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Chapter 4


This chapter present the findings based on the indicative data of the variables under

investigation. The analysis and interpretation of the data, following order of the problem set.

I. Participants’ Response in Research Questions of the Study about Time


The following table consists of the weighted mean, qualitative description and verbal

interpretation of each question according to the tally of the respondents’ answer.

Table 1

Working Students’ Level of Time Management in terms of Prioritizing

Weighted Qualitative Verbal

Questions Description
Mean Interpretation
1. I focus on the most important
tasks each day. 4.26 Agree Effective

2. I complete tasks in order of my

priority. 4.30 Agree Effective

3. I allot more time for the most

critical tasks ahead of time. 4.25 Agree Effective

4. I begin my study time with the

most difficult tasks or assign- 3.83 Agree Effective
5. I avoid being distracted from
high-priority tasks by keeping 4.00 Agree Effective
away from interruptions.

Overall Weighted Mean 4.13 Agree Effective

Overall, the data indicated that in terms of prioritizing, the level of time management

of the students are effective. The highest weighted mean of 4.30 means that most of the

students agreed that they can manage their time through completing task according to their

priority. Also, the students agreed that they were focusing on the most important task in a

day that is why it has the second highest weighted mean of 4.26. They also agreed that they

prioritize tasks through giving more time in the most critical task, started with the most

difficult task and they try to avoid being distracted for them to be able to accomplish all the

tasks on time. The overall weighted mean of 4.13 showed that these selected working

students have an effective time management in terms of prioritizing.

The result is actually aligned in the “Theory of Covey Time Management Matrix”

wherein students can possibly manage their time through completing tasks in order of their

priority. It is important for them to know what tasks are important and urgent in order to

accomplish all these things on time. It allows the learner to focus on the task which is more

important and urgent than other tasks. This technique helps every learner especially those

working students to learn how to set priorities for them to be able to complete their task

without rushing their time, give more importance for things that are much needed attention

and knowing what should be put first when juggling time for studying while working.

Table 2

Working Students’ Level of Time Management in terms of Scheduling

Questions Weighted Qualitative Verbal

Mean Description Interpretation
1. I make a to-do list to plan ev-
erything I needed to accom-
3.46 Neutral Fairly Effective
plish within a day or in a
2. I keep track on deadlines
and tasks on a schedule. 3.54 Agree Effective
3. I stick to my schedule so that
I can meet my goals on a 3.61 Agree Effective
daily task.

4. I revise my schedule for ex-

aminations. 3.44 Neutral Fairly Effective
5. I keep important dates
(exam dates, research paper
3.56 Agree Effective
due dates, etc.) on a calen-

Overall Weighted Mean 3.52 Agree Effective

Generally, the data indicates that in terms of scheduling, the level of time

management of the students are effective. The highest weighted mean of 3.61 means that

most of the students are agreed that they managing their time by sticking on their schedule

so that they can meet their expected goals. Also, the second highest weighted mean of 3.56

explains that the respondents agreed that they were listing important dates on their calendar

as scheduling as part of their time management. They were also doing a to-do-list to plan

everything that they needed to accomplish in a week or in a day and revise schedule for

examination. The overall weighted mean of 3.52 implies that these working students showed

effective time management just like they have their own calendar of the things they needed

to complete in a week, also they are trying to plan ahead so that they can manage their time

in studying while working.

The result implies that scheduling is an important factor of time management. Many

of the students are likely to make a schedule for them to plan what needs to accomplish in a

day or in a week. Creating a schedule and sticking with it helps them to be able to arrange

their tasks according to its deadline. According to Kurzawska (2020), time management

refers to arranging and organizing a day in a way that you simply get the foremost out of it,

feel relieved and fulfilled, and at the same time it comes up to best work results. This also

helps them to work flexible as they are following a specific schedule. This will allow the

student especially working student to balance their time when they need to study and work

at the same time. Additionally, Clark (2020) emphasized the importance of daily plan in

every student in an institution which helps the students to achieve their goals in timely

manner and to have a well-organized plan in order to accomplished all the tasks given.

