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Snake Cliff Mines c1479

Things to note:

Each of the mine workers including half the slave population will have small viles of White on
them if the players should loot them or search them at any time. For many of the slaves, The White, is the
only thing keeping some of them alive. If players attempt to take the white from the slaves there is a 1d6
chance that the slave may attack the player in order to retrieve their White.

The White is a drug produced by the Yuan-Ti. And is primarily used to get other races of the Fae
so addicted that they willingly submit to slavery in order to feed their addiction.

The Black Broth is a drug produced by the Yuan-Ti which is used to transform Humaniods of any
type (save for Lycanthropes and Undead) into Yuan-Ti Abominations. Sometimes (1 in d20 chance) the
humanoid mutates into the horrible Yuan-Ti, Ti-Kahana. A large, Troll like, Lizard Monstrosity which
feeds on human flesh. They are considered the lowest form of Yuan-Ti in Yuan-Ti culture.

The Yuan-Ti control this mine in order to produce gold necessary to run their slave operation in
Loudwater. It isn’t however so much needed as it is just another tool used by Yuan-Ti to cause malice,
torture and chaos so that they can awaken their god Merrshaulk from his slumber. It is their belief that
they should not ever own anything for personal gain, only for the gain of Merrshaulk. If the Yuan-Ti
Slaver in charge of the mine were to lose it the Yuan-Ti would hardly even notice. Save for a small loss
of free bloodstone and a trifle amount of slaves lost. The small net profit of the cave has always been used
to pay for the services of the Mage Bargle from The Dungeon of the Hark. (See Adventure Module 1
Bargles Brigade, D&D 1e Starter Box Set.)
Random Encounters: Encountered if a 1 is rolled on a 1d6 for each session of game play.
1a.) The 4 entrances
2 Orc Guards (Considered AC 18 Plate, no Helm or Shield / Spears 1d6 Piercing Damage.)

1 Yuan-Ti Ti-Khana
2 Dergar Guards
1c.) Minning carts, wagons. Crates of Refined Silver. Barrels of Raw Iron and Lead. Sacks of
Bloodstone, Sapphire, Topaz and sacks of Smokey Quartz are all traded here between the Yuan-Ti and
the Wererat of The snake Cliff Mines. Iron Mining Cart Tracks leading into the mine. There is a stable
with 4 mules.

2 Deurgar Guards
1 Yuan-Ti Guard
1 Yuan-Ti Ti-Khana
1d6 slaves loading wagons with barrels or refined ore and sacks of bloodstone gems.(dying from
Kuru disease.)

1 mine cart of Unrefined Iron Ore (1200 gold worth)
1 mine cart of refined Lead (600 gold worth)
3 crates of Smokey Quartz crystals (100 gold worth ea.)
1 large Barrel of Bloodstones (4200 gold worth)
1 large barrel of Topaz (2000 gold worth)
1 crate of silver (3000 gold worth)
1 small sack of gold ore (1100 gold worth)
1 crate of refined Iron Ore (500 gold worth)

1d.) Is only accessible via a metal cage, which is lifted by a wench at either the top or bottom of a
chain pulley.

2 Yuan-Ti Ti-Khana
1 Tuan-Ti Abomination

2) The Assay’s office

Small furnace and hundreds of small clay cups used for assessing the mineral quality of the ore
and gems refined within these caves. A large table used for sorting out the various gems and minerals. All
of the galena is tested here for purity before moving it via mine cart to the forges.

3 Duergar Miners work the Assay office here.

Duergar (PRONOUNCED: /ˈdjuːɜːrgɑːr/ DEW-ur-gar[12][13] OR: /ˈdwɛərgɑːr/ DWAIR-gar[13]), also known

as gray dwarves,[10] or underdwarves[14] were a subterranean subrace of dwarves.[2][3] They carved out
an existence in the Underdark, often near volcanoes.[15] Their kinship to other dwarven subraces could be
compared to that of the drow to surface elves.
1 small sack of gems (100 gold worth)
1 small sack of silver (250 gold worth)
A small barrel of Zinc (150 gold worth)
Tinkering and Forge tools

3.) Storage and packing

2 Tuan-Ti Guards
1 Duergar Overlord (Considered AC 19 Full Plate, No Helm / 2H War Hammer 1d8 Bludgening
2 Duergar Miners (Considered AC 14 Chainmail / Mining Pick 1d4 Piercing Damage +1
1d6 Slaves packing and sorting ore, gems and minerals into crates, barrels and sacks. (Dying
from Kuru Disease.)

