish to win the Tour de France’s women's mile record by nearly Castro cf
Bonaci ss
4 0 1 2 0 1 .296
2 2 1 0 1 1 .300
Cincinnati ................ 15 2 6 51 39 25 Team, 38. 8. Jai Hindley, Bora-Hans-
New England........... 12 4 7 43 42 28 grohe, 31. 9. Michal Kwiatkowski, Ine- Points Leaders
back Melvin Gordon, pending 19th stage in Poligny, while de- five seconds at the Monaco Di- Gonzalez rf
Miller 1b
3 1 1 0 0 1 .255
3 1 2 1 0 1 .266
Philadelphia ............ 12 7 4 40 39 26 os Grenadiers, 30. 10. Michael Woods, Through July 17
Nashville .................. 11 8 5 38 31 22 Israel-Premier Tech, 28. 1. Martin Truex Jr...............................667
a physical . . . The Jacksonville fending champion Jonas amond League, finishing in Rosario c 2 0 1 2 0 1 .252 Orlando .................... 10 6 7 37 34 28 2. William Byron..................................650
Decker lf 3 1 1 0 0 1 .216 Columbus ................ 10 7 6 36 45 33
Jaguars are bringing back vet- Vingegaard protected his com- 4:07.64. Simas 3b 3 1 1 0 0 0 .205 Atlanta ..................... 9 7 8 35 42 39
3. Christopher Bell..............................605
4. Denny Hamlin..................................601
Meredith dh 3 0 0 0 0 1 .154 Chicago.................... 8 7 8 32 31 31 5. Kyle Busch.......................................593
Totals 26 6 8 5 2 8
Asheville.............000 000 0 — 0 3 2
D.C. United .............. 8 10 6 30 32 34
Montréal .................. 9 12 2 29 22 32
Golf 6. Ross Chastain................................ 589.
7. Ryan Blaney.....................................581
Greenville...........221 010 x — 6 8 0 New York................. 6 9 8 26 22 26 8. Kyle Larson......................................574
LOB—Asheville 1, Greenville 5. 2B—

Celtics’ talent/team ratio big

Charlotte.................. 6 9 8 26 30 40 9. Kevin Harvick..................................568
Castro, Bonaci. SB—Miller 2. CS—Es-
pinosa, Gonzalez. S—Rosario. DP—
NYCFC ...................... 5 8 11 26 25 30
Toronto .................... 3 11 10 19 18 33
PGA TOUR LEADERS 10. Joey Logano...................................563
11. Brad Keselowski...........................539
Asheville 1. Miami ....................... 5 14 3 18 22 36 MONEY LEADERS 12. Chris Buescher..............................528
Asheville IP H R ER BB SO ERA WESTERN CONFERENCE 1. Scottie Scheffler, $19,016,842; 2. Jon 13. Tyler Reddick................................516
Ullola 3 5 5 2 1 6 6.34 W L T Pts GF GA Rahm, $15,210,983; 3. Rory McIlroy, 14. Ricky Stenhouse Jr.......................464
Mancini 3 3 1 1 1 2 8.85 St. Louis ................... 13 8 2 41 43 27 $11,219,758; 4. Wyndham Clark, 15. Bubba Wallace..............................433
LAFC ......................... 10 6 7 37 34 25 $10,300,577; 5. Viktor Hovland, 16. Michael McDowell........................432
Greenville IP H R ER BB SO ERA Real Salt Lake......... 10 7 7 37 35 34
Bastardo 7 3 0 0 0 14 3.49 $9,892,693; 6. Max Homa, $8,823,681; 17. Daniel Suárez................................431
Seattle...................... 10 8 6 36 29 23
uFINN Celtics from being able to re- than he does for others. The T—1:59. A—5,238. Austin....................... 9 9 5 32 32 32
7. Keegan Bradley, $8,676,697; 8. Tyr-
rell Hatton, $7,987,712; 9. Patrick
18. AJ Allmendinger........................... 412
19. Ty Gibbs.........................................391
Continued from Page C1 San Jose................... 8 7 8 32 28 29
tain Grant Williams. I’d rather Celtics still need a true backup SINGLE-A CAROLINA Vancouver ............... 8 7 7 31 38 32
Cantlay, $7,796,885; 10. Rickie Fowler,
20. Alex Bowman................................390
21. Justin Haley...................................386
Dallas........................ 8 9 6 30 25 26
many nights, the Celtics’ sec- have Horford, even at his ad- point guard. NORTH Houston ................... 8 10 5 29 26 31
TOP 3 FINISHES 22. Austin Cindric............................... 381
1. Scottie Scheffler, 8; 2. Jon Rahm, 6; 23. Chase Elliott..................................372
Minnesota................ 7 8 7 28 26 30
ond- or third-best player last vanced age, at that bargain rate Sam Hauser: Among genu- W L Pct. GB
Sporting KC............. 6 11 8 26 31 36
3. Rory McIlroy, 5; 4. Max Homa, 4; 5. 24. Corey LaJoie..................................341
Delmarva ................... 11 8 .579 — Nick Taylor, 3; 5. Wyndham Clark, 3; 25. Todd Gilliland................................336
Portland ................... 6 9 8 26 26 33
season has to be 99.99 percent. than pay Williams $54 million ine contributors, he’s kind of Carolina ..................... 11 9 .550 ½
LA Galaxy ................ 5 10 7 22 25 37
5. Collin Morikawa, 3; 5. Patrick Cant- 26. Ryan Preece..................................335
Lynchburg ................. 10 10 .500 1½ lay, 3; 5. Tyrrell Hatton, 3; 5. Keegan 27. Aric Almirola.................................327
And whoever it is that is ac- over four years. Horford has the forgotten man, in part be- Salem ......................... 10 10 .500 1½ Colorado .................. 3 10 10 19 16 30
Bradley, 3; 5. Chris Kirk, 3; 5. Brian 28. Erik Jones.......................................293
Down East ................. 10 11 .476 2 Harman, 3; 5. Viktor Hovland, 3. 29. Austin Dillon..................................292
counting for that 0.01 percent lost a step defensively and his cause Joe Mazzulla buried him Fredericksburg ........... 8 12 .400 3½ TOP 10 FINISHES 30. Harrison Burton............................268
SOUTH 1. Scottie Scheffler, 15; 2. Rory McIl- 31. Chase Briscoe...............................249
is, of course, a buffoon. The shooting nosedived in the play- during the playoffs. But he’s a W L Pct. GB
Celtics could use two more Der- offs, but if his coach can resist true sharpshooter and holds up Charleston................. 12 8 .600 —
Columbia ................... 11 10 .524 1½
Tennis roy, 9; 2. Jon Rahm, 9; 2. Xander
Schauffele, 9; 5. Rickie Fowler, 8; 5.
Patrick Cantlay, 8; 5. Max Homa, 8; 8.
32. Ty Dillon.........................................182
33. Noah Gragson...............................175
34. BJ McLeod......................................111
Myrtle Beach ............ 11 10 .524 1½
rick Whites. Maybe three. I playing him 31 minutes per well enough defensively. Augusta ..................... 10 11 .476 2½
Wyndham Clark, 7; 8. Sahith Theega-
la, 7; 8. Sungjae Im, 7; 8. Jason Day, 7;
35. Cody Ware.......................................65
36. Shane Van Gisbergen....................55
wish everyone on this team game again this season, he can Jordan Walsh: I’m probably Kannapolis ................ 10 11 .476 2½ INFOSYS HALL OF FAME 8. Tyrrell Hatton, 7; 8. Viktor Hovland, 37. Jenson Button................................. 36
Fayetteville.................. 8 12 .400 4 7. 38. Travis Pastrana...............................26
thought about the game the still be an effective player, and in the minority, but I don’ t FRIDAY’S RESULTS
At Down East 7...........................Salem 4
At International Tennis Hall of Fame,
Newport, R.I.
WORLD RANKING 39. Jordan Taylor..................................16
1. Scottie Scheffler, 12.206; 2. Rory 40. Ryan Newman.................................16
way he does. he will always be a smart and think the 19-year-old will be a At Lynchburg 4..................Fayetteville 0
At Carolina 8.......................Kannapolis 5
Men’s Singles McIlroy, 10.514; 3. Jon Rahm, 9.893; 4. 41. Andy Lally........................................13
Quarterfinals Patrick Cantlay, 7.154; 5. Viktor Hov- 42. Jimmie Johnson..............................12
Robert Williams: Speaking selfless one. contributor this season. His Columbia Myrtle Beach 0 Alex Michelsen def. Mackenzie Mc- land, 6.414; 6. Xander Schauffele, 43. Kimi Raikkonen.................................8
Charleston Delmarva 4 Donald (4), 6-3, 6-3. 44. Jonathan Davenport.........................1
6.183; 7. Cameron Smith, 5.220; 8. Max
of the team improving via indi- Malcolm Brogdon: I know shot mechanics suggest his pro- Augusta
Homa, 5.199; 9. Matt Fitzpatrick,
5.057; 10. Wyndham Clark, 4.627.
vidual players improving, how the $22 million annual price duction from the perimeter in Salem at Down East...............................5 NORDEA OPEN DRIVING DISTANCE
Kannapolis at Carolina..........................5
encouraging was that video of tag is steep, but sometimes I Summer League was a bit of a Charleston at Delmarva...................5:05 At Bastad Tennis Stadium
1. Rory McIlroy, 327.6; 2. Brandon
Matthews, 320.9; 3. Cameron Young,
Points Leaders
Fredericksburg at Augusta..............6:05 Through July 17
Williams working on his perim- feel like I’m the only one who fluke. But he’s going to eventu- Fayetteville at Lynchburg................6:30
Bastad, Sweden 318.5; 4. Matthias Schmid, 315.9; 4. 1. John H. Nemechek......................... 730
Men’s Singles Byeong Hun An, 315.9; 6. Cameron 2. Austin Hill........................................ 697
Columbia at Myrtle Beach...............6:35
eter game the other day that remembers how essential and ally be a difference-maker on Charleston at Delmarva...................8:05 Quarterfinals Champ, 315.8; 7. Min Woo Lee, 315.4; 3. Justin Allgaier................................. 670
THURSDAY’S RESULTS Lorenzo Musetti (3) def. Filip Misolic, 8. Trevor Cone, 315.0; 9. Wyndham 4. Cole Custer......................................656
was all over social media? Wil- effective he was during the reg- defense, and Brad Stevens Salem Down East 3 4-6, 6-1, 6-2. Casper Ruud (1) def. Se- Clark, 314.5; 10. Gary Woodland, 5. Chandler Smith...............................569
bastian Ofner, 6-3, 6-4. Andrey Rublev 313.8. 6. Josh Berry........................................544
liams has a legitimately deft ular season. The Celtics would clearly found a future rotation At Lynchburg 7..................Fayetteville 6
At Carolina 9.......................Kannapolis 7 (2) def. Alexander Zverev (5), 6-2, 6-3. 7. Daniel Hemric................................. 510
Francisco Cerundolo (4) def. Federico 8. Sammy Smith..................................505
touch around the hoop, and have won the title two years player in the second round. Columbia Myrtle Beach 1
At Augusta 5...............Fredericksburg 3 Coria, 6-3, 6-3. LPGA TOUR LEADERS 9. Sam Mayer......................................502
this is the first offseason in a ago had he been on the roster And while we’re on the sub- MONEY LEADERS
10. Sheldon Creed.............................. 484
11. Riley Herbst...................................457
while where he isn’t recovering then. The Celtics are better off ject of end-of-the-bench players HUNGARIAN GRAND PRIX 1. Allisen Corpuz, $2,641,767; 2. Ruon- 12. Parker Kligerman.........................439
ing Yin, $2,115,037; 3. Ayaka Furue, 13. Jeb Burton......................................423
from an injury. If he can add a with him still on the roster for 2023-24, am I alone in wish- Cape Cod At Europe Tennis Center, Budapest
Women’s Singles
$1,332,406; 4. Charley Hull, $1,259,627;
5. Yuka Saso, $1,204,744; 6. Xiyu Lin,
$1,188,823; 7. Jin Young Ko,
14. Brett Moffitt.................................. 415
15. Brandon Jones.............................. 397
consistent 15-footer to his now, and while he was in score- ing they’d bring Blake Griffin 16. Kaz Grala........................................340

