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FAQ 114

DDX 9121b – Charge Q reading overflow

DDX 9121b – Charge Q reading overflow

DDX 9121b Q-meter might display a message/symbol “ovfl” (overflow) in case the signal on PD input is too
high. This can be caused by wrong setup connection, but also when PD activity reaches very high charge
(pC/nC) levels with very high repetition rate (1/s).

It is not possible to define a maximum measurable pC/nC value because an input overload depends on a
combination of

- total input energy

- maximum peak amplitude
- repetition rate (1/s)

This effect can be seen especially in case of rotating machines, where is typical high PD amplitude (in nC
range) together with the high repetition rate.

DDX 9121b is able to record and display values of 80 nC or higher, but at the same time PD Input can get
“ovfl” already at lower levels such as 20-30 nC – depending on above mentioned parameters.

1 Solution
1. To handle this effect Haefely Hipotronics has developed a special external attenuator.
2. This external attenuator should be connected directly to the DDX 9121b PD/RIV Input.
3. It is recommended to use a 60 dB version.
4. Considering use of an external 60 dB attenuator to a standard DDX 9121b following information
needs to be taken into account
No attenuator

- Attenuation available: 0, 20, 40 dB

- Sensitive PD measurement from 0.1 pC (depending on the measuring setup) up to “??” -
depending on total PD energy on PD Input
External 60 dB attenuator connected at PD input

- Attenuation available: 60, 80, 100 dB

60 dB 0 (DDX internal) + 60 (external)
80 dB 20 (DDX internal) + 60 (external)
100 dB 40 (DDX internal) + 60 (external)

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- Lower charge range increases up to some tens of pC (depending on the measuring setup
and basic background noise level) up to “??” - depending on total PD energy, typically tens
of nC even with large total energy).
5. Using an attenuator decreases minimum measurement sensitivity/level, i.e. increases background
noise (in simplified words it allows to measure higher values, but it limits lower range)

Question and Answers

- Why not to use standard “off-shelf“ product? Those are using SMD components which does not
support over-voltage
- Haefely Hipotronics attenuator is robust and has a multiple use in HV business and can be used in
case of need (be aware about 50 Ohm nominal impedance). Additionally 20 and 40 dB is available.

Attenuation level Order Art. number

20 dB 4844134
40 dB 4844135
60 dB 4844136

Example of a standard attenuator

Coaxial Attenuators - Type 6820.01.A

Before over-voltage After over-voltage

In case of further issues, please contact Tettex Support.

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