6 empty Barrels
6 empty crates
12 empty sacks
1 mine cart of Topaz (1200 gold worth)
1 mine cart of Smokey Quartz/ (600 gold worth)
3 crates of Lead (100 gold worth ea.)
1 large sack of Bloodstones (2200 gold worth)
1 large sack of Topaz (1000 gold worth)
1 crate of silver (3000 gold worth)
1 small sack of gold ore (1100 gold worth)
1 crate of unrefined Iron Ore (500 gold worth)

4.) Clay Pot Room

1d4 Female and 1d4 child slaves work clay molds to for small clay cups required to quality check
the ore being refined in the mines. (Dying from Kuru’s Disease) The cups are fired in a cob oven which
rests between the stalactites here.

4 Cup molds
1 Barrel of Clay (1 gold worth)
4 Pottery wheels

5.) The Galena Mine / Slave quarters

1d8 slaves mine galena ore here. (Dying from lead poisoning) The ore is loaded into iron mining
carts and tracked down the cave hall to the assay’s office for quality checking. There are 8 makeshift
straw beds in the center of the room with a tiny fire pit. Dirty wool blankets are scattered all round the
center of this room.

2 Orc Overlords (Considered ac 18 Half Plate/ Equipped with a Whip 1d4 slashing damage 10 ft.
2 Hyena’s (Controlled by their Orc Overlords)
4 Wererat Guards (Considered AC 14 Chain mail / Spears 1d6 Piercing Damage and a Shield.)

8 mining picks
4 shovels
12 clay mugs
12 clay bowls
3 mining carts with unrefined galena and lead (120 gold worth e
6.) Kitchen
There is a large Table with the hacked up body of a recently diseased slave. Various unclean pots
and pans. What you would consider the sink; is filled with blood and bones. A boiling pot of sludge
containing the remains of long dead slaves cook on a hearth, carved into a stalactite on the floor near the
middle of the room.

1 Orc Butcher (Armed with cleaver and a kitchen knife. (Considered wearing leather ac 11,
leather apron.)

Slaves forced to consume dead human flesh slowly die of Kuru disease. Or are taken to the
Wererat Den where they are infected and eventually become a Wererat themselves.)

The term Kuru derives from the Fore word kuria or guria ("to shake"),[2] due to the

body tremors that are a classic symptom of the disease. Kúru itself means "trembling".[3] It is also known
as the "laughing sickness" due to the pathologic bursts of laughter which are a symptom of the disease. It
is now widely accepted that kuru was transmitted among humans via funerary cannibalism. Deceased
family members were traditionally cooked and eaten, which was thought to help free the spirit of the

Various Cooking Utensils made of human bone
A medium size cauldron
A grinding stone
3 large sacks filled with Human remains
1 Large sack filled with Elven remains

7.) The Fork

6 Wererat Guards. (2 at the entrance to each passage. Considered AC 14 Chain mail / Spears 1d6
Piercing Damage and a Shield.)

8.) The Forges

3 massive Forges pour molten lead and galena into steel vats where Zinc is added to separate the
tiny amounts of silver from the galena ore. A set of iron mine cart tracks leads in and out of the forge
6 Duergar Blacksmiths (Considered AC 11 Leather Aprons)
1d6 slaves loading ore (dying of lead poisoning)
1 Orc Overlord (Considered ac 18 Half Plate/ Equipped with a Whip 1d4 slashing damage 10 ft.
1 Hyena (Controlled by her Orc Overlord)
2 Duergar Guards (At the entrance to the forge.)
6 barrels of zinc
3 mine carts of Galina
6 mine carts full of lead
Forge and Mining equipment and tools
1 Cart of Refined silver

9a.) Zinc Mineral Collection

1 Wererat Overlord (Considered AC 14 chain mail /Equipped with a whip 1d4 slashing damage
10ft range.)
1d6 Slaves; Shoveling Zinc from the cave walls. (Dying from Zinc poisoning)

1 small quarter filled Barrel of Zinc (Worth 50 gold)
Mining equipment and Tools

9b.) Quartz Collection

1 Wererat Overlord (Considered AC 14 chain mail /Equipped with a whip 1d4 slashing damage
10ft range.)
1d6 Slaves (children)
1d4 Giant Bats

2 small sacks of Smoky Quartz (Worth 100 gold ea.)
Mining equipment and Tools

10.) The Cells

Seven Iron cells on the west wall of this hallway and eight on the east side. The cells contain the
prisoners awaiting trade to slavery. Deemed; either unsuitable for work in the mine, or more valuable as
trade then labor. You hear the scream of a girl coming from the far cell on the west wall. The zombie has
begun digging threw his stone cell wall and is almost threw the wall!