game, the Celtics will be better first mode last season, he is ca- back? Talk about setting your
League Quarterfinals
Maria Timofeeva def. Kaja Juvan 3-6,
6-3, 6-2. Nadia Podoroska (9) def. Eli-
$1,132,231; 8. Lilia Vu, $1,130,901; 9.
Hyo Joo Kim, $1,057,121; 10. Jiyai Shin,
17. Parker Retzlaff..............................338
18. Ryan Sieg.......................................328
na Avanesyan (6), 6-1, 6-3. 19. Jeremy Clements..........................312
for it. pable of picking up some of the ego aside and knowing your Yarmouth-Dennis Brewster 1 TOP 3 FINISHES 20. Josh Williams................................264
At Hyannis 5............................Harwich 3 1. Ayaka Furue, 3; 1. Xiyu Lin, 3; 1. Al- 21. Joe Graf Jr......................................232
Al Horford: Recency bias playmaking slack, having aver- role. There should always be Cotuit Wareham 4 SWISS OPEN lisen Corpuz, 3; 4. Ruoning Yin, 2; 4. 22. Kyle Sieg........................................230
at Falmouth 13..........................Bourne 3 Linn Grant, 2; 4. Jin Young Ko, 2; 4. 23. Anthony Alfredo...........................219
seems to have led some fans to aged more than 7 assists per room for someone like that. Chatham 6 (game 1) Orleans 3 At Roy Emerson Arena Lilia Vu, 2; 4. Nelly Korda, 2; 4. Geor- 24. Ryan Truex.................................... 197
at Orleans 4 (game 2)..........Chatham 3 Gstaad, Sweden gia Hall, 2; 4. Leona Maguire, 2; 4. Hyo
have buyer’s remorse about game at one point in his career. THURSDAY’S RESULTS Men’s Singles Joo Kim, 2; 4. Charley Hull, 2; 4. Ash-
25. Ryan Ellis........................................192
26. Brennan Poole...............................184
At Wareham 5.......................Falmouth 2 leigh Buhai, 2.
signing the 37-year-old Hor- Payton Pritchard: He can Chad Finn can be reached at At Bourne 10..........................Brewster 2
Miomir Kecmanovic (2) def. Zizou DRIVING DISTANCE
27. Kyle Weatherman........................ 176
28. Alex Labbe.....................................166
At Harwich 10..............................Cotuit 2 1. Emily Pedersen, 285.0; 1. Maria Fas-
ford to a two-year, $20 million help as a bench scorer, and he Follow Hyannis 15........................... at Orleans 5
Bergs, 6-4, 3-6, 7-5. Albert Ramos-Vi-
si, 285.0; 3. Madelene Sagstrom, 284.5;
29. Jeffrey Earnhardt..........................160
nolas def. Juan Pablo Varillas, 6-7 (2), 30. Blaine Perkins...............................143
extension in December, since deserves the opportunity. But him on Twitter Yarmouth-Dennis Chatham 4
6-1, 6-4. Pedro Cachin def. Jaume Mu- 4. Natthakritta Vongtaveelap, 280.9; 5.
Frida Kinhult, 278.0; 6. A Lim Kim,
31. Connor Mosack.............................120
nar, 6-3, 6-3. Hamad Medjedovic def. 32. Patrick Emerling...........................119
that deal ostensibly kept the he creates better for himself @GlobeChadFinn. All-Star Game at Harwich.....................6 Yannick Hanfmann (4), 6-3, 6-3. 276.4; 7. Atthaya Thitikul, 275.0. 33. Gray Gaulding...............................104
C8 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3




MEAD, George F.




MEAD, George F. “Salty” RACHINS, Gary R.

Of Arlington, age 80, Beloved husband, father, and grand-
passed away peacefully on father, died unexpectedly at his home
July 19, 2023 in Reading, in Sharon on Sunday, July 9, 2023.
MA. Beloved husband for 56 years of He was 72 years old. For full obituary,
Nancy A. (Hawke) Mead. Loving father please see
of Michael and his wife Shawna of us/obituaries/name/gary-rachins-
West Boylston, Matthew and his wife obituary?id=52428603
Marian of Arlington, Jeffrey and his
wife Kerstin of North Reading, and
Jennifer and her partner Roy Ribas
of Ayer. Proud Grampy and Papa of
Patrick, Kayla, Alice, Daniel, Amalia,
Addison, Jacob and Cameron. He is PLUMBERS LOCAL 12
also survived by his brother, Kenneth Brother David J. Heim, initiated
of Saint Charles, IL; and sisters, on September 11, 1984, passed
Maureen Guglietta and her husband on July 20, 2023. Brother Heim
Peter of Franklin, Eileen Egan and was a member for 38 years. We
her husband Paul of Leominister, and will keep you in our prayers,
Janice Palmacci and her husband Gary David.
of Leominster; brother-in-law William
and his wife Barbara of Austria; Timothy Fandel- Business
sisters-in-law, Corinne Chaar and Manager
her husband Ayman of Manchester, Robert McCarthy- President
NH and Maryann Cataldo and her
husband Robert of Lowell; along with
many nieces and nephews. Salty was
predeceased by his parents, Kenneth
and Alice (Corbett) Mead. Funeral
from The DeVito Funeral Home, 1145
morning at 10:00, followed by a LOCAL 718
Funeral Mass at 11:00 at St. Eulalia
Church, Winchester. Interment to We regret to announce the death
follow Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. Visiting of Brother Isaac Hendrix, late,
Hours Monday 4:00 to 7:00pm. of Engine 10, Retired. Visita-
Born and raised in Arlington, Salty tion will be held at Metropolitan
was an Army veteran, having served Baptist Chruch, 393 Norfolk St.,
in Germany for three years. He Dorchester, Monday, July 24, at
retired from the Arlington Housing 10 AM . Funeral Services to Fol-
Authority in 2013 after 30 years. He low at 11 AM.
was a faithful man who attended daily
Mass. He loved taking care of his yard
and was quite proud of his family’s Members are requested to at-
heritage of living in the same family tend.
farmhouse since 1860. A family man,
Salty enjoyed being with his children
and grandchildren, and especially Samuel J. Dillon, President
looked forward to family vacations Eric P. DesRoches, Treasurer,
at Newfound Lake. He spent many D/W
years coaching the youth of Arlington
in both baseball and hockey. His true
calling was working with kids. He
loved teaching them and watching
them succeed. He will be missed by
many. In lieu of flowers, donations are
requested to: Arlington Hockey Club, BOSTON FIREFIGHTERS
P.O. Box 5, Arlington, MA 02476. Please LOCAL 718
visit to view an
online guestbook. We regret to announce the Death
of Brother Daniel McDevitt, Late
of Division Two, Retired . Fu-
neral from Casper Funeral Home,
187 Dorchester St., SOUTH
BOSTON, Sunday, July 23rd. Vis-

Funeral Services iting Hours are 4-8 PM. Funeral

Mass at Gate of Heaven Catholic

Affordable Cremation
1310 complete
Church 615 Eeast 4th St.,South
Boston, Monday at 10 AM.

Members Are Requested to At-

You talk about many things with your loved

617 782 1000 tend.

ones: from day-to-day details to big events. Sharing stories
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S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e C9


Tony Bennett, ‘best Dick Biondi,

singer in the business’ fast-talking
uBENNETT jazzman’s ease. The National
star of Top
Continued from Page A1
Francisco” may have been Mr.
Endowment for the Arts named
Mr. Bennett one of its Jazz Mas- 40 radio, 90
Bennett’s signature tune, but ters in 2005. He cited the virtuo-
“Unplugged” was its signature so jazz pianist Art Tatum as his By Richard Sandomir
event. It was a recognition of his most important instrumental NEW YORK TIMES