Table 3

Working Students’ Level of Time Management in terms of Goal Setting

Questions Weighted Qualitative Verbal

Mean Description Interpretation
1. I use goal-setting to decide
which tasks are most important 4.10 Agree Effective
to me.
2. I set specific and well-defined
objectives for myself. 4.03 Agree Effective

3. I use the SMART goals – spe-

cific, measurable, attainable, 3.88 Agree Effective
relevant and time-bound.
4. I set objectives for each discus-
3.81 Agree Effective
5. I am able to meet my desired
goals without rushing at the last 3.60 Agree Effective

Overall Weighted Mean 3.88 Agree Effective

Overall, the data indicates that in terms of goal setting, the level of time management

of the students are effective. The highest weighted mean of 4.10 means that most of the

students agreed that they used goal setting for them to be able to decide which tasks are

important to them. The second highest weighted mean of 4.03 which explains that the

students has to set specific and well defined objectives for their selves in each session.

Also, the students were managing their time through goal setting in a way that they were

familiarizing their selves using the SMART goals - specific, measurable, attainable, relevant

and time-bound and by doing this they can able to meet their desired goals without rushing

their time. The overall weighted mean of 3.88 expresses that these working students can

balance their time to study and work at the same time with the help of goal setting as a

result of an effective time management.

The results shows that Goal setting is a part of the students’ time management that

allows them to be able to meet their goals. According to an article posted by Indeed Editorial

Team (2021), goal setting is the major step to become a good time manager. It allows you to

properly understand your ultimate goal and what exactly you need to prioritize to achieve it.

Setting both short and long-term goals can lead to success in your work. Being a working

student needs to set their goals for them to be able to balance their work as they study at

the same time.

Table 4

Students’ Overall Level of Time Management in terms of Prioritizing,

Scheduling and Goal Setting

Time Management Skills Weighted Qualitative Verbal

Mean Description Interpretation

1. Prioritizing 4.13 Agree Effective

2. Scheduling 3.52 Agree Effective

3. Goal Setting 3.88 Agree Effective

Overall Weighted Mean 3.84 Agree Effective

As a whole, the data implies that the level of time management of these working

students are effective which explains that they can manage their time to study and work at

the same time. The students’ overall time management weighted mean of 3.84 expresses

that they can effectively manage their time in terms of prioritizing, scheduling and goal

setting. This implies that these working students have an effective time management as they

are practicing their skills in prioritization, scheduling and goal setting as a part of their time

management when they are trying to cope in the new normal education. Even though these

students are involve in employment they still manage to balance their work and academic

responsibilities and demonstrate an effective time management during this new normal


II. Participant’s Response in Research Questions of the Study about Learning


The table below consists of the weighted mean, qualitative description and verbal

interpretation of each question according to the tally of the respondents answer.

Table 5

Working Students’ Learning Strategies

Questions Weighted Qualitative Verbal

Mean Description Interpretation
1. I prefer to see information in vis-
ual aids or in a PowerPoint pre- 4.14 Agree Effective
2. I like to jot down ideas or take
notes for visual review. 4.21 Agree Effective

3. I prefer to learn more about an

interesting subject by reading 3.85 Agree Effective
about it.
4. I learn things better if I can see
3.86 Agree Effective
5. I can easily understand a lesson
when there is a diagram to ex- 3.86 Agree Effective
plain it.
6. I learn lesson in a step-by-step
process. 4.19 Agree Effective

7. I take the time to organize the

lesson in logical order. 3.91 Agree Effective

8. I prefer to arrange knowledge in

a more systematic way. 3.88 Agree Effective

9. It is easier for me to understand

the concept when there are 4.31 Agree Effective
steps to be followed.
10. If my instructor skips steps in a
topic, I ask my instructor to fill in 3.36 Neutral Fairly Effective
the gaps.
11. I try to improve my global skills
by relating new topics to previ- 4.00 Agree Effective
ously learned topic.
12. I find connection between what I
have already learned and what I 4.16 Agree Effective
am learning now.
13. I start studying the first section of
a chapter in a book, then skim
3.74 Agree Effective
through the entire chapter to get
an overview.
14. I ask my instructor for help to find
the connection of the topic in real 3.25 Neutral Fairly Effective
life situation.
15. I can solve complicated prob-
lems easily but I struggle to ex- 3.74 Agree Effective
plain how I did it.