There are 4 living slaves and one deceased zombie. (The zombie has died from Kuru’s Disease.)

One of the cells contains Ahrne the Wereboar. He will offer to trade his most valuble possession
for his freedom. If the players are doubtful, he will sweeten the deal by offering to show them where he
found it. (Quest leads to “The Door” See Page 12 AD&D 2 nd Ed. Fighters Challenge.)

11.) Wererat Den

There are six Wererats nests are scattered across the floor. 4 weapon racks along the walls with
spears, short swords and small wooden shields. There are 4 wrought iron crow’s nests hanging from the
cave ceiling.

There are 1d12 Wererat guards in this room at any given time. Sleeping or relaxing off shift.
Players entering here will be given 1 turn of surprise on the unaware guards here. (Guards will arm
themselves but are considered at AC 7 for normal cloths out of uniform.)
The 4 cages contain 1d6 Slaves that have been infected with the lycanthropy disease. (Dying
slaves are brought here to be infected with the Lycanthropy Disease to prolong their servitude to the
Yuan-Ti. They are kept starving and caged until their wills are broken and they serve the Yuan-Ti
willingly. If set free the Party will lose 1 turn of surprise as the lycans attack the party instead of the
Guards here.)

12.) The Upper Echelon

From the look out here two Wererat Guards keep a constant vigil over the Packing and Sorting
Room and Forges below.

2 Wererat Guards (Considered AC 14 Chain mail / Crossbows 1d6 Piercing Damage and a

13.) The Guards Guards

From the look out here two Orc Guards keep a constant vigil over the Packing and
Sorting Room below.

2 Orc Guards (Considered AC 18 Plate, no Helm or Shield / Spears 1d6 Piercing Damage.)
2 Hyena (Controled by their Orc Overlords)

14.) Guards Quarters

The air here is smog free and you breath in deeply taking in the freshness of it. Six-teen wroght
iron beds line the walls of this 60 foot by 50 foot cavern. Torches light the wall between each bed
supplying amply light in the darkness. Each bed had its own bed side end table and a trunk at its feet.
Each bed seperated by little more then a weapon rack or a thin leather dividing wall.There isn’t much
room for privacy here. It is a wonder the Dark dwarves and orcs can manage to get along. Considering
that only the Orcs and Duergar are allowed into this quarter of the cave.
Players will be granted 1 turns of Surprise for catching the NPC’s unprepared and then 1
additional turn of Surprise for the ensuing chaos as the Orcs and Duergar attempt to arm themselves.

1d6 Orc (Considered AC 11 as they are most likely off duty and in their hide leather armor.)
1d4 Hynea
1d6 Duergar (Considered AC 16, Like most dwarves they never take off their armor except for
some romantic reasons.)

4 Weapon racks
6 Leather wall dividers
1d6 pouches containing 1d100 gold each
1d4 pouches of stolen Gems (Worth 1d100 gold each pouch)
1d20+16 viles of White

15.) The Waiting Room

There are 2 sets of Orc and Wererats here, standing opposite of each other on this platform in an
awkward stare down. The platform looks down upon The Forges and the entrance to The Cells on either
2 Wererat Guards. (2 at the entrance to each passage. Considered AC 16 half plate, with Shield,
no Helm / Spears 1d6 Piercing Damage and a Shield.)
2 Orc Guards (Considered AC 18 Plate, Helm and Shield / Spears 1d6 Piercing Damage.)

The Orcs and Wererats here work together under a fragile truce. Orchestrated by the Yuian-Ti
slavers in order to gain control over The Vale. The Lich Aumvor, The Undying One has sent Warchief
Grogalash and a legion of Orc soldiers to aide in the operation of The Snake Cliff Mines, in good faith to
end tensions with Lord Hawk and the Wererats of The Vale.

16.) Bloodstone Entrance

The coming across the bridge the walls of this small section of caves is covered in red crystals
which capture every essence of light from within the caves reflecting them back in an ominous red glow.
There are 2 Yuan-Ti Abominations guarding the entrance to caves here.

2 Yuan-Ti Abominations

17.) Yuan-Ti Quarters

There is an extremely large green pillow on the floor of this room, big enough to bed 2 or 3
Yuan-Ti. Above the bedding hangs a Green banner with a Black Cobra on its face.

Players entering here during the day will find it empty. Only the sacks of bloodstone left laying
about on the floor unguarded. Though if they enter this area in the evening they will find it occupied by
1d4 -1 Yuan-Ti Abominations.

1D4-1 Yuan-Ti Abominations

6 sacks of Bloodstones (Worth 1600 gold each.)