special ability to bridge genera- influence and the Swing Era Dick Biondi, an exuberant,
tions, eras, styles. singer Mildred Bailey as his fast-talking Top 40 radio person-
Mr. Bennett sold some 50 most important vocal influence. ality, nicknamed “the Screamer,”
million records over the course Mr. Bennett’s talents extend- who in the early 1960s became
of his career. In 2011, his “Duets ed beyond singing. A gifted one of Chicago’s most popular
II’’ album went to the top of the painter, he had his first gallery disc jockeys, died June 26 in Chi-
Billboard charts. At 85, he be- exhibit in 1971, in London, and cago. He was 90.
came the oldest recording artist first museum retrospective in His death was confirmed by
to have a number one record. 1994 at the Butler Institute of Pamela Enzweiler-Pulice, the di-
Three years later, he broke that American Art, in Youngstown, rector of a forthcoming docu-
record again, with an album of Ohio. Three of his works are in m e n t a r y, “ T h e Vo i c e T h a t
duets with one of his singing the collection of the Smithso- Rocked America: The Dick Bion-
partners from that earlier re- nian Institution. di Story.”
lease, Lady Gaga. The two re- The sense of sincerity and Mr. B i o n d i w a s a y e l l e r,
leased a follow-up, Mr. Bennett’s dedication that Mr. Bennett though not a shock jock, at WLS-
final recording, in 2021. Their brought to his artistry extended AM, which had just changed its
pairing was further evidence, to the social realm. As a soldier format to rock ’n’ roll when he
not that any was needed, of the in Germany, he ate with a Black was hired for the late evening
universality of his appeal. Long friend, a violation of the Army’s shift in 1960 for $378 a week
since a classic himself, Mr. Ben- segregation policy that earned (about $3,900 in today’s dollars).
nett had no difficulty extending him a demotion and assignment The station’s reach into 38 states
his classicism to others. to a graves-registration unit. and Canada provided Mr. Biondi
Along with Sinatra, Mr. Ben- Twenty years later, he joined Mr. Bennett won 19 Grammy Awards, one of them for lifetime achievement, over his decades with a platform that made him a
nett belonged to the bel canto Martin Luther King Jr. on the as a performer. Clockwise from above, he sang with Lady Gaga at Tanglewood in 2015, sat major media personality as rock
tradition of such Italian male 1965 Alabama march from Sel- backstage at the Latin Quarter nightclub in Boston in 1952, and joined the Boston Pops on music’s popularity surged.
pop vocalists as Russ Columbo, ma to Montgomery. “I am as their opening night in 1987. Mr. Biondi, who was induct-
Vic Damone, Al Martino, Buddy proud (more proud, really, in ed into the Radio Hall of Fame in
Greco, Dean Martin, and Perry many ways) to have been a small 1998, quickly established him-
Como. part . . . of his march,” Mr. Ben- self as a Chicago star.
Yet Mr. Bennett’s popularity nett wrote in his 2016 book, “Nobody came close to his
owed nothing to the Mediterra- “Just Getting Started,” “as I am personality,” Enzweiler-Pulice
nean good looks and Latin-lover of any Grammy Award or gold said in a phone interview. “He
image customarily associated record.” was wild, outrageous, goofy, and
with such singers. His sleepy Anthony Dominick Benedet- uplifting. He was like a big kid —
eyes, scimitar nose, and pro- to was born on Aug. 3, 1926, in he was one of us. He spoke our
nounced chin made his face a Queens, N.Y., the son of John language.”
caricaturist’s dream. That very Benedetto and Anna (Suraci) In 1961, The Gavin Report,
homeliness underscored the Benedetto. He was the first an industry publication, named
sense of sincerity and lack of af- member of his family to be born him the Top 40 disc jockey of the
fectation he projected. in a hospital. Mr. Bennett’s fa- year. His evening ratings eventu-
Mr. Bennett was never com- ther, the owner of a small gro- ally rose to the highest in Chica-
fortable with show-biz flash. He cery store, died when his son go radio.
was “incapable of sounding was 10. His mother went to Despite “operating in the
slick,” the critic Will Friedwald work as a seamstress to support shadowland of the nighttime
writes in his book “Jazz Singing.” him and his older brother and disk jockey, where the glare of
“There’s a quality about it sister. Mr. Bennett dropped out national publicity and the adula-
that lets you in,” the composer of high school and started sing- tion of the fan magazines seldom
Alec Wilder once said of Mr. ing in amateur shows under the release was “The Boulevard of er to tire of singing it. helped pave the way for his MTV penetrates,” Roger Ebert, the fu-
Bennett’s voice. Calling him “a name Joe Bari. Broken Dreams.” The next year It took several years for the appearances. Even at the height ture film critic, wrote in late
consummate entertainer,” the Drafted in 1944, he served in he had his first No. 1 hit, “Be- growing dominance of rock to of his early success, in the ’50s, 1961 in The Daily Illini, the stu-
jazz critic Francis Davis added the Army and saw action in cause of You.” It was followed by take a toll on Mr. Bennett’s ca- Mr. Bennett had never been hip. dent newspaper of the Universi-
that Mr. Bennett “also happens France and Germany during the a string of gold records: Hank reer. He released what would re- Now he was. “Tony Bennett Un- ty of Illinois Urbana- Cham-
to be the decent sort of fellow closing months of World War II. Williams’s “Cold, Cold Heart,” main a personal favorite among plugged” won a Grammy for al- paign, “Biondi has managed in
you’d be happy to find on the An officer who heard him sing- “Rags to Riches,” “Stranger in his recordings, “The Movie Song bum of the year. He appeared in the past two years to become one
next barstool.” Sinatra, whom ing in the shower had Mr. Ben- Paradise,” and “In the Middle of Album,” in 1966. Among its ads for Nike and was an early of the most famous men in the
Mr. Bennett called “my favorite nett transferred to special ser- an Island.” tracks was the theme song from guest voice on “The Simpsons.” Midwest.”
singer,” put it best. “ You can vices, where he began perform- As the ’50s drew to a close, his film debut, “ The Oscar ” He appeared as himself on such But Mr. Biondi’s time at WLS
only be yourself,” he told him ing for his fellow troops. Mr. Bennett’s music began to (1966). Playing an agent with TV series as “30 Rock” and “En- ended in 1963 after only three
in 1957. “But you’re good at After leaving the Army, Mr. evolve. The arrival of rock un- the improbable name of Hymie tourage” and showed up as years. He was fired when he
that.” Bennett used the GI Bill to study derscored the essential medioc- Kelly, Mr. Bennett earned such “Phony” Bennett on “Saturday complained about the amount of
Mr. Benne tt was good at singing at the American Theatre rity of the material Mr. Bennett poor notices that the film role Night Live.” Mr. Bennett’s cameo commercials on his show com-
many things. Even as his large, Wing in New York. He worked was being saddled with by Mitch was his last as well as first. The vocal at the end of “Analyze pared with that of a competitor,
dark-toned voice allowed him to as a singing waiter and ap- Miller, Columbia’s head of art- recipient of two Emmy Awards, This” (1999) got the hit comedy Dick Kemp, known as “the Wild
envelop a song, the seeming ef- peared on “Arthur Godfrey’s Tal- ists and repertoire. His work be- Mr. Bennett fared better on the one of its biggest laughs. Child,” on a rival station. Mr. Bi-
fortlessness of his phrasing ent Scouts” program, where he gan to assume a more jazz-ori- small screen. In 2005, Mr. Bennett was a ondi said that his carping an-
meant there was never any risk lost to Rosemary Clooney. The ented feel with such LPs as After being dropped by Co- Kennedy Center honoree. gered the sales manager; in one
he’d overpower a lyric. His taste singer Pearl Bailey gave him a “ C l o u d 7 ,” “ T h e B e a t o f My lumbia, Mr. Bennett started his His marriages to Patricia confrontation at the studio, Mr.
was superior. “I’ve always tried spot in her nightclub revue. Heart,” and the Basie record- own label, Improv. He recorded Beech and Sandra Grant ended Biondi, armed with a letter
to do the cream of the popular When Bob Hope saw the act, he ings. several albums, most memora- in divorce. In addition to his opener, had to be restrained by
repertoire and yet remain com- asked Mr. Bennett to appear In 1962, Mr. Bennett enjoyed bly two superlative sessions with son, Danny, he leaves his wife, two engineers.
mercial,” he said in a New York- with him. It was Hope who sug- a dual triumph. He made his the jazz pianist Bill Evans in the Susan; daughters Johanna and This was, Mr. Biondi said,
er magazine interview. He uti- gested Tony Bennett as a stage Carnegie Hall debut and re- mid-’70s. He then went nine Antonia; another son, Dae; and one of 25 times he was dis-
lized very effectively a bravura name. leased “I Left My Heart in San years without a new release. nine grandchildren. missed from various jobs over
dynamic range, something he Mr. Bennett signed with Co- Francisco.” Originally the B side Mr. Bennett’s son Danny, a Asked once to account for his the course of his career.
learned to do from his friend Ju- lumbia Records in 1950, an as- to a song called “Once Upon a former rock musician, became success, Mr. Bennett replied, Richard Orlando Biondi was
dy Garland. sociation that would last 21 Time,” it earned Mr. Bennett his his manager in 1979. He got his “The trick, really, is to learn all born Sept. 13, 1932, in Endicott,
As most notably demonstrat- years, then resume again with first two Grammys and another father back on Columbia and the rules and then throw it all N.Y., near Binghamton, to Mi-
ed in his several recordings with Mr. Bennett’s comeback in the gold record. He donated the lat- oversaw a series of well-received away and be yourself.” chael and Rose Biondi. He first
Count Basie, Mr. Bennett had a ’80 s. He would record more ter to the City of San Francisco. concept albums — including performed on radio when he
very sure rhythmic sense and than 80 albums for the label. The song became Mr. Bennett’s tributes to Irving Berlin, Sina- Mark Feeney can be reached at was 8, and, as he stood outside a
could swing a song with a Mr. Bennett’s first Columbia trademark, and he claimed nev- tra, and Fred Astaire — which studio in Auburn, N.Y., the an-
nouncer he was watching asked
him to read a commercial for a

From a racist Army rebuke came a steely commitment to civil rights women’s clothing store.
That started his love affair
with radio. As a teenager he
By Dave Kindy The white soldier’s experienc- of the Bulge. He witnessed death transferred to Special Services, killed in combat for reburial in worked as a gofer at a station in
WASHINGTON POST es in the Army had a profound and destruction at an untoward where he entertained the troops military cemeteries. The experi- Binghamton, where one of the
What were the chances? effect on him. The 19-year-old level as his company in the Sev- with his remarkable voice. ence “was just as bad as it announcers tutored him on his
Thousands of miles from home, corporal — who had survived the enth Army fought its way across On Thanksgiving Day, he was sounds,’’ he recalled. diction. In 1950, after graduat-
in a foreign land devastated by horrors of combat and witnessed France and into Germany. in Mannheim when he bumped Fortunately, a friendly officer ing high school, he got a job in
war, old friends bumped into atrocities while liberating Nazi ‘‘The main thing I got out of into his old friend Frank Smith. pulled strings to get Mr. Bennett Corning, N.Y., as a sportscaster.
each other on the street. death camps — vowed to be- my military service was the real- They had been in a quartet to- back to singing in Europe. Soon, Fo r t h e n e x t d e c a d e h e
It was Thanksgiving Day, come a pacifist and to work for ization that I was completely op- gether at the School of Industrial he was performing on the radio worked at stations in Alexan-
1945, when two Army soldiers racial harmony. posed to war,’’ he wrote, adding, Art in Manhattan in 1942. for American Forces Network. dria, La.; York, Pa.; Youngstown,
met unexpectedly in Mannheim, Anthony Dominick Benedet- ‘‘I don’t care what anybody says: ‘‘I was thrilled to see a famil- Mr. Bennett never forgot Ohio; and Buffalo.
Germany. Part of the occupation to made good on his promise no human being should have to iar face from back home after be- what he witnessed in World War After leaving Chicago in
force in a conquered city that when he later marched with the go to war, especially an eighteen- ing surrounded by strangers for II. The memories led him to be- 1963, Mr. Biondi spent the next
had been leveled by Allied Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in year-old boy.’’ so many months,’’ Mr. Bennett come a civil rights activist. In half-century bouncing around.
bombing during World War II, Selma, Ala., under his profes- As bad as that was, Mr. Ben- remembered. ‘‘He took me with 1965, his friend and singer Har- He moved to KRLA in Los Ange-
they had sung together only a sional name: Tony Bennett. The nett was stunned when his regi- him to a holiday service at a Bap- ry Belafonte asked him to walk les in 1963; hosted a nationally
few years earlier in a musical experience prompted the leg- ment liberated a concentration tist church he’d found. We want- in a civil rights march planned syndicated show on Mutual Ra-
group back in high school in endary singer of jazz songs and camp in Landsberg, Germany, a ed to spend the whole day to- by King in Selma. Mr. Bennett dio from 1964 until it was can-
New York City. American standards to speak subcamp for the notorious gether — it just felt so good to be accepted without hesitation. celed in 1965; and then returned
The young men decided to out for peace and equality for the Dachau death camp. Women with a friend.’’ ‘‘I kept flashing back to a time to KRLA, where in 1965 he and
spend the rest of the day togeth- rest of his life. and children had been slaugh- Mr. Bennett invited Smith to twenty years ago when my bud- his fellow DJs, including Bob Eu-
er, attending a church service ‘‘I couldn’t get over the fact tered long before the Americans join him for Thanksgiving din- dies and I fought our way into banks and Casey Kasem, intro-
and then having a turkey dinner. that they condemned us for just arrived, while half the surviving, ner with turkey and all the fix- Germany,’’ he wrote. ‘‘It felt the duced the Beatles at the Holly-
At least, that was the plan. Their being friends, and especially emaciated men had been shot ings for American servicemen. same way down in Selma: the wood Bowl. He came back to
impromptu reunion was cut while we served our country in only the day before. The pair got as far as the lobby of white state troopers were really Chicago in 1967, at WCFL.
short just before the meal. wartime,’’ Mr. Bennett wrote in ‘‘I’ll never forget the desper- the building the Army was using hostile, and they were not shy He later moved on to Cincin-
An Army officer blasted the his 1998 autobiography, ‘‘The ate faces and empty stares of the as a mess hall. about showing it.’’ nati, Boston, and North Myrtle
two soldiers — one Black and the Good Life.’’ ‘‘There we were, just prisoners as they wandered aim- ‘‘This officer took out a razor He remembered being ‘‘terri- Beach, S.C., before coming back
other white — with a hate-filled two kids happy to see each other, lessly around the campgrounds,’’ blade and cut my corporal fied by the violence,’’ but it only to Chicago for good in 1983,
rant for being together in public. trying to forget for the moment he wrote. They ‘‘had been brutal- stripes off my uniform right then confirmed his belief that no one most significantly as the host of
In the segregated military of the the horror of the war, but for the ized for so long that at first they and there,’’ Mr. Bennett wrote. ‘‘should suffer simply because of a show at a new oldies station,
day, the two men were not al- brass it just boiled down to the couldn’t believe we were there to “He spit on them and threw the color of his skin.’’ WJMK-FM, for 21 years. He re-
lowed to socialize. Back then, color of our skin.’’ help them and not to kill them.’’ them on the floor, and said, ‘Get “Goodnight, #TonyBennett,” turned to WLS from 2006 until
the punishment for Black and The young soldier had been The war in Europe ended your ass out of here!’’’ Bernice King, daughter of the the station ended its association
White soldiers associating with one of thousands of replacement with Nazi Germany’s uncondi- Mr. Bennett was reassigned civil rights leader, said in a tweet with him in 2018.
one another was more severe troops who were thrust into tional surrender on May 7, 1945. from Special Services to Graves Friday. “Thank you for your com- His survivors include his
than if they fraternized with ci- front-line combat in January Mr. Bennett remained with the Registration, where he dug up mitment to love, civil rights, and wife, Maribeth Biondi, and his
vilians in occupied Germany. 1945 at the tail end of the Battle occupying US army and was the bodies of American soldiers a better world.” sister, Geraldine Wallace.
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jobless rate
falls to a
record low
As workers left the
labor force, employers
continued to shed jobs
By Larry Edelman

