Line Graph 2

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The line graph depicts the number of people participating in 4 types of

sports in a particular region during the years 1985-2005. Overall, it is

evident that the number of basketball and badminton players was the
lowest and remained steady over 20 years. Meanwhile, tennis witnessed
a significant increase in participation, while rugby experienced a decline.
Upon closer examination of the line graph, we can observe that although
Rugby was the most popular sport, with tennis far behind in terms of
player numbers, the gap between them was narrowing continuously and
after the first 10 years, they crossed paths at 200 players. Moreover,
between 1995 and 2005, there was a slight increase in tennis and it
peaked at roughly 220 players in 2005.
Turning to Rugby, it is obvious that it went into free-fall in the last 10
years, hitting a low of 50 in 2005, equal to the figure for badminton in
the same years. In the case of basketball and badminton, they remained
consistently at approximately 80 and 50 participants consecutively.

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