Overall Weighted Mean 3.89 Agree Effective

Overall, the data indicates that the working students’ learning strategies in the new

normal education are effective which got the overall weighted mean of 3.89. Majority of the

students were all agreed to the statements above which indicates that they are doing those

strategies that results to have an effective learning strategy when working and studying at

the same time. The highest weighted mean of 4.31 means that most of the students agreed

that it is easier for them to understand a lesson when there are steps to be followed. Also,

the second highest weighted mean of 4.21 explains that the students agreed to jot down

notes for visual review as their learning strategy. The students were also agreed to learn in a

step-by-step process, prefer to see information from a PowerPoint presentation and trying to

find connection on what they learned and what they are learning as it also got high weighted

mean. As the overall weighted mean of 3.89, this implies that these working students have

an effective learning strategy to be used in the new normal education.

III. Lived Experiences of Working Students

Theme 1: Importance of Time Management

Student 1: “Time management is one of the ways that we can have to avoid

procrastination and can help us to meet the specific goal or tasks ahead of time.”

Student 2: “Time management is important to balance my schedule between

studying and working because it helps me to do my tasks easily.”

Student 3: “Our attention and productivity will improve if you already have good time

management abilities. It also decrease inefficiency and distractions. You may enhance your

performance by taking responsibility for things with smart scheduling. This also makes it

easier for us to do more of your important priorities.”

Student 4: “Effective time management increases my focus and productivity. It

reduced distractions and procrastination.”

Student 5: “To improve myself in terms of arranging my time for my task, it allows

me to strengthen my performance in a specific task and it helps me to achieve my desired


All participants gave their opinion and shared how important time management is in

their life as a working student. Being a working student it is extremely crucial to practice time

management as a way of them to meet their desired goals in both academic and work

responsibilities. They described how helpful it is for them to have a time management in

order for them meet their specific goals as they need to balance their time as a part-time

worker and being a college student. They also added that learning time management will

enhanced their skills in managing their time and also in organizing tasks. It also helps them

to increase their productivity and performance as a working student.

The results shows the importance time management as a working student.

According to an article posted by JobStreet states that time management is crucial

especially to those students who cram in the morning to lecture, make socialize and study

time in a day, specifically those working students. Students answered that learning how to

manage their time helps them to improve their selves as a student and also being a part-

time worker. Also, Clark (2014) stated that Productivity, adequacy, self-understanding and

exact time utilization are the significance time management

Theme 2: Work-Life Balance

Student 1: “I maintain it by posting my schedule on a calendar and always

updating my "to do list".

Student 2: “I balance my day and time. I have a particular day of my schedule to

study and day to work as working student.”

Student 3. “Set work hours and stick to them. Manage your time in long term. And

most important is to prioritize your health.”

Student 4: “In this time of pandemic, I learn how to manage which one is more

important especially when a certain task requires time and full attention with that, I

prioritize what task needed to be done immediately whether it is for academic or work


Student 5: “To balance my work and study, I prepare a To-do-list. I have notebook,

inside of it listed my activities in each subjects, they are separated. Then if I’m done

with that activity I just put a check on it. I organize each task systematically from its

date of deadlines.”

Most of the participants can maintain their work-life balance as they always have

their schedule as a guide for them which tasks should be prioritize in a day or in a week.

Balancing life as a working student seems difficult but knowing how they can manage their

time in achieving their goals in terms of academic and work. They are trying to keep their

selves motivated and inspired as they wanted to finished their study as well as trying to

survive financially in this time of pandemic.