Massachusetts unemployment hit a re-
cord low of 2.6 percent in June as workers
continued to leave the labor force, the US
Labor Department reported Friday.
That’s lower than just before the start of
the pandemic in early 2020, when the job-
less rate declined to 2.7 percent. It’s also
lower than during the dot-com boom
around the turn of this century and the tech-
driven “Massachusetts Miracle” years of the
A man paddled his way through Montpelier on July 11 as Vermont’s capital city’s downtown area was flooded. 1980s.
The national unemployment rate, re-

Climate future is now

leased two weeks ago, was 3.6 percent in
June. The gap between the state and nation-
al rates hasn’t been this wide since October
2016, excluding March 2020, the chaotic
first month of COVID.
The good news comes with caveats.
Dangers of global warming are taking on more immediacy Massachusetts employers, like those in
the rest of the country, are slowing hiring as
higher interest rates cool off the economy.
The world faces myriad existential threats Larry edelman ed and displaced by increasing climate cri- Local employers shed 4,500 jobs in June, the
of varying likelihoods, from pandemics and ses.” first decline since September. Since state
nuclear war to rogue artificial intelligence TRENDLINES In Hatfield, a small town not far from Am- employment reports are prone to more sig-
and asteroid collisions. herst, the Smiarowski family farm lost 150 nificant revisions than the national data, it’s
But one peril has dominated the head- ocean waters surrounding South Florida, acres worth of potatoes — nearly 25 percent wise not to put too much stock in a single
lines the past two weeks: the overheating and all-time high temperature records set in of the crop— and faces damages that could month’s numbers.
planet. And it’s not being alarmist to say that multiple countries on at least three conti- top $1 million after last week’s heavy floods. The state is struggling to expand the pool
the dangers climate change poses seem nents,” is how Andrew Freedman of Axios “There’s nothing we can do,” Bernie Smi- of available workers as baby boomers retire,
much more immediate than they did even summed it up. arowski told the Globe’s Brian MacQuarrie. birth rates fall, and the US government
three months ago. New England has been spared the ex- In California, drought, flooding, and a seeks to reduce illegal immigration. Employ-
Weather normally isn’t a pressing busi- treme heat, but deluges caused costly flood- single wildfire have inflicted up to $10 billion ers are having a tough time finding qualified
ness topic — outside of farm country and ing last week in Western Massachusetts, New in damage since the start of 2022, data from workers, even as data through March sug-
commodity markets, at least. But even Wall Hampshire, and Vermont, where one person the environmental information centers show. gest fewer people are sitting out of the labor
Street couldn’t ignore that scorching temper- died. Five people died in a flash flood north There’s a consensus among scientists: The market for reasons such as family responsi-
atures around the world were setting up July of Philadelphia. increase in global temperature must be limit- bilities, child care, or health concerns, than
to be the hottest month on Earth since mod- The frequency and intensity of storms, ed to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahren- at any time in the past five years.
ern recordkeeping began in the 19th century. flooding, drought, deep freezes, and wildfires heit) to keep the planet livable, and that will The labor force — people with a job or
“The World Bakes Under Extreme Heat” have increased substantially over the past de- require fossil fuel emissions to be slashed by looking for one — declined by 7,300 workers
was the most-read story on The Wall Street cade. But it feels like we’ve entered a new 45 percent by 2030 and to net zero by 2050. last month, and is down more than 125,000
Jo u r n a l ’s w e b s i t e w h e n I c h e c ke d o n phase this summer, one of near constant ca- Under one scenario, getting to net zero since peaking in June 2019.
Wednesday afternoon. At the same time, lamities. would require capital spending by the US The labor force participation rate — the
Bloomberg’s lead opinion column was “If You public and private sectors on physical assets percentage of adults in the labor force —
Think It’s Hot Now, Just Wait a Couple of De- Climate change affects the economy in — electric grids, vehicle charging networks, slipped in June to 64.6 percent, down from a
cades.” big ways and small green buildings, etc. — of $9.2 trillion a year pre-pandemic level of 66.1 percent in Febru-
The National Centers for Environmental on average, an annual increase of as much as ary 2020. Among prime-age workers be-
A day that screamed ‘milestone’ Information estimate that the United States $3.5 trillion over what they are spending to- tween 25-54, however, participation is now
A snapshot from Wednesday: The temper- incurred more than $1.14 trillion in damages day, according to consultants McKinsey & above pre-pandemic levels, with a notable
ature in Phoenix rose to 119 degrees, a new from climate disasters in the past 10 years. Co. spike among Black workers.
high for July, while Beijing broiled for a 28th (It defines damage as “the costs in terms of After this week, 2050 seems an awfully The graying of Massachusetts “will only
straight day with temps above 95 degrees, al- dollars that would not have been incurred optimistic deadline for keeping the planet in- get worse in the coming years,” said Mark
so a record. The Mediterranean region melt- had the event not taken place.”) habitable. Melnik, director of economic and public pol-
ed under one of four heat domes parked But as Biden administration officials not- The future is now, and that’s a shock. icy research at the UMass Donahue Insti-
above the Earth. ed in a March blog post, such tallies fail to tute. The institute projects that about one
“Nearly every facet of the climate system capture “the devastation from lives lost, the Larry Edelman can be reached at quarter of the state’s population will be 65 or
is flashing red this summer, from record-low toll on our health care, and the impacts on Follow him on older by 2050, up from 14 percent in 2010.
sea ice extent in Antarctica to hot tub-like American families and communities upend- Twitter @GlobeNewsEd. “This speaks to both potential labor
shortages in the future, as well as the kinds
of services our population will need in the
coming years,” he said.

Mass. backers on ‘right-to-repair’ not keen on deal “We need to invest in strategic and inten-
tional workforce development in a tight
labor market,” Lauren Jones, secretary of
Labor and Workforce Development, said in
By Hiawatha Bray pairs. This gives them a competi- group, the Auto Care Association, The Massachusetts law would a statement. “We are focused on local and
GLOBE STAFF tive advantage over independent has rejected the deal, calling it “a require carmakers to provide tele- regional collaboration to support innovative
Major automakers have reached repair shops, who can see the data thinly veiled attempt to confuse matic data on demand to consum- programs that provide meaningful career
a deal with two auto repair trade only when the car is plugged in at lawmakers and drivers.” ers and to the repair shops of their pathways for the unemployed and underem-
groups to provide independent me- the shop. Hickey, agreed. “We don’t think choice using an independently op- ployed in Massachusetts.”
chanics with access to wireless digi- So right-to-repair advocates it means anything,” said Hickey, erated data network with no ties to Jobs were lost in June in education and
tal data they need to fix the latest want car owners and independent whose group led the campaign to the auto manufacturers. The law health services, as well as in the other servic-
cars. But backers of Massachusetts’ shops to get equal access to telem- pass the Massachusetts Data Access has been tied up in federal court ev- es segment, which includes repair and main-
controversial automotive “right-to- atic data. That way, said Tommy Law in 2020. “If you read the lan- er since it was passed by voters. tenance activities, dry cleaning, and laundry
repair” law say the new arrange- Hickey, director of the Right to Re- guage, it says we’ ll only give you Carmakers claim that only the services, among others. Gains were led by
ment still gives carmakers too pair Coalition, car owners could telematic information if it’s abso- federal government has the author- the financial and professional, scientific,
much control over the vital data. subscribe to a service that automat- lutely necessary.” ity to issue such a regulation, and and business services sectors.
Repair shops usually plug into a ically collected his car’s diagnostic If the car has the traditional da- warn that the proposed indepen- Other states that set new unemployment
data port under the vehicle’s dash- data and shared it with nearby re- ta port found on virtually all cars, dent data network could pose ma- lows last month included Arkansas (2.6 per-
board to get diagnostic information pair shops, which could bid on fix- Hickey said, carmakers would not jor cyber security problems. cent), Maryland (2 percent), Mississippi (3.1
from the car’s computers. But a ing the problem at the lowest price. be obligated to provide wireless The National Highway Traffic percent), New Hampshire (1.8 percent),
growing number of vehicles use Earlier this month, the Alliance telematic data as well, under the re- Safety Administration has echoed Ohio (3.4 percent), Oklahoma (2.7 percent),
telematic systems that allow this for Automotive Innovation, the car- cent agreement. Even when telem- both these arguments in public Pennsylvania (3.8 percent), and South Dako-
data to be transmitted wirelessly makers trade group, said it had atic data is available, it would only statements on the Massachusetts ta (1.8 percent). Nevada had the highest un-
and in real time. Carmakers and reached an understanding with the be provided to repair shops, and law. employment rate at 5.4 percent.
their dealers get full access to this Automotive Service Association only by requesting it from the car-
data, enabling them to identify po- and the Society of Collision Repair makers — leaving out consumers Hiawatha Bray can be reached at Larry Edelman can be reached at
tential problems and notify the ve- Specialists to resolve the issue. But who want to fix their own cars or Follow Follow him on
hicle’s owner about the need for re- another major auto repair trade share the data with mechanics. him on Twitter @GlobeTechLab. Twitter @GlobeNewsEd.

Watertown firm Neumora’s depression drug shows promise in trial

Neumora, a privately held biotech company Damian Garde “For me, the results from the subpopulation major depressive disorder. The first Phase 3 study
based in Watertown, is moving into the final phase were inspiring,” said Roger McIntyre, a professor will begin in the third quarter of this year, Neumo-
of testing with a novel treatment for depression STAT of psychiatry and pharmacology at the University ra said. The company expects to have enough to
that showed promise in a mid-stage trial. of Toronto who has consulted for Neumora make its case for FDA approval in 2025.
The drug, a daily pill called navacaprant, led to Navacaprant’s statistically significant benefits among other drug companies. “You’re getting an In the Phase 2 study, patients with moderate to
statistically significant improvements over placebo came from a pre-specified subset of 100 patients effective antidepressant, but you’re also getting ef- severe MDD taking navacaprant did about three
on a measurement of disease severity for patients in a study that enrolled 171 people. In the total ficacy in the dimension of anhedonia, which is as points better than those getting placebo on the
with moderate to severe major depressive disor- population, including 71 patients who had mild to relevant to depression as pain is to a pain disor- Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, a commonly
der, Neumora said. In the eight-week study, the moderate disease, navacaprant’s effect on depres- der.” used metric that ranges from zero to 52. After
medicine also led to improvements in patient-re- sive symptoms was numerically superior to place- Neumora completed a requisite end-of-Phase 2 eight weeks, their scores were nearly five points
ported anhedonia, a reduced ability to experience bo but did not reach the threshold of statistical meeting with the Food and Drug Administration better than the placebo group on a separate mea-
pleasure that often accompanies severe depres- significance, missing the study’s primary end- in June. The next step is to recruit three Phase 3 sure of anhedonia. Both results were statistically
sion. point. studies, enrolling patients with moderate to severe significant.
D2 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3


US sets

jobs cars homes pets
new water
By Ari Natter
Index of publicly traded companies in Massachusetts
Globe 25 index


