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Aluno(a): Série: High 1 Turma: 1.1 e 1.

Professor(a): Gilbert Coloni Disciplina:

Data: / /2020
(Peso 2)

Prova de Calendário: P2 Trimestre: 1º

Conteúdos: Observações:
1) Personal / Subject Pronouns  Use caneta azul ou preta e não use corretivo;
2) Object Pronouns  Questões rasuradas ou a lápis serão
3) Verb To Be (All Forms) desconsideradas;
4) Possessive Adjective Pronouns  Somatórios e discursivas: acerto parcial;
5) Possessive Pronouns  Equívocos na escrita, inutilize a palavra com um traço
6) Reflexive and Reciprocal Pronouns e a reescreva (ex: palava, palavra)
7) Present Continuous  Pontuação da prova: máximo 10,0
8) Gerund Form  Física, Química e Matemática, cálculos
9) Expressions and Text Comprehension obrigatórios em todas as questões.

Grade de respostas:
 Na correção da prova, será considerado apenas o que for escrito na grade.

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Relembrando: A entrega da
D D prova ao professor é
I I responsabilidade sua! Caso
S S você se esqueça de entregá-la, terá
C C a   oportunidade de fazer a 2ª
chamada, valendo 50% da nota.

1) Complete os espaços em branco com um possessive adjective de acordo com o sujeito da

a) John and Mary went to the party in __________________ car.
b) That baby always loses ________________ its pacifier.
c) Mary did _______________ homework in the classroom.
d) Fred Mercury was a famous singer and ___________________songs are still famous.
e) “The nature of men is always the same; it is _____________ habits that separate them.”

2) Marque e escreva no espaço em branco a alternativa correta:

a) I bought this jacket with my money, so it is ______________.

( ) my ( ) mine ( ) me

b) ______________ School is located in Florianópolis.

( ) we ( ) our ( ) ours

c) Give me that, it is ___________________.

( ) mine ( ) my ( ) me

d) We love ___________________. __________________ love is real.

( ) each other / Our ( ) ourselves / Our ( ) us / Our

e) They hurt _________________ in a fight. They had to help _________________.

( ) them / their ( ) their / themselves ( ) each other / themselves

The first time Charles Campbell gave blood, it saved his mother's life. Since then, countless
strangers have been helped by his regular donations. Now he may be the latest beneficiary.
Campbell had a heart attack in January. Doctors told him his frequent blood donations over the
past 31 years caused his blood to become thin enough to leak through his dangerously clogged
arteries and save him. "They can't prove it without more studies, but I'm sure that's what pulled
me through," Campbell told The Dallas Morning News. Campbell's given 152 pints - 19 gallons -
of blood in 31 years. Giving blood doesn't hurt, Campbell said: "I've hurt myself worse shaving."

3. (Ufpr 1999) In the clause "The first time Charles Campbell gave blood, IT saved HIS mother's
life", it refers to blood, and his refers to Charles Campbell. In which of the alternatives below are
the references correct?
01) "Since THEN, countless strangers..."
then refers to the first time Campbell gave blood
02) "...have been helped by HIS regular donations"
his refers to Charles Campbell
04) "THEY can't prove it without more studies..."
they refers to clogged arteries
08) "They can't prove IT without more studies..."
it refers to blood
16) "I'm sure THAT'S what pulled me through"
that refers to heart attack


4. (Ufsc 2012) Select the proposition(s) below that can be

used to REPLACE the detached expression in the sentence
“If you need to reach me, call my shellphone.”

01) To get away from me.

02) To stop thinking about me.
04) To get in touch with me.
08) To communicate with me.
16) To contact me.


Read the text and answer question(s).

When “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opens on Dec. 18 and, for the first time in nearly
a decade, moviegoers can return to that galaxy of long ago and far, far away, they will find that it
contains two new stars. The film, which is directed by J. J. Abrams and continues the interstellar
saga of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and Han Solo some 30 years after the events of “Return
of the Jedi” (1983), is also a launching pad for two young actors who are barely half as old as the
“Star Wars” franchise itself.
Daisy Ridley, who plays a mysterious scavenger named Rey, and John Boyega, who
plays a disaffected stormtrooper named Finn, are among the new heroes of “The Force Awakens”
and are bracing themselves for the biggest roles of their careers.
5. (Eear 2019) The word themselves, in bold in the text, refers to __________.

a) Daisy Ridley and John Boyega

b) Princess Leia and Han Solo
c) The Force Awakens
d) roles and careers
e) Daisy Ridley and Rey


