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Walker 2 Day Lesson Plan – Adv Comp

All plans are due in Google Folder by Monday morning at 8:00am.

Subject/Lesson Topic: Duration/Dates: 2 class periods
Adv Comp - Storytelling and July 31-Aug. 1, 2023

Materials/Resources (Manipulatives, student use of technology- student cell phone use should be in plans): No technology needed for

Opening 1.Standards: ELAGSE11-12SL6: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating a
TKES 2 & 3
command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

Narrative “writing”:
b. Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple
plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters. c. Use a variety of techniques to
sequence events so that they build on one another to create a coherent whole and build
toward a particular tone and outcome (e.g., a sense of mystery, suspense, growth, or
2.Key Terms/
Vocabulary: bold words pacing, description, tone, narrative (narr = root - to tell)
used to teach word
morphology TKES 2
EQ: Why do people tell stories? What does it mean to be a narrative species?
Question(s)/ Learning
Target(s):(posted &
referenced throughout I CAN prepare to give a speech for a set task.
the lesson) Based on the
standards and lets the I CAN recognize and discuss good elements of storytelling and differentiate between written
students know what they and spoken attributes.
should know and be able to
do by the end of the lesson. I CAN give a speech appropriate to the set task.
Note: this should tie to #8
4.Activating Strategy: Day 1:
(KWL, Word Splash, 7 seconds = Advice for students as they meet their teachers for the first time throughout the day
Anticipation Guide,
Word Maps, What’s Seven Seconds - Limited time to make a good first impression - for teacher’s personal knowledge
Already in my Head?,
etc.) TKES 3 Create a T-Chart = students will imagine that they are sitting at a family reunion. Imagine the
types of storytellers that surround you - the ones you can’t wait to hear the story from and the one
you excuse yourself and “go to the bathroom” during. WHY?

List good and poor attributes of good verbal storytelling.

Day 2 - Jot down basic elements of the story on an index card with details you are going to tell for
the teacher to collect.

5.Teaching Strategies: Teaching Strategies:

Work (Vocabulary,
Session Collaborative Pairs, Day 1: View clip of a “good story”: Olympic story
Structured Note-Taking,

Jackson High School Lesson Plan created 4.26.23

Walker 2 Day Lesson Plan – Adv Comp
Anchor charts, Thinking Not included in video segment: At the 2012 Olympics Nellum reached the semi-finals of the
Maps, etc.) TKES 3
individual 400 meters and won a silver medal as part of the 4x400 meters relay team.[7] He
carried the US flag at the closing ceremony after being chosen by the US athletes.

Preview and discuss the verbal assignment for tomorrow’s class period:
Students will have 1 minute and 30 seconds tomorrow to present a detailed story concerning
a scar that they actually have or may choose to lie about. They will share their story with the
class and peers will write down: the name of the presenter, key details from the story, and
whether or not they believe the story to be true. After all stories have been shared, each
student will “confess” to the class whether the story was truthful and we will calculate how
well the other students “guessed at the truth.

Students will brainstorm the key ideas of their story on an index card.

Day 2:
Review the expectations for the oral presentations that are about to take place. Posture, eye
contact with peers, and articulation will be focused upon.
Students will create a three columned chart.
Scar Story Presentations
The students will take turns telling their stories. Students will present their stories and
listeners will add information to the three columned chart. After all students have presented,
the teacher will review the details of each story and students will “confess.”

World Connections: Relevance/Real World Connections: TKES 3
Engages students in
authentic learning by The teacher will overview the Laws of Life essay that they are completing later this week so
providing real-life that they can begin to think about their angle. Storytelling is something that we do EVERY
examples and DAY, and it is an important skill because we want others to connect to us and share their
interdisciplinary humanity.
connections. TKES 3
Depth of Knowledge (DOK)/Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS): TKES 8

Students have to determine HOW they will structure their story and those who choose to lie will
have to be particularly careful about how they structure the details.

Jackson High School Lesson Plan created 4.26.23

Walker 2 Day Lesson Plan – Adv Comp
Differentiation/Flexible Grouping, SDI strategies: TKES 4

SDI strategies:
Students are able to vary content according to the basis of their story.
Students with any anxiety issues might be offered an alternative assignment, for example
they could complete a Flip Grid presentation for the teacher to view privately.
ALL stories, regardless of quality, will receive a participation grade.
Formative - observation and discussion; charts will show basic note taking skill abilities;
(Diagnostic, Formative,
introverts and extroverts will be discernible; behavior leaders also tend to be easily identified
and/or Summative)
Closing 8.Summarizing
Strategies: (Ticket Out
the Door (TOTD), What
I Know, Want to Know,
What I Learned (KWL),
Who told the best story? Why was it the best? Who do you think lied?
The Most Important
Thing (TMIT), Problem
of the Day, Answer the
EQ, etc.) TKES 6 if used
to guide instruction

Jackson High School Lesson Plan created 4.26.23

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