The Biden administration is

moving forward with tightened
energy efficiency standards for
new residential water heaters,
taking aim at what is the second-
largest energy using appliances
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The Energy Department said

homes notices
the proposal, which would begin
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ducing hundreds of millions of
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Under the agency’s proposal, the most commonly used elec-
classifieds tric water heaters would be re-
TICKETS quired to use heat pump tech-
nology in place of electric resis-
REAL ESTATE MassDOT Highway Division Proposal tance, while gas-fired
RESIDENTIAL Patriots Tickets Wanted Electronic proposals for the following projects will be received through the internet using instantaneous water heaters
Buying all locations! Bid Express until the date and time stated below and will be posted on
Top $ Paid! Please call forthwith after the bid submission deadline. No paper copies of bids will be accepted.
would be required to use con-
800-786-8425 ext 2.
MOVE RIGHT IN JUST All Bidders must have a valid vendor code issued by MassDOT in order to bid on densing technology. The rule al-
projects. Bidders need to apply for a Digital ID at least 14 days prior to a scheduled so sets standards for gas-fired
bid opening date with Bid Express.
The Bidding for and award of the contracts for the following projects are to be in accord- storage water heaters and oil-
ance with the requirements of Mass General Laws Chapter 30 § 39M. fired water storage water heaters
WANTED TUESDAY, AUGUST 29, 2023 AT 2:00 P.M. PROJECT VALUE as well. Overall, the Energy De-
CHELMSFORD-LOWELL-LAWRENCE: FAP No. HIP(BR)-003S(684)X Bridge $7,049,000.00
partment said, the rule would re-
SMART Townhome in The Preservation along I-495 (612047)
Berkshires $1,595,000 duce energy use from residential
6 bds/ 6.5 bths DISTRICT 4: Scheduled & Emergency Bridge Deck and Joint Repairs at Vari-
Contact Maureen White CASH FOR RECORDS ous Locations (612856)
$2,057,000.00 water heaters by 21 percent.
413.446.5634. 33 LPS & 45’s wanted. Call George 617-633-2682 DISTRICT 4: Scheduled & Emergency Bridge Structural Repairs (Including $2,576,000.00
Energy efficiency standards
Painting) at Various Locations (612869)
for household appliances have
All prospective Bidders must complete and e-mail an electronic copy of “Request Proposal been under new political scruti-
Form (R109)” to the MassDOT Director of Prequalification for approval: prequal.r109@dot.
ny. Earlier this year, a US Con-
pets The blank “Request Proposal Form (R109)” can be obtained at: https://www.
sumer Product Safety Commis-
An award will not be made to a Contractor who is not pre-qualified by the Department prior
to the opening of proposals. sioner floated the idea of a ban
Proposal documents for official bidders are posted on Other interested for gas stoves in January, draw-
parties may receive informational Contract Documents containing the Plans and
Country Resort Living with
Views. Golf, swim, play ten- Special Provisions, free of charge. All parties who wish to have access to informational ing outrage from congressional
nis, & eat at your doorstep. plans and specification must send a “Request for Informational Documents” to Republicans and the broader
$1,445,000 4bds/4.5 baths.
Contact Maureen White
413.446.5634. Plans and Contract Documents will be on display and information will be available at public as the idea was con- the MassDOT Boston Headquarters Office and at each District Office wherein a project demned as a symbol of govern-
is located. MassDOT, in compliance with Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 21 (Nondiscrimination ment overreach. The White
classifieds in Federally-assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation - Effectuation of Title House later issued a statement
VI of Civil Rights Act of 1964) hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that
in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, minority business enterprises
will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be
discriminated against on the grounds of race, color or national origin in consideration for
that said the president didn’t
support banning the ranges.
The administration’s past
an award.
MassDOT Highway Division projects are subject to the rules and regulations of the
Architectural Access Board (521 CMR 1.00 et. seq.). Prospective bidders and interested
and planned energy efficiency
requirements will save Ameri-
parties can access this information and more via the internet at WWW.COMMBUYS.COM.
BY: Gina Fiandaca, Secretary and CEO, MassDOT can’s $570 billion and reduce Stocks find stability to end week
Jonathan L. Gulliver, Highway Administrator, MassDOT Highway Division
SATURDAY, JULY 22, 2023 greenhouse gas emissions by Wall Street closed out another winning week with a quiet Fri-
more than 2.4 billion metric day, as stocks found some stability after sliding the day be-
tons over 30 years, the Energy fore. Roper Technologies rallied 3.7 percent for one of the
Department said. larger gains in the S&P 500 after it reported better profit and
$5000 Black and tan full
LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Still, the Energy Department revenue for the spring than analysts expected. The company,
Beautiful waterfront home
fluffy male. Can make isa- estimated the water heater rule which looks to dominate niche tech markets, also raised its fi-
bellas, lilac and tans, etc. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS The Cape Cod Regional
with amazing views. See us
on Zillow. Call 470-473-5057
AKC registered. Call Amber- MIDDLESEX, SS. PROBATE COURT Transit Authority (CCRTA) is could cost manufactures more nancial forecasts for the full year. The earnings reporting sea-
lie @ 208-970-7556 DOCKET NO. MI23E0039PP seeking to contract for qual-
ified transit management than $228 million in conversion son is gaining momentum, and a majority of companies are
To: Eric L. Powell and Elsa Powell of Belmont in the County services of a qualified Con-
TOPSHAM, ME 4BR, 1BA of Middlesex, Norman Powell Of New York City in State of tractor to manage CCRTA’s costs and $2.2 billion a year in reporting better results than expected. They’re doing so by a
Cape. 1500SF, Comp refurb., New York, Sandra A. Powell of East Hartford in the State of transit services. In accor-
$489,900. 207-751-8975 Connecticut and to all persons interested. dance with current Federal increased product costs, over the bit less than usual, though, according to FactSet. The stock
Golden Retriever Pups Transit Administration (FTA)
Champion parents, ready A petition has been presented to said Court by Debra A. guidelines, the selected rule’s lifetime. market has generally been on a tear this year as the economy
to go. Hardy A/K/A Debra A. Finneran of Warren in the Count of Management Contractor
207-831-3195 Worcester representing that she holds as tenant in com- will provide transporta- has defied predictions for a recession. It’s so far powered
NEW mon 1/5 undivided part or share of certain land lying in
Belmont in said County Middlesex and briefly described as
tion management services
commencing October 1, through much higher interest rates meant to bring down in-
follows: 50 White Street, Belmont, MA 02478, the land in 2023, for a term of one (1)
HAMPSHIRE RE Belmont with the buildings thereon shown as lot numbered
1 (one) on a Plan of Land in Belmont, belonging to B. T. Ste-
year ending September 30,
2024, at the discretion of
flation, and the hope is that it may outlast the Federal Re-

Puppies -
F1/F1B penson, Jr. by Horace W. Ball, surveyor, dated May 23, 1884,
and recorded with Middlesex South District Deeds at the
end of Record Book 1667 and bounded and described as
follows: NORTHERLY by lot numbered 2 as shown on said
the Administrator. Addition-
ally, there is a possibility of
four, one-year extensions to
September 30, 2028, again
Crypto heist serve’s rate-hike campaign. The Fed is widely expected to
raise its federal funds rate on Wednesday to its highest level
plan one hundred fifteen (115) feet; EASTERLY by lot num- at the discretion of the Ad- since 2001. But the hope is that will be the final increase of
bered 3 as shown on said plan sixty (60) feet; SOUTHERLY
by land of the First Congregational Church of Waverley one
hundred thirty-five and 5/10 (135.5) feet; NORTHWESTERLY
by White Street as shown on said plan sixty-four (64) feet.
Containing 7750 square feet according to said plan. For title
Contact Information: Debra
Shores at 508-775-8504
x249 or dshores@capeco-
couple set the cycle because inflation has been cooling since last sum-
mer. The federal funds rate started last year at virtually zero.

Artists Retreat/Family Com-

pound 1 home modern and 1
Ready mid-Aug.: AKC Certi-
fied Lineage; $1,900; doo-; croby52@
see deed of Frank J. Macolini dated September 25, 1968,
recorded in Middlesex Book 11578, Page 060. Setting forth
that her desires that - all - the aforesaid described part -
of said land may be sold at private sale for not less than Email preferred.
for plea deal
historic both on 3.5 acres, Bu-
colic setting with mtn views; 802-272-6353 $1,000,000.00 dollars, and praying that partition may be
made of all the land aforesaid, according to law, and to that
DOW JONES industrial average
end that commissioner be appointed to make such partition
in Sutton, NH, Secluded yet
convenient to shopping and and be ordered to make sale and conveyance of all, or any By Sabrina Willmer
I89, Property lends itself to part of said land which the Court finds cannot be advanta-
geously divided either at private-sale or public auction, and BLOOMBERG
many uses. Use your imagi-
nation to have the goodlife in be ordered to distribute the net proceeds thereof.
NH. $395,000. 603-723-2306 A social-media rapper, who
If you desire to object thereto you or your attorney should
file a written appearance in said Court at Middlesex before dubbed herself the “Crocodile of
ten o’clock in the forenoon on the seventh day of August
WHITE MOUNTAINS NH 2023, the return day of this citation. Wall Street,” and her husband
WITNESS, Hon. Maureen H. Monks, First Justice of this have reached a plea deal with
GOLDENDOODLE F1/F1B PUP- Court, this twenty-sixth day of June 2023. Tara E. DeCristo-
faro, Register of Probate Now place your prosecutors in a case that in-
PIES July 8,15,22, 2023
Ready mid-Aug.; AKC Certi- want ads volved laundering billions of dol-
fied Lineage; $1,900; doo- NOTICE OF INITIAL SITE INVESTIGATION AND; croby52@ TIER II CLASSIFICATION whenever you lars of stolen Bitcoin, according
$749k Beautiful home. In-; 802-272-6352
come, AirBNB, Build another 500 ARSENAL STREET want ads. to a court filing and a person fa-
home. Call/Text Brian. 603- WATERTOWN, MASSACHUSETTS
745-3030 www.expressimo- RTN 3-37593 miliar with the matter.
A release of oil and/or hazardous materials has occurred at
this location, which is a disposal site as defined by M.G.L. Heather Morgan and Ilya

c. 21E, § 2 and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, 310
Lichtenstein are scheduled to

CMR 40.0000. To evaluate the release, a Phase I Initial Site
Investigation was performed pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0480.
As a result of this investigation, the site has been classified appear for a plea hearing on
as Tier II pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0500. On 20 July 2023,
ARE-500 Arsenal Street, LLC filed a Tier II Classification Aug. 3, more than a year after
Submittal with the Department of Environmental Protection
(MassDEP). To obtain more information on this disposal site, they were charged, according to
please contact Michael J. Cronan, LSP, Haley & Aldrich,
Inc., 465 Medford Street, Suite 2200, Boston, Massa- a filing Friday in federal court in
chusetts, 02128, 617.886.7400. Create your ad NASDAQ Composite index
today at Washington. The couple were ar-
The Tier II Classification Submittal and the disposal site
file can be reviewed at https://eeaonline.eea.state. rested in February 2022, but re-!/search/wastesite or at the MassDEP,
Northeast Regional Office, Bureau of Waste Site Clean-
up, 150 Presidential Way, Woburn, Massachusetts, monster quested delays in their case to fa-
617.694.3200. cilitate plea discussions, which Additional public involvement opportunities are available could indicate they are cooperat- monster under 310 CMR 40.1403(9) and 310 CMR 40.1404.

classifieds ing with authorities.