18.) The Bloodstone Throne

This section of the mine is small but also the most obviously worked on area of the mine. With
less light entering this far back it doesn’t glow the way the entrance does; however the floor beneath your
feet feels crunchy and hard from the thousands of bits of blood stone chipped away from the walls. The
walls and ceiling are covered in 1 inch to 12 inch long red bloodstone crystals. Some of them as thick
around as your fist. There are 3 Duergar miners here chipping away at the walls.

2 Duergar Miners (Considered AC 14 Chainmail / Mining Pick 1d4 Piercing Damage +1


3 Barrels of Uncut Bloodstone (Worth 1650 gold)
Mining equipment, Tinkerers equipment and Tools
Gem Cutters Tools

19.) The Roost

This long section of catwalk over looks The Cells, Were Rat Den entrance and The Forges below
you. Every few feet there is a wrought Iron grate beneath your feet that looks directly into the cells below.
Three Yuan-Ti Abominations patrol this section slithering back and forth. They are equipped with Short
Bows and Scimitars.
3 Yuan-Ti Abominations (AC 16 natural armor / Short Bow 1d4 Piercing or Scimitar 1d6
Slashing + Save Vs. Constitution or take +1 poison damage. Bite 1d4 Piercing damage / Constrict
1d4 Crushing damage.)


As you enter the room you startle 3 individuals standing around a long elegant wood table. One is
a tall, lanky Orc, standing over 7 feet tall. His face bares the snout of the True Orcs of Morog. The first
race of orcs, who fled to the High Forest hundreds of years ago.
The second individual is a Healthy Woman in her mid to late 30’s . She is wearing a silky gold
colored toga. A large green snake tail slithers out from under her toga in place of legs.
The Third individual is a beefy older Wererat with salt and pepper Auburn hair. Considering the
grey which streak through his fur he is very well groomed. Muscular, considering his obvious age. He
brandishes 2 Kris style daggers before stepping out of the torch light and disappearing into the shadows.
“Lord Hawk, its time to fulfill your oath and protect me.” She says dropping a to the floor and
stepping back behind the Orc. “War Chief Grogalash! Kill them all!” her screeching words echo in the
The orc lets out a muffled snort as he glowers down at you and immediately draws a large Yack
Horn and lowers a shield off his back.((“A Trap!” he declares in Orcish.)) Blowing heavily into the horn.

The players have walked into a negotiation between Lord Hawk and The Orc War Chief
Grogalash of The Highforest. The Yuan-Ti slaver was offering up trade negotiations between all three
factions in order to end a 107 year old war between The High Forest Orcs and Wererats of the Hark.

If the players have fully cleared the caves at this point, no additional aide will come to assist the
Orc War Chief, Grogalash.
If the players have missed sections of the cave before reaching this room, the guards (only) from
each section will arrive in the room, one section at a time, in 1d4 rounds.
The Wererat leader, Hawk, will not re-enter combat unless he feels like the players may lose the
fight. Only then will he come out of hiding to perform a level 20 sneak attack on Grogalash. Killing the
Orc instantly. He will then use his movement to leap over the railing on the balcony on the west side of
the room, landing on the floor of the Den in room 11. Performing a Bonus Action to re-stealth. DC check
of +12 to stealth.The next turn he will flee out the front of the cave entrance at 1a.

Once Lord Grogalash is slain, any remaining Orcs will follow Lord Hawk over the railing to
room 11 below. Proceeding to chase Hawk out of the cave and eventually fleeing once they reach the
cave entrance at 1a.

Once Lord Hawk has flead, any remaining Wererats will disengage, transforming back to their
human forms, lay their weapons on the floor and surrender to the players. Unless the players are chaotic
or evil and attack them after they surrender.

There is a ledger on the table which was intended to be a peace treaty between the Orcs of
Highforest and Wererats of Harks Keep. (This leads to the legend of Hark and the Bargels Brigade D&D
Adv. Module.)

The Yuan-Ti slaver will not fight. She will immediately start tossing any and all paper work from
her desk into the fire along the east wall of the room. If she is impeded in this action or attacked she will
shape change in her snake form and slither down a hole just big enough for a toddler to crawl through at
the back of the Bedroom.

If players attempt to crawl down the whole and they are accompanied by anyone who knows the
dwarven language, that player will immediately stop them. Above the door in the ancient dwarven tongue
of the Duergar is Written this warning:

Players who know any Dwarven language: In the year 1371 DR we have sealed the passage to the
Endless Path. Here Lays the Passage of the Dead, which leads to the Underdark. Let ye be warned that ye
never reopen this pass. For from its Maw all of the darkness of the Underdark will spill forth with a single
unified purpose. To end all life in the Fae.