Every year many young people finish school and then take a year off before they start
work or go to college. 1Some of them go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers
give their time to help people. For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they help with
Mike Coleman is 19 and __________ in Omaha, Nebraska, in the United States. He
wants to become a teacher, but now he __________ in Namibia. He’s working in a hospital near
Katima Mulilo. He says, “I’m working with the doctors and nurses here to help sick people. For
example, I help carry people who can’t walk. Sometimes I go to villages in the mobile hospital,
too. There aren’t many doctors here so they need help from people like me. I don’t get any
money, but that’s OK, I’m not here for the money.”
“I’m staying here for two months, and I’m living in a small house with five others
volunteers. The work is hard and the days are long, but I’m enjoying my life here. I’m learning a
lot about life in Southern Africa and about myself! 2When I finish the two months’ work, I want to
travel in and around Namibia for three weeks. For example, I want to see the animals in the
Okavango Delta in Botswana.”

6. (G1 - col. naval 2017) Read the fragment from the text.

“When I finish the two months’ work, I want to travel in and around Namibia for three weeks.”
(reference 2)

Because it is a plan, it is possible to rewrite the sentence substituting the underlined part for:
a) am traveling.
b) like traveling.
c) am going traveling.
d) can travel.
e) traveled.


Raiders, travelers or brave explorers?
The Vikings sailed the seas, attacked towns, and stole treasures all over Europe between
800 and 1100. They started from Scandinavia and attacked many countries in Europe. They
settled in Britain, Ireland and France. They also crossed the Atlantic Ocean and arrived in Iceland
and Greenland. They discovered North America but they also traveled east to Russia and south
to Arabia.
They were good farmers and excellent shipbuilders. They used their ships for war. They
also used them to carry people and goods to new lands. In winter, when there was not much farm
work to do, they stayed home and did other interesting jobs. Men made swords to use them in
battle. The Vikings liked swords so much they often decorated them with gold and gave them
names. Women cooked and made clothes, shoes, and jewelry for themselves, __________
children and husbands.
In 866 the Vikings captured an Anglo-Saxon town. They called it Jorvik and it was the
capital of the Viking kingdom for 200 years. They made Jorvik rich and one of the most famous
cities in Britain. Some years ago, archeologists discovered part of that Viking town in York, the
modern city of Jorvik. They found many things such as jewelry, coins and clothes. If you ever go
to York and you want to travel back in time and see how the Vikings lived, visit the Jorvik Centre!
7. (G1 - col. naval 2017) Which possessive form completes the gap in the text?
a) their
b) her
c) his
d) hers
e) theirs



One is the giant business, whose software powers more than 90% of the world's computers. The
other is the firm, which has revolutionised the way many communicate. Now Skype is being
swallowed up by Microsoft.
It's just eight years since Skype started helping people to make calls over the internet for nothing,
and this is the third time it's been bought and sold.
Microsoft has been struggling to prove it can compete with the likes of Google and Apple. Now as
it tries to make an impact on the mobile-phone world, it wants Skype to help it become a bigger
Skype is now used by 170 million people around the world (each month), not just on their
computers, but on the move – on their mobile phones and even on their tablet devices.
Microsoft wants to tap in to this connected community, but it's paying a huge price for a business
that isn't even profitable.
8. (Unioeste 2012) Onde se lê “Microsoft is buying Skype”, é correto afirmar que

a) a Microsoft está vendendo o Skype.

b) o Skype está sendo vendido pela Microsoft.
c) a Microsoft está comprando o Skype.
d) o Skype está se despedindo da Microsoft.
e) a Microsoft está perdendo o Skype.


Leia a história em quadrinhos de Archie, What goes up, para responder as questões a seguir.

9. (Unesp 2011) Qual a alternativa correta?

a) O pai de Archie está nervoso porque recebeu

uma longa carta de Bill Going contendo
notícias desagradáveis sobre Archie.

b) O pai de Archie, que é motorista de táxi, está

furioso porque o conserto de seu carro custou
muito caro.

c) O pai de Archie está nervoso porque as contas

que ele tem que pagar estão ficando muito

d) O pai de Archie pediu para ver as notas

escolares do filho e descobriu que Archie
obteve notas baixas.

e) O pai de Archie gostaria de não tomar

conhecimento sobre uma reportagem que
Archie escreveu.

10) (Pucpr 2007) Lucy hates John and John hates Lucy. Lucy and John hate __________.

a) themselves
b) itself
c) each other
d) herself
e) himself

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