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W H A T   I S   A N   E D U C A T E D   F I L I P I N O ?   - - -   B y Francisco Benitez
.What is an educated Filipino and what qualities should distinguish him today?
The conception of education and of what an educatedman is varies in
response to fundamental changes in the detailsand aims of society. In our
country and during this transition stagein our national life, what are the qualities which
an educated manshould possess?G r e a t c h a n g e s   h a v e   t a k e n   p l a c e   i n
t h e   n a t u r e   o f   o u r   social life during the last forty years. The contact with
mericansa n d   t h e i r   c i v i l i ! a t i o n   h a s   m o d i f i e d   m a n y   o f   o u r   o w n  
s o c i a l customs, traditions, and practices, some for the worse and manyfor the "etter.
The means of communication have improved and therefore "etter understanding
e#ists among the different o f   s o c i a l c h a n g e s ,   w e c o m e a g a i n t o   t h e question)
What qualities should distinguish the educated Filipinoof today? I venture to
suggest that the educated Filipino shouldfirst "e distinguished "y the power to
do. The (riental e

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