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Lesson idea 4.

Sounds: introducing the IPA
Type of activity Pronunciation

Level Elementary or above – CEFR A2

Timing 30 minutes

Aim To introduce the IPA and establish a class IPA


Preparation Photocopying handouts

Resources Handout

IPA chart to be completed

Stage Aim Action Time Focus

1 To introduce the Give each student a copy of the 5 mins Students in

topic and to raise handout with the pictures on it. Ask pairs
interest them to work with a partner to group
the pictures in any way that they
think works. They mustn’t leave any
picture in a group of one.

2 Feedback and Take feedback from the class. 10 mins Students to

focus on whole
If any students have grouped by
pronunciation class
sound, use this to focus on. If not,
ask students to think about whether
there are any sound patterns.

Indicate the phonetic sorting on the

board and give students time to
practise saying the different words.

3 To introduce the Highlight the different ways of 5 mins Teacher to

IPA chart spelling a sound in English. whole
You can use the following pairs of
words from the task to show where
there is different spelling but the
same sound in pronunciation.
bread / pen
glove / sun

© Cambridge University Press 2017 Lesson idea 4.3: Sounds: introducing the IPA
Explain that students are going to
build up their own IPA chart, adding
pictures to help them to remember
the sounds. In this lesson students
will start with three common vowels
sounds. Tell them that as they study
more sounds, they will add more
pictures until their chart is complete.

4 To allow Students decide which word they will 5 mins Students

students to start use to indicate the three sounds and individually
building their draw these words on their own chart
own IPA chart with the symbol.
and to take
Finally, students compare their
responsibility for
charts in groups to see which words
their own
they have chosen and to practise the

© Cambridge University Press 2017 Lesson idea 4.3: Sounds: introducing the IPA
Look at these pictures and then decide how you could group the things you see.

© Cambridge University Press 2017 Lesson idea 4.3: Sounds: introducing the IPA

/æ/ /∧/ /e/

cat /kæt/ hut /h∧t/ bed /bed/

rat /ræt/ cup /k∧p/ pen /pen/

bat /bæt/ gun /g∧n/ ten /ten/

hand /hænd/ nuts /n∧tz/ egg /eg/

man /mæn/ glove /gl∧v/ leg /leg/

map /mæp/ sun /s∧n/ bread /bred/

© Cambridge University Press 2017 Lesson idea 4.3: Sounds: introducing the IPA
My IPA chart
International approaches to learning and teaching English as a Second Language

© Cambridge University Press 2017 Lesson idea 4.3: Sounds: introducing the IPA
My IPA chart – completed

i: ɪ ʊ u: ɪə eɪ

e ə 3: ɔ: ʊə ɔɪ əʊ

æ ∧ a: ɒ eə aɪ aʊ

p b t d tʃ dʒ k g

f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ

m n ŋ h l r w j

© Cambridge University Press 2017 Lesson idea 4.3: Sounds: introducing the IPA

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