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Crome cae MZUZU UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Bachelor of Library and Information Science (Weekend Programme) END-OF-SEMESTER EXAMINATION (October 2018 ~ February 2019 Semester) BICT 1101 END-USER COMPUTING DATE: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 (8:00 - 11:00 am) ‘TIME ALLOWED: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS 1, Answer ALL questions 2. Marks for each question are indicated. 3, Write your answers clearly. 4, Indicate the question number for each answer. 5. This paper contains THREE pages including the cover page. Please check QUESTION 1 a. Differentiate the following terms as used in end-user computing: i, Hardware and Software. [2 Marks} ii, RAMand ROM, . [2 Marks) ii, Operating System and Utility programs. (2 Marks} iv. File and folder. [2 Marks} v, Website and web browser. [2 Marks) b. Describe two uses of each of the following keyboard keys. [6 Marks) i Shift Key. [2 Marks} ii, Enter Key. [2 Marks} iii, Windows Logo Key. [2 Marks} Describe any three parts of the Task Bar found on Windows 10 Operating System. [6 Marks] d. The keys on the Keyboard are divided into groups based on their function. Outline these five groups. [5 Marks} QUESTION 2 a. Describe steps followed in Microsoft word to make the following text look as itis: Lam wishing vou all the best, [3 Marks} 'b. Present the steps involved in inserting a table in Microsoft Word 2016 using the table dialog box. 13 Marks} ‘¢. Outline the steps involved in copying a file which you have just downloaded from the internet in your computer to a flash disk. (3 Marks] 4. Explain any three etiquettes for emails and three for Internet (netiquettes) [6 Marks] ¢. Define contextual tabs as used in Microsoft Word 2016 and give two scenarios in which you can have contextual tab. [4 Marks} Page 1 of 3 QUESTION 3 ‘Mention two uses of the Name Box and two uses of the Formula Bar in MS Excel. [4 Marks} b. What are the three ways how you can edit data in a cell. [6 Marks] €. Describe three types of cell references that can be used in MS Excel. [6 Marks) 4d. Ifcells: A1=90, A2=85, A3=80, A4=75 and AS=70. What will be the formula if you are going to ‘get the total in A6? [2 Marks) e. Students are awarded a PASS if they obtain 45 or more marks in a test. With reference fiom question 3d, use IF Function to show the results. {3 Marks} f. Describe any three common errors that can be encountered in MS Excel. (6 Marks} QUESTION 4 8, What do you understand by the term presentation? (2 Marks} b. Normal View in MS PowerPoint is used to create and edit your presentation. Describe the main four parts of this view. [8 Marks} €. Differentiate between animations and transitions in MS PowerPoint. (2 Marks] 4. Describe three ways of opening a Slide Show view. [6 Marks] ©. Explain four uses of the Slide Master View in MS PowerPoint. [4 Marks] End of Question Paper Page 2 of 3

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