US District Judge Colleen
Professional Kollar-Kotelly ordered the par-
ties to provide paperwork for the
hearing by July 27, along with a
“copy of the plea agreement.”
Project Manager
AUDI Prjct Mngr, Sr Associate Defense lawyers for Morgan
Intgrl member of collab- and Lichtenstein didn’t respond
orative team & work on
all facets of King Street’s to requests for comment, and
dvlpmnt projects. Resp for
133K mi, warranty, Quick
sale. $9,999. 413-768-9611
coordinating day-to-day neither did prosecutors at the
activities assigned prjcts
from predevelopment thru
constructn & transitn to
US Justice Department.
property mngmnt w/ guid-
ance & oversight of senior
The government accused the
HOTEL- Dvlpmnt team members.
Rqrs: MS Architecture, Real
couple of conspiring to launder S&P 500 index
RESTAURANT 119,754 of Bitcoin stolen after
Estate, or rel, or equiv & 5
yrs exp overseeing real es-
tate dvlpmnt process, from
the 2016 hack of cryptocurrency
SUPPLY acquisition to financing
thru design & constructn.
exchange Bitfinex. They alleged-
In alternative, will accept BS
Architecture, Real Estate,
or rel , or equiv & 8 yrs exp ly used fake identities to set up
same. Also rqrs: exp w/
MR. SMITH leading a dvlpmntl permit- online accounts and hid the trail
ting prjct in Boston; exp of
of transactions by depositing
BUYS & SELLS liaising w/City of Boston
dprtmnts incl BPDA, Boston
Landmarks Commission,
Access your Globe subscription account online. and then withdrawing stolen
NEW & USED Zoning Commission, & DND;
exp w/ traditional (debt & funds from virtual currency ex-
RESTAURANT equity) & alternate sources
of capital; exp negotiating changes and darknet markets.
BAR-PIZZA-STORE commercial & retail leases;
& prior knowledge of life Some of the money they
EQUIPMENT science real estate. Loca-
tion of position is combina- cashed out of Bitcoin ATMs was
tion work & home. Work at
AT OUR WAREHOUSE Boston, MA company loc 2 used to buy NFTs, gold, and a
to 3 times a week & remain-
80 MYRTLE ST. NO. ing time work from home al-
lowed. Apply via e-mail only
Walmart gift card, according to
QUINCY MA to Kevin Burns kburns@ks- King Street Man- the government. But prosecu-
agement LLC, 800 Boylston
617-770-1600 Street, Suite 2400, Boston tors didn’t accuse the couple of
MA 02199.
the actual hack. SOURCE: Bloomberg News
S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e D3


Big things are born in Boston. Listen as the Globe’s

Shirley Leung leads intimate conversations with
the doers and thinkers behind the innovations,
discoveries, ideas, and trends shaping our world.

Listen now at

D4 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3

PLUGGERS by Rick McKee

CRABGRASS by Tauhid Bondia
ZITS by Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

DOONESBURY by Garry Trudeau DUSTIN by Steve Kelley & Jeff Parker

RED & ROVER by Brian Basset ARCTIC CIRCLE by Alex Hallatt

FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE by Lynn Johnston CURTIS by Ray Billingsley

RHYMES WITH ORANGE by Hilary Price ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ACROSS 63 Full of vim and vigor
1 Word before “club” or 64 “Ooh, send me!”
“fiction” 65 Celestial sphere
4 Bow ties, but not top 66 Dance parts
hats 67 Stocking stuff
9 Woodsy home 68 Pen tip
14 “Seriously, man?!”
15 Up next DOWN
16 First lady behind 1 Org. in the movie
the “Let’s Move!” “Face/Off”
campaign 2 Film, e.g.
17 Brooding teen’s 3 “Don’t tell me what
assurance to a happens!”
concerned parent 4 Sweetheart, in old-
20 Flyer made for class? school parlance
21 Mix, as a salad 5 Poker stake
22 South Asian lentil dish 6 Standout individual
23 Respectful anagram 7 Spanish finger food
of “sir” 8 Ladybug’s prey
24 Puerto Rico, por 9 Dress up like Spock, say
ejemplo 10 ___ Tesfaye, aka The
28 Earl Scruggs plucked Weeknd
them 11 The SEC’s Crimson
33 Core feature of a Tide, informally
weightlifter’s body? 12 “It’s showtime!”
36 It makes ryes rise 13 New parents’
37 “That makes sense” selection
38 Enjoy a joint, say 18 “King’s Disease”
40 Village People rapper, 2021
megahit 19 Many an Egyptian
41 Let fly 21 Actress Krishnan of
43 Senior’s special offer? Tamil films
45 Gave lip to 23 Comedy show
47 “Star Trek: T.N.G.” segments 32 Like a rock-hard 46 Top ___ 57 Like many Christmas
counselor Deanna 25 Jrs. no more roll Entertainment sweaters
48 Before, poetically 26 Night table item 34 Fiery sorts, 50 Rapper featured on 58 Election season
49 Bit of body art 27 Mission-ending cry astrologically Flo Rida’s “Low” survey
51 Scottish girl 29 “Time of Our Lives” 35 Chocolaty toffee bar 52 Bar member: Abbr. 59 Bouncy type of stick
53 They’re cast in some singer 39 Paramore genre 53 That’s bogus! 61 Scan that can detect
shows 30 Jazz club get-together 42 Big name in wipes 54 2008 Beyonce ballad cancerous tissues, for
60 “You enjoying 31 Awards given since 44 Added more and 55 Tel ___ short
yourself?” 1929 more of 56 Seedy bar 62 Flow back
S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e D5
Boston’s forecast SUDOKU

1 6 9 8 2
6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M. 6 A.M. NOON 6 P.M.

HIGH A thundershower this HIGH Mostly sunny and nice HIGH Mostly sunny and HIGH Mostly cloudy and HIGH Partly sunny with a
79-84 morning; otherwise, 81-86 with low humidity. 81-86 more humid. Winds 80-85 humid; a thunderstorm 83-88 thunderstorm. Winds
LOW clouds and sunshine. LOW Winds ENE 7-14 mph. LOW SSE 6-12 mph. Partly LOW cannot be ruled out. LOW SSE 7-14 mph. Mainly

1 9
65-70 Winds SW 6-12 mph. 67-72 Clear at night. Winds 68-73 cloudy and humid at 68-73 Winds ESE 8-16 mph. 70-75 clear and humid at
Clear to partly cloudy and more SW 6-12 mph. night. Winds SSW 7-14 mph. Partly cloudy and humid at night. Winds WSW 6-12 mph.
comfortable tonight. Winds NW night. Winds SW 7-14 mph.
6-12 mph.
New England forecast Almanac
7 2 5
TODAY: A mixture of clouds and sunshine with a thun-
derstorm or two across central and northern areas. Less
Yesterday’s high/low
5:27 a.m.
Source: Asthma & Allergy Affiliates, Inc.
Weeds Grass Mold 8 4
7 4 5
Sunset 8:14 p.m. Low Low Low N.A.
humid than recent days. Yesterday’s mold and spore rating.
Moonrise 9:58 a.m.
TOMORROW: Mostly sunny and pleasant over
much of the area with low humidity. Patchy clouds Mount Washington (5 p.m. yesterday) Eastern Massachusetts air quality

9 2
and a spotty shower over the high ground. Weather Dense fog
EXTENDED: Sunny to partly cloudy Visibility 0 miles 50 100 150 200 300
Wind south at 30 m.p.h.

Monday with an afternoon or evening thun- For more information on today’s conditions, call the
derstorm well inland. A thunderstorm or High/low temperature 49/46 state hotline at (800) 882-1497 or Massachusetts
Department of Environmental Protection web site
two in the area Tuesday. Snow depth at 5 p.m. 0.0”
24 Hr. Precipitation
Precip days in July
(valid at 5 p.m. yesterday)
Month to date 4.27”
Norm. month to date 2.18”
Year to date 23.94”
Norm. year to date 23.72”
5 7 3 2 1
Climate data are compiled from National Weather Service records and are subject to change or correction.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every
3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. Puzzle difficulty lev-
Tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M. High tides A.M. P.M.
els: Easy on Monday and Tuesday, more difficult on Wednesday
Boston high 2:48 3:20 Gloucester 2:48 3:20 Hyannis Port 3:49 4:31
and Thursday, most difficult on Friday and Saturday. Tips and
Height 9.7 9.1 Marblehead 2:48 3:20 Chatham 3:30 4:06
computer program at
Boston low 9:05 9:20 Lynn 2:52 3:25 Wellfleet 3:02 3:34
Forecasts and Height 0.8 1.5 Scituate 2:47 3:18 Provincetown 2:58 3:28
graphics provided by Plymouth 2:54 3:24 Nantucket
AccuWeather, Inc.
High tides
Old Orchard ME 2:33 3:09 Cape Cod
Canal East 2:33 3:05
Oak Bluffs
3:48 4:25
3:09 3:41
Beach NH 2:47 3:23 Cape Cod New Bedford 11:49 11:54 BY FRANK STEWART
Plum Island 2:59 3:30 Canal West 1:30 Newport RI 11:42 11:47
North dealer — N-S vulnerable
Ipswich 2:32 3:08 Falmouth 2:32 3:04

 Small craft advisory

New England marine forecast  Gale warning  Storm warning ♠ KJ3
Wind Seas Temp Wind Seas Temp
♥ AK762
Boston Harbor SW 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 81/67 Martha’s
Temperatures are
East Cape Vineyard SW 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 81/62
♦ K3
today’s highs and
tonight’s lows. Cod Canal N 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 81/63 Nantucket SW 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 82/68
♣ AJ6
Buzzards Bay SW 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 82/63 Provincetown NW 6-12 kts. 1-2 ft. 80/66 West East
Cities Forecast high and low temperatures and conditions For current Charles River Basin water quality, call (781) 788-0007 or go to ♠ 97652 ♠ Q8
 Travel delays possible, C Clouds, F Fog, H Haze, I Ice, Pc Partly Cloudy, R Rain, Sh Showers, S Sun, Sn Snow, Fl Flurries, T Thunderstorms, W Windy ♥ 85 ♥ Q J 10 9
Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow Today Tomorrow ♦ A2 ♦ 865
Atlanta 84/70 T 89/69 Pc Los Angeles 90/68 Pc 90/69 Pc Seattle 81/57 S 79/54 S  Jerusalem 92/71 S 96/73 S
Atlantic City 86/66 Pc 86/69 Pc  Miami 94/77 T 95/79 T Washington 87/69 Pc 88/72 Pc  London 66/60 T 73/58 T
♣ K952 ♣ Q 10 7 4
Charlotte 84/67 Pc 86/68 C  New Orleans 95/77 T 89/77 T Beijing 89/71 C 91/74 Pc Moscow 72/57 S 67/53 Sh
 Chicago 83/66 T 84/66 T New York City 85/68 Pc 86/71 S Cancun 92/80 Pc 93/81 S  Paris 80/60 Pc 74/62 Pc South
Dallas 94/74 Pc 100/78 S Philadelphia 85/70 Pc 89/71 S  Mexico City 76/57 T 76/58 T Rome 90/75 S 91/74 Pc ♠ A 10 4
Denver 89/63 S 96/66 S Phoenix 115/92 Pc 113/90 Pc  Montreal 76/60 R 80/63 C  San Juan 93/79 S 92/79 T ♥ 43
Detroit 82/62 S 81/64 Pc Salt Lake City 105/81 S 107/79 Pc Toronto 81/59 C 80/64 Pc  Stockholm 67/51 T 67/51 T
 Fort Myers 95/80 T 95/77 Pc  San Francisco 77/57 S 71/56 Pc Vancouver 78/59 S 73/58 S Tokyo 91/75 S 91/76 S
♦ Q J 10 9 7 4
♣ 83

