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Subject: English Theme: World of Self, Class: 3 Arif Date: 3 September 2020
Listening and family and Friends
Speaking / Topic: Out and about Time: 09.05 ~ 10.05 Day: Thursday
60 minutes
Content 4.2 Learning 4.3.1 Moral Values: Cross Curricular Elements :
Standard Standard Code: Responsible Global Sustainability
Student Aspirations: To cultivate a sense of responsibility by learning to obey the rules.
Knowledge ☒ Thinking ☒ Leadership ☐ Bilingual ☐ Ethic and ☐ National ☐
Skills Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Learning Objectives: Success Criteria: Pupils can write at least three sentences
By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able correctly.
to use capital letters, full stops and question marks
appropriately in guided writing at sentence level.
Main Concept / Vocabulary Reference:txtbk Learning Aids / Sources: Worksheets, stationary, text
:txtbk book.


Pre-Lesson: ___ / ___ pupils able to
Introduce the topic of rules by having pupils think of rules for different places they achieve L.O and S.C
know. ___ / ___ pupils able to
Think-pair-square achieve L.O and S.C with
- Play the Do not mime game again (see Lesson 104), this time having pupils play guidance
in small groups, taking turns with the teacher’s role.
___ / ___ pupils are not able
- Pupils look at activity 2 and write in their exercise book. Use don’t where
necessary to achieve L.O and S.C
- . Pupils make their own class rules with their partner. Write in exercise book. Attendance : / 32
Remind pupils about punctuation, including the apostrophe in Do not contraction [HOTS]
Don’t. The, report to class. Create
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary,
they can write: (HOTS) TOOLS-EVALUATION]
 New words I remember Homework
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of (about my English)
Closure: Teacher effectively wraps Enrichment : Ss list out all the Multiple Intelligence:
the lesson up by: irregular plural nouns for Ecological, Interpersonal,
1. What have you learned today? animals. Visual-Spatial, Musical,
2.Correction and feedback. Verbal-linguistic, Logical-
Mathematical, Naturalistic,

PdPc will be improved in term of pupils participation.

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