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NZUZU UNWERSITY MZUZU UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN DATA SCIENCE BICT 1101: END USER COMPUTING END OF SEMESTER EXAMINATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 2021 TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS There are 6 questions in this paper. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. ‘There are THREE pages. PLEASE CHECK Marks are indicated for each question. Question 1 MS-DOS Operating system is one of the earliest operating systems that came in before the Win- dows operating system. a. State any two differences between MSDOS and Microsoft Windows operating systems. b. Show how you can achieve each of the following actions in MSDOS i, Create a folder named student. [2 marks} ii, Copying a file named Tiwonge. [2 marks} iii, Movea file named Tiwonge fron the Mydocuments folder to the Sudent folder. [2 marks] iv. Delete a folder called student. [2 marks} Question 2 To start using a Windows 10 computer, one has to switch on the system unit and the monitor, log on to windows, and then arrive at the main screen area. c. Explain any four parts of this main screen area. [8 marks] 4. Explain any two methods to achieve each of the following actions in the Windows operating system i. Moving files. [2 marks] Copying files. [2 marks] Creating new folders. [2 marks} iv. Saving files. [2 marks} Question 3 . a) Explain the main use of Presentation software. [2 marks} b) How do you change the background appearance of your Presentation window? [2 marks] ©) Explain the difference between transitions and animations in Microsoft PowerPoint. [2 marks} 4) Describe how you can apply animations in Microsoft PowerPoint [2 marks} ©) Mention any two keys that can be used to move through slides in Slide Show View. [2 marks} Page 1 of 3 1) Give any three types of Slide Views used in Presentations? [4 marks} Question 4 a) Describe a spreadsheet. [2 Marks} b) With an example on each, differentiate between relative cell referencing and absolute cell referencing. [4 Marks} ©) What is the use of the formula bar in Microsoft Excel? 4) With an example, explain the use of conditional formatting in Ms Excel, [3 Marks] ©) The figure below is a screenshot of an excel sheet use it to answer questions that follow: 4 mame Se 4 45 40 70 2 56 60 6s 2 | a3 sa 20 a1 60 55 30 5] 50 60 90 6 Tota 7 |average i, Write formulas that return values in cells B6 and B7. [2 Marks} ii. Explain how you use the formulas entered in (i) above in Columns C and D with- out re-typing the formula. [2 Marks} sii Explain how you can insert a pie chart to show the data in the figure above, Ur yay“) iv. Write an if condition in cell BS that displays the remark above average if the av- erage in Cell B7 is greater or equal to 50 OR below average if the average in Cell B7 is less than 50. [4 Marks} £) Differentiate between data verification and data validation in Microsoft Excel. [3 Marks} Question 5 “Microsoft Access is one of the easiest database management system software that is learnt during the End User course. a) What is a database. [2 Marks} 1b) Give any two database management system software. [2 Marks} ©) Describe the use of each of the following Microsoft access database features. . i, Table. [2 Marks} Page 2 of 3 ii, Query. Report. [2 Marks} [2 Marks} 4) Deseribe the whole process of creating a Database named library, with one table named book. e) Why do you need a primary key in a database? £) How do you create a relationship among tables of the database? Question 6 a) What is a computer network. b) Differentiate Internet address from email address. ©) Give the meaning of the following abbreviations as used on the internet i, URL. HTTP. iii, WWW. iv. DNS 4) Describe the relationship between a network and the internet. ©) Give any three uses of the internet. 1) Describe any two ways as to how you can open resources on the internet. g) Explain the process of sending an email. END OF QUESTION PAPER Page 3 of 3 [2 Marks] [2 Marks} [3 Marks] [2 Marks} [3 Marks} [2 Marks} [2 Marks} [2 Marks} [2 Marks} [4 Marks} [2 Marks} [4 Marks] [6 Marks}

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