North East South West

1♥ Pass 1 NT Pass
HOROSCOPE GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Neptune. This means you feel rest- deceit. Tonight: Explore. 3 NT All Pass
Your home routine will change less and impulsive, and yet, you CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Opening lead — ♠ 5
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Saturday, suddenly. Something unexpected might be confused, especially in You want to do something differ-
July 22, 2023: might happen, possibly the break- your dealings and conversations ent because you feel the need for “Simple Saturday” columns focus on basic technique and
You are action oriented. You want down of a small appliance or sur- with partners and close friends. change. You would like to travel. logical thinking.
to make things happen; you want prise company at your door. The Slow down. Tonight: Seek privacy. Certainly, discussions with people “If you can find someone who can cook and do house-
to get things done. You value inde- thing to know is that there is an LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) who are different or from another work, don’t hesitate: Marry him!” — bumper sticker on my
pendence and self-sufficiency. This element of confusion, perhaps You’re happy to play things low- culture will intrigue you. Be aware club member Wendy’s car. Wendy thinks when God made
year is the last year of a nine-year even deceit, when dealing with key and stay behind the scenes. that travel plans might suddenly man, She was only warming up.
cycle, which means it’s time to let family members or authority fig- Nevertheless, you might feel change today. Don’t fall for every- If you can find a partner who never plays to the first trick
go of people, places and posses- ures. Be careful. Tonight: Conver- jumpy and restless. Don’t believe thing you hear. Tonight: Check without some thought, grab him or her. (Good luck finding
sions that are holding you back. sations. everything you hear. In fact, if you your finances. such a partner.)
CANCER (June 21-July 22) suspect something fishy is going AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) In today’s deal, West led a low spade against 3NT, and
ARIES (March 21-April 19) You might spend time daydream- on, it is. Enjoy socializing with Be cautious when dealing with South impulsively played low from dummy. When East
Think twice before making deci- ing. You also might feel confused younger, artistic people. Tonight: shared property, taxes, debt or any- (rather unexpectedly) played the queen, South frowned: If
sions, because you’re impulsive, about something, deceived or mis- Be friendly. thing to do with the wealth and re- he took the ace, he would have no entry to his diamonds.
and today there’s an element of led. Meanwhile, do be aware that SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) sources of your partner. This is be- So South let East’s queen win, but then East shifted accu-
confusion or indecision present. If this is a mildly accident-prone day. Be careful in discussions with oth- cause something unexpected might rately to a low club: three, king, ace. When West got in with
you make a quick decision with- Give yourself extra time for what- ers, especially friends and groups. occur and could be confusing.
the ace of diamonds, he returned a club, and the defense
out thinking about it carefully, you ever you’re doing, including com- Someone might be fast with the Things might not be as they appear.
took three clubs for down one. If South wins the first spade,
could have regrets later. Fore- muting or travel. Delays are likely. truth. If this is the case, you’re hard Be careful. Tonight: Cooperate.
he goes down two.
warned is forearmed. Tonight: So- Tonight: Patience. to fool. You can tell if someone is PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
South should pause before playing to the first trick, then
cialize. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) lying, because you see the subtext You will have to compromise and
play dummy’s jack of spades.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) This is a fuzzy day for finances. It’s of everything around you. Still, a be accommodating when dealing
Parents must be vigilant with a poor day to make an important close friend or partner might sur- with others. Keep your eyes open.
their kids, especially with water financial decision. Likewise, if prise you. Tonight: You shine! Something unexpected or unusual
DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠ K J 3 ♥ A K 7 6 2 ♦ K 3
hazards, poisons or contaminated shopping, keep your receipts (and SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) might occur. If you try to get to ♣ A J 6. You open one heart, your partner responds one
food. Keep your eyes open and the box). You are prone to impulse Don’t volunteer for anything, and the bottom of something, you spade, you jump to 2NT and he bids three diamonds. What
know where they are. This is a shopping and spontaneous pur- be cautious when dealing with might be deflected. Someone do you say?
poor day for romantic decisions. chases today, especially ones that parents, bosses, teachers, VIPs or might be hiding something. To-
ANSWER: To show your three-card support for partner’s first
In fact, because Venus is now ret- are elegant and luxurious! To- the police -- any authority figure. night: Get busy.
suit is correct. But you have good support — not, say, 10-3-
rograde, it will be wise to post- night: Count your money. For starters, they might do some-
pone romantic decisions until VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) thing out of the blue that catches
2 — and your values are slammish. You have useful cards in
September. Tonight: Cocoon. The Moon is dancing with unpre- you off guard. ("Busted!") There’s (c) 2023 by King Features Syndi- his long suits and aces elsewhere. Jump to four spades. You
dictable Uranus and opposite fuzzy also an element of confusion, even cate Inc. would bid three spades with K 3 2, A K J 6 3, K 3, K Q 4.

ZIPPY “Sniffed Out” by Bill Griffith ADAM@HOME by Rob Harrell

ROSE IS ROSE by Pat Brady & Don Wimmer

BIZARRO by Wayno & Piraro

1 8 9 2 3 4 7 5 6
2 3 6 9 7 5 4 1 8
5 4 7 6 8 1 2 3 9
Today’s Crossword Solution

Today’s Sudoku Solution

6 9 2 5 4 8 1 7 3
7 1 4 3 6 9 8 2 5
8 5 3 1 2 7 9 6 4
9 7 1 4 5 3 6 8 2
4 6 5 8 1 2 3 9 7
3 2 8 7 9 6 5 4 1
D6 T h e B o s t o n G l o b e S A T U R D A Y, J U L Y 2 2 , 2 0 2 3



Should I make this breakup less ugly?

Q. I’m a 48-year-old woman dating a 50- all my belongings, including gifts I’d too much (again) and dismissed you
year-old man for two years. He’s a car- given him, outside of my garage with without a conversation. I don’t think
ing, devoted, loyal, and funny man, and no attempt at communication. you should have to do any extra work at
we’ve shared many wonderful memo- I learned through mutual friends all. Your mutual friends can accept
ries together. Despite the problem war- that he’s saying “we broke up” or “he that, I’m sure.
ranting this letter, we’ve never doubted dumped me,” depending on who he’s Maybe try sitting with the discom-
our love and commitment to each oth- talking to. He was always one for the fort of this being a bad breakup. That
er. drama, and self-pity gets him. I see how might help you get over it.
We’ve had our share of ups and this is not a healthy relationship. I’ve MEREDITH
downs, mainly due to his excessive used the last month to process every-
drinking. These “downs” always result- thing that happened. I fluctuate from
ed in him ghosting me for a period of feeling angry to feeling pity for him. I READERS RESPOND:
time, until I couldn’t stand it any longer see that it will take two people willing The only thing you have to “lose” by
and reached out via text. He’d always to fix it to make it work. I’m not sure ei- reaching out — which will lead to actu-
respond, and we’d be on our way again ther one of us has what it takes at this ally being face-to-face — is repeating
as if nothing had happened. I’ve been point. We’re too old for this dance. But the pattern you’ve repeated for this en-
very clear how I feel about this behav- the fact it ended ugly is what ultimately tire relationship.
ior, however. He will verbally state he gets to me. I would like to reach out just HARRISBSTONE
understands where I’m coming from, to smooth things over so there’s not a
but then repeats the pattern. He excus- negative, ugly ending — but not to re- The most sensible thing you said
es his behavior by saying he has always unite. I know if we met in person, our was that this wasn’t a healthy relation-
run away from his problems, and he exchanges would be pleasant and we ship. I don’t see any benefit to staying
won’t be treated the way his ex-wife could end on the same page. (We don’t in a relationship with an alcoholic who
treated him. use social media.) Do you think I have will stop speaking to you until you do
The cheapest way to join Netflix without ads is now $15.49 per month. Recently, he bought a townhouse anything to lose by reaching out to the work to get back together. I think
Below: Disney+ ($10.99 per month) and Paramount+ ($11.99 per month) (with the help of a generous gift of make this happen? this time, you should surprise him by
are among the cheapest ad-free services. money initiated by me). He hosted a NOTHING TO LOSE not calling and asking to meet up. If he
house party; I was part of the planning A. “I would like to reach out just to ever calls you (which seems unlikely)
Netflix increases process. He ignored me all day. He ap-
peared to make a deliberate point of
smooth things over so there’s not a neg-
ative, ugly ending.”
you can be pleasant and wish him well
but say you don’t want to get back to-
ad-free price for not introducing me in one instance The thing is, the ending is negative gether. He isn’t really “caring, devoted

new subscribers (skipping me and going to the next per-

son). I should mention he was 10
and ugly. He hurt your feelings after
drinking too much at a house party.
and loyal” if he keeps ghosting you and
doesn’t even talk to you about breaking
sheets to the wind at that point, so I’m Then, instead of talking about it, he re- up after two years together. I’m really
Netflix cut back on sharing, and not sure he knew what he was doing. I turned all your stuff. hoping that you didn’t give him the
now it’s also altering its subscription was hurt and left shortly afterward (the You say that in the past he’d ghost money for his townhouse unless you’re
options. New and rejoining subscrib- party was winding down). I do ques- you until you couldn’t stand it any lon- rich and it didn’t affect your finances.
ers will no longer be able to get a $9.99- tion myself for being too hard on him, ger. Then you’d do the work to smooth LEGALLYLIZ2017
per-month ad-free plan. Current $9.99- in the event he did it inadvertently. it over. One of the great things about
per-month subscribers, though, will Before the party even started, I told this breakup is that your work is done. There’s no reason to reach out. An
not be subject to the hike. him I’d be leaving toward the end, as I You don’t have to make anything look ugly breakup is a breakup. A a cordial
That means that the cheapest way had to work early the next morning. He less messy. The ending wasn’t clean, breakup is still a breakup.
to join Netflix without ads is now understood then. But when I left, he and you can let him — and yourself — CUPPAJOESEATTLE
$15.49 per month (the tier with ads is was mad I left “early.” Two hours later sit with that.
$6.99 a month). That puts ad-free Net- he texted me, saying I must have been I think that’s my question for you, Take the gift he gave you of leaving
flix in the same price range as Amazon embarrassed to be seen with him. That after reading this letter. Is there a rea- your life and run with it.
($14.99 per month), Hulu ($14.99), no one knew we were a couple. I re- son you can’t let this be an ugly ending? GBREAULT85
and Max ($15.99). sponded via text, stating I felt he If you do the work on his behalf to
The cheapest ad-free services are seemed embarrassed by me, and that I make the narrative more palatable,
Paramount+ ($11.99 per month), Pea- was hurt about the lack of introduction does it change anything? Send relationship and dating questions
cock ($11.99), Disney+ ($10.99), and I mentioned above. I tried calling, but it If you’re worried about running into to Catch new
Apple TV+ ($6.99), which has strong went to voicemail. Just as well, as his each other in person and want to make episodes of Meredith Goldstein’s “Love
originals but almost no library. reasoning is long gone after eight-plus peace so it’s easier, I guess I under- Letters” podcast at or
There are a few free streaming ser- drinks. stand. But take a beat to ask yourself wherever you listen to podcasts.
vices, too, notably Amazon Freevee Unsurprisingly, he proceeded to what’s required of you, what would Column and comments are edited and
and Crackle. ghost me, and a few days later he put make you feel good, and why. He drank reprinted from