The results exposed that students are really practicing time management through

prioritizing tasks, making schedule and setting goals which is align to the results of the

online survey questionnaire answered by working students. It shows that being a working

student, they still manage to balance their work and study at the same time. The answers of

the selected working students were accurate on the time management in terms of priority,

schedule and goal setting. This shows that there is a time management on them even they

are working student.

Theme 3: Academic Tasks Over Work Responsibilities

Student 1: “Finish my school works first before working. I mostly prioritize my

academic task than my work responsibilities.”

Student 2: “Important to study and do the academic tasks. I manage my time and set

a proper day to work. For me to be sure that my studies can't be affected.”


Student 3: “I make a list of all the tasks I need to accomplish, as well as a list of

everything I might be able to do in a particular day.”

Student 4: “I was able to maintain it by prioritizing my study over my work, I ensure

that I didn't missed any lesson because I always put in my mind that I am working to

support my study and not to prioritize my work because it will all be wasted if I let my

work be prioritize over my study.”

Student 5: “For me, as a working student, I am more prioritizing my studies right

now rather than my work responsibilities. I make sure that I accomplished my to-do

list in academic aspect without affecting my duty as an employee.”

Working while studying is not easy just like some of the students are struggling to

balancing their time in academic tasks and in work responsibilities. According to

Cooper(2020), juggling work and school, time management can be a challenge. Balancing

professional and academic life is not that simple errand, particularly when there are still

extra obligations for competing time such as working while studying. The selected students

expresses that being a working students is not an easy one but they make sure they have

enough time to study even they are working in the new normal education.

Most of the working students implied that their academic tasks are more important

than work responsibility which is the reason why they are still prioritizing their study over

work. They still allot more time to study even though they have some works to do. They are

trying to be a good student as well as a good part-time worker in the new normal situation.

Theme 4: Visual Learners

Student 1: “In this current pandemic, I manage to adapt being a visual learner.

Since everything happens online, it helps me to learn if I have a copy of something that I

can read or finds support to in terms of learning.”

Student 2: “I am both a visual and auditory learner. For me to fully understand the

discussion, I need to hear the discussion and at the same time read the text/pdf/ppt on

my mind. I also need to write again what is on the text/pdf/ppt.”

Student 3: “I learn best when I see the lesson could be of great help in the future. I

learn best when the lesson is presented in a systematic process”.

Student 4: “I am a visual learner in this time of pandemic because as what I have

observed I became more attentive on the lessons I see.”

Student 5: “More of a visual learner. And I tend to avoid work under pressure.”

Most of the participants answered that they are visual learners in this time of

pandemic because of the virtual meetings that they had as an alternative way of teaching

method in today’s situation. They described that it helps them to easily understand a lesson

when they can see it or even read it just like how their instructors present diagrams and

charts in a PowerPoint presentation. In this current situation, they manage to become a

visual learner as the teaching-learning process happens through online or virtual meeting.

The answers of the students implies that working students are mostly visual learners

wherein they can learn best if they can see the lesson and they learn to be a visual learner

in this new normal education.


Theme 5: Note Taking Strategy

Student 1: “I write the lessons to be able to remember it and then review it like

presenting to be able to retain the information.”

Student 2: “The learning strategy that I always apply is to take down notes or

sometimes I will browse every documents and power point in order to understand

everything that I skipped when I have a work.”

Student 3: “Taking notes. For I will have notes to look back in case I forget

something, especially as math major, we need to take notes formulas.”

Student 4: “I take notes and review them before going to bed at night to refresh my

memory in all the things I have learn.”

Student 5: “I write notes and make sure to listen well in the discussion.”

Majority of the students answered that they take notes during discussion as their

strategy that helps them to easily learn a lesson and to have a visual review for an

examination. They also added that taking notes can help them to easily remember the

lesson that has been discussed during the discussion. Also, some of the respondents

are math major that is why they said how it is important to have notes for the formulas

they needed to memorize. This showed that mostly of the working students are

exhibiting different strategies in understanding a lesson to have an effective learning

during this new normal education.

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