Lord Hawk
(AC 14 Leather {16 with Uncanny Dodge} / 2x Kris Dagger 1d4 Piercings damage + Save
Vs. Constitution or take +1d4 poison damage )

War Lord Grogalash

(Ac 19 Full Orc Plate, No helm + Shield / Broad Sword 1d6 Slashing damage. { +1d4 if
Charging} / Shield Bash 1d4+4 Bludgeoning damage. DC Check of 12 or victim is stunned
for 1 round / Relentless Endurance ability giving them 1 hp instead of 0 avoiding death once
per day after a long rest. +2 Intimidation)

Orcish Broad Sword
Suite of Orcish Platemail, missing the Helm
Orc Kite Shield

Various bedroom Furnature

1 small trunk containing 2d20 viles of The White.
1vile of Black Broth

A cluster of 6 Yuan-Ti eggs. (Worthless except to the Yuan-Ti leaders who eat them.)
A search of the papers the Yuan-Ti attempted to destroy may reveal the following:

 A Slavers Journal with the entries:

V 3 3 Bargle 300
F 1 2 Secomber 100
M 4 1 Loudwater 75g
V 6 1 SC Mines X Infected
F 1 6* Loudwater (Ransom Lawbringers) 6000g Druid
Fc 1 8* (Ransom The Vale) Loudwater 1200g Dis./Infected
F/Mc 6 4 Loudwater 2400g Dis.
W 1 4 Sturnheim 800g Dis./Infected
Key: Sex, How Many, Value Level, Buyers info, Value, Notes
(Dis. = Kuru diseased. Infected = Infected with Wererat /Where Boar Lycanthrope.)

 A map of the Faerun with key points of interest including cities on it.

 Found your Pig, Come get him. The price is

A message to Valdar:
800g as agreed. Bring silver shackles and a large cage on
wheels. SC Mines -
(The Message is For Capitan of the Guard Valdar in Sturnheim. If presented to The Patriarch at
The Vale. He will inform the players who Valdar is and where he can be found. ((Starts D&D Fighters
Challenge Adv. Module.)

 The Lost Tomb of Alaxus

(When shown to the Patriarch in The Vale, Starts Wrath of the Minotaur D&D Adv.)

 A letter from Bishop Yeeday to Sir Moonbrook {see attached:} (Starts D&D Cult of Chaos Adv.
Players discover that 1 child slave is actually the Halfling Caravan Hand Wyndell. And the Elven
slave girl is Mala The Druid. (Leads to The Free People of Loudwater.)
A letter from Bishop Yeeday

Lord Hadarai Moonbrook,

I have sent a missive with a caravan, run by the Halfling Wyndell. I have given him
instructions to meet with you in The Vale. After your summit for the Lords Alliance he is to escort you
and whatever aide they can provide to Loudwater. Then back here to the village of Hommel Lane. Post

I am in need of your assistance concerning my visions of the spirit of Haffron. He came to me

again last night as I lay in bed. I dare not speak to men of this concern. But his visits come more and
more frequent and are becoming disturbing. His visits always seem to precede the great earth shakes
from the region. And the men whisper my name in the corridors as if it were an omen.

Haffron has confirmed the rumors of the Cult of Reptile God. The cult sends raids to Hommel
Lane almost nightly now to feed this Evil Gods appetite. Those who do no vanish in the night succumb
to the evil whispers of The Queen of Chaos. More and more of her worshipers join the Cult of Reptile
God every day.

Our Merchant “friend”, Felixo and the shop assistant Rhonnet, have gone missing. I can no
longer relay any messages to you via the Merchants Guild any longer. Gastellan Varedd Zaborr has
grown suspicious, fearing for his own safety. He has asked the church for sanctuary until the
whereabouts of his Employers can be ascertained. Granting the Lawbringers access to any of his wares
in order to secure their safe return.

Hoffron has shown me visions of earlier times, almost a century ago. When Hommel Lane was
left desolate by similar occurrences. Considering the earth shakes. I have spoken to the Druids of the
Old Faith concerning these visions and they have confirmed Hoffrons accounts. The Druids have
shown a great deal of concern surroundings this villages past and the Caves of Chaos. They are
sending a druid named Mala with Wyndell to look into this concern. I ask that you escort her to the
Druids of the Green Regents in Loudwater. There they may have a written record at the Great Library
of her people. The only known location which houses the written records of the Druidic faith.

While you are in Loudwater confer with the Council there. I need the aide of the Church Council on
this matter.

And for the love of Paladine, don’t mention these visions to them!

Bishop Canoness Yeeday, Hommel Lane

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