Saturday July 22, 2023 Movies Sports News Specials

7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30 7 pm 7:30 8 pm 8:30 9 pm 9:30 10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30
2 WGBH The Yorkshire Vet Ridley "Swansong, Grantchester on D.I. Ray Love & Stories- BASIC CABLE
PBS Part 1" Masterpiece Respect Stage A&E The First 48 "Lips The First 48 The First 48 "Bad The First 48 "Family (:05) The First 48
4 WBZ Wheel of Jeopardy! NCIS: Hawai'i NCIS: Hawai'i 48 Hours News (N) (:35) Are Sealed" Cinderella" First" "Young Guns"
CBS Fortune Gourmet AMC (:15) +++ Rocky III ('82) Mr. T, Sylvester Stallone. (:45) ++ Rocky IV ('85) Movie
5 WCVB News (N) Rossen Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank NewsCe- (:35) Animal Planet The Irwins "Robert, The Irwins "Bindi's The Irwins "Irwin Crikey... Irwins "It's Crikey! It's the
ABC (N) nter 5 (N) Matter King of Cobras" Lemur Island" African Adventure" a Baby Giraffe!" Irwins
6 WLNE ABC Paid Prog. Inside Ed. Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank ABC6Ne.. Rookie BBC America (6:00) ++ Now You See Me ++ Now You See Me 2 ('16) Mark Ruffalo, Jesse Eisenberg. (P) Movie
7 WHDH Inside Ed. Funny Family Family 7 News at 9PM (N) 7 News at 10PM (N) 7 News at (:35) BET (5:30) Tyler Perry's ++ Tyler Perry's Madea's Family Reunion ('06) Blair Tyler Perry's A Madea
(N) You Feud Feud 11PM (N) Extra (N) Madea Goes to Jail Underwood, Lynn Whitfield, Tyler Perry. Family Funeral
9 WMUR ABC Chaos Rossen Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank News (N) Chaos Bravo Below Deck "Decent Below Deck Below Deck "The Below Deck Below Deck "Bosun
10 NBC Boston Paid 1st Look Baking It "Bake America's Got Talent "Auditions 3" News at SNL Proposal" Sea Was Angry" Blues"
Prog. Your Fears" (N) 11 (N) CMT (5:00) Lincoln Lawyer +++ The Italian Job ('03) Mark Wahlberg. +++ The Lincoln Lawyer ('11)
10 WJAR News (N) Paid Baking It "Bake America's Got Talent "Auditions 3" News (N) SNL CNN CNN Newsroom (N) See It Loud See It "Sitcom-ish" The Eighties "Raised on Television"
NBC (Live) Prog. Your Fears" (N) (Live)
Comedy Central (6:30) ++ Vacation ('15) ++ Couples Retreat ('09) Jason Bateman, Jon +++ The Wedding
11 WENH Celebrity Antiques Mr. Bean Bad Doc Martin "The Death in Paradise Luna & Sophie Christina Applegate, Ed Helms. Favreau, Vince Vaughn. Singer ('98)
PBS Road Trip Move Shock of the New" "Fatal Attraction"
CSPAN (3:30) Washington This Week Public Affairs Events
12 WPRI Wheel of Jeopardy! NCIS: Hawai'i NCIS: Hawai'i 48 Hours 12 News Recovery CSPAN2 Garry Kasp (N) Lectures in History HistoryTV The Presidency America Lectures in History
CBS Fortune at 11 (N) TV
Dest. America BBQ Pitmasters BBQ Pitmasters BBQ Pitmasters BBQ Pitmasters BBQ Pitmasters
25 WFXT MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Milwaukee Brewers From 9-1-1 "Powerless" Special Forces Expedition Expedition Unknown Expedition "Sunken Pyramids of the Nile"
FOX American Family Field in Milwaukee. (N) (Live) "Survival"
(6:00) 600-Lb. Life Addiction Addiction Addiction Addiction Addiction Addiction Addiction Addiction
Discovery Life
27 WUNI Fútbol central (N) Fútbol Leagues Cup Club Tijuana vs. Leag Cup San Jose Earthquakes vs.
(Live) Philadelphia Union (N) (Live) Portland Timbers (N) (Live) E! ++ The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 ('11) ++ The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 ('12)
Encore ++ Paul Blart: Mall Cop ('09) (:35) + Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 (:15) ++ The Equalizer ('14)
36 WSBE Father Brown "The Call the Midwife Doc Martin Hope Street Art Inc Treas-
Food Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners, Diners,
PBS Face of the Enemy" ures Insid
Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive
38 WSBK Big Bang Big Bang ++ Moscow on the Hudson ('84) Maria Big Bang Big Bang Living Mission
Conchita Alonso, Robin Williams. Fox News Weekend (N) (Live) One Nation (N) L. Jones (N) (Live) FOX News (N) (Live) Gutfeld!
Freeform (5:50) Finding Nemo (:20) +++ Finding Dory ('16) Ellen DeGeneres. (:25) Ron's Gone Wrong (P)
44 WGBX Celebrity Antiques Country Music "The Sons and Daughters Southern Story Billy Iconic America: Our
Bob Thornton Symbols & Stories FUSE Malcolm Malcolm Sex Sells Sex Sells #Female Pleasure ('18) My Wife
PBS Road Trip of America (1964-1968)"
FX (5:00) Jurassic Worl... +++ Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle ('17) ++ Night School ('18)
50 WWJE Meet "Poynter" Meet "Clark" Killer Cases Killer Cases Killer Kids
FXM Movie (:40) +++ The Martian ('15) Jessica Chastain, Matt Damon. +++ Us ('19) Lupita Nyong'o.
56 WLVI Young Young 1982 "Fantasy & Whose Whose 7 News at 10PM on Modern Modern
CW Sheldon Sheldon Action" (N) Line Line CW56 (N) Family Family Hallmark (6:00) Long Lost Chr... Haul Out the Holly ('22) Lacey Chabert. A Christmas Cookie Catastrophe ('22)
64 WNAC MLB Baseball Atlanta Braves at Milwaukee Brewers From 12 News Seinfeld Special Forces Hallmark M.&M. +++ Love's Unending Legacy ('07) + Love's Unfolding Dream ('07) Murder, She Wrote
FOX American Family Field in Milwaukee. (N) (Live) (N) "Survival" HGTV Dream Home Vacation "Lakefront Vacation House House House House House
"Neutral Glam" Family Retreat" Rules (N) Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters
68 WBPX Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU
ION "American Dream" "Sanctuary" "Gone Fishin'" "Mood" "Contrapasso" History UnXplained "The UnXplained "The UnXplained "The (:05) The (:05) The
Power of Prophecy" Mystery of Genius" Mystery of Plagues" UnXplained UnXplained
Cinemax (6:15) +++ ++ Old ('21) Vicky Krieps, (:50) ++ Anna ('19) Luke Evans, Cillian (:50) Man HLN Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic Forensic
Predator ('87) Gael García Bernal. Murphy, Sasha Luss. From U.... HSN Beekman (N) Curtis (N) Curtis (N) Mine Finds (N) Mine Finds (N)
Flix (6:00) +++ Full +++ Reds ('81) Diane Keaton, Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty. (:15) +++ The ID Neighbor "Blood on Who the (Bleep) Did Marry "Knock- A Date With Death Marry "Fresh Start,
Metal Jacket ('87) Great Gatsby ('74) the Lawn" I Marry? Knock, Evil's Here" (N) (P) Rotten End"
HBO (5:45) ++ Shazam! ++ Immortals ('11) Stephen Dorff, Isabel (:55) (:35) +++ Knocked Up ('07) IFC (5:15) Starship Troo... +++ World War Z ('13) Mireille Enos, Brad Pitt. (P) Star Trek Into Darkn...
Fury of the Gods Lucas, Henry Cavill. (P) Gemston.. Katherine Heigl, Seth Rogen. Lifetime (6:00) Dawn Dawn "Part 3: Twilight's Child" (N) (:05) Girl Who Escaped: Kara Robinson Story
HBO 2 (:05) +++ Moonlight ('16) Alex Hibbert, +++ Moneyball ('11) Jonah Hill, Philip (:15) ++ Empire of LMN (6:00) Vacation Hom... Chaos on the Farm ('23) Brook Sill. Murder at Blackthorne Manor ('23)
Ashton Sanders, Mahershalalhashbaz Ali. Seymour Hoffman, Brad Pitt. Light ('22) MAGN Maine Maine Maine Maine Maine
Showtime Billions Billions "Elmsley Emily ('22) Fionn Whitehead, Oliver (:15) All (:45) All MSNBC Voices (N) (Live) Ayman (N) (Live) Ayman (N) (Live) American Voices Ayman
"Kompenso" Count" Jackson-Cohen, Emma Mackey. Access Access (6:50) +++ John Wick: Chapter 2 ('17) (:40) +++ John Wick: Chapter 3 -- Parabellum ('19)
Showtime 2 (5:05) (:25) +++ The Inspection ++ Devotion ('22) Glen Powell, Christina Jackson, AVN National Shark vs. Predator When Sharks Attack When Sharks Attack When Sharks "Extra When "Extra Bite:
Pain & G... ('22) Jeremy Pope. Jonathan Majors. Awards 360 (N) 360 (N) Bite: Born Wild" (N) Troubled Waters"
Starz! (:15) + Leap Year ('10) Matthew Goode, Outla- (:55) SAS: Red Notice ('21) Ruby Rose, Hannah John- NatGeoWild The Incredible The Incredible (N) The Incredible (N) Birder (N) The Incredible
Adam Scott, Amy Adams. nder Kamen, Sam Heughan.
NECN Chef's OpenHou.. 1st Look Rescue 1st Look OpenHou.. Chef's HUBToday Rescue Chef's
TMC (:15) ++ Men ('22) Rory Kinnear, Paapa Post Mortem ('20) Fruzsina Hais, Judit Sound of Violence NewsNation (N) NewsNation (N) NewsNation (N) NewsNation Prime NewsNation Prime
Essiedu, Jessie Buckley. Schell, Viktor Klem. ('21)
Ovation Shakespea Shakespea ++ The Quick and the Dead ('95) Sharon Stone. Movie
SPORTS Love & Marriage Love & Marriage (N) Love & Marriage Love & Marriage Love & Marriage
CBSSN CFL Football Saskatchewan Roughriders at BC Lions From BC SailGP United States Sail P1 Racing The Backyard The Backyard (N) Homicide (N) New York Homicide The Backyard
Place Stadium in Vancouver, British Columbia. (N) (Live) Grand Prix, Los Angeles (N)
Paramount (6:00) Indiana Jones & the Last ... ++++ Raiders of the Lost Ark ('81) Harrison Ford. Indiana Jones & the ...
ESPN SportCtr Premier Lacrosse League All-Star Game From Boxing George Kambosos Jr. vs. Maxi (6:00) Shoe (N) Belle by Kim Gravel - Fashion (N) (Live) Jennifer's Closet (N) (Live)
(N) (Live) Louisville, Ky. (N) (Live) Hughes (N) (Live) QVC
Science What on Earth? What on Earth? What on Earth? What on Earth? What on Earth?
ESPN2 E60 Sports- X Games Summer X Games 2023, Day 2 Extreme sports action SportsCenter (N)
Center from the X Games competition. (N) (Live) (Live) Sundance +++ Apollo 13 ('95) Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon, Tom Hanks. +++ That Thing You Do! ('96) Liv Tyler,
Johnathon Schaech, Tom Everett Scott.
Fox Sports 1 World World Leagues Cup Club Tijuana at Philadelphia Leagues Cup San Jose Earthquakes at
Cup Cup Union (N) (Live) Portland Timbers (N) (Live) SyFy (6:05) The Bourne Supremacy ++ Olympus Has Fallen ('13) Gerard Butler. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
(5:00) PGA Tour Golf Golf Open Champ. Third Round (N) TBS American American American Burgers Burgers Burgers Burgers Burgers Miracle Miracle
(6:30) 2023 NBA Finals NBA Room Basketball Chicago Sky at Seattle Storm Shaq High Tops TCM (6:30) Crime Wave ++++ The Philadelphia Story ('40) ++++ The Red Shoes ('48)
NBC Sports Futbol- Green Mike & Tommy The '86 Celtics United Fight TLC Match Me Abroad 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way (N) 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way (N)
ista Tommy Heinsohn Alliance TNT (5:45) ++ The Meg All Elite Wrestling: Collision (N) ++ The Meg ('18) Jason Statham.
NESN Extra (N) Red Sox Col. Summer Baseball Cape Cod League All-Star Game (N) Red Sox Dirty (N) Travel Mysteries at Mysteries at Loch Ness Monster Alien Encounters Mysteries at
FAMILY TruTV Jokes Jokes American American American American Jokes Jokes TacomaFD Jokes
Cartoon King/Hill King/Hill King/Hill King/Hill Rick Rick American American American American TV Land Mike Mike Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King
Disney Big City Big City +++ Cars ('06) Voices of Paul Newman, Hailey's Hailey's Molly Molly TV One GoodTim.. GoodTim.. GoodTim.. GoodTim.. GoodTim.. GoodTim.. GoodTim.. GoodTim.. GoodTim.. GoodTim..
Greens Greens Bonnie Hunt, Owen Wilson. on It! on It! McGee McGee USA (5:30) NASCAR Post 9-1-1 "Hen Begins" 9-1-1 "Merry Ex- 9-1-1 "New 9-1-1
(:05) Wings ('12) Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (:05) ++ The Sandlot ('93) Movie Pocono 225 (N) Race (N) Mas" Beginnings"
Encore Family
Nickelodeon +++ Despicable Me 2 ('13) Steve Carell. Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends VH-1 (6:00) Ace Ventura: ... ++ Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls ('95) ++ Uncle Drew ('18) Kyrie Irving.
Nick Jr. PAW Patrol (:50) Peppa Pig (N) PeppaPig Bubble Bubble Bubble Bubble WE NCIS NCIS NCIS "Skeletons" NCIS "Iceman" NCIS

Content Ratings: TV-Y Appropriate for all children; TV-Y7 For children age 7 and older; TV-G General audience; TV-PG Parental guidance suggested; TV-14 May be unsuitable for children under 14;
TV-MA Mature audience only Additional symbols: D Suggestive dialogue; FV Fantasy violence; L Strong language; S Sexual activity; V Violence; HD High-Definition; (CC) Close